Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 136: speed of progress

Chapter 136 The speed of progress

"You authorized Song Linxin, why didn't you tell me?!" Zhou Ping'an asked Lu Yanhe angrily, his voice so loud that it almost shattered the phone.

Lu Yanhe said calmly: "This is a song I wrote and composed myself. The copyright belongs to me. I authorize others to cover it without the company's consent."

Zhou Ping'an: "I am also your agent now!"

“Then why haven’t you told me until now that director Luo Yuzhong had taken a fancy to me and asked me to star in "The Golden Age"?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Zhou Pingan felt as if something was stuffed in his mouth and he couldn't make a sound.

"Brother Ping'an, I still call you "Brother" because I hope you will give up as soon as you see fit. Now that we have signed the termination agreement, you are still deliberately obstructing my acting behind my back and ruining the opportunities I have won. You Why do you think I will listen to you?"

Lu Yanhe sneered.

"There are less than nine months left before I terminate my contract with the company. I hope that in the next time, if you find me a job again, you can handle it normally. Otherwise, I will always have nothing and I will always be barefoot. Not afraid of wearing shoes.”

Zhou Pingan realized for the first time that he could not defeat Lu Yanhe.

 The more angry he gets, the less able he is to cope.

“Lu Yanhe, who do you think you are? I—”

"Brother Ping'an, let me emphasize again. I know that we have completely broken up. After the contract is terminated, we should even be in a situation where we will never interact with each other until we die. But now, I have not terminated the contract, and you are still my nominal agent. "Lu Yanhe said, "If you don't want me to talk to various media about how you have treated me in the past few years and how you forced me to terminate my contract, then you should do your job normally. "

"you dare!"

"Why don't I dare?" Lu Yanhe asked seriously and innocently, "Brother Ping'an, can you tell me, is there any reason why I don't dare?"


At this moment, after enduring for almost two months, Lu Yanhe really fought back for the first time. Without thinking about any words, he just threatened Zhou Ping'an with the most indifferent tone.

After these words actually came out of his mouth, Lu Yanhe realized that it was much better to say some things than to keep them in his heart.

 But only by saying it now will Zhou Ping'an be truly threatened.

I don’t know how angry Zhou Pingan will be after hanging up the phone, but who asked him to sign the termination agreement first?

In the hands of Zhou Pingan, it is a guarantee to ensure that Lu Yanhe terminates the contract, but in the hands of Lu Yanhe, is it not evidence that Zhou Pingan forces Lu Yanhe to terminate the contract?

If Lu Yanhe is just a little artist that no one cares about, then this matter will not cause any splash.

 But now Lu Yanhe is somewhat famous and popular, and has a live broadcast room with an average daily audience of about 2,000 viewers.

Well, one month later, the average number of daily viewers of Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room has reached 2,000.

 Has doubled.

Almost all of them came here because of their reputation—to study with Lu Yanhe’s live learning studio.

Lu Yanhe himself was shocked. He did not expect that this learning live broadcast room would become "famous" as it was broadcasted.

Even Li Pengfei said: "Lao Lu, your state has been completely different recently from before. Your eyes have become bold and high-spirited."

Lu Yanhe was dumbfounded by what he said.

 Lu Yanhe is indeed in a good mood.

 Then, at the beginning of November, the third monthly exam also came.

Lu Yanhe performed steadily and improved to the 194th place in his grade. The improvement rate became smaller. This was the result of his own deliberate control. In the first half of the period, the performance improvement rate was still so large, which was not consistent with common sense. It pays attention to the effect of accumulation and accumulation. Everyone is more accepting of it.

Li Pengfei also made a small progress and reached the 329th place in the grade.

Linyu, who was ranked first in grade last time, fell to third this time, and her grades fluctuated within the normal range. Liu Qin only told her that such fluctuations were normal. At this stage, the key is to stabilize her performance and stabilize her performance. mentality.

 The one who did not stabilize his mentality was Xu Zijun.

This academic who has always been in the top 20 in his grade failed this time and dropped to 62nd in his grade.

 The whole class was shocked.

 Liu Qin felt strange. I thought that Xu Zijun's last monthly exam results would be affected. After all, so many things happened. But last time, Xu Zijun performed very steadily and ranked 19th in grade. He was not affected at all. Liu Qin thought that Xu Zijun was stable, but not Thinking of this big step back.

 No one dared to talk to Xu Zijun.

After Xu Zijun saw his results, his face turned pale for a moment, and he returned to his seat silently, never raising his head again.

Examinations are always like this. Some people make progress while others regress. At the same time as Xu Zijun failed, Chu Saiying uncharacteristically entered the top 30 of her grade and got the 29th place. This was the first time she got this ranking.

 It’s just that his progress is not very popular.

 Xu Zijun has greatly regressed, but he has made great progress. Even if this is all a matter of human mentality, human sensibility is always biased.

Liu Qin said to Lu Yanhe privately: "Work hard. If you keep doing this, you have a good chance of passing the exam."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 In fact, according to his estimate of his true level, he has reached about tenth place in the grade.

 His three subjects besides Chinese and Mathematics are at the first level in the whole grade, especially mathematics. As long as the last question of the last big question is not so abnormal, a perfect score is possible.

 What he lacks is the liberal arts and comprehensive subjects.

This made him regret that he had not switched from liberal arts to science in order to avoid making others suspicious.

 When I first crossed over, I was unfamiliar with everything and was as cautious as a dog.

 After all, in the second year of high school, the subjects were divided into arts and sciences. It was too confusing to switch to science subjects in the third year of high school.

Lu Yanhe carefully analyzed these three subjects of his own. In fact, the place where he lost points is that his foundation is not solid.

There was no other way, it only took two months to complete the test, and the fact that he could reach this level was the result of all his efforts.

 There are still eight months to go, and he believes he can catch up.

 There is a trick to learning. If you don’t find the trick, you will have to work hard.

Lu Yanhe basically spent his evening self-study time on the three liberal arts and comprehensive subjects, spending a lot of time to make up for his foundation.

 Then, he also began to search for online courses. Many masters on the Internet would record videos and explain some key knowledge points. Thanks to this era, as long as you want to learn, there are many convenient conditions.

 The audience in the live broadcast room learned from the students of No. 13 Middle School that Lu Yanhe had entered the top 200 of his grade. They were all shocked by Lu Yanhe's progress.

 It took three exams to pass from the top 500 to the top 200. This is really an exaggeration.


This suddenly reminded Lu Yanhe of a movie. When he was a sophomore in high school, his class teacher played a Japanese movie called "Bottom Hot Girl" during two evening self-study periods in his class.

This movie tells the story of a Japanese female high school student who took one year to get admitted to Keio University. Lu Yanhe was a student who believed that learning should be accumulated over time. He was not interested in this kind of inspirational story and thought it was completely movie-like. Fictional youth inspirational.

  Until the movie was finished, their class teacher told them that it was adapted from a real person.

 “Human potential is endless, never think it is too late, as long as you are willing to start.”

This is what their class teacher said at that time, and Lu Yanhe still remembers it fresh to this day.

  It was not so much the movie that deeply touched Lu Yanhe, but rather the words of the class teacher.

Lu Yanhe believes that he can do it. He can learn Chinese and Mathematics well, so why can't he learn politics, history and geography?

 In November, independent enrollment in major colleges and universities also began one after another.

 Lu Yanhe did not need to participate, but the atmosphere in the class was affected by it.

Every week, students ask for leave to take the preliminary test for independent enrollment, and then there are retests and even the third test.

 Some people passed the first test, and some were rejected in the first test. The different results brought about an atmosphere called cruelty.

Everyone has felt the atmosphere in advance after the college entrance examination results come out next June.

Zheng Meiqi had the qualifications to be recommended for self-recruitment by two universities, but in the end she was eliminated one after another. When she came to school, her eyes were swollen and she probably cried all night.

 Linyu passed the preliminary examination of Qinghe University’s independent enrollment. The re-examination was at the end of December. Another university was also eliminated in the preliminary examination.

On the contrary, it was Chen Yi who passed the preliminary examination at both Fujiao and Renshi universities.

The two schools that Chen Qin applied for were the last to hold preliminary examinations. When he came back from the preliminary examination, it was already the end of November and he was wearing a thick down jacket.

“It’s really too cold in the north, it’s snowing,” he said.

 Chen Qin applied for Qinghe and Renshi, but Qinghe was eliminated and Renshi passed the preliminary examination.

 Everyone’s situation is different, and everyone’s life destiny is changing quietly.

Lu Yanhe stayed out of the incident, but felt inexplicably pushed back by time.

 I don’t know when it started, but time suddenly started to go very fast.

 So much happened in September that both October and November seemed lackluster.

However, lackluster performance is the normal life of senior high school students.

On the other hand, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang’s work rhythms have become busy.

Yan Liang is about to take the art exam, and Zhou Ping'an arranges for two commercial performances a week.

 In November, various year-end activities are coming, including promotions, company performances, celebrations, etc.

 It was rare for Lu Yanhe to meet them.

 Then, at this moment, Qiuling came with another banner.

 This time, Lu Yanhe did not receive the news in advance.

Qiuling said: "More than two months ago, a very vicious case occurred in our city. Due to confidentiality regulations, I cannot tell you the specific situation. However, it was because of the U disk you sent that we were able to help us." This case has been solved and the relevant suspects have been arrested. Without the USB flash drive you sent, we would not have known that such vicious events had occurred in our city. Therefore, this is the second copy sent to you on behalf of our city bureau. Be brave and brave."

 Lu Yanhe once again accepted the second banner in his life with a confused expression on behalf of his teachers and classmates.

 Principal Song's mouth was grinning.

 Another brave act of justice! This is not only the honor of Lu Yanhe, but also the honor of No. 13 Middle School! The students of No. 13 Middle School are well trained!

 Lu Yanhe’s second meeting with a brave man for a righteous cause was officially reported, and he once again made social news.

Lu Yanhe was surprised that no one notified his agency this time.

After the banner-awarding ceremony, he asked Qiu Ling in a low voice, and Qiu Ling said: "What are you notifying me? They are all companies that are about to terminate the contract anyway."

Lu Yanhe immediately realized that Qiu Ling had deliberately not notified him after hearing about the incident between him and Zhou Pingan last time.

 “Thank you, Sister Qiuling.” Lu Yanhe said.

Qiu Ling laughed.

“I was chatting with your class teacher just now. You have made great progress recently.” Qiu Ling said.

“Well, it’s not bad.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Anyway, I’ve put a lot of effort into studying.”

Qiu Ling: "You should work so hard. If you do well in the exam, you will also benefit."

This time the director didn't come, it was Qiu Ling who served as the police representative.

 In the evening, Lu Yanhe finished his evening self-study and was about to return to his dormitory when he met Zhou Pingan at the school gate.

 He seemed to be waiting for him at the school gate.

It was quite cold that day, and the wind was blowing fiercely. I don’t know how long he stood here alone.

Lu Yanhe looked at him in surprise.

 “Let’s talk,” he said.

 Lu Yanhe walked over.

“It’s very windy outside, get in my car and chat, I’ll take you back by the way,” he said.

Lu Yanhe nodded and followed Zhou Pingan into the car.

 It was rare that Lu Yanhe got into Zhou Pingan's car again.

Given the relationship between the two of them, he thought he would never be able to sit down again.

 The heater is on in the car.

Zhou Ping'an opened a window to avoid stuffiness in the car.

"We had some unpleasant troubles before, I know." Zhou Ping'an said.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, it was more than a little unpleasant.

 He listened silently and did not respond.

"I admit that I'm not a good agent for you, but I haven't done much harm to you either. You have to admit it, right?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

If it means that he was not drugged and sent to someone's bed, or that he was tricked into owing millions or tens of millions in debt, then that's true.

But what’s the point of saying this now?

Zhou Pingan said: "I actually have no other ideas. You have guessed it yourself. Someone wants you to leave the entertainment industry, so they have reached out to our company. I don't know who it is. I also follow the orders from above, so , I blocked you a lot of opportunities, that’s a fact.”

"In the past two months, you have strived for your best, become famous again, and been praised by the officials. Today you got another banner, although I don't know why." Zhou Ping'an said with a self-deprecating smile, " To be honest, if it hadn't been so unpleasant in the past, with the ability and quality you have shown now, I would have managed you well and promoted you to the position of a first-line star. "

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, if you say this now, I won’t believe it.

He roughly guessed that Zhou Ping'an came to him today. On the one hand, it was because of his harsh words and threats to him before. On the other hand, it was also related to the second banner today. He was once again officially commended and given He has gained another layer of gold. If he really jumps out to accuse Zhou Pingan at this time, Zhou Pingan will definitely become the target of public condemnation.

“Brother Ping’an, it’s too late to say this now, our contract termination agreement has been signed.” Lu Yanhe chuckled lightly and said.

Zhou Pingan silently glanced at Lu Yanhe sitting in the passenger seat from the rearview mirror.

 In just a few months, this young man had become somewhat unrecognizable to him.

 The night was blurry, and the light and shadow of the street lamps continued to change on them as the car drove, switching the boundary between light and darkness.

"Before you terminate the contract, I will help you pick up a few jobs." Zhou Ping'an said, "This can be regarded as compensation for the mistreatment I gave you before."

Lu Yanhe cheered up a little after hearing these words.

 The topic is finally here.

Zhou Ping'an said: "First, I contacted the crew of "Golden Age" today. As long as they are still willing to sign you, I will help you negotiate a starring contract and will no longer require additional conditions."

 He didn’t know that Lu Yanhe had already settled the matter privately.

 But if he could sign the contract earlier and avoid long nights, Lu Yanhe would certainly not refuse.

"Second, before you terminate the contract with the company, I will help you take on two more dramas, within five times." Zhou Pingan said, "I know that you want to stay in the entertainment industry, but after you terminate the contract, with my I understand that someone will definitely stop you from returning to the entertainment industry. These two dramas can help you transition during this period.”

This condition is somewhat good.

Lu Yanhe silently checked in his heart.

"Third, if you are willing, I can also help you get some business cooperation and let you make some money. This way, after you terminate the contract, you will have enough money to go to college without taking out a loan."

 One thing to say, Zhou Ping'an knew Lu Yanhe very well and knew what Lu Yanhe cared about.

These conditions he put forward happened to be what Lu Yanhe was most concerned about and concerned about now.

 He seemed to have an insight into what Lu Yanhe was thinking.

 Lu Yanhe said: "Brother Ping An has always known what I want."

Zhou Ping'an couldn't help but frown.

He has already taken a big step back, why is this guy still speaking so harshly?

However, he still had to hold his breath and coax him first.

Now Lu Yanhe's golden body is too majestic and upright. He is brave enough to fight for justice on both sides. He is an eighteen-year-old boy with a strong foundation and a young man. If you don't coax him or calm him down, if he really wants to explode, he will be the first one to take the blame. Zhou Ping'an.

Zhou Ping'an never gave up hope, so Vice President Ma helped him.

 At that time, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and they will be safe.

 That's why Zhou Ping'an hurried to the gate of No. 13 Middle School today to wait for Lu Yanhe, just to say these words to him.

Lu Yanhe knew that he would agree to Zhou Pingan.

He said that barefoot people are not afraid of those wearing shoes, but in fact, he would not do such a thing unless it was absolutely necessary, killing one thousand enemies and damaging himself eight hundred.

 But agreeing so easily would be a waste of such an opportunity.

“During the period before the college entrance examination, any job opportunity I came across, as long as I wanted to take it, you had to help me take it,” Lu Yanhe said.

Zhou Ping'an really didn't expect that Lu Yanhe would directly negotiate terms with him.

He was not satisfied with the conditions he proposed, and wanted to talk about other conditions.

“You know, I can’t go too far and let the person who wants you leave the entertainment industry notice that we haven’t made any moves.”

"I understand, you don't have to worry so much. My focus is still on the college entrance examination. I'm not that popular, so there won't be that many jobs coming to me."

Lu Yanhe made every word he said calm and relaxed, as if this conversation was all expected by him.

His attitude was one of "I know very well that you will come to me and say these things."

His gesture really frightened Zhou Ping'an.

After getting off Zhou Pingan's car, Lu Yanhe walked into the community with a calm face and turned between the buildings. He couldn't help but clenched his fist and waved it vigorously.

 He sincerely felt that he did have some talent in acting.


 Yan Liang and Li Zhibai are not here.

 The room is dark.

 Lu Yanhe went directly into his room and opened his laptop.

 At about half past eleven, the two men came back together, again as tired as dead dogs.

Lu Yanhe was sorting out his geography notes when he heard the noise outside and knew they were back, so he told the people in the live broadcast room that he was going to stop broadcasting, turned off the live broadcast software, and walked out of the room.

"Why do you look like you've been drained?" Lu Yanhe said with a smile when he saw the two of them occupying one end of the sofa as soon as they came back and slumped on it.

 Li Zhibai: “Tired.”

Yan Liang also said: “I’m really tired.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Is there any announcement tomorrow?"

"Yes." Li Zhibai said irritably, "Zhou Ping'an is not a good person."

Yan Liang said: "I also have to go to class, alas."

Lu Yanhe poured a glass of water for each of them.

 “Go to bed early if you are tired.” He said.

"I can't sleep yet, damn, I have to have a video conference with people in half an hour." Li Zhibai looked furious, "Damn Zhou Ping'an."

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but laugh.

 “Then I’ll go to sleep first.” He yawned.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang both raised their heads in surprise, looked at him, and asked in unison: "You go to bed so early?"

 Actually, it’s almost twelve o’clock now, and it’s impossible to say “go to bed so early”. However, Lu Yanhe usually doesn’t go to bed until around one in the morning, so today seems to be extra early.

Lu Yanhe said: "I have slept too little in the past two days and I need to make up for it."

Yan Liang nodded and said, "It's not that you've slept too little in the past two days, it's that you've slept too little in the past two months. I feel like you're about to become an immortal."

 “It’s not that exaggerated.”

 “Ask Li Zhibai.”

 As a result, no one answered the call.

 The two of them turned around and saw that Li Zhibai had fallen asleep on the sofa.

 “Fuck, just sleep when you say sleep.” Yan Liang said.

“Looks like he’s really tired.” Lu Yanhe asked, “What will he do when he has a meeting later?”

“It’s okay, let him sleep for twenty minutes first, I’ll call him later.” Yan Liang said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Then I'll go to bed first."


Lu Yanhe went to wash his face and brush his teeth, then returned to his room and went to sleep.

  This time he finally slept for six hours. When he washed his face, he forgot to turn on the hot water mode. The cold water jolted him awake.

Lu Yanhe was ready to go out after washing up.

Yan Liang yawned and came out of the room. When he saw Lu Yanhe was about to go out, he waved his hand.



Lu Yanhe faced the chill of early winter and walked into the icy air.

 “Old Lu!” Yan Liang suddenly chased after him.

Lu Yanhe turned back in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Yan Liang ran up to him and said, "I forgot to tell you last night. The legendary agent, Chen Ziyan, will hold an open interview at the company at the end of this month, but interested parties must first submit a registration form. I guess Zhou Pingan didn’t tell you this news, don’t miss it, the deadline is this Saturday.”

 (End of this chapter)

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