Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 145: The exam is over and the contract is terminated

Chapter 145 The exam is over and the contract is terminated

 There seems to be an invisible but substantial magnetic field between Chen Ziyan and He Yingzi.

Lu Yanhe and the other three are not fools. In the current situation, it is obvious that Chen Ziyan and He Yingzi cannot deal with each other.

At this time, the three of them would just keep quiet.

He Yingzi glanced at the three young men, and his eyes fell on Lu Yanhe.

“Hey, it’s you?” He Yingzi opened her eyes in surprise.

Lu Yanhe was surprised instead.

Why did He Yingzi react like this after meeting him?

He Yingzi turned to Chen Ziyan and said, "You acted quickly enough. It seems that you have chosen a good person."

“It has nothing to do with you.” Chen Ziyan looked at the other party expressionlessly.

"Oh, what are you doing with such a bad attitude when old friends meet? Can't you just talk about old times calmly?" He Yingzi said immediately, "It's so disrespectful."

Chen Ziyan was too lazy to say another word.

Lu Yanhe felt that Chen Ziyan was about to roll her eyes.

"Forget it, since you don't want to reminisce about the past, let's see you later." He Yingzi shrugged with an indifferent attitude and turned to leave.

"Sister Ziyan, who is that woman? Why is she so arrogant?" As soon as Li Zhibai and others left, he couldn't help his curiosity and asked.

Chen Ziyan said: "Chen Pinhe's agent, He Yingzi."

 Chen Pinhe? !

This name made all three young people numb.

This is a well-known star. Twenty years after his debut, he has won two heavyweight trophies: the Phenom Award for Best Actor and the Lingyun Award for Best Actor. He is the number one actor in the age group between forty and fifty. Echelon members.

 Li Zhibai's attitude towards the woman was somewhat restrained.

 “Well, do you have a bad relationship with him?”

"Old enemy." Chen Ziyan said directly without hesitation, "You should pay more attention to this person in the future. She is evil-minded. She won't deal with you for the time being, but I heard that she is also planning to bring in new people. If this is the case, you will definitely be in trouble in the future. We'll meet."

 The three young men immediately looked solemn and nodded.

Seeing Lu Yanhe sitting upright, Chen Ziyan laughed again and said, "It's okay, don't be too nervous. Neither I nor Zhou Ping'an is a bad person. No one will bully you. I want you to pay attention. It's just Let you be careful and stay away from him. This person is shameless. He dares to say anything and do anything. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, and it doesn’t matter if he sleeps with you. "

 Several people's faces turned red and they looked at Chen Ziyan at a loss.

 Chen Ziyan also laughed when she saw them like this

“You are all singles who have never been in love, are you?”

Li Zhibai immediately stared, "Who are you looking down on!"

However, except for him, Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were silent and closed their mouths, and no one said a word.

 Chen Ziyan looked at them with some surprise when she saw this.

  Now it is no longer the idea of ​​prohibiting puppy love that she had back then. Based on her understanding of these young people, at the age of 17 or 18, it is impossible to suppress a turbulent spring heart.

 Subsequently, Chen Ziyan thought of the special growth background of these two people.

Lu Yanhe will not talk about it, Yan Liang also entered the entertainment industry at the age of fifteen, and spent almost all his time on these things. How could he have time to fall in love? With an agent like Zhou Pingan, how could he dare to fall in love?

Chen Ziyan realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly stopped.


 After dinner, everyone went back to their homes.

Chen Ziyan said goodbye to them in the parking lot.

She said to Lu Yanhe: "I estimate that as soon as your termination agreement takes effect, Zhou Ping'an will ask you to move out of your current place. Do you have any ideas about where you will live in the future?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet. If I can't live here anymore, then I will rent it out for a short period of two months. I will move to a dormitory later anyway."

Chen Ziyan said: "You will officially start working in the entertainment industry later. It will definitely be inconvenient to live with others for a long time. I'll rent you a house near the school. As for these two months, you and Tu Song will live together first." Come and stay for a while. After Tu Song is transferred to me, I will still arrange for him to live in the community where you live now. The company has rented many apartments here for artists to live in. It is convenient for you and you don’t have to worry too much. "

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded, which made him sigh in relief.

Lu Yanhe now has more than 40,000 yuan in savings. However, there will definitely be a lot of miscellaneous expenses when enrolling in college, as well as living expenses. Although Lu Yanhe has savings, he still feels stretched.

No need to rent a house by yourself. For him now, of course, it is better to be better. It is not worth mentioning at all.

"You should have a good rest these two days. After three days, I will hire an acting teacher for you to give you some intensive training first. You have never acted before and you are about to join the group. You can't lay the foundation from scratch. But you can take the script and rehearse the scene you want to shoot in advance. "


 Chen Ziyan’s arrangements for Lu Yanhe made Lu Yanhe feel quite at ease.

An artist like him who had been ignored by his agent for three years finally met an agent who began to arrange his schedule and work. It was like a child who had been wandering outside since childhood and suddenly met an adult who was willing to take him in. Not to mention the sense of security gained in my heart, the most important thing is the feeling of finally having someone to rely on.

Lu Yanhe is not a person who needs to rely on others to survive, but he has never denied that he is a person in need of help. Moreover, in this unfamiliar field, he had no one he could rely on. It was his luck to meet someone like Chen Ziyan who could guide him.

 He has known Chen Ziyan for more than half a year.

From the moment they met until now, Chen Ziyan has not cared about him. For half a year, Chen Ziyan has not talked to him about any work-related matters. She will give him food and drink from time to time, and she will come to the place of concern after every exam. Ask him about his exam status, and take him out for dinner once a month to chat.

This way of getting along with each other made Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan become more and more familiar with her even before they handed over work.

Lu Yanhe also got to know Chen Ziyan better and better.

  Later he even felt that Chen Ziyan did this on purpose, to make each other familiar with each other.


 Li Zhibai drove back.

As soon as Lu Yanhe got in the car, Li Zhibai said immediately: "Sister Ziyan is very charming. I thought she had a strong aura, but I didn't expect that she would be so casual when dining with us. She smiles so beautifully, like Just like a cat."

Yan Liang smiled and said: "Li Zhibai, I find that you seem to be very partial to these older sisters."

“…” Li Zhibai immediately denied it, “What are you talking nonsense about?”

“Look, you also like Officer Qiu, and you also like Manager Chen.” Yan Liang said.

Lu Yanhe didn't feel it yet, but after hearing what Yan Liang said, he suddenly realized it.

 That’s right!

 Lu Yanhe’s Bagua Soul was activated instantly.

“Li Zhibai, I didn’t expect you to have a bad temper. It turns out you like a older sister who is more mature than you.”

Li Zhibai angrily denied: "Fart, you two, stop talking nonsense."

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang laughed.

“Lao Lu, starting from today, you will have a new agent.” Yan Liang sighed.

 From Zhou Pingan to Chen Ziyan, Lu Yanhe finally ushered in a new stage.

 For Lu Yanhe, he only experienced the last year, but the previous years did not remain on him in the form of memory.

 The night quickly passes behind the shadow of midsummer.

Lu Yanhe finally felt a little confused at this moment.

“But, having said that, what Sister Ziyan said is right. No matter what happens in the future, the three of us are brothers, you know?” Li Zhibai said.


 At this moment, Lu Yanhe’s cell phone rang.

 It was a call from Zhou Pingan.

 An unsurprising phone call.

Lu Yanhe looked at the words "Zhou Pingan" on the screen of his mobile phone and sneered silently in his heart. He really couldn't wait all night.

 He answered the phone.

“Brother Ping’an, why are you so anxious to find me?”

"Let's meet tomorrow." Zhou Ping'an said, "Everything that needs to be done should be done morning and evening. There is no need to procrastinate."

"Okay, let's see you tomorrow morning." Lu Yanhe didn't want to delay it at first. The earlier he ended his relationship with Zhou Pingan, the earlier he could officially transfer to Chen Ziyan, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

Lu Yanhe hung up the phone, and neither Li Zhibai nor Yan Liang spoke.

 “Is he urging you to terminate the contract?” Li Zhibai asked.

 “Well, make an appointment with me tomorrow.”

 “Why are you in such a hurry?”

 “I hope the dust will settle as soon as possible.”

Li Zhibai suddenly smiled and said: "I don't know how he will react when he finds out that you signed under Chen Ziyan. He worked so hard for a long time to terminate the contract with you, and you immediately re-signed with the company."

Lu Yanhe said: "Who knows what he thinks, it's none of my business."

This is the first time that Lu Yanhe has mentioned Zhou Pingan with such a direct and disgusting attitude. It is also a rare occasion for Lu Yanhe to use a curse word that is hardly a swear word. However, anyone who is familiar with Lu Yanhe can hear from it how much Lu Yanhe hates Zhou Pingan. .

Especially after Lu Yanhe met Chen Ziyan, in comparison, Zhou Ping'an looked more like an indifferent trash.


On the night after the college entrance examination, Lu Yanhe went back to play some games with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. Because Li Zhibai and Yan Liang both had work tomorrow and had to go out early in the morning, they had to go to bed early.

Lu Yanhe returned to his room and sat on a chair. The biological clock he had developed prevented him from feeling sleepy at this moment.

 He habitually opened his laptop and logged into the live broadcast platform, but he didn't know what to broadcast.

 Start live broadcast.

Lu Yanhe looked at himself on the screen. Compared with a year ago, he seemed to be a little more mature and less youthful.

 But he still looks like a teenager.

The live broadcast started, and many fans received notifications and clicked in.

 The barrage is very active.

 —Have you finished the exam? How did you do on the exam?

Can I get into Yuming or Zhenhua?

—I thought you wouldn’t be broadcasting live tonight, why are you here anyway?

—Won’t you celebrate the end of the college entrance examination tonight? I finished the exam that year, but my classmates and I were all high until dawn.

  —Why does the anchor’s expression look a little wrong? Did you fail the exam?

—Hahahahaha, isn’t it true that the real person is exposed and that he can’t even take three exams in the end?


 The barrage is still like this, with all kinds of sounds.

Lu Yanhe was just a little confused at this moment.

In his live broadcast room, he spends most of the time with his head down, either reading, doing questions, or sorting out notes. It's hard to just look at the screen and the barrage with nothing to do, feeling like he doesn't know what to do. The feeling of desolation.

“In the end, you can’t even pass three exams.” Although it only passed by for a moment in the lively barrage, it still caught his sight.

This finally pulled him out of his confusion.

"The test is over." He said with a smile, "I performed normally. I don't know what the final result will be, but it should not be bad."

As soon as Lu Yanhe finished speaking, more people spoke in the barrage room.

 Many people are using words of encouragement such as “666666” or “Awesome”.

 There are still some people who are yin and yang weird.

Lu Yanhe turned a blind eye to those strange words. What he just said specifically was to give an explanation to the people who had been encouraging him so that they would not be led away and worried about his results. "Well, although the college entrance examination is over, this live broadcast room will still continue. Please don't cancel it." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "I haven't thought clearly about what I will do in this live broadcast room in the next few days. Think about it seriously, and if you have any ideas, you can tell me in the comments.”

At this time, he saw "Beautiful Girl Lanlan" asking: The college entrance examination is over and the summer vacation is long. Do you have anything to do? If you are traveling, you can live broadcast the local scenery and food for us.

Lu Yanhe explained: "Although I have passed the exam, I still have other work in the future. I have accepted a movie and will be filming soon. I will participate in acting training before joining the cast. I guess I won't have time to travel."

 “Beautiful Girl Lanlan”: Do you want to film a movie? What kind of scene are you filming?

 “一一二二”: Are you going to be an actor? It’s true that all idols will eventually become actors. These days, the end point for idols is to be actors.

"Bastard Girl Lucky Turtle": I'm so speechless. Although I like you very much, why can people like you who have never acted or received professional training steal the jobs of actors who have graduated from professional schools? Woolen cloth? Can't you just honestly be your idol?

"Leo 1998": You can't say that. There are idols who turned into actors and were very successful in the end. Lu Yanhe went to try out as an actor. You have never seen him act. How do you know that he will definitely be like 99% of the people? What if the idol fails like the other idols?


Lu Yanhe looked at the comments in the comments in surprise. He didn't expect that his words would cause so many people to have negative views on this matter.

 Idol goes to act?

This is an all too common phenomenon, but the audience doesn’t buy it. The reason is very simple. Just like what these people said in the comment room, idols’ acting is 9 out of 10 bad. Not only is it bad, but they also contributed a lot. Famous scenes, such as loss of control of facial features and evil spirits in limbs.

 So many negative voices were indeed beyond Lu Yanhe’s expectation.

 Should we turn a blind eye?

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a while, wanting to pretend that he had not seen these sounds, but this kind of thing cannot be ignored, it will disappear automatically.

"Don't get too excited, everyone. I-" Lu Yanhe originally wanted to explain it seriously, but at this moment he suddenly felt blessed. Why bother to explain? Just tell the truth. "I'm not as popular as everyone thinks and imagines." , not all idols are popular, I am just a very outdated idol, how could someone give me a role just because of my status as an idol.”

 The logic behind everyone's negative reaction is that "because Lu Yanhe is an idol, he can get acting opportunities more easily than others. Generally speaking, idols who act in this situation are very eye-catching."

Lu Yanhe's current response follows the logic that "Although I am an idol, my status as an idol does not bring any bonus to me. My ability to act has nothing to do with my status as an idol."

 After he said this, there were indeed a lot less negative voices in the barrage room.

 But some people still question: If it weren’t for your idol status, how did you get this opportunity to act?

At this moment, Lu Yanhe suddenly felt that the hundred-person audition that Zhou Ping'an had done to disturb his affairs had now become evidence for him to clarify himself. He said: "The director came to our company to audition, and I passed the audition. opportunity."

After being disturbed by this incident, Lu Yanhe suddenly lost his mind to continue the live broadcast.

He said: "I just finished the exam today, so I came up to say something to everyone. Now that I'm done, I'll get off first. Bye."

 —The broadcast was released so soon?

 —Isn’t this just the beginning?

—Hahahaha, is your heart made of glass? So fragile?

  —Aren’t you angry because of our doubts?

 —Don’t be affected by the voices of these people.


Lu Yanhe saw these words quickly crossing the barrage, clicked the mouse to confirm leaving the live broadcast room.

Lu Yanhe has never seen such large-scale negative comments in his live broadcast room, but today's situation is different from before.

 In the past, most of the focus was on whether he was doing research to create a character, questioning his motivation for starting this live broadcast, mainly questioning the intention and purpose itself.

 This time, everyone is questioning his ability.

 Ability to act.

Lu Yanhe himself was also thinking about one thing. He also felt a little guilty. Can he act well?

  Questioning his purpose of studying and his image as a scholar, he knew very well that all doubts would disappear once the college entrance examination results came out.

 But this time, he did not have the confidence to say that he would perform very well to make those doubts disappear.


On the night after the college entrance examination, I thought I was finally liberated, but unexpectedly, something like this suddenly happened. Lu Yanhe lay on the bed and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

 In the final analysis, no matter what it is, you must truly control it in your own hands so that you will not feel guilty when facing things.

 Early the next morning, as soon as Lu Yanhe woke up, he heard the sound of the suitcase's pulley rolling.

 He opened the door and saw Zhou Ping'an sitting on the sofa in the living room. He said to Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, who were about to leave, "You two, behave well and seize this opportunity."

Li Zhibai just woke up, his eyelids were drooped, he didn't want to say anything, he didn't seem to take Zhou Pingan's advice to heart, and yawned lazily.

Yan Liang said hello.

 They were taken away by the accompanying assistant.

 As the door was closed from the outside, Lu Yanhe and Zhou Pingan were the only two people left in the room.

 Lu Yanhe looked at Zhou Pingan.

 Zhou Pingan also looked at him.

The moment the two people looked at each other, Zhou Pingan laughed.

"Hey, are you awake?" Zhou Ping'an said, "I thought I had to wait for you for a while. Now that you're awake, come and sit."

 Lu Yanhe walked over and sat down.

Zhou Ping'an asked: "How did you do in the exam?"


Zhou Ping'an showed the concern of an elder for a junior, nodded and said, "As long as you do well in the exam."

"Where's the termination agreement?" Lu Yanhe got straight to the point. He didn't want to continue to be so conciliatory with Zhou Pingan, "Just sign it."

Zhou Ping'an was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Lu Yanhe to take the initiative to mention this matter.

Him: "You have really changed a lot."

 Lu Yanhe did not answer this question.

 Whether he changes or not, it has nothing to do with Zhou Pingan.

Zhou Pingan came up with the termination agreement.

Lu Yanhe took it in his hand, read it carefully, picked up the pen, and signed the termination agreement without hesitation.

 “That’s it.” Lu Yanhe picked up his share and prepared to stand up.

"Wait a minute." Zhou Ping'an suddenly called him.

Lu Yanhe looked at Zhou Pingan in confusion and frowned.

 “Is there anything else?”

 Zhou Pingan took out a bulging envelope from the bag at his hand.

"This is 10,000 yuan." Zhou Pingan put it on the table. "You have just finished the college entrance examination, and there is still a lot of money to spend later. Anyway, if you get to know each other, if it weren't for someone above trying to drive you away. Let’s go, I’m willing to take you with me, and you accept this ten thousand yuan as my personal compensation.”

Lu Yanhe looked at him silently for a second and said, "No need."

 He turned around and went to the bathroom.

 The more money, the better.

Although self-esteem is important at this time, there is nothing that cannot be gained with this money.

But Lu Yanhe was unwilling to accept these ten thousand yuan, not because of his pride or anything else, but because he just didn’t want it.

 No matter how short of money he was, he didn't want to collect these ten thousand yuan at this time.

What does Zhou Ping'an mean? Use these 10,000 yuan to compensate him and buy him peace of mind, or use 10,000 yuan to buy his silence.

 Lu Yanhe has always been cautious about the matter of contract termination, making sure that every agreement he signs does not have a "sealing" clause.

Of course, in fact, Zhou Pingan did not dare to add such a "sealing" clause.

 For him, as long as Lu Yanhe is driven out of the company smoothly, his mission will be completed.

As for those who terminated the contract but did not terminate it, even if Lu Yanhe said later that he was forced to terminate the contract, there is no evidence.

 In fact, nothing happened between them, and the company had very legitimate reasons to terminate his contract.

 An idol who has been debuting for three years is still tepid and no one is willing to take him. It is normal for him to terminate his contract.


Zhou Pingan went downstairs and went directly to the parking lot, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

This 10,000 yuan was not paid for by himself, but was given to him by Vice President Ma.

   It was not ten thousand at the beginning, but a full fifty thousand.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanhe refused to accept it. It was just a coincidence that the 50,000 yuan simply went into his pocket.

Now, he has successfully obtained the termination agreement without any problems, which makes Zhou Pingan relieved.

 The elevator reaches the first floor below.

 The elevator door opens.

Zhou Ping'an was about to step out, but was startled by the figure appearing at the door.

“Zi, Ziyan?” Zhou Pingan looked at the woman who appeared inexplicably at the elevator door in surprise, and was confused for a moment, “Why are you here?”

 A bad thought emerged from Zhou Pingan's mind.

The third artist Chen Ziyan wants to bring has not been confirmed for a long time. Could it be that she has taken a fancy to Lu Yanhe?

As soon as this idea came up, Zhou Ping'an couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

 Chen Ziyan holds the sunglasses in her hand and carries an exquisite Hermès on her shoulder. Every time she appears, she looks like a noble lady from a well-off family, rather than a celebrity agent.

She looked at Zhou Pingan and smiled slightly, and said, "Hey, are you there too? Come to see the artist?"

"I—" Zhou Ping'an paused for a moment, and when he was thinking about what to say, Tu Song suddenly ran over.

 He was holding a cardboard box in his hand, "Sister Ziyan, why are you walking so fast?"

Then, he also saw Zhou Ping'an in the elevator, and his expression immediately changed. Not to mention that he collapsed, and he wasn't much better.

In the two years under Zhou Pingan's agent, Tu Song's treatment was only slightly better than that of Lu Yanhe, not much better. How could he have a good attitude towards Zhou Pingan?

 Seeing Tu Song appear, Zhou Pingan breathed a sigh of relief.

 Yes, Chen Ziyan is now Tu Song’s agent, so it’s normal for her to appear here.

Tu Song still lives here, but he just moved out from Chenghai’s room.

"Tu Song." Zhou Ping'an laughed, "Long time no see. You look much better. That's how you should be. Smile more. You used to have a straight face, as if someone owed you money. Who would like to see you?"

Tu Song was so angry that he twitched his mouth and wanted to retaliate. Chen Ziyan glanced at Zhou Pingan lightly and said, "Ping An, although Tu Song was originally your boss, he is now under my control. It is my business to discipline my artists. Don’t worry about it.”

Zhou Ping'an suffered a blow that was neither hard nor soft, but he really didn't dare to conflict with Chen Ziyan.

“Haha, it was me who was abrupt, blame me, after all, after watching these children grow up, I always teach them a few words as a habit.”

 “Of course the more good teachings, the better.” Chen Ziyan said.

 The implication made Zhou Pingan choke.

 Chen Ziyan Doesn’t this mean that his teachings are not very good? !

Zhou Ping'an felt a fire burning in his stomach and suppressed it silently.

Chen Ziyan said to Tu Song: "Go up."

She didn't wait for Zhou Ping'an to come out and walked directly into the elevator. Tu Song immediately followed.

Zhou Pingan laughed without a smile and walked out.

 He looked back at them, and Chen Ziyan also looked at him with a smile.

 The gaze of the two people was finally cut off by the elevator door.

 (End of this chapter)

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