Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 146: About future plans

Chapter 146 About future plans

 “Dong dong.”

 There was a knock on the door.

Lu Yanhe thought it was Zhou Ping'an who had left and returned and something had been left here, but when he saw it, it turned out to be Chen Ziyan.

 Chen Ziyan was coming over and had not told Lu Yanhe in advance, so Lu Yanhe was surprised.

“Sister Ziyan, why did you come to me?”

 It’s still so early.

Chen Ziyan said: "I just heard the news last night. Zhou Pingan will accompany Vice President Ma on a business trip at ten o'clock this morning. I guess he will definitely come to you with a formal termination agreement early this morning to sign. It just so happens that Tu Song comes back today. I Just dropped by. ”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Sister Ziyan, you are amazing. Zhou Ping'an has just left."

"Well, we also met at the elevator entrance." Chen Ziyan said, "This is the new contract. Take a look at it, sign it and give it to me."

Chen Ziyan took out three identical contracts from her bag.

  The contract for the front foot has just been terminated, and a new contract for the back foot has come.

 Chen Ziyan had already prepared this new contract for Lu Yanhe, but because she didn’t want to affect Lu Yanhe’s college entrance examination, she never gave it to Lu Yanhe. Now she is sending it to Lu Yanhe in order to seamlessly connect it to him.

 Lu Yanhe picked up the contract and nodded, "Thank you, Sister Ziyan."

 “What are you going to do these days?” Chen Ziyan asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it before. Let’s take a few days’ rest first. Aren’t we going to start learning acting soon?” Lu Yanhe said.

"Yeah." Chen Ziyan nodded, "If you have nothing to do these days, you can watch more movies and TV series to see how others act. If you don't know how to act at the beginning, just imitate it. You have the understanding. The last audition gave us It was a big surprise, and I slowly learned to figure out the psychology of the characters.”


Chen Ziyan: "I'm going on a business trip tonight and won't be back until three days later. If you need anything, call me."


Chen Ziyan looked at Lu Yanhe and suddenly laughed.

“You are always so nice and well-behaved, I am a little uncomfortable with it.” Chen Ziyan said, “I have never brought up an artist who is as obedient as you.”

Lu Yanhe was a little at a loss.

 Be it still wrong?

Lu Yanhe just habitually doesn’t show his emotions on non-principled issues.

"It's okay. This is good. You just need to feel comfortable. But you don't have to be submissive in front of me. I'm not an agent like Zhou Ping'an. If you have any opinions or ideas, you can communicate with me at any time." Chen Ziyan said, "I said , you listen to me on work matters, but if you have your own ideas, you can tell me directly and I will consider your ideas. I am not the kind of person who does not allow artists to have their own ideas. I just don’t like that. Paranoid and opinionated artists are unprofessional and incompetent, and they are always blind."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

“I’m not like that, Sister Ziyan, don’t worry.”

"Okay, I've given you the contract. If there's nothing else, I'm going to leave first." Chen Ziyan said, "Tu Song is back. If you are bored alone these two days, you can ask him to play together. He is There is no work schedule for two days.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


After sending Chen Ziyan away, Lu Yanhe picked up the contract and looked at it seriously.

Even though I believe that Chen Ziyan will not deceive him, in this kind of matter, you still have to read it carefully.

Chen Ziyan specially sent it to him for him to read, sign it and then come to her for the same reason.

 She had a "you have to listen to me" attitude from the beginning, but she never forcefully asked him to trust her 100% on these matters.

 In fact, Lu Yanhe was a little shocked after reading the terms of the contract.

 Because the content of this contract is obviously very beneficial to him.

 First of all, the contract period is five years, instead of the usual eight or ten years for newcomers. This alone is very rare. Artists need to be cultivated. It takes five years. After you have been cultivated in the first two or three years and you become popular, you only have two years left to make money for the company. Of course you can renew the contract, but if you talk about contract renewal once you become popular, there will be many more variables, and the initiative will not be in the hands of the company itself.

Secondly, it is clearly written in the contract that the share ratio between Lu Yanhe and the company has become 3:7, which was previously 2:8, and there is a new additional clause at the end. Once Lu Yanhe’s revenue turnover for the company exceeds five million yuan, this ratio will be adjusted to 4:6, and if Lu Yanhe brings annual revenue to the company exceeding 5 million yuan, this ratio will be further adjusted to 5:5. Finally, if Lu Yanhe’s income exceeds 10 million yuan, the ratio will be renegotiated.

 These two contents protect Lu Yanhe’s very large rights and interests.

Lu Yanhe has only turned 19 this year, and will only be 24 in five years. He is still in the prime period of his career, and his bargaining power over contract renewal will also be at an advantageous age. The additional terms of the share ratio guarantee Lu Yanhe's income after he becomes popular.

There are many very favorable conditions for Lu Yanhe, including providing him with assistants and nanny cars during work, and even physical examinations twice a year.

Lu Yanhe was stunned when he saw the physical examination. He really had never thought that he could enjoy such humanized services.

After Lu Yanhe read it, he had nothing to say and was even embarrassed to ask Li Zhibaijia’s legal counsel to help him read the contract.

Li Zhi would be jealous if he saw it.

Lu Yanhe knew very well that it was definitely because of Chen Ziyan that he was able to get such a contract.

 Chen Ziyan has a high status and authority in Star Entertainment, so she can provide such a generous contract to her artists.

 Zhou Pingan does not have this authority even if his heart is not evil.


 What to do?

 When this question was posed in front of Lu Yanhe, he didn’t even think of it.

Having experienced how crazy the summer after the college entrance examination was, now he has no urge to vent all the accumulated depression and hard work.

 Before, I had a very focused goal every day to prepare for the exam. Now that the exam is over, I have nothing to do.

Lu Yanhe sorted out all the study materials. He originally wanted to throw them away, but he was a little reluctant to part with them.

 Things that have been saved after a year of hard work.

 He found a cardboard box and put it in, and looked around his room again. It was really... "a bare house" and there was nothing.

 Yuan Shen had no money and was living in poverty, so he didn’t buy anything. After he came here, he broke one dollar into two dollars and spent frugally, so he had a small savings now.

 Let’s go buy something first.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself.

The company provided them with laptops in each room. He would definitely not be able to take them away, and Zhou Ping'an would certainly not be happy to take them away. Buying a laptop for himself first was a serious matter, as he would continue to live broadcast later.

 Then, buy a few more novels and read them. This is content that can be live streamed. I have been studying through live broadcasts before. It would be good to replace the textbooks with novels or other books in the future. Reading more is always good for you. Lu Yanhe was able to pass the 985 exam before and was able to perform stably this time. He was influenced by traditional education. The concept of "reading more" is deeply ingrained in his mind.

Chen Ziyan also said that in the end, being an artist depends on your character and how long your own qualities can be maintained.

Reading may not make him famous for a long time, but if he has something in mind, he will not worry about anything.

 As the old saying goes, the book has its own beauty, and the book has its own house of gold.

Lu Yanhe thought about what he wanted to buy and prepared to go out. Before going out, he thought of what Chen Ziyan said, so he contacted Tu Song.

“I’m going to buy a notebook and some books. Do you want to go with me?”

Tu Song was surprised to receive his call. He didn't seem to know that Lu Yanhe was going to sign under Chen Ziyan.

But the first time Lu Yanhe took the initiative to ask him out, he was fine, so he agreed.

The two of them went out under the scorching June sun. Although the temperature had not yet reached its peak at this time, it was still so hot that people were sweating.

 “How did you do in the exam this time?” Tu Song asked.

Lu Yanhe felt that he didn't really want to ask, but just said it casually.

“It’s not bad, let’s see what score we get in the end.” He said, “You have changed your agent in the past few months. You should be much happier than before, right?”

“Well.” Tu Song said this, his eyes lit up, “It’s much better, I’m already preparing to record my first single! It’s an OST for a TV series!”

Lu Yanhe knew that Tu Song only wanted to be a singer. He neither wanted to act, nor record variety shows, but be a comedian. He was the favorite singer in the Fengzhi group, and now he had the opportunity to sing his own single. Even if it is an OST, he is very happy.

“Congratulations, I can finally be a serious singer.” Lu Yanhe said.

Tu Song said: "Sister Zi Yan is much better than Zhou Pingan. More than two years of her time were wasted under Zhou Pingan."

While he was talking, he suddenly thought of something and his words stopped abruptly.

He has heard that Lu Yanhe has been planning to terminate the contract with Zhou Pingan.

Tu Song was a little embarrassed, feeling that what he just said was just to show off to Lu Yanhe.

 He really didn’t mean that!

Tu Song wanted to apologize to Lu Yanhe, but he didn't know what to say.

Lu Yanhe saw him hesitating and hesitating, and he was even more convinced that Tu Song still didn't know that Chen Ziyan had become his agent.

Since Chen Ziyan didn’t mention it, Lu Yanhe didn’t mention it either.

"It's okay, I hate Zhou Pingan, too." Lu Yanhe said, "Don't worry, I won't complain to Zhou Pingan."

"Who cares about him now." Tu Song breathed a sigh of relief and pursed his lips, "I met him this morning. Is he here to see you?"

“No, Yan Liang and Li Zhibai have to fly somewhere else today, and he came to warn them.” Lu Yanhe said.

“It’s no surprise that in the end Zhou Ping’an chose Cheng Hai, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.” Tu Song said, “the two most popular and the most obedient.”

Tu Song was talking about what Zhou Pingan said before that only three people were left to lead the Fengzhi group.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then...the other two people, them?"

“I don’t plan to be an artist anymore,” Tu Song said. “Brother Ming is planning to apply for an overseas university. When Xiao Shan comes home, he plans to open a store.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Have you all given up?

This surprised Lu Yanhe.

Tu Song said: "Actually, if they stay, they just need to change to another agent. Even if Zhou Pingan refuses to take them, there will definitely be another agent who is willing to take them. If they don't do anything, the company will lose money every month." They have to be given a subsidy of three thousand yuan, which is much better than the new signings now. "

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Maybe I don't want to waste time anymore."

 Not everyone is like Lu Yanhe, with no way out.

 You can apply for overseas universities, or open a store, as your family can provide support, and you may not care about the 3,000 yuan monthly subsidy.

 They have no hope of developing in the entertainment industry. While they are still young, they can completely choose another path.

Tu Song asked again: "When will the movie "Golden Age" be filmed?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “The filming will begin next month.”

 Tu Song asked: “Are you going to be an actor in the future?”

"I don't know, let's take a look first." Lu Yanhe said, "I have to go to college later, so I can't focus on this like you do."

 Tu Song is different. He did not go to university.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang both attended performing arts universities, but Tu Song did not even attend a performing arts university.

I heard before that he had always wanted to take the Conservatory of Music exam, but Zhou Ping'an didn't seem to be too happy about it.

 I don’t know if he still has such thoughts.

If so, Chen Ziyan shouldn’t disagree, right? -

Lu Yanhe chatted with Tu Song, bought a laptop according to his idea, and went shopping in the bookstore.

Tu Song followed him to the bookstore, still a little surprised.

“So you really love reading.” Tu Song sighed.

 Apparently, Tu Song also thought that Lu Yanhe was just pretending.

The college entrance examination results have not yet been released, and basically no one knows that Lu Yanhe is a true academic.

Lu Yanhe didn’t explain. He picked a few books in the literature and art area and was about to check out.

 “Lu Yanhe?!” A somewhat surprised voice sounded.

Lin Miaomiao was holding a plastic-covered book in her hands and standing behind Lu Yanhe, her eyes shining.

 “Are you here to buy books too?” Lin Miaomiao looked at the books in Lu Yanhe’s hand and asked in surprise. "Yeah." Lu Yanhe was also surprised to see Lin Miaomiao and laughed, "I just finished the exam yesterday, so I came here to take a look around today."

Since the two became friends, Lu Yanhe occasionally chatted with Lin Miaomiao a few times. After chatting with her, he discovered that although she was straightforward and a bit arrogant, she had a very real and lively character.

 They are even still in their second year of high school—oh, no, after this summer vacation, they will be senior students in high school.

 Thinking about it again, I was fooled by her before and really thought she was the host.

Lin Miaomiao asked: "How did you do in the exam? I watched your live broadcast yesterday. As soon as I clicked in, you stopped broadcasting. I don't even know what you said."

This is because I went in late and didn’t catch up with the warm ones.

Lu Yanhe said: “I did well in the test. I didn’t estimate my scores. I feel that I performed well and I didn’t encounter any tricky or weird questions.”

"As soon as you finish the test, the real test questions will be sent to our group." Lin Miaomiao showed a headache expression, "Our class teacher is a test-taker."

 “I am responsible for you.” Lu Yanhe said.

Lin Miaomiao sighed, "You've managed to survive. I still have another year to go. I'm a senior in high school. It's very difficult just thinking about it."

“Once you get through it, you will be a free world.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile, “Come on.”

Tu Song came over holding a copy of "The World of Music".

He looked at Lu Yanhe curiously, then at Lin Miaomiao, and suddenly his face was startled, "Are you Lin Miaomiao?"

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Tu Song doubtfully and asked, "Do you know me?"

“Well, I met you once.” Tu Song nodded, “My aunt took me to your father’s birthday party.”

Lin Miaomiao's expression changed instantly when he heard this.

She glanced at Lu Yanhe subconsciously, and then said: "You must have mistaken the person, I have never seen you."

“Your name is not Lin Miaomiao?” Tu Song asked, “Isn’t your dad Lin Desheng from Northern Lights Video?”


Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Miaomiao's face and fell into an inexplicable tangle and repetition.

 She seemed to really don't want to admit that she was Lin Desheng's daughter.

 But judging from Tu Song's reaction, it seems that he is not a very evil person. Why are you so afraid?

Lin Miaomiao suddenly glanced at Lu Yanhe again and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

 After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Lu Yanhe and Tu Song were both a little confused and didn't know what was wrong with her.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but ask Tu Song: "What is going on?"

“I still want to ask you.” Tu Song said, “How do you know her?”

Lu Yanhe said: "I met her last time when I went to record a program. She said that she was the host of the live highlights of that program, and she also conducted an interview with me during the live broadcast."

“Well, she is probably just for fun. Do you know who she is?”

“I just heard you say that she is Lin Desheng’s daughter? Who is Lin Desheng?”

“You always know the Northern Lights video, right?” Tu Song asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Of course you know this, it is one of the largest online video platforms now.

Tu Song said: “The boss of Northern Lights Video.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


Tu Song said: "This Miss Lin is like a proud peacock outside. That time I saw her, many people were courting her, but she ignored them. I didn't expect you to be able to talk to her. There’s laughter.”

"Uh, I don't know who she is." Lu Yanhe reacted. No wonder she sounded bossy when she first met him. She was obviously a little girl who was spoiled at home. No wonder , she wanted to drag people in to interview him, pretending to be the host, and no one stopped her. They were all cooperating with her in playing this game. Can you not cooperate? She is the princess of Northern Lights Video.

Tu Song looked at Lu Yanhe thoughtfully and said, "She looks at you very differently."

 “I haven’t met her even a few times.”

"But she is willing to talk to you and smiles so happily." Tu Song said, "If you have seen her attitude towards others, you will know why I said this."

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Is it so exaggerated?"

"More than that." Tu Song said, "The way she looks is, to put it nicely, she's dignified, and to put it badly, she's arrogant. But even so, there are still many people surrounding her, and everyone wants to please her. After all, Mr. Lin is She is the only child."

This chance encounter allowed Lu Yanhe to finally know Lin Miaomiao's identity.

On the one hand, he was surprised, but on the other hand, he also felt suddenly enlightened. All the previous clues were now connected together.

He only knew that Lin Miaomiao's family must be very rich, but he didn't know that she had such a big background.

At present, several of the most powerful video platforms in China are backed by large groups with strong capital support. Being able to run a video platform has an amount of resources that is beyond imagination.

 Especially for an artist like Lu Yanhe.

 But Lu Yanhe didn't have any other thoughts.

Through Lin Miaomiao to catch the Northern Lights video line?

 It’s great to have the opportunity, but there’s no need to force it if you don’t have the opportunity.

Lu Yanhe now feels that his whole life has taken on a new look, and he has a feeling that as long as he works hard, he can achieve anything through his own efforts.


 When I came back, it was almost noon.

The two of them had rice dumplings directly at a small restaurant at the entrance of the community before going back.

 In the afternoon, Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he could not stay idle like this.

Especially in the next few years, as expected, he will have to study and take care of his acting career at the same time, and his time will be very tight.

 He is going to make a plan for himself and write down what he will do next.

 Including those things he knew before crossing over.

Novels, music, movies and TV series... these all only exist in his memory. If he doesn't write out as much as he can while he still remembers it, his memory will become increasingly blurred in the future, and there will be fewer and fewer things that can be reproduced. .

Lu Yanhe was the first to eliminate novels.

 Novel is entirely composed of text, often running into tens or hundreds of thousands of words, which is still relatively small.

 He only remembers the plot of the story. If he were asked to copy a novel now, it would be impossible for him to do so.

But good stories and good ideas can be written down first. If you have the opportunity later, you can find someone to adapt it into a script. For example, Agatha Christie's most famous mystery novels, whether it is "Murder on the Orient Train" or "Murder on the Orient Train" "Tragedy on the Nile", its criminal conspiracy can actually be transformed into a new novel story - as long as it is confirmed that there has been no similar conspiracy in the world.

The same is true for film and television dramas. He can only write down good stories and good ideas first to prepare for later.

 The only thing that can be reproduced quickly now is songs.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t know music scores. Speaking of which, can he learn music first this summer, so that he can at least learn the basics and be able to write out the melody in his mind?

Since he couldn't do it now, he hummed the songs one by one and recorded them on his mobile phone so as not to forget them in the future.

After these plans were made, Lu Yanhe was thinking about what else he could do.

 This time and space is still developing, and things like e-commerce and online payment methods have also been developed.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Yanhe discovered that the space for him to use his ability as a time traveler is actually very small, and it is basically concentrated in the field of content creation - only this field relies too much on personal creative thinking rather than the development process of society. Therefore, , it is difficult for similar works to appear.

Then there's no way.

 The first is to record and reproduce, and the second is to find ways to exercise your abilities.

Just like Lu Yanhe can sing a lot of songs, but because he can't compose music, he can't write the music scores himself, so he can only ask Chen Siqi for help. He also knows many successful film and television drama stories and novels, but he does not have the ability to write scripts or novels, so for the time being he can only sigh in despair.

 To learn how to write novels? Learning how to write a screenplay?

 These abilities must be learned.

Lu Yanhe made several plans for himself.

This summer, in addition to taking acting classes to improve his acting skills and joining a group for filming, he also has to learn basic musical notation, improve his writing skills, and start learning how to write stories.

 After the plans were listed one by one, Lu Yanhe felt more and more stable.

 He found that he was now afraid that he would have nothing to do.

 Before traveling through time, he had never had such a mentality.


 Perception of his own changes made him feel confused for a moment.

 No matter how actively you integrate into the world, you still cannot change the fact that you are a foreigner.

 No matter what, I am haunted by a sense of uneasiness, and instinctively want to strengthen myself so that I can face any disadvantages that may arise in the future.

The phone buzzes and vibrates.

 Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and picked up his mobile phone.

Lin Miaomiao sent a message: Did your friend tell you who I am?

 Lu Yanhe: Yeah.

Lin Miaomiao: You...don't expect me to do anything to help you. Although my father is Lin Desheng, I can't say anything.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

The familiar Lin Miaomiao who can sting people as soon as he opens his mouth is back.

 He said: I don’t expect you to be able to do anything to help me.

Lin Miaomiao: That’s good.

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether Lin Miaomiao was really out of his mind, so he spoke without caring about other people's moods, or whether he said such things out of shame, but because he met Lin Miaomiao at the beginning, this person had this style, Lu Yanhe Not very angry.

  At first I thought this girl was lucky not to be put in a sack and beaten for a period of time.

Lin Miaomiao added: Actually, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s that I really can’t help you. My dad will never look twice at anyone just because he pleases me.

Lu Yanhe sighed and replied: Don't think too much about it, I really don't care about it.

 Mainly because he felt that he was not really familiar with her.

We only met a few times in total, and we couldn't even be considered friends.

If it weren't for the time he met her outside the hospital and was soothed by her in a strange way, he wouldn't even have any intimacy with her.

 Now there is only a little bit of it.

At this moment, someone in the class group suddenly @ him, and a notification popped up on his phone.

 He was too noisy before, so he set the class group message notification to do not disturb mode.

He clicked in and saw that everyone was shouting to get together tonight.

While the college entrance examination results have not yet come out, we are counting the number of people who can attend the party together tonight.

 Lu Yanhe replied "I can".

 After a while, Linyu sent the reserved place to the group.

She said: This restaurant has a large private room with a removable middle screen and three tables that can seat about forty people. Teacher Liu said that the previous class fee of about 1,000 yuan was not used up and asked me to do activities in the class. I went to pick it up from her when I arrived, and it just so happened that I could use it for dinner today.

 Everyone responded one after another.

 (End of this chapter)

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