Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 180: The key word is College Entrance Examination 657

Chapter 180 The key word is College Entrance Examination 657

 Ma Zhiyuan had long proposed leaving MX to pursue a solo career, but when the day came to leave, Ma Zhiyuan was somewhat reluctant to part with it.

 After all, this is the group that I have been with since they debuted.

Ma Zhiyuan only suppressed this feeling of reluctance in his heart and showed nothing.

 He never shows vulnerability in front of others, and he is even less likely to show nostalgia in front of them when he leaves.


Ma Zhiyuan opened the door and left without looking back.

Neither Wei Zhuoran nor Qu Yousong expected that Ma Zhiyuan would act so simply and decisively, without any hesitation.

“It seems like he really doesn’t care about us at all.” A wry smile escaped Qu Yousong’s lips.

Wei Zhuoran looked back at Jiang Bai and Chen Jing, who were still sitting motionless on the sofa.

He frowned slightly and said, "Ma Zhiyuan is leaving. Even if he had a normal relationship with you before, it's not to the extent that you don't even want to see him off, right?"

Chen Jing raised the corner of his mouth sarcastically.

 In their eyes, the relationship between Ma Zhiyuan and him can still remain "normal". In their eyes, are the things Ma Zhiyuan has done before nothing?

Chen Jing only glanced at Jiang Bai in surprise.

On the contrary, why didn't Jiang Bai get up to see Ma Zhiyuan off?

Jiang Bai and Ma Zhiyuan have a real relationship in a literal sense, and there is nothing wrong with giving them away out of face.

Jiang Bai didn't say a word, got up and went back to the room.

Wei Zhuoran's face became even uglier.

He said to Qu Yousong unhappily: "This Jiang Bai has always had a straight face. Which one of us has been sorry for him?"

Qu Yousong advised: "He's always been like that, so don't worry about him."

 He looked at Chen Jing.

 Chen Jing returned his gaze expressionlessly.

 In addition to Ma Zhiyuan, the people who bullied him in the past were also Qu Yousong.

Although Qu Yousong never took the initiative to do anything to him, he was the one who set Ma Zhiyuan's fire on him every time.

 Chen Jing stood up, looked at Qu Yousong with an unfriendly expression, and said, "Now that Ma Zhiyuan is gone, our MX captain is vacant. Will you or Wei Zhuoran be the captain next? Have you discussed it?"

 He put the question aside and returned to the room.

  Qu Yousong and Wei Zhuoran were left looking at each other, neither of them speaking.


Lu Yanhe felt that he overestimated himself.

He originally thought that two small glasses of white wine had gone into his stomach, but his stomach was a little burning. In the meantime, he was still worried about Li Zhibai's family affairs, and he also listened to a discussion about Ma Zhiyuan. Unexpectedly, after fifteen minutes, he felt stronger. , a feeling of dizziness rushed directly to his eyes.

Others didn't notice anything strange about him and were still talking.

Only Chen Ziyan noticed that Lu Yanhe's eyes were not as clear as before. After careful observation, she knew what was going on.

 Lu Yanhe was getting stronger now and was a little drunk.

 Chen Ziyan wanted to take Lu Yanhe back to rest quickly, but today she invited Luo Yuzhong and the others to dinner. Everyone was talking and the atmosphere was lively. It would be a bit disappointing if Chen Ziyan proposed to take Lu Yanhe to go first at this time.

Lu Yanhe himself also realized that he was a little dizzy.

  Are you a little over the top?

 A feeling of dizziness hit him. Lu Yanhe now not only felt dizzy, but also had a headache.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuqian said at this time: "Director, we have to film tomorrow, why don't we come here tonight first. I'm worried that I'll get acne on my face if I sleep too late."

Luo Yuzhong nodded and said, "That's right. It's already late. Let's get here first and evacuate today."

Lu Yanhe steeled himself, stood up with everyone, and followed them out at the back.

Leishuangcheng had already arranged a car to pick them up and take them back to the hotel.

 Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan shared a car.

As soon as she got in the car, Chen Ziyan asked Lu Yanhe: "How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you feel like vomiting?"

"It's okay." Lu Yanhe denied it habitually at first, and then said, "I'm just a little dizzy."

 You can tell the truth in front of Sister Ziyan.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t want to be a person who keeps everything in his heart. There are a few people here who can tell the truth and express their true feelings, and Chen Ziyan is one of them.

Chen Ziyan: "I didn't expect you to be so incapable of drinking, why didn't you say anything?"

The thumb-sized cups for drinking liquor, two cups in total, were nothing in Chen Ziyan's eyes. She also misjudged Lu Yanhe's alcohol capacity - Lu Yanhe fooled her. Lu Yanhe once told her that he occasionally drank with Li Zhibai. Yan Liang drank a little, which made her wrongly judge that Lu Yanhe was not a person who couldn't drink.

Lu Yanhe said: "I overestimated myself and thought I had a little bit of practice."

“Be careful next time and try not to drink.” Chen Ziyan said, “There is no job that requires drinking.”

 Lu Yanhe hummed.

"Next time if you can't do something, just tell me directly. Don't hold on, you know?" Chen Ziyan warned again.


Lu Yanhe responded, but the corners of his mouth turned up.

 Chen Ziyan's concern for him always gave him comfort in silent places.


Back at the hotel, Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe to go to bed early, set the alarm clock, and set off to set her makeup at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Lu Yanhe hasn’t filmed yet tomorrow, so he has to decide on the look for the play.

 The main characters in the previous crew have already completed this step. Only Lu Yanhe postponed it until tomorrow because he was preparing for the exam at the time.

Lu Yanhe went back to the room and washed his face with cold water, finally feeling a little more awake.

He was thinking about what was going on at Li Zhibai's house. He turned on his phone and checked the chat history he had just missed.

Hundreds of records were scanned, but not much valuable information was updated.

 Just two people, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, were discussing various possibilities.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and spoke in the group: Your parents will definitely not disappear for no reason. Even if something happens to the company, they will not run away without telling you. You are their son, not an ordinary person. Don't follow last time. Same, I just lost contact because I was on an international flight. Do you have the contact information of your parents’ secretary or assistant? Ask them.

Five minutes later, Li Zhibai said excitedly in the group: It’s true! They are flying to the UK and are on the plane now. The acquisition is true, but it has nothing to do with my family's bankruptcy. Fortunately, my family is not bankrupt.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Zhibai's words scared people to death, making him and Yan Liang also fearful.

He said: I told you a long time ago, don’t listen to the wind or the rain.

Li Zhibai said: Huan Jin is also shameless. In order to lower the acquisition price, he has been buying and hacking my company for the past half month.

ˆPurchasing black people is not only a monopoly in the entertainment industry, but also in business wars.

  The word smear was not coined for the entertainment industry from the beginning.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief and said: OK, it's best to be fine. I drank some wine at night and now I'm too dizzy, so I'll go to sleep first.

 After saying that, he turned off his phone and prepared to sleep.

 Hence, he did not immediately see the doubts and ridicule from Li Zhibai and Yan Liang in the group.

Li Zhibai: Drink?

Li Zhibai: How much did you drink?

Yan Liang: How can you still hold on until now after drinking? Brother Bai, it’s unreasonable for you not to send a red envelope to Lao Lu.


This sleep was extremely long and sound.

Lu Yanhe even felt that he had not slept so comfortably for a long time.

 He woke up at five o'clock in the morning, earlier than usual.

 After getting up, I took a shower first, then opened my laptop and opened the live broadcast room.

 At five o'clock in the morning, when he started broadcasting, thousands of people came in, which shocked Lu Yanhe.

The audience in his live broadcast room was even more shocked. Everyone was asking Lu Yanhe what incredible start time this was.

Lu Yanhe explained: "I went to bed early yesterday and just woke up." Although it was only five o'clock, the sky outside the window was not completely dark.

  Already a little bit white.

 It’s five o’clock in the morning in summer. In half an hour, the sky will be bright and the sun will rise.

Lu Yanhe yawned, but he was awake.

 He scratched his head and asked, "Why are you still watching the live broadcast at this time?"

 Messages flashed across the screen.

 Some people said that they were still working the night shift, and someone only took over the shift at eight in the morning.

 Some people said that they were reviewing all night and had an important exam the next day.

 Some people said that as soon as they woke up, a notification that Lu Yanhe was broadcasting popped up on their mobile phones.


 In short, in this world, no matter how quiet you think it is at night, there are always people awake for various reasons.

Lu Yanhe rubbed his face and said, "Okay, everyone can do it themselves. I'll follow the old rules and mute the sound."

 He muted the live broadcast room and started reading.


Chen Ziyan also woke up early, at six o'clock. She had a video conference with the United States at 6:30 in the morning. When she habitually checked the messages on her mobile phone, she found the notification of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room. When she looked at it again, it turned out to be Half an hour ago.

 Getting up so early?

Chen Ziyan was surprised.

Lu Yanhe is still live broadcasting.

Chen Ziyan clicked on Lu Yanhe's live broadcast and saw that the latter was indeed studying.

Chen Ziyan is actually quite curious about Lu Yanhe. Before choosing him as her artist, Chen Ziyan conducted a detailed background check on Lu Yanhe.

In Chen Ziyan’s view, before Lu Yanhe was in his senior year of high school, every step was mostly luck.

 Participating in the competition, he unexpectedly touched the public's psychology, and developed a "pity for the weak" mentality. They voted for him crazily, and sent him to the debut position with strong public opinion.

 But his own strength cannot support such love, so after his debut, the loss of fans was particularly severe - of course, this is also inseparable from the decline of Fengzhi Boy.

Chen Ziyan could not see anything worth investing in Lu Yanhe.

 This is a person who cannot stand up on his own.

 However, after his senior year of high school, Lu Yanhe seemed to be a different person.

 He took the initiative to open a live broadcast room.

 He took the initiative to set the goals of Zhenhua and Yuming.

 He wrote a song "Memories".

He began to have his own personality charm, attracting all kinds of people such as Hou Jun, Li Zhibai, Li Pengfei, Lin Yu, etc. who began to become his friends and began to be willing to help him.

 If a person can get up from his past life, he will start to go uphill.

 Chen Ziyan has always believed in this.

After getting in touch with Lu Yanhe, she got to know him better and better, and was not surprised at all that Lu Yanhe was admitted to Zhenhua and Yuming.

 People who put in 100% effort often get into trouble and are constrained by stubbornness and extremes.

Lu Yanhe, however, remained cheerful and open-minded from beginning to end, and his attitude toward life showed the broad-mindedness of "everything is mine, and my destiny is up to me." This kind of mentality moved Chen Ziyan.

 At the dinner last night, Lu Yanhe's performance was quite satisfactory, but it was the effect Chen Ziyan wanted most. Being too reserved and unable to let go will make everyone feel embarrassed. Being too enthusiastic and taking the initiative to chat with other people is another kind of embarrassment. For Lu Yanhe, the biggest meaning of last night's dinner was the word "appearance". When others were not familiar with him, he just had to play the role of "Chen Ziyan's artist".

 Chen Ziyan didn't explain these specifically, she just wanted to observe what Lu Yanhe's own character would do in such a situation.

 She is an agent. She understands the true nature of the artist so that she can take appropriate measures in the future.


 At 7:30 in the morning, Chen Ziyan finished her video conference and sent a message to Lu Yanhe: Is the live broadcast finished? Let's go have breakfast together.

Lu Yanhe replied with a hello.

 Chen Ziyan: See you in the restaurant.

 Putting down the phone, Chen Ziyan **** her hair.

 Ever since the weather got hotter, Chen Ziyan didn’t like to let her hair down.

 She went downstairs to the restaurant and met Lu Yanhe in the restaurant.

“I woke up very early today, so I started live broadcasting so early.” Chen Ziyan said.

 Lu Yanhe explained: “I woke up earlier.”

"A website was talking to me about cooperation before and wanted to invite you to join their website and write reading notes." Chen Ziyan said, "You love reading and you have appeal in the book market. I think this cooperation is quite suitable for you. "

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, nodded and said, "Okay."

“But the remuneration is not much. It’s just a small website, not big. It costs 100,000 yuan a year. The requirement is that you post on the website at least once a month and write at least five reading notes every year.” Chen Ziyan said.

"Okay." Lu Yanhe didn't feel any pressure about this, but he didn't expect that there was such a way of cooperation. He felt like he was going to be a book blogger and never return.

"Okay, I'll go and sign the contract with someone." Chen Ziyan smiled, "Actually, this website is quite interesting. Although it is not very popular now, the various community designs are quite artistic. It should be suitable for the group of artistic young people. Very attractive."

Hearing Chen Ziyan’s words, Lu Yanhe suddenly thought of Douban.

This website sounds a lot like Douban?

 In today's world, there is no website like Douban, but there is a special movie rating website, which is also very popular.

 It’s just that unlike Douban, a dedicated movie rating website is really just a rating website. It has not become an online community like Douban.

With the development of the Internet age, the group of literary youth has gradually become a derogatory term with the "disease of literary youth".

 However, anyone who really understands the development of the Internet knows how much these people with "literary youth disease" have played a role in the development of the Internet community.

 How a website can stand out from the increasingly homogeneous online world? The people, style and atmosphere are the most unique things that can preserve this website.

 Isn’t that what Douban is like?

Any capital company can make a scoring website, but in the end only Douban stood up, and its scores have some kind of reference, because generations of young people follow their own aesthetics and act as "opinion leaders" on it. , does not follow the laws of capital.

Literary youth are the group of people that capital hates the most, because they have a high self-esteem and are objectively pretentious. At the same time, they are still a bunch of people who are really educated and thoughtful. They are not easy to be led around. Once they find themselves being led around, they will commit crimes. People who are prone to going crazy when they become angry and do not act according to common sense.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, does the world also need an online community like Douban?

I used to feel that there may not be so many people who are a bit idealistic now, but every time I think it is going to be extinct, a little spark comes out and tells you that they are still there.

Lu Yanhe thought of the fans in his live broadcast room.

Now a group of them actually gathered together and spontaneously formed a reading group. They started reading with him and clocked in every day.


“Checking in, planning, and community, these are the three most critical concepts of our APP.”

 At the company meeting, Li Luzhi introduced this new product to shareholders.

“Originally, we wanted to launch it in the first half of this year, but because several new settings were added midway, it was postponed for half a year.” Li Luzhi said, “This learning APP is ready to be launched on the market in August this year.”

 Shareholders had mixed reactions to Li Luzhi’s introduction.

“Where is the profit potential for learning APPs?”

 “Members and advertising.” Li Luzhi said.

“Since we are building a community concept, the student group we are targeting will not be primary school students, right?”

"Of course, it is aimed at high school and college students." Li Luzhi said, "According to our survey, there is a phenomenon among high school students and college students. Because of their loneliness or laziness, they need to accompany and supervise self-study, just like Lu Yanhe I wonder if anyone here knows about his live broadcast room? There is no chat or any performance in his live broadcast room. He spends most of his time reading books and doing questions alone. However, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room is increasing. In fact, About 70% of the viewers in his live broadcast room use him as their companion, turn on the live broadcast, and accompany them to study or read together. "

 Shareholders were whispering and discussing.

“As for our learning APP, I also plan to invite Lu Yanhe to be our spokesperson.” Li Luzhi said, “A learning APP with an active community concept. This is a new product that meets the needs of current high school students and college students.”

“But... Lu Yanhe is not very popular, is he? As a spokesperson, can he increase the popularity of our APP?” Someone questioned.

"Lu Yanhe's college entrance examination score this year is 657 points, ranking 13th in Yuming, and he is 100% sure to be admitted to Zhenhua and Yuming." Li Luzhi said, "Compared with whether he is popular or not, his resume is what makes us The most needed spokesperson keywords for this APP.”

 (End of this chapter)

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