Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 181: He is covered by me

Chapter 181 He is covered by me

After breakfast, Lu Yanhe went back to his room to rest for a while, and then set off with Chen Ziyan to try on looks.

Lu Yanhe’s role is actually not many, but it is crucial.

In "The Golden Age", the character played by Lu Yanhe is named Yao Yu'an, and the character played by Jiang Yuqian is named Guan Zhu.

 He is the key reason why the heroine Guan Zhu, played by Jiang Yuqian, enters the real estate company in the play.

Yao Yu'an was Guan Zhu's first love. He died in a fight to protect Guan Zhu. However, Huang Zhonghuai, who caused Yao Yu'an's death, was ultimately exempted from criminal responsibility because of the protection of his family and did not receive the punishment he deserved.

Because of this incident, Guan Zhu's personality changed drastically from a little girl who was pampered since childhood. A seed of revenge was planted in her heart. She studied hard and worked hard in order to get revenge one day.

In this context, Guan Zhu entered Huang Zhonghuai's family business, a real estate company, starting from the bottom, and met the male protagonist Lian Jin, played by Huang Kairen. The two competed for projects, and they competed for projects, and they developed feelings. Because he wanted to avenge Yao Yu'an, Guan Zhu restrained his feelings and stayed with Huang Zhonghuai, secretly collecting evidence that could bring him down. Lian Jin mistakenly thought that Guan Zhu looked down on him and put away his feelings.

At the same time, the real estate industry is taking off, and everyone is constantly rising under the torrent of the times.

Lian Jin, as the young man who was most able to win projects in this real estate company, had great momentum, but Huang Zhonghuai was jealous and used tricks to exclude him from the company. Lian Jin had no choice but to join another real estate company and start over.

  Guan Zhu and Lian Jin once again became rivals in the shopping mall. They fought frequently, with half the success. In just a few years, Guan Zhu and Lian Jin both took advantage of the dividends in the real estate industry and became the top executives of their companies.

In the meantime, they also had accidents many times and developed new feelings. Lian Jin cannot forget his old love for Guan Zhu and hopes that Guan Zhu will leave Huang Zhonghuai. But revenge lies in Guan Zhu's heart, and she cannot let go of Yao Yu'an, so she rejects Lian Jin again.

However, Huang Zhonghuai was also not sincere towards Guan Zhu. He placed a project involving money laundering under Guan Zhu's hands, just to push Guan Zhu out as a scapegoat at the critical moment.

Lian Jin accidentally learned about this incident and reminded Guan Zhu that he thought Guan Zhu would be disappointed with Huang Zhonghuai and break up with him. What he didn't expect was that Guan Zhu still stayed by Huang Zhonghuai's side, as if nothing had happened. occur.

Lian Jin thought that Guan Zhu had been carried away by love, was disappointed and angry, and decided not to care about Guan Zhu's affairs anymore. The project that was hanging on Guan Zhu's hands finally exploded, and Guan Zhu was pushed out as a scapegoat.

At this moment, Lian Jin found that he still couldn't hold back his love for Guan Zhu and couldn't help but help. However, his ability was limited and he could not reverse the overall situation.

At this critical juncture, Guan Zhu suddenly revealed evidence of Huang Zhonghuai's bribery and money laundering, turning the situation around. Huang Zhonghuai was arrested, and Guan Zhu was kicked out of the company and became an abandoned son.

Lian Jin found Guan Zhu at this time and asked her why she did this. Guan Zhu told her story about herself and Yao Yuan.

 Lian Jin wanted to invite Guan Zhu to join his company to solve her dilemma, but he was rejected by his company. Guan Zhu also suddenly disappeared. Lian Jin searched for Guan Zhu for a long time but couldn't find her, so he gave up.

It wasn't until a year later that a real estate development developed by Lian Jin's company exposed many problems due to heavy rains. The material supplier was suspected of nepotism in bidding, the materials were shoddy, and the service quality was substandard, causing the real estate under construction to fall into huge public opinion. The crisis is about to hit us. As the vice president in charge, Lian Jin was overwhelmed with dealing with related matters and had to find another material supplier.

  Guan Zhu suddenly appeared at this time as the boss of a newly established building materials company and contacted him.

Lian Jin learned that in the past year, Guan Zhu could no longer join any real estate company due to a non-competition agreement, and could not gain the trust of any company because of the overthrow of Huang Zhonghuai, so he started from scratch and started making building materials.


 The story of "The Golden Age" ends here.

 Whether Lian Jin and Guan Zhu were together, or what happened next, has not been continued.

This story mainly revolves around Guan Zhu’s goal of revenge, and unfolds a picture of the booming real estate industry.

 The focus of the story is entirely on the fight between Lian Jin and Guan Zhu. In the early stage, we competed within the company, and in the later stage, we competed on behalf of different companies. There were many business war parts, and the writing was very exciting.

 But unfortunately, these scenes have nothing to do with Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe basically appears in Guan Zhu’s memories as a Bai Yueguang-like existence.

 Lu Yanhe read the entire script and knew that his role was both important and unimportant.

 The most important thing is the perfection of his character. In this professional drama, everyone is not a good person in the pure sense, including the male protagonist and the female protagonist. There are times when they will do whatever it takes to do their job. Only he, from the image of the school boy at the beginning, to the warm boyfriend when getting along with Guan Zhu image, to the heroic image of rushing forward to protect Guan Zhu, every time he appears, the image of Yao Yuan is more perfect.

 It is not important that his character is separated from the main plot. He is not a character who appears in the main business war. He is Guan Zhu's comfort when he is tired, his warmth when he cannot sleep all night, and his beacon when he makes moral choices and struggles. In short, he doesn't fit in with the overall storyline.

On the one hand, Lu Yanhe understands why Jiang Yuqian and Chen Ziyan think this character will be popular and will help his career take a big step forward. On the other hand, he also feels a little pity. If he could play Lien Jin, he would be a real flesh-and-blood character. There are changes, a complex side, and different performance spaces. Even if he is not Lian Jin, the character Huang Zhonghuai is very full, a selfish person who is bad to the core.

But Lu Yanhe can only play Yao Yuan.


 The process of trying on and setting makeup for Lu Yanhe was simple, but very long, which made him feel boring.

 Because of this process, he is just a prop, being discussed, designed, and played with by others.

He followed their ideas and kept changing his clothes and styling. He tried six or seven hairstyles alone and kept changing wigs.

 Finally, I decided on one of my hairstyles.

 A bit more youthful and sunny.

After determining the overall look, the costume designer matched eight sets of clothes for him, and asked him to put on each set, take photos while wearing them, and send them to director Luo Yuzhong for confirmation.

Daily casual style, white shirt style, several styles.

 This trip took almost five hours.

 Lu Yanhe had a lunch box with everyone at noon.

 The food was pretty good, including a big chicken drumstick, and Lu Yanhe was very satisfied.

 At 3:30 in the afternoon, Lu Yanhe finished setting his makeup and left with Chen Ziyan.

Chen Ziyan said: "I don't plan to provide you with an assistant when you are filming this movie. Your current income is relatively low and cannot cover the assistant's salary. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, I also want to exercise your own basic survival skills." Ability, don’t get into the habit of reaching out for clothes and opening your mouth for food, okay?”

 Lu Yanhe nodded: "Okay."

 Chen Ziyan smiled, nodded, and said, "That's it. After you finish recording "Young Days," I will consider whether to assign you an assistant based on the situation."


It’s not that Chen Ziyan is short of money. Even if Lu Yanhe himself can’t cover the assistant’s salary, the company can. Chen Ziyan doesn’t even have this authority in the company. But as Chen Ziyan said just now, Lu Yanhe's workload is not heavy when filming now, so there is no need to hire an assistant to follow him around. He is not busy to that extent yet.

"There won't be any scenes of yours in the next few days. I told Lei Shuangcheng that you can observe the scene for a few days and understand how the scene works. Your scene will probably be released in a week. It will be arranged." Chen Ziyan said, "Originally, your scene was planned to be filmed by assistant director He Xun, but Luo Yuzhong finally decided to direct it himself. You should seize the opportunity and learn more from Director Luo."


 Chen Ziyan was ready to leave.

Originally, for a job like this, Chen Ziyan didn’t have to send Lu Yanhe over in person, but because it was Lu Yanhe’s first play, Chen Ziyan was a little interested, so she personally sent Lu Yanhe over.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan returned to the hotel together.

 Chen Ziyan checked out of the hotel and prepared to return to Yuming.

"You should take good care of yourself when you are alone on the set. If you have any legitimate needs, just ask them normally. Don't be afraid of troublesome others or wronging yourself." Chen Ziyan explained, "If you have anything that can't be solved, just tell me. I'll leave first. In two days, The genius came to see you and brought the cooperation contract of"

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Ziyan."


After Chen Ziyan left, Lu Yanhe stayed alone in the hotel, and suddenly felt a strange feeling that he had to face this strange environment alone.

 He suddenly realized a very important issue.

 Chen Ziyan is gone. If he goes to the set tomorrow, who should he contact?

 Chen Ziyan was responsible for everything before. Lu Yanhe didn't care about anything and just followed Chen Ziyan.

Now that Chen Ziyan has left, Lu Yanhe can only handle all these matters by himself. Even as small as how to get to the set, he needs to figure out everything by himself.

 Fortunately, I added everyone as my friend yesterday.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and decided to send a message to Lei Shuangcheng: Brother Lei, this is Yan He. I asked Sister Ziyan to communicate with you before. In the next few days, I want to go to the scene to observe and learn. I don’t know who I can contact tomorrow. Take me to the set?

 Lei Shuangcheng did not return.

Lu Yanhe didn’t press any questions.

About half an hour later, Lei Shuangcheng pushed over a business card and said: Please contact Xiao Zhao, he is my assistant.

 Lu Yanhe immediately replied "Thank you" and added this "Xiao Zhao": Hello brother Zhao, I am Lu Yanhe.

 “Xiao Zhao”’s ID name is Zhao Yuheng, which is his real name at first glance.

 He quickly approved Lu Yanhe’s friend application.

 Lu Yanhe asked again.

Zhao Yuheng also pushed over a business card: He is Brother Cao, the shuttle bus driver. Please contact him.

 Lu Yanhe had no choice but to add another friend to Brother Cao: Hello, Brother Cao, I am Lu Yanhe.

 Five minutes later, it showed that the other party rejected his friend application.

  ? ? ?

Lu Yanhe was stunned and did not react.

What's happening here?

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yanhe thought to himself, does Brother Cao not even know who Lu Yanhe is?

 He had no choice but to apply for a friend again: Hello Brother Cao, I am Lu Yanhe, an actor in "The Golden Age".

 Three minutes later, Brother Cao passed.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Upon hearing Lu Yanhe’s intention, Brother Cao handed him a timetable and said: This is the daily timetable for traveling to and from the hotel and the studio. Look at the time. If you want to go to the studio, just wait at the hotel door five minutes in advance.

 Lu Yanhe: Thank you, Brother Cao.

 Brother Cao replied with a "pleasant" emoticon.

 Just to go to the set, I added two friends and it took almost half an hour.

 Lu Yanhe felt a little melancholy, but he also knew that this was probably Chen Ziyan’s intention to let him experience these things personally and accumulate social experience.

Chen Ziyan’s requirements for artists have always been to go deep into real life and not to be artists who don’t eat the fireworks of the world.

 Their route is not the artist’s route.


 Driver class.

Cao Yong put down his cell phone and asked, "Who is this Lu Yanhe? There is an actor named Lu Yanhe in our crew. Do you know him?"

"Brother Cao, are you too ignorant? He is famous now." Another thin young man said, "If you search on the Internet, all the news is that he scored 657 points in the college entrance examination, and everyone is talking about him. ”

Hearing this, Cao Yong was a little surprised, "Is that him?"

 It seems that it is not completely unheard of.

“It’s him, what’s wrong?”

"I feel like he is not valued very much by the company. He has to go to the studio tomorrow and has not arranged a pick-up or drop-off. He even came to ask me about the time of the shuttle bus." Cao Yong said, "Logically speaking, he shouldn't be. He's not an unknown person." There’s a young actor named, isn’t he very popular recently?”

“Maybe it’s just because his college entrance examination scores are relatively popular, so he is not taken seriously by the company? Is he not very popular?”

 “Well, in this world, everything depends on popularity.” Someone curled his lips dissatisfied.

 Cao Yong said: "I think this actor is quite polite."

“What’s the use of being polite? You’re polite when you’re not famous. If you’re famous, your eyes will reach the sky.”

 “Hahaha, too.”


 At six o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yanhe faced a new problem. Where to have dinner?

The crew should have specially arranged dinner, whether it was the set or the staff staying in the hotel, but Lu Yanhe was not on the notice list at the moment, and no one greeted him.

Lu Yanhe thought about it and decided not to bother others. He decided to go out by himself and find a small restaurant outside for dinner.

 Unexpectedly, I bumped into Huang Kairen in the elevator.

  Huang Kairen was accompanied by his assistant, a little girl with a ponytail.

Seeing Lu Yanhe, Huang Kairen smiled and said hello: "Yanhe, are you going to have dinner?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and called Brother Ren.

 Huang Kairen is twenty-nine years old this year. He graduated from a professional school. He started acting as soon as he graduated. He worked steadily and steadily, and now he is also a well-known actor on the front line, but his commercial value is not as good as Jiang Yuqian's.

“Let’s go together. I happened to have an appointment with Li Qian and Wang Yunfan to have dinner together.” Huang Kairen invited warmly.

 Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and said, "Okay, thank you, Brother Ren."

 Huang Kairen is enthusiastic about Lu Yanhe because he saw Chen Ziyan’s attitude towards Lu Yanhe, and also because Lu Yanhe has been very popular recently.

"Do You have a Car?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

“Then get in my car.” Huang Kairen asked Lu Yanhe to get in the car with him and go all the way to the hotel.

 Huang Kairen was also quite curious about Lu Yanhe and asked about his college entrance examination studies.

"I have a younger brother. His academic performance is really worrying. He will be in the third grade of junior high school in the second half of the year. He will take the high school entrance examination at this time next year. I don't know how he will fare."

 Probably because the biggest label on him is reading, and the topic Huang Kairen brought up to him was also reading.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to answer this.

Is it possible to say that "one year is enough"?

 Huang Kairen had no intention of learning from Lu Yanhe. He was just chatting with Lu Yanhe.

“You did it all by yourself during the entire senior year of high school? Didn’t you ask the teacher to give you extra classes?” he asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "No, I don't have much income. How can I have the money to hire a teacher to help me with extra lessons?"

"Then you are really good. I heard before that your company specially hired a teacher to teach you Xiaozao." Huang Kairen changed the topic, "But even if you can do Xiaozao, you can achieve such results. You are the only one in the entertainment industry. There will definitely be many programs looking for you in Beijing and Taiwan in the future. Your image as a top student is very popular, and you are the artist’s image that everyone likes to see the most.”

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

“So I’m going to follow the path of mom and dad in the future, right?”

"You can consider it. You have to know that after my parents found out about your college entrance examination results, they asked me several times if they knew you and if they could let my brother come and learn from you." Huang Kairen shook his head, "I said there are other people in his school. It’s not that there are no academic masters. If you want to learn from the academic masters in your own school, why bother looking far away? Whenever they hear that there are academic masters somewhere, their eyes will light up, and they want to take my brother to get some glory immediately, as if this can make him Enlightenment."

 Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Brother Ren, your relationship with your brother should be very good, right?"

“What a fart, you never call me brother when we meet, you are such a rude little brat.” Huang Kairen scolded with a smile.

 You can tell from the first listen that the two people have a good relationship.

Lu Yanhe laughed.


 “Has Huang Kairen set off?”

"We left the hotel ten minutes ago and are almost here." Wang Yunfan put down his phone and glanced at Li Qian who pushed in the door. When he saw the latter, he rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "Hey, it looks so good, who can I give it to?" What do you think?"

Li Qian immediately glared at Wang Yunfan and said, "I'm wearing it just for myself, can't I?"

"Okay, of course." Wang Yunfan said, "But I remind you, that guy Huang Kairen has always been single, so don't show your flirtatious looks to a blind man."

“You also said that whether I dress well or not has anything to do with Huang Kairen.” Li Qian rolled her eyes.

Wang Yunfan shrugged, "You can deny it as you like. Anyway, I only believe in my eyes. Didn't you just accept this drama specifically for Huang Kairen?"

Li Qian has appeared in many hit dramas in recent years and has become popular and established herself as a supporting actress. Now she can even afford leading roles and even plays supporting actresses. This is partly because of the cast of this drama. It's very strong, so strong that Li Qian is willing to play a supporting role again, and on the other hand, it's not just because the leading actor is Huang Kairen.

Wang Yunfan and Li Qian were college classmates. They knew that Li Qian was a fan of Huang Kairen when she was in college and liked him. Later, she entered the industry and had the opportunity to meet him. Not only was her idol filter not broken, but she also liked him even more.

"By the way, have you met Lu Yanhe? I heard that he has joined the group." Li Qian asked.

"I haven't seen him." Wang Yunfan said with a smile, "Why are you still interested in a young brother? It's not kind to eat from the bowl and look at the pot."

"Shut up your bad mouth." Li Qian rolled her eyes again, "I'm just curious. I'm a little interested in such a great **** suddenly appearing. I got 657 in the college entrance examination, so what kind of actor can I do?"

Wang Yunfan: "What happened to 657 in the College Entrance Examination?"

“What’s wrong with 657 in the college entrance examination? How many did you take in the college entrance examination?”

“I am an actor, does it matter how many grades I took in the college entrance examination?” Wang Yunfan said, “No matter how high I take the college entrance examination, can I still win the Best Actor Award?”

"You are just jealous." Li Qian pointedly pointed out, "Is it because you were originally the second male lead in this drama, but then Lu Yanhe came in, and now he is getting more attention than you. Are you jealous in your heart?"

Wang Yunfan flatly denied it: "Nonsense, am I jealous of him? His company doesn't value him, so what should I be jealous of?"

“How do you know that the company doesn’t value him? He didn’t value him before, but he did after the college entrance examination results came out.”

“Come on, I joined the set yesterday and didn’t even have a car arranged. If I want to go to the set tomorrow, I have to take the crew’s shuttle bus.”

"You know all this?" Li Qian was surprised. Wang Yunfan said: "What my assistant said, everyone started talking about it."

Li Qian: "Tsk, tsk, really anything can be spread."

 At this time, the door of the box opened.

 Huang Kairen came in.

 “Yo, Kai Ren is here.”

 “Kai Ren, you’re here!” Li Qian stood up and looked at him with a bright smile.

 Then they saw Lu Yanhe walking in following Huang Kairen.

“I met Lu Yanhe when I was going downstairs, so I brought him here with me.” Huang Kairen said to the two people who were a little surprised, “Do you know him?”

Wang Yunfan and Li Qian felt sour. The person they were discussing just now suddenly appeared in front of them the next second, as if they had just been caught doing something bad.

“Oh, I’ve heard about it for a long time!” Wang Yunfan smiled immediately and came over to shake hands with Lu Yanhe.

Wang Yunfan and Li Qian, the second male and female leads in "Golden Age".

Wang Yunfan plays the villain Huang Zhonghuai in the play, and Li Qian plays Liu Na, Jiang Yuqian’s colleague in the play.

These two are actors who have frequently appeared in popular dramas in recent years. Lu Yanhe has not seen their dramas, but he has an impression of them.

Lu Yanhe greeted the two of them politely.

Huang Kairen asked a few people to sit down together.

“Is this the first time for you to meet Lu Yanhe?” Huang Kairen asked.

"Yes." Li Qian nodded immediately and responded, "Kaieren, have you known him before?"

"No, we just met." Huang Kairen shook his head, "Xiao Lu just joined the group yesterday, right?"

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Huang Kairen asked: “Have you ordered?”

"I ordered it." Wang Yunfan nodded, "It's just for three people. You didn't tell me if you brought an extra person, so you have to add two more dishes."

Huang Kairen: "Then add more later when the waiter comes to serve the food."

“Xiao Lu, do you have any taboos?” He turned around and asked.

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

  Huang Kairen: “Then just watch and add it when the time comes.”

“I’m a little hungry.” Wang Yunfan touched his stomach, “Today’s lunch box for the crew was so unpalatable that I couldn’t eat it until I took two bites.”

 “What lunch box was given out at noon today?”

"Fried eggs with tomatoes, fried meat with mushrooms, and a chicken leg." Wang Yunfan said, "Add a large portion of rice. Isn't this caloric enough to make us look fat? I made a suggestion the day before yesterday and asked them to Prepare a light meal for us, which we haven’t done yet.”

Lu Yanhe, who had a big meal at noon, silently shut up.

 Li Qian: "You work out every day anyway, so what are you afraid of?"

 She turned to look at Huang Kairen, her tone and demeanor changed obviously.

 “Kai Ren, thank you for inviting us to dinner today.”

Huang Kairen waved his hand, "You're welcome. I said before that we would find a chance to have dinner together. Today we finally found the time. It's a pity that Yuqian is filming, otherwise we can all get together."

Li Qian said: "Jiang Yuqian will definitely not come out. She never eats dinner."

“Is it so scary?” Wang Yunfan asked in shock.

Lu Yanhe thought of the dinner he had with Jiang Yuqian not long ago, and he didn't see Jiang Yuqian moving her chopsticks. This was obviously not true.

Huang Kairen: "Yuqian is very self-disciplined."

"I'm also very self-disciplined, okay?" Li Qian said immediately, "I started learning to dance before, and there was a dance variety show for me. I was quite interested, but it requires a double partner to participate. Kai Ren, you Do you want to go play with me?"

Huang Kairen waved his hand and said: "I can't dance at all. If you ask me to participate in this kind of show, I'm afraid it will be a disaster scene in the end. Doesn't Xiao Lu know how to dance? Just ask Xiao Lu to accompany you."

Lu Yanhe was suddenly called out. Before he could speak, Li Qian said: "Then he is so much younger than me. How can I partner with him? There will definitely be many people on the Internet wearing magnifying glasses to criticize."

“Netizens nowadays are really picky about female celebrities. Li Qian participated in an event last week, and her style seemed to be criticized.” Wang Yunfan said, “It seems that you... have thick legs?”

Li Qian flicked her away instantly with a glare, glared at Wang Yunfan and said, "Say it again!"

Wang Yunfan immediately smiled and said: "Don't glare at me. It's not me who said that. Of course I know your legs are not thick. Someone deliberately made your legs thick, so a bunch of people came to laugh at you." I never said Li Qian’s legs were thick.”

Li Qian snorted and said, "Shut up now."


 When several people get together, there will often be a central figure. This person is the key to the organization of the bureau.

Lu Yanhe knew that he was not familiar with them, so after taking his seat, he made no effort to blend in with them.

 Judging from the current situation, Huang Kairen didn't seem to be very familiar with them. In most cases, Wang Yunfan and Li Qian were joking and bickering.

Lu Yanhe was even keenly aware that Li Qian's attitude towards Huang Kairen seemed to be a little different, at least completely different from that towards him and Wang Yunfan.

 And Huang Kairen...he often doesn't accept the move.

After realizing this, Lu Yanhe had a new understanding of tonight's meal.

Haven't he somehow become a light bulb that shouldn't have appeared?

Huang Kairen's purpose of bringing him to this dinner table seemed to be less pure.

Lu Yanhe glanced at Huang Kairen thoughtfully, and Huang Kairen also looked at him at this time.

As soon as the two people's eyes met, there was a sense of understanding - Huang Kairen knew what he had noticed, and he knew that Huang Kairen knew it.

Lu Yanhe silently withdrew his gaze, keeping his head down and looking at his phone.

 Li Qian’s topic still focuses on Huang Kairen.

“Kai Ren, others say that you were in love with Zhang Miao when you were acting in "Sifan". Is this true or a rumor?"

"Rumors." Huang Kairen replied without hesitation, "Both of us are confused, and the scandal spread out of nowhere."

"Then who asked you two to play a couple in "Sifan"? Everyone thought you fell in love because of the play." Li Qian smiled a little excitedly, "Are you the kind of person who will fall in love because of the play? ?”

 Huang Kairen shook his head, "No."

 Still answered very simply.

 The smile on Li Qian’s face became even brighter.

“Then why have you always been single?” Li Qian held up her side face and asked, her eyes shining like waves, “There must be many girls who have shown good intentions to you, right?”

Huang Kairen: "You guys are staring at me and asking this. You are really asking the wrong person. I film every day and have no time to fall in love. This person who just graduated from high school is the one you should ask. When you were in school, were there many girls?" The child is chasing you?”

 This topic turned...a cauldron fell from the sky.

Lu Yanhe quickly shook his head and said, "No, no."

 There was a bit of resentment in his eyes - you are not kind! You can't use me as a shield!

Huang Kairen comforted him with his eyes and said, "That's impossible. You must be lying. You are handsome and have good grades, but no girl likes you? Just pretend we haven't gone to high school."

The resentment in Lu Yanhe's eyes deepened.

Now he clearly knows that Huang Kairen suddenly dragged him to dinner, and it was definitely not out of good intentions to take care of the younger generation. He just caught him here specifically to deal with this situation!


 The set of "The Golden Age".

 “Okay, call it a day!”

With Luo Yuzhong’s order, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

 Finally finished the work today.

Assistant Luo Xiaoyu ran over, looked at Jiang Yuqian with bright eyes, and said, "Sister Yuqian, you performed so well just now. I saw that many people at the scene were moved to tears by you."

Jiang Yuqian’s eyes were still red.

She wiped her wet tears with a tissue and said, "Let's go and eat. You haven't had dinner. Are you hungry?"

 Luo Xiaoyu immediately nodded and said, "I'm hungry."

 The crew assigned her a special car.

Luo Xiaoyu accompanied Jiang Yuqian to a restaurant near the hotel.

"Just order some shrimp porridge for me. I won't eat anything else. You can take care of it yourself." As soon as Jiang Yuqian sat down, she felt exhausted like a tide. She handed the menu to Luo Xiaoyu and asked her to take care of it. .

Luo Xiaoyu looked at the menu and asked cautiously: "Sister Yuqian, I would like to eat braised pork ribs and fried river clams."

 “OK, click.”

Luo Xiaoyu got the approval and happily went to the door to call the waiter.

 “Eh—” Luo Xiaoyu shouted in surprise.

"Xiaoyu, why are you here? Is Yuqian here too?" Huang Kairen's voice came from outside.

“Here you are.” Jiang Yuqian said and raised her head.

 Huang Kairen stretched out his head and met Jiang Yuqian's eyes.

 “Oh, what a coincidence. Have you just arrived? Have you just finished work?”

"Yes." Jiang Yuqian nodded, "I shot for ten hours today and my head is dizzy. Have you finished eating? Alone?"

“No, Wang Yunfan, Li Qian, and Xiao Lu are all together.” Huang Kairen said, “We are in the box in front, why don’t you come with us?”

"Have you finished eating? Forget it." Jiang Yuqian waved her hands and suddenly realized, "Xiao Lu? Are you talking about Lu Yanhe?"

 “Yes.” Huang Kairen nodded, “Your little junior brother.”

Jiang Yuqian thought for a while and said to Luo Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, ask them to deliver the shrimp porridge to their table. After you finish eating, ask the driver to take you back. I'll ride in their car."

 Luo Xiaoyu responded happily.

 You can happily cook alone! -

While Huang Kairen went out to use the toilet, neither Li Qian nor Wang Yunfan spoke, and they took their mobile phones to reply messages.

Lu Yanhe didn’t take the initiative to talk.

Tonight, these two people made it clear that they were here for Huang Kairen, and they did not welcome him as an "uninvited guest".

 He even regretted not going out to the toilet with Huang Kairen.

He wanted to ask Huang Kairen how he had offended him, yet he was used as a shield the day after he met him.

Suddenly, Li Qian turned to look at Lu Yanhe, looked at Lu Yanhe with her eyes, and asked, "Are you familiar with Jiang Yuqian?"

Lu Yanhe said: "It's not bad."

"You were recommended by Jiang Yuqian, and you are not from a major. You acted in Director Luo's play as soon as you came on. Aren't you afraid of a bad performance?" Li Qian asked.

Her tone was a little arrogant, as if she didn't think highly of a "connected person" like Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe didn't like her attitude, especially the way Huang Kairen became less friendly as soon as he left. He was a little tough and arrogant and said, "Director Luo asked me to audition before letting me come." Yes, it won’t be a bad performance.”

Li Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard what he said, and then continued to say in a slightly arrogant manner: "I hope so. Many people have high hopes for this show, and no one wants to be held back."

Lu Yanhe was frustrated and a little annoyed, but it was really not his nature to get angry over such a trivial matter.

So, when Lu Yanhe, who was holding his breath, saw Jiang Yuqian come in, he even thought he was hallucinating.

 “Sister Yuqian?” Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise.

Jiang Yuqian greeted them, smiled and exchanged a few pleasantries, patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder, and said, "You can do it, kid. You already know everyone without me taking you with me. I was originally thinking of finding someone in the next few days." Time will introduce you to some of them.”

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Brother Ren brought me here."

 He even wanted to complain to Jiang Yuqian that Huang Kairen had no good intentions in bringing him here today.

The way Jiang Yuqian spoke to Lu Yanhe fell in the eyes of Wang Yunfan and Li Qian, causing an uproar in their hearts.

Everyone knows that Jiang Yuqian recommended an actor to the crew to play the role of Yao Yuan, but this is also very common. Many first-line actors will recommend one or two actors to the crew when they join the crew.

And Jiang Yuqian is not usually a very approachable person on the set. She hardly interacts with anyone in private. It's okay for you to talk to her or something, but don't expect to get to know her better in private.

Jiang Yuqian rarely shows her care for someone in front of others.

 So they were shocked by Jiang Yuqian's attitude towards Lu Yanhe today.

Even if Lu Yanhe was recommended to the crew by her, and even if Lu Yanhe and she were actors in the same company, did she need to show the attitude of "I am covering this person" in front of them?


With Jiang Yuqian's appearance, Li Qian and Wang Yunfan's attention finally turned away from Huang Kairen.

 Especially Li Qian.

 She is the second female lead in this drama, and there is some potential competition between her and Jiang Yuqian.

Of course, Li Qian will not blatantly compete with Jiang Yuqian at this time. Li Qian is now a little popular, but she is still not good enough to fight with Jiang Yuqian. Jiang Yuqian is a front-line actress. In the eyes of broadcast platforms and investors, she is a serious front-line actress who can handle dramas, not a packaged front-line actress like her.

 In the industry, what is the real front line? That means investors recognize you, the platform recognizes you, and advertisers recognize you. This is the front line.


As soon as Jiang Yuqian arrived, Li Qian no longer hinted at Huang Kairen.

From Lu Yanhe's perspective, she was paying almost all her attention to Jiang Yuqian.

"Yuqian, I heard that after you finished filming "The Golden Age", you are still negotiating for another movie?" Li Qian asked.

“Which one are you talking about?” Jiang Yuqian asked.

 After she asked, she continued to drink porridge with her spoon.

Li Qian: "I only heard it was called "True Crossing the Road"? It seems that there are other actresses who are also approaching this drama, but since you want to act, this drama must be yours, right?"

 Her tone revealed a kind of flattery for Jiang Yuqian.

Jiang Yuqian took a sip of porridge, raised her head, and smiled slightly.

“You are quite well-informed. Are you interested in this drama?”

Li Qian quickly shook her hand, smiled bitterly, and said, "How dare I compete with you."

"Don't say that. It makes you look like I'm bullying you. Everyone depends on their abilities. No one should play the role of the little white rabbit. You are the one who gives people paintings and drinks behind the scenes and wants to steal the heroine. I see you don't dare to compete with me." Jiang Yuqian slowly stirred the porridge in front of her with a calm tone.

 But after the words fell, the three men in the room instantly turned into stone statues. If you don’t speak, I won’t speak.


Li Qian's face turned pale for a moment, as if she had been struck by lightning, and she looked embarrassed, but she quickly adjusted herself and said with a somewhat flattering smile: "Yuqian, did we have any misunderstanding before? I I have never thought about stealing your heroine, and I can’t do it. Maybe someone misunderstood me, but of course I am self-aware.”

Jiang Yuqian smiled softly and said, "Since there is a possibility of a misunderstanding, let's not say anything."

At the same time, Huang Kairen sighed in his heart. When he heard Li Qian ridiculing Lu Yanhe outside the door just now, he saw that Jiang Yuqian had no reaction and thought that she actually only had an average relationship with Lu Yanhe.

 Now it seems that it is not ordinary.

Jiang Yuqian slapped Li Qian so hard in front of their faces so quickly that Huang Kairen felt that Li Qian might not know why in her life.

 (End of this chapter)

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