Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 209: Misunderstood

Chapter 209 Misunderstanding

Lu Yanhe was silent for several days when the comments came and went like waves.

 In the past few days, he has not logged into his social platform, nor has he issued any response to these controversies.

 Indeed, as Chen Ziyan said, the only thing he can do now is to do what he can do.

 He ​​and Chen Siqi no longer discuss in public places. Sometimes they make reservations for a shared space in the library. If they cannot make an appointment, they will make an appointment to meet in the building.

Lu Yanhe will ask Xin Zixing to help them apply for an office.

Xin Zixing was quite surprised to see them still calmly and methodically advancing the work of "Jump Up".

After all, they are all freshly graduated high school students. They can handle this kind of storm so calmly, with a kind of calmness and calmness that is slowly waiting for the tide to recede, which makes Xin Zixing look askance.

  The debate within the leaf vein network is not over.

  Everybody is watching to see what kind of results "Jump Up" can achieve.

But the noise on the Internet will always slowly cool down as time goes by. Lu Yanhe himself is not a very popular star. If it hadn't happened to be a hot topic recently, this matter would not have attracted so much attention. The discussion on the Internet slowly decreased, and Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi carefully began to sort out the content that needed to be filled in based on the sections they discussed.

On this day, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi stayed together until nine o'clock in the evening before leaving the Yemaiwang Building.

 “Then I’m going back.” Chen Siqi waved his hand and said to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe nodded and watched Chen Siqi go to her house to pick her up in the car.

Chen Siqi walked to the car, looked back at Lu Yanhe, waved to him, then opened the door and got in the car.

 When she got into the car, she realized that there was another person sitting in the car.

"Why are you here?" Chen Siqi frowned with disgust and looked at Liu Wei'an sitting inside.

 Liu Wei'an wore a black evening dress, dressed up like a delicate black rose.

Her eyes did not fall on Chen Siqi, but looked past her to the figure outside the car window.

Chen Siqi noticed her gaze and immediately adjusted his sitting posture to block Liu Wei'an's view.

"Don't you want me to look at him?" Liu Wei'an's eyes finally fell on Chen Siqi's face, with a smile, "You go out every day these days. I still find it strange. You don't have many friends and rarely go out. Why did you go out after the college entrance examination?" After that, I ran outside all day long. It turned out to be because someone was waiting for you to meet. "

“Who do I see when I go out every day? Does it have anything to do with you?” Chen Siqi asked indifferently.

"Siqi, if you say that, you are going too far. Although I am not your biological mother, I have always cared about your affairs. Who do you see when you go out every day? How come you have nothing to do with me? How many liars are there these days? How many boys play with girls’ feelings and end up being irresponsible?”

"Why don't you just say that you are afraid that I will cause a pregnancy scandal?" Chen Siqi looked at her indifferently, "If you want to throw dirty water on me, just be generous. It will make people feel ridiculous if you throw dirty water on me."

Liu Wei'an immediately said: "Your rebellious period is really long enough. When will it end?"

Chen Siqi couldn't stand the fuss with her and didn't want to talk to her anymore. She thought to herself that she was going to college soon, so she no longer had to see this woman all the time, and there was no need to fight to the end.

However, Chen Siqi had this intention, but Liu Wei'an didn't seem to want to let it go.

She continued: "I don't know what your father would think if he knew that you meet Lu Yanhe every day. You also know how sensitive your father is to you."

"Aren't you fanning the flames in his ears?" Chen Siqi couldn't help but retort, "Tell him all day long what girls should do and what dangers there are. As long as you are close to anyone, you will Start looking for faults in others. Here is a character flaw, there is a lack of self-motivation. Anyway, you just want to make me a person that no one likes. Isn’t that what you are trying to do? You are still pretending to be compassionate. What to do?”

 Liu Wei'an sighed.

"Whatever you say, in short, I am doing it for your own good." Liu Wei'an said, "You are young now and cannot understand our painstaking efforts as parents, so I don't care about you."

"Oh." Chen Siqi nodded, "Okay, if you can, don't tell my dad that I'm disobedient again."

Liu Wei'an said helplessly: "How could I not tell your father about your matter? Although I am your mother in name, I am also a stepmother. The reputation of a stepmother is so unpleasant that I dare not take over everything. In the end, it’s better for your dad to make the decision, but he’s busy, so I can only spend more time watching you for him.”

 “That’s disgusting.”

"You are going to go to college so far away from Jiangguang soon. Your father must be very reluctant to let you go. Don't make him angry during this period and spend more time with him at home." Liu Wei'an said, "Lu Yanhe is very good-looking. Handsome, but celebrities and artists are not easy people to deal with. Look, you two have been trending casually this time. If something bad happens to be trending in the future, it will embarrass your father. ah."

 Chen Siqi suddenly smiled.

“Liu Wei’an, aren’t you worried that if we successfully complete the book “Jump Up”, the image you have carefully created of me with a bad personality and lack of outstanding abilities will be ruined, right?”

Liu Wei'an was stunned and looked at her in surprise.

Chen Siqi: "Speaking of it, it's true. If the book "Jump Up" is really continued for a long time in the future, as the editor-in-chief of this book, I will be considered the best among my peers, right? You are I'm not particularly worried that I will escape your control from now on. I have reached a place where you can't influence me. You can only watch helplessly as I become more and more successful and powerful, and then listen to the praises of people around me. A smile that goes against your will?”

 The expression on Liu Wei'an's face gradually darkened.

"But what should we do? "Jump Up" will continue to be produced, and I am also the editor-in-chief of this book. In any case, this is not a fact that you can change." Chen Siqi said, "You go and file a complaint with my dad. Just say that Lu Yanhe and I secretly fell in love in the name of writing a book together. Just tell him that and see if he will stop me. "

Liu Wei'an was silent for two seconds, glanced at the driver who was driving silently, twitched the corners of his mouth, and gave a forced smile.

“Siqi, you have really misunderstood me.”

 “It’s the same sentence, you are so disgusting.” Chen Siqi said without changing his expression.


 "Jump Up" was originally just an ideal of his, but now it has become a breath of anger that he has been holding in his heart, and something he has to work hard to prove himself.

Lu Yanhe went to the recording studio to record songs and rehearse songs for the August party.

 This is his solo, and there is no dance part. It is enough to practice the song well.

The song was arranged by the program team. It is an old song and the original singer has passed away.

  The program team found someone to adapt a new version and hired Lu Yanhe to sing.

After Lu Yanhe practiced the song, Chen Ziyan found him a vocal teacher to guide him in singing this song.

“Although we are not planning to focus on being a singer in the future, since you can sing, you can’t lose this skill. Master it well, and you will be able to use it in many places in the future.” Chen Ziyan said. “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Lu Yanhe had to take some time out to practice singing every day. At the same time, he also began to learn music scores by himself.

 At least he must be able to read music scores, otherwise, the fact that he can compose music is too ridiculous. Once it is revealed that he can't even read music scores, it will probably shock a lot of people's eyes.

Then, at this moment, Lu Yanhe suddenly received news from Song Linxin: Jianghu came to the rescue.

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Song Linxin has almost no contact with her. The last time Lu Yanhe asked her to help write the manuscript for "Jump Up", she helped without saying anything. Can Lu Yanhe refuse this time? Immediately ask: What’s wrong? What do you need me to do?

Song Linxin said: At the Beijing-Taiwan party in August, I originally performed a song with Chen Ziliang, but he let me go.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised: Huh?

Song Linxin: Come and sing with me.

 Lu Yanhe: Me? you sure?

Song Linxin: I’m sure, aren’t you going to attend that party too? Come and record this song for me.

Lu Yanhe thought about it and felt that he had no reason to refuse.

He informed Chen Ziyan and went to help.

 Because a new performance was suddenly added, Lu Yanhe's practice time increased a lot.

 Chen Siqi had to take more responsibility for many things in "Jump Up".

 Chen Siqi knew that Lu Yanhe was occupied by other tasks, so she took over a lot of work without asking anything.

However, there was too much work, and Chen Siqi had to take care of the front and back, and handle the docking and desk work, which was too much. The main reason was that they wanted to launch the book before the start of school, and time was very tight.

Chen Siqi thought for a while and found that the only person he could find to help was Xu Zijun.

 She sent a message to Xu Zijun and told her about it.

Xu Zijun’s tutoring has not ended yet, but when Chen Siqi said she would be paid, she immediately agreed.

Just like she promised to give Chen Siqi the answer, Xu Zijun will always do a lot of things that others think she won't do in order to make more money.

Li Pengfei was shocked when he heard from Xu Zijun that she had also joined the editing work of "Jump Up". He originally felt that Xu Zijun had to be a tutor every day, which took up a lot of time for them to get along. Now after Xu Zijun finishes tutoring, he has to meet Chen Siqi and do the work of "Jump Up", and spends even less time with Li Pengfei. .

Li Pengfei was a little unhappy, but he was unhappy because in order to stay with Xu Zijun for a while, he was forced to follow Xu Zijun and get involved in a lot of "Jump Up" work.

Li Pengfei's writing skills are not good, but he has nothing to do, can chat, and can do a lot of docking. Chen Siqi was not polite to him at all, and left a lot of work of contacting authors, sending emails, and screening statistics to Li Pengfei.

 “Hey, hey, hey, you didn’t pay me a salary!” Li Pengfei said dissatisfied.

Chen Siqi said: "Anyway, you have nothing to do."

 “I can play games!”

“Xu Zijun is working, and you are playing games next to him?” Chen Siqi said.

Li Pengfei: “…”

"Besides, who said we won't pay you a salary?" Chen Siqi said grandly, "You haven't made your first pot of gold yet, have you? Do it well, and when you are done, I will pay you the first salary in your life."

Li Pengfei looked at Chen Siqi's bossy attitude and wanted to ask, where did she get the confidence to manipulate him like this?

However, after complaining a lot, Li Pengfei started to do it anyway.

  Idleness is idle anyway, and since "Jump Up" features both his good friends and his girlfriend, he really doesn't want to stay out of it.


The first time Lu Yanhe practiced with Song Linxin was one afternoon at the end of July.

 After a long time, Lu Yanhe met Song Linxin again.

 Compared to many people, Song Linxin's luck is not bad.

The song "Remember" made her famous overnight. The version she sang was much more popular than Lu Yanhe's version, with a full zero more views. Since then, Song Linxin has become an invited singer for major music shows. From time to time, new performances are circulated on the Internet. Many music critics call her a singer who is gifted with a voice by God.

Song Linxin’s voice is really good, the kind that makes you excited as soon as you hear it.

 Lu Yanhe sang with her, which was very stressful. He is not the kind of singer with a bad voice. In fact, he is at most the kind of singer who sings well and sounds good. When it comes to relying on his voice to make a living, Lu Yanhe is not as good as him.

The two of them recorded for two hours. During the break, Song Linxin curiously asked him why he wanted to write a book like "Jump Up".

 Lu Yanhe simply explained it.

“I’m so envious.” Song Linxin said, “No one thought of doing such a thing, but you did it.”

Lu Yanhe scratched his head in embarrassment after being praised in this way.

Song Linxin looked at him with eyes as clear as water and said, "Maybe in the future this book will become a book that everyone wants to write articles and publish on."

 “That shouldn’t happen.” Lu Yanhe waved his hand quickly.

Song Linxin said: "Actually, I also had a dream to be a writer when I was a child, but later I discovered that I was more talented in singing."

 She smiled sheepishly, "Am I too immodest?"

"You are already very talented in singing. It would be modest to say that you don't have one." Lu Yanhe said, "I am embarrassed to stand next to you and sing with you."

"How come, you sing very well too." Song Linxin blinked. This momentary movement reminded Lu Yanhe of Xiaolu's eyes for no reason, and then he thought of Chen Siqi's eyes that were also bright but not gentle. The latter was much more lively than the former, and Lu Yanhe smiled subconsciously.

Song Linxin looked at him curiously and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything funny about it?"

 “No, I misunderstood.” Lu Yanhe said quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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