Lu Yanhe couldn't give a specific explanation. He couldn't tell Song Linxin that when I looked into your eyes, I thought of another person's eyes.

In this case, even if Lu Yanhe has never been in love, he knows how mentally retarded he is.

Song Linxin saw that he didn't say anything and didn't ask any more questions.

This chorus song was written and composed by Song Linxin himself, who is very talented. During breaks, Lu Yanhe often saw Song Linxin humming some tunes by himself and writing notes in a small notebook. This person really loves music. He started writing and singing songs at a young age.

For Lu Yanhe, now that he has been exposed to both singing and acting, he found that if he had to choose one between the two, he would choose acting.

 It was acting that gave him an instinctive sense of excitement.


On this day, Lu Yanhe had originally made an appointment with Chen Siqi to discuss how to write the introduction of each column. Chen Ziyan suddenly called him and said that Director Chen Lingling had returned to China and was at the Lijing Hotel, hoping to meet him.

Director Chen Lingling is the one to whom Luo Yuzhong recommended Lu Yanhe before. He is one of the top five directors in China. He has made "The Dream" and is famous for his majestic narrative structure and graceful and delicate narrative rhythm.

If it weren't for Luo Yuzhong's recommendation, the new drama directed by Chen Lingling would have been an unattainable pie for Lu Yanhe.

 In her plays, even a small supporting role has many people competing for it.

The drama of a great director is like this, with a good team and a good script, he can catch a ride and become famous overnight, and he can get to know many top celebrities in the industry after he quits.

Lu Yanhe had no choice but to send a message to Chen Siqi, saying that he had a temporary job and didn't know when it would end.

 Chen Siqi responded with an OK expression.


I suddenly wanted to see Chen Lingling, and I was not prepared at all.

Chen Ziyan drove to pick up Lu Yanhe and said, "Have you seen Director Chen's play before?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Chen Ziyan said: "About "Phoenix Stage", I only heard one piece of information. It is said that this drama is a costume drama with group portraits of characters. But I can't find out what role you are playing. They are keeping it confidential. It’s very good. Of course, you don’t have to worry about this. Since Director Luo Yuzhong will recommend you, it means that you are still somewhat similar to that character.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Is today considered a trial?"

"It depends on what Director Chen said. In fact, not every director will ask actors to audition when they see them. Especially big directors like them, most of the time they just want to meet you, have a chat, and deepen their familiarity with you. , and then see if you have some of the characteristics of that character," Chen Ziyan said, "A great director once said that as long as the actor is chosen right, half of the director's work is done. It is better to train someone from scratch. As for actors, many big directors prefer to find actors who can be close to the characters themselves, and then train the actors on this basis. "

Many people have a misconception that actors have a white background. As long as they meet a director who can train actors, they will shine in a very different way. In fact, those directors who are said to be good at training actors are actually more strict in selecting actors.

For example, in the world that Lu Yanhe was in before he traveled through time, a great director known as the National Master was famous for his ability to train actors. But compared to training actors, he spent no more energy selecting actors. If he chooses "Hawthorn Tree Love", he can see hundreds of girls' information.

Chen Ziyan said: "Don't think too much. If you get it, you will get it. If you don't get it, you won't. In the actor's profession, not every opportunity will fall on you, so relax your mind."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan drove to the parking lot of Lijing Hotel and was about to park when she was overtaken by another car.

 Chen Ziyan stepped on the brakes fast enough so that the two cars did not collide.

“Why are you driving?” Chen Ziyan yelled angrily and immediately lowered the window.

Lu Yanhe was also startled.

 Chen Ziyan was already reversing the car just now, ready to back in.

 Suddenly cut into a car.

 The car was parked and turned off.

 A figure that looked familiar to Lu Yanhe got out of the car.

Short red hair, wearing glasses and a short skirt, with slightly pursed lips.

He Yingzi, the agent who doesn’t deal with Chen Ziyan.

Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise, and then another person got out of the car.

 Lang Xia.

 Chen Ziyan’s eyes suddenly became sharp.

 How come they are here at this time?

 At this time and in this place, Chen Ziyan had to think more.

Ever since He Yingzi appeared in front of her with Lang Xia, Chen Ziyan knew that one day, Lang Xia would become Lu Yanhe's opponent.

 He Yingzi has this kind of character.

He Yingzi stood in front of Chen Ziyan's car, smiled at her, and raised his hand to wave, as if he was saying hello to an old friend.

Even Lu Yanhe found this move provocative enough.

Just when Lu Yanhe was still thinking about how Sister Ziyan would react, suddenly, Chen Ziyan stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly rushed forward.

He Yingzi's face turned pale with fright at this moment. She took a step back, but she didn't step on her high-heeled shoes firmly. Her foot tilted and she fell directly to the ground.

Lang Xia was also so frightened that he took several steps back and his face turned pale.

  Not only them, but also Lu Yanhe who was sitting in the car was frightened.

 But the car stopped the moment it was about to hit them.

 Chen Ziyan stepped on the accelerator, sneered, put the car in gear and reversed, without saying any nonsense, she went to find another parking space.


Lu Yanhe, who had watched the whole process, took a while to come back to his senses.

 Damn, that’s cool.


 At Lijing Hotel, Chen Lingling came out of the inner room.

Her producer Huang Cheng saw her and immediately smiled.

“Lu Yanhe and Lang Xia are here.” Huang Cheng said, “Do you want to meet them both at once, or come one by one?”

 Chen Lingling looked a little haggard. She had just returned from abroad. She had been invited to be a judge at a TV festival. The workload was heavy and she didn't get a good rest.

“Let’s meet together.” Chen Lingling asked, “Is there anything to eat? I’m hungry.”

 Huang Cheng immediately turned around and picked up a bag from the table next to him and said, "I just ordered a takeaway for you. I guessed you were hungry, steamed dumplings and diced radish."

Chen Lingling's eyes immediately lit up, "I can finally have this bite." She sat down directly and started eating.

She is almost fifty years old. Generally, people of this age have some sense of poise accumulated over time, but she is like a boy, her movements are a little frizzy, and her expression is a bit innocent.

Huang Cheng looked at her almost fondly, and then said: "Eat slowly and wolf it down. You will choke for a long time and be unable to recover."

“Oh, I’m really hungry.” Chen Lingling said a little aggrievedly, “I didn’t eat well in the morning, and now I’m too hungry.”

Huang Cheng was helpless, "Then don't gobble it up."

 The conversation between two people has an intimacy that goes beyond ordinary relationships. However, there was nothing strange about the two assistants, as if they were already familiar with this scene. In fact, the relationship between the two of them has long been a legend in the industry.


"Chen Lingling was kidnapped when she was young." After parking the car, while Chen Ziyan was taking Lu Yanhe towards the hotel building, she suddenly thought that she might see Huang Cheng again today, so she quickly told Lu Yanhe about it. Everyone knows the past story, "When she was a child, she came from a wealthy family. She was targeted by a gang and almost got kicked out. It was Huang Cheng who rescued her. Later, Chen Lingling started to work as a director, and Huang Cheng started to help her as a producer. The two of them collaborated. After more than 20 years, you may meet Huang Cheng later. If you see a close relationship between them, don’t misunderstand their relationship. "

“Misunderstood their relationship?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Ziyan said: "Chen Lingling is still single now, but Huang Cheng is married and has a wife. The two of them are not a couple."

 Lu Yanhe reacted.

"Oh okay, I know."

“Besides, I guess He Yingzi brought Lang Xia here today because of this drama. Maybe there will be competition between the two of you.” Chen Ziyan reminded.

Lu Yanhe himself has already thought of it.

 He nodded and said: "Competition is competition. This is not the first time."

Chen Ziyan glanced at him in surprise and said, "You look quite confident."

Lu Yanhe said: "He has never acted before, so why should I be nervous?"

Chen Ziyan laughed.


He Yingzi took Lang Xia out of the elevator, turned to look at the boy next to her, nodded, and said: "Your father and Huang Cheng are friends. They already said hello yesterday. Don't be nervous later. How are you usually? , Just do whatever you want later, Chen Lingling doesn’t like people who are pretentious, it’s better to be more real.”

Lang Xia nodded and said yes.

“The role you are going to try out is that of a rich and handsome young county king, so please don’t be too casual in your words and actions later on, and do as I have been trained on you before.”

“Okay, Sister Yingzi, don’t worry, I will definitely win this role.” Lang Xia said with determination.

He Yingzi looked at the handsome young man in front of him and smiled.

 Compared with Lu Yanhe, Lang Xia's advantage is really not obvious. In just two months, Lu Yanhe's reputation has risen a lot. If it weren't for Lang Kequn's strength behind his back, Lang Xia would not be competitive at all when competing with Lu Yanhe this time.

However, this industry is not entirely based on strength or popularity, otherwise there would not be so many second generations.

  Comparatively speaking, Lang Xia’s overall condition is much better than that of many second-generation students.

 The appearance is handsome and the overall condition is also good.

 Otherwise, He Yingzi would not have become the agent of a newcomer like him at the request of Lang Kequn.

 At the door, He Yingzi knocked on the door.

 Soon, Huang Chenglai will open the door.

"Oh, Yingzi, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so radiant." When Huang Cheng said hello, his eyes fell on Lang Xia again, "The same goes for Xiao Xia. I haven't seen you for so many years. You have grown so tall all of a sudden. The last time I saw you , you are still in high school.”

 “Hello, Uncle Huang.” Lang Xia greeted Huang Cheng.

He Yingzi looked at Chen Lingling and was a little surprised to see the latter eating, "Oh, did we come at the wrong time? Did the director just take care of eating?"

Chen Lingling just stuffed a dumpling into it and waved her hand, motioning for them to sit down directly.

He Yingzi quickly pulled Lang Xia over and sat down.

"It's our fault for being too positive. As soon as I heard that the director wanted to see Xiaoxia, I rushed over with Xiaoxia." He Yingzi apologized, but deliberately pointed out their positive attitude, "I heard that the director just Are you back from being a judge abroad?”

"Yes, I'm exhausted. For seven days, I basically spent more than ten hours watching movies and discussing them every day." Chen Lingling finished the dumplings in her mouth and said, "Huang Cheng, next time I have this kind of judging job, I will None of them are gone.”

Huang Cheng smiled and said: "I didn't take the job for you this time. Someone else asked you for help and you agreed."

 Chen Lingling looked confused, "Really?"

"Yes." Huang Cheng said, "I also told you that we are preparing for "Phoenix Stage" and there are many things to do. It is not very convenient for you to be a judge at this time, but you said that director Pedro is you My good friend, he asked you for help, and you have to go and support him, so what else can I do? I can’t stop you and refuse to let you go, right?”

Chen Lingling just remembered it, "Oh, that seems to be the case."

 At this moment, the knock on the door rang again.


 At the filming set of "The Golden Age", after one scene was shot, Jiang Yuqian went to her RV to rest and wait for the next scene.

 She had a headache thinking about the article she had never finished thinking about.

Lu Yanhe was making a book and asked her to write an article. Although Jiang Yuqian said verbally that she would think about it and might not be able to write it, she actually agreed.

 But she does have a lot of worries about what to write and what not to write. Whenever she thinks of an interesting place, she will worry about whether there will be problems if she writes such content, and she will be ridiculed or blackmailed.

“It’s too difficult to write about my student days. Interesting things are things that cannot be written about.” Jiang Yuqian shook her head and sighed.

Her assistant Luo Xiaoyu was helping her iron a short-sleeved shirt. Hearing this, she asked: "Sister Yuqian, why can't you write?"

Jiang Yuqian said: "That is, skipping classes, playing games in Internet cafes, gossiping with friends, and secretly deflating the tires of the class teacher. Do you think I can write about these things?"

Luo Xiaoyu’s eyes widened in disbelief, and then she looked at Jiang Yuqian in disbelief.

“Sister Yuqian, have you ever done such a thing?”

Jiang Yuqian nodded and said, "Yes, that's why it's difficult to write."

"But, Sister Yuqian, why do you support Lu Yanhe so much? If it can't be written, it won't be written." Luo Xiaoyu said.

Jiang Yuqian said: "Why do you support Lu Yanhe? Well, that's a good question, but I don't know why. Maybe it's just a close eye. When I saw him being interviewed by a TV station, I felt that he was suitable to play the role in "The Golden Age" character, I also thought it was great to hear that he asked me to help him write an article for his editor.”

“I thought Sister Yuqian that you were a little attracted to him.”

“Huh?” Jiang Yuqian shook her head, “You’re overthinking, little girl.” (End of this chapter)

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