Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 212: Promote!

Chapter 212 Make a breakthrough!

Chen Lingling finally said: "One more thing, Lu Yanhe, you are so handsome and handsome now. I hope your skin color can be a little darker and your muscles can be more muscular. You don't look like a martial arts practitioner now." He is like a scholar who has been studying in a private school."

Lu Yanhe had a look of astonishment on his face.

“Okay, director, I’ll start working out when I get back.”

Lu Yanhe usually doesn’t like to exercise. In some aspects, he is like Li Zhibai. He doesn’t move if he can.

Now that Chen Lingling said this, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.


“Yan Liang, from now on I will go jogging with you every morning.”

As soon as he returned, Lu Yanhe announced the matter.

Before Yan Liang had any reaction, Li Zhibai asked with a shocked look on his face: "What kind of stimulation have you received?"

 “It was said by the director.”

Although Chen Lingling didn't say it clearly, she actually had the same idea: she felt that his current image was too delicate.

Neither Li Zhibai nor Yan Liang knew that Lu Yanhe had taken on another drama. When he heard what he said, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang both showed excitement, "Let me go, you also got a new drama directed by Chen Lingling?"

 Lu Yanhe: "That should be considered right? I went to try on makeup today."

Although the contract has not been signed yet, Chen Lingling asked him to darken his skin color. She is probably satisfied with him, otherwise she would not ask for it.

Li Zhibai said: "Tsk, you really make me a little jealous now. I just finished filming with Luo Yuzhong, and now I can go filming with Chen Lingling again."

Yan Liang: "Yes."

 Lu Yanhe said with a smile: “Because I’m lucky.”

“Why don’t you treat us to two meals?” Li Zhibai said, “I just happened to get it two days ago. There is a buffet for 1,499 people. How about we go and try it today?”

Yan Liang asked in shock: "So expensive?"

Lu Yanhe asked in shock: "What are you eating here? Are you eating gold?"

Li Zhibai glanced at the two of them with disgust and said: "What the hell, it's just that a buffet can set such a high price, it's a bit strange, it makes me want to try it."

Lu Yanhe said: "Brother, you have to know that although I acted in Director Luo's plays and I was also exposed to Director Chen's plays, my pay was very low."

Li Zhibai: "Don't talk nonsense. Your salary for starring in "Golden Age" may be very low, but if you take on a new movie now, it won't be much lower."

Lu Yanhe looked confused and asked: "Why?"

"What else is there to ask? What was the situation when you took on "Golden Age" and what is the situation now?" Li Zhibai said, "Judging from the frequency of your hot searches in the past three days, there should be many online searches. It’s up to the drama to come to you.”

Lu Yanhe still looked confused, "No."


“Xiao Lu has indeed gained some fame. Is this the first male lead campus drama to come to him?”

 In the small garden of Star Entertainment Agency, Lu Qingzhen and Chen Ziyan sat opposite each other, drinking afternoon tea.

A script was placed in front of Chen Ziyan. When Lu Qingzhen asked, she came to Lu Yanhe for a campus drama with male protagonists, and she expressed the above emotion.

 Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "I have received no less than ten this month, and they are all campus themes, and they are all male protagonists who are academic gods and academic masters."

“After all, Xiao Lu is a true academic **** and a true academic master.” Lu Qingzhen said, “Are you going to let Xiao Lu take over?”

Chen Ziyan: "I am reading the script, but I am a little hesitant. You know, Xiao Lu has acted in "The Golden Age" before, and will act in "Phoenix Stage" later. With this kind of start and resume, he can actually go the route of serious drama and word-of-mouth. , the evaluation in the industry and the market will be even better, but now is no longer an era where wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Xiao Lu is still so young, is it necessary to create such a strong style so early? I have been in the past two days? Been thinking about this. ”

 “Beauty is a good thing, but I’m afraid it will be priceless but not marketable.” Lu Qingzhen explained Chen Ziyan’s dilemma.

Chen Ziyan laughed.

"You still understand me." She picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, "Xiao Lu's image, knowledge, and personality are all rare and good, and because he has almost no obvious shortcomings and can take any path, it makes him I’m confused.”

“Didn’t you tell Xiao Lu yourself? He’s still so young anyway, so he’ll try his best no matter what path he takes, and if he makes a mistake, it’s not a mistake.”

 “But I have to have something in mind.” Chen Ziyan glanced at the script on the table, but she still hasn’t made a decision.


 In the end, the 1499 buffet was not eaten, and Lu Yanhe invited two people to have barbecue at the gate of the community.

Pork belly, butter, the most popular dish among the three of them, the rest are decided by themselves.

 One can of beer per person.

“You shouldn’t fall down after drinking a can of beer now, right?” Li Zhibai asked Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe’s drinking capacity is no longer what it used to be.

Li Zhibai was clearly teasing him.

 Lu Yanhe gave him a middle finger.

“Tsk, tsk, it seems that you have really developed your drinking capacity.” Li Zhibai said, “You are so arrogant, you dare to give the middle finger.”

 Lu Yanhe: "It's a big deal that you know how to drink. Sooner or later, I'll beat you to the ground."

"Yo!" Li Zhibai raised his eyebrows, "Arrogant, don't wait for one day sooner or later, just today, let's see who can knock whom down."

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "How many years have you been drinking, and how long have I been drinking? If you compare with me today, you can't beat me."

 “Cowardly.” Li Zhibai sneered, with a arrogant look on his face.

Yan Liang shook his head speechlessly.

 “Sister Qiuling!” Lu Yanhe suddenly waved towards the door.

Li Zhibai had a "I'm so cool" expression on his face one second, but the next second he put it away and pretended to be a good student.

Lu Yanhe looked at him and snorted, "Cowardly."

Li Zhibai was stunned and immediately looked back.

 There is no sign of Qiuling at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant.

This is because I was deceived by Lu Yanhe!

Li Zhibai pointed at Lu Yanhe angrily, "Lu Yanhe, when did you become so cunning!"

 Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe clapped their legs and laughed.

Suddenly, Lu Yanhe stopped mid-laughing, looked startled, widened his eyes, and shouted: "Sister Qiuling!"

Seeing that he was still acting, Li Zhibai sneered, "Act, keep acting, I'll see how long you want to act. If you don't show me Officer Qiu today, I won't be done with you!"

“Li Zhibai, what does it have to do with me if you’re not done with him?” Qiu Ling’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Li Zhibai.

At this moment, Li Zhibai felt as if countless electric currents were passing through his body.

 He looked up suddenly and saw Qiu Ling standing behind him.

 “Qiu, police officer Qiu.”

 Qiu Ling raised her hand and patted Li Zhibai on the head and said, "How many times have I told you, from now on, you will call me Sister Qiu Ling instead of Officer Qiu."

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were both trying their best to hold back their laughter.

Who would have thought that Qiuling actually appeared at this time.

Qiu Ling pulled out the chair next to Li Zhibai and sat down directly.

“It’s rare to see the three of you together recently.” Qiu Ling said, “Why are we together again today?”

Yan Liang saw that Li Zhibai was still a little confused and hadn't come back to his senses, so he took over the conversation and said: "Some time ago, we all had work, and we didn't have much time at the same time. Today we just made up the time, everyone is here, He grabbed Lu Yanhe and invited us to dinner."

Qiu Ling picked up the menu and said, "Lu Yanhe's treat? It seems I'm lucky. I caught up with you by chance. What have you ordered? I'll see if I can add some more."

Qiu Ling added a few things, looked at them, and said, "What have you been busy with lately? I know Xiao Lu. He just finished filming and is editing a Mook. What about you two?"

Yan Liang said: "Recording programs, running business, various shootings, basically this is the schedule."

Qiu Ling said: "Your job doesn't sound so interesting."

“It’s really not interesting most of the time.” Li Zhibai said, “Why do you think our work is interesting?”

“Celebrities and artists, your work and life are all colorful in the eyes of ordinary people like us.” Qiu Ling said.

“Most of them are created. There are many things outside the camera that you can’t imagine.”

 “For example?”

"For example, don't you often see a few of us eating at roadside shops?" Li Zhibai said, "Then if you look at those variety shows, celebrities and entertainers go to high-end restaurants, even roadside shops. , and definitely not this dirty, greasy shop.”

Qiuling nodded, "That's true, but not all idol artists are like you three. Just like you three, you wear slippers and go out to eat barbecue and spicy food from time to time. I've only seen you three, but …It seems like the only idol artists I know are you three.”

“Except for some special tricks, they all have similar morals.” Li Zhibai said, “I work with others, eat and play together, etc., but we don’t all have the same dick... Ahem, we don’t all look the same.”

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang also took a sip.

 Qiu Ling clicked her tongue twice and tapped Li Zhibai with her chopsticks.

Yan Liang helped Li Zhibai smooth things over and said, "Sister Qiu Ling, do you usually meet a lot of vicious people?"

"Well, you will see a lot. You can't figure out or understand many people's brain circuits." Qiu Ling shook his head and sighed.

Lu Yanhe suddenly thought of the ex-girlfriend who was pestering Teacher Su Su.

That image was planted in his heart for no apparent reason.

 He seemed to be able to recall the crazy smile on her face at any time.

Qiu Ling suddenly remembered, looked at Lu Yanhe, and said, "By the way, wasn't your history teacher stabbed by his ex-girlfriend? Do you still remember?"

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses, smiled bitterly, and said, "How could I forget."

Qiu Ling asked: "Then do you know how this matter was handled in the end?"

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was confused, "How to deal with it? Teacher Su has been taking us to class since he recovered from the hospital. There is nothing different."

 “I mean his ex-girlfriend.”

“She deliberately hurt Teacher Su. She should be arrested and sentenced, right? Teacher Su’s injury should be quite serious.”

“Your teacher has given up prosecuting her and will not hold her accountable,” Qiuling said. “The two parties have reached a settlement.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Qiu Ling in disbelief.

 “Really? Why?”

Qiu Ling shook her head and said, "I don't know either, but I heard that your teacher did something wrong to her before, so that's why she won't be held accountable."

Lu Yanhe felt even more confused.

"In short, the person who introduced him to me for a blind date later solemnly apologized to me, saying that he introduced him to me without investigating clearly, and that it was lucky that I didn't fall in love with him, otherwise I might have been stabbed." Qiu Ling shook her head, with some emotion, "Men and women are entangled in these matters, and they always end up hurting each other in the end."

Li Zhibai stared, "How could that be!"

"How to say?"

“Two people who truly love each other will definitely grow old together.” Li Zhibai said confidently.

Qiu Ling sneered and said, "Only children like you believe in fairy tales about growing old together."

 “You’re not that old, how can you say such a thing?” Li Zhibai said dissatisfied.

"Me? I'm just a little discouraged." A trace of melancholy flashed across Qiu Ling's face, "I've seen too many cases where love breeds hatred."

“Then you said it’s just a case.” Li Zhibai said, “Don’t lose your confidence in love.”

Qiu Ling looked at him in bewilderment, "What's going on? When will it be your turn to lecture me like a little brat?"

"Who are you calling a brat?" Li Zhibai raised his throat and lowered his voice, "I think you are much more mature than you."

 Qiu Ling laughed directly, "Who gave you the confidence?" Li Zhibai looked frustrated and angry.

Qiu Ling turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "Xiao Lu, I saw the news before that you want to write a book with your classmates?"

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“Did you really make it up yourself, or did it just bear your name?” Qiu Ling asked.

 Lu Yanhe explained: “I compiled it myself, and it was also the idea of ​​me and my friends.”

Qiu Ling: "It is indeed rare to see this kind of thinking. Do you know what my colleagues are saying? After they know that you want to write a book, they all say that it is not certain whether you will become the favorite idol of young children in the future. But you will definitely become every parent’s favorite idol.”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry.

 His original intention of writing a book really didn’t include this.

“It’s very good. The things you are doing now have made everyone recognize you more and more.” Qiu Ling commented.

“I see that there are still many people on the Internet who doubt that I can’t be the editor-in-chief.”

"You don't care what they say. Let's make it first and see if it works. There's no point in nagging about it before it's done." Qiuling said, "Come on, you are the idol promoted by our Yuming Police Station." , we can’t bring shame on our Yuming Police Department.”

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "I will not embarrass you."


Lu Yanhe once again felt that sometimes negative reviews are not that meaningful. The next day, Xu Xiaoyin contacted him and asked him if the book "Jump Up" could be handed over to Jiangyin Publishing House for physical publication and distribution.

Lu Yanhe was very surprised and asked: Sister Xiaoyin, are you sure? With so much controversy online, are you still willing to publish this book physically?

 Isn’t it said that the publishing industry is about to decline?

 Aren't you afraid that it won't sell?

Xu Xiaoyin replied: Why do you care about the controversy? There is no controversy in what you do. Among a hundred people, 90 people will scold you and 10 people will like you. Just do your best and satisfy the 10 people who like you. You are This book is controversial, but there are also many people who support it. It’s a bit philistine to say this, but after our market research, we think this book is worth publishing because you have many fans who support you.

Lu Yanhe said: But, Sister Xiaoyin, this book is not mainly for fans. There is almost no content about me in it, which is an article written by myself.

Xu Xiaoyin said: I really don’t know what the specific content of this book consists of now, but to be honest, Yan He, I now want to do the physical publishing of this book, mainly because I am optimistic about its sales prospects. In addition, I also know that you are a very serious person because of my daily contact with you. I believe that if you put aside so many easy-to-make money projects and spend such a long time to write a book, you will definitely put in a lot of effort. I I hope that through the publication of this book, we can deepen our cooperation.

 Xu Xiaoyin's words were very straightforward, but this made Lu Yanhe feel comfortable.

If Xu Xiaoyin said right from the beginning that because she believed in him, she believed that everyone would like this book without reading the content, this would be so hypocritical that even Lu Yanhe would be disgusted.

 Actually, Xu Xiaoyin said something that moved Lu Yanhe.

—Out of a hundred people, ninety will scold you and ten will like you, so just do your best and satisfy the ten who like you.

The world is so big and there are so many people. Even if only one tenth of the people likes you, it is still a very large group of people.

Lu Yanhe replied to her: Sister Xiaoyin, I need to communicate with the people at Previously, I gave them all the electronic copyrights, but there was no agreement on physical publishing.

Xu Xiaoyin said: Well, then I will wait for your news. If other publishers come to you again, please give us priority!

The words came true. In the next few days, several other publishing houses came to us through various relationships. There was even a publishing house that came to us through, a publishing house that often cooperates with.

Lu Yanhe and Xin Zixing proposed that the physical publishing of this book would be handed over to Jiangyin Publishing House, but hoped that Lu Yanhe would hand over the physical publishing to the company they often cooperate with.

Xin Zixing said: "This publishing house has a long-term cooperative relationship with If they are responsible for the physical publishing, the connection between the two parties will be much smoother."

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, if Jiangyin Publishing House didn't come to me, I would have listened to your opinions, but Jiangyin Publishing House is also a publishing house I have cooperated with, and we have a very good relationship. I I still hope that this book will be published by Jiangyin Publishing House.”

 Xin Zixing was somewhat helpless.

 But she couldn't say anything more.

 "Jump Up" is a book edited by Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, and the copyright is not owned by itself.

 The leaf vein network could not influence Lu Yanhe’s decision.

 After talking to Xin Zixing about this matter and leaving, Chen Siqi let out a surprised gasp.

 “What’s wrong?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Siqi looked surprised and said, "I didn't expect you to reject her so simply just now."


"I used to think that you were very thin-skinned and embarrassed to refuse people, so every time you said something ugly, it was me who said it. Now it seems that you can't say it either." Chen Siqi said, "There was no hesitation at all, just say it directly Turned down another publisher they wanted to work with.”

“That’s because I have indeed cooperated with Jiangyin Publishing House several times, and I am very familiar with their editor.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi nodded thoughtfully, "So, are you the kind of character who dares to do things that you wouldn't normally do in order to get to know people who are close to you?"

Lu Yanhe scratched his head, " doesn't seem to be to this extent."

“Anyway, you impressed me a bit today.” Chen Siqi said.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Chen Siqi: “In this way, this book seems to have returned to what we originally planned.”


 “Make a magazine, the kind of magazine we all used to read.”

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and said, "Yes."

  Chen Siqi: “However, we currently only have three requests for manuscripts in the fictional novel section, and none have been submitted so far.”

Lu Yanhe said: "I will ask them today to see how the manuscript is going."

“We have to tell them a deadline.” Chen Siqi said, “Otherwise, we may not be able to catch up with our plan to launch it in September.”

 It is now the end of July.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

 He asked: “Do we have fewer novels?”

"Yeah." Chen Siqi nodded, "The appointments I made here are all miscellaneous notes and essays, and you made appointments for the novels. In addition to Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin, there is also one of your classmates, Bai Yu."

 Lu Yanhe: "Then I'll ask Sister Xiaoyin to help me make an appointment with a familiar writer and teacher?"

Chen Siqi: "Didn't you say that last time? You said last time that you wanted to find a publishing house to book a manuscript for you."

  “I’m a little embarrassed to speak, so I haven’t said anything yet.”

Chen Siqi immediately looked over with contempt.

 “You’re still so thin-skinned.”

Lu Yanhe touched his nose awkwardly.

“But, Lu Yanhe, you have to be mentally prepared.” Chen Siqi said suddenly.


" may no longer afford the production costs of our book." Chen Siqi said, "Once it is physically published, will not be the only channel to read the book. For them, this book may The book is not worth their 100,000 yuan.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "I've thought about this."

 “Hmm? Then what do you think about it?”

"If they are not willing to bear the burden anymore, I will be prepared to bear the burden myself." Lu Yanhe said.

 Chen Siqi looked at him in surprise.

 “Aren’t you afraid of losing money?”

"I'm afraid, but after thinking about it, even if I lose money and spend all the 100,000 yuan on it, it doesn't matter." Lu Yanhe smiled brightly, "The worst I can do is just eat dirt for a while and make money later."

Lu Yanhe was very fortunate that it took him less than a year to come to this new world and give him the confidence to say this.

 Who doesn’t want to live a more wanton life, especially in their teenage years?

Chen Siqi nodded and said: "Then don't forget, since my name is on the editor-in-chief, the profit will be 50/50. When we go back to pay for the production expenses, it will be 50/50 for both of us. Forget it, who knows if you will do it on purpose." Please lower the figure and let me take care of the accounts. I’ll ask you for it later.”

Chen Siqi looks as indifferent and free as a rich young woman.

 There was happiness hidden in her eyes that she didn't want Lu Yanhe to see.


As expected, Leaf Vein Network raised objections.

They originally hoped to get the exclusive copyright, but because they knew they couldn't buy the full copyright with the 100,000 yuan, they only asked for the electronic dissemination rights. Who knew that the book "Jump Up" was accidentally photographed by Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi? It became a hot search and became popular, attracting the attention of a group of publishers who began to investigate the publication prospects of this book.

 This investigation was good and everyone found it profitable, so they all extended an olive branch to Lu Yanhe. knew that this matter could not be suppressed, so they thought about finding a publishing house with whom they had a long-term cooperative relationship to publish. In this case, the publication time could be postponed to one month after was put on the market, and it would be given to The e-reading is exclusive for one month.

 But Lu Yanhe disagreed and wanted to hand over the publication to Jiangyin Publishing House.

The senior management of discussed it and decided that it was impossible not to continue working on the book "Jump Up". However, if did not have any advantage in the release time, they would not be willing to provide 100,000 yuan in production funds.

 I want to rely on this book to attract traffic and build brand effect. It is not exclusive. How to attract traffic and build brand effect?

Xin Zixing listened to the doubts and discussions of the senior executives. While helpless, he was also thinking about how to smoothly continue the cooperation between "Jump Up" and

"If we are unable to provide production funds according to the amount promised in the early stage, I think they will not agree to the book "Jump Up" for free reading on" Xin Zixin said directly, "Everyone buys a physical book. According to the current price of paper books, it is at least 25 yuan or more. We do not bear the production cost or investment in the early stage. Why should others provide us with the copyright for electronic reading? Without us, their books can still sell more? How many."

 Xin Zixing’s words plunged the senior management into another discussion.

Xin Zixing hated this kind of meeting the most, because the quarrels were all about gossip.

 But it is unrealistic not to hold such a meeting. If they do not reach consensus through this meeting, many things will not be implemented.

 The argument lasted for about an hour. Finally, Liu Qiao turned to Xin Zixing and asked, "What suggestions do you have?"

Xin Zixing knew that this was Liu Qiao's hint - these people had been discussing for a long time and nothing new had come out. They had no other opinions. Knowing that their opinions could not be implemented, you just had to come up with a suggestion quickly and make the final decision.

Xin Zixing smiled slightly and said: "Two options. The first option is to reduce the production budget and spend money to buy the exclusive electronic copyright of the book "Jump Up". According to the market price, it is expected to be between 30,000 and 60,000. The second option is to stop free reading and switch to paid reading. Reading this magazine on our will still charge a fee. The price may be cheaper than the physical book, but it will certainly not be much cheaper, otherwise Lu Yanhe and the others will not agree. , of course, even the latter option requires a certain copyright fee to be paid in advance, unless we don’t even want the exclusive electronic copyright. As far as I know, many websites are interested in the electronic copyright of this book, and everyone is interested in it. You know, this book has sparked a small discussion."

Liu Qiao nodded and said: "The two plans mentioned by Xin Zixing are summarized quite well. Everyone, whether you support the first or the second plan, please express your position."


 After the meeting, Xin Zixing did not go back to his office, but went directly to Liu Qiao's office.

“How much advance payment are you going to give?” Xin Zixing asked.

Liu Qiao glanced at her and said, "You are still catching up. You are very concerned about Lu Yanhe."

"Otherwise, I will ask him to do the introduction for my next major film "City Travels". If the relationship becomes tense because of this matter, where can I hire such an artist who can afford this kind of urban documentary?" Xin Zi Xing said.

Liu Qiao: "Okay, stop whining. I will report this matter to the president tomorrow morning. I won't treat him badly. Don't worry. He is a big star and a public figure. Who can treat him badly?" Him."

Xin Zixing nodded with satisfaction.

“I also said that we have been arguing for so long over tens of thousands of dollars.” Xin Zixing complained.

"It's tens of thousands of dollars now. Don't forget, this book will be made into a series in the future. How much will it cost in total if it's a dozen, twenty, or tens of thousands of dollars? Many rules need to be set from the beginning. , how difficult is it to change it later?”

"Okay, okay, don't lecture me, I'm leaving, get off work." Xin Zixing immediately turned around and left.

“Wait a minute.” Liu Qiao stopped her.

 “What are you doing?” Xin Zixing turned back to look at him.

Liu Qiao bent down and picked up a paper bag, "This is a pack of coffee beans someone gave me. I don't like drinking this stuff. You can take it back and cook it yourself."

Xin Zixing was not polite and took it directly.

 “Okay, thank you very much, Brother Qiao.”

 “It’s time for Brother Qiao to come out!”

 (End of this chapter)

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