Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 213: Here comes the movie adaptation (8,000 words long)

Chapter 213 The movie adaptation is here (a big chapter of 8,000 words!)

Lu Yanhe sent a message to Bai Yu and asked: Bai Yu, how is the manuscript we talked about before going?

 Bai Yu replied quickly and said: I have finished writing and I am revising it! I'll send it to you once it's revised.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

 Bai Yu added: However, the number of words may be a little too high.

 Lu Yanhe: Huh?

 Bai Yu: There are almost 40,000 words.

Lu Yanhe probably knows that short stories published in a magazine generally only have a length of 10,000 to 15,000 words.

 This 40,000 words is considered a novella.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while. Anyway, they currently have relatively few fictional articles, so he said: It’s okay. After you revise it, send it to me first, and we will look at the layout later.

 Bai Yu: This is an electronic Mook. It shouldn’t involve occupying space, right?

Lu Yanhe sent a "dumbfounded" expression and said: This book may also be published in physical form at the same time.

Bai Yu:! !

 Lu Yanhe: It’s not yet certain yet, so you need to wait for a while.

 Bai Yu: If it needs to be adjusted, just tell me and I can modify it to have fewer words!

 Lu Yanhe: It’s okay, let’s take a look first.

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that when he got up at 6:30 the next morning, he saw the manuscript that Bai Yu sent at 3:30 in the morning.

 At first glance, it seemed that someone had revised it overnight and sent it over.

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

 He forwarded it to Chen Siqi simultaneously, then opened the document, sat on the bed and read it.

 Lu Yanhe read this novel in one sitting. Lu Yanhe originally thought it was a romance novel because the beginning of the novel was too romantic, but he didn't expect that the novel would not turn out that way.

The plot of the novel is actually not complicated. It tells the story of a female high school student who failed the college entrance examination and accidentally met a boy with hearing impairment, and slowly regained her courage and confidence in this hot summer.

To be fair, Lu Yanhe felt that the novel was written much better than he expected.

 At first, it was just because he knew that Bai Yu was writing a novel, so he tried to invite her to write a manuscript, but he did not expect that her writing was even better than he expected.

Lu Yanhe is now very curious about Chen Siqi’s feedback.

 But at this point, Chen Siqi is probably not awake yet.

 He rubbed his face, got up, washed up, and went for a run with Yan Liang.

 Normally he doesn’t exercise, but now he started to move. Lu Yanhe started to pant after running less than two thousand meters.

“…” Yan Liang looked back at Lu Yanhe with an expression that was hard to describe.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand and gasped: "You run first, I will catch up slowly."

Yan Liang was speechless and said, "Are you sure you can catch up?"

 Lu Yanhe did not dare to respond to this statement.

Yan Liang slowed down and said, "Run slowly. If you are out of breath, slow down first. Don't stop. If you stop, you won't want to move anymore."

Lu Yanhe hummed, his eyes were distracted and his eyes were wandering.

How do those who say exercise can make people feel energetic say it? ! -

After running six kilometers, Lu Yanhe couldn't run anymore. He stopped, waved his hands and said, "You run, I have to stop for a while and stroll back slowly."

Yan Liang glanced at his watch, nodded, and said, "I'm going back with you too."

Lu Yanhe: "No, you run away and don't worry about me."

“I don’t care about you, I’m almost done, how far do you think I have to run every day.” Yan Liang said, “Besides, I forgot to bring water out today.”

Lu Yanhe was covered in sweat. Hearing what he said, he became even thirstier.

 “Let’s go, let’s go, go back and drink water.”

The two of them went back sweating profusely. When they entered the door, they happened to catch up with Li Zhibai coming out of the room grabbing his chicken head with one hand and his **** with the other.

Li Zhibai looked at the two people sweating profusely after doing the same exercise, and immediately clicked his tongue twice, as if he was quite emotional.

Yan Liang asked: “Would you like to join us and get up and run for a while every morning?”

Li Zhibai's eyelids hung up directly, he gave them a middle finger, and entered the bathroom first.

Yan Liang looked energetic and asked: "How is it? Are you very energetic after running?"

Lu Yanhe has regained consciousness, but his eyes are still dull, looking like an eggplant beaten by frost.

 “I feel like I’m going to die.”

Yan Liang: “Just hold on, it’ll be fine if you hold on for three days.”

Lu Yanhe: "Don't tell me this yet, I want to take it easy first."

 He drank himself two glasses of water, sat down on the stool, dazed, and emptied himself.


“If Director Chen hadn’t asked me to look stronger and less delicate, I really wouldn’t have been able to persist.” Lu Yanhe said to Chen Ziyan on the phone.

"Don't breathe too hard. You haven't exercised for a long time. Haste makes waste, and I didn't expect you to become a muscular man in a month or two." Chen Ziyan said, "Practice slowly, and you will be strong." If you start too hard, you won't be able to hold on. Why are you running six kilometers at a stretch? In the first few days, run one or two kilometers to wake up your muscles, and then slowly increase the amount of training. Moreover, if you To build your body, you can’t just run. You have to go to the gym and find a professional coach to help you train.”

Lu Yanhe said: "It should be very expensive to find a professional coach. I will do it myself now and then I will find a coach when I need it."

“There is no need to save money on this, you are preparing for the role.” Chen Ziyan said, “Otherwise, what’s the point of just running? Can running exercise your chest muscles and biceps?”

Lu Yanhe fell silent.

 Absolutely not.

“Let me inquire for you and see if there are any recommended fitness coaches.” Chen Ziyan said, “Don’t worry about money for now. The company will advance the payment for you and deduct it from your salary later.”

"Remuneration?" Lu Yanhe suddenly became a little nervous, "Sister Ziyan, how much remuneration can I get for playing "Phoenix Stage"?"

After the balance of the previous performances of "Golden Era" and the Graduation Party Gala is received, Lu Yanhe's deposit will exceed 100,000 yuan. When he told Chen Siqi that he would bear the production costs of "Jump Up" by himself, although he said so It's grand, but I still feel a little trembling in my heart. I don't know if the salary of "Phoenix Channel" has increased compared with "Golden Age".

Starring in "The Golden Age" was just a guest role, and it was signed before he became popular in the college entrance examination in June. After Zhou Pingan's generous offer of 800,000 yuan, the crew finally offered Lu Yanhe 60,000 yuan. The company took the share, and Lu Yanhe paid the taxes again, and got just over 10,000.

Chen Ziyan said: "Compared to your current market price, it is not high. After all, it is a drama directed by Chen Lingling, and we have to trouble the crew to do a lot of coordination on the shooting date. The final negotiation was for 200,000 yuan. We have to pay The crew provided a total of forty days of filming.”

 “Two hundred thousand?” Lu Yanhe’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Chen Ziyan: "Is that too low? Yan He, let's accept the film based not only on the pay, but for such a good director and a good team, I would send you away even if you don't pay the pay -"

"No, no!" Lu Yanhe said quickly, "I didn't expect it to be so high."

This is really a number that shocked Lu Yanhe. Although Li Zhibai also told him that the "Phoenix Terrace" he was taking now and the "Golden Age" he was taking were completely different concepts, but there could be such an obvious difference, and Lu Yanhe really didn't realize it.

The most important thing is that Chen Ziyan actually said that this did not reach his market price?

 What is its current market price?

At this moment, Lu Yanhe felt his heart beating hard.

Chen Ziyan laughed and said, "As long as you don't think it's low. In fact, compared to your current fame, the price is a bit low, but there's nothing you can do about it. "Phoenix Stage" doesn't rely on you to sell this drama. , The selling point is not you, so I can only give you so much money, but if you perform this play well, you can raise the price for subsequent plays. "

"Okay." Lu Yanhe's voice sounded elated, and Chen Ziyan immediately realized his current mood. Chen Ziyan asked with a smile, "Does two hundred thousand make you so happy?"

Lu Yanhe couldn't help grinning and said, "Sister Ziyan, I have never made so much money."

 Chen Ziyan felt inexplicably sad when she heard Lu Yanhe's words, which were filled with pure stupidity.

It is said that the entertainment industry is a huge profit industry, and Lu Yanhe made his debut as an idol artist. As a result, others have indeed enjoyed a lot of the huge profits brought by this industry, but he has been alone in the ups and downs for several years, and it was not until recently that his career Slowly there is improvement.

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath and said, "I believe sister, I will help you make more money in the future."

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded vigorously.

"But one thing is that when I signed the contract with you, you promised me that you have to listen to me about what jobs you will take, what jobs you won't take, how much you will get, and what things you will do." After Chen Ziyan finished speaking, she immediately became a little confused. Disgusted, "Two hundred thousand dollars has made you so ecstatic. Who knows who will give you one million dollars to star in a bad movie, and you will just get over it."

 Lu Yanhe said quickly: "No, no."

Chen Ziyan actually just said, "How is your book doing now? Your schedule is quite busy in August. In addition to performances in Beijing and Taiwan, you will be recording "Young Days" on the 20th. But there’s not much time left for you to write your book.”

Lu Yanhe: "We are still collecting the manuscript. Our cooperation with may change. Editor Xu Xiaoyin from Jiangyin Publishing House proposed to publish a physical book of this theme book. I am very interested, but They want to cooperate with another publishing house, and Xin Zixing is communicating with the senior management of The subsequent production costs of this book may not be borne by”

 Chen Ziyan knew as soon as she heard this that this matter was getting a little complicated.

"Yan He, be careful about this. Don't sign contracts and agreements randomly, or fall into a trap." She said, "Send me all the agreements you want to sign later, and I'll find someone to go over them for you."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan: “I don’t understand publishing books, so I can’t help you. You can do it yourself. But if you encounter difficulties, you can talk to me. I may not be able to help you directly, but I still have rich experience in handling difficulties. "

“Sister Ziyan, I really have a problem I’d like to ask you about?”


“What should you do if you encounter an uncooperative artist?” Lu Yanhe said, “Li Zhibai can’t write a manuscript, and I can’t do anything about it.”

Chen Ziyan: "Then lock him in the room and write. If he doesn't write, he won't be let out."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was surprised.

 Chen Ziyan: “Sometimes the crudest way is the best way to solve the problem.”

 Hang up the phone, Lu Yanhe was still in disbelief.


 At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi went to Jiangyin Publishing House to meet Xu Xiaoyin.

Xu Xiaoyin brought along intern Xu Mingyue.

Xu Xiaoyin said: "Didn't you tell me before that you just lacked an editor to be responsible for coordinating manuscripts? It just so happens that Mingyue has been interning with us for nearly two months, and she has interacted with you more before, and she will be with you later. Connect with specific manuscripts.”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe immediately smiled at Xu Mingyue and said, "Please, senior sister."

Xu Mingyue smiled sheepishly and said, "I'm very happy to be able to participate in the editing work of this book."

After Xu Xiaoyin introduced Xu Mingyue, she added: "As for this book, we also want to ask, how will we cooperate in the future?"

Lu Yanhe pursed his lips seriously and said, "Sister Xiaoyin, I have to explain a situation to you. We had previously negotiated an exclusive cooperation agreement with because we had not considered physical publishing at the time and felt that the cost was too high. High, not very realistic..."

 He told Xu Xiaoyin all the previous communication with

"This is the situation now. We are still waiting for feedback from The best result is that the three of us will be responsible for the production of this book. If not, we will bear the production funds ourselves, and then we will start from there. You and collect royalties.”

Jiangyin Publishing House is a large publishing house that has a long history of cooperation with e-reading websites. It is no stranger to what Lu Yanhe said.

Xu Xiaoyin said: "Yan He, I think this is the case. The best way is for all three of us to find someone who can speak effectively, sit together, and finalize the cooperation agreement, how to bear the production funds, e-reading and How to sell physical books, how to divide the work between publicity and channels, etc. It is much more convenient than the two of you being the mouthpiece in the middle. To be honest, if you are the mouthpiece in the middle, then there will definitely be one of us constantly testing the other's bottom price. The process is a torture and of little significance. It is best for the three parties to sit down and talk clearly, and then reach a consensus and achieve a win-win situation. "

Xu Xiaoyin always made Lu Yanhe feel comfortable and considerate when she spoke.

 When she said this, Lu Yanhe also felt that it made sense.

"Well, okay, I think so too, but before we invite all three parties to discuss it, Sister Xiaoyin, I want to know first, how do you want to make the book "Jump Up"?"

Xu Xiaoyin said: "First of all, we will provide a 9-point royalty. Secondly, we estimate that the physical sales of this book in the first month will be around 30,000. This number is purely estimated based on the current popularity of the Internet, because we still have I haven’t seen the content, and there is no celebrity editor Mook on the market that I can compare myself with. To be honest, I personally want to make this book. On the one hand, this book will definitely sell well, but more importantly, it is to talk to you. Maintain a good cooperative relationship. We have only known each other for less than two months, but when everyone talks about the relationship between Lu Yanhe and the publishing industry, they all know that you cooperate more closely with us. I hope that this impression can continue." To express our sincerity, if you are willing to choose us, we will pay you a manuscript fee of 100,000 yuan in advance," Xu Xiaoyin said, "I know that is definitely not short of money, but the cost of physical publishing is much higher than that of electronic reading. , please believe me, this is the best condition we can offer at present. It is not impossible to offer better conditions than this, but to be honest, it is really a loss and a profit.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Lu Yanhe had roughly learned about the royalties from physical publishing before. An average author’s current royalties are about 6 to 7 points, which is the price of a book X (6%-7%). More famous authors can probably get it. If you get to 8 to 9 points, you can get 12 points or even 14 points if you are particularly good. If you get to the latter, you will basically be a "king bomb" author with millions of sales.

Xu Xiaoyin is indeed not treating him badly if she can provide 9 points of royalties for a Mook edited by Lu Yanhe.

“Of course, I know you didn’t write this book for remuneration. You want to make money. You can easily make more money from one commercial performance than from ten books.”

 Lu Yanhe thought to himself, you overestimate me.

But it is true that he and Chen Siqi did not write this book to make money.

"Compared with these numbers that show sincerity, we will work harder to promote physical book channels." Xu Xiaoyin said, "This is why I hope to win this book. Now the sales of physical books are mainly bookstores and e-commerce. Two major categories. Frankly speaking, your name will help us get more favorable terms and thresholds. Not only this book, your book can become a ticket and help our publisher get more books. More promotional resources.”

"With the decline of paper media, the channels for readers of physical books, especially fictional novels, have narrowed a lot. More and more fictional novels have to rely on conceptual marketing to hype, otherwise they will not sell. I sincerely I really hope that your Mook can last for a long time, become a brand, and find a new way in this era of declining print media and developed Internet.”

"This may be a sentiment shared by all people in the publishing industry." Xu Xiaoyin said, smiling slightly, "After seeing that you are willing to work with your classmates to make such a Mook after finishing the exam, I really I’m very moved. I didn’t expect that after so many years, famous people like you would start to use their popularity and influence to write books.”

Many celebrities will write a book after becoming famous, but they often write about themselves and the mental journey behind their fame.

 Lu Yanhe is using his own name to create a book called Mook, which is actually a magazine.

To others, what may seem like incomprehensible and dishonest behavior is, for people like Xu Xiaoyin, who is engaged in publishing, a feeling similar to seeing the Renaissance.


On the same day, Ruyi Pictures held their annual press conference.

As a small shareholder of Ruyi Pictures, Chen Ziyan was also invited to attend this press conference, but unexpectedly met Liu Jiazhen here.

 “Jiazhen!” Chen Ziyan greeted him in surprise.

Although she only met Lu Yanhe once when he was doing live broadcast communication, Chen Ziyan had a good memory and recognized him at a glance.

Liu Jiazhen was sitting in his seat, feeling a little restless and not used to such an occasion. He was startled when his name was suddenly called. He looked up awkwardly and saw a familiar face, well-behaved. He immediately stood up, bowed to Chen Ziyan, and shouted: "Sister Ziyan."

Chen Ziyan smiled and walked over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Why are you here today? Does Ruyi Pictures have any cooperation projects with you?"

Liu Jiazhen nodded, his face full of social fear felt a little more secure because he saw an acquaintance, "They bought the film adaptation rights for my book "Nineteen Years of Crime", and I will announce it here today. Adapt it into a movie and then let me come over and let me go on stage, ugh.”

 As he spoke, Liu Jiazhen sighed.

 Chen Ziyan saw the social fear of this young novelist. She couldn't laugh or cry, "It's okay, I'll just sit down there. If you look at others nervous, just look at me."

Liu Jiazhen’s eyes lit up, “Okay.”

Chen Ziyan finished greeting Liu Jiazhen, "Then I'll go to my seat first and we'll talk later."

 “Hmm.” Liu Jiazhen waved his hands to Chen Ziyan, watched her walk into the crowd, and then continued to sit down in his seat.

After a while, two more people came to sit down at his table, and they didn’t know their identities or origins.

 Liu Jiazhen nodded to them as a greeting.

 One of them was better and smiled back, while the other's nostrils were raised to the sky, as if he looked down on others.

Liu Jiazhen silently took note of this person, put aside his head, and said nothing.

His cell phone buzzed and vibrated.

Liu Jiazhen picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be a message from Lu Yanhe: Brother Jiazhen, how is the manuscript I asked you to write? Can you give it to me this week?

Liu Jiazhen looked at the time and saw that today was already Thursday.

He typed a reply: Sorry, I have actually written it, but when I read it myself, I found that the criminal plot was too simple. I wanted to change it, but I got stuck and couldn't figure it out. It bothered me for several days. Please give me some more time to think about it.

Lu Yanhe immediately replied: Well, we plan to close the manuscript on August 10th. The release plan of "Jump Up" has changed. It will be released as a physical book by Jiangyin Publishing House at the same time, so the time is tighter than before. Trouble!

 Liu Jiazhen saw the news that "Jump Up" was to be released physically. He was stunned and replied: Okay, okay, I'll do it as soon as possible.

As soon as Liu Jiazhen finished replying, he heard the woman at the same table with her nostrils pointing up said in a weird voice: "Have you heard? Jiangyin Publishing House is preparing to publish the physical release of the book edited by Lu Yanhe."

The man nodded, "I heard that, in fact, Editor-in-Chief Chen also wanted to rob me, but he didn't do it."

"It's really speechless." The woman immediately rolled her eyes, "An artist is the editor-in-chief, and various publishing houses are vying to publish it, but no one like us serious writers takes it seriously."

The man seemed to be the woman's editor. When he heard the woman say this, he felt a little helpless, "There's nothing we can do about it. Artists do have a greater influence now. If they are willing to be the editor-in-chief, the sales of the book will be guaranteed."

"It's all the fans who pay for it. How many of them are really watching?" The woman clasped her hands on her chest. "Our readers are the ones we wrote word for word. Fortunately, you didn't cooperate with him, otherwise it would affect my cooperation with you." mood."

“Oh, Teacher Yu Jiang, don’t say that, you are now our trump card at Kunlun Publishing House.”


ˆKunlun Publishing House?

Hearing these two keywords, Liu Jiazhen immediately realized the identities of the two people in front of him.

Yu Jiang is a female writer who came to prominence through a national composition competition at the age of seventeen. Her first book was co-written with Kunlun Publishing House, and they have been cooperating with it ever since. Liu Jiazhen has not read her book, but has heard of her name for a long time. Her books are very popular, and every film and television drama adapted from them is very popular. Even the sales of the books in this era can reach an average of 400,000 to 500,000 copies. Compare this to Liu Jiazhen's " The sales volume of "Nineteen Years of Crime Chronicles" shows his reputation in the publishing industry.

Liu Jiazhen had heard Mingyin talk about Yujiang before. This was the first time he met him, and he didn't expect him to be such a mean-spirited and mean-spirited person.

 He silently gave this person a cross in his heart.

"He doesn't really think that he has really entered our novel world by popularizing those "Nineteen Years" and "Star Orbit", right?" Yu Jiang frowned, "The two of them jumped out of nowhere. The new guy is now being promoted like a genius by Jiang Yin.”

 Liujiazhen: “…”

 Fortunately, the press conference was about to start. The man next to Yu Jiang got up and went to the bathroom. Liu Jiazhen also thought about going on stage later and went to the bathroom too.

As soon as I entered, I happened to meet the man talking on the phone: "...Oh, this little aunt has treated Lu Yanhe like an enemy since she found out that Lu Yanhe did not agree to act in "Empty Noodles" adapted from her novel. I have already listened to her. I’ve been complaining all the time, oh, I used to think that my parents were very handsome, and I thought it was rare for an artist to be handsome and willing to study, but now I’ve completely turned my back on him.”

 Liujiazhen: “…”

 He walked in silently.

The man stopped talking when he saw him coming in.

When he came back from using the restroom, the man followed Liu Jiazhen in a circle and glanced at the back of Liu Jiazhen's chair. When he saw the name tag attached to it, the man's expression suddenly changed.

 Liujiazhen? !

 Author of "Nineteen Years of Crime"? !

 His whole face looked bad.

 Liu Jiazhen acted as if nothing had happened, sitting on a chair, waiting for the press conference to begin.

I don’t know if that man reminded Yu Jiang of something, but Yu Jiang never said a word again.

 Finally, when it came time to announce the preparation plan, Liu Jiazhen was invited to the side of the backstage by the staff in advance.

“…The dark horse work that came out in June this year, the crime suspense novel "Nineteen Years of Crime", which dominated the best-selling lists in the summer book market, will be adapted into a theatrical movie by Ruyi Pictures. It is planned to start filming next year and be released the year after that. , please invite Mr. Liu Jiazhen, the author of "Nineteen Years of Crime Records".

 Following the host’s introduction, Liu Jiazhen was guided to the stage.

“Wow, Teacher Liu Jiazhen is really young.” The host joked with a smile, “Moreover, he looks very gentle and elegant. He is not as scary as in the novel at all. Instead, he is very delicate.”

 Liu Jiazhen waved his hands quickly and blushed.

 The audience smiled kindly.

The host smiled and said: "Welcome Teacher Liu to our scene today..."

The host asked Liu Jiazhen several questions, such as his expectations for the film adaptation, his feelings about cooperating with Ruyi Pictures, etc.

 Finally, the host asked: "So about the film adaptation of this novel, is there anything else Mr. Liu wants to share with us?"

Liu Jiazhen looked at the audience. He first glanced at Chen Ziyan, who was sitting in the second row. The latter kept looking at him with encouraging eyes and actively applauded after every speech he made. Then he glanced at his seat again. , Yu Jiang was still sitting on that table, but it was far away, and because of the lighting, Liu Jiazhen couldn't see her expression clearly.

 But it shouldn’t be very good, right?

Liu Jiazhen picked up the microphone and said: "As a new author, "Nineteen Years of Crime" is my first novel. It is so quick that Ruyi Pictures saw it and decided to adapt it into a movie. Thanks to a person, you all know him, Lu Yanhe. He accidentally read my book in the live broadcast room. As a result, my book became popular. But I didn’t expect that someone would ask me later if I would feel unhappy because of my Books do not become popular by themselves, but by the recommendation of a star. I say that a work can be seen by more people. No matter what the method is, as authors, we are definitely grateful. Now the novel is going to be adapted into a movie. , there are also some readers who are worried about what to do if the adaptation is not good. I think any work may be adapted successfully or it may fail, but Ruyi Pictures is willing to adapt "Nineteen Years of Crime" into a movie, so that this The story can be seen by more people, giving this book a chance to be recognized by more people. As an author, I am happy no matter what, and I also believe that Ruyi Pictures will use the most sincere heart to Thank you for making this movie.”

 After he finished speaking, he nodded to the host.

The host smiled and said: "Mr. Liu said it very well. I also ask the readers of "Nineteen Years of Crime" to look forward to our movie. We will definitely use the most positive attitude to make this movie and live up to everyone." expectations!”

 Liu Jiazhen stepped down and left.


At 6:30 in the evening, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were eating noodles in a noodle shop. Suddenly, their mobile phone prompted that they had received a message from Chen Ziyan. When they opened it, they found a message from Chen Ziyan, which turned out to be a screenshot of a hot search: Liu Jiazhen said that Lu Yanhe made "Ten" "Nine Years of Crime" is known to more people.

 Lu Yanhe:? ? ?

Chen Ziyan: This is what Liu Jiazhen said today at the press conference of Ruyi Pictures. "Nineteen Years of Crime" will be adapted into a movie by Ruyi Pictures. Therefore, I guess this hot search was bought by Ruyi Pictures. , to warm up the movie.

 Lu Yanhe: Uh-huh.

Chen Ziyan: You are really quite capable. In the past, the Langhua government helped you buy hot searches, and later, Ruyi Pictures helped you buy hot searches, which saved a lot of marketing expenses.

 Lu Yanhe: What should I say?

Chen Ziyan: Go and say thank you to Liu Jiazhen. I later learned that he was deliberately trying to support you.

 Lu Yanhe: Huh?

Chen Ziyan: There was an author named Yu Jiang. I sat at the same table with him. I didn’t know he was Liu Jiazhen. He complained about you, a celebrity artist who edits a literary magazine and sells you a sheep’s head. That’s why he said what he said on the stage.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head.

 That’s it.

 Chen Ziyan: Don’t let down other people’s goodwill. Since you have chosen to write a book like this, do it well.

 Lu Yanhe: I will!

 Chen Ziyan: There is another surprise.

 Lu Yanhe:?

Chen Ziyan: Ruyi Pictures came to ask, would you like to play a role in "Nineteen Years of Crime"?

 Lu Yanhe: Huh?

 Chen Ziyan: They said that the leading role cannot be played by you, so you can choose a supporting role yourself, as long as you are willing.

 Lu Yanhe: Really? !

Chen Ziyan: Do you know why my sister asked you to make good friends?

 Lu Yanhe: [Starry Eyes] Thank you, sister! Sister is awesome! -

Chen Siqi saw that Lu Yanhe was halfway through eating, suddenly put down his chopsticks, and kept sending messages to people. Then suddenly he shook his shoulders with joy, with a look of uncontrollable joy, and even nodded his head with his mouth open, even though he looked so good. No matter how handsome he is, he looks like a fool now.

Chen Siqi had to express his disgust: "Why are you so crazy?"

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath to calm himself down, put away his phone, picked up the chopsticks again, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Chen Siqi looked at him strangely, "It's up to you."

Within two seconds, Chen Siqi saw Lu Yanhe's chopsticks stop again, looking at the noodles in the bowl and smiling stupidly.

This time, Chen Siqi muttered in her heart: Something is really wrong.

 Outside the noodle shop, the sunset has already set in the west, but has not yet sunk into the ground.

 The whole city was shrouded in orange-red twilight, and the unique leisurely feeling of summer lingered in the air.

 (End of this chapter)

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