Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 214: summer shadow

Chapter 214 The Shadow of Summer

Soon, as the cicadas chirped more and more desperately, summer entered August from July.

 The hot weather covered everyone exposed to the air equally, eliciting curses.

Lu Yanhe’s time was also cut into three parts, one for "Jump Up", one for stage rehearsal, and one for fitness and "paralysis" after fitness.

Hmm, I really can’t take any time off.

The performance at the Beijing-Taiwan Gala that night was a live broadcast, with one cover and one chorus. Lu Yanhe was under a lot of pressure.

 This is the lack of confidence that non-professional singers have in themselves.

 But when the contact person asked him if he wanted to return the message, he still refused.

Although he is not professional, he does things for money, and his moral values ​​and professionalism do not allow him to lip-sync.

While he was busy rehearsing, Chen Siqi was not idle either. She was even busier than him. She found typewriters and designers to make covers and layout designs. It is said that she stayed in his studio every day.

“For Mooks like us, people can make much more money than us by taking business orders outside. If I don’t work hard and become familiar, how can people pay attention to me.” Chen Siqi has her own theory.

Lu Yanhe didn't ask who she was looking for. He didn't understand this part anyway. Chen Siqi had already taken care of it, so he left it to her to do it.

Lu Yanhe is now responsible for greeting those who have not submitted their manuscripts every day and urging them to submit their manuscripts.

This afternoon, Lu Yanhe made an appointment with Song Linxin to rehearse.

Who would have thought that just before going out, Song Linxin suddenly sent a message saying that there was an unexpected situation and the afternoon rehearsal would be cancelled, and she apologized to him.

 Lu Yanhe said it was okay and asked what happened. Song Linxin did not reply. Who knows, at night, Chen Ziyan suddenly called him.

 “Hello? Sister Ziyan, are you looking for me?”

"Well." Chen Ziyan's tone didn't sound very good, "Song Linxin's manager called me just now and said that she was sorry, but the performance she sang with you was going to be cancelled."

"Cancelled?" Lu Yanhe was still stunned and didn't react. He was confused and asked: "What happened? Why was it suddenly canceled? I originally had a rehearsal with her in the afternoon, but she also told me to cancel it at noon. "What happened to her?"

"No." Chen Ziyan sighed softly on the other end of the phone and said, "Yan He, it's not that something happened to her, it was Chen Ziliang who came to them again, and her manager decided to let her sing this song with Chen Ziliang. "

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

“Didn’t Chen Ziliang reject her before? That’s why he came to me for help?”

"I don't know what Chen Ziliang thinks. Anyway, now Chen Ziliang has found her again. After all, Chen Ziliang's status and reputation in the music industry are much higher than yours. I can understand her manager's final decision. Don't take it too seriously. Just go and do your own thing," Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe felt a fire burning in his heart.

“I’m sorry, Sister Ziyan, I can’t help but take it to my heart.”

It would be fine if Song Linxin was just the little girl who bought the right to cover "Remember", but after more than a month of getting to know, contact, and get along with each other, from when Song Linxin helped him write the manuscript to when he helped Song Linxin complete this chorus work, After rehearsing, meeting, and chatting from time to time, Lu Yanhe already regarded Song Linxin as his friend, and he could not accept Song Linxin doing such a thing.

Just like he can accept Ma Zhiyuan stabbing him in the back, but he cannot accept Li Zhibai and Yan Liang doing this. He has no trust in the former but does in the latter.

The same is true for Song Linxin.

Lu Yanhe was furious.

Chen Ziyan: "I know you may be a little angry now, but digest it well, don't do anything, and don't impulsively ask Song Linxin why, just be smart, okay?"

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

“If I don’t ask Song Linxin about this matter now, I won’t know how to deal with her in the future.”

"You can deal with me as you should." Chen Ziyan said, "We'll talk about the rest later. Now that you're angry, you won't listen to anything I say. I just hope you calm down tonight and don't do anything while angry."

"I see."

 “You promised me.”


After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanhe took another deep breath before suppressing his anger.

To be honest, Song Linxin wrote this song, and Song Linxin invited him to sing it. Now that he is not asked to sing it, there is nothing wrong with it, and he has not lost anything.

 But just because of the acquaintance and rehearsals over the past month, after such an incident, Lu Yanhe felt that he had gained a rare friend, and then immediately lost a friend.

 The feeling of being abandoned is like being slapped twice. The first reaction is not pain, but anger.


Song Linxin’s eyes were red and she looked at her manager Zhou Meng.

“Aunt Meng, you will make me lose my friend Lu Yanhe.”

 Zhou Meng was helpless, but had no choice, "Lin Xin, this is what Beijing and Taiwan want. This is a party they hold. Chen Ziliang is the singer they want to support. We can't offend Beijing and Taiwan."

Song Linxin sat on the sofa with her knees in her arms, her eyes as red as a rabbit, and said, "It was Chen Ziliang who disliked my song as being too girly and refused to sing with me."

"It's not that the top management of Beijing and Taiwan got him and stuffed him back again." Zhou Meng knelt down in front of Song Linxin, touched her head and said, "I know that both you and Lu Yanhe have suffered in this matter." We have suffered a lot of grievances, but I’m sorry, if we insist on rejecting Jingtai’s request, your later collaboration with Jingtai on “Songs to Respond” will also be affected. You have just debuted, and now is the time when you need exposure the most. There is no program more suitable for you than "There's a Song to Come."

Zhou Meng added: "Explain it to Lu Yanhe. If he really treats you as a friend, he will understand you."

 “If my friend did this to me, I would never care about him again in my life.”

Song Linxin stared at Zhou Meng with tears in her eyes.

“I couldn’t bear to call him.”


Lu Yanhe tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep.


However, I am not as angry as when I first received the call.

—Lu Yanhe, do you need it? Have you been angry about such a thing for so long? Do you have chicken intestines?

 A voice in his head questioned him.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, you know nothing.

By the time he reacted, he had already been asking and answering questions for a while.

Lu Yanhe sat up suddenly. He couldn't sleep, so he simply turned on the lights, started the live broadcast, and read a book.

 If you feel depressed, read a book to calm your mood.

He didn't even bother to get out of bed, so he pointed the camera directly at the head of the bed, sat on the bed with a book and read through it.

 Because the distance is relatively close, his side face takes up one-third of the screen.

 This angle is an angle that is almost never seen in daily life.

This surprised fans who had watched Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast for a long time, wondering why the camera position had changed today.

Lu Yanhe read a book published by another publishing house today. It was not a novel, but a travelogue.

 Mainly because at this point in time, Lu Yanhe doesn’t want to read novels anymore.

 After reading for a while, my phone buzzed.

He frowned in confusion, picked it up and saw that it was a call from Chen Siqi.

 “Hello?” Lu Yanhe answered the phone.

Chen Siqi: "You seem to be in a bad mood? The live broadcast suddenly started at this time. Could it be that you can't sleep?"

Lu Yanhe’s behavioral psychology was guessed by Chen Siqi.

 He was embarrassed for a while and then admitted, "Yeah."

As he said that, he suddenly realized that he was live broadcasting, and quickly turned his head to check whether the live broadcast was muted.

 “You have muted your voice, don’t worry.” Chen Siqi said immediately.

Lu Yanhe was very embarrassed and asked: "How come you can guess what I'm thinking in my heart?"

Chen Siqi: "That's not because you can't hide things on your face."

 Lu Yanhe: “Not really.”

 Chen Siqi: "If you say no, then you don't. However, if you are in a bad mood, you don't have to keep it in yourself. If you want to find someone to talk to, I am also on summer vacation anyway, so I am quite free."

"Actually, it's nothing. I just had a female singer invite me to sing a song with her. I've been rehearsing with her recently. But today, her manager suddenly told me that she wanted to replace me and sing with someone else. Working alone, and she hasn’t sent me a message so far. She actually contacted my agent through her agent and didn’t tell me personally.”

 “Female singer? Is she pretty?”

 “Well, that’s not the point.”

"Forget it if you don't want to answer directly." Chen Siqi murmured and said, "This matter is indeed quite irritating, but if you think about it differently, you don't lack this opportunity to perform. If she wants to cooperate with others, just let her do it. , you don’t have your own show anyway.”

Lu Yanhe: "Well, I considered this person a friend before, and I felt like I was being stabbed in the back by someone I trusted."

 “Why do you treat people as friends so easily?”

“When I need her help, she is the fastest to agree.” Lu Yanhe said immediately.

Song Linxin was indeed the fastest to agree and the fastest to submit the manuscript.

Chen Siqi instantly guessed sensitively: "It can't be Song Linxin, right?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He now suddenly realized how developed Chen Siqi's radar was. "It seems that I guessed it right." Chen Siqi smiled, "If that's the case, then you can just call me and ask them clearly. Is there any unexplained misunderstanding? Who knows? Is it her own intention? According to what you said, since she is also a very loyal person, even if she wants to replace you and cooperate with others, she will explain it clearly to you based on common sense. "

Lu Yanhe sighed, "Maybe I was too angry when I answered Sister Ziyan's call. Sister Ziyan asked me to calm down first. If I want to make a call, I have to wait until the weather is over tomorrow."

“Your agent is right.”


“But if you don’t know clearly, why can’t you sleep tonight?”

 “Don’t curse me, I still want to read a book and then fall asleep.”

Chen Siqi was happy and said: "Okay, then you can read the book, I won't disturb you anymore."

Chen Siqi said and hung up the phone.

Lu Yanhe stared at his phone with wide eyes. Damn it, he hung up right away? Not even a word of good night! -

 Chen Siqi looked at Lu Yanhe’s side face frowning and staring at the phone on the computer screen, and laughed.

 Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

As if reflexively, she moved her finger on the mouse, and the cursor that had been resting on the close button immediately zoomed in on the window of the live broadcast platform.

 “Who is it? I’m going to sleep.”

"Then you go to bed early and don't do it like last night. I got up early in the morning to go to the bathroom and saw that the light was still on in your room." Her father's voice came from the door.

 Chen Siqi originally thought it was Liu Wei'an.

 Because her father rarely knocks on the door of her room.

“I was reading a manuscript yesterday.” Chen Siqi said through the door, “It’s not like you don’t know that I was editing a book with my classmates recently.”

 She didn’t know if her father was still listening.

Two seconds passed, and there was no sound from outside the door.

 Chen Siqi felt a burst of disappointment in her heart. Suddenly, her father's voice came from outside the door again: "Just do those things for fun, don't stay up late and hurt your body."

She was so angry that she wanted to retort, why was it just for fun? Why did she finally do something she wanted to do, but in his eyes it was just for fun?

 But she endured it. Chen Siqi took a deep breath and clenched her fists in anger as she listened to the footsteps at the door.

She can only comfort and encourage herself. Don’t be a giant in language. Make "Jump Up" and make "Jump Up" the best Mook. Let’s see who dares to say that she is just “playing for fun”! -

Originally, Lu Yanhe thought of contacting Song Linxin the next day. No matter what, he wanted to hear what happened from her own words.

 However, Lu Yanhe did not expect that he suddenly received a call from Chen Ziyan early the next morning. Chen Ziyan said: "Something happened to Wang Yunfan."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned, “What happened to him?”

"He committed suicide and went outside to record a variety show in the middle of filming. As a result, he had an accident last night and broke his leg during the recording process." Chen Ziyan said, "Now the rest of the filming of "Golden Age" has to follow Make adjustments.”

“Ah?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Then how to film his scenes? Should we wait until his leg injury heals before filming?”

"How can he wait since his legs can't stand up in three months? Who has the time to wait for him?" Chen Ziyan's tone was full of annoyance, because Wang Yunfan's own problem delayed the progress of the entire crew.

 “What should we do?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Ziyan said: "Lei Shuangcheng contacted me half an hour ago and asked me if you were free in August. I said you had a party recording and a program recording after the 20th. He didn't say anything, but I then thought about it, if Wang Yunfan had a problem, he wouldn't have to call me to ask if he had time. Did Director Luo change his mind and change the script for you? The role of Wang Yunfan will be played by you?"

Lu Yanhe's eyes suddenly trembled, "No way? That's the second male lead."

"I don't think it's possible, but Director Luo is really fond of you. Moreover, it doesn't mean that he will just let you play the role of Wang Yunfan directly. He may ask the screenwriter to change the script overnight and split his roles into different roles. "Chen Ziyan said, "As soon as I thought of this, I called you, Yan He, and I asked you, would you give up recording "Young Days"?

 Lu Yanhe was confused.

“Ah? Didn’t we all sign the contract?”

Chan Ziyan said: "What is more important, a variety show or a more important role in director Luo Yuzhong's new play?"

She sounded like Lu Yanhe was particularly ignorant.

Lu Yanhe was silent, and his doubts became even more intense. After a while, he said: "However, if we have signed an agreement with "Young Days", I think we must have a contractual spirit."

 Chen Ziyan: "We can negotiate after signing the agreement. We can withdraw through friendly negotiation. The key is that if Director Luo is really willing to give you more scenes, wouldn't you be tempted?"

Lu Yanhe frowned for a long time before saying, "Sister Ziyan, I am very moved, but...since I have made a promise to someone else, I don't want to break my promise."

Probably Chen Ziyan didn't expect Lu Yanhe to be so stubborn in this regard. She didn't know what to say for a moment, so she was silent for two seconds and hung up the phone.

 Chen Ziyan didn't know that after Lu Yanhe hung up the phone, his face was full of confusion, because he felt that Chen Ziyan's attitude on the phone just now was not in line with her past style.

In his impression, Chen Ziyan was able to get along so well in the entertainment industry, and it was inseparable from her commitment to keeping her promises and keeping her credibility. How could she persuade him to terminate the contract with "Young Days"?


"Although the agreement has been signed, there is still so much time before the program is recorded. I will go talk to the program team and help them introduce a popular idol star to join. Are Chen Biqiu and the others still unwilling?"

Chen Ziyan shook her head helplessly and looked at the man sitting in front of her, "Director Li, look, I just used Director Luo's "Golden Age" to add a scene to him, but I didn't even persuade him to terminate his contract with "Young Days" , What other reason can I have to persuade him? "

Sitting in front of her was a deputy director of the Beijing TV station and a powerful director.

 The latter is in his early fifties, but his temples are already frosty white.

There was a slight smile on his lips, and he waved his hand and said, "Xiao Chen, please don't do this to me. If you have the intention to prevent him from appearing in "Young Days", there is no need for such an excuse. ah."

Chen Ziyan groaned, "Director Li, you really overestimate me. I am just a small manager. Moreover, it is not the era when we had the final say. Now the manager is just a waiter working for the artist." , How can I persuade him?"

Director Li said: "Aren't you the master who gave him clever tricks behind his back and finally helped him successfully stay in the Star Entertainment Agency?"

“Ah?” Chen Ziyan looked confused, “What are you talking about?”

Director Li said: "I heard Mr. Ma say before that if you hadn't stopped him, he would have terminated Lu Yanhe's contract long ago. Haha, of course, he was blind and didn't realize that Lu Yanhe was such a diamond."

"You are exaggerating, I have never stopped them." Chen Ziyan said, "I just knew that Zhou Pingan would no longer take Lu Yanhe, and I saw some bright spots in him, so I took him."

"Okay, I came to see you today. I originally wanted to catch up with you and catch up with you. By the way, I invited this young boy who has become popular recently to come to our station to record a show. Unfortunately, the time has happened. Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance." Director Li waved his hand and stood up.

 “Look, my place is very simple and there is nothing to entertain you, so I’ll give it to you.”

 “No need, stay.” Director Li waved his hand.

Chen Ziyan still insisted on being sent to the elevator.

As soon as the others left, Chen Ziyan put away the smile on her face and calmed down.

As soon as she returned to the office, she immediately called Lu Yanhe back.


"Hello, Sister Ziyan? I just rejected you, are you not angry?" On the phone, Lu Yanhe's voice was a little cautious.

Chen Ziyan: "I'm not angry. You answered very well just now. I really had no choice but to make that call to you. I was forced to do that by a deputy director of Beijing TV Station. He used the "Beijing Station" behind his words. There is a program that wants you to cooperate and asks you to terminate your contract with "Young Days". Due to my personal reasons, I can't refuse him directly. I can only say that I can't be your boss, so I find an excuse to ask you if you are willing to terminate your contract. ”

Lu Yanhe was confused when he heard this, and he didn't realize what the relationship was.

Chen Ziyan was silent for another two seconds and said: "He seems to be particularly reluctant to let you appear on the program "Young Days"."

“The deputy director of Beijing TV is particularly unwilling to let me appear on the program "Young Days"?" Lu Yanhe asked, "Does this program have anything to do with Beijing TV?"

"No, this program is an online variety show, not broadcast on a TV station. This is what makes me feel particularly strange." Chen Ziyan asked, "Do you know the deputy director of Beijing TV? His surname is Li."

"do not know."

Chen Ziyan didn't think Lu Yanhe knew him, so she just asked to eliminate the last possibility.

“Is it true or false that Wang Yunfan’s leg was broken?”

“Really.” Chen Ziyan said, “But Lei Shuangcheng didn’t come to call me to ask if you have time, but came to complain to me as an old friend.”

 “What about the subsequent filming of “The Golden Age”?

"With the plaster on, only the upper body is shot from the front and side, and only the stand-in is shot in the panoramic view. This is the only way we can shoot for now." Chen Ziyan said, "It is enough for a crew to meet such an actor. In the future, he will probably be beaten by Director Luo." The director blocked him."

Lu Yanhe felt sad after hearing this.

"I always feel that Director Li from Beijing came out of nowhere, which makes me feel strange." Chen Ziyan still said it back and said, "I don't know why, but I have a strong intuition. This is incomprehensible to what happened to you before. Things may have some kind of relationship.”

“Sister Ziyan, are you saying that I was pushed into the river and kicked out of the company?”

"Well." Chen Ziyan's eyes flashed with a strange light, "I even have some suspicions now, but I don't have any evidence yet. I will investigate first and I will tell you if there are real clues."

Lu Yanhe felt a little nervous inexplicably.

"I see."

Chen Ziyan: "It's okay, don't worry. Anyway, the more you work, the more famous you are, the more people pay attention to you, the more afraid the person hiding behind will be. Speaking of which, I have to find an assistant for you. It's best to return the favor. If you can learn a little martial arts and have someone following you, you won't be in the same danger as before. I was really negligent in asking you to shoot "Golden Age" alone. Fortunately, nothing happened."

 Hang up the phone, Chen Ziyan said to look for it and immediately used her own network to find a suitable assistant candidate.

Originally, Chen Ziyan didn't want to find an assistant for Lu Yanhe so early. First, she didn't want Lu Yanhe to develop the bad habit of being waited on wherever he went. Second, Lu Yanhe's current income couldn't afford the assistant's salary, and the company had to foot the bill. Deputy Ma The boss would definitely not agree, so she could only use her power forcefully, but she was very unconvincing at the executive meeting. After all, she had turned down so many profitable projects for Lu Yanhe, and all of them were accepted that were not very profitable.

But Chen Ziyan suddenly realized now that assigning an assistant to Lu Yanhe was not just as simple as assigning an assistant, but also to ensure that he would not be left alone and that there would be no opportunities for others to take advantage of him.

Although the last time Lu Yanhe was summoned through an anonymous letter to a remote riverside location when no one was around, who knows how he will do it next time.

 Must be on guard now!

 Looking from the background: The average order has exceeded 3,000! It has achieved the high-quality results that we expected when it was put on the shelves. Thank you for your support! I know that this book is very unconventional. It can become a masterpiece so quickly. Haha, I look forward to the time when the badge is hung up!

 (End of this chapter)

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