Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 218: reverse

Chapter 218 Reversal

During the evening rehearsal, Lu Yanhe noticed that everyone looked at him strangely.

 That's the bad thing about being involved in right and wrong. Once you become the protagonist of right and wrong news, you will be looked at everywhere you go, like a gorilla in the zoo.

He went on stage to rehearse, because there was only one song to perform, and there were no dance moves, just a few simple moves.

 After finishing it once, the director said OK.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised when he heard it and asked, "Don't you need to sing it again?"

His rehearsal just now only had him walk through the steps once, and there was no rehearsal for the performance.

  The director said that there were many people waiting for the rehearsal, and his songs had already been heard in the recording studio.

Lu Yanhe felt strange and did not step down from the stage. Instead, he looked at Chen Ziyan on the side of the stage.

Chen Ziyan folded her hands on her chest and looked at the director with a serious expression.

Lu Yanhe said: "Director, I still want to sing it live. It only takes three or four minutes to sing it again."

  When the director heard what Lu Yanhe said, his brows instantly wrinkled.

“I told you there’s no need to sing. I know you’re a professional singer and can sing, so there’s no need for—”

"I need it." Lu Yanhe interrupted the director sternly and said, "Any professional singer needs to rehearse, let alone an unprofessional one like me. Director, please work hard and let me sing. There will be a live broadcast tomorrow, and I’m worried about something going wrong on site.”

 Other staff on the scene looked at them in surprise.

 Generally speaking, it is the director team who asks the celebrity artists to rehearse to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

 What's going on today?

 Why is it the other way around?

Especially the director...why didn't he want Lu Yanhe to rehearse?

The director glanced at Lu Yanhe impatiently and said, "Okay, you can sing if you want."

This impatient tone surprised others, and also made Lu Yanhe feel surprised and at a loss. Is his request too much? Why was he acting so strangely towards him?

 But at any rate, rehearsals have finally started. Lu Yanhe sang normally, and the overall effect was pretty good. He then left and handed the microphone to the staff.

Chen Ziyan came over and said to Lu Yanhe: "Wait for me outside."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, but seeing Chen Ziyan's darkened face, Lu Yanhe didn't ask any more questions, nodded, and left, going outside the studio.


Lu Yanhe was sitting in the corridor outside the studio waiting for Chen Ziyan.

 There were people coming and going in the corridor constantly, including the artist team and the on-site staff.

Lu Yanhe was sitting alone on a chair. When others saw him, they all showed doubts, as if they didn't understand why he was sitting here.

After a while, Chen Ziyan came out of the studio and said to Lu Yanhe, "Let's go."

“Sister Ziyan, did you say something to the director just now?”

"His attitude towards you is very abnormal. I asked him a few questions." Chen Ziyan said, "However, it seems that he just has some opinions on you personally, not because of the instructions of some senior executive. Director Li suddenly paid attention to you before. Makes me wary.”

Lu Yanhe then realized that Chen Ziyan was worried about this.

 He nodded and said, "What does that director have to say about me?"

"It seems that the whole thing is not understood. He thinks that your fans are attacking their program team because of the difference in treatment of lunch boxes, which makes him very unhappy." Chen Ziyan waved her hands, "It's okay. If he is unhappy about this matter, he is unhappy. It is not important and will not affect us. , you should do your performance seriously tomorrow and don’t let it slip.”

"Will not."

"I have been thinking about finding a suitable film and television drama to put in your song "Childhood", which will be more beneficial to the spread of your song." Chen Ziyan said, "Originally, I wanted to find a good stage for you to sing your first song. Yes, there is no chance now. Don't worry, because I have no intention of letting you take the route of a singer. There is no need to rush to prove yourself on the singer's stage. This is to be honest. Your singing voice is better than ordinary. You're a nice person, but when it comes to professional singers, you're not up to par."

"I know that too." Lu Yanhe nodded, touched his nose, and smiled sheepishly, "Indeed, I can sing well, but I don't know how good I can sing. It depends on my talent."

 That's the case for singers, the natural voice condition is too important.

If you don't have a good voice and are just popular, it's hard to go far in the long run. Unless you really focus on pursuing your idol career to the end, your idol career can only last until you are thirty at most. After the age of thirty, it will always go downhill. . Chen Ziyan hopes that Lu Yanhe will choose a more sustainable path, but based on current observations, Lu Yanhe himself is not very interested in singing, and his talent is only that, so acting is more suitable.

 Chen Ziyan: “You always have a clear understanding of yourself.”

 Lu Yanhe couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I don't think you are complimenting me at all, Sister Ziyan."


When Lu Yanhe returned to Hong Mansion, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

 Li Zhibai has returned.

When he saw Lu Yanhe, he immediately glared and asked, "Did Chen Ziliang attack you?"

On his way back from the plane just now, he saw the animated picture of Chen Ziliang rushing into Lu Yanhe's rest room. Various analysis posts on the Internet said that Chen Ziliang and Lu Yanhe had been at odds for a long time, and some said that Lu Yanhe's fans had made Chen Ziliang angry. , Li Zhi was furious when he saw it.

Lu Yanhe shook his head: "If you don't take action, why take action?"

“What did that idiot do tonight? Look at him rushing into your place looking for you with a menacing look on his face.”

"He felt that I deliberately broadcast the live broadcast tonight to let everyone see the difference between my lunch box and his." Lu Yanhe explained, "I had some grudges with him, and it happened that some of my fans saw this and angrily defended me. ”

 “This idiot.” Li Zhibai cursed unceremoniously.

"Stop scolding him. He is probably regretting it. Impulsively, he was scolded on the hot search again. Now more people are talking about him than me." Lu Yanhe didn't take it too seriously, "You're not Are you coming back tomorrow? Why did you come back tonight?”

Li Zhibai: "The drama I filmed before will be broadcast tomorrow. I was notified at short notice that there will be a media meeting tomorrow afternoon and I will be asked to attend."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Congratulations, your first drama is finally going to be aired."

"Along with You to the End of the World", which was filmed by Li Zhibai at the beginning of this year, will now be broadcast online in August, which can be regarded as being broadcast very quickly.

Li Zhibai shook his head and sighed: "I am very worried that after this drama is aired, there will be a lot of criticism."


"Because... to be honest, it's very pretentious." Li Zhibai shook his head, "I didn't want to take on this drama at all, but Zhou Ping'an asked me to act. If I am ridiculed by the crowd, I will definitely show those... I sent screenshots of the comments that humiliated me to Zhou Pingan and asked him to read them word by word.”

“Isn’t it humiliating you just to read it out?” Lu Yanhe said speechlessly.

 Li Zhibai: “If you humiliate me, you are humiliating him.”

Lu Yanhe could see that although Li Zhibai expressed all kinds of dislike for this drama, he was actually looking forward to the broadcast of this drama.

 This is his first time acting, and he definitely hopes to know what kind of feedback everyone will have on his performance.

Lu Yanhe saw Li Zhibai like this and couldn't help but think about how he would feel after "Golden Age" started airing.

There is no need to wait until that time. Just thinking about it now makes me feel uncontrollably excited.

 Those who are engaged in this industry have a little vanity that longs to be seen and recognized. Lu Yanhe is no exception.

He said: "Then I will rush back after my performance tomorrow night. When will your drama be launched?"

"Eight o'clock in the evening." Li Zhibai said, "I'm not here yet. I want to participate in the premiere of Icefield Video. Then I will watch the premiere with Mengli and the others."

Lu Yanhe: “That’s okay.”

“I will post a promotion for my drama tomorrow, please remember to forward it for me.” Li Zhibai said.

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe smiled brightly and nodded.


The next day, Lu Yanhe woke up naturally from his sleep. As soon as he opened his eyes, he received a call from Chen Ziyan. The time when the phone rang was so seamless that Lu Yanhe even thought that Chen Ziyan had installed surveillance cameras in his room.

"are you awake?"

 It’s actually only eight o’clock in the morning.

“Wake up.” Lu Yanhe sat up, “What’s the matter, Sister Ziyan?”

"Last night Chen Ziliang got drunk, went crazy, and posted a post. After a night of fermentation, the entire Internet has exploded." Chen Ziyan briefly explained the background, and then said, "This matter has affected you." Lu Yanhe was extremely confused.

He exited the call interface and opened his social platform without searching intentionally. A casual swipe on the home page revealed a discussion about Chen Ziliang going crazy late last night.

 Then, Lu Yanhe found the content of Chen Ziliang’s madness:

 You never know how stressed I am! How much I want to get your approval, but you will always be attracted by new people. You once said you would always love me and support me, but you were the ones who left me unknowingly! Lu Yanhe is young, handsome, and talented. Yes, I admit it, but am I worse than him? Why do you come here to condemn me for such a small thing as a packed lunch? I have worked hard for so many years, am I still not worthy of a richer lunch box than him?

 Then, I attached a selfie picture.

In the selfie picture, he is sitting on a dimly lit street corner, probably squatting, with no makeup on his face, showing his most bare-faced and most miserable side. His eyes are full of drunkenness that needs no explanation, and his eyes are full of Unwilling to do so.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment.

 It was like watching an arrogant swordsman suddenly turn into a funny clown. In addition to being speechless, there was also a sense of loneliness.

The change before and after was too sudden.

Lu Yanhe would rather watch a person perish arrogantly than watch a person dejectedly abandon himself.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Now there is a meme on the Internet. Many people are @you, asking you if Chen Ziliang doesn't deserve a better lunch box than you?"

Lu Yanhe sighed speechlessly, looked at his backstage, and said, "I saw it."

"You should not respond to this matter." Chen Ziyan said, "Now Chen Ziliang's team is probably going crazy. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to have such an artist on the show."

Lu Yanhe said: "But, Sister Ziyan, this incident shouldn't have had any negative impact on Chen Ziliang, right?"

"More than that, his reputation changed drastically overnight. If I hadn't known that Chen Ziliang was really drunk, and his agent sharpened his knife to break down the door this morning, I would have thought they hired a publicist. It's an idea from a master." Chen Ziyan said speechlessly, "Now people on the Internet think that Chen Ziliang is very genuine and aggrieved. Suddenly he has become a little star who looks arrogant but is actually pitiful. I don't know what to say. What’s wrong, this entertainment industry, this public opinion field, ha!”

Hearing Chen Ziyan’s disdainful voice, Lu Yanhe couldn’t help but laugh.


Just as Chen Ziyan said, Chen Ziliang’s reputation changed overnight.

 Even Chen Ziliang’s team didn’t expect it.

 Chen Ziliang’s agent Yan Wei was surprised and immediately realized that this was an opportunity worth seizing.

 Chen Ziliang hasn’t had such a big memory for a long time.

 As a first-line singer, it is the same as an actor. If you are not seen by the audience for too long and you only immerse yourself in the original fan circle, you will be slowly eliminated by everyone.

 Chen Ziliang suddenly got drunk and went crazy at night, but unexpectedly hit everyone's point, and suddenly the whole network paid attention to it, and it went viral.

Moreover, everyone’s evaluation of Chen Ziliang has completely reversed. Previously, Chen Ziliang was criticized for his fierce look when he rushed into Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room. Now everything has become Chen Ziliang’s grievance and his jealousy of Lu Yanhe.

 Yan Wei immediately contacted the public relations team, seized this opportunity, and began to expand the image of Chen Ziliang as a "wronged, true-hearted male singer".

And Lu Yanhe, who was accidentally involved in this turmoil, inexplicably became a joke.

When Lu Yanhe checked his Weibo again at noon, he found that the comment area of ​​his Weibo was almost destroyed. There were more than 100,000 comments, all of which were trolls.

 —Isn’t Chen Ziliang worthy of a better lunch box than yours? Forgive him.

Lu Yanhe looked at the people who came to his Weibo. He knew that many people were just following the trend, but he still found it absurd.

Chen Ziyan repeatedly emphasized not to make any response.

Lu Yanhe turned off his phone and decided not to look at it anymore.

Before going to the official performance, Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe on the road: "When you get in front of people later, be sure not to express any dissatisfaction. Nowadays, netizens like to make jokes. If you keep a straight face, others will think you are not generous." ”

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I can bear it."

 Chen Ziyan: "The entertainment industry is like this. It changes rapidly. I didn't expect that Chen Ziliang would turn over so inexplicably."

“What should I say when I see him later?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Shall I greet him warmly?”

"Just say hello to him on the surface. There is no need to make excuses with him." Chen Ziyan said, "What I mean is, there must be a lot of cameras backstage today. Don't let them take pictures of your black face. When the time comes, it will be posted online. It has been interpreted in various ways by many people.”

“I know this, it won’t happen.” Lu Yanhe said, “I will laugh when I get off the car.”

When Chen Ziyan heard what Lu Yanhe said, she couldn't help but say: "Then I didn't ask you to get out of the car and laugh. Don't laugh like a fool from a landlord's family."

Lu Yanhe: "I said I wanted to laugh, but you disliked it."

 “Don’t be so stubborn, you know what I’m talking about.”


 Arrived backstage, tonight was even busier and more chaotic than during the rehearsal last night.

When Lu Yanhe came to his lounge, the corridor was crowded with people, all of them actors and actresses in costumes.

Lu Yanhe was led over by Chen Ziyan. As soon as he entered, there was already a makeup artist waiting inside.

Clothes have also been delivered, and a styling team is waiting to give him makeup for the upcoming performance.

Lu Yanhe changed his clothes first, wearing a gray-blue suit.

Chen Ziyan only had one styling and style requirement for him: simple and elegant, clean and refreshing.

 Chen Ziyan wants to create such an impression on the public.

 There won’t be any exaggerated styling. When you appear in front of everyone, you don’t need to be stunning, as long as you are ordinary handsome.

 At this moment, Yan Wei suddenly came over.

 He came specifically to see Chen Ziyan.

 “Sister Ziyan, thank you very much for today.” Yan Wei’s face showed a smile that could not be concealed.

 The reason why he came to express his thanks was because Lu Yanhe's side did not respond to Chen Ziliang's drunken gaffe last night, which allowed Chen Ziliang to successfully turn around today.

Chen Ziyan raised her eyes and said, "There's no need to be so polite. I'll be grateful to you, Mr. Chen Ziliang, for coming to trouble Yan He in the future."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him!" Yan Wei said, with a smile on his face, and said to Chen Ziyan, "Thank you for having a lot of money."

After saying that, Chen Ziyan thought Yan Wei was leaving, but Yan Wei suddenly said: "Sister Ziyan, do you think you can arrange for Chen Ziliang and Yan He to take a photo together later today and post it on social platforms together? This can also make it clear to everyone that what happened in the live broadcast room yesterday was a misunderstanding."

Chen Ziyan rolled her eyelids up and asked, "Is it a misunderstanding?"

Chen Ziyan's attitude seemed to be beyond Yan Wei's expectation, and he glanced at Chen Ziyan in surprise.

 Chen Ziyan said: “Don’t push yourself too far.”

Yan Wei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Chen Ziyan to have this attitude.

 He was stunned for two seconds before he put away the smile on his face angrily.

 “Okay, let’s talk about it next time when we have a chance.”

Chen Ziyan could see that Yan Wei was still a little dissatisfied.

Yan Wei's attitude today is completely different from last night's look of lack of interest, helplessness and frustration.

 It seems that today Chen Ziliang became famous all over the Internet and returned to the focus of public opinion, which caused Yan Wei's mentality to change.

Chen Ziyan squinted her eyes and watched calmly as Yan Wei turned around and left unwillingly. She made another note about this person in the little notebook in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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