Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 219: They are all live fans (8,000 words)

Chapter 219 They are all live fans (8,000 words)

 Yan Wei returned to Chen Ziliang's lounge, glanced at Chen Ziliang, who had already put on makeup and was listening to his demo, and said, "I went to see Chen Ziyan just now."

Chen Ziliang paused the playback and asked with an unhappy face: "Why are you looking for her?"

  Yan Wei was helpless.

Even though he made such a big mistake last night, Chen Ziliang acted as if nothing had happened. This attitude made Yan Wei particularly speechless. For a long time, this man had no idea that he had repeatedly been on the verge of a big problem, and he didn't know his profession. It is very likely that your career will get lost at some point and run towards the abyss of eternal destruction.

“If Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe refuse to let you go and attack you, how long can you maintain such a good situation?” Yan Wei asked.

Chen Ziliang immediately sneered and said, "Pull him down. How good is Lu Yanhe? Can he pose a threat to me?"

"Lu Yanhe doesn't have such power, doesn't Chen Ziyan?" Yan Wei emphasized his tone, "Chen Ziyan can block many of your paths just because of her connections. You are not popular to begin with. If you are blocked by Chen Ziyan again, you Don’t think about it, how many more shows can you go on? Do you know how many people have blacklisted you?”

Chen Ziliang didn't take it to heart at all and said: "So what if I'm on the blacklist? Today I became famous all over the Internet again. I don't believe there aren't other programs looking for you. Some old **** always regard themselves as so important, as if they If I’m blacklisted, it’s like I can’t survive anymore. What the hell, the waves behind you in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves ahead are destined to be beaten to death on the beach.”

Yan Wei was so angry that his eyes were black. The situation that was so good because of last night's accident suddenly didn't look so good.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. How do you have the confidence to think that you can push the waves ahead?" Yan Wei was so angry that he lost his composure, "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that Chen Ziyan doesn't have any What does retirement mean? Do you know who is behind her? You don’t know anything and you dare to be so arrogant!”

Chen Ziliang remained indifferent and said: "If she really had any ability, she would have taken action long ago. I have been listening to you here all the time, and I haven't seen how she is really doing. You are too worried."

Yan Wei nodded, pointed at Chen Ziliang, and said, "Okay, if you want to do this, I won't bother to care about you. You can fend for yourself."

Chen Ziliang frowned and looked at Yan Wei dissatisfied.

 “What’s your attitude?”

Yan Wei took a deep breath and said, "Ziliang, you have a performance later. You prepare for the performance first. After today, let's find a time to sit together and talk seriously about your future development and what the two of us want to do. We need to have a serious discussion about how to continue our cooperation.”

 Chen Ziliang glanced at Yan Weiwei and nodded, "It's up to you."


 Lu Yanhe’s performance went smoothly without any problems.

The atmosphere at the scene was also very good. After he appeared, there was no silence.

Even now, Lu Yanhe is still worried that his performance will be a disappointment.

 After singing one song, Lu Yanhe was ready to leave the stage.

 However, Lu Yanhe was stopped by the host.

 “Yan He, Yan He, please stay!” the host Zheng Wei shouted.

Lu Yanhe turned around in surprise and looked at Zheng Wei.

There was no such link during the rehearsal, and no one communicated with him about this before he went on stage.

 Could it be that another guest performer had a problem and needed him to save time?

Lu Yanhe looked at Zheng Wei doubtfully, but there was no instruction in his ears.

Zheng Wei looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "When I heard you singing just now, I really felt the breath of youth coming to my face. Yan He, I'm going to college soon. How are you feeling?"

Lu Yanhe snorted and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Although there was no notice, it was a live broadcast after all, and Lu Yanhe still chose to cooperate.

Who knows, Zheng Wei suddenly changed the topic the next second and started to mention Chen Ziliang.

“Have you seen what Chen Ziliang posted last night?”

Lu Yanhe was stunned, "Huh?"

He looked at Zheng Wei with confusion, mainly because he didn't understand why Zheng Wei would mention this matter at this time.

Zheng Wei said: "Everyone is paying close attention to this matter today. Do you have anything to say about this matter?"

Zheng Wei suddenly handed the microphone to him.

 The whole audience was screaming, excited about the ongoing topic.

Lu Yanhe looked at Zheng Wei hesitantly, and Zheng Wei encouraged him with his eyes.

"I don't have anything to say." Lu Yanhe finally said directly, "I'm here to perform today. Do you like my performance?"

 He suddenly turned his head and looked at the audience and asked.

 “Like—” there was an overwhelming shout from the audience.

Lu Yanhe raised his hand with a bright smile, made a high gesture, smiled at Zheng Wei, and said, "Thank you, I'll step down first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yanhe turned around and walked towards the audience.

Zheng Wei looked at Lu Yanhe's back in surprise and shouted twice more: "Yanhe, Yanhe—"

Lu Yanhe turned a deaf ear and walked towards the audience, waving hello to the audience, as if he was immersed in the interaction with the audience and did not hear Zheng Wei's shout.

 It wasn’t until Lu Yanhe came off the stage that he put away the smile on his face.

Suddenly, a stranger rushed up to Lu Yanhe and asked with a straight face: "Why did you suddenly step down from the stage? Do you know this is a live broadcast?"

This man's questioning voice was full of oppression, as if Lu Yanhe had stabbed a heinous person.

Lu Yanhe looked at this man in surprise.

“Do you know how much trouble you have caused us by stepping down so willfully?” The man glared at Lu Yanhe and added.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath and stared back unceremoniously.

"Who are you? Which party do you represent to question me? The program team or the TV station?" Lu Yanhe took a step forward and looked at the other party, "I haven't asked you yet, who arranged this sudden interview session? Have you communicated with me in advance? Is it written in the contract? Who arranged it to suddenly mention these things that have nothing to do with the performance?”

In the past two months, Lu Yanhe has dealt with different people and different things, and he has learned one thing, that is, when you are not willing to tolerate it, you must not think about speaking and communicating well.

 Not everyone deserves good communication.

Lu Yanhe’s attitude became even more serious and he glared at the man in front of him, “Where is the director?”

 At this time, Chen Ziyan came.

She pushed aside the crowd surrounding Lu Yanhe without any explanation, held Lu Yanhe's arm with one hand, and said with a frosty face, "Yan He, let's go."

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Ziyan and followed Chen Ziyan.

The person who just scolded Lu Yanhe saw Chen Ziyan pulling Lu Yanhe to leave, and immediately shouted: "Why are you leaving? Who allowed you to leave?"

Chen Ziyan's eyes widened, "Do we need your permission before we leave? Call Jiang Wangdong over here!"

 Jiang Wangdong is the chief director of today's party.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

 Chen Ziyan took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Wangdong, "Jiang Wangdong, I'm right here on the stage. What do you mean your people are stopping me and not letting us leave?"

While Chen Ziyan was on the phone, Lu Yanhe looked at the person in front of him.

The latter crossed his arms and looked scornful as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

 After a while, Jiang Wangdong arrived in a hurry.

“Xu Bandian, what are you doing!” As soon as Jiang Wangdong arrived, he scolded the young man who didn’t take Lu Yanhe and the others seriously.

When Xu Bandian saw Jiang Wangdong really coming, he was stunned, and then said: "Director Jiang, they didn't cooperate with us first, why should we tolerate them? A young star who has just become popular is acting like a big name. We in Beijing and Taiwan are not Where they can make a big show!”

“Shut up!” Jiang Wangdong scolded angrily.

Xu Handian still looked unconvinced, but after all he faced the director and stopped talking stiffly.

Jiang Wangdong asked Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe to go back and rest first.

 Chen Ziyan looked at him coldly and said, "If you don't give me an explanation for what happened today, you won't need to contact me in the future."

 She took Lu Yanhe away.

 Everyone around was stunned.

 For staff in Beijing and Taiwan, it is rare to hear others say such things to threaten them.

 No matter how big-name an artist is, he or she is still an artist. In front of a behemoth like Beijing and Taiwan, it is difficult for him to have the qualifications to challenge him.

Chen Ziyan dares to say such things?

 This is something that many people cannot imagine.

 Xu Handian said angrily to Jiang Wangdong: "Director Jiang, why are you so polite to them? You are just a small artist."

"Shut up!" Jiang Wangdong glared at Xu Handian angrily, "Even if your father was here, he wouldn't dare to talk to Chen Ziyan like this, let alone Lu Yanhe's identity! We will hold such parties again in the future, you see Can you invite Lu Yanhe? Without Lu Yanhe, where would you find an artist who can get into Zhenhua?"

Xu Handian’s face turned blue and white.

“He made a mess on the stage and we still tolerate him?”

“Zheng Wei suddenly stopped him and asked him those questions. Was it your instructions?” Jiang Wangdong suddenly asked.

Xu Bandian explained: "This matter is the most concerning thing now. I asked Zheng Wei to ask him a few questions. What's wrong?"

"Okay, you're awesome. You have a father who is an executive. You're awesome. I can't afford to offend them. If they have any accountability later, you'll be responsible for it." Jiang Wangdong glared at him indifferently and didn't want to say anything more. , turned around and left.

Xu Bandian was still confused until this moment and didn't understand why Jiang Wangdong had such an attitude towards Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe.

 Five minutes later, Xu Handian returned to the directing team.

 As one of the assistant directors of this evening party, he cannot stay away for too long.

As soon as he entered, there was a knock on the door and he walked into the director's room.

Xu Handian turned around and found that it was his father.

 “Xutai?” Someone called him.

Deputy director Xu Bin pointed at Xu Bandian and said, "Come out."

Xu Bandian followed Xu Bin in surprise. Xu Bin took Xu Bandian to an unoccupied room, turned on the light, and locked the door.

 Xu Bandian looked at Xu Bin doubtfully and asked, "Dad, why did you call me out suddenly?"

Xu Bin suddenly slapped Xu Bandian, catching Xu Bandian off guard.

Xu Handian looked at Xu Bin in disbelief, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"When the work is over, go and apologize to Chen Ziyan right away!" Xu Bin roared angrily, "I told you a long time ago, don't offend some people, why are you so arrogant! So many people are Go ahead and offend those who dare not offend!”

 Xu Bandian was stunned.

“Dad, isn’t she just an agent?”

Xu Bin said with fierce eyes: "Which ordinary agent would dare to call Jiang Wangdong from the scene with just a phone call? Why don't you think about it with your pig brain? Why are you so stupid?!"


"It's really breathtaking." On the way back with Lu Yanhe, Chen Ziyan connected her mobile phone to the car's Bluetooth. She didn't avoid Lu Yanhe and directly called her friends to talk about the incident. "I have encountered arrogant people." , but I’ve never met someone so arrogant that he stopped someone directly. Please help me find out who that person is!”

Lu Yanhe didn’t know who Chen Ziyan was talking to.

There was a man's voice over there, saying: "Who asked you to leave the entertainment industry for so long, and they don't even know what your status is."

Chen Ziyan: "This has nothing to do with my status. He shouldn't do this and restrict our personal freedom. There are still people who dare to do this these days. It's really arrogant."

“As for Jingtai, you don’t know that there are many good people who can work in Jingtai.”

"That is, although it is not a national TV station, it is a TV station at the foot of the imperial city. The relationship is complicated. You don't know who is behind anyone, so what?" Lu Yanhe felt that Chen Ziyan had a murderous look on her face, "Yes Let’s show off the skills and see who has the tougher wrists.”

"Don't be like other kids. Only people who don't know you dare to yell at you and boss you around." Chen Ziyan's friend said with a smile, "I'll go check it out, but you'd better give me a warning." , don’t get into a fight with others.”

 Chen Ziyan said lazily: "You are making me look like a villain. How can I have that ability?"


 In fact, something happened that neither Chen Ziyan nor Lu Yanhe expected.

 Because it was a live broadcast, the scene of Lu Yanhe turning a deaf ear to the host and running away on stage was directly seen by tens of millions of viewers.

As a result, this scene quickly became a hot search topic, causing everyone to talk about it.

 In today’s Internet environment, everyone likes to see “live actions”.

The same was true for Chen Ziliang last night, and the same is true for Lu Yanhe today.

Lu Yanhe’s attitude of obviously not wanting to answer the host’s question was uncharacteristically considered by everyone to be a “very rigid” attitude.

 On the barrage, many people immediately supported Lu Yanhe. -That’s right. Even if Chen Ziliang feels aggrieved and uncomfortable, and feels that he has been unjustly scolded, what does this have to do with Lu Yanhe? Lu Yanhe is eating well, but why should he pretend to be generous when he suddenly rushes in and scolds him? Forgive him.

—Yesterday, a group of people rushed to Lu Yanhe’s comment section to ask Lu Yanhe to forgive Chen Ziliang. This incident made people speechless. Why did Chen Ziliang go crazy in the middle of the night and ask Lu Yanhe to forgive him?

—How many artists like Lu Yanhe are there in the entertainment industry? Cherish him.


Lu Yanhe avoided talking about the "Chen Ziliang incident" on stage today, causing Chen Ziliang, who had already begun to reverse his image, to fall into controversy again.

 This is something Chen Ziliang did not expect at all.

After Lu Yanhe's performance, he had nothing else to do backstage. After breaking up with Yan Wei, he stayed in the lounge by himself, checking his cell phone, waiting for the show. Who knew that many people would suddenly come to him? Under his social media account, he complained about him in various ways.

 This is something Chen Ziliang never thought of.

At the end of the day, almost everyone sympathized with him because of his post, and sincerely encouraged and supported him. Why did the trend suddenly change?

 Chen Ziliang searched the Internet and found out why the wind direction had changed.

It turned out to be because Lu Yanhe avoided talking about his drunken speech on the stage just now.

 It’s Lu Yanhe again!

 Chen Ziliang was extremely angry, and there was a fire rising deep in his heart!

 It feels like every time I meet Lu Yanhe, nothing good happens!

Chen Ziliang subconsciously wanted to call Yan Wei and ask him to handle the matter. However, he immediately thought of what Yan Wei said just now.

The two of them had just had a falling out, and now Chen Ziliang couldn't help but went to Yan Wei again.


Twenty minutes later, Song Linxin and Chen Ziliang were standing on the stage. If she had not known that it was a live broadcast, she felt that she might have left on the spot.

 She is willing to call the three minutes of this chorus the darkest three minutes since her debut.

Mingming and Chen Ziliang have rehearsed several times, including last night. However, as soon as he came on stage today, the first line of Chen Ziliang's words went into the wrong beat. After that, he hurriedly rushed out several lines, making the opening part of the entire song impossible. It's all messy.

This is a song arranged and written by Song Linxin himself. It was the first song tonight, but it was sung like this by Chen Ziliang. Song Linxin wanted to keep smiling, but her eyes couldn't help but turned red.

When she was singing, Song Linxin didn’t even want to look at Chen Ziliang. She looked in the other direction. While singing, she interacted with the audience and waved.

However, she underestimated the song’s dark time.

At the climax, the chorus of Song Linxin and Chen Ziliang was originally supposed to be one high and the other low, but Chen Ziliang suddenly tried to top it with explosive force.

It just so happens that this song is not a high-pitched song that reaches the climax. The tenderness and affection that originally belonged to the male and female voices suddenly turned into a war song.

Song Linxin looked at Chen Ziliang in shock.

 The latter is still immersed in his own high notes with a narcissistic look on his face.

The director's voice came from Song Linxin's headset: "Song Linxin, don't be in a daze."

Song Linxin came to her senses, held up the microphone, and wanted to continue singing, but with Chen Ziliang's roaring high notes echoing in her ears, she couldn't get into the chorus.

  She knew that she had messed up today’s performance.

Finally, it was hard to wait until the chorus ended. When the lights dimmed, Song Linxin couldn't keep her face any longer. Her face darkened, and she turned around and walked towards the audience.

 Chen Ziliang followed.

Once off the stage, Song Linxin turned to look for her team and her manager Zhou Meng.

“Why did you suddenly stop singing in the middle of singing?” Chen Ziliang suddenly asked her.

Song Linxin glanced at him in surprise. She didn't understand why he still had the nerve to ask such a question?

Perhaps because Song Linxin’s eyes were too surprised, Chen Ziliang said solemnly: “Do you think I can’t sing well?”

Song Linxin was silent for a moment and said: "This song was not like this when we were rehearsing it. When I wrote this song, I didn't want to interpret it like this."

 Chen Ziliang: “I have my own understanding.”

“Then you should have told me before going on stage instead of giving me such a huge surprise.” Song Linxin glared at him indifferently, her eyes finally couldn’t bear it anymore and turned red.

 At this time, Zhou Meng came.

As soon as Song Linxin saw Zhou Meng, her eyes became even redder and tears fell down.

Zhou Meng was shocked when he saw this, "Lin Xin, what's wrong with you? Did you fail to sing because you were not in good condition? It's okay, it was just a one-time performance, there will be a chance next time."

Song Linxin said angrily: "It's not my problem at all. He shouldn't have been allowed to sing with me from the beginning!"

She pointed at Chen Ziliang angrily and said to Zhou Meng: "Next time I will never participate in Beijing and Taiwan programs again!"

 She ran away in anger.

 People around looked at each other.

Zhou Meng did not expect that Song Linxin would suddenly have such a big reaction.

She glanced at Chen Ziliang in surprise and chased after him.

 Chen Ziliang stood there, being looked at with surprised eyes by others, like a gleam on his back.


 When Lu Yanhe returned to the dormitory, there was no one in the room.

Li Zhibai is probably still promoting with the crew of "Accompany You to the End of the World".

Lu Yanhe simply washed up and went to his live broadcast room.

 He thought that today was the premiere of this drama and wanted to promote it in his live broadcast room.

"Well, everyone, there will be no live broadcast of reading today. Li Zhibai's new drama "Accompany You to the End of the World" has started. I am going to watch this drama." Lu Yanhe said, "I will cut off the small screen later and watch it live. drama."

 The audience in the live broadcast room felt fresh when they heard Lu Yanhe said that he was going to watch a drama live today, because Lu Yanhe had never done this live broadcast before.

When Lu Yanhe started the live broadcast, everyone started sending "..." one after another.

No difference.

 It’s no different from the usual live broadcast.

On the screen in the live broadcast room, there is only Lu Yanhe’s face, and no content of the drama can be seen at all. In other words, everyone can only see Lu Yanhe’s reaction while watching the drama.

As a result, everyone could only watch Lu Yanhe smiling sometimes and frowning sometimes. Most of the time, he had no expression, and sometimes he was a little confused.

 About twenty minutes later, the content of everyone's discussion slowly changed in the barrage room.

  ID "Graceful Woman": It's so boring, why don't we all come and chat.

ID “Beautiful Girl Lanlan”: Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast rooms usually contain this kind of content.

ID “13425”: It’s really boring. I originally planned to watch Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast to read a book, but I didn’t expect him to be watching a drama, so I didn’t want to read a book either.

 ID "lalalalaran": When Lu Yanhe was broadcasting live on Beijing TV tonight, he made a face on the spot. Did you see it?

ˆ ID “13425”:? ? What?

ID "Call me nonsense fairy": I saw it, it was on the hot search, Lu Yanhe is quite tough, I thought he wouldn't live broadcast today, but I didn't expect that it would start broadcasting as soon as he came back.

  ID "Godzilla vs. My Good Brother": It's embarrassing to say it, but it was too unprofessional to suddenly lose face during the live broadcast.

ˆ ID "Graceful Woman": What kind of thing has gotten in here?

 ID “Shiguo”: Can fans of other artists please stop barking in this live broadcast room? This is Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room.

  ID "Godzilla vs. My Good Brother": Don't let people call it unprofessional?

ID "Beautiful Girl Lanlan": You don't have the final say whether you are professional or not. Lu Yanhe did not make any mistakes when he sang today, nor did he sing wrongly, unlike some singers who made mistakes as soon as they opened their mouths.

ID “Fight to Fame”: Which singer entered the wrong filming?

  ID "是 Fruit": See the link "Chen Ziliang appeared at the scene of a car accident tonight!" 》.

  ID "A cloud": something that irritates the eyes.

 ID “MyApple”: How come there are fans from other companies coming here to stir up trouble? Chen Ziliang had already been ridiculed by the crowd at night, why did he have the nerve to come here to trouble Lu Yanhe? He was about to be scolded to death by Song Linxin's fans.


In the barrage room of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room, news was flowing quickly. Everyone was talking about this matter, and no one cared about the content of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast.

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to use his live broadcast to promote Li Zhibai's drama. After he finished watching the first episode, fifty minutes passed, and when he looked at the comments, he realized that it had completely backfired.

 In the chat room, everyone was talking about what happened to Lu Yanhe, Chen Ziliang and Song Linxin tonight.

Lu Yanhe saw everyone’s voices and attitudes and didn’t know what to say for a moment.

"Everyone, please do one thing." Lu Yanhe said to the camera, "No matter how much discussion this matter has caused on the Internet, please don't disturb anyone, don't go to anyone's homepage or comment area to accuse others, Although I am an artist, I also have my own manager and team. If there are any problems, I hope we can solve them ourselves instead of intensifying conflicts through online scoldings, okay?”

Lu Yanhe suddenly spoke, startling many viewers in the live broadcast room.

 After hearing Lu Yanhe’s speech, Helan was the first to stand up and guide everyone’s support: Understand, don’t worry, Xiao Lu, we will not start a war.

 The ID "Beautiful Girl Lanlan" has a certain degree of popularity and influence in Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room. She took the lead and set an example, and others immediately agreed and responded.

“Thank you everyone.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile, “Also, Li Zhibai’s new drama will be aired tonight. Please support me and give it a go. If it’s good, follow it.”

Someone immediately asked in the comment room when "The Golden Age" will be broadcast.

When Lu Yanhe saw this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "This drama has not been finished yet, but my role is relatively small, so I finished it earlier. I am looking forward to this drama as much as you, so please wait patiently." "

 Many people saw that Lu Yanhe could answer everyone’s questions, so all kinds of questions came in.

 —Why are you singing someone else’s song tonight? I like your song "Remember" very much. Will you write your own songs in the future?

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Yes, but because I am not a professional composer, it depends on the inspiration and how the songs are written, but no matter what, I will continue to write in the future. Song."

—Are you going to take the route of a singer or an actor in the future?

Lu Yanhe said: "Without setting limits, I would rather try everything I want to do at this time, just like the theme book "Jump Up" I am currently working on."

 —Is your relationship with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang still very good?

Lu Yanhe said: "Well, although Fengzhi has been disbanded, there is still contact between everyone, especially Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. We still live together and are very good friends. The group is just a name, and we know each other. I have been a friend for several years.”

 —You have been on trending searches a lot recently, why is this?

Lu Yanhe showed a somewhat troubled expression and said, "I also want to ask this question. It seems that after the college entrance examination, due to various jobs, I started to be on the hot search frequently. Even my agent said that I was a loser to the company. I’ve saved a lot of money on publicity, so thank you for paying attention to these trivial matters like mine.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yanhe heard the sound of Li Zhibai coming back.

 The sound of opening and closing doors.

Lu Yanhe looked back and said, "It seems that Li Zhibai is back."

 In the comment room, many people immediately asked if Li Zhibai could come and meet everyone.

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment, but suddenly, Li Zhibai knocked on the door and put his head in.

 “Lao Lu, what are you doing?”

Lu Yanhe didn’t even have time to remind him.

“I’m doing a live broadcast.” Lu Yanhe pointed to the camera awkwardly, “How about you come and say hello to everyone?”

Li Zhibai was obviously stunned for a moment, then smiled sheepishly, but still came in.

 He came behind Lu Yanhe, looked at the laptop screen, smiled and waved: "Hi, everyone."

 The comments and comments in the bullet room are obviously scrolling faster.

 —Li Zhibai is so handsome!

 —The two people have completely different styles!

—I didn’t expect to see Li Zhibai like this in Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room. He felt different from usual, and he looked like a 250-year-old.

 —Where is Yan Liang?


Lu Yanhe saw the comment that Li Zhibai looked like a 250-year-old.

 He couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

 “Some people say that you usually act like a 250-year-old.”

 Li Zhibai squinted his eyes and tilted his mouth, "Your fans are not very friendly."

Lu Yanhe laughed loudly.

 Li Zhibai shook his head speechlessly.

“Yan Liang is working out of town and is not here today.” Lu Yanhe explained with a smile.

Li Zhibai looked at the speeches in the comment room and was surprised.

 Because no one here is criticizing them, and no one is always saying weird things like "you are so handsome" or "husband". Most people are still chatting with them seriously.

 “They all look like live fans.” He sighed.

 (End of this chapter)

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