Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 230: Don't play with fire

 In Lu Yanhe’s memory, it seems that he has never participated in such a large-scale traditional activity.

 Whether it was before or after the time travel, he was a typical "modern urbanist".

He grew up in an almost "traditional" environment. Apart from traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival, Lu Yanhe never participated in traditional regional activities such as "lantern stepping".

Therefore, when Lu Yanhe encountered such an event in Jiangzhi this time, he felt very fresh, and even felt a sense of bewilderment, and he frequently glimpsed a kind of trance between ancient and modern times.

Jiangzhi is originally a very old city, and its modernization process is not developed. Many buildings even retain the charm of ancient times, including wooden houses, buildings from the Republic of China, and old-fashioned buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. , of course, there are also renovated houses, which are scattered in every corner of the city. They are obviously from different periods, but they are shrouded in the same atmosphere.

Especially at night, the light is not so bright and the huge buildings become shadowy. Many young men and women dressed in ancient styles shuttle through the city carrying lanterns, giving people this feeling.

Lu Yanhe walked onto the Mother-Son Bridge and stood at the end of the bridge. He saw people holding lanterns on both sides of the river.

 “It’s so beautiful.” Xin Zixing stood beside him and uttered a sentiment deep in Lu Yanhe’s heart.

Lu Yanhe said: “I can’t even imagine how beautiful such a scene would have been in ancient times.”

  Small bridge, flowing water, branches above the moon.

Xin Zixing: “It’s also very beautiful now. It’s really a scenery you can’t see anywhere else.”

Lu Yanhe calmed down his emotions a little, so that he would not be too immersed in the impact of this night on him.

“Brother He, sister-in-law, have you ever participated in such an event?” Lu Yanhe turned to look at the two of them.

Liu Yiyi smiled, nodded, and said, "It was on this day that he proposed to me."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe and Xin Zixing immediately looked at Liu Yiyi in surprise, “When was that?”

He Yunlan took Liu Yiyi’s hand and said, “The year we graduated.”

 Xin Zixing's face showed a hint of envy.

At this moment, the eyes of both Lu Yanhe and Xin Zixin revealed an indescribable expression.

"Hey, isn't that the young lady we met at the teahouse in the afternoon?" Xiao Mei suddenly pointed at a dressed-up woman at the end of the bridge. She did not choose ancient clothes, but still wore a burgundy long skirt, with her hair held loosely. Don't be charming.

The most important thing is that the woman who said in the teahouse in the afternoon that she was not interested in participating in the lantern stepping activity is now holding a lantern in her hand.


Lu Yanhe and Xin Zixing couldn't help but smile at each other.


 The filming lasted until 10:30 pm.

Xin Zixing said: "There are fewer people on the street, and we have almost finished shooting the material. How about we go have something to eat together?"

He Yunlan said: "It's just right. I'll take you to eat. Let's see what you want to eat."

 Lu Yanhe said: "Brother He, you have to go to work tomorrow morning, right? I have troubled you and your sister-in-law to stay with us all night today. You don't need to accompany us anymore. We can just find a home by ourselves."

He Yunlan glanced at Liu Yiyi and saw that she had no objection, so he smiled and said: "We are hungry after walking all night. After eating, we feel comfortable when we go back to bed. It's okay. We usually go to bed at twelve o'clock, no so early."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 We went to a barbecue restaurant together.

He Yunlan led the way, and the barbecue restaurant they came to was actually in a small corner on the edge of a residential area. Seeing the excitement, they walked around a locust tree and then passed through a small alley. The crowd suddenly became less crowded.

However, the business of this barbecue restaurant is still very good, and the small table at the door is full of people.

Seeing it from a distance, Xin Zixing couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Is there still a seat here?"

“Don’t worry, Yun Lan has already called the boss in advance and reserved a private room for us.” Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

 Liu Yiyi is really too gentle.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but look at Liu Yiyi a few more times.

After eating and drinking, Lu Yanhe listened to the noise of people outside, holding his chin with one hand, feeling a little dazed.

Instead, Xin Zixing was chatting happily with He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi.

It was He Yunlan who noticed that Lu Yanhe was distracted. He leaned close to his ear and asked in a low voice: "Are you sleepy?"

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses, shook his head, and said with a smile: "No, I'm not sleepy, it's just that I'm full and have been walking all day, and I don't want to talk anymore."

“Isn’t it very busy for you to study and work as an artist at the same time?” He Yunlan asked.

Lu Yanhe pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Actually, it's not bad. When I was in my senior year of high school, I basically didn't do much work as an artist. It was only after I finished the exam that I started to take on more jobs. Moreover, I liked all of these jobs. It’s something I like to do, including shooting documentaries about this city. I’ve only been in Jiangzhi for one day, but the atmosphere here is so great, it’s a city atmosphere I’ve never felt before.”

He Yunlan smiled and asked: "Is it a small city atmosphere? Yuming is indeed different from here. Yuming is an international metropolis after all."

"It's not just the difference. As soon as I got here, I felt like I was relieved. If nothing else, the air is much better than that in Yuming." Lu Yanhe smiled and scratched his head, "Besides, I especially like this place. I feel like there is a lot of excitement everywhere I go, not the kind of excitement with a lot of people, but like a road with few lone people, all in groups, talking and laughing, without any barriers. It’s rare to see someone with no expression on their face.”

In Yuming, if you walk on the road, you will find that most people are alone, walking in a hurry, and their faces are expressionless. The more people there are, the more such people there are. It looks lively, but in fact it is just lively due to the large number of people.

He Yunlan said: "I have always felt that Jiangzhi is a very suitable place for everyone to take a short vacation. You can stay here for three to five days. The climate here is good and there are many things to eat, drink and have fun, but the traffic is too heavy." It’s no longer convenient.”

 Speaking of this, He Yunlan showed some regret on his face, "If the geographical location here was better, people might be more willing to come."

Lu Yanhe didn't know what to say when he heard He Yunlan's words.

Indeed it is.

 A trip to Jiangzhi takes too much time.

 The traffic on the road is very inconvenient.

However, if the transportation is really so convenient, Jiangzhi may not be able to maintain the urban atmosphere it has now when there are more tourists.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "I hope this program can make more people aware of Jiang Zhi."

He Yunlan nodded, "We don't have any big companies or industries here, and the economy is not very developed. In recent years, the city has been hoping to build a cultural tourism brand in Jiangzhi and develop tourism. I also think this place is very suitable for this. Therefore, we have been working hard to let more people know about Jiangzhi, but it seems that it is not so easy to make people willing to travel to a remote city. We have spent a lot of effort, but we can't attract anyone. "

 Mainly because too many cities are developing tourism now.

 Tourism is a huge boost to the local economy. As long as people come, everything can be boosted.

Until the traffic situation in Jiangzhi is effectively solved, it will be difficult to attract tourists on a large scale.

Here, the per capita monthly income is probably just over 1,500 yuan, and a civil servant like He Yunlan earns less than 100,000 yuan a year.

 Of course, this income is enough for them to live locally.

 But if the city does not develop, it will only become more and more declining. Although Jiangzhi is not He Yunlan's hometown, it has become his second hometown because of his status as son-in-law. Of course he hopes to see the city develop and everyone's lives get better.

Lu Yanhe sincerely hopes that this film can arouse everyone's interest in Jiangzhi and make them willing to visit Jiangzhi.


On the way back to the inn, Lu Yanhe said to Xin Zixing: "Sister Zixing, if possible, this video should be broadcast online on Wednesday or Thursday." Xin Zixing was a little surprised and asked: "What's wrong? Yes?" What's the point?"

"I was just wondering if this would allow people who have watched the video and are interested in Jiang Zhi to use their weekend time to come here and have fun." Lu Yanhe said, "It is unrealistic for us to be so far apart, but Jiang Zhi It only takes a few hours for people from those places to come, right? Maybe we can go to all the places we didn’t go to today, so that the show can show more of Jiang Zhi’s charm.”

Xin Zixing immediately understood Lu Yanhe’s intention.

“You talked a lot with Director He just now, wasn’t that what you were talking about?”

"No, this is what I just thought of. I just...well, I like it here very much." Lu Yanhe said, "I really hope that our trip here and filming this program can bring some positive effects to this place."

Xin Zixing patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "Yan He, I understand your thoughts, but I am a few years older than you, and I have also experienced a stage like yours. I want to tell you that many times we Everyone hopes to achieve a certain goal, but it is actually very difficult. Just like coming to Jiangzhi to do this program, I, like you, hope to attract more people who are willing to come to Jiangzhi to play and visit. But the core idea when we shoot this program is to introduce different cities to the audience and show the charm of different cities. As for what role this final program can play and how many tourists it can attract Coming here, this is not something we can control, nor can we predict. What we can do is to do the things at hand well. We can only wait and see what the final result will be."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

"As you told me this afternoon, mission-style shooting will affect the quality of the program. We shoot this program with a utilitarian purpose, which will also affect the quality of the program." Xin Zixing said, "There is good hope There is no problem. However, our main job is to do a good job. The prerequisite for doing a good job is what you said. When we are in good condition and have fun eating, drinking and having fun, everyone will truly feel that this is a good show. A place worth coming to, without any show or pretense, just to convey our truest feelings to everyone.”

 Lu Yanhe received enlightenment.


 Arrived at the inn, Lu Yanhe was already very tired.

 He said: "Then I will go back to the room to rest first."

Xin Zixing nodded and said, "Let's pick some wheat for you first."

 In fact, it is not too late now, but Lu Yanhe has been walking outside all day today, and the number of steps is estimated to be almost more than 30,000. Lu Yanhe really feels a little tired and just wants to lie in bed.

However, just as Xiao Mei was helping him pick wheat, the sound of suitcase wheels rolling on the road suddenly sounded next to him, from far to near.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and looked over curiously. Lu Yanhe also turned around and saw a girl wearing a white shirt and a dark blue skirt who looked like she had just stepped out of an anime appeared in front of them.

This girl has hair as long as seaweed, and her fair skin still exudes a luster like pearls under the illumination of the street lamp.

Her eyes fell on Lu Yanhe, and she immediately glowed with joy.

 “Lu Yanhe!”

"Lin...Miaomiao?" Lu Yanhe looked at the girl who appeared in front of him in surprise. He was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

 At the same time, the eyes of the rest of the film crew fell on Lu Yanhe.

 The expressions on their faces all showed the same ambiguous color.

Lin Miaomiao pulled the box and walked to Lu Yanhe, holding a lantern in his hand.

She lifted it up, showed it to Lu Yanhe, and said, "On my way here just now, someone gave me a lantern."

 Lu Yanhe: “Do you know what it means when someone sends you a lantern tonight?”

"I know, if you like me, step on the lantern." Lin Miaomiao nodded immediately, "I told him that I like the lantern very much, so I accepted it, but I don't accept the stranger's confession, so he left."

Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Miaomiao in shock.

 Can this kind of operation still be possible?

Lin Miaomiao pointed to the inn behind them and asked, "You guys live here, right?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

"It seems I didn't book the wrong place." Lin Miaomiao showed a relieved smile.

Lu Yanhe turned back and glanced at Xin Zixing and the others.

Xin Zixing immediately said: "Then let's talk first. We'll go in first."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Do we still need to prepare for mining tonight?"

 “If you don’t want to pick anymore, you can pick whatever you want.” Xin Zixing said directly, “You guys talk about yours.”

Lin Miaomiao raised the corners of her lips and said, "Then help me bring my suitcase in. I'll check in first."

 After saying that, Lin Miaomiao followed Xin Zixing and the others into the inn.

 Chen Liang, who always talks little, glanced at Lu Yanhe, who was standing there, and asked, "Want to help?"

Lu Yanhe said awkwardly: "No need."

He felt that he was right. He did see a hint of teasing in Chen Liang's eyes.


Why did Lin Miaomiao suddenly come to Jiangzhi?

 Since this question popped up in Lu Yanhe’s mind, he has never asked it again.

Hunted until Lin Miaomiao finished checking in and Lu Yanhe helped her carry her suitcase to the second floor, Lu Yanhe asked: "Aren't you going to Baichuan to meet friends?"

“I’ve finished seeing you, so I came here to play with you.” Lin Miaomiao said.

 Lu Yanhe said: "I came here to work. I have another day of shooting tomorrow and will go back in the evening."

Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, "Then I will go back with you. Are you unhappy to see me here?"

 “I’m not unhappy, just a little confused.”

"Then you don't have to wonder now." Lin Miaomiao asked, "Is there anything to eat nearby? I want to eat something, I'm hungry."

Lu Yanhe said: "There seemed to be a restaurant on the way back when we came back."

"Then let's go eat together." Lin Miaomiao said, "I'll treat you."

Lu Yanhe said: "I can accompany you, but I won't eat. I already ate with them just now."

"Have you already eaten?" Lin Miaomiao sighed after hearing this, "Forget it, I won't eat either."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Miaomiao with confusion, “Didn’t you say you were hungry just now?”

"Then you don't want to eat, just watch me eat. It's boring for me to eat alone." Lin Miaomiao said, "Forget it, let's go to bed first. It's very late. I'll get up early for breakfast tomorrow. What time do you usually get up? ?”

"Me? I got up at six o'clock and wanted to go for a morning run."

"Six o'clock?" Lin Miaomiao looked at him in shock, "Why did you get up so early?"

 “Morning run.”

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I understand."

She waved her hand, carried the suitcase into her room, and closed the door.

 Lu Yanhe returned to his room.

 After a while, a message from Xin Zixing was sent: Young man, my sister reminds you not to play with fire. (End of chapter)

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