Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 231: Backyard fire

 Looking at the message from Xin Zixing, Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't even know what to reply to.

It seems that both Chen Ziyan and Xin Zixing are worried that he will do something outrageous, and they are "beating" him in a joking tone.

Lu Yanhe returned to the room and took a shower first.

 After taking a shower, I sat by the window, enjoying the cool night breeze, turned on my phone, and responded to messages.

 Many people’s news needs to be answered.

Lu Yanhe also didn’t expect that as he had more and more friends, a lot of messages would appear on his phone as long as he didn’t look at it for a while.

 Some people will forward him some funny videos.

 Some people simply say hello.

 Someone will ask about his time and whether he has time to collaborate later.

There are all kinds of contents.

Lu Yanhe replied one by one, and then saw that two hours ago, Chen Siqi sent the design draft of "Jump Up", including the cover and inner pages, as a PDF file.

Lu Yanhe was suddenly pleasantly surprised and quickly opened the file.


Chen Siqi dried her hair and glanced at her phone.

It’s been two hours, and Lu Yanhe still hasn’t replied.

 Is the recording not over yet?

 Chen Siqi frowned slightly.

 She sat down on the bed, picked up the printed manuscript, and decided to read it from cover to cover again.

 Chen Siqi is also a little nervous now, nervous with excitement.

To be precise, every step of making "Jump Up" has this kind of trembling excitement - I feel excited when I think that this work has taken another step forward and is a little closer to being finally completed.

 Until now, Chen Siqi has a sense of unreality.

 She is actually making a magazine book? !


At this moment, the phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

 It’s Lu Yanhe who has returned the news! Chen Siqi immediately took the phone, and sure enough, it was Lu Yanhe's feedback.

—I don’t have any objections to the overall design. It’s a good-looking book, but can the font be enlarged? The font feels a bit small. But maybe I watched it on my phone, so I found it difficult to watch.

Chen Siqi said: The font is indeed a bit small. I have already told Yilong that she personally prefers smaller fonts, so she made it like this.

 Chen Siqi asked: Have you finished recording?

 Lu Yanhe: I’ve finished recording. I’ve just taken a shower and am drying my hair. What about you?

 Chen Siqi: Me too, I just blow-dried my hair.

Lu Yanhe: Is your dad still forcing you to repeat your studies?

Chen Siqi: They haven't told me about this matter in the past few days. Going crazy is still useful. Liu Wei'an has not provoked me much in the past few days.

Lu Yanhe was sitting by the window, looking at the sentence sent by Chen Siqi, and stopped typing.

Although Chen Siqi said this in a proud tone, Lu Yanhe felt a little sad. If Chen Siqi was not forced to a certain extent, how could he have to go crazy to keep the university he wanted to go to?

 Lu Yanhe once thought about whether Chen Siqi was hostile to Liu Wei'an, so he was like a hedgehog and was so hostile to Liu Wei'an due to stress reactions. He even exaggerated and exaggerated many of Liu Wei'an's words and deeds. But at this moment, Lu Yanhe felt that even if Chen Siqi was irrational and unobjective, he would still stand firmly on Chen Siqi's side. Because Chen Siqi never wanted to hurt them, she just wanted to escape from them - if an adult can't even realize such an idea, how is her situation any different from a prison?

Lu Yanhe said: When you come to Jiangguang to attend university, you can come to Jiangzhi. It’s really worth coming here.

Chen Siqi asked: If you have time, come with me. If you have been there once, you will definitely know where there is fun and delicious food.

 Lu Yanhe said yes.

Seeing Lu Yanhe replying with a kind word so readily, Chen Siqi laughed.


The next day, Lu Yanhe opened his eyes early in the morning to the sound of the alarm clock.

 He turned off the alarm clock and turned over in bed, unable to get up.

Want to go back to sleep.

 After struggling for a minute, Lu Yanhe finally got up from the bed.

Although I am really tired, I have to get up.

The drama "Phoenix Terrace" requires him to play a young guard, who must have the heroic temperament of practicing martial arts all year round.

 He is not practicing martial arts now, but he should at least be a little bit similar and close in body shape and skin color.

 Lu Yanhe put on running shoes and sportswear and went out.

 Chen Liang and the others are already working downstairs.

When Lu Yanhe saw them, he waved his hand and shouted "Good morning."

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that when Chen Liang and the others saw him, they greeted him and sat on a small electric donkey.

Xiao Mei was responsible for driving the electric donkey, while Chen Liang sat in the back with the camera, facing Lu Yanhe.

“What are you doing?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

 Chen Liang said: "Take a picture of you running in the morning."

 “What?” Lu Yanhe looked at them in shock.

 This was not part of the filming plan.

Chen Liang said: "That's what Director Xin told me."

This sound was made by Xin Daogui in teasing tone.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.


So, Lu Yanhe ran in front, and Xiao Mei and the others followed slowly behind.

Just because someone was following him, Lu Yanhe felt that he was running awkwardly.

 Feeling very uncomfortable and feeling like a show.

 He doesn't like running in the first place. When he runs, he feels like a panting dog. He probably doesn't look much better.

Lu Yanhe stopped panting, put his hands on his knees, looked at them, and said: "Let's discuss it, you can't take pictures of me like this now, okay? Take pictures of me later when I'm running more easily. I’ll be more handsome.”

 Chen Liang and Xiao Mei both laughed.

 Chen Liang said: "We have nothing to say about this. We have to ask Director Xin."

Lu Yanhe curled his lips helplessly.


 After he finished running and returned to the inn, he heard Lin Miaomiao shouting as soon as he entered the door: "Lu Yanhe, you are finally back!"

Lu Yanhe looked up and saw Lin Miaomiao, fully dressed, standing in the corridor on the second floor, waving to him with a bright smile.

Lu Yanhe didn't have the energy to respond to her at the moment - he was fully aware of how talented he was.

 After running three kilometers, I was out of breath and my calves were numb.

 He waved his hand and said, "I'll rush first."

Lin Miaomiao nodded, "I'll wait for you."


Besides, Chen Liang and Xiao Mei looked at each other.

Chen Liang asked: "Are they two in a relationship?"

 Xiao Mei: “It looks like it, it’s so sweet.”

“But I heard that Lu Yanhe was with the girl who worked on the magazine together, wasn’t he?”

"Ah? Isn't that a scandal? They have already clarified it." Xiao Mei looked confused.

 Chen Liang shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's none of my business."

Xiao Mei rubbed her chin with one hand for a while, with a suspicious look in her eyes.


Lu Yanhe took a shower and went out to have breakfast with Lin Miaomiao.

 He greeted Xin Zixing and said, "Let's not take pictures of this yet, right?"

Lin Miaomiao is not an artist, and his status is sensitive. He does not want Lin Miaomiao to appear in the show.

Xin Zixing yawned and said, "Okay, don't worry, Lin Miaomiao will be deleted from the film later."

 “Delete?” Lin Miaomiao looked at them doubtfully, “Why should I be deleted?”

 “Are you willing to appear on the show?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

"Yes, why not?" Lin Miaomiao said, "It's not like I didn't know you were coming to record the show. If you don't want to film because I can't appear in the show, then I'm not interrupting your work. I'm not so stingy."

Lu Yanhe could only pull Lin Miaomiao aside and asked in a low voice: "After you appear on the scene, many people may discuss you and find out your identity. Maybe then the fact that your father is Lin Desheng will also be revealed."

"What does it matter? My father is Lin Desheng. It's not a shameful thing." Lin Miaomiao said with a proud smile, "Let's go and take me to eat delicious food."

Lin Miaomiao looked like she didn't care at all. Seeing this, Lu Yanhe didn't say anything more and took her off.

 Chen Liang and the others were still following.

Lin Miaomiao looked around in surprise and said, "I came here last night and didn't notice. Why are there ancient buildings everywhere? They all look old."

Lu Yanhe said: “Because this city has a long history and the place is relatively remote, a lot of it has been preserved.”

Lin Miaomiao said longingly: "If I had known it, I would have bought a set of Hanfu. Taking pictures here will definitely look good."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked: "Are you a Hanfu lover?"

"Me? I'm not, I just like to take pictures." Lin Miaomiao said, "I like any photo that makes me look good."


 Xiao Mei followed Xin Zixing and saw the two people chatting and laughing.

 She asked Xin Zixing in a low voice: "Sister Zixing, are the two of them in a relationship?"

Xin Zixing glanced at her and said, "How could I know that?"

“Brother Liang told me this morning that Lu Yanhe was also having an affair with the girl who worked on the magazine together.” Xiao Mei said curiously, “I am a little confused as to who he is in love with.”

Xin Zixing: "Since it has not been made public, it means that people don't want to talk about it. Why do you care about this? The artist's personal affairs have nothing to do with us. We just film the show."

Xiao Mei smiled and said: "Aren't I worried that Lu Yanhe will be in two boats and eventually collapse, causing our program to be unable to be broadcast? Nowadays, so many celebrities and artists have collapsed."

Xin Zixing frowned slightly and said, "This is not something you should worry about at this time. Once you discuss something that has no shadow, if others hear it, it will become a rumor."

Xin Zixing's face looked a little stern. Seeing this, Xiao Mei stuck out her tongue and immediately shut up.

 Xin Zixing is not usually a very strict person. When she becomes serious, it is best to bow her head and admit her mistake.

 But this incident still makes Xiao's eyebrows itch - she is a person who likes gossip very much, and she really wants to dig out secrets and the like. Xiao Mei has always felt that she is quite suitable to be an entertainment reporter and a paparazzi. This is her hobby.


The recording lasted until the evening the next day, because Lu Yanhe had to catch the 11:30 pm flight. As soon as he finished recording, he hurriedly got in the car and rushed to the airport.

Xin Zixing and the others are not in a hurry and plan to continue shooting some material here in the next two days before leaving.

 So, in the end, Lin Miaomiao followed Lu Yanhe to the airport alone.

“Have you bought the ticket for that flight?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, "I've bought it."

Lu Yanhe said: "Why do you have to follow me back so late at night? It will probably be three or four in the morning by the time you get home."

"It's not safe for me to stay there alone." Lin Miaomiao pouted and said, "I might as well go back with you."

 Lu Yanhe: "You... went to Baichuan alone. Why weren't you worried about your own safety at that time?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "I won't worry if there are bodyguards following me in Baichuan."

“Then why don’t you come to Jiangzhi with your bodyguards?”

 “Aren’t you here?” Lin Miaomiao said confidently.


Sometimes, Lu Yanhe also wonders if he is deceiving himself or others?

Lin Miaomiao is obviously interested in him, right? He is not stupid, he is not an emotional idiot, and he cannot feel other people's feelings.

But Lin Miaomiao's attitude made Lu Yanhe not sure how to react.

 Do you just stupidly say "I'm sorry, I already have a girl I like, we are not suitable to be friends"?

Well, that’s exactly what you should do.

 That’s so stupid.

 Everyone has said that they just want to be friends with you, but you still insist on doing this, which makes you look extra noble.

 But even though he pretended not to know, Lu Yanhe felt that he was a scumbag and would feel guilty from time to time.

For Lu Yanhe, there was really no way for him to know with peace of mind that a girl liked him, pretend not to know it, and continue to be friends with her in a serious manner.


 The airport is still busy in the early morning.

 Lu Yanhe and Lin Miaomiao passed by the covered bridge and saw through the window that there were still several planes moving slowly outside.

 It was already past two o'clock in the morning, almost three o'clock.

Lu Yanhe and Lin Miaomiao walked out of the airport with their suitcases.

Lin Miaomiao had a driver come to pick her up.

Lin Miaomiao said: "You get in the car with me, and I'll ask the driver to take you back first."

“It’s late at night, don’t bother your driver. I’ll take a taxi back myself.” Lu Yanhe said.

Hearing this, Lin Miaomiao was a little reluctant, but she did not continue to let Lu Yanhe get into her car. "Then I'm leaving." She waved her hand, "Don't put too much mental burden on you. I think you are worried about me falling in love with you again, aren't you?"

Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Miaomiao in shock, not even trying to hide it.

He never expected that Lin Miaomiao could be so sharp. She could tell at a glance that he was struggling here.

Lin Miaomiao put her hands behind her back, looked at him, and said, "Don't worry, I will never fall in love with you!"

After she finished speaking, she smiled brightly, waved to Lu Yanhe, and left.

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, Lin Miaomiao turned around briskly and walked towards the exit.


 Lu Yanhe didn’t arrive at the dormitory until about four o’clock in the morning.

too tired.

He brought the suitcase into the room tiredly. He was sweating all over and he really didn't want to take a shower. He wanted to just lie down on the bed and fall asleep, but after struggling for a while, he still went to take a shower.

 Luckily it’s summer, so it’s quick and convenient to take a shower.

 While taking a shower, someone suddenly asked at the door: "Lao Lu? Are you back?"

  is the voice of Li Zhibai.


 “Oh.” Li Zhibai responded and left again.

I don’t know if he got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Lu Yanhe went out after washing up and saw the lights in the living room brightly lit and Li Zhibai lying on the sofa.

 “Are you going to the bathroom? I’ve finished washing.”

Li Zhibai opened his eyes, glanced at Lu Yanhe, and nodded, "You came back late enough."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Li Zhibai yawned and went to the bathroom.

 Lu Yanhe returned to the room.

Hair is still wet and I can’t sleep.

 He was afraid of disturbing Li Zhibai and Yan Liang's sleep, so he didn't use the hair dryer.

Anyway, if your hair is short, just let it dry naturally.

 He sat on the bed, picked up a book and read it.

I don’t know when I closed my eyes and fell asleep directly.


When he woke up the next day, Lu Yanhe looked out the window at the bright sunshine. Because the curtains were not closed, it was shining straight on his body and face.

If the air conditioner hadn't been on in the room, I would have woken up from the heat.

Lu Yanhe stretched his arms and thighs and got up from the bed.

People are still a little confused.

The eyes are filled with confusion.

Lu Yanhe heard Li Zhibai and Yan Liang talking in the living room, but he didn't know what they were talking about and couldn't hear clearly.

He picked up his phone and wanted to check the time, but found that he had forgotten to charge it before going to bed yesterday, and the phone had automatically shut down due to low battery.

 He had to quickly charge his mobile phone.

 After walking out of the room, Lu Yanhe came to the living room and first took a look at the clock on the wall.

 “Ah, it’s almost twelve o’clock.”

Yan Liang asked: "What time did you arrive yesterday?"

“About four o’clock.” Lu Yanhe yawned again as he spoke, “I’m too sleepy.”

Yan Liang said: "You and Lin Miaomiao were photographed at the airport and posted online."


“Many people doubt whether you are in a relationship with her.” Yan Liang shook his phone.

 “Do all netizens know Lin Miaomiao?”

“Of course, Lin Miaomiao has attended many occasions with her father, and many media know her,” Yan Liang said.

Although Lu Yanhe was a little stunned, he didn't know whether it was because he had just woken up or what happened. He was not particularly shocked, and he didn't even feel like he was "waking up."

 He went over and sat down next to Yan Liang, "Please lend me your cell phone. I forgot to charge it yesterday and it turned off automatically."

Yan Liang gave the phone directly to Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe looked at it.

 Fortunately, it’s not on the hot search list, it’s just that some people are talking about it.

Lu Yanhe brushed his hands and came to his senses. He nodded and said, "It's not bad. It's not as stormy as I thought."

Yan Liang: "That's because this matter was discovered just after fermentation. Sister Ziyan is handling it and controlling the heat."


Yan Liang said: "Sister Ziyan probably didn't get through to you, so she called me. I knew you were sleeping, so I didn't have to wake you up. I could just tell you when you woke up."

Lu Yanhe’s eyes suddenly widened.

 He immediately said: "Then I have to call Sister Ziyan back quickly."

Li Zhibai put down the phone and said, "Don't rush to call her back. Let's talk first, what do you want to eat for lunch? Should we order takeout or go out to eat?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "If you don't want to go out, just order takeout."

Li Zhibai: "What do you want to eat?"


Yan Liang: “I’m also casual.”

Li Zhibai thought for a while and said, "Let's order a roast duck and a pizza."

Lu Yanhe became greedy after hearing this.


 After deciding what to eat for lunch, Lu Yanhe went to the room to get his mobile phone and call Chen Ziyan.

 The phone can finally be turned on.

 At first glance, hoo! There are two missed calls from Sister Ziyan and a bunch of unread messages.

Lu Yanhe first called Chen Ziyan.

“Sister Ziyan, I’m sorry, I was sleeping just now and just woke up.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t go to bed until four or five o’clock in the morning yesterday, right?”


"Someone photographed you and Lin Miaomiao coming out together at the airport early in the morning, saying that you two went on a date together." Chen Ziyan seemed to find this statement a bit funny, "I have been dealing with your matter just now. Fortunately, this matter When it comes to Lin Miaomiao, Northern Lights Video has also put in a lot of effort and has basically brought down the heat.”

 “I didn’t expect there would be people filming it so late.”

"Now is an era of national media. With a mobile phone in your hand, you can take photos and videos at any time." Chen Ziyan said, "You are a star, and it is normal to be photographed. As long as you go out, you must be prepared to be photographed. , you may even be secretly photographed at home.”

 Lu Yanhe asked: "I'll pay attention next time, but I didn't pay attention."

“You don’t have to be a military force. Like this time, if you and Lin Miaomiao are photographed, you will be photographed. It’s not really a shady relationship.” Chen Ziyan said, “As long as you remember not to be photographed at the critical moment.”

Lu Yanhe didn’t know for a moment what the critical moment Chen Ziyan was referring to.

 Chen Ziyan said: "However, this time you and Lin Miaomiao were on the hot search, and people suspected that the two of you were in a relationship. Ms. Chen should be unhappy when she saw the news. Didn't she contact you?"

Miss Chen?

Lu Yanhe took a while to realize that the Miss Chen that Chen Ziyan was referring to was Chen Siqi.

Lu Yanhe was stunned and immediately said: "I, my phone just turned on. I forgot to charge it before and it turned off automatically."

Chen Ziyan: "Okay, let's stop talking here. You'd better go and comfort your Miss Chen first and don't let there be a fire in the backyard."

Lu Yanhe’s cheeks turned red.


Lu Yanhe hung up the phone and logged into the social software. Chen Siqi did not send him any message. Instead, Huang Kairen and several others curiously asked whether the news was true or false.

Lu Yanhe replied and explained one by one, and then clicked on Chen Siqi's profile picture. He was silent and hesitant for a moment, and wanted to know why she didn't respond at all?

 Have you not seen the news online?

Also a possibility.

This matter is not very popular, it has been suppressed and heated up.

 But, how is it possible?

Lu Yanhe saw that someone in his class was discussing this matter and asked who Lin Miaomiao was.

Even Li Pengfei asked him an hour ago: Are you in love with someone else?

Lu Yanhe typed back: Gungungun.

 Three words are not enough to express his mood at this moment.

Li Pengfei replied almost instantly: You finally showed up.

 Lu Yanhe: I arrived at the dormitory at four o'clock yesterday morning. I just woke up, and I didn't expect that rumors about me would appear on the Internet again.

Li Pengfei: Who is that girl?

Lu Yanhe said: I have a friend whom I met when I was working before. I was recording "City Travel Notes" in Jiangzhi yesterday. She was meeting friends nearby and came to see me. We just took the same flight back to Yuming.

 Li Pengfei: So that’s it.

Lu Yanhe: Do you really think I’m in love with someone else?

Li Pengfei: The main reason is that Chen Siqi asked me for help early this morning. I was accompanying her to look at the paper in the printing factory.

Lu Yanhe was stunned: Looking at the paper?

Li Pengfei: Yes, she was choosing what kind of paper to use for the physical book of "Jump Up". She didn't feel anything strange all morning. I thought she hadn't seen the news online. But when I asked, she already knew. She said She knows that woman, are you so awesome? You actually introduced the two of them to each other?

 Lu Yanhe: No, I just mentioned her to Chen Siqi.

Li Pengfei: You'd better explain it to Chen Siqi. Although she didn't react at all, I always felt that something was wrong with her and she felt a little sulky.

Lu Yanhe felt embarrassed, had a headache, and even wanted to sigh.

 He hesitated and hesitated, then asked: "Then is she with you?"

"Her? She's in front." Li Pengfei said, "three meters away from me."

 Lu Yanhe: "I understand, is she free now?"

"We are waiting for someone to bring us a new batch of paper. We are free now," Li Pengfei said. "If you want to call her, hurry up. I think that person will be back soon."

Lu Yanhe hummed and hung up the phone.

 After a moment's hesitation, Lu Yanhe called Chen Siqi.

 Chen Siqi died directly.

After a while, Chen Siqi came back with three words: At the printing factory.

Lu Yanhe was not sure whether Chen Siqi was really angry for a moment. He asked: Are you angry?

 Chen Siqi: Why am I angry?

Lu Yanhe scratched his head, hissed and said: It’s just the rumor on the Internet.

Chen Siqi: We already know it’s a rumor, so why am I still angry? Is Li Pengfei adding fuel to the fire to you again?

 Lu Yanhe: No, no.

Lu Yanhe actually wanted to say a little more, but he really couldn't say anything.

He and Chen Siqi themselves have not yet pierced the layer of window paper.

Chen Siqi: I have to choose the paper first. I won’t tell you anymore. We’ll talk about it later when we meet.

Lu Yanhe fell silent.

 He was very sure that Chen Siqi was angry and something was wrong.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head and sent a message to Li Pengfei, asking: Where are you? Send me the address.

Li Pengfei immediately sent a positioning message.

Lu Yanhe looked at his phone and saw that it had only been charged to 12%.

He immediately called an online taxi and arrived ten minutes later.

“Li Zhibai, Yan Liang, I don’t want to eat, I have to go out!” Lu Yanhe waited until the phone was charged to 17%, unplugged the charger, and hurried out.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang looked at each other and asked, "Why did he suddenly go out again?" (End of this chapter)

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