Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 256: Bookstore, new cooperation

"The Honest Man" is the only comedy movie during the National Day, starring Jia Long, the leading actor in minor comedies in recent years.

Jia Long has starred in several movies in the past few years, almost all of which feature small characters from the bottom of society as protagonists. Because of an accident, they get involved in a lot of trouble and then make a series of jokes.

"The Honest Man" is also about an old employee who has worked hard in a branch for more than ten years. He enters the head office by mistake and is mistaken for the illegitimate son of the company boss, which triggers a series of ridiculous stories. .

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi sat in the cinema and watched from beginning to end, laughing the whole time and almost never stopping.

The movie is indeed well shot. The key is that the comedy and irony are used very well. It hits the current attitude of young people towards work, and incorporates the most typical types of leadership that everyone complains about into this movie, becoming the characters that the protagonist encounters. Various villains.

“The movie is beautiful.” Chen Siqi told Lu Yanhe after watching it.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Well, it's indeed very beautiful."

 Chen Siqi said: "Jia Long has really made a lot of movies of this type in recent years. It feels like he has created his own genre in the field of comedy."

Lu Yanhe smiled and asked, "Are you going to write a film review?"

"Yes." Chen Siqi nodded, "I won't have dinner with you tonight. I have to go back quickly and write the film review first."

Lu Yanhe was immediately stunned.


We haven’t seen each other for so long. How come the date ended when we finally met?

Chen Siqi suddenly thought of something, "How about you accompany me to the Internet cafe? I have to write the movie review first, and then we'll have dinner after finishing it."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay."

Chen Siqi took out his mobile phone and searched for nearby Internet cafes.

 There are many Internet cafes near the school.

 They went to a nearby double cubicle with a curtain to cover it and went in.

 In Internet cafes, the majority of people play games, and there are constant shouts of fighting and killing.

Lu Yanhe asked Chen Siqi: "Can you write in this environment?"

“Yes.” Chen Siqi said, “Just put on the headphones.”

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how long it would take Chen Siqi to write. He opened his network disk and found the electronic version of the first volume of "History of Ancient Literature".

After Chen Siqi opened the document, he glanced at Lu Yanhe's computer screen and was shocked when he saw that it was a PDF file with dense words on it.

So cruel? ! Actually studying in an Internet cafe? !

At this moment, Chen Siqi didn’t know how to describe her mood.

Chen Siqi has always felt that he has worked very hard, but compared with the person next to him, he still seems to be a bit behind.

Chen Siqi really wants to dig open Lu Yanhe’s head and take a look at what kind of structure his brain is and why he can study so hard at any time.

In fact, Chen Siqi was not puzzled. It stands to reason that Lu Yanhe has successfully passed the Zhenhua entrance examination. In the future, he will not be able to follow the academic path and become a researcher. So why is he still studying so hard now? Why?

 However, Chen Siqi would not ask Lu Yanhe such a question. Everyone has their own ideas and choices. Chen Siqi knows that Lu Yanhe is a serious person, and that is enough.

 A film review can be written in a simple way or in a rich way.

Chen Siqi wrote it with the intention of running the media account well, and of course he would not be perfunctory.

 Look up information, find various behind-the-scenes tidbits, make adequate preparations, and then start writing this article based on the movies you have seen.

 Writing it in one go, two hours passed.

 Just 900 words.

Chen Siqi took off his headphones, stretched, and asked Lu Yanhe: "Can you help me take a look?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and changed places with Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi's writing style has a sense of rationality and sharpness, which is very different from Bai Yu's writing style. If Bai Yu's writing style is that of a typical literary girl - the spring breeze carries the lingering rain, then Chen Siqi's writing style is that of a steep mountain, with every stone and tree following the rules.

"Comedy movies have been booming in recent years, and a number of comedians have emerged. Some are more popular than Jia Long, and there are some who can carry the box office better than Jia Long. But like Jia Long, he is not associated with one genre or the same genre. The two types are so closely combined that they almost represent one type, and he is the only one.”

Lu Yanhe saw this paragraph written by Chen Siqi and asked: "Is this paragraph a bit flattering to Teacher Jia Long?"

Chen Siqi said: "I also felt this way when I was writing, but I thought about it for a long time and couldn't find a second expression that could express this meaning. The movie is a commercial product, but when we discuss it, it Entering the ranks of works, what kind of evaluation a work can achieve must discuss its own significance. The same is true for actors. As a comedian, Mr. Jia Long, in my eyes, has such ambitions and insists on doing so. Such comedy."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Then I suggest you put the conversation we just had in the article. This can alleviate some of the discomfort caused by the decisive tone, and everyone can better understand what you want to express. The intention is not to erect a monument to Teacher Jia Long, but to affirm his efforts and persistence in this area.”

Chen Siqi nodded: "Then I will write your name in?"

"Then it's better to say goodbye." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "It's one thing for us to discuss it among ourselves, it's another thing for you to write a comment. It's another thing for me, as a junior, to comment on a senior in public, no. suitable."

 Chen Siqi laughed.



 In fact, the name "Jump Up" has been associated with Lu Yanhe.

For film review articles published by this media, even if the author is not Lu Yanhe, they will be considered to be related to Lu Yanhe.

 So, when Chen Siqi held a meeting with the editorial team, he decided on a purpose: film and television reviews on media accounts should not make any negative comments.

After this purpose was determined, the main direction of the media account in the film and television field was derived: discovering good works and good creators.

If possible, Chen Siqi would of course want to put aside all the constraints and become a free media account. However, people cannot be so selfish. The media account was able to operate because of Lu Yanhe. You can't rely on someone else's influence to start this account, and then ignore that person's reputation and reputation in this industry later to become a so-called "media with attitude."

 "Discovering good works and good creators" is also a "media with attitude", and it is not only denial and criticism that are attitudes.


 This evening, Lu Yanhe didn't go back until half past ten.

He first sent Chen Siqi to the hotel before going back.

As soon as I returned, I heard Li Zhibai's "tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk" sound for almost ten seconds.

 “What instructions do you have?” Lu Yanhe asked with a smile.

Li Zhibai looked disgusted and said, "Why are you coming back tonight? I thought you weren't coming back today."

 Lu Yanhe: "If I don't come back, why don't I sleep on the road?"

“Isn’t Chen Siqi staying in a hotel?” Li Zhibai said immediately, “She’s **** and I don’t know how to accompany her. A girl stays alone in a hotel at night, so scared and lonely!”

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Zhibai speechlessly.

“Can you not have such a vulgar expression on your face when you say this?”

"Obscene?" Li Zhibai immediately angrily said, "Who else would call me obscene except you! How many girls have I dreamed of?"

 Lu Yanhe: "I'm going to vomit. Are you a nightmare in the hearts of many girls?"

At this time, Yan Liang came out of the room holding a set of clothes.

"Oh? You're back." Yan Liang greeted Lu Yanhe, "Why are you back so early?"


“Didn’t you go on a date?” Yan Liang said, “It’s only eleven o’clock now. We’re reunited after a long separation, so why are we not at all inseparable?”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 One or two people were like this, and Lu Yanhe couldn't help but wonder, was there really something wrong between him and Chen Siqi?

 Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi the reactions of Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

Chen Siqi quickly replied and said: "Then, next time we will finish it later."

Lu Yanhe laughed sheepishly, "No, that's not what I meant."

 “Don’t you want to?”

"Of course I am willing, not unwilling." Lu Yanhe said, "But will it affect your rest?"

“I’ll be fine if I stay up late with you,” Chen Siqi said.

 Chen Siqi's tone was brisk, but it made Lu Yanhe tremble as if he had been shot in the heart.

Her tone was understatement, but his mood was vibrating like a drum skin.

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe also smiled, his palms slightly sweaty.

 “Are you going to sleep?” Chen Siqi asked.

"Not yet, I'm going to read a book for a while." Lu Yanhe said, "I haven't broadcast live for a long time. I will turn on the live broadcast later."

 “Reading again?”


Chen Siqi said: "Compared with you, I am really a scumbag."

"You just have other things you want to do." Lu Yanhe said, "Has your film review been posted?"    "Yes, it has been posted." Chen Siqi said, "The response has been okay. Many of Jia Long's fans have forwarded and liked it. , but some people say that we are paid to publish soft articles.”

 Lu Yanhe: “No matter what you post, someone will say so.”

"The official blog of "The Honest Man" was also forwarded." Chen Siqi said happily, "There are a total of seven movies in the National Day schedule this time. I posted an article. For the other few movies, Lin Yu and Xu Zijun will also be responsible for one each. Two articles, one will be posted every day.”

“Will you be paid a publishing fee for writing this manuscript?”

"No." Chen Siqi said, "I have told them all that if the media account can start to make a profit in the future, it will pay salaries and royalties. Now we can only rely on love to generate electricity, and we can only get a salary as the editorial team of "Jump Up" reward.”

“How is the data of the media accounts now?” Lu Yanhe asked.

"Currently, the total number of fans on all platforms is 30,000." Chen Siqi said, "But this is basically the attention brought by the first issue. Our media account has just started to produce independent planning content. This film review column has also started from today I just started this article, and I hope that the total number of fans on all platforms will exceed 100,000 this year.”

There are still two months left in this year. In the next two months, they will add 70,000 fans, which requires them to maintain high-frequency updates and regular promotion.


  The long-awaited live broadcast in the evening made the fans in the live broadcast room very excited. There were a lot of "You are finally on the air" in the comment area.

Lu Yanhe briefly explained why he has not started live broadcasting recently.

 First I recorded the program, and then because I often lived in the dormitory, it was inconvenient to broadcast live, for fear of affecting my roommates.

Lu Yanhe has already changed to a laptop. This laptop was brought by Chen Ziyan and has been handed over to Mao Jiayang and asked him to deal with it.

 Now, Lu Yanhe is waiting for the fish to take the bait.

As long as the person who installed the Trojan on his laptop knows that he has changed his computer, in order to continue to monitor him, he will definitely find a way to reinstall the Trojan on his new computer.

Someone in the comment area asked Lu Yanhe if he had changed the camera, saying that the picture was much clearer this time during his live broadcast.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "My agent said that the camera that came with the laptop I used before was not high-pixel, so he changed it to a laptop for me and installed a more advanced camera."

Someone immediately said: This agent is very good and understands what we want to see very well.

 Another person immediately said: I can finally see Lu Yanhe in high definition.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

 Him in high definition, it’s just a little clearer.

 What’s so good about this?

Someone said: I met Lu Yanhe today. He is even more handsome in real life than in the live broadcast.

 Someone asked: Is it true or false? He is already very handsome in the camera.

 Answer immediately: He is tall, handsome, and full of boyishness, just like the kind of boyfriend I dreamed of having every day when I was in high school.

 Someone asked: Don’t you want to do it now?

The man replied: People have grown up and it’s time to wake up.

 There are many such conversations in the comment area.

Everyone is familiar with Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast style, and they are also familiar with each other.

Those who often speak in the comment area are very familiar with each other, and they are merciless when criticizing each other.

Lu Yanhe looked at it with a smile, then lowered his head and started reading.

Lu Yanhe has the habit of taking notes when reading - because whether it is a professional book or a book list issued by teachers, it is not the kind that can be read in one go. There is a lot of information. If you don't stop and take notes from time to time, it is easy to read. Just forget it.

Lu Yanhe didn’t end the live broadcast until half past twelve and went to bed.


On October 2nd, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi made an appointment to meet at 10 a.m. and went to a bookstore to check in.

 Lu Yanhe originally thought that Chen Siqi just wanted to check in at this bookstore, but he did not expect that Chen Siqi had already made an appointment with the bookstore manager in advance.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know about this until he entered the door.

“It’s also a last-minute appointment.” Chen Siqi said, “It’s okay. You go shopping by yourself first, and I’ll just have a chat with the store manager.”

 “What do you want to talk about?” Lu Yanhe asked.

 Chen Siqi said: “Let’s talk about the sales situation of “Jump Up”, and then I would like to invite him to write a business diary of the bookstore manager.”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi said: "How do bookstores operate in the Internet age? I want to create a column like this. Interesting articles can be put into books. If they are not suitable for being put into books, they can be published on media accounts. This way It can not only establish contact with the bookstore, but also help the bookstore promote it, everyone should be very happy. ”

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

"Linyu and I have assigned our respective tasks to develop this into a fixed column." Chen Siqi said, "In this era, store managers who choose to continue running a bookstore generally have a lot of experience about themselves and the bookstore. Unique stories like this may make people interested in bookstores and bring them back into bookstores.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Where did you come up with such thoughts?”

These ideas are not complicated, they are even very simple, but before Chen Siqi proposed it, Lu Yanhe had never thought about it in these directions.

 As soon as Chen Siqi proposed this idea, Lu Yanhe felt it was very creative.

This is an idea that has never been done before. As Chen Siqi said, store managers are also willing to promote their bookstores. They only need to invite them, and they can contribute to "Jump Up" at almost no cost. The media account unearthed a lot of interesting content, even—

As they get to know more and more bookstore managers and accumulate them to a certain level, the future promotion of "Jump Up" will also benefit a lot.


Just as Chen Siqi thought, the store manager was flattered and agreed immediately after hearing Chen Siqi introduce himself and explain his purpose.

Chen Siqi exchanged friends and contact information with the store manager and said: "Whether it is published in a book or published on a media account, it will definitely bring many readers to your bookstore, so you are also welcome to contribute to us in the long term. Oh, if the content is suitable for publication in the book, once it is decided to be published, you will be given another royalties.”

The store manager smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, are you the only one here today? Didn't Lu Yanhe come with you?"

Lu Yanhe was wearing sunglasses and was behind a row of bookshelves.

Chen Siqi said: "He may come later."

"I really hope he can come. In this way, I can take a photo with you two editors and hang it in our bookstore. When "Jump Up" becomes the most popular theme book in the future, it will become a symbol of our bookstore. Baby." The store manager said happily.

 Chen Siqi: "Then I'll ask him when he will come."

 The bookstore manager said: "That's great, do you want some coffee? I'll buy you a cup of coffee."

 “Thank you, I’ve already drank.” Chen Siqi thanked the other party, “I’ll go shopping in the bookstore first.”

“Okay, you can browse as you like,” the store manager said.

 Chen Siqi found Lu Yanhe and winked at him.

"nailed it?"

"Well, it's done." Chen Siqi nodded, "Before we leave later, let's take a photo with the store manager? The store manager hopes to take a photo with us."

Although Lu Yanhe didn't know the purpose of the store manager, of course Lu Yanhe could handle such a request.

When Lu Yanhe actually appeared in front of the store manager, the store manager laughed in surprise.

 “You’re actually here!”

 The three of them took a group photo.

 Other customers in the bookstore noticed this scene, recognized Lu Yanhe, and asked for photos.

 Lu Yanhe cooperated with everyone who came.

"Please support "Jump Up" more!" Lu Yanhe smiled and said to everyone, "If you have any good suggestions, you are welcome to send them to our email."

"Will "Jump Up" continue to be produced?" asked a girl, still wearing her school uniform.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "As long as you continue to support us, we will continue to do this."

 “We will definitely support you all the time!” the girl in school uniform said enthusiastically.

The bright smile on the other person's face gave Lu Yanhe plenty of motivation.


Chen Siqi said: “I didn’t expect that many people would support this book.”

“Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Let’s work hard to prevent it from being just a flash in the pan.”

“Yes, of course.” Chen Siqi nodded seriously, “Now there are more and more submissions in our submission mailbox.”

 “Really?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Chen Siqi nodded, "Fortunately, there are four people reading the manuscripts in the submission mailbox together. Otherwise, if there were still just two of us, we would definitely not finish it."

“Apart from Jia Zhen Ge’s novels, do you also specialize in other serials?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Siqi shook his head and said: "Let's just do one serial for the time being. The space is limited. If we do another serial, it will occupy other pages."

Due to physical publishing, the number of pages published in each issue is limited, and the number of words that can be published is also limited.

According to Chen Siqi’s idea, she hopes to publish more authors’ works in each issue. At least for the book “Jump Up”, she will have a group of regular authors with loyal readers. Only with an ace author who can carry the banner can this book be sustained in a real and long-term way.

Chen Siqi asked: "Which celebrities should we invite to write articles in the second and third issues?" (End of Chapter)

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