Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 257: last recorded

 Chapter 257 The last recording

Lu Yanhe said: "Among the artists I have worked with, the only one who can achieve the appeal of Sister Yuqian is Brother Kairen. I have invited Brother Kairen to submit manuscripts before, but there has been no follow-up. I want to stop asking ask him."

Chen Siqi nodded and said: "Then you try to invite him. If he is willing, of course that's fine. If he is not willing, don't force him. You will definitely have to write another article in this issue. You are the editor-in-chief, and this is also the case. The core author of this theme book cannot be absent. "

“Well, what theme are you planning for the second issue?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Siqi said: "I have already thought about the themes for the second and third issues. I will use whichever theme receives good manuscripts first. However, I now have a new idea. Book, I no longer want to use one theme to limit the entire issue of articles. I plan to find the article that best represents this issue from the articles published in the current issue, and use the title of that article as the title of that issue.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "This does give the author more room for creation."

"However, I will still do some planning and themes and invite authors to write." Chen Siqi said, "I just hope that there will be richer and more types of articles in each issue. I also want to learn from readers. Collect topics they want to read. If you receive interesting topics, you can use this topic to invite writers to participate in the creation, or even hold a small competition, asking readers to vote for the articles under this topic, which one is the most popular among readers. Works can receive additional royalties.”

 Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "You are using the style of a competitive variety show."

"Well, competition is something like this, even in literary creation, it will still mobilize the enthusiasm of readers, and it is the easiest way for authors to be recognized and paid attention to by readers." Chen Siqi said, "Authors only need to create good The works are fine, but we have to come up with various ways to help these good works be read by more people.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I know, just do whatever you want to do. I think the ideas you put forward are very meaningful."

“Well, so just think about what you want to write and submit a manuscript to me.” Chen Siqi said with a smile, “Anything is fine.”

 “Is it okay to write a diary?”

“Okay, if you write a diary, more people may want to read it,” Chen Siqi said.


 Chen Siqi did not want to deliberately avoid Lu Yanhe in "Jump Up".

 Although Lu Yanhe has always had this idea.

 Chen Siqi didn’t know why, but Lu Yanhe seemed to resist expressing himself.

 For an artist, this should be rare, right?

Chen Siqi doesn’t have many references, but can a person who has no desire for expression really be an artist?

Chen Siqi didn't know Lu Yanhe's thoughts. She just had the simplest idea - "Jump Up" was a book that could only be written because of Lu Yanhe. Not to mention that "Jump Up" still needs Lu Yanhe's influence very much. Even if one day "Jump Up" "" does not need Lu Yanhe's influence, and she is not willing to cut "Jump Up" from Lu Yanhe.

Chen Siqi never thought about why she started working on media accounts non-stop, nor did she delve into the reasons behind her thoughts, but she instinctively knew one thing. She hoped that all of this would bring the best to her and Lu Yanhe. Actual returns, the most practical help.

 Chen Siqi wants to make money and have the confidence to live independently in the future. In Chen Siqi's eyes, Lu Yanhe's future acting career, and more importantly, the media campaign, requires a strong and stable circle.

 So, start from "Jump Up" and slowly build up this circle.

Chen Siqi has just entered her freshman year, but she already has strong ambitions.


"Yuqian, the article you published in "Jump Up" received a great response." He Heng got into the car with two cups of coffee and handed one of them to Jiang Yuqian.

Jiang Yuqian took it in her hand, took a sip, and sighed with satisfaction.

 “come to life.”

He Heng said: "The sales data of "Jump Up" are quite good. It is said to have broken several records. It is now rated very high on several evaluation websites."

Jiang Yuqian nodded and said: "It's a good thing. I've seen the news. Lu Yanhe and the others are going to pursue their victory and make "Jump Up" into a series. Do you think Lu Yanhe is a little lucky? To make such a book Books can actually be successful, and sales can break records. I even heard that books can’t be sold now.”

"Then you have to take a look at how much publicity resources he has invested in this book." He Heng said, "Just the celebrity artists who helped him write the manuscript include you, Li Zhibai and Song Linxin. The total number of fans cannot be underestimated. With such a lineup, if it is a business project, the sales volume will be more than this. "

"That's good. We are the only ones who have written these words and there are still people willing to read them." Jiang Yuqian said, "Except for true fans, who would spend dozens of dollars to buy a book just to read what you wrote?" To be honest, I was originally worried that some fans would come to me and accuse me of cheating me out of money. I only wrote two or three pages and ended up costing them a whole book, but everyone was praising me for my good writing. , and praised the book for being beautiful, which shows that Lu Yanhe is really serious about writing this book. I also read it. The novel written by the author named Bai Yu moved me very much. I also thought about it, should I read it? I bought the copyright and developed it into a movie, a girl's fantasy adventure. This kind of story still makes my heart move even when I watch it now. Unfortunately, I am no longer eighteen and am not suitable for acting. "

He Heng said: "No way, you have no problem even if you play a high school student with your face now, okay?"

Jiang Yuqian smiled.

“Don’t always feed me such sugar-coated bullets. If you talk too much, I will take it seriously.” Jiang Yuqian said.

He Heng said: "However, you have successfully transformed now. It is right not to play an eighteen-year-old girl. The contract for "True Qi Road" has been signed. There are two dramas, "Golden Age" and "Zhen Qi Lu". You have already established yourself in the drama industry.”

Jiang Yuqian said: "What's Zhang Lan's reaction?"

"What other reaction could there be? I'm so angry." He Heng said, "She has been competing with you in the past few years. This time, she tried her best to get "Zhen Qi Lu", but failed. She probably gave it to her at home. You're stabbing a villain."

Jiang Yuqian said: "Just don't go crazy."

He Heng said: "I'll keep an eye on her. If she dares to go crazy, I'll let her suffer."

Jiang Yuqian nodded.


 When the second episode of "Young Days" was broadcast, it happened to be when they started the last stage of recording.

Lu Yanhe brought a box of "Jump Up" and gave a copy to the program staff and recording guests.

 “Thanks to everyone’s help, this book was produced.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile to everyone.

Li Zhenzhen said: "I have already bought a copy myself. Can you sign this copy for me, Editor Lu?"

 A narrow smile appeared on her face.

"Okay." Lu Yanhe immediately agreed, "Thank you, Sister Zhenzhen, for setting one of the tasks to "Jump Up" during the last recording."

Li Zhenzhen: "Looking at it now, it's me who caught on to the popularity. Now that "Jump Up" is selling so well, many readers will come to watch our show because of it."

Lu Yanhe quickly shook his hand.

 The physical book and e-book of "Jump Up" combined have sold more than 100,000 copies.

 But "Young Days" has been played in the tens of millions.

  It's not a magnitude at all.

Li Zhenzhen said: "The number of views of the first episode has exceeded 50 million, and 15 million people have watched more than 70% of the program's main content. Thank you for your hard work in recording, our program will become more and more popular."

Lu Yanhe was also very happy when he heard this data.

 This program has sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet.

 Of course, the discussion mainly focused on Li Zhibai and Meng Li, followed by Lu Yanhe.

 But as the conflicts shift and change in the future, everyone’s focus will definitely change accordingly.

 This recording is still based on the second recording mode.

 Draw lots and do tasks.

Lu Yanhe was drawn into a team with Liu Zhiyin and Peng Zhixing this time.

The task that the three of them have to complete is to help an old woman who adopted eight stray cats give them a bath.

 Lu Yanhe was confused when he saw the content of the task. He wanted to know where the program team found such a task.

 But the process was more tortuous than Lu Yanhe imagined.

 It is not easy to bathe a cat.

 Lu Yanhe has never done anything like this before, this is the first time.

 They were clumsy in their work. In comparison, Liu Zhiyin and Peng Zhixing were much more skilled.

When Lu Yanhe asked, he found out that they had kept pets at home since childhood.

“I have been doing this kind of thing since I was a child,” Peng Zhixing said. “I have raised dogs, cats, and parrots at home.”

“Is your family going to open a zoo?” Liu Zhiyin asked with a smile.

Peng Zhixing also laughed and said, "The main reason is that my mother loves raising small animals."

Liu Zhiyin nodded and said, "Me too, my mother likes all kinds of small animals and even adopted two stray dogs."

 Because of the presence of two experienced people, Peng Zhixing and Liu Zhiyin, they also completed the task smoothly.

 Because the task was completed ahead of schedule, the old lady even brought out cakes and herbal tea.

 Four people were sitting on the porch.

 October, the weather is actually still a bit hot, and the old electric fan in the house is squeaking and swaying, blowing the wind.

Lu Yanhe was sweating, and it had even dried up.

 The feeling at this moment is very peaceful.

“Grandma, why do you raise so many kittens?” Liu Zhiyin asked.

 The old woman said: "They all ran here by themselves."

This is a single-family bungalow with a small yard. The nearby kittens will come over, probably because the old woman often feeds them.

 After recording this part, you can go back to the young people’s room.

When Lu Yanhe was about to leave, the old woman suddenly called him.

"Xiao Lu, can you stay? There is something I want to tell you in private."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at the old woman in surprise and nodded.

He Zhong still wanted to carry the camera and continue filming, but the old woman said to him: "Young man, can you stop filming later?"

He Zhong was stunned.

 As Lu Yanhe’s photographer, his task is to follow Lu Yanhe all the time. He Zhong has no way to make a decision regarding this request.

Lu Yanhe looked at He Zhong and said, "Brother Zhong, go out and wait for me first. I will come out soon."

After Lu Yanhe said this, He Zhong nodded.

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that the old woman asked him to stay so seriously. It turned out to be because her granddaughter was having a birthday next week. Because her granddaughter was a fan of Lu Yanhe, the old woman wanted to ask Lu Yanhe to record a birthday for her. Blessing video.

 Lu Yanhe immediately agreed and recorded a video on the old woman's mobile phone. Suddenly he remembered something and said to her: "Please wait for me a little longer."

He went to the car, took out a copy of "Jump Up" from his bag, wrote a birthday greeting on the title page, signed it, and handed it to the old woman: "I was in a hurry and didn't prepare a gift. This is my editor-in-chief." A book for your granddaughter’s birthday.”

 The old woman happily took it into her hands and thanked her.


 Lu Yanhe’s PDs Chen Mo and He Zhong were waiting for Lu Yanhe outside.

 Chen Mo curled his lips and said in a low voice: "I'm really convinced by this guy. He published a book and gave it away everywhere. Even an old woman in her sixties gave it away. Do people care about his stuff?"

 He Zhong listened to Chen Mo's complaints and remained silent.

 Chen Mo glanced at He Zhong, "What's wrong? Don't you think so?"

He Zhong said: "I just think Lu Yanhe is quite powerful. No matter what, he can write such a book and be liked by so many people."

"Do you really think he wrote that book?" Chen Mo glanced at He Zhong in surprise, with a hint of disdain and sarcasm on his lips, "Forget about those idiot fans, even you don't know, these artists What kind of virtue is it? It’s just a name, and other things have nothing to do with him. It must be like this. Can he really do anything else? How is it possible? It’s impossible. "

He Zhong glanced at Chen Mo hesitantly and said, "Not everyone is like this."

 “Don’t you think Lu Yanhe is different?”

"I just think that he is more real than others." He Zhong said, "At least, he got into Zhenhua based on his own real ability, right?"

"Who knows how he passed the exam?" Chen Mo sneered, "I really didn't expect that your attitude towards Lu Yanhe would change so much. I used to think that you, like me, couldn't stand these domineering things. You lucky artist, you have compromised now. Are you seeing Lu Yanhe becoming more and more famous, so you don’t want to say anything bad about him anymore? I really look down on you."

 He Zhong did not speak any more.

He didn't know where Chen Mo's hostility towards Lu Yanhe came from. It was really strange that the hostility was so great. He Zhong once really couldn't stand these celebrities. Because of his work, he was exposed to the side of many artists that was very hateful in private and completely opposite to that on the screen. That side made He Zhong have a lot of resistance to the artists as a group. .

However, after shooting several times with Lu Yanhe, Lu Yanhe's behavior has shown a kind of sincerity that is consistent on the surface.

 This made He Zhong's attitude towards Lu Yanhe greatly change.

 Hence, a sense of guilt also emerged from his heart. He had previously accepted someone else's money and installed a program into Lu Yanhe's laptop with Chen Mo. Although he still doesn't know what it does specifically, but thinking about it, he knows that no matter what it is, it is impossible. It's a good thing.

He Zhong was even a little hesitant to remind Lu Yanhe.

At the beginning, when Chen Mo said, "If he didn't do anything shameful, it doesn't matter what he puts in his laptop," He Zhong thought Chen Mo was right.

Chen Mo glanced at He Zhong with a complicated expression and said, "You should keep your mouth shut about what we did before. I don't care what you think now. If this matter is exposed, then both of us will be dead." Gotta suffer."

He Zhong glanced at her.

 At this time, Lu Yanhe came out.

 He Zhong did not speak again.

Facing Lu Yanhe, Chen Mo smiled and said, "Is it okay? Then we are going to return to the Young People's House."

 Lu Yanhe nodded to them and said, "Yeah, thank you for your hard work."

 He got into the car.

He Zhong looked at Lu Yanhe's figure. At this time, he actually wanted to ask Chen Mo.

Facing such an artist, why are you still so hostile? -

Peng Zhixing asked Lu Yanhe why the old lady had left him behind just now.

 Lu Yanhe simply explained it.

"Oh~" Liu Zhiyin immediately laughed, "You are very popular, even the granddaughter of the old lady is your fan." Lu Yanhe quickly shook his head and said: "I dare not say that I am popular, but there has been a lot of news recently, so that's why created such an illusion.”

“Don’t having a lot of news mean being popular?” Liu Zhiyin said, “Since I recorded the show with you, I see your name or your news on trending searches almost every day. Doesn’t it mean being popular?”

"Of course not." Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand, "You can tell by looking at my hot searches. I have been on the hot searches because I participated in some things, not like Li Zhibai, who looks like a chicken coop. To be on the hot search, being famous should be a very ordinary thing, and it will attract a lot of attention. Otherwise, like me, it will just be a lot of news and a high appearance rate. "

“This is the first time I heard someone say that.” Peng Zhixing said to Lu Yanhe in surprise, “You are too humble.”

Lu Yanhe asked Peng Zhixing: "Brother Zhixing, are you interested in writing a manuscript for the upcoming "Jump Up"?"

"Huh? Me?" Peng Zhixing was a little surprised.

"You are the host, and you must have many interesting stories to share with everyone." Lu Yanhe said, "So, if you are willing, can you be invited to write for "Jump Up"?"

"Of course I am willing, but I don't know if the article I write can meet the requirements for publication." Peng Zhixing said.

“You just told me not to be humble, but you have become humble yourself.” Lu Yanhe said immediately.

Liu Zhiyin raised her chin, nodded heavily, and said, "That's right. I don't lead by example at all. But, Yan He, why don't you invite me to write? I also have many stories to share. I am in a girl group overseas. I’ve been doing it for several years.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Liu Zhiyin in surprise: "Sister Zhiyin, are you willing to help us write it?"

"Of course I do. This is called the hottest theme book by many media at the moment. Moreover, Jiang Yuqian has written for your first issue, right?" Liu Zhiyin said, "Only popular celebrities will be invited by you. Write a manuscript? I want to be a famous star."

 Liu Zhiyin is active, positive, kind, and a bit impatient, but she is actually a considerate person.

Lu Yanhe is full of surprises.

"You have really solved my urgent need. I was still worried this morning about who we can invite to help us write articles for the next few issues." Lu Yanhe said, "Sister Zhiyin, can we open an opening for you on "Jump Up"? Column, please share with us some stories specifically about your girl group experience?”

 “No problem.” Liu Zhiyin nodded immediately.

 Liu Zhiyin has just returned to China and is eager to open up the situation.

 At this time, she hopes to seize every opportunity to make domestic fans aware of her.

"Jump Up", which can sell more than 100,000 copies, is of course a good opportunity for her.

 Lu Yanhe immediately told Chen Siqi the news.

Chen Siqi: That would be great. With the confession novel written by Jia Long and Li Zhibai before, the second and third issues will be enough.

Lu Yanhe was stunned: Jia Long?

Chen Siqi: Hmm, I sent a private message to Jia Long’s social account this morning, asking him to write an article about the filming of "The Honest Man". I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn’t expect that he would reply an hour later. I agreed directly!

 Lu Yanhe:? !

Chen Siqi: Isn’t it amazing? I didn’t expect that he must have seen the movie review I wrote the day before yesterday.

Chen Siqi followed up with a "smug" expression.

Lu Yanhe immediately responded with a thumbs-up expression.

 It’s really amazing.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know Jia Long at all, and he never thought that he could invite Jia Long to write an article for "Jump Up".

Chen Siqi gave it a try and succeeded.

 It’s really incredible.


As soon as the Young People's House arrived, Lu Yanhe got off the bus with everyone.

 They were the first to come back this time.

 Other groups came back one after another, and just like the second recording, they announced the results and received supplies.

Everyone already has experience and has watched the first episode. They know what the format and feel of the program is like, and they all know how to react and provide effects.

 Much smoother.

Especially since everyone is already familiar with each other. Once we become familiar with each other, recording this program will become much easier and more enjoyable.

 We all cooked dinner together in the evening and chatted while eating.

Lu Yanhe has an obvious feeling. When everyone chats, the topics they talk about have become more and more in-depth.

For example, this time Ryu Ji-yin is willing to share her past experiences in overseas girl groups with everyone, talking about how people get along with each other, about the friendship and competition between teammates, and about the difficulty of working alone outside. Easy and gritty to persevere.

These things are all things that you really need to fully trust the person sitting next to you before you can say it with confidence.

 Arrived around nine o'clock, everyone started to watch the second issue that was launched today.

 There is still no Liu Zhiyin and Su Xiao in this issue.

  But they will also comment on other people's performance on the show.

  The main perspective of the second issue has changed and became Peng’s trip.

The program editing starts from Peng Zhixing's perspective, to face how difficult it is for a group of unfamiliar people to get together to record a program, to show the conflict and "reconciliation" between Li Zhibai and Meng Li, and to find ways to liven up the atmosphere and organize everyone to work together. Play turtle soup, and more.

At the end of the show, it turned out that Qin Zhibai was frightened by Li Zhibai late at night, causing everyone to wake up, gather together, complain to each other, and then disperse.

As the camera zooms out, the stars twinkle in the night sky, and a subtitle appears: The distance from the unfamiliar to the familiar can be as far away as the two ends of the Milky Way, or it can build a magpie bridge to meet by fate.

 “Wow!” After finishing the second issue, both Xiao Yun and Song Linxin exclaimed.

“The program team is really good at editing.” Yan Liang, who experienced the real recording scene, couldn’t help but sigh.

A recording scene full of embarrassment and smoke, but under the editing of the program team, it turned into a process of a group of unfamiliar young people going from embarrassment to gradually becoming familiar with it. Surprisingly, it still has an inexplicable youthful flavor.

Lu Yanhe also said: “It really made our relationship beautify a lot.”

“To be honest, it wasn’t until this recording that I felt like we were gradually becoming familiar with each other.” Song Linxin said.

Xiao Yun also nodded, "Me too, this time I can really let go of some psychological baggage and enjoy the process of getting along with everyone."

"There is still a process from unfamiliarity to familiarity." Liu Zhiyin said, "Our speed is actually very fast. When I was a trainee overseas, if I wanted to get familiar with everyone, it would even take half a year to get to know everyone. Years of time.”

 “Is it going to take so long?”

“Well, there’s no other way, I’m a foreigner.” Liu Zhiyin said.

“Sister Zhiyin is very popular. Several of my classmates are your fans.” Su Xiao said, “Will you stop participating in group activities in the future?”

"I still participate, but most of the time I will work in my personal capacity." Liu Zhiyin said, "As I get older, I can't sing and dance on stage all the time, so I have to find a backup for myself. Way to go."

Liu Zhiyin said so bluntly that he wanted to find a way out, which surprised everyone. They didn't expect it.

Are you so honest?

Lu Yanhe was also surprised.

“Zhiyin, are you going to be a singer or an actor when you come back?” Peng Zhixing asked.

Yoo Ji-yin said: "I don't think about whether to be a singer or an actor right now. The most important thing is to let everyone know me. In recent years, I have mainly been active overseas. Many people in China don't know me, whether it's singing or acting. Okay, whether it’s participating in variety shows, as long as I have the opportunity to let everyone know me, I will do it.”

 “Awesome.” Peng Zhixing said.

Lu Yanhe also thinks Liu Zhiyin is awesome. Being able to admit my efforts frankly in front of so many people.

 How many people who are really working hard dare to tell others how hard they are working? Too many people who emphasize how hard they work are only half a bucket of water and can only impress themselves. People who really work hard are ashamed to mention it, fearing that such efforts will not be rewarded accordingly.

 Liu Zhiyin's frankness and sincerity made the atmosphere at this moment suddenly more sincere.

"I can understand Sister Zhiyin's thoughts." Yan Liang suddenly spoke up, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, as if he was shy and ashamed of what he was going to say next, but he still said it, " Me too, I want to be known by more audiences, so rather than what I do, what is more important to me is what else I can do. I hope there are more opportunities, the better, and I want to seize every opportunity that can let everyone know me. Opportunity."

Xiao Yun held his face in his hands and said, "You are already very famous, and if you still say this, am I going to get a cane in my butt?"

 She said this in a joking tone.

"You are all so outstanding, you will be very popular in the future." Peng Zhixing said immediately, "When I was in college, my teacher said to me that our talents are innate, and our efforts rely on ourselves. To achieve it, add up these two, do everything you can, and then just wait for the wind to come. "

"Waiting for the wind?" Liu Zhiyin smiled softly and said, "It sounds like a very elegant gesture, but what if you haven't received the wind you are waiting for after waiting for many years?"

"There is no other way, because everything that can be done has been done, and we can only continue to wait for the wind to come."

"No." Liu Zhiyin shook his head, opened his eyes wide, and said, "If you still can't wait for the wind, then wait somewhere else. The world is so big, there will always be windy places."


next door.

 Chen Mo walked out of the workshop and came to a deserted corner outside the yard alone.

 She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

 Night shrouded the surrounding areas, and street lamps shed dim light.

When the call was connected, she said: "The recording of the program has started. I will find an opportunity to install it on Lu Yanhe's new computer in the next two days. However, I have something to tell you."

  “It’s about He Zhong.”


 “Where is Chen Mo?” Li Zhenzhen asked He Zhong.

He Zhong shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Li Zhenzhen frowned slightly and said nothing.

She thought for a while and said to He Zhong: "After this program is finished, take a break for half a month and work on another program with me."

 “Huh?” He Zhong was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

 They are not regular members of Li Zhenzhen’s team. Li Zhenzhen is now a director for the first time and does not have his own team. Like He Zhong and others, Chen Biqiu found them from various places through his own connections. Usually, he usually shoots for whatever project is available.

Li Zhenzhen said: "I have another show later and I am short of a photographer. If you have time, come and work with me. It feels good to work with you this time."

He Zhong nodded hesitantly and said, "Okay."

 Li Zhenzhen asked: "Are Chen Mo and you in the same group?"

He Zhong shook his head and said: "We have cooperated before, but I ran the orders by myself."

 “Your skills are so good, why don’t you join the team?”

“With restrictions, it’s better to make more money by running the orders yourself.” He Zhong said.

Li Zhenzhen heard this and nodded, "If "Young Days" becomes a series in the future, will you sign a fixed contract with us?"

“Yes, of course it’s no problem.” He Zhong said immediately, “As long as it’s a job that can make money, I’ll take it.”

Li Zhenzhen smiled helplessly and said, "You are so young, why do you want to make money so much?"

He Zhong smiled and said, "You just want to make money when you are young. I am short of money."

Li Zhenzhen: "Okay, if there is a job in the future, I will introduce it to you. Your skills are very good, and everyone will definitely be willing to use you."

"Thank you, director." He Zhong nodded, suddenly thinking of something, his expression suddenly became hesitant.

 “What’s wrong?” Li Zhenzhen asked.

 He Zhong said: "I..."

“Director, He Zhong, what are you talking about?” At this time, Chen Mo suddenly came back and joined their conversation with a smile.

“Oh, I’ll ask him if he’s free next month. I have another show that needs a photographer.” Li Zhenzhen explained, “Where were you just now?”

“I went to the bathroom.” Chen Mo shrugged, “I guess I’ll have to stay up late tonight.”

Li Zhenzhen: "It shouldn't be necessary. I think they won't be too late tonight."

“I know these people. Once we have a good chat, we will definitely talk until the early morning.” Chen Mo said, “Director, do you want some coffee? I’ll make a cup of coffee.”

 “I don’t need it anymore.”

 “He Zhong, what about you?”

 “I don’t need it either.” He Zhong shook his head.

Chen Mo glanced at them, turned around and went to make coffee again.

 Li Zhenzhen looked at He Zhong again and asked, "What did you want to say to me just now?"

He Zhong shook his head, "Nothing, director."

"Okay, if you have anything to say to me, feel free to come to me at any time." After Li Zhenzhen finished speaking, he patted He Zhong on the shoulder and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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