Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 280: Another nomination (10,000 words updated!)

  Chapter 280 Another nomination (10,000 words updated!)

The movie Lu Yanhe thought of for Chen Bige was a very classic movie called "Raise the Red Lantern."

In the original time and space, this film has achieved great results, winning the Silver Lion Award at the Venice International Film Festival and an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. The heroine Gong Li also won the Best Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award.

Lu Yanhe was a freshman in high school when he watched this movie. He originally thought he wouldn't be able to watch this movie, because it was so far away from his life, and it told a story about jealousy in a backyard, but he didn't expect to watch it in one sitting, and then he realized why it was said that there were some. The movie is really good, but with different perspectives and entry points, the story will be different.

This is a movie with a very high story theme. It is adapted from Su Tong's novel "Wives and Concubines". It has a top-notch text as the basis for the movie, and the movie has also made a very clever adaptation - the one who has never appeared. The master, as well as the red lanterns in the courtyard of the deep house that become more and more shadowy when lit up, are visual concepts that can only be given by movies.

The wild, romantic and sincere feeling about Chen Bige made Lu Yanhe feel inexplicably similar to Gong Li. Chen Bige is now in her early thirties, similar to Gong Li who starred in "Raise the Red Lantern". Therefore, this movie immediately came to Lu Yanhe's mind.

This is also a movie in which Lu Yanhe has a deep memory and can roughly tell the story of what happened from beginning to end.

In addition to this movie, there is another one that Lu Yanhe also thinks is very suitable, "Rouge Button" starring Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui. Lu Yanhe doesn't watch many Hong Kong movies, and "Rouge" is one of them.

It’s just that these two movies have a problem, that is, they both have a sense of age. If they were successful movies at that time, in another time and space, the stories would be classic, but they may not resonate on a large scale.

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and decided not to consider these issues first, but to write the story first.


Chen Bige woke up lazily, yawned, and turned over in bed again.

 Finally finished filming "The Pirates of Xinqi", and she can take a good rest for two months.

Chen Bige opened the document sent to her by Lu Yanhe in disbelief.

Miao Yue looked bitter and resentful, and said: "I still need your help, AI. I have never written science fiction novels."

 But Chen Bige loves acting and the profession of actor, so he still allows himself to film one or two movies a year.

 Chen Bige didn’t pay much attention.

At two o'clock in the morning yesterday, Lu Yanhe sent her a document and said: Sister Bi Ge, these are two ideas I have for the time being. They haven't written a script yet, it's just a story. Take a look.

 In this computer class, the teacher assigned homework before the end of get out of class that confused all the students.

After the news of "Seventeenth Floor" came out, the drama production company that she had worked with and knew was looking for her.

This makes it difficult for Chen Bige to receive good movies. Otherwise, she would not have gone to play a supporting actress in "Pirates of Xinqi". She wanted to expand the market and look for roles outside.

 "Raise the Red Lantern".

Before "Seventeenth Floor", Chen Bige had not acted in a TV series for a long time, so in everyone's mind, Chen Bige would not be able to act in a TV series, and would not submit scripts to her. Things have changed now.

 She was stunned.

During this period, many drama series came to her, hoping to schedule her next drama.

 Chen Bige’s current status makes it impossible for him to play a supporting role.

“It’s not like people from the liberal arts college know how to write novels.” A classmate nearby complained.

 Chen Bige's mentality changed instantly. He also sat up, smoothed his hair, and started reading seriously.


“You are all students in the School of Liberal Arts. We are already halfway through the course and there is no final exam. So just take AI as the theme and each of you write a novel of no less than 5,000 words for me.”

Since "Seventeenth Floor" has been completed, she will not take on any other dramas in the coming year, and she will not be in a hurry to decide what to act in the next drama.

In fact, Chen Bige also knows that there are currently very few films in which she can act in the domestic film market. This is because the domestic box office market is growing rapidly, but the leading categories are basically comedy, action, war and science fiction. This has caused many film companies to make plans. When working on projects, I will rely on these types. It's not that she's unwilling to star in these types of movies, but it's hard to find a leading role that she can play in these types of movies.

 At her status, she no longer has to take on crazy jobs to maintain her status.

However, although everyone complained, they finally accepted it.

 It’s just that in the past two years, I don’t know whether she has become picky or whether the market has indeed changed. Good scripts that can make her excited are almost invisible.

 Chen Bige has read hundreds, if not thousands, of scripts. Not to say that every good script has a good name that makes people’s eyes light up as soon as they see it, but most of the time, there will be such a feeling that when you look at the name, you will have expectations for the script.

At the same time, a voice was also lingering in her mind: "...This Lu Yanhe is too unreliable. Did he just hastily write a story to perfunctory me? If you don't want to write a script for me, you don't have to perfunctory me like this. Wait! Still! Two stories?”


 “Writing a novel? Isn’t this a computer class?”

 "Rouge Button".

 This is undoubtedly true of both names.

 After debuting for so many years, winning awards like crazy, now standing at the top of the pyramid, I can almost enjoy life.

Lu Yanhe listened to their complaints, packed his schoolbag, and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

In Zhenhua, many teachers are very individualistic and do not follow common sense. However, Lu Yanhe did not expect that even the computer class teachers were like this, and he was confused.


Most of the movies currently on the market are not the type of movies she loves. She is also not willing to be a sidekick heroine in some action films, comedies, and science fiction films, unless a close friend asks her for help.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

As for last night when she told Lu Yanhe that he would tailor a script for her, Chen Bige didn't take it to heart. She also knew that it was not that easy to tailor a script for her. She knew many screenwriters and many film company bosses. It was not that she could not receive the script, but that she was dissatisfied with the script she received.

Chen Bige thought so and replied to them one by one. Then, the movement of his fingers suddenly paused.

These two names alone made Chen Bige stunned.

She picked up her phone and looked at it. There were many unread messages.

Chen Bige’s eyes fell on the two book titles in the document.

Zhou Mukai asked: "Where are you going? The library?"

“Miao Yue, I think we all need your help.” Another classmate immediately told Miao Yue.


“Ah—” Chen Bige lay on the bed and lazily yawned again. The exposed skin was white and delicate, as moist as milk cake.

 Lu Yanhe said: “Bedroom.”

Zhou Mukai nodded and said, "I'll go back to the dormitory too, let's go together."


 Lu Yanhe asked: “Have you written novels before?”

Zhou Mukai shook his head, "I have never written. I read a lot and want to write, but I can't. I don't have the talent."

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Then I have to write this time, and I have assigned homework."

 “I can only write some casually to cope with it.” Zhou Mukai said.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Zhou Mukai hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe noticed it. After waiting for a while, Zhou Mukai still didn't say anything, seeming to still be hesitating.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while, then spoke directly and asked, "What's wrong? Why can't you speak? Is there anything you can't tell me directly?"

“I—” Zhou Mukai was obviously embarrassed by what he was about to say, “I want to ask you a favor.”

 He said this, obviously with a lot of effort, as if he mustered up all his courage.

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "Say."

Zhou Mukai said: "I saw you posted on WeChat before saying that "Jump Up" was looking for part-time editors. I originally wanted to sign up, but because I didn't have any experience, I didn't apply. But after thinking about it, I still wanted to accumulate some experience. , I am very interested in the magazine "Jump Up" and I read almost every issue. I wonder if I can still come? "

Lu Yanhe glanced at Zhou Mukai in surprise.

 He did not expect Zhou Mukai to have such an idea.

 “It’s okay if it’s already full.” Zhou Mukai said immediately.

His eyes seemed to be afraid to look at Lu Yanhe.

This man is also a thin-skinned person. He seemed to have mustered up the courage to say this when he told Lu Yanhe face to face.

This quite surprised Lu Yanhe.

 After all, Zhou Mukai usually seems to talk little, but he does not seem to be a reserved and reserved person.

Lu Yanhe said: "Of course we welcome you if you are willing to be a part-time editor, but we are just worried that this job may not be as good as you imagined, and it is quite boring."

Zhou Mukai shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, I just want to experience it. It's just a part-time job. No matter how boring it is, I will stick to it for at least a year."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Then let me tell them."

 Zhou Mukai: “Thank you very much.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Old Zhou, why did you choose literature as a major? Is it your first choice?"

"Yes." Zhou Mukai nodded, "Because I like it, my grades were very bad when I was a child. I only had good grades in Chinese. If I hadn't done well in Chinese, I would have given up on studying a long time ago. I read a lot of books at that time, no matter what the book was, as long as It’s just words, so I can read it without worrying about other subjects or worrying about not being able to learn some knowledge points.”

 “Safe haven?”

"Hmm." Zhou Mukai nodded, "Actually, it's not just literature. I also like history and philosophy, because I have been accustomed to reading since I was a child. After the college entrance examination, I directly chose literature as a major."

“No wonder you have read whatever book the teacher mentioned.” Lu Yanhe sighed.

 Zhou Mukai said: “Why did you major in literature?”

Lu Yanhe snorted and said, "I actually switched to literature, and my first choice is history."

 “Huh?” Zhou Mukai looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

"I'm different from you. Before my senior year in high school, I actually only read relatively popular novels, and I only read the world famous series of classic literature." Lu Yanhe explained, "For literature, especially classical literature, modern literature, I didn’t know much about contemporary literature, but I was very interested in history when I was a senior in high school.”

“Isn’t it painful for you to study this major now?”

"That's not possible." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "For someone like me who has not read too many books, studying any major is destined to be painful. There is a lot of homework to make up, but because I am acting, studying literature is actually On the contrary, it has helped me a lot. Studying texts, analyzing characters, and studying literature actually help me learn scripts and performances.”

Just like in the previous performance of "Three Mountains", he was able to construct the past life of the fortune teller so quickly because of more than half a year of study. Having a general understanding of the entire history of world literature, as well as a general understanding of classic story models and structures, allows him to more easily find a marking point to create characters. What kind of characters are advanced also comes from the content taught by each teacher in each class.

Lu Yanhe said: "I read "Les Misérables", and to be honest, I didn't find anything good about the beginning, with the kingdom of beggars and a noisy festival. It was very confusing, even though it is a classic. Later, I read it myself I read a few papers and read about the novel's conception and literary historical significance, and I roughly understood why it has such a status. However, I really don't like this novel as much as I ended up following Teacher Tan. After four analysis classes on "Les Misérables", he led us to study a paragraph or a sentence in great detail, and suddenly we could understand why this beginning is well written, why a sentence should appear there, and a description should be written in that way. Adjective. I don’t know how much I like “Les Misérables” now, but I finally understand why it is a classic literary work.”

Zhou Mukai glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise and said, "Can you think about these things?"


 “Why does a work like “Les Misérables” become a classic?” Zhou Mukai said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I won't force myself to like reading classic works, but I still hope to understand - at least from my rational point of view, why a work will be liked by many people and become a classic. Otherwise, my aesthetic I am always limited to my own feelings. Whether I am doing "Jump Up" or being an actor, this requires me to broaden my aesthetic boundaries. "

 In the past, Lu Yanhe had almost no chance to talk to others about this aspect. This time, on the way back to the dormitory, I suddenly started chatting with Zhou Mukai, which was quite unexpected. But I must admit that it is actually quite refreshing to be able to chat with people about this matter.


As soon as Lu Yanhe arrived at the dormitory, Chen Bige called.

"Xiao Lu, have you written these two stories before?" Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lu Yanhe felt that there was a bit of nervousness in Chen Bige's voice, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or not.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Bi Ge, have you finished reading? I have had related ideas before, and the specific story was written after meeting you last night."

Chen Bige could no longer hold back his surprise and said, "You are really a genius."

Lu Yanhe was really not surprised at Chen Bige's reaction. Chen Bige had a very clever vision, and "Raise the Red Lantern" and "Rouge Button" are both very classic movies. Regardless of the box office of the movie, their artistic value is As time has proven, it is certain that Chen Bige will be pleasantly surprised by these two scripts.

 Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Bi Ge, of these two stories, which one do you think you would like to play more?"

"Which one do I want to play more? I want to play either one, and both stories must be given to me." Chen Bige said without explanation, "The scripts adapted from these two stories must be given to me!"

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect Chen Bige to be so exaggerated, “Sister Bige, you only act in one movie a year.”

"I can also act in two movies a year. These two stories...Xiao Lu, let me tell you the truth, after reading it, I felt that no one is more suitable than me." Chen Bige said, "Aren't you just following my image? Is it a heroine? I can see it!”

Lu Yanhe said: "But, Sister Bi Ge, these two stories may not be able to sell well at the box office. After all, they are not too commercial themes."

"It won't be bad at the box office. What you wrote is not the kind of story that is pretentious and unclear. These two stories of yours are high-end." Chen Bige finally used the word "high-end" to describe it. Swallowed by the big red lantern hanging high, one is that you realize that you have been waiting for many years for a heartless man. Your two endings are so amazing. I got goosebumps when I saw it at the end. It felt like ten years ago, The quality of a script that could only be read twenty years ago.”

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but sigh again at the viciousness of Chen Bige's eyes, and he could actually read the sense of age.

 Indeed, the style of movies changes with the changes of the times.

 Movies from different eras will have different styles, including scripts. This is an aesthetic that will be affected by the times.

 He ​​did not make any modifications based on his own understanding of the two stories, but basically copied them unchanged, so they have a sense of the times.

Nowadays, movies rarely talk about structure. "Raise the Red Lantern" has a very standard structure, while "Rouge Button" has a very strong sense of fate and irony. It is difficult for Chen Bige to read such a script, because no screenwriter would do it again. Write a script like this. She gets excited because of this. If she could receive one or two such literary and artistic scripts from time to time, she wouldn't be so surprised.

 The current literary and artistic films are basically set in the current context, especially in rural areas. Everyone has seen too many and is tired of watching them.

Lu Yanhe said: "Well, Sister Bi Ge, do you really want to act? If you really want to act, I will start writing the script. I am actually not very good at writing scripts. It takes a lot of time, draft after draft. to modify and polish.”

 Chen Bige said: "I act, Xiao Lu. As long as you write the script, you don't have to worry about anything else. Funding, filming team, distribution... I will find someone to take care of these."

Lu Yanhe: "Okay, then I will start writing the script. However, Sister Bi Ge, I am not trying to be modest with you. I am not familiar with the creation of scripts. There will be many areas where I need guidance from you or even other teachers. No matter what I do, The script you got before may have been a relatively mature script when you got it.”

Lu Yanhe feels that ugly things should be said first. In case Chen Bige feels good when he reads this story now, then when he reads the first and second drafts of the script, he will find it so bad that he cannot read it and will regret it.

 Chen Bige said: "You can just write with peace of mind. If the script you write in the end is not good, I will find a screenwriter myself to revise it."

 Lu Yanhe: “…Oh.”

 Chen Bige: "Of course, you are still the number one signed screenwriter, and I won't let you suffer any loss."

 “I understand.” Lu Yanhe said.

Lu Yanhe quite likes Chen Bige's valiant and outspoken character, as there is nothing to hide or hide.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Chen Bige said, "I will reserve all my schedule for you next year. Yan He, I haven't acted in a movie that makes me have the desire to perform for a long time. From what you gave me, I will leave it to you." I feel it in both stories, let’s cheer together.”

 Lu Yanhe said yes.


 For any actor, a good script is priceless.

When Chen Ziyan learned that both stories written by Lu Yanhe had been favored by Chen Bige, she had obviously accepted the fact that Lu Yanhe was a genius. At this moment, she was still shocked, stunned, and even incredulous.

Chen Ziyan couldn't help but think seriously, is Lu Yanhe more suitable to be a screenwriter than an actor?

Is Lu Yanhe’s talent as a screenwriter stronger than his talent as an actor?

 After thinking about it for five minutes, Chen Ziyan was too lazy to think about it. There's nothing to think about, and it's not either/or. You can only do one or the other, so why bother making a choice.

At present, Chen Ziyan does not plan to make Lu Yanhe's script writing public for the time being.

 Now that Lu Yanhe’s identity and information are known enough, I don’t want to cause him any more trouble.

 When the news comes out that Lu Yanhe can write the script, there will probably be another uproar. Moreover, there are definitely more doubts than affirmations.

Chen Ziyan specifically called both Jia Long and Chen Bige and asked them not to reveal the identity of the screenwriter Lu Yanhe for the time being. What Chen Ziyan didn't expect was that despite all the precautionary measures she had taken, she missed one person.

 Li Zhibai.

When Li Zhibai attended an event, a reporter asked him: "Zhibai, have you ever considered acting in a movie?"

Li Zhibai was speechless when he heard the reporter's question and asked, "Is this something that I should decide whether I want to take the exam or not?"

 The reporter asked: “What do you think led to this decision?”

Li Zhibai: "This is no nonsense. If there is a movie script that I want to act in, come to me and see if the movie script that I want to act in is something I want to act in. Both parties must be happy. This has nothing to do with whether I consider it or not. Which actor would draw a line and say that he would never act in a movie?”

Li Zhibai felt that the reporter’s question was too low-level.

It might be common sense to ask a movie actor whether he would consider acting in a TV series.

The reporter was so crowded by Li Zhibai and said with a smile: "I just want to ask, do you have any plans to make movies in the future? Are there any movies that have contacted you?"

"I can't tell you if I do. How can I make it official?" After Li Zhibai finished speaking, he added, "However, Yan He said he would write a script for me and Yan Liang and let us act in it."

 “Lu…Lu Yanhe?” the reporter asked in shock.

Li Zhibai raised his chin proudly and said, "Is there still Li Yanhe?"

 The reporter asked: "Can Lu Yanhe write scripts?"

 “Why can’t he write scripts?” Li Zhibai asked.


The reporter said: "It seems that I have never seen Lu Yanhe write a script before."

Li Zhibai said: "Before "Jump Up" came out, had you seen Lu Yanhe running a magazine?"


If he hadn't been too familiar with Li Zhibai's speaking style, he would have felt that Li Zhibai was deliberately trying to spite him.

“After Lu Yanhe’s script is written, will you and Yan Liang act in it?”

“It’s no nonsense, of course I can act.” Li Zhibai said matter-of-factly.


This interview sparked heated discussions as soon as it was released.

First, Li Zhibai’s tone and attitude during interviews were too harsh. Some people said that Li Zhibai was rude, looked down on reporters, and bossed around.

 The second thing is what Li Zhibai said, Lu Yanhe wants to write a script for them.

 The former is a common problem with Li Zhibai, and he will be picked out and criticized every now and then, but the latter has aroused a lot of discussion.

 Mainly, did Lu Yanhe write the script?

Lu Yanhe has indeed many identities. He is a top student, a singer, an actor, an idol artist, and an editor... A freshman who is so able to do things in a very convincing way is not just fooling around and showing off.

 Despite this, everyone cannot accept that Lu Yanhe has become a screenwriter again.

  Screenwriting is not a career that can be achieved overnight.

After Li Zhibai said these words, the female writer Yu Jiang, who had always been at odds with Lu Yanhe, appeared again.

She ridiculed Lu Yanhe for not knowing the world and thinking that he had the talent to be a screenwriter after learning a little Chinese. At such a young age, he did not know how to learn humbly and lay a solid foundation, so he suddenly appeared as a screenwriter at this time, which is disdainful.

Of course Lu Yanhe’s fans were not happy to see Yu Jiang attacking him like this, and they all went to her comment section to laugh at her for being jealous of Lu Yanhe’s remarkable achievements at such a young age.

—You were the one who badmouthed "Jump Up" at the beginning. Now "Jump Up" is doing better and better, and its sales are getting higher and higher. Don't you think it's a slap in the face?

— Looking down on an artist like Lu Yanhe as editor-in-chief, but as a result, "Jump Up" became the only newly launched magazine in the almost disappeared magazine industry, and also successfully became the best-selling commercial literary magazine, with average sales exceeding 100,000 copies. , can your novel sell such high sales?

—Liu Jiazhen’s novel was serialized in “Jump Up” and published as a physical book. It stayed at the top of the fiction bestseller list for seven weeks. Are you jealous?

—Although I don’t know if it’s true that Xiao Lu is preparing to write a script, as the saying goes, when a young person is preparing to do something, if you don’t give encouragement mainly, you can only see that you are an “old-timer” “It’s rather narrow-minded.


Yu Jiang’s comment section is often occupied by Lu Yanhe’s fans making complaints, and she is used to it. She responded to some fans' comments in the comment area, especially some that she regarded as "black comments". She was frequently searched on the topic, making her a "landscape" for people on the Internet.

 There are indeed not many people who support Yu Jiang in this matter.

Yu Jiang was still arrogant and said, "Am I wrong? Which freshman starts writing scripts? I'm not talking about practice works, but serious works. Lu Yanhe is talented in acting, but that doesn't mean He is talented in writing. If he is really good at writing, why doesn't he publish his works in his own magazine? I have only seen him write about himself in "Jump Up", and never any fictional creations. A screenplay is not a memoir.”

As a result, when Yu Jiang said this, Chen Siqi suddenly bubbled up and retweeted Yu Jiang's news, saying: "Thank you to Mr. Yu Jiang, the number one fan of "Jump Up", who is also reading our "Jump Up". It seems that the content of our magazine is really good." It’s very interesting, come and read it! “Jump Up” is a magazine that even black fans are reading!”

With this yin and yang coming down, #《 Jump Up 》is a magazine that even the anti-fans are reading# became a hot search.

Yujiang was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

 The sales of the published issues of "Jump Up" have experienced another wave of growth.

Yu Jiang said under Chen Siqi’s repost: He’s really good at cheating.

 Chen Siqi’s reply: The enthusiasm you sent me will be wasted if I don’t take it for granted. Thank you, Teacher Yu Jiang! Compare your heart!

Yujiang: Shameless.

 Chen Siqi: I learned from you. The master teaches well and the apprentice leaves early!


By the time Lu Yanhe saw the online conversation between Chen Siqi and Yu Jiang, the conversation had swept all entertainment accounts, marketing accounts, and media accounts with overwhelming enthusiasm, and almost all accounts were reporting on this "tough battle."

 Chen Siqi was also on a hot search, and the entry was #learn from Chen Siqi how to curse people in a **** way.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say. He even thought that Chen Siqi either bought this hot search by herself or Chen Ziyan bought it for her.

  If this entry is applied to other people, they may mutter twice whether it is “a **** in a bitch” or not.

 But Chen Siqi will definitely think that this is a compliment to her.

Lu Yanhe’s fans have come to support Chen Siqi, and many even say they are fans of Chen Siqi.

Someone said this: "I have long been unhappy with this Yu Jiang, but she suffers from her stupidity. Her skills in messing around are top-notch. I thought that I can only defeat her if I am more shameless and messy than her. Today, Chen Siqi let me witness what it means to be a bitch." "Zhijian is so powerful. Chen Siqi will be my idol from now on. I hope Chen Siqi can open a language arts class. I am willing to spend money to learn this language art!"

This post has over 10,000 likes and over 1,000 comments, making it very popular.


Yu Jiang’s current situation of being stepped on by everyone when she bubbles up is all her own fault.

Lu Yanhe’s good popularity among passersby is all due to his daily accumulation.

Lu Yanhe called Chen Siqi, and Chen Siqi said, "If I hadn't known that Yu Jiang was really unhappy with us, I would have really thought that she was an ally who was openly at odds with us but was actually cooperating with our enthusiasm. Pre-sale numbers for the May issue have broken records again.”

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “This is really…”

 Chen Siqi: "I am praying now that she will never die out. It is best to come here every two or three months to add fuel to the sales of "Jump Up"."

Lu Yanhe: "You are really awesome. You can make people laugh so hard without even using a curse word."

Chen Siqi: "When dealing with people like this, don't forget that I have rich experience in fighting."

This is how Chen Siqi gained experience by following Liu Wei'an.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Chen Siqi asked: "Are you really planning to write a script for Li Zhibai and Yan Liang?"

“Well.” Lu Yanhe said, “I should have thought about the story, I just need to write it.”

 Chen Siqi asked: “What’s the story?”

Lu Yanhe said: "To put it simply, it is a funny story about a pair of silly brothers chasing a beautiful girl."

 Chen Siqi: “Another comedy?”

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi: "Why do you like writing comedy so much? It doesn't feel like you usually do."

“Perhaps I don’t usually express myself well.” Lu Yanhe said, “Moreover, I also wrote two stories for Chen Bige. She also liked them, and I’m going to write them into scripts.”

Chen Siqi was surprised: "Are you so awesome?"

Lu Yanhe: “It’s okay, not that awesome.”

 Chen Siqi said: "If Li Zhibai hadn't said it, wouldn't he have known that you were the screenwriter until the movie was released?"

“That’s not true. All film shootings must be filed, and the screenwriter information will be exposed at that time.” Lu Yanhe said, “Unless I use a pen name.”

  Chen Siqi: "There is no need for a pen name. The film company will definitely not want you to use a pen name. Your name is also a publicity point."

 Lu Yanhe: “Yes.”

Chen Siqi: "Have you ever considered writing it into a novel and publishing it in "Jump Up"?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I have considered it, but I feel that if I write a novel, it may not be that good. You know, I don't have that talent in writing novels."

 Chen Siqi: "That's not the case. The novels you wrote are quite good, but they are not as talented as you are in other areas. I really liked the one you wrote, "People on the Road"."

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "That's just a story outline, and there's no creation at all."

Chen Siqi said: “For our summer special issue in July, don’t forget to give me an article about your childhood memories.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Okay.”

He suddenly remembered something, "Actually, I wrote a song called "Childhood" before. How about publishing the lyrics in a magazine first? I think the lyrics of that song are pretty good."

 Chen Siqi: “Send it to me first.”

Lu Yanhe sent it to Chen Siqi.

 Chen Siqi: “When did you write this?”

 “At the end of my senior year in high school.”

 “Why hasn’t it been published for so long?” Chen Siqi asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "Because I write songs slowly, Sister Ziyan asked me to find a suitable opportunity before releasing them."

Chen Siqi: "Can I post the lyrics to "Jump Up"?"

"It's just that the lyrics are not a big problem." Lu Yanhe said, "You can also warm up the song for me first."


 About the song "Childhood", Lu Yanhe really forgets it from time to time, and then thinks of it from time to time.

 Indeed, as Chen Ziyan said, this song is really good. Because it is good enough, it cannot be released casually.

Each song has its own fate, but a singer should give it the greatest opportunity.

Without "Childhood", Lu Yanhe's career would not have been affected in any way - in this case, just wait for the wind to come.

 Then June came.

 As June approaches, the temperature also rises.

Summer has unstoppably set up the stove and started preparing to bake the world.

 In this case, many people changed into T-shirts and shorts early, or even wore slippers to class.

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to dress like this, but Chen Ziyan severely stopped him.

“Do you believe that you are dressed like this? It will be on the trending search immediately?” Chen Ziyan said, “To put it mildly, you are very embarrassed in private, and to say it more seriously, you do not respect the teacher and the classroom.”

Being stopped by Chen Ziyan, Lu Yanhe had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​wearing slippers.

 Lu Yanhe began to enter the examination week.

 The second season of "Young Days" has begun preparations and preparations for recording.

 The filming of "Seventeenth Floor" is also about to begin.

A first draft of the movie script for "Raise the Red Lantern" has been written. However, Lu Yanhe did not show the first draft to anyone and decided to revise it several times by himself.

 "Phoenix Channel" has started the post-production process and wants to broadcast it in August, but it is said to be difficult. After all, it is a big project.

He Han was ready to give up on "Miss Ning" because he couldn't find a suitable heroine.

The script of "Late Spring" written by Liu Bige and Miao Yue has reached almost the same stage, and preparations for official filming have begun. They are planning to film it in the first half of next year. They also specifically greeted Lu Yanhe and asked Lu Yanhe to film it in the second semester of his sophomore year. Free up more time and choose fewer classes.

On June 4th, the Golden Tripod Awards announced the nomination list for this year. Huang Kairen, Jiang Yuqian, and Lu Yanhe of "Golden Era" were all nominated by the corresponding departments, becoming the biggest winners in the nomination list. Sweeping the previous Red River Award acting awards, only Lu Yanhe was a single person, and among the main creative team of "Golden Age", producer Lei Shuangcheng also sent out ten red envelopes to celebrate.

 The formal awards ceremony will be held on July 3rd, and there will be a nominees luncheon on July 2nd.

Lu Yanhe had to participate in such a grand prize, so he had no choice but to say hello to the crew of "Seventeenth Floor" in advance and ask for leave.

"Although your hope of winning the award is still not very high, after all, this is the top three TV drama awards in China. You must attend and show your sincerity." Chen Ziyan said, "You are nominated for your first time acting. This is because they I think highly of you and encourage you, and I also believe that you will develop better in the future.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

"Now there is only one Blue Ribbon Award left. If you can also be nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Blue Ribbon Award, then you will be nominated for all three awards with one play." Chen Ziyan said, "By then , you will become the best actor of your age, bar none.”

 Actors also need awards to support themselves.

 Including nominations.

 Lu Yanhe said: “I work hard.”

"come on."

In June, apart from recording an episode of "City Travel" and participating in action training for "Seventeenth Floor", Lu Yanhe spent the rest of his time preparing for the exam, hoping to get good results.

 When the exam ends on Monday, Lu Yanhe will seamlessly join the group "Seventeenth Floor".

 The filming of "Seventeenth Floor" has not started yet, but everyone joined the set in advance to read the script.

It is said that this is Chen Bige’s strong request.

 (End of this chapter)

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