Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 281: Acting (7,000 words updated!)

Chapter 281 Acting (Updated to 7,000 words!)

Although there are only twelve episodes of "Seventeenth Floor", each episode is based on forty minutes of content. It was filmed in a total of 65 days, of which Lu Yanhe filmed in 52 days.

 According to the shooting plan, Lu Yanhe joined the crew at the end of June and the filming was completed in late August.

Of course, if everything goes smoothly during the filming of "Seventeen Floors" and nothing goes wrong, Lu Yanhe's actual shooting days may only be more than 40 days.

 "Seventeenth Floor" is about a group of young people participating in a treasure hunt and coming to a building on an isolated island. This building was built twenty years ago. Due to the mysterious death of the owner, the building was stopped halfway through the renovation, and it has been abandoned here ever since.

 The treasure hunt game is released on the dark web, and those who come here to receive tasks are all professional treasure hunters. However, when they stepped into this isolated island building, they realized that they had stepped into a real killing game. The building was transformed into a large-scale escape room and trap-filled game by the mastermind behind it, and it was broadcast live on the dark web.

 They must rely on their own wisdom to find a way to escape from the building.

 This is why they need to conduct movement training in advance.

Rather than saying that this drama has a heroine and a male protagonist, in fact, this drama is a group drama. There are a total of seven treasure hunters, each with their own agenda and their own abilities. However, the story unfolds from the heroine played by Chen Bige, and finally leads The heroine played by Chen Bige was also the one who escaped, so she is a well-deserved heroine.

As for Lu Yanhe's role, he is indeed the male protagonist in terms of role, second only to Chen Bige. However, if we talk about the emotional relationship with the heroine, there is actually another male character who also plays a very important role, but he dies later on.

 Seven treasure hunters, seven main characters.

"Teacher Jiang." Chen Ziyan walked forward with a smile and turned around to greet Lu Yanhe, "Xiao Lu, come and say hello to Teacher Jiang."

On a hot day, Jiang Jun still held a thermos cup in his hand.

Lu Yanhe quickly followed and called Teacher Jiang honestly.

Li Yuefeng is the one who took advantage of Lu Yanhe’s popularity not long ago, and Shen Yue is a very popular actress at the moment. The other three actors are not unknowns, they are all well-known actors.

“Not to mention giving advice, you have already nominated for the Red River Award, and I haven’t won even one nomination.” Jiang Jun laughed.

"Still in school." Jiang Jun said, looking at Lu Yanhe, "Oh, what if Xiao Lu was my son? Zhenhua, tsk tsk, that **** finally got into a bachelor's degree, and I pulled him out with a stick. ”

Seven actors, four of whom are popular A-list actors alone.

Li Yuefeng also closed his mouth when he heard the words Chen Bige.

 Li Yuefeng: "Then they are pestering me one by one. What can I do? I want each of them to say a word, and I will not do anything else for the day."

Li Yuefeng's face was still a little unconvinced.

 Chen Ziyan took Lu Yanhe out of the car, and happened to meet Jiang Jun, who played the role of retired soldier Fatty Li, at the door of the hotel.

However, who gave him good luck?

 “Where is Xiaozhuang?”

 A niche student whose momentum is approaching the front line cannot be given up by any agent.


Lu Yanhe arrived at the hotel booked by the crew at exactly noon.

 Chen Bige plays the orphan Li Meng, Lu Yanhe plays the silly genius Lian Cai, Li Yuefeng plays the long-distance runner He Huaijin, Shen Yue plays the liar Liu Mengna, Jiang Jun plays the retired soldier Fatty Li, Yan Zhimeng plays Wang Poison Master, and Lin Chan plays Wang Nianping.

The sun at the end of June is already showing signs of going crazy, and it seems that it will not stop until everyone faints.

"We bought a bunch of drafts before and took advantage of Lu Yanhe's popularity. This time, the attitude of the other party may not be good for this cooperation. Don't get in trouble when the time comes."

“Don’t do that. Whoever wants to be the uncrowned king should nominate me quickly.” Jiang Jun laughed loudly.

Jiang Jun: "It's still the same. There's no way to cure it, we can only keep it."

“Your tail is almost sticking up.” The manager said directly, “You have aired several hit dramas in a row. Look at you now and you are not happy to talk to those who are not as good as you.”

“It’s not a very difficult play, so what’s the point of doing a script reading?” Li Yuefeng complained to his agent, “A play that requires most of the post-production work, and which actor here is not playing this kind of play casually.”

"Where did I go? Don't talk nonsense." Li Yuefeng said, "I am obviously very humble."

 Agent: "You've been a little distracted lately, I have to remind you."

 He is a bit strong and looks a bit fierce when he is not smiling, but when he smiles, he is quite kind.

Li Yuefeng made a sound and said: "I don't know him, and besides, isn't he the second actor in this drama? If he has a bad attitude, if he has a bad attitude, it should be me."

Agents also have a headache for artists like Li Yuefeng who are overconfident and blindly optimistic.

Lu Yanhe smiled brightly and said, "Okay, please give me some advice, Teacher Jiang."

Chen Ziyan laughed twice, "Xiaozhuang is smart, good-looking, and has a good heart. He will develop well in the future. You are really demanding too much. What a good boy. If you don't want to see him in the future, you will He sent me here, and I watched him grow up. If you don’t want to see me, I won’t.”

Li Yuefeng: "Of course I know, do you still have to answer for this?"

 Chen Ziyan laughed again.


The relationship between Chen Ziyan and Jiang Jun seems to be particularly good.

 The key thing is that he seems to be very open-minded about the fact that he was not nominated. He said he minded, but he didn't mind making fun of it at all.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Jiang Jun is an old actor. He is 42 years old and has been acting for almost 20 years. He is the kind of actor whose face is recognized by the audience, but not many people know his name.

"Anyway, don't praise the superior and disdain the inferior." The agent warned, "I'm warning you, if you don't change your character, something will happen sooner or later in the future."

Chen Ziyan asked: "How is your sister-in-law's health?"

“Classmate Xiao Lu, we finally met and got to know each other. Let’s communicate more in the future!” Jiang Jun could feel that he was a generous person as soon as he spoke, and he patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder.

The agent said: "Who would have any objection to Chen Bige's request?"

Jiang Jun immediately said: "That's right, my wife will kick me out the first day I send her here."

Being able to put together such a configuration in a twelve-episode drama shows that Beijing and Taiwan attach great importance to this drama.


Li Yuefeng complained a little on the way here.

"Being able to star in this TV series with Chen Bige will help you to improve your status. You know in your heart that after this, no actress who will partner with you will have a higher status than Chen Bige." The agent. Explain, "Don't show such temper in front of her, act honestly."

Chen Ziyan said: "You are recognized as the uncrowned king. I think they won't nominate you just because you wear this hat. The judges feel that not nominating you will not affect you."

 When Jiang Jun left, Lu Yanhe asked Chen Ziyan curiously, "Sister Ziyan, are you familiar with the teacher Jiang just now?"

"We are very familiar with each other. He helped me when I started in the industry, and we have kept in touch since then." Chen Ziyan said, "He is the real uncrowned king. He acted in many dramas in the past, and in recent years he has acted in more films and TV dramas. However, , they are all inconspicuous supporting roles, so they haven’t won any significant awards. It’s a pity. With his ability, he should have received higher honors.”

 “Did you introduce this play?”

 Chen Ziyan nodded, "Yes, when I read the script, I felt that this role suited him, so I recommended him to the crew."

Lu Yanhe: "It seems that Teacher Jiang is really good."

 Chen Ziyan: "If you have the opportunity in the future, you should pay more attention to him for good opportunities. He is indeed a good actor."

Lu Yanhe was surprised and said: "I am a young actor, so how can I give Teacher Jiang attention for good opportunities?"

Chen Ziyan rolled her eyes at him and said, "You have many more opportunities than him, so don't belittle yourself."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”


 At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone met.

 The director of "Seventeenth Floor", Lian Bei, is in his early thirties and is a very young director among directors. However, the hit "100 Years Old" he directed previously made him directly enter the ranks of first-line directors.

This time "Seventeenth Floor" was also personally invited by Jiang Lan, the deputy director of Beijing TV Station.

 Jiang Lan is the producer and chief producer of this drama and is not here today.

Producer Hu Siwei, who was sent by Beijing and Taiwan, is in charge.

 A large conference room with a long oval table. Lu Yanhe entered holding his script and a water glass.

 He was almost among the first to arrive, and the only people before him were Lin Chan and Yan Zhimeng.

They are both in their twenties and have been acting since they were in college and are somewhat famous.

Lin Chan was chatting and laughing with Yan Zhimeng. When Lu Yanhe came in, they both stood up.

“Sister Chan, brother Meng.” Lu Yanhe quickened his pace and went over to greet the two of them, “Hello, I’m Lu Yanhe.”

 “Hello, hello.” Lin Chan’s voice was delicate.

  Yan Zhimeng also seems to have a relatively reserved personality.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Jiang Jun came over.

“What are you three kids talking about?” Jiang Jun came over naturally and joined in their conversation.

“This is my first time meeting Sister Chan and Brother Meng, please introduce me.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

Jiang Jun slapped Lu Yanhe on the shoulder, "You are worthy of being brought up by Chen Ziyan. You are so enthusiastic."

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Yan Zhimeng and Lin Chan obviously already knew Jiang Jun. They called Teacher Jiang and became even more obedient.

Jiang Jun pointed at Yan Zhimeng and said, "Classmate Xiao Lu, you probably don't know that this person is a master who hides his secrets."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at Yan Zhimeng in surprise.

“He is a serious student of martial arts and has studied martial arts for more than ten years.” Jiang Jun told Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe looked at Yan Zhimeng in surprise.

Yan Zhimeng looks very young, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is a handsome guy who looks upright. Being praised like this by Jiang Jun, his cheeks seemed to turn red from embarrassment.

 “Brother Meng is so awesome!”

 But Lu Yanhe frowned when he thought about it. The character played by Yan Zhimeng in "The Seventeenth Floor" is Poison Master Wang. He is a character who relies on his wisdom to win, but his hands and feet are not very good. Especially in some physical and competitive levels, he is always the one holding him back.

 Such a person, why did he play Poison Master Wang instead of the athlete role played by Li Yuefeng?

That character is the second most capable character in the entire drama.

 The most capable one is Li Meng, played by Chen Bige.


People arrived one after another. At 2:10, no one was late, and everyone gathered.

 Lian Bei introduced himself to everyone, then introduced the play, and finally introduced the main actors present one by one.

Except for Li Yuefeng and Shen Yue, the other actors Lu Yanhe have all said hello and got to know each other in private.

Shen Yue is a girl who looks a little arrogant. Lu Yanhe can feel the arrogance from her even before he has even spoken to her.

 As for Li Yuefeng...he gave Lu Yanhe the feeling that he was a bit pretentious.

 Every time Lian Bei mentioned his expectations for this drama and his requirements for quality, Li Yuefeng would nod his head in agreement, with a sincere face, and said: "We are all people who pursue art."

At that moment, Lu Yanhe felt inexplicably embarrassed.

 He happened to look at each other with Yan Zhimeng at that time.

Yan Zhimeng sat directly opposite him.

Yan Zhimeng probably couldn't hold it back, he actually raised his hand and covered his mouth.

When Lu Yanhe saw him like this, he almost couldn't hold it back and immediately lowered his head. The two of them didn't even dare to make eye contact, for fear of laughing.

This is not the first time filming, and Lu Yanhe is no longer as nervous and worried about joining the team for filming.

 After some introductions and acquaintances, everyone began to follow the script.

Lu Yanhe has also participated in script readings before, but unlike this time, he did not spend a few days sitting together to read the script before the official filming started.

 Everyone started from the first episode and went through it one by one.

 The company reserve will interrupt them from time to time and put forward some of their own ideas and opinions to them.

Even Chen Bige and Lian Bei would interrupt and put forward their own opinions.

 This made Lu Yanhe admire Lian Bei very much. After all, this is Chen Bige. Would an ordinary director dare to do this? Of course, the director must do this. No matter how big-name an actor is in your crew, it will be under the control of the director. Chen Bige obviously understood this very well. He had refutations and explanations for Lian Bei's opinions, but he didn't feel unhappy at all.

 Such a creative atmosphere surprised Lu Yanhe.

One of the biggest characteristics of this character played by Lu Yanhe is his dull hair. It's not that he is really stupid or crazy, but because of his personality, his reaction is not particularly fast.

Lu Yanhe was a little unsure for a moment, worried that he could easily act like a person with dementia.

Lian Bei said: "Yan He, the character Lian Cai you played has a very high IQ and is a genius. He is just limited by his introverted personality, which makes him unable to express many of his reactions immediately, like when you read your lines. , He should have his own rhythm, he is very clear about every word he wants to say, he is just a little unable to express it normally. "

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "Director, I know what you mean, but I don't know how to grasp it. I always feel that I read his lines like a fool."

 “He does look like a fool.” Lian Bei also said with a smile.

 Chen Bige said: "You can look for some movies and TV dramas about geniuses and see how others act."

 Genius always has something special about him.

 In many film and television dramas, there have been many different types of geniuses.

In this script, Lian Cai is a dull man with a high IQ, gentle and kind personality, but shortcomings in expression. The reason why he is dull is because he knows that he cannot express fluently, so he often chooses not to express. In the eyes of others, he is dull. He became stupid.

 Lu Yanhe has done a lot of homework before, including what Chen Bige said, referring to the images of geniuses in other film and television dramas, but so far, he still has not found a performance state that he is completely convinced and entered.

 He did not waste too much time on his own and continued on with the script.

 Some problems cannot be solved now.

 He has to solve it himself.

 This kind of face-to-face script reading can also help the actors better understand the script and the relationship between the characters.


 At night, Jiang Lan appeared.

She opened a restaurant and took everyone to have dinner together.

The total investment in "Seventeenth Floor" exceeds 200 million, of which more than one-third was spent on building various secret room scenes and game production in the seventeenth-floor building, striving to provide an excellent worldview in the creation of the entire building. , real visual effects, rather than the cheap feeling of full-screen game special effects.

The actors' remuneration is not high. After all, there are only twelve episodes. Chen Bige, the highest paid, only received 2 million yuan per episode, which is far lower than her market price. Not to mention Lu Yanhe, who received 200,000 yuan per episode. , lower than Li Yuefeng.

There is no way. Although Lu Yanhe is the leading actor, Li Yuefeng is already a niche actor who has starred in three hit dramas. He has more seniority than Lu Yanhe and is more recognized by investors and TV stations.

Of course, this is also the reason why Chen Ziyan doesn’t care much about the remuneration. Otherwise, with Lu Yanhe’s current reputation, if the remuneration is raised, it can be negotiated. The contract was signed too early. If it had been signed after "The Golden Age" was aired, it would definitely not have been at this price.

Lu Yanhe, like Chen Ziyan, doesn’t care much about the pay at this time.

At the time when he took on this drama, he had not yet aired any of his dramas, and no one knew how the audience would react to his performance. If Xu Bantian hadn't caused such a big trouble, in order to put out the flames for Chen Ziyan, with Lu Yanhe's status at the time, he wouldn't have been able to get such an S+ drama with a second male lead.


This kind of dinner requires drinking, but Lu Yanhe is also very clear now, at most two taels, and no more.

 Whoever he drinks with, he just takes a sip.

 Fortunately, so far, he has never met anyone at the wine table who doesn't drink well and forces him to drink.

However, there are people like Lu Yanhe who don’t like drinking very much, and naturally there are also people who do like drinking.

Li Yuefeng circled the glass in his hand, and then toasted the director from time to time.

  The director also seems to be a drinker, and the more he drinks, the more interested he becomes.

Jiang Jun is the eldest here.

 After having a few drinks, he started to talk to everyone about what was on his mind.

 When they arrived at Lu Yanhe, Jiang Jun became more sincere.

"Me, I'm not doing well. At this age, all my peers are out, but I'm still playing some minor roles. I don't have much ability, but as long as I can help you, I will definitely help." Jiang Jun took Lu Yanhe's hand and said, "My son is about the same age as you. I look at you as if I were my son."

"Teacher Jiang, Sister Ziyan told me that you are a very worthy teacher for me to learn from. When it comes to acting, it doesn't matter how famous you are. I am not from a major and have not received professional training in acting. Please give me more guidance." ”

Lu Yanhe acted like a junior in front of Jiang Jun and gave Jiang Jun full respect.

Jiang Jun also naturally felt Lu Yanhe's respect for him.

He was a little confused at this moment.

 Some of the higher-ups’ minds also had a moment of clarity.

  Whether a person really respects him or fake respects him, Jiang Jun can certainly feel it after having been in the entertainment industry for so many years.

But Jiang Jun never expected that he would feel such sincere respect from Lu Yanhe.

 After all, Jiang Jun has seen many young people who become famous overnight and go through a period of arrogance and pride.

The politeness and tact shown during this period are just disguises due to social etiquette.

Jiang Jun never expected to feel sincere respect from these people.

 He is not a big shot. In this entertainment industry where interests are paramount, he has nothing worthy of respect from others.

Just like Li Yuefeng, when Jiang Jun talked to him, he could clearly feel his perfunctoryness.

Li Yuefeng has been focusing on getting close to Lian Bei and Chen Bige tonight, and wants to build a good relationship. Anyone with eyes can see this.

As for other people, Li Yuefeng obviously didn't pay attention to them, or in other words, they were not within the scope that he felt was worth spending time to make friends with.

Lu Yanhe chatted with Jiang Jun for a long time, mainly about this drama.

"I can't find the rhythm. In fact, I am aware of the problems that the director told me, but I can't find a way to solve them." Lu Yanhe said, "I don't know what method to use to make it work." Everyone thinks that I am not playing a fool, but a high-intelligence genius with expressive difficulties."

Jiang Jun said seriously: "Actually, Bi Ge is right. When you don't know how to act, just find an acting method that you think is closest to the character you imagined. First imitate, and then make additions and subtractions." Law."

 Lu Yanhe said: “Wouldn’t this make my performance very similar to others?”

Jiang Jun shook his head and said: "There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers. The same action performed by different actors will have different effects. What's more, of course you won't choose to copy it. You have to incorporate your own understanding. You just have to find a way to get into that character first, and when you find your own rhythm, of course you can put it aside.”

Lu Yanhe thought about it seriously and said, "I have to try it first. I feel very unsure now."

Jiang Jun nodded, "It's right to give it a try, Yan He, you have to know that no actor is confident before acting, because no one knows any role before you play it. No matter what, it’s normal to have no bottom. If you have bottom, it means your imagination of the character is only so shallow.”

Lu Yanhe immediately laughed.

 He nodded, "I understand."


 Chen Bige came over to find Lu Yanhe, put one hand directly on Lu Yanhe's shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "How are you doing with your two scripts?"

Lu Yanhe said: "The first draft has been written, but I am still revising it and I am a little bit unable to use it."

 Chen Bige nodded: "Don't be in a hurry, take your time, I won't rush you."

Lu Yanhe couldn't help laughing.

Chen Bizheng was in contact with more contact and found that she was actually a bit "nervous."

 She does not have the posture of a movie queen or a top star as imagined. It is obvious that when she is at full aura, she will give people the feeling that the whole world is at her feet.

 Lu Yanhe imagined Chen Bige as a big woman, but Chen Bige gave him the impression of a carefree woman in private.

However, Lu Yanhe also knew that this was because of Chen Ziyan's relationship, so Chen Bige regarded him as his younger brother and would act more casually in front of him.

 Chen Bige added: "If you don't understand or have any doubts about acting, you can come to me. If nothing else, I still have many years more experience than you."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 “Well, thank you, Sister Bi Ge.”

Chen Bige: "I met Wang Zhong yesterday. He showed me a clip of you guest-starring in his scene. Everyone was here just now, so I didn't say anything. I think you can play this genius with expression difficulties. Referring to the rhythm of your language in "Three Mountains", it's like rain, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. I feel that you really want to build a set of psychology based on your cognition that fits your judgment of the character. , but in fact, if you can't change the appearance first and create the feeling of this high-intelligence genius, it will be very difficult to play this kind of role with faith. It is not an emotional drama, it is technology. "

 Chen Bige's words made Lu Yanhe think deeply.


 That night, after Lu Yanhe went back, he lay on the bed and thought carefully about what Jiang Jun and Chen Bige said to him.

 Actually, if you think about it carefully, they all mentioned one thing in common, which is that they must first create some characteristics from the appearance.

This appearance definitely does not refer to the five senses, but to the externally presented things such as the shape of the sound stage.

 "Three Mountains"?

Lu Yanhe never expected that Chen Bige would suggest that he refer to his acting method in "Three Mountains".

His role in "Three Mountains" was originally a fortune teller who was a little abnormal and had difficulty communicating with others normally...

 Difficulty communicating with others normally!

 Lu Yanhe suddenly sat up from the bed.

 That’s right, even Cai doesn’t refuse to communicate with others, it’s just that it’s hard for him to communicate with others normally!

 Why did he always assume that Lian Cai was a fool who couldn't speak well and didn't dare to look directly at people when he spoke?

Lu Yanhe realized what his problem was at that moment.

 Intellectually he knew that Lian Cai was just a genius with expressive difficulties, but emotionally he regarded him as a somewhat abnormal and even somewhat juvenile genius with mental retardation.

Hence, he has a high IQ and a mental retardation on the one hand, which makes him conflicted, and he can never handle this balance well.

Lu Yanhe suddenly became excited at this moment. He turned on the light again, picked up the script, and read it from the beginning again.

Those lines that I didn’t know how to break up, and those scenes that I couldn’t figure out the rhythm of, suddenly had a vague structure, and seemed to have a direction to study.


Lu Yanhe completely deleted all the little actions and details that he had added to himself before.

 He is a normal person who can speak normally, react normally, and get along with others normally.

Lu Yanhe decided to only do one thing. Normally he would not speak. But when he spoke, his speaking speed could not keep up with the speed of his thinking, so his tone of voice was a little hasty and annoyed, and his eyes were His expression will also change at this moment, becoming irritable and annoyed, as if he is sulking at himself.

 After he decided to deal with it, he took it to communicate with the company preparation.

“Director, what do you think of my acting like this?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Lian Bei looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise after hearing what he said.

However, he did not rush to make a judgment, but said: "How about we look back when we are rehearsing?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

 (End of this chapter)

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