Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 300: Ratings

 Lu Yanhe didn’t know why he was nervous. Thinking about it, he might be nervous that with such great support, he might be worried about the eventual ratings failure.

Lu Yanhe didn’t think that he was a person who valued face very much, but he didn’t think that he could just put face aside and ignore it at all.

He was even a little afraid to watch what the finished film of the first episode would look like, and he hadn't watched it either.

 This is all left to Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian.

  In the main creative group of "Six People", everyone is sharing their promotional updates with great interest.

 At 9:01, the first episode of "Six People" starts airing.


Lu Yanhe was sitting alone in the dormitory, with his cell phone aside.

He was reading the latest issue of "Jump Up". He couldn't read it, but he forced himself to read it.

 Each episode is only twenty minutes long and is broadcast in two parts, with a total of 6 minutes of advertising time in between.

 The total broadcast time is from 9 pm to 9:30 pm.

 He didn’t know what everyone’s evaluation was like online, and he didn’t read the feedback his friends gave him.

This moment is a moment that only he can experience and calm down.

 Wait for the time to pass by minute by minute.

 Wait until half past nine.

Lu Yanhe picked up his phone again and opened it.

 There are already many unread messages.

Jiang Yuqian, Zeng Qiao, Luo Yuzhong, Huang Cheng... Many people sent him messages and told him: "Six People" was filmed well and they liked it very much.

These colleagues and seniors who have worked with him all encourage him and support him in their own way.

 Lu Yanhe felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

He has been moved too many times in the past two days, but the moved emotions have not been numbed by this, and still reach the bottom of his heart.

Finally, Lu Yanhe saw the news about the creative team of "Six People".

In the main creative group of "Six People", Hu Siwei has been updating the ratings in real time. It started from 0.62%, dropped slightly, and then rushed to 0.71%. After the intermission, the ratings of the second half of the episode suddenly rushed to 0.821 % position, and has been stable at 0.8% since then.

 Hu Siwei said: "Six People" broke the ratings record for the first episode of Beijing and Taiwan this year.

Yan Liang and others in the group all expressed expressions of celebration.

Lu Yanhe held the phone and looked at the number, his scalp was numb. Only at this moment did he let out a long sigh of relief with a certain sense of relief.


  The average ratings of the first episode of "Six" were fixed at 0.745%.

This data will be released on the entire network as soon as possible.

 At the same time, the content of this drama has also aroused heated discussions among many people on the Internet.

 Some people say that the plot is so **** that in just 20 minutes, it includes plots such as escape from marriage, falling out, moving, etc. Why would Lu Yanhe write such a story?

Some people say that compared with the ups and downs before the show was aired, the content of this show seems too fresh and fresh. Six protagonists? Well, the six protagonists, put into a first episode of only 20 minutes, I can remember all six of them. They have different personalities and characteristics. This character is still well created.

 Some people say that they can't stand it. A woman runs away from her wedding, but such a role is still the heroine? what.

Some people retort, if when you get married, your fiancée’s ex-boyfriend tells you that the child in your fiancée’s belly is his, I don’t think you’re going to get married.

Someone said that I was the only one who paid close attention to the scene at the beginning of the show, when they were sitting together drinking coffee, chatting, and arguing with each other. Is it really the same feeling as I usually feel when I am with my friends?

 Some people say, I want a boyfriend like Hu Fan, why have I never met such a man?

 Some people say that Jiang Keke, played by Lu Yanhe, has a hint of stupidity in his clear eyes. Is he really a protagonist? Why does it seem that Yan Liang is the main male protagonist in this drama?

Some people say that among the three women, I love Chen Wanqiu the most. She is elegant, intellectual and generous. This kind of temperament is often only seen in women over thirty years old. I didn't expect it to appear in a girl in her early twenties. So charming.

 Some people say that Li Lili is the most beautiful! She hit my heart the moment she appeared. You ordinary people like to see picture scroll beauties like Chen Wanqiu, but I like the more real Li Lili.

 Some people said, so, is this story about the six of them?


 For self-media, what are their favorite themes in film and television dramas? Sitcoms are definitely number one.

 Because sitcoms are weak on plot and focus on characters.

 As a result, the different decisions and choices made by each character in different matters will become a topic for secondary creation or commentary in the self-media.

After the first episode aired to great fanfare, a large number of people took to social media to discuss the show.

 At the same time, many people also asked Beijing TV when the first episode will be rebroadcast?

Many people did not catch up with the nine o'clock broadcast time, or did not plan to watch it at all, but due to this overwhelming discussion, many people became interested in this drama.

 However, this drama has no resources on the video platform and is only broadcast exclusively on TV stations.

 There were a lot of questions asking when the broadcast would be replayed on Beijing and Taiwan’s official WeChat account.

The most astute advertisers all urgently contacted the marketing department of Beijing TV Station on this Sunday night to purchase advertising spots during the broadcast time of "Six People".

At 11 o'clock in the night, Beijing and Taiwan temporarily switched to the broadcast and replayed the first episode of "Six People".

  Including Lu Yanhe, all the creators urgently released this news to guide those who want to watch the first episode of "Six People".

At 11 o'clock in the night, the first episode of "Six People" was re-aired, with a ratings of 0.524%, crushing the prime-time ratings of Beijing and Taiwan, and giving Beijing and Taiwan an incredible and resounding slap in the face.


Lu Yanhe couldn't sleep at all that night. He tried hard to control his expression and his excitement, but he couldn't do it.

 Too many people contacted him, sent him messages and called him.

Lu Yanhe had to pack his things, left the dormitory, and returned to Ziyuan Bridge.

“Yes, I didn’t expect the ratings of this drama to be so good.”

“Scripts? I do still have a few scripts that I’m writing, but they’re not sitcoms.”

  "Thank you very much. This is also a big help from everyone, so today's first episode has such ratings."


Lu Yanhe’s phone call stopped at almost zero o’clock.

Yan Liang didn’t come back until almost midnight. He has a radio talk show to appear on at 11 o'clock. It is a promotional schedule arranged by Beijing TV Station to promote "Six People".

Although he was very tired, Yan Liang's face was full of joy.

On this night, for just half an hour, he suddenly found that his world suddenly became brighter, as if someone had wiped away the dust on it.

 Yan Liang has almost never seen his own name on the hot searches. Today he was on the hot searches along with the name Hu Fan.

He has never had so many people call him "husband" on his social media account.

 Yan Liang was confused. Of course, he was more surprised.

The so-called feeling of becoming famous overnight is really becoming popular overnight.

Yan Liang himself has received several calls from producers and directors who he has been friends with before, asking about his upcoming schedule and wanting to collaborate with him. Not to mention asking Zhou Pingan, Zhou Pingan didn't even bother to say a few more words to him tonight.

  A show like "Six People" has aroused such a big plot discussion after its first broadcast. What laymen see is the excitement, while experts see it as a secret. Everyone knows that this show is a hit.

 When he was on the radio, the host asked him.

“When I first read the script, did I ever think it would be so popular?”

Yan Liang said: "No one dares to think so, but when we read the script, we all knew that it was a good script. As long as we shoot it seriously, it will definitely be a good show."

The host also asked him: "The script was written by Lu Yanhe at that time. Of course, we all know now that he wrote it very well. However, at that time, we would not think that it was the first time for Lu Yanhe to write a script, and we would worry that he was a novice and creative Is the script not liked by the audience?"

Yan Liang said: "To be honest, it's not up to me to decide whether I can act in this drama. Yan He directly approached my agent and asked my agent to agree and allow me to star in this drama. But for me, If Yan He writes a script and I need to act in it, I don’t need to read the script to act. In the entertainment industry, I only have two friends like Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai, even if they are Ming Ming I know the risk is high, so I will definitely go.”

The host immediately asked: "Then why didn't Lee Chi-bai come to act in this drama? This is supposed to be a drama about friendship. If it was played by the three of you, it might be very memorable for you."

Yan Liang: "Li Zhibai also wanted to act, but unfortunately the other role in the script was not suitable for Li Zhibai. Li Zhibai also blamed Lu Yanhe for refusing to change the script for him. However, there is definitely no way for a drama to be based on the three of us. When creating characters based on prototypes, Yan He also wrote the script first and then found actors based on the characters.”


 "Six People" became an overnight hit.

 After the premiere, discussions about this drama spread all over the Internet.

Beijing and Taiwan also rebroadcast it five times the next day, twice in the morning, twice in the afternoon, and again between 7:30 and 8:00 pm.

During the day, the ratings for each episode were stable at above 0.3%. The episode between 7:30 and 8pm got 0.412%, which was higher than the annual average ratings for the prime time period from 8:00 to 9:00. The rate is even higher.

 This is already a replay.

 The actors, led by Yan Liang and Wen Minglan, began to promote the film non-stop.

 Beijing and Taiwan also organize offline meetings.

 However, Lu Yanhe did not participate in any of them.

When "Six People" was being discussed in full swing, he did not participate in any promotional activities in Beijing and Taiwan. He was either attending classes at school, preparing for exams, or discussing subsequent projects with others.

It was not until the fourth day after the broadcast of "Six People" that Lu Yanhe appeared on a live reading program on to talk about reading, novels, and creation.

"First of all, I would like to recommend to you the winter special issue that our "Jump Up" has just released. In this special issue, the latest essays written by Teacher Shi Xia are published. All the popular writers in "Jump Up" are also invited to create new works. This special issue is published twice a year. This special issue is a grand celebration of our "Jump Up" and a gift to readers. "Lu Yanhe is mainly here to introduce the winter special issue of "Jump Up".

 After others talked about this matter, they inevitably brought up "Six People".

  Moderator Song Jiang asked: “Why did you want to create such a subject in the first place?”

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand: "I did not create this theme. I am indeed the screenwriter, but from the theme to the six protagonists to describing the lives and dreams of these six young people, this was actually proposed by the director Bai Jingnian. I The script was created based on what he proposed. In the beginning, I was just asked to be the lead actor.”

Song Jiang: "Do you know how to write a script, or is it just a coincidence?"

 “That’s right.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

"This is the first script you have written. The first episode has been an incredible success for the industry. Will you continue to write scripts in the future?" Song Jiang asked.

Lu Yanhe smiled again and explained: "Actually, this is not the first script I have written. I have written several before, but they have not been made public yet, so they will be kept secret for now. But this is indeed the first sitcom script I have written. I love this story.”

Song Jiang: "You said before that this drama is going to be developed into a series?"

Lu Yanhe nodded: "Yes, producer Hu Siwei and director Bai Jingnian have been developing towards this goal from the beginning."

“Now that the first episode has achieved such great success, it is almost conceivable that a second season will be developed later. Are you really not going to participate?”

Lu Yanhe smiled, spread his hands helplessly, and said, "For reasons well known to everyone, I will indeed not participate in subsequent creations."

Song Jiang asked: "Does it feel regretful? After such a huge hit, you later quit with such regret."

"This is not my regret." Lu Yanhe shook his head and smiled softly, "This is other people's regret."

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment.

 Lu Yanhe: “And, I’m very proud.”


"When I was planning to make this drama, except for Producer Hu and Director Bai, everyone knew that almost no one was optimistic about it, including many of my friends in the industry. They all cared about me seriously and advised me not to do this project. They were really worried that I would be dragged down by this project.”

"But I insisted on doing it. In this case, Yan Liang, Minglan and several other actors selected through auditions, Xincheng and the others always insisted on working with us to create seriously even when everyone was not optimistic about it. For this play, I told them at the time that as long as we acted it out seriously, there would be good results.”

"Including the agents of some of them, I promised at that time that this drama would be a hit. After this drama, every leading actor would become a first-line actor. Judging from the results of the first broadcast, I did not break my promise. Even though so many things happened in the middle, I finally told them with the result that I didn’t break my promise, so I’m proud of myself.”

 Lu Yanhe had a relaxed and calm smile on his face.

 Song Jiang nodded.

Xin Zixing stood behind the camera at the recording site and looked at Lu Yanhe on the stage.

 After experiencing so many things, Lu Yanhe felt vaguely different.

The humility and gentleness in him that she thought were even a little too much seemed to be covered by a layer of light with a bit of edge.

It’s not that he has become sharp, but that he finally has the calmness to stand upright on his own and look at you on an equal footing without being humble or arrogant.

Xin Zixing thought, this is probably growth. (End of chapter)

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