Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 301: Occupying the latrine and not shitting

 "Six People" is a drama that was filmed and broadcast at the same time.

  So far, only the first four episodes have been filmed.

 According to the current rhythm of broadcasting one episode a week, the filming task is actually still very tight.

 On the fifth day after the broadcast of "Six People", we continued to shoot the remaining scenes.

This time, more than a dozen media companies gathered outside the studio to watch the actors filming.

These days, the leading actors of "Six People" have all become popular stars, and each of them has exposure comparable to that of a big star.

 As they appeared one after another, the flashlight kept flashing.

 However, for media reporters, the person they most want to see today is Lu Yanhe.

 After all, after the broadcast of "Six People", Lu Yanhe's only public event was yesterday's live broadcast on

 The words he said during the live broadcast undoubtedly poured cold water on the fans of "Six".

 So, as soon as Lu Yanhe appeared, reporters rushed to ask questions.

 "Yan He, are you really not planning to star in the sequel to "Six People"?"

"Yan He, "Six People" is doing so well now and so many viewers like it, would you consider changing your mind?"

 “Are you really not going to continue starring in “Six”?”


Lu Yanhe took off his sunglasses and looked at the reporters who were standing in the cold wind with their noses red from the cold. He waved his hands and said, "Our "Six People" will be broadcast for so long. Let's focus on the current things first. Today we still have We have to continue filming. It’s very cold. Don’t stay here anymore. Don’t catch a cold.”

He didn’t respond. He said something, waved his hand, and went into the studio.

  Everyone in the crew is waiting for him.

Everyone knows that at least half of the reason why the premiere of "Six People" achieved such success is because of Lu Yanhe.

 The current popularity of "Six People" is half due to the topics derived from this drama, and most of these topics come from Lu Yanhe.

As soon as Lu Yanhe walked in, suddenly, dozens of people in the crew began to applaud.

He was stunned for a moment, then laughed and bowed thirty degrees to everyone to express his gratitude.

 Especially the actors.

As Lu Yanhe said in the live broadcast of, it was a complete surprise that they became popular in the drama "Six People" and were recognized by the audience.

Yan Liang was the first to come over and hugged Lu Yanhe vigorously.

Hu Siwei also opened his hands and looked at him with a smile.

 Although Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian are both from Beijing and Taiwan, there is no conflict between Lu Yanhe and them.

 What happened between Lu Yanhe and Jingtai before did not affect his relationship with them.

When Hu Siwei hugged Lu Yanhe, he said in his ear: "You know before I came today, I received a call from the station. They wanted me to do your job and let you stay on the crew of "Six People". Developing subsequent series.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "This project was originally started by you and the director. I have completed my task."

In fact, for a sitcom, one or two screenwriters are not so critical. To a certain extent, the actors are even more important than the screenwriters. This is because of the special nature of sitcoms. Anyone familiar with sitcoms knows that You know, a lot of times, a sitcom that looks like it only has about ten episodes, even has five writers working on it.

 It can be said that sitcoms are actually based on a large character relationship framework, and each episode is a joke with a different theme.

Each episode of it is very much like a sketch show. One episode lasts only ten or twenty minutes. It has all the beginnings and transitions. It is all jokes, one laugh point every ten seconds, layer by layer, making a fuss in a relatively closed small space.

 In this case, you can actually watch each episode as a separate program - of course, the main line is still connected.

This is why sitcoms often only have twenty-minute episodes. Compared with ordinary TV series, its pace is so fast that it seems to be taking off. But because the characters, places, and things are not that complicated, no matter how fast the pace is, the audience will not feel "dizzy". This is a characteristic of this genre. Once the time is extended, on the one hand, there are not so many good jokes to put in it. On the other hand, this nature is also destined to not be long. Once the time is extended, the audience will be tired of aesthetics, even if they laugh for twenty minutes at a time, It will be tiring.

Therefore, even if Lu Yanhe no longer works as a screenwriter, Zhu Yu from the first season will be in front. They will find some more screenwriters to write according to the character relationships and main story lines of the first season. It will not collapse as much as the plot flow story. .

On the contrary, Lu Yanhe refused to continue starring in this drama, so the six people in "Six People" directly became five.

If in this case, Beijing and Taiwan ask the screenwriter to "leave" Lu Yanhe's character and then "add" a new character, it will cause huge resentment among the audience, especially-everyone knows that Lu Yanhe is very critical of the movie "Six People". the importance of the drama.


 Due to the success of the premiere, the on-site shooting was almost the smoothest since the shooting started.

Each actor is also much more confident in performing.

 Confidence is really important to an actor's performance. The presence or absence of this kind of thing can give an actor's performance two qualities.

 After everyone finished today’s shooting together, we made an appointment to have a dinner together.

 It was already about nine o'clock in the evening.

 The place where Hu Siding was.

Everyone was sitting together, and Hu Siwei suggested: "Let's take a photo together first? Let the official blog post it later, and it will also be a warm-up for the second episode that will be broadcast in the background."

 After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Yanhe nervously, mainly because he was afraid that Lu Yanhe would not cooperate.

 In the past few days, Lu Yanhe has not cooperated with Beijing and Taiwan's promotion of "Six People" at all. According to the reaction of the contact person at Beijing and Taiwan, Lu Yanhe's agent and the company's contact manager ignored them.

Beijing and Taiwan have nothing to do with Lu Yanhe. The contract does require Lu Yanhe to cooperate with the publicity a certain number of times. However, with the publicity contribution Lu Yanhe made in the early stages of the broadcast of "Six People", if they still dare to say one more word about publicity at this time , Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan would explode directly.

 Speaking of which, now is the time when Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan are posing. Jingtai insists on saving face. Until now, they have not shown any serious expression. They only think about making peace through Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian, who will give them face.

 But Lu Yanhe said yes with a smile, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Everyone took a group photo together, and Hu Siwei sent it to the publicity staff and asked them to post it on the official blog of "Six People".

"Today Beijing and Taiwan rebroadcast the first episode in the morning and afternoon," Hu Siwei said. "The ratings are still 0.1%. It has broken the rebroadcast rate of a TV series in Beijing and Taiwan within one week of its premiere. After five days, The first episode has been replayed 13 times.”

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, this is the power of sitcoms.

 Many people can watch a drama from beginning to end seven or eight times.

 There is no burden. When I see something being broadcast on TV, I will naturally watch it.

 There are six actors, except for Yan Liang and Wen Minglan who are familiar with each other, Lu Yanhe is actually not very familiar with the other three.

Yin Xincheng, who plays Wen Fan, Bai Jin, who plays Zhou Zhixi, and Zhan Yun, who plays Li Lili, were all selected by Lu Yanhe, Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian.

 Because of this relationship, when the three of them faced Lu Yanhe, they all felt as nervous as employees facing their boss, even though this person was actually not older than the three of them.

 After drinking some wine, everyone started chatting.

Yin Xincheng looked at Lu Yanhe and asked, "If there is a second season, are you really not coming?"

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: "It's the same with you guys here." "But we are "Six People"." Yin Xincheng muttered.

His real character is very similar to the character Wen Fan. He is the most affectionate and protective of the three boys.

Lu Yanhe said: "I will make some changes to the ending of episode eight, which will give me a reason to leave, and will also make our "Six People" always "Six People"."

He smiled and said: "Besides, if I stop acting, each of you will have more roles, which is a great thing."

Zhan Yun's tears fell instantly.

This actress Zhan Yun, who is exactly the same as the emotional, nervous but sensitive Li Lili, had red eyes and said nothing.

Lu Yanhe didn’t want the atmosphere tonight to become sad.

"Everyone, I am not leaving "Six" now. Even if I leave "Six", I am still in the entertainment industry. I am still acting and writing scripts. There will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future. "Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "You are all popular actors. If roles come to you in the future, please give me priority."

  Bai Jin: “As long as you look for me, I will definitely come.”

She is the only one of the three girls who is not too emotional. She is handsome and admired by Bai Jingnian. She does not feel too sad or sad at this moment, but when she said these words, she looked very serious. , not the feeling of being in a scene, made Lu Yanhe feel a soothing warmth in his heart.

"In the future, it's not you who invites us to act, it's us who invite you to come to us to act if you have a role." Yan Liang said with a smile, "You have made us famous. If you don't want to cooperate with you in the future, I'm afraid everyone will rush to do it with you." cooperate."

Indeed, no matter what the real reason is that "Six People" has become as popular as it is now, in the eyes of the industry and other people, "Six People" was single-handedly made popular by Lu Yanhe.

 This is a real record of success on his part.


 Another Sunday, at nine o'clock in the evening, the second episode of "Six People" starts airing.

This time, Beijing and Taiwan broadcast the first episode directly from 8:30.

The remaining thirty minutes of the variety show that previously occupied the prime time slot was moved directly to after 9:30.

 The ratings of the first episode actually got another 0.472% ratings.

Someone asked why the first episode of "Six" was replayed so many times and still got such high ratings? How many viewers haven’t seen it?

 Someone said, maybe I can answer this question, I've watched the first episode four times.

In the second episode, the one-minute opening song brought the ratings directly to 1.124% in a cheerful rhythm. Entering the main film, the ratings began to rise significantly. In the 30 minutes including advertisements, the second The peak ratings of the episode fell at 1.724%, and the average ratings of the episode reached 1.276%. This rating is only worse than CCTV.

CCTV’s viewing territory is, after all, on another level.

The ratings of the second episode of "Six People" exploded, defending the reputation of "Six People" as a hit.

Li Lili and Hu Fan revealed each other's secrets, Jiang Cola and Wen Fan accidentally entered the audition scene, and Zhou Zhixi was embarrassed by his junior high school student's confession.

These three plots have once again massacred major online forums.

 "TV Review" published an article: Young writing of sitcoms.

If the reason why the first episode was so popular was that it took advantage of the topic that had been abuzz on the Internet two months ago and sparked a large-scale support for Lu Yanhe two days before it was broadcast, then the second episode, Because there are enough young people watching this show, there are also a lot of people discussing it.

Young people are the most eager to express and discuss among all age groups.

Sensing that more and more people are seriously discussing the direction of the story and the relationship between the characters, Lu Yanhe specifically said in the creative group that everyone can talk about the behind-the-scenes of the filming and behind-the-scenes, but they must not talk about this film. Before the play ends, talk about your thoughts on this character and other characters.

At this time, the main creative staff must not end up.

 "Six People" is becoming more and more popular.

In this case, Lu Yanhe suddenly became the target of other TV stations.

 Including Chen Ziyan.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Two other first-line TV stations have contacted me and want to invite you to create a sitcom for them. The same weekly broadcast mode. The price is negotiable. Will you accept it?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I do have an idea for a sitcom, but I haven't started writing it yet. Moreover, I will be filming the movie "Late Spring" in March or April."

 Chen Ziyan nodded, "Then I'll tell you that you have ideas, but due to subsequent work arrangements, there are no plans to write them yet, so I'll politely decline them."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Chen Ziyan sighed after saying this.

“What’s wrong, Sister Ziyan?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Ziyan said: "It's still a bit of a pity. You wrote the script of "Six People", and you are the absolute core creator. If you hadn't caused that trouble with Beijing and Taiwan, if "Six People" could have been filmed, In three or four years, you can become a billionaire.”

Lu Yanhe can enjoy 8% of the revenue share of "Six People".

Lu Yanhe said: "It's okay. Since "Six" proved that I can write sitcoms, my share of the next sitcom will only be higher."

 Chen Ziyan looked at Lu Yanhe's confident look, but there was something she didn't say in her heart.

 In this industry, hits are hard to come by.

 The publicity model and success of "Six People" are almost impossible to replicate.

Even if "Six People" was created by you.


 However, at this time, Chen Ziyan would definitely not say such disappointing words.

She smiled and nodded and said, "Then I look forward to your next sitcom."

She added: "With the success of "Party of Six", your next sitcom will be snapped up by other TV stations. It seems that I can find a way to talk to them about other cooperation. I have to first Only those who have a stepping stone can knock on our door.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

However, he thought that in the next year, he would not start the costume sitcom that is more in line with the mood and values ​​of the Chinese people.

There are many other things waiting for him.

Let "Six People" fly for a while first.

Its real value is after it is broadcast, after it is posted on video websites, one year, two years, or even ten years later. Its exaggerated long-tail effect will make it an enduring classic. .

 Now it is just a hit drama, but ten years from now, it will be the memory of a generation.

 At this time, Zhenhua’s exam week is here.

Lu Yanhe devoted himself to the library and put down all other work except for the time when he went to film.

This makes all partners who want to invite Lu Yanhe can’t help but grit their teeth.

 You can’t go out for activities, why are you so popular!

At this moment, everyone has fully realized that if a star is too popular but doesn’t show up much, people will feel irritated and angry. (End of chapter)

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