Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 316: this is what i want

 Chapter 316 This is what I want

  "You asked her to work as a production assistant in "Idol Era"?"

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in disbelief, feeling stunned by this completely unexpected result.

 “Didn’t you say that she is not suitable?”

Chen Ziyan calmly pressed her hands, signaling Lu Yanhe to calm down.

"I just said that she is not suitable to be your assistant, but she is quite suitable to work as a production assistant in "The Age of Idols". I chatted with her for nearly forty minutes. She is quite smart, and at first glance, it is clear A person with a very mature mind." Chen Ziyan said, "It just so happens that I need someone of my own in "Idol Era" and I don't have any capable people at hand. "

 Lu Yanhe said: "What about my assistant?"

Chen Ziyan said: "I will find him and match you with him within a month."

Lu Yanhe hummed twice, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said, "You took advantage of me, Sister Ziyan."

Chen Ziyan was very happy, "You want me to dig into your corner? You are my corner, why do I need to dig in?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Lu Yanhe found that he could never speak to Chen Ziyan.

never mind.

 Chen Ziyan said: "I actually have another idea about Xu Fanxing."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise, "What do you think?"

 Chen Ziyan said: "I think she is suitable to debut as an artist."

 The expression on Lu Yanhe's face became even more surprised.

 He did not expect that Chen Ziyan would think so.

Chen Ziyan said: "I see the potential to be an artist in her. Of course, what happens in the end depends on herself."

 Lu Yanhe: “I thought you didn’t plan to bring other artists since you brought the three of us.”

 Chen Ziyan said: "I was too lazy to take it with me, but I am ready to leave Xingyu."

"Leave...Xingyu?" Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise, "Really?"

"Yeah." Chen Ziyan nodded, "Of course, I may also cooperate with Star Entertainment in another form. I haven't thought about it clearly yet, but one thing is for sure. I will definitely not continue to do it in the current state."

"The current situation...Sister Ziyan, are you dissatisfied with the position given to you by Star Entertainment?"

"Of course not. If I want to be a senior executive, do you think they won't give me this position?" Chen Ziyan said with a stern look in her eyes, "It's just that Star Entertainment's current development situation and future development direction deviate from my goals."

"Sister Ziyan, actually I have always wanted to ask you this question, what is your goal?" Lu Yanhe has never been able to understand one thing. Why, after bringing out top actors like Shang Yongzhou and Chen Bige, did Chen Ziyan Choose to part ways with them and no longer cooperate.

 Chen Ziyan said: "My goal -"

 After saying these four words, she smiled slightly.

 “It’s the sea of ​​stars.”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Having said this is the same as not having said it.

Chen Ziyan: "It's meaningless to tell you all this now, but I think you must be wondering why I didn't continue to cooperate with Chen Bige and Shang Yongzhou, right?"

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"I've talked to you before, but I didn't talk in depth. Today I can actually tell you that in the simplest terms, my ambition is not to be a nanny or agent for a top actor." Chen Ziyan He said calmly, "When they reach the level of Shang Yongzhou and Chen Bige, their agents must be dedicated to taking care of their agency affairs. This is not in line with my positioning of myself. Therefore, after reaching a certain level, it is easy to get together." Very relaxing, very good.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly felt enlightened.

 That’s it.

"As for me, I really like being an agent. I especially like to promote some talented and worthy people. However, my world is not limited to just a few people." Chen Ziyan said directly, "In the future, you will also grow up to Actors at the level of Chen Bige and Shang Yongzhou, I will definitely break up with you. This is not a problem that can be solved by having a deep or shallow relationship. At that time, you need an agent who will focus 100% on you. Otherwise, your career will be in trouble, and I can’t focus 100% on you alone.”

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but feel a little hesitant and confused when he heard what Chen Ziyan said.

"But you don't have to worry about anything, Xiao Lu. Believe me, when the day comes, I will definitely have formed a reliable and completely trustworthy team for you." Chen Ziyan said, "We are still friends , just like my current relationship with Chen Bige and Shang Yongzhou."

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say for a moment.

 He couldn't even accept it for the time being.

 Man is always a creature that hopes for eternity and eternity.

Intellectually you know that eternity does not exist, let alone eternity, but you can theoretically get a hundred percent score in the test, and at the moment when it actually happens, even if it has not happened at all, you just clearly see what is going to happen. In a moment, you realize that a 100% theory, under the constraints of sensibility, is a fragile and vulnerable building, facing collapse at any time.


 Chen Ziyan did not expect that she would say this to Lu Yanhe so early.

 Generally speaking, she would not vaccinate the artist until one or two years before the incident happened.

 Why did things suddenly change when you arrived at Xiaolu?

Chen Ziyan said it impulsively, not premeditated.

After thinking about it, Chen Ziyan realized that she was shocked by Lu Yanhe's rapid rise.

 Furthermore, Lu Yanhe's rise was rapid, but he did not have enough time to develop a mind capable of taking on the world he faced at this time.

 Even when finding an assistant for yourself, I forgot to analyze the pros and cons she would bring.

 Is it because Lu Yanhe does not have the ability to analyze? No, it was because he was temporarily blinded by the identity of "Xu Zijun's sister" and forgot to analyze.

Chen Ziyan subconsciously wanted to make Lu Yanhe grow up faster. Even though Lu Yanhe has grown very fast, it is still not enough to keep up with the speed of his career growth.

 Those who are soft-hearted will suffer losses, and those who are sentimental will eventually be exploited and stabbed. Chen Ziyan is a pessimist in this regard and does not think about it at all.

 Before this, Chen Ziyan only hoped that Lu Yanhe could forge a harder shield, as well as a stronger mind and endurance.


Yangchun March.

"The Age of Idols" is in full swing. Lu Yanhe went to record an episode of "City Travel" and then got ready to start filming "Late Spring".

 Everything is ready, waiting to be turned on.

""Late Spring" is the first movie I directed." Before starting filming, Liu Bige finally brought together several main actors. What was different from usual was that the crew used to gather everyone together before filming started. , usually in the conference room, but this time everyone was sitting together in the classroom.

It’s like going back to the time when I was in high school.

Liu Bige still wears a white shirt, trousers and black shoes, looking like a white-collar worker who clocks in to work every day.

 in the country, this kind of clothing is generally considered work clothes by default.

 However, Liu Bige wears it as daily clothes.

After seeing it for a long time, Lu Yanhe got used to it - until today, Liu Bige stood on the podium dressed like this and looked like a teacher again.

"The production cost of this movie is very small, and it does not have a big crew. However, it will be an excellent movie. Except for Lu Yanhe, it is basically the first time for the rest of you to act in a movie. I hope it can be a good development for your career." It’s a good start, and of course, I hope it will become a very good film in Yan He’s acting career,” Liu Bige said, “This is my first time to be an independent director, but I am learning and familiar with the film industry. I have been interested in art for more than ten years. In the past ten years, I have been thinking about what kind of film I would make when I became a director for the first time. When I had this opportunity, I also I was looking for various projects, and finally I came across the novel Late Spring.”

"There are already many classic films about teenagers. Why should I make such a film to tell a story that many people have told?" Liu Bige said, "Many people will ask me this question. In particular, it is not one of the more popular films in the film market in recent years and has a relatively good box office. There are many doubts. Indeed, I did not choose to make this film for the box office of commercial films. If I wanted to make a movie with a good box office, I would definitely not choose this story." Lu Yanhe sat in the audience and listened, a little curious as to why Liu Bige said such a "morale-destroying" statement before the filming started. .

 Generally speaking, don’t directors try their best to make everyone believe that this will be a very successful movie?

 He believes that Liu Bige must have his own reasons.

"Because among all the choices, it is the one that touches me the most." Liu Bige said frankly, "Because this is my first movie, and I have to shoot a story that I want to shoot the most. So, With "Late Spring", I have talked with each of you and maintained communication almost every day. You are also the actors I have selected one by one. From today on, I hope that everyone can abandon all distracting thoughts and concentrate on entering. When it comes to this film, it requires everyone’s 100% concentration and commitment.”


 There are five main characters in "Late Spring".

Lu Yanhe plays the male protagonist Meng Bai in this movie.

Originally, in the original novel, the main perspective of this story was the girl named Yin Yue.

But Liu Bige and Miao Yueyi combined their efforts, firstly, to allow Lu Yanhe to star, and secondly, to make the expression of this movie out of personal perspective, making it more three-dimensional and multi-perspective from the story level, and the movie became A multi-perspective story.

The actress who plays Yin Yue is Yan Lingyu, a first-year student at Jingyi University. In order to get Yan Lingyu to star in this movie, Liu Bige communicated with her class teacher for countless rounds. Later, her class teacher relented because Lu Yanhe starred in this movie.

Yan Lingyu's name is more literary and artistic, and his person is also more cold-blooded. To be honest, when Lu Yanhe saw her for the first time, he felt that this actor was too accurate. Yin Yue in the story is such a cold girl who is a bit out of place in the cram school and cannot blend in with many people.

 In addition to Yan Lingyu, there is another freshman student from Jingyi University, Kong Fan.

He plays Yu Lang, a close classmate of Lu Yanhe in the play.

Kong Fan's image is more Yanliang's, and his figure is relatively strong. Although it doesn't make people feel very strong, his wheat-colored skin and bright smile are full of a sense of power in the sports department.

  Comparatively, Lu Yanhe's image is the "white moonlight school girl" image that is common in many film and television dramas. Handsome, with excellent grades, and a smile as warm as the sun. Fortunately, it's just an image. If this image was used throughout the film, Lu Yanhe would really have no interest in acting.

He Qingqing is different from the two of them in that she did not graduate from a professional acting school.

 Actually, Liu Bige found her from a talk show theater.

Liu Bige introduced to Lu Yanhe: "At that time, when I saw a small girl, only 18 years old, on stage, I thought it was incredible, but she took the microphone and shocked me as soon as she opened her mouth. Her desire to express herself without stopping talking, and her natural sense of familiarity, are so similar to Jiang Mo. "

 He Qingqing is not yet a professional talk show actor. She didn't go to college because of the college entrance examination. She saw that the talk show industry was very popular, and she herself was a person who liked to talk, so she tried it. After only a month of trying, she came on stage for the third time. He was abducted by this man named Liu Bige and became an actor.

He Qingqing didn't believe it at first and felt that she had been deceived. She kept telling people: "Brother, my family has no money, otherwise I wouldn't have failed to get into college and come here to see what I can do." If you can’t do a talk show, stop pestering me. It’s a waste of time and energy. I really have no money.”

 Liu Bige: “…”

 In fact, when the director is looking for actors, it is really easy to be mistaken for a liar.

Because filming is so far away from the real life of ordinary people, it is difficult for anyone to really believe that a person who suddenly appears in front of them and says he wants to film with you is really a director.

 The last starring role is Wang Jing. A very common name. She came from another acting school, but it was far less famous than Jingyi. It was a very ordinary acting school. It was purely a coincidence that Liu Bige found Wang Jing in the first place. It was recommended by a colleague at Longyan Pictures who said he had seen such a girl and left a deep impression on her.

Liu Bige went to meet her specifically. After the meeting, he decided to set her up.

 She plays Zuo Lanlan, the one with the most extreme personality among the female characters in the movie.

 Before this, they had never seen each other.

Liubige made it very clear that they should start from the first scene when they didn't know each other.


Of course, script reading and rehearsal are still required.

 Before the filming officially started, Liu Bige took them to read the script together.

After reading this, Lu Yanhe was surprised to find that although the other people had not acted much, their understanding of the script, the characters, and even each scene was quite correct, and they did not make any newbie mistakes. Simple mistakes that are easy to make.

 This is because before Liu Bige read the script, he actually communicated with several other actors about the script and characters countless times.

 The preparation work before the filming of "Late Spring" started was quite solid. Of course, Lu Yanhe has never starred in other movies. I don’t know what other movie crews are like. Maybe other movies are also prepared early. Before filming starts, the actors communicate frequently with the director and analyze the characters clearly. clear.

The play was filmed in Yuming.

Lu Yanhe did not ask the crew to arrange hotel accommodation for him. He came to work at a fixed time and place every day, and after finishing work, he went back to Ziyuanqiao to sleep.

 There are few classes, so when there are classes, the crew will definitely have to ask for leave. Anyway, we have already agreed before that it will not affect the crew's filming.

On the contrary, Miao Yue also came to the scene from time to time, curious to see what the shooting scene was like.


The crew of "Late Spring" is not large, with only about thirty people, which is about the same size as the crew of "Three Mountains".

 This is because the budget is small and we cannot support a large group.

 Because of this, everyone is almost used as two people, and there is a lot of work.

 Because of this, the logistical conditions are not very good.

 There are basically no snacks and drinks on site.

When Lu Yanhe saw this, he used his own money to invite the entire crew to drink coffee, milk tea, and buy snacks from time to time.

There aren’t many people in the crew anyway, so the whole crew is covered, so the cost is not as high as expected.

 For Lu Yanhe, filming "Late Spring" was much more difficult than imagined.

 He didn’t even think of it himself.

It stands to reason that he has acted in several dramas, and his acting skills are highly recognized and praised so much. I originally thought that acting in a drama like "Late Spring" would be a matter of course. Unexpectedly, within a few days of filming, He encountered a huge problem.

He himself felt that his play was already performed well - he didn't know what could be changed and adjusted, but Liu Bige was always dissatisfied.

  But Liu Bige didn’t say what details were wrong, he just said that the feeling given by Lu Yanhe was wrong.

“The performance was very good, but not what I imagined.” Liu Bige said.

This scene is about Meng Bai, played by Lu Yanhe, who accidentally stumbles upon his father having an affair with someone else, and is studying hard at night to write.

According to Lu Yanhe's design, Meng Bai's state in this scene is that he suppresses and restrains his anger on the surface, but in his heart he is actually furious and wants to rush to his father to question him.

 However, Lu Yanhe acted three times in a row, and Liu Bige said no.

“The acting is very good, but the sense of layering is too obvious and the traces of the performance are a bit heavy.” Liu Bige said.

Although this scene is a one-man show by Lu Yanhe, the background is in a class.

 The other actors and extras are all there.

 Everyone must accompany Lu Yanhe to perform the performance over and over again.

Lu Yanhe was able to get into the mood at the beginning of this scene. Later, when the number of NGs reached seven or eight, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but become upset and irritable, and could not calm down to perform this scene.

After Liu Bige shouted Action again, he almost held his breath and began to write on the paper as if he was a little angry. He lowered his head expressionlessly and wrote very quickly, using his wrists and fingertips to write each word. After a pause, the tip of the pen even seemed to cut the page.

 The character’s psychological state is intertwined with Lu Yanhe’s frustration and anger at this moment as an actor.

He couldn't control his strength at once, and the tip of the pen finally scratched the paper under the pen because of too much force.

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment, his eyes appeared dazed for a moment, and then Qingming came over.

Liu Bige finally said: "This one is available, Yanhe, this one is good, this is what I want."

 (End of this chapter)

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