Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 317: Two or three things

 It had been about five or six days since the filming of the movie, and Lu Yanhe finally realized what Liu Bige wanted.

Liu Bige has a pair of sharp eyes. As long as you don't completely enter the character's state and there is a little bit of acting, he can tell.

He won’t tell you that your acting is not good or wrong. He knows that it is not a matter of you not being serious or working hard. He is using a refined method to polish off all your designs and considerations to capture the last moment of returning to nature.

“Looking at how young he is, I didn’t expect him to be quite capable of tormenting people.” Chen Ziyan joked after hearing what Lu Yanhe said.

"Yes." Lu Yanhe said on the phone, "When I talked about this movie with him before, I thought he was a confident person who knew exactly what he wanted to shoot. Now on the set, he insists on us actors performing He is willing to live with the feeling he wants.”

“It’s good. I was worried that he wouldn’t be good at being a director because he has no experience.”

"He has a lot of experience. He has participated in the production of many movies in France before, especially small-cost movies like this." Lu Yanhe chuckled, "If this is a big production, he may really have no relevant experience." For a film like "Late Spring", I feel that he is very familiar with it. Every department is very clear and no one can fool him."

 On the set, Bige Liu would also lose his temper with the staff.

 Especially the art area.

 He ​​always thinks there is something wrong with the scenery. To be precise, he feels that everyone is just doing their job without paying attention.

"When you were studying, were there only books on the desk?" Liu Bige pointed at the classroom layout and said many times, "This blackboard is so clean that it looks like it has been used for many years. It is a blackboard that has been used for many years." , even if you wipe it clean with a blackboard brush, there will still be a layer of chalk dust! Look again, is there any dust that cannot be swept away or wiped off in the corners of the podium? It’s like having laser surgery.”

Lu Yanhe heard Liu Bige’s criticisms countless times when he was present, and even more when he was not present.

Privately, Lu Yanhe also heard the staff say that Liu Bige was the most arrogant and pushy person they had ever encountered.

These complaints were heard endlessly, and Lu Yanhe couldn't help but want to laugh at Liu Bige. However, facts have also proved that it takes a stupid person like Liu Bige to make a good movie.

 The importance of a behind-the-scenes team to a film is often overlooked.

 There is a conscientious way of doing it, and there is a perfunctory way of doing it.

 The director is to enable each department to exert its best strength and produce the best effect.

Unlike Luo Yuzhong or Chen Lingling, Liu Bige has a high status in the industry, has his own fixed team, and knows the director's high requirements. They don't need to emphasize many basic things one by one.

 He is a new director, and others will inevitably look down upon him. Especially the people who do odd jobs on set. They are dedicated or not. Whether the film is good or bad has no direct and intuitive benefit to them. Therefore, most of the time, they just try to fool them. Just go over there.

 It is for this reason that Liu Bige gets angry so frequently.


Comparatively speaking, none of the actors in "Late Spring" made any mistakes.

 There was no such thing as trying to be a big name or having poor business capabilities.

This is also because the cost of a movie like "Late Spring" is too small and the prospects are too uncertain, so no one else intervened in the cast, and no actors who had to be accepted were added.

 The actors in "Late Spring" are almost all cast by Liu Bige.

"It's also because you are here that you are so cooperative with Liu Bige. The other people are all newcomers, how dare they not cooperate." Chen Ziyan pointed out the key issue sharply, "Don't think that as long as you are a newcomer or a young person, you will not cooperate." Very good, this industry is full of pretentious and ignorant young people, and it’s not uncommon for people to be self-righteous and insist on having their own way in front of big directors. You may be lucky. "

 Lu Yanhe felt very comfortable in this crew. This is also the first time Lu Yanhe has served as a "key figure" in the crew except for his guest appearance in "Three Mountains".

Any film has a "key character". This is an unspoken rule that has been established in the development of the film industry to this day.

Most of the time, if the director of the movie is a famous director, then this key person is the director. Even if his movie is starred by the most amazing actor and is promoted mainly by this big-name actor, it will not affect the director's status as a "key figure".

However, many times the director of a film is not considered a director in the industry who can carry the film, and he has not entered the "film history" status. In the eyes of the industry and ordinary audiences, the key figure of the film becomes the biggest name. actor.

 In the film "Late Spring", the key figure is undoubtedly Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe’s attitude will invisibly affect everyone’s attitude.

In the crew, the meaning released by his every move is more influential than that of Liu Bige, who is a director for the first time.

This is what Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe held Liu Bige high in the position of director, fully trusted Liu Bige's decisions, and implemented them without reservation. When he does this, it affects the rest of the crew.

 After Lu Yanhe acted with several other actors for a week, he gradually became familiar with them.

At this time, they dared to show some real emotions to Lu Yanhe as friends.

"Yan He, can I ask you why you are willing to star in this movie?" Kong Fan asked, "After all, you are so popular now. The director of such a small-budget art film has never been a director."

Lu Yanhe smiled and asked, "Why did you come to act in this movie?"

"Come if there is a play." Kong Fan said, "Originally, we were only in the freshman year and were not allowed to come out to take the play, but Director Liu went to our class teacher and talked to us several times, and he didn't know how he persuaded us. head teacher."

 Kong Fan and Yan Lingyu were classmates in the same class.

Yan Lingyu also nodded.

"You are all students of Beijing Arts University. You shouldn't worry about acting after graduation, right?" Lu Yanhe said, "Why do you just accept acting if you can? Didn't you read the script?"

Kong Fan said: "I had never read a complete script before taking this role, but after I heard that you were starring in it, I immediately felt that I had to take it. Even my head teacher said that with your ability to take the role Judging from my perspective, this film is worth picking up.”

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect this to happen.

"I did because the script was good. Another thing is, I have known the director for a long time. Miao Yue, the original novel and screenwriter of this film, was my classmate. At that time, the director wanted to buy the rights to adapt the film. Miao Yue asked me to accompany her to meet the director. , and then we became friends,” Lu Yanhe said, “Both of them are very talented people, so why would I come?”

“Many people in our school are surprised as to why you want to act in such a film, and they cannot understand your decision.”

“Do you know your senior Yan Liang?”

"I know him. He was your former teammate in Fengzhi, right?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "He told me that students in the Beijing Performing Arts Department also have to take literature classes."


“Have you ever wondered why the school arranges literature classes for students in the acting department?”

Kong Fan said: "This is because when we understand the characters, we also need to do literary appreciation of the script and characters, and we must have a good aesthetic sense."

"Well, actors must have their own aesthetics and put it into the script, and they must know how to analyze what script is a good script and what role is a good role." Lu Yanhe said, "This is my own perspective when I am choosing a script. As a standard, the production team is of course also very important. With big directors, big companies, and big productions, everyone will tend to choose this kind of drama because this kind of configuration tends to be more attentive and seems to be better at producing good works, but this In fact, it is the second best choice. Actors who do not choose a play based on its content or the talents of the collaborators can only evaluate the pros and cons of a play based on these external things. "

Kong Fan and others listened to Lu Yanhe's words silently, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Actually, I am not qualified to say this. Before "Late Spring", the movies I filmed were either directed by big directors or made by big productions."

Yan Lingyu shook his head at this time and said, "I understand what you mean."

“It doesn’t mean that a big production must be a good project, nor does it mean that a small production must not be a good project. This is not a standard for accepting roles.” When Yan Lingyu said this, he also looked at Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded, "That's what I mean, but this is just my own opinion."

Kong Fan: "But it feels like for us, we actually don't have the right to choose or make choices. I see that many of our graduating seniors are faced with the problem of unemployment as soon as they graduate. There is no acting at all, and they don't choose anything. It’s a matter of acting, that’s why I said, if there is a role to be played, seize the opportunity to do it, especially if it’s your role.”

In this era, there are more and more film and television projects, but the pool of actors is also getting bigger and bigger. In the past, it was mainly students who graduated from professional colleges, but now the situation is different. Compared with students who have just graduated and are not well-known, those idols who have become famous at a young age, talk show actors or cross-border people such as cross-talk actors who have already made a name for themselves in other fields, Internet celebrities who have become famous through self-media or live broadcast platforms... too Many people come to compete for jobs with actors who graduated from professional schools.

Lu Yanhe is one of them.

 This indeed leaves many students in professional colleges with nothing to do.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "When you have no choice, seize the opportunity first, but when you have the choice, you can think more about it."

He Qingqing looked at Lu Yanhe. This 18-year-old girl was not as iconic as Yan Lingyu and Wang Jing, but she had a lovely round face, very cute, and vivid facial features. She said: "Brother Lu , you have never studied acting, but your acting skills are so praised and praised by everyone, it’s amazing.”

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand, "I just haven't studied acting in a professional acting school, but I have been learning acting. I hired teachers myself and also learned on the set. You haven't seen my first filming, "Golden" with director Luo Yuzhong. "Times", when I was on the set, I actually didn't know anything. Director Luo taught me a lot step by step and led me into the door of being an actor."

He Qingqing was a little worried, holding her chin with both hands, "I also want to ask you if there is any way for me, a person who has never studied acting, to refer to it. Alas, it's always NG. I don't know how to act. Yeah, I didn’t know how to act.”

 Among the five actors, He Qingqing has been NGed the most times.

Basically, as long as there is a scene with her, that scene will have to be shot more than ten times.

"Practice more, Liu Bige, he must have chosen you because you are the most suitable candidate for the role of Jiang Mo. You are more NG, just because you have never filmed, nor can you act, nor have you studied, so you can't "I can't adapt to the camera and can't control my facial features and expressions," Lu Yanhe said, "The reason why I often failed when filming "Golden Age" was because I was not used to performing in front of the camera. I had a sense of shame and was prone to thinking about other things. I think there are too many distracting thoughts, but after acting more and being able to control my facial expressions and emotions, this situation will be much better. "

 They were filming on the set of "Late Spring" and got along day and night, and would have conversations like this from time to time.

Since Lu Yanhe has become an “old-timer”, it is inevitable to introduce his “experience” to them.


 The film "Late Spring" is planned to be filmed until the end of April. Lu Yanhe signed a contract with the crew for fifty days of filming. However, if Liu Bige really needs more filming time, Lu Yanhe will also cooperate. He is in Yuming anyway, and he can go there at any time if he is needed. Therefore, the filming time for "Late Spring" was relatively ample and the project was not in such a rush.

With the premiere of "Three Mountains" coming soon, Wang Zhong contacted Lu Yanhe several times and asked him to participate in more promotional activities for "Three Mountains".

Originally, Lu Yanhe had only agreed to attend the premiere in Yuming, but because the filming schedule of "Late Spring" was not so tight, Lu Yanhe later cooperated as much as possible.

 In this movie, he only made a cameo appearance for one night. No matter how good his reputation is in the movie, he is not the starring role. To a certain extent, he actually shouldn't participate in so much publicity. On the one hand, these contents were not included in the previous agreement, and on the other hand, it also involves a publicity effect.

Neither Lu Yanhe nor Chen Ziyan want the audience to have the illusion that he is the protagonist of the film. But now "Three Mountains" has this kind of publicity trend. It is not that Lu Yanhe is directly and openly stated as the starring role, but the fact that Lu Yanhe is only a guest star is deliberately avoided, and only the emphasis is placed on promoting Lu Yanhe's performance in the film, which was highly praised at the West Tour Film Festival.

 In addition to this, there is one more thing. For the rest of the publicity schedule, Wang Zhong just asked Lu Yanhe to cooperate with the publicity, but did not mention any other remuneration. When Lu Yanhe couldn't go, Wang Zhong's attitude was a little dissatisfied, as if Lu Yanhe was deliberately uncooperative.

 Lu Yanhe was a little concerned, just because the movie "Three Mountains" gave Lu Yanhe good reviews. Moreover, the other party was Wang Zhong, so Lu Yanhe kept silent and did not say anything.

Chen Ziyan was a little annoyed.

“Even if Wang Zhong won the Best Director at the Situer Film Festival, and the film has a good reputation, you are not a free labor force, and you are always asked to work for nothing. How can you do this?!”

Lu Yanhe had to persuade Chen Ziyan in turn, saying: "The movie is about to be released, and it's normal for him to want to ask me to cooperate with the crew to promote it."

"That's right, I only asked you to make a cameo for one night, but now it's like you are the star of this movie. They let you run a promotional tour for them for free. They put you on such a high pedestal. When the movie came out, I thought you were... The leading actor found out that you had only appeared on the scene for only ten minutes and scolded you for false advertising. Who do you think is responsible for this?" Chen Ziyan said, "This matter must be handled carefully. They cannot let you focus on your acting card now. , they took advantage of it, and you took the blame.”

  No matter how good the performance of "Three Mountains" is, it cannot be as good as Lu Yanhe's.

 Otherwise, if Lu Yanhe was a serious star in "Three Mountains", Chen Ziyan would cooperate.

 Chen Ziyan said: "If "Three Mountains" hadn't really helped your career to a new level, I wouldn't have cooperated with them."

As a result, Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe were a little bit indifferent to "Three Mountains".

 Even director Wang Zhong is the same.


These days, Wang Zhong is received solemnly almost everywhere he goes. This is an honor brought to him by winning the Best Director title at the West Tur Film Festival.

 The schedule for promoting "Three Mountains" is very busy.

Xuanfa Company hurriedly scheduled the film to be released in March, hoping to ride on the popularity of the Situr Film Festival.

 Wang Zhong appeared on a talk show.

On the show, the host asked: "Director Wang, do you have any expectations about the box office of "Three Mountains"?"

Of course Wang Zhong hopes that the box office of "Three Mountains" will be as high as possible. However, everyone also knows that such a movie can't actually have a high box office. When he didn't win the award before, he thought it could get tens of millions. The box office is a miracle. Now that I have won the prize, it will exceed 100 million at most, which is considered a big hit.

 In today's movie market, such box office figures are undoubtedly not enough.

Wang Zhong could only evade the important points and said: "I hope it will be liked by more audiences. In fact, we all know that it is not a movie that can get high box office. This was not the intention from the beginning of filming."

The host just added: "Lu Yanhe is very popular right now. Doesn't having him star in this movie make you, the director, more confident in the box office of this movie?"

Wang Zhong felt a little uncomfortable hearing this. This is his movie, not Lu Yanhe's. What's more, Lu Yanhe only made a cameo appearance for ten minutes.

The publicity team has been asking him to find Lu Yanhe to participate in more publicity activities during this period. The host still asked questions like this in the last show, which made Wang Zhong feel angry.

"It has nothing to do with who stars in it. Xiao Lu is very good and very popular, but the power of any one person is limited. How much box office a movie can sell, the right time, place and people are all important. "Three Mountains" is not That kind of simple movie that everyone knows what it is about at first glance is not very friendly to the audience." Wang Zhong said this directly with anger, which made Xuanfa Company's scalp numb and confused. If you take measures.

"Director Wang is driving the audience directly outside." Chen Ziyan was speechless and said to Lu Yanhe, "I thought at first that Director Wang frequently asked you to participate in promotional activities to increase your popularity and make the box office better. Seeing him in This attitude on the show doesn’t seem to be the intention.”

 Lu Yanhe was also confused, "I don't know what the director is doing."

  It’s impossible to say that the director doesn’t want to win box office.

 However, Wang Zhong’s words aroused the attention of many people.

 In particular, many netizens have made various interpretations of these remarks.

Chen Miao, a well-known entertainment critic and co-writer of "Menghui", commented poignantly: "Director Wang Zhong became an immortal after winning the award at the Xituer Film Festival. He doesn't care whether we ordinary beings like this film. It’s a movie. The movie is so incomprehensible that it’s not surprising that us mortals can’t understand it. It’s not that the movie is not good.”

Chen Miao's sarcasm won the praise of many people.

Wang Zhong has never been a director popular with the public, and his style is destined to be a minority.

He is quite aloof and arrogant, as can be seen from his speech on the show. After seeing what Chen Miao said online, Wang Zhong was so angry that he directly said in the comment area: "I never said I didn't care. audience!"


 “Director Wang’s mentality is a bit broken.” Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Wang Zhong was stimulated.

Originally, Chen Ziyan was a little unhappy with Wang Zhong because she hired Lu Yanhe to work as a free labor force before "Three Mountains" and she didn't like him very much. When she saw director Wang Zhong angrily criticized more than a dozen netizens in one night, she said, "Wang Zhong is angry." After the words "netizen" became a hot search topic, Chen Ziyan realized that something must have happened to Wang Zhong.

 She contacted Chen Ling, the producer of "Three Mountains".

Chen Ling didn’t hide it and said directly: “The ideas of the publicity company we cooperated with were contrary to the director’s ideas, and the two sides were never able to get together, which ultimately led to the current situation.”

 “What is the specific situation?”

"The promotion company we are working with this time is Sanhe. After they saw "Three Mountains" winning the award, they wanted the film to be released as soon as possible thanks to the popularity of the Situl Film Festival, and... they told Director Wang many times, I hope he will come forward to ask Lu Yanhe to help and participate in more publicity. "Chen Ling said, "According to the contract we signed, Yanhe has no obligation to cooperate with so many publicity trips."

Chen Ziyan: "Let me tell you, I'm still wondering why the director came to Yan He several times to ask for voluntary help. In fact, as you know, it's not that we don't want to help, it's that we were already filming "Late Spring" and also had school, so we were free of time. No, in addition, our Yan He is not the main actor, but now we deliberately do not mention that Yan He is just a guest star. This publicity campaign makes him look like a protagonist. "

"Don't talk about it. The director and I have negotiated with them several times on this matter, but because they are one of the investors of this film and are also responsible for its promotion, they don't take anything we say seriously. "Chen Ling said, "It's because of this that the director was so angry that he said something on the show. You didn't even know that the boss of Sanhe also said something behind his back, which reached the director's ears. , I think it was sent here on purpose.”

 “What did you say?” Chen Ziyan frowned and asked.

"Even if the director wins the Best Director award at the Situer Film Festival, that's still a matter for their film industry. To sell the box office, they have to rely on big stars like Lu Yanhe." Chen Ling sighed as he spoke, "The director has always He is a proud and arrogant person. Even if this is indeed the case, he will definitely feel uncomfortable hearing it. "

Chen Ziyan didn't know what to say for a moment, and even wanted to scold the boss in Sanhe, "What's wrong with your brain!"

Chen Ling said: "Now that "Three Mountains" is about to be released, I don't want to create any complications, so I advise the director to calm down the matter first and stop being sulky. He is in a bad mood and has been in bad shape these past two days. He can't even promote it. "

“This Sanhe you are cooperating with is really mentally ill! Why are you cooperating with this kind of company?”

“There’s nothing we can do about it. They were the only ones willing to invest in and promote Director Wang’s film.” Chen Ling said, “As you know, the director’s films never sell well at the box office, and it’s harder to find investment than ordinary films.”

 “Don’t cooperate with them next time.” Chen Ziyan said.

 Chen Ling smiled bitterly and said nothing.

 After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziyan went to the crew of "Late Spring" to meet Lu Yanhe.

Today's scene of "Late Spring" was not filmed in a cram school, but in an old house.

 Liu Bige is going to film a scene where Lu Yanhe eats with his parents.

Meng Bai caught his father having an affair. At noon that day, a family of three sat together for lunch.

Mother didn’t know why, but she was preparing lunch as usual.

Meng Bai was suffocating in his heart, and his father said a few words "Don't delay your studies by falling in love early", so he replied a few words in a strange way, and the two of them started to fight, with his mother in the middle trying to stop the fight, and Meng Bai felt a knot in his heart. He was on fire, but he didn't want his mother to be caught in the middle, so he put on his schoolbag and left home with a cold face.

When Chen Ziyan arrived at the scene, Lu Yanhe was acting with the actors who played his parents in the movie.

The two actors are both old actors, not well-known, but their acting is very good.

 The actor who plays the father is called Chen Yinghui, and the actor who plays the mother is called Jiang Biyu.

Chen Ziyan waited until they finished the play before calling Lu Yanhe aside and told him about Wang Zhong, Chen Ling and Sanhe Company.

"I want to take you to meet Director Wang after you finish the show today." Chen Ziyan said, "There was a misunderstanding before, and you and I were also cold-blooded towards Director Wang. Now that we know the situation, we can't let the misunderstanding be like this." Go on, one more, Director Wang is in a bad mood now, let's go have a meal with him and have a chat, maybe it can make him feel better."

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe nodded without saying a word.

 After Chen Ziyan said this, she turned to look in the direction of Chen Yinghui and Jiang Biyu.

"Cooperate with these two and learn from them. These two are very good at acting." Chen Ziyan seemed to be familiar with them. "Liu Bige is also very capable. He invited them to act with you. "

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Liu Bige also said that he invited these two people after visiting the thatched cottage three times."

In the movie, these two don't have many roles, only three or four scenes. What Chen Ziyan said is true. They are really here to play for Lu Yanhe, and there is no room for them to express themselves. If you are still willing to come like this, it is usually because of favors. (End of chapter)

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