Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 318: Relieve

As he acted in more and more plays, Lu Yanhe became more and more interested in acting opposite actors with good acting skills.

The other party's acting skills are good, which can also give him better stimulation.

 One person's one-man show is good-looking, but the beauty of his opponent's show cannot be replaced by a one-man show.

 It was a very simple conflict at the dinner table. Lu Yanhe, Chen Yinghui and Jiang Biyu acted together, pondering almost every line.

"Xiao Lu violated me, and my first reaction was to slap him in the mouth." Chen Yinghui said, "Biyu, I will move my arm at this time. Don't wait for me to raise my hand. As soon as I make a move, you will "Hold me down."

Jiang Biyu instantly understood what Chen Yinghui meant, "Well, as an old married couple for more than 20 years, I can tell what you are going to do with just one look at you. No, it should be Xiao Lu's reaction, and I know what your next reaction will be. What, so move faster."

While the two were pondering the play, Liu Bige did not interrupt, just folded his hands and listened.

“Xiao Lu, you still looked at me just now.” Chen Yinghui said to Lu Yanhe again.

"I'm full of temper with you here, shouldn't I resist it?" Lu Yanhe was a little confused.

Chen Yinghui said: "If you were so stubborn and not afraid of me at all, wouldn't you have exposed the fact that you saw me cheating? Why are you sulking overtly or covertly?"

 Lu Yanhe reacted.

"You mean, after all, I am still a little afraid of you as a father."

“If this wasn’t the case, the other scenes wouldn’t work either,” Chen Yinghui said.

 Lu Yanhe: "I still feel that I am not so afraid of you at this time."

"There are differences in this fear. Some fears are specific fears. For example, I am usually very cruel to you and control you harshly. You are afraid of me when you see me. Some fears are due to the natural father-son relationship between me and you. "In the context of the entire society, sons have a natural fear when facing Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu's authority has been established since he was a child." Chen Yinghui said, "You dare to contradict me because the former is afraid of disappearing." But you didn’t dare to open the pot directly. Firstly, you didn’t want your mother to know, and secondly, the latter’s natural fear meant that you had a weakness and scruples.”

Lu Yanhe looked astonished.

 Officially started filming. Lu Yanhe's entire performance is much richer. At the dinner table, Lu Yanhe's eyes no longer reflected the back and forth between him and Chen Yinghui, but a tangible reaction, all in subconscious details.

For example, when he was having a tit-for-tat confrontation with Chen Yinghui, he would subconsciously look at his mother again, and then put away his look of resignation.

For example, when Chen Yinghui becomes emotionally intense, he will subconsciously look to the side, or directly look at the table, avoiding Chen Yinghui's eyes.


"It's all a show." Sitting behind the monitor, Liu Bige couldn't help but praise, "Look, Lu Yanhe was in the character state before, and everything felt right, but the effect was not as good as this one. The reaction in this scene is like a tenon, and it matches up perfectly. "

Miao Yue asked him, "Don't they all say that as long as the character's condition is right, no matter how you act, it will be right?"

"This is all nonsense." Liu Bige said, "For professional actors, it is not difficult to enter the character state, but it is really difficult to make the audience enter the character state with empathy. Acting skills, I really think Is it enough to just experience without technology?”


After filming this scene, Lu Yanhe came in from outside the house, and every pore in his body was trembling - there was a sense of excitement that he had had enough of the performance.

“The feeling of this one is very different.” He told Chen Yinghui and Jiang Biyu.

Liu Bige came over and said, "The one just now is good, but here's another one."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned and looked at Liu Bige in a daze, "Didn't I perform well just now?"

 “You can act well.” Liu Bige nodded, “But I think you can do better.”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Chen Yinghui and Jiang Biyu both smiled without saying a word and continued to act with Lu Yanhe.

 Chen Yinghui was relatively good in this scene, and Jiang Biyu was almost entirely acting as a companion for the father and son.

But even so, she put 100% into every part and played an ordinary mother to perfection.

Several switches and changes in eyes make her character stand firmly.

When Lu Yanhe was acting, his attention was focused on Chen Yinghui most of the time. He went to the monitor to look at the material he had just taken, and then he noticed that Jiang Biyu was not idle for a moment when he and Chen Yinghui were confronting each other. Firmly controlling the balance of the entire scene makes the originally tense scene feel more relaxed.

 Liu Bige asked the three of them to take two more pictures before giving up.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but ask: "Are the two at the back better than the ones at the front?"

 Liu Bige shook his head: "No."

“Then why do we always have to reshoot?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Liu Bige smiled and said, "I wanted to see if I could do something better. You actors came together and the scene was even more exciting than I expected. I thought it was just an ordinary shot. The cutscenes were so dramatic that you raised my expectations, and my expectations are getting higher and higher.”

Jiang Biyu said to Lu Yanhe with a smile: "Don't ask him. Directors are like this. They are always greedy. After taking a good one, they still want a better one, until he realizes that he can't squeeze more out of you." Only when you are ready will you give up.”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 He exchanged contact information with two teachers, Chen Yinghui and Jiang Biyu.

“I learned a lot from filming today’s scene with you two, thank you two teachers.” Lu Yanhe bowed to them.

Jiang Biyu held Lu Yanhe's face with both hands and patted it gently, just like a mother would do to her child.

"You kid, why are you so polite to us?"

Chen Yinghui smiled and said, "Jiang Jun has praised us countless times that you have a good acting savvy. When we saw him today, it turned out to be true."

 Teacher Jiang Jun!

Lu Yanhe showed a look of surprise.

 It turns out that there is another layer of reason in it.


On the way to meet Director Wang Zhong, Lu Yanhe told Chen Ziyan this matter with emotion.

Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "The entertainment industry is like this. Big or small, it's just a circle. So I usually tell you, try your best to be kind to others and make more good connections. No one knows when you will make good connections. A person with good karma will help you a lot.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Along the way, Lu Yanhe worked **** his own, but he also relied on the help of many people.

 Without Jiang Yuqian’s recommendation, he would not have been able to act in Luo Yuzhong’s "The Golden Age".

Without Luo Yuzhong's recommendation, he would not have been able to play Chen Lingling's "Phoenix Stage".

Without Chen Lingling's "Phoenix Terrace", Wang Zhong would not have thought of asking him to guest star as the fortune teller in "Three Mountains".

 Many things are connected one after another in this way.

Lu Yanhe told Chen Ziyan: "The longer I have been an actor, the more I feel that the entertainment industry I saw before is actually just a superficial world. The stars we know are just the most eye-catching people in the world. In addition to them, there are Mr. Jiang Jun and others are less famous but equally powerful actors.”

"In the actor's profession, there is no use fighting for the day and night, but fighting for the long-term success." Chen Ziyan said, "There used to be many popular actors who were very popular, but they all ended their curtains early. On the contrary, there are actors like Jiang Jun who have been working steadily in this industry. No one knows when they will become famous. Chen Jiping and Zhang Zhiwen are both actors who have emerged in recent years and become famous overnight. Before becoming famous, they also experienced dormancy and silence for more than ten or twenty years. "

In Chen Ziyan’s eyes, Lu Yanhe became famous at a young age, experienced overnight fame, and also experienced periods of prosperity and decline. This is Lu Yanhe's most valuable experience. Only with this experience can Lu Yanhe be rational and self-reliant, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Teacher Jiang, how is his recovery?"

"He has almost returned to normal. However, many people are worried that he has not fully recovered, that he will relapse, and that they dare not ask him to act, for fear that he will not be able to act in the middle of the performance." Chen Ziyan sighed as she spoke. Lu Yanhe frowned slightly.

“Forget it if I had such worries before, now half a year has passed, why are they still saying this?”

 Chen Ziyan did not speak.

Lu Yanhe said: "Has Northern Lights Video not given feedback on the first five episode scripts of "Squid Game"?"

"Not yet. I guess they are still waiting for the market response from "Seventeenth Floor". However, if we are willing to sign the cooperation agreement with Northern Lights, their evaluation of the "Squid Game" script should be given priority. "A lot." Chen Ziyan said, "What do you think about a long-term cooperation with Northern Lights Video?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, I have been thinking about it for a long time. The main thing is to make the cooperation with Northern Lights Video a little simpler. I neither want their capital injection nor do I want the terms of the cooperation to become so complicated. The more complicated it is, the more constraints it will have. Of course I am willing to cooperate with them for a long time, but acting is acting and screenwriting is screenwriting. These are two different things."

“If we separate these two identities, the conditions that Northern Lights promised us before will definitely be compromised.” Chen Ziyan immediately reminded.

Lu Yanhe's most glorious resume now is actually "Six People".

The only projects that can impress such a big platform as Northern Lights to proactively cooperate with Lu Yanhe are blockbuster projects like "Six People".

The success of "Six People" comes from the fact that Lu Yanhe wrote and acted in this drama. Which identity is the main reason cannot be analyzed, so we can only look at it uniformly.

Lu Yanhe said: "If the conditions are compromised, then discount them. Just don't trick me into it."

Chen Ziyan laughed.

 “Then what do you want to talk to them about?”

"A cooperation as an actor and a cooperation as a screenwriter should be discussed separately." Lu Yanhe said immediately, "Acting is about acting, and screenwriters are about screenwriting. In this way, the company doesn't have to bother me with contracts and profit sharing, and I don't have to worry. Care for one end and lose one for sure.”

Chen Ziyan thought for a moment and nodded, "That's fine. Your actors are contracted by the company, and the screenwriter is working on it yourself. There is no one else acting as an agent. It is the easiest to do it separately, and it will save a lot of trouble in the future. "

“The most important thing is that I hope to be able to take the initiative in my own hands.” Lu Yanhe said, “I want to eliminate unnecessary interference as much as possible when taking on any play, acting in it, or writing it.”

"When you sign a long-term cooperation agreement with Northern Lights, they don't want you to act in their drama, they just like you, so they want to invest in you and buy shares in advance." Chen Ziyan said, "In our current production company, many The news has not been leaked out, and others don’t know that you already have several movie scripts. They only know that you have a "Squid Game" and a costume sitcom with no character. In this case, Mr. Lin is willing to spend so much money. Injecting capital at a large price is actually investing in you.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, there are several scripts that have not been filmed yet, and no one knows what the results will be."

"That's a good thing. Now everyone has only seen your hit movie "Six", and they will take a high look at your subsequent works." Chen Ziyan said, "Like "Raise the Red Lantern" and "Rouge Button" If a script like this is produced, it won't do much at the box office. Although it is more beautiful and easier to understand than a film like "Three Mountains", it is not the kind of film that can make the audience enjoy watching it. If it is actually released, When others see their box office results, their expectations of you may be lowered.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "If you can make money, make money, and if you can't, just don't lose money. My goals are not high. Do what you want to do, and don't make money. That's enough."

Chen Ziyan smiled and said, "It's normal for you to think like this now, but when you make a movie that is a huge box office success like "Six People", if you don't change your mind, people around you will force you to change. Just like Director Wang Zhong, the people in Sanhe clearly know Director Wang Zhong’s thoughts and pursuit of art, but that doesn’t stop them from persuading and trying to change Director Wang Zhong’s mind over and over again. You see, in the end, Wang Zhong. Aren’t you still being pushed by them to come to you for publicity?”

Lu Yanhe was horrified.

 What Chen Ziyan said is actually a very terrible fact.

 In this world, if you want to be yourself, you don’t just have to stick to yourself.


Wang Zhong should have been proud of the spring breeze.

As a film director, his status in the film industry has skyrocketed, reaching the top of the pyramid in one fell swoop.

 However, once any work of art has a name, it cannot be put on the shelf. If you want to make a beautiful orchid in the empty valley, there will be a large number of people who have to measure a market price for you.

 Wang Zhong's "Three Mountains" was promoted by Sanhe, the publicity company, to such a large scale and momentum. He was repeatedly told that as long as the film ran well, it would be able to sell at the box office.

“Director Wang, don’t you want your movie to achieve good box office results at all?”

This sentence was like a magic spell, seducing Wang Zhong to change the principles he adhered to step by step to cooperate with the publicity and marketing arranged by them. Until these two days, he realized belatedly that all this had nothing to do with it. He thinks very differently.

"They have invested, but the overseas copyright income of "Three Mountains" has already made them a lot of money. I don't owe them anything!" Wang Zhong and Chen Ling both cursed angrily, "Before, I I am also afraid that they will lose money and I will be sorry for them, but "Three Mountains" did not lose money! The overseas copyright income alone has made them more than 20 million, not to mention the long-term profits in the future. Tell them, I will not do it again. Cooperate with them in this false marketing!”

For Lu Yanhe, what made him unhappy about the way "Three Mountains" was promoted was that he was asked to work as a free labor force and his role in the movie was deliberately confused.

But for Wang Zhong, the current announcement of "Three Mountains" is completely concealing the theme of the film itself. It was promoted from the beginning as a story of three teenagers searching for treasures and adventures in the famine era - this is the positioning of a commercial film. He also boasted about how superb Lu Yanhe's acting skills are. It's worth going to the cinema just for Lu Yanhe's acting skills.

 It was all this kind of gimmick marketing, which was hard for Wang Zhong to accept.

Wang Zhong has not appeared in the promotional schedule of "Three Mountains" for two days.

 It was all Chen Jiang, Sui Fangran, and Wang Lu who were cooperating.

However, the three of them are just newcomers and not many people know them. The effect of their publicity before the release was not very good.

The people from Sanhe have been contacting Wang Zhong in the past two days, apologizing to him, and trying to coax Wang Zhong back with emotion and reason.

Wang Zhong was even more annoyed by their annoying behavior.

At this time, Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan suddenly took the initiative to invite him to have dinner together, which surprised him.

Wang Zhong actually admired Lu Yanhe very much and was somewhat close to him.

 The key to "Three Mountains" being able to receive such high praise is Lu Yanhe's key performance.

Wang Zhong knew that in fact, when it was released at the West Tur Film Festival, the judges and the media all pointed out this point more or less.

 But it seems that not many people in China are paying attention, and instead they are focusing on Lu Yanhe’s star status.

However, since returning from the West Tur Film Festival, due to film promotion matters, there have been some real rifts between him and Lu Yanhe that have not been made public and have not been spoken to each other.

Wang Zhong didn't know how the rift between him and Lu Yanhe arose. There had been too many things and troubles recently, and he didn't even have the energy to think about and analyze the matter.

 So, Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan suddenly wanted to come over to have dinner with him.

This incident reminded Wang Zhong of the problem that had arisen between him and Lu Yanhe for no apparent reason.

Chen Ling said: "Wang Zhong, Xiao Lu has never wanted to let others think that this movie is successful because of his performance. Therefore, he has deliberately not participated in the promotion of the movie these days, let alone cooperated with these Regarding the tone, Sanhe's method not only made you uncomfortable, but also made him unhappy. Neither he nor Chen Ziyan wanted his fans to be tricked into the cinema by Sanhe's false propaganda, but it turned out that he only had ten minutes of scenes. He was willing to come and guest star in this scene for us when he was popular. He came because of you and helped us a lot. Don't cause discord between the two of you because of what Sanhe and the others did. "

Wang Zhong seemed to have been hit on the head with a stick.

He realized in an instant why he didn't want to see Lu Yanhe.

This movie he has been preparing for so many years. After returning from the West Tur Film Festival, starting from the movie promotion, in the eyes of many people, Lu Yanhe seems to have become the most critical person in this movie. As a director, he has to stand back.

 Wang Zhong, as the director of this movie, how could he be willing to see such a situation?

 He looked at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling also looked at him.

 The two of them have been working together for so long and have already become old friends.

Chen Ling seemed to have seen the knot in his heart a long time ago, and only spoke out to remind him at this time.

Wang Zhong fell silent.

Chen Ling smiled.

Wang Zhong asked: "Did Lu Yanhe say anything?"

“Originally, I was quite critical of the way we always consume his propaganda. But after knowing that you, the director, are also suffering from this kind of propaganda, I feel relieved. Now, I’ll invite you to meet and have dinner.” (End of Chapter)

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