Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 322: Liu Bige who draws cakes, Liu Bige who is excited

Many people know that painting cakes is a skill that bosses have learned by themselves.

 But many people don’t know that in a sense, the director is also the boss of the crew. Everyone on the set is his employee.

 Why does everyone want to participate in the plays of great directors?

 Because it is a real piece of pie. They can smell the fragrance and want to take a bite without others having to say it.

 But for a play directed by a newcomer like Liu Bige, the cake is like the moon in the water or the flowers in the mist, which can be seen but cannot be touched. Therefore, when many great directors first started, they were able to lead a group of people to make a good film with nothing. To a large extent, it was because his surging passion and fanaticism could infect other people. Inspire creativity in others.

Liubige is a passionate person, and he sometimes has the enthusiasm of a poet.

So, when he said something that sounded too "unbelievable", Lu Yanhe only hesitated for a moment and decided to become a loyal "believer".

He himself is a rational person and cannot easily believe other people's words or be brainwashed. However, by nature, he also believes in the power of the spirit and believes that people exert different powers in different mental states.

Liu Bigo used "Three Mountains" to stimulate the actors of "Late Spring" in the hope that they could give better performances under the stimulation of "Three Mountains".

"Late Spring" is a film that does not have a very bright future from all aspects at this stage. It can be said that if these actors had other choices, they would not necessarily choose this movie. After all, except for the male protagonist Lu Yanhe, there is almost nothing in this movie that attracts the actors.

 Actually, Lu Yanhe can see that the script of "Late Spring" is good, and seeing Liu Bige's talent does not mean that others can also see it.

 Not every actor has such vision and ability.

 Many times, the director must use this kind of speech-like and pep-talking method to motivate the actors and other people on the crew.

 Let everyone believe that this will be a good movie. I believe that after this movie is made, it will become a masterpiece in everyone's acting career.

 Only such an atmosphere can mobilize everyone's subjective initiative to the greatest extent.


 The next day, the sun was shining brightly and it was a very comfortable weather.

Lu Yanhe suddenly received a notice to move the filming of the finale scene to today.

 He was stunned.

 Before this, "Late Spring" had always adopted a sequential filming method, allowing the actors to slowly enter the character's state following the plot.

 Why did you suddenly have to shoot the ending scene first today?

Other actors were also surprised and puzzled.

After Liu Bige called them together, he explained and said: "The weather is very good, and it is in line with my expectations. I want to shoot a version first. Don't feel pressured. If it doesn't go well, Then don’t use this version and continue filming later.”

 Hearing what Liu Bige said, everyone nodded.

Lu Yanhe said: "But, doesn't the ending of the script say that it takes place in a rainy weather?"

In the rainy weather, these young people faced separation after experiencing a summer, each with their own thoughts and silence. The status and relationships of the characters are closely integrated with the heavy rain outside the classroom.

Liu Bige said: "I have always had an idea. I want the scene where everyone is saying goodbye to take place on a sunny day. The wind is very light and the clouds are very light. The world looks like everything is normal. I want to show That’s the feeling.”

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and roughly understood what Liu Bige meant.

But Yan Lingyu didn't understand. He frowned slightly and said, "Director, in the final parting scene, the reason why the surrounding environment is set to a heavy rain environment in the script is actually to use this bad weather to reflect a kind of rainstorm." In a state of falling apart?”

At the end of the movie, these young people went from acquaintance to familiarity, and finally had irreconcilable conflicts. Not only did they usher in the end of the cram school, it was an end in a physical sense, and several of them also faced an emotional end.

  Liu Bige nodded: “This was indeed the idea when I wrote the script before.”

Yan Lingyu asked: "Then why do you want to change it to a sunny day? I feel... this seems to weaken our emotions."

Liu Bige did not answer Yan Lingyu, but looked at Lu Yanhe.

 “Yan He, what do you think?”

Lu Yanhe shook his head: "I haven't figured it out yet, but I can think of many pictures in my mind. That is, for a few of us, some things have happened to us in the past, but to this world, what happened to us These things are actually very trivial. We feel that our world has changed, but at the same time, the world has not changed at all. But it is precisely this kind of contrast. There is a situation where everything is normal on the surface, but many things have collapsed on the inside. Feeling of vulnerability.”

 Liu Bige laughed.

 He nodded and said, "You understand how I want to feel."

Yan Lingyu and the others still seemed to understand, with expressions of confusion on their faces.

 But actors don’t have to have everything figured out before they can perform.

 Performance is essentially a feeling.

 There are many talented actors who do not need to do analysis and act entirely based on intuition, which is why they crush many technical actors.

Although Yan Lingyu and the others did not quite understand what Liu Bige and Lu Yanhe were talking about, it did not hinder their understanding of their roles, and it did not prevent them from being able to perform their confusion, hesitation, melancholy and sadness in such a sunny classroom. At a loss.

  Liu Bigo stopped after taking several pictures with them.

 The actors didn’t know why he stopped suddenly and were a little confused.

 But Liu Bige just stayed by himself, not knowing what he was thinking about.

He Qingqing asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with the director?"

Lu Yanhe glanced at Liu Bige's back and said, "He must be thinking about something. Let him think about it quietly." He Qingqing sighed softly and said, "I don't know why. What happened just now?" The play made me feel very uncomfortable, as if I was really going to be separated from you."

"Yeah." Wang Jing nodded, "After entering the situation, I almost couldn't control my tears. I held it back for a long time."

Lu Yanhe smiled softly when he heard what they said.

Liu Bige is really good at finding actors.

The actors he found, among other things, had stronger empathy than the last, and they were all sentimental.

The advantage of finding this kind of actors is that as long as they understand and believe it, it will be easy for them to get into the play.

 Three actresses, three completely different styles.

Yan Lingyu is cool and taciturn and has excellent grades, He Qingqing is sunny, enthusiastic and outgoing, and Wang Jing is introverted, stubborn and persistent with low self-esteem.

 All three actresses are similar to the characters they play to some extent.

 In Lu Yanhe’s opinion, among the three actresses, Wang Jing is the best at acting. Her emotions are the most extreme and the most restrained, with a high quality. However, her role in this drama is relatively less central. There are only two explosive scenes, and her emotions are sharp and shocking.

 But from an industry perspective, Yan Lingyu may have the most star power. She has a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, like a white swan.

Lu Yanhe often couldn’t help but wonder about what kind of actors they would become in the future when he was acting with them.

 Then, reflect on yourself based on this.

About fifteen minutes later, Liu Bige suddenly thought about something and suddenly came back and said, "I want to take a long shot for this shot."

He suddenly said this, making everyone stunned.

 Then, Liu Bige explained in detail how he wanted to shoot.

To put it simply, he wanted the camera to start with He Qingqing, shoot He Qingqing first, then follow He Qingqing's eyes to Wang Jing, from Wang Jing's glance to Yan Lingyu, and then move the camera to Yan Lingyu and all the way to Lu Yanhe , allowing the camera to complete an arrow-like arrangement between the five people, to show that their relationship is still intact on the surface, but has actually begun to collapse.

“No lighting, I want the most normal natural light.” Liu Bige said.

So, according to his idea, he had to rearrange the arrangement, clear a movable track for the camera, and then test shoot to see the effect of the test shot, and arrange the lighting position according to the new camera movement line.

 However, according to Liu Bige's idea, only natural light is used and no other light spots are arranged. If taken in one go, some shots will become dark.

 This is something that the technical department needs to discuss with Liu Bige.

Lu Yanhe and the others could do nothing at this time. They could only sit in their seats and act as models for the light test, asking them to adjust again and again to find the best angle for the shot.

 The good-looking here refers to the good-looking of the movie lens, not the good-looking of the actor himself.

 This process is actually very boring and boring.

 Because they can’t lower their heads and play with their mobile phones, they have to cooperate with the photographer and Liu Bige’s requirements from time to time, do some actions, and see the effect captured by the camera.

 Acting is actually full of basic work like this.

 As a result, at the end of the day, Liu Bige just figured out the camera movement of this scene and the positioning of the actors’ gazes.

Everyone felt tired, but Liu Bige’s eyes were as excited as light bulbs, full of anticipation and excitement for the official filming of this scene.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "I know you thought of a good shot, but you are too exaggerated. Please calm down."

Liu Bige said: "I feel more and more from the bottom of my heart that our movie will be a great movie."

 Lu Yanhe: “I have always felt this way and have never doubted it.”

 Liu Bige was stunned.

Lu Yanhe said: "I know that in order to encourage everyone, you said a lot of things that you may not believe so much, but I always believe in what you say, and I also know that you can definitely do it. You have such ability."

Liu Bige didn’t expect that Lu Yanhe would trust him so much.

 This all shocked Liu Bige.

 “Really or not?” Liu Bige looked at him in disbelief.

 Lu Yanhe: “Really.”

Liu Bige smiled and said, "Okay, with your encouragement, it seems that I can't do it well if I don't do it well."

 Lu Yanhe: "Young master, you have devoted yourself to this movie from the beginning, and you have made yourself feel so reluctant."

 “Because I’m afraid of failure.” After Liu Bige finished speaking, he lowered his head and smiled softly.

Lu Yanhe looked at him.

“In movies, failure is the norm, success is a miracle.” (End of this chapter)

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