Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 323: Smash the book and figure out the characters (a lot of "Late Spring" plots

There are a lot of "Late Spring" plots, don't buy if you don't like them.


 Liu Bige has always been confident in front of Lu Yanhe, and he is full of confidence and expectations for the movie "Late Spring".

 He has never shown such a worried side in front of Lu Yanhe.

This surprised Lu Yanhe and he didn’t expect it at all. Mainly because he really thought Liu Bige was an overconfident person who never doubted himself.

 The way he usually behaves, he doesn't have such worries and worries at all.

Liu Bige’s lips curled up bitterly, “You didn’t expect that, did you?”

“No.” Lu Yanhe shook his head honestly, “I always thought you were very confident and 100% convinced that your movie would be successful.”

  Liu Bige nodded and said: "I thought so before, and most of the time, I thought so."

 “Then what makes you worry about gains and losses?”

  Liu Bige: "It's not what makes me worry about gains and losses, it's that I can't help but worry about gains and losses at this time."

Lu Yanhe looked at him in surprise.

"I used to read many autobiographies and articles written by directors. They all said that filming is a very difficult process. No matter how great a director is, when he is on the set, he will feel like the end of the world." Liu Bige Sighing, "I didn't understand it before, but now I understand why they said that."

 Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and asked: "Why do you say that? I feel... our filming went quite smoothly."

Liu Bige: "It's not that our shooting didn't go smoothly, but the gap between the actual shot and the way I wanted to make it made me very frustrated. In my mind, I actually had a lot of thoughts about this film. The complete look of the movie has created a complete image story in my mind, but it cannot be restored to reality. "

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe smiled in surprise.

 “It’s actually like this.” He said.

Lu Yanhe also thought that Liu Bige was worried about the poor performance of the film later on.

  He said that he felt that Liu Bige was not the kind of person who would worry about the results during the production process.

 At least judging from previous contacts, Lu Yanhe did not think Liu Bige was this kind of person.

 At the end of the day, Liu Bige is actually still worried about film shooting.

"Do your best and obey fate." Lu Yanhe said, "I have always felt that in order to accomplish something, in addition to your own efforts, you also often need to rely on God's will. God's will can only wait, and you can only do it with hard work. Therefore, Do 100% of what you can do, and the rest can only wait for God’s will.”

 Liu Bige instead glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

 “I thought you believed more in man’s victory over nature.”

"I do believe that man can conquer nature, but I also believe that there are always things that man cannot do." Lu Yanhe said, "Do you know why I liked the script "Late Spring" and immediately agreed to act in this movie? "

“Isn’t it because Miao Yue is your classmate?”

"There are certain reasons for this, but the most important reason is that I have never been asked to play a high school student in a drama, or such a complex high school student role." Lu Yanhe said, "I like this story because it In fact, it talks about the closeness and alienation, encounter and separation between people. This change in the relationship between characters makes me feel a kind of melancholy. It reminds me of when I was in high school and wanted to hurry up. Grow up, finish high school earlier, leave the state of being unable to control yourself, and take control of your own life. "

 Liu Bige looked at Lu Yanhe blankly.

"So far, I feel that every scene you have shot has always revolved around your original creative intention and has not changed." Lu Yanhe said, "And I always think that although it is your first time to make a movie, , but what you are missing is this movie. When this movie comes out, it will definitely become your masterpiece. I haven’t seen such a focus on the relationship between people from being close to each other for a long, long time. It’s a movie that explores the psychology of characters and the confusion of youth.”

 This is not a **** youth love story involving abortion or a love triangle.

 It tells the story of several teenagers and girls who met in a cram school. They got to know each other by chance and gradually became familiar with each other. However, due to their respective growth shadows, their relationship became complicated, heavy and collapsed.

It talks about the fragility of emotions, the fragility of people, and the emotions of young people that come like wildfire and go like a breeze, ending without a cure.


After the play was over, He Qingqing came to ask Lu Yanhe if he was free after finishing the work. They wanted to go over the script with him again and go over the changes in the characters' relationships and psychological states.

 Lu Yanhe said yes.

 They went to Kong Fan's room.

Yan Lingyu said: "I have never figured out why Yin Yue looked at Meng Bai differently after seeing him being slapped by his father."

Lu Yanhe said: "Meng Bai was slapped by his father because he found out about his father's cheating, so he started to fight with his father - forget it, let's just talk about me. I was fighting with my dad, and he was fighting with me because of me. She had a bad attitude and slapped me. Yin Yue happened to see this scene. I didn't expect to meet this girl again in the cram school, because she saw me being slapped by my father before, so I faced her. you-"

He looked at Yan Lingyu and continued, "I'm actually a little embarrassed inside, so I'm deliberately being indifferent to you so I don't talk to you, don't have to deal with you, and don't have to mention such embarrassing things."

Yan Lingyu nodded, "I look at you differently because you were slapped by your father, or because you are handsome?"

"Well, let's sum it up. You look at me differently because you saw a very handsome boy with a rebellious and sarcastic smile on his face after being slapped." Lu Yanhe said, "Because My reaction surprised you."

Yan Lingyu thought for a moment and said, "That's good, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give myself a reasonable motive. In fact, that's when I started to be a little curious about you."

He Qingqing said: "I still follow what I understood before. I know that Yin Yue is a very arrogant girl. She is usually quite famous in school and is the goddess in the hearts of many boys. I actually envy her. I didn't expect that she is tutoring Ben became a roommate with her, so he wanted to know more about her. "

She looked at Yan Lingyu: "When I knew that she was curious about Meng Bai, I inevitably started to guess whether she fell in love with Meng Bai, because I have always had a good relationship with Yu Lang, so when he asked me about Yin When I asked if there was anyone I liked, I said maybe. "

Kong Fan took the script that he had drawn densely with his pen and said: "When I knew that Meng Bai might be the person Yin Yue liked, I felt a little jealous of Meng Bai. I happened to encounter Meng Bai being sneaky and acting. It was suspicious, so I followed him, but I didn’t expect to see Meng Bai secretly filming a man and woman.”

"I secretly like Meng Bai." Wang Jing said, "However, I am a very ordinary girl with low self-esteem. I never dare to reveal my feelings to him. In fact, he may not know me at all, but I But I found that he often appeared near my house, and I began to have an idea. I knew that this idea was basically unrealistic, but I still couldn't help but think that maybe he liked me a little bit and he was following me secretly. "

Yan Lingyu continued: "I don't like Meng Bai, I just wonder why he can face his father so calmly and fearlessly, even if he is slapped, he can face him without fear. I am I am a good student in the eyes of others, but I have a father who has been very strict with me since I was a child. He even controls me to a pathological level and does not allow me to say a word to boys. I had to tell her clearly about my actions outside the house and what I did at any time. If I contradicted or resisted a little bit, he would beat me. I hated my father very much. I always dreamed about when I could find my mother and let her go. She came to pick me up and leave this horrible home."

He Qingqing said: "That day when Yin Yue suddenly fell down the stairs, I was shocked. Zuo Lanlan also turned pale. I didn't expect that after Yin Yue fell down the stairs, not many people were willing to help her. She went to the hospital. Fortunately, Meng Bai and Yu Lang came at this time. With their help, we sent Yin Yue to a nearby hospital. Fortunately, Yin Yue only sprained her foot and there were no more serious consequences at this time. The teacher from the cram school and Yin Yue’s father rushed over. Her father thanked us with a serious face. I always felt that her father’s eyes were a bit fierce, especially when he looked at Meng Bai and Yu Lang, he even talked to Meng Bai. I told Yu Lang to stay away from Yin Yue."

"Yin Yue was picked up by her father. We were relieved and discussed going to a nearby place for lunch before returning to the cram school." Kong Fan said, "As a result, when we arrived at the door of the hotel, Meng Bai's expression suddenly changed and he said There was something else. He refused to eat with us and left after saying that. His face was ugly. We were all surprised. But we were not familiar with Meng Bai, so we didn’t pay much attention and went by ourselves. Instead, Wang Jing looked at Meng Bai. The look from Bai's back made it easy to think too much. When we entered the hotel, I found that the man and woman that Meng Bai had been secretly following were also in the hotel. I was stunned for a moment. "

Wang Jing pursed her lips and took a deep breath, "I didn't expect to meet my mother eating alone with another strange man here. In fact, this doesn't mean anything, but when my mother looked up and saw me, she originally The face that was still chatting and laughing suddenly seemed to be stiff, and I immediately realized the worst possibility. I was confused at that moment, and said in a panic that I still had my homework to finish, and I had to go back to write. , and fled."

He Qingqing: “I have no idea what happened and I’m at a loss.”

Kong Fan said: "My mind is very confused. I don't know why Meng Bai followed Zuo Lanlan's mother. Who is that man?"


It seems that everyone has entered the psychological state of their characters. When they tell their own character plot lines and motivations, they slowly become involved in the characters.

 Shocked, confused, confused…

At this moment, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but stand aloof from the incident and looked at them. The expressions on their faces changed. They were focused, concentrated, and immersed in their own plot lines and perspectives. He thought to himself, everyone said that he has high talent and is a genius, but who among the people here is not?

The state of everyone entering the play made Lu Yanhe feel incredible.


Kong Fan took a deep breath, with a hint of regret in his tone: "I did the thing I regret most in my life. Because of my secret jealousy of Meng Bai, I secretly followed Meng Bai and secretly photographed Zuo Lanlan. I told Zuo Lanlan about my mother, and I know that if Zuo Lanlan knows about it, Meng Bai will definitely be in trouble. "

Zuo Lanlan's eyes were slightly red, with tears filling them.

"I asked my mother if she was cheating on me with a man named Meng, and she acquiesced." Zuo Lanlan's jaw trembled slightly, "I never dare to face Meng Bai again, and I finally understand why. I kept running into Meng Bai near my house. My guesses were all illusions and misunderstandings. What was even more frightening was that after something like this happened, I would no longer be able to interact with him normally. However, at this time, Meng Bai came to see me. ”

Lu Yanhe said: "I hope Zuo Lanlan can work with me to kill the extramarital affair between my father and her mother."

Wang Jing said: "I never thought that he would still be willing to talk to me. This opportunity to be in close contact with him made me impulsively agree. Only then did I realize that it seemed that compared to me, My mother’s anger, what made me even more uncomfortable before was that I thought there was no possibility for me and Meng Bai anymore.”

Kong Fan bit his lip: "Not only did Meng Bai and Zuo Lanlan not break up, but they often stayed together and talked in their spare time, which made me confused and uneasy. I have always been condemned in my heart for my villainous behavior, but I also I was worried that Zuo Lanlan would tell Meng Bai, but I told Zuo Lanlan about this in private. "

He Qingqing said: "I also discovered the changes in the relationship between Meng Bai and Zuo Lanlan. In fact, many students in the cram school were privately discussing whether the two of them were together. Unexpectedly, Teacher Han suddenly appeared at this time When I came to the classroom, I called Yin Yue out, her face was ugly. "

"There is a note in Yin Yue's homework book with the words 'I miss you very much' written on it." He Qingqing said, "Teacher Han asked Yin Yue which boy it was intended for, and Yin Yue's face turned pale. She changed and said that this was not written for anyone else, but Teacher Han called her father over. Like an angry lion, her father rushed into our class and asked which boy dared to take advantage of his daughter. Then, he watched. When they arrived at Meng Bai and Yu Lang, her father seemed to have lost control and rushed to them, asking if it was them. "

 Kong Fan: “I was completely at a loss and didn’t know what was going on.”

Lu Yanhe: "I saw Yin Yue standing in the corridor outside the classroom, with tears streaming down her face. Experiencing the most intense emotions, she rushed into the classroom and told everyone that she wrote it to her mother! "

Kong Fan: "He actually rushed over and slapped Yin Yue in front of so many people! I was furious, why should Yin Yue be treated cruelly by such a father! I rushed forward and punched him on his face."

Lu Yanhe: "The moment Yin Yue's father hit Yin Yue, I thought of my father. I couldn't control my anger and rushed up and punched Yin Yue's father!"


“Meng Bai and I were both severely punished and sent to run laps on the playground.”

He Qingqing was very angry: "Zuo Lanlan and I both said that Yin Yue's father deserved to attack Yin Yue, but we were also punished. Yin Yue's father was punched twice by them, and was persuaded by Teacher Han. He asked Yin Yue to go back with him, but Teacher Han said that there would be important knowledge points to be arranged later and asked Yin Yue to finish the class before leaving. "

Kong Fan said: "What we didn't expect was that Yin Yue also came over and ran laps with us."

 Lu Yanhe raised his head and looked at them.

 They also raised their heads and looked at each other.

 They looked at each other and smiled in unison.

"We were very tired from running and sweating profusely. We were lying on the playground. No one said anything, but we felt an inexplicable and incredible closeness at this moment." He Qingqing said, "After our inquiry, Yin Yue She talked about her parents and said that she envied Meng Bai's courage and fearlessness in facing his father."

Lu Yanhe said: "I hesitated and told them about my father's affair. The atmosphere between me and my father was tense, which is why he slapped me."

  Kong Fan: "I reacted immediately and realized that Meng Bai's father and Zuo Lanlan's mother had an affair."

Wang Jing said: "When I saw Yu Lang's expression of realization, I knew that Yu Lang had guessed it, so he admitted it."

 The exchange of secrets made the feeling that they had just become somewhat close become covered with an indescribable heaviness.

Yin Yue suddenly said: "Let's help and let them end it."

 However, the next day, Yin Yue did not show up at the cram school. She asked for leave.

Kong Fan said: "We are all worried about Yin Yue's condition. We called her and sent her messages, but there was no news. We wanted to find her, but none of us knew where Yin Yue's family lived, so we could only worry in vain."

Lu Yanhe said: "My father suddenly had a showdown with my mother and said he wanted a divorce. My mother smashed the house into pieces."

Wang Jing said: "My mother told me that I was going to have a father soon. I refused with tears. She became angry and locked me in the room, and cursed loudly that I didn't understand her."

Lu Yanhe said: "I left home late at night and wandered the streets in despair. I felt confused and heavy about the future. Suddenly I saw Yin Yue. She had injuries all over her body and her face."

"After I got home that night, I was severely beaten by my father. I said I was going to find my mother, and he got even more angry and locked me in the house." Yan Lingyu said, "I went to see my mother in the middle of the night. Climbed out of the window and met Meng Bai. "

Lu Yanhe said: "I decided to take Yin Yue to find her mother. Her mother has sent her things several times. She has the address she secretly obtained from her father."

Yan Lingyu said: "We are waiting for the earliest train at the station."

Lu Yanhe said: "Yu Lang suddenly called me and asked if Yin Yue's father was looking for me. I said no. He said that Yin Yue's father had just found his house and was looking for Yin Yue. I hesitated and told him Yin Yue was by my side and told him that we were going to find Yin Yue’s mother, so that he didn’t need to worry. "

Kong Fan said: "When I met Yin Yue's father before, he looked like a ferocious lion. But when he came to find Yin Yue, he was panic-stricken and asked me humbly if I knew where Yin Yue was. Asked me if I could contact Yin Yue, his eyes were red with anxiety. After calling Meng Bai, I hurriedly prepared to go out, but my parents stopped me. They asked me where I was, and I said I wanted to. When I went to the station, they asked me what I was doing there. I said my friend was there and I wanted to see them. But they wouldn't let me go out. What I didn't expect was that my father actually contacted Yin Yue's father and told him. About his station."

Yan Lingyu said: "I didn't sleep all night. After Meng Bai and I got on the bus and waited for the train to start, we were both too sleepy, but we didn't dare to close our eyes. It wasn't until the train started that we breathed a sigh of relief, but just after we closed our eyes, When I was about to take a nap, the car suddenly stopped and I saw my father blocking the road in front of me. At this moment, I was completely disappointed. "


He Qingqing sighed and said: "Meng Bai, Yin Yue and Yu Lang did not come to the cram school again. They disappeared. A lot of news about them slowly spread in the school. Some people said that Meng Bai took Yin Yue with him. The elopement was caught. Some people said that Meng Bai was sent to the police station by Yin Yue's father. Some people said that Yin Yue was beaten black and blue by her father. After her mother heard about it, she rushed over to fight for her custody. Some people said that Meng Bai My mother broke down and cried in the police station..."

Wang Jing: "I was suddenly afraid of seeing Meng Bai again. He didn't show up, which made me relieved. For a moment, I hoped that he would never come to the cram school. Meng Bai's mother came to my house to look for Meng Bai's father. She said something happened to Meng Bai, but my mother refused to let him go. I felt so ashamed, but there was nothing I could do."

"In May, the last class of the cram school will be held. After this class, our spring cram school will end, and it will be replaced by the summer improvement class." He Qingqing said, "If you want to enter the improvement class, I had to pass the exam to take the class. The day of the exam was a sunny day. I sat in my seat and waited boredly for the exam to start. When I saw Zuo Lanlan coming in, I actually wanted to ask her why she could accept it. Meng Bai's father became her stepfather, but after that incident, I never spoke to her again. She glanced at me and went directly to her seat without speaking. "

Wang Jing said: "When I saw Meng Bai walking in, I didn't dare to look directly into his eyes and immediately lowered my head."

"Everyone looked at me, but she lowered her head." Lu Yanhe said, "During this month's absence, I have experienced the most painful period in my seventeen-year life. Now, I need to get back on track. , return to cram school, pass the college entrance examination, enter a good university, and leave this city with my mother. "

Yan Lingyu said: "My mother accompanied me outside the classroom. She said she would take me away after I finished taking this exam. She didn't understand why I came to take this exam. She had already helped me go through the transfer procedures. I I am going to another city soon. I don’t know how to tell her that I need to take this exam and say goodbye. Maybe no one knows how happy I am when I see Meng Bai appear in the classroom. . They just looked at the injury on my face with surprise."

Kong Fan: "I hesitated for a long time whether I should take this exam. I was afraid of seeing them, and I was afraid of not being able to see them. If it weren't for me, maybe they wouldn't have to go through so much pain and torture. Maybe Yin Yue would have already I saw her mother and no longer had to be beaten by her father. I mustered up the courage to walk into the classroom. I wanted to look up to see if they were there, but I didn't dare. I had never been so cowed in my life when I saw them from the corner of my eye. I almost choked up and I don’t know why.”


 There was a long silence between the five people.

Finally, Lu Yanhe looked into all their eyes and said: "When the exam bell rang, I saw the sun shining into the classroom from the window as always, shining on everyone. I looked at Yin Yue, her whole body Everyone was shrouded in the golden sunshine, and the scars on her face were exposed by the sun, hiding all traces. At this moment, I looked at her and remembered the night when I held her hand and ran in the spring breeze. Do I want to follow her to the station to find her mother, or do I hope to ride on this wind to escape that night of anger, sadness and despair? I just sincerely hope that her future will be bright."


I know this is another thankless chapter, but as a novel of this magnitude, I must write this chapter. It was another four or five hours of extremely inefficient writing. I went to bed. I was very tired. There may not be two updates tomorrow. Let’s wait until I wake up. (End of chapter)

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