Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 327: public?

When "Late Spring" was about to be finished, Jia Long suddenly came to visit the team.

 His appearance made the crew of "Late Spring" excited.

Jia Long is one of the most popular movie stars at the moment. He has almost become a representative figure of style and one of the movie stars that can carry the most box office.

 Such an actor is a dazzling presence for any filmmaker.

No one expected that Lu Yanhe and Jia Long were so familiar with each other, and their relationship was so good that the other party would come to visit the class.

Lu Yanhe knew what everyone was thinking just by looking at their eyes.

It’s hard for him to explain, no, no, no. In fact, he doesn’t know Jia Long very well. He just has a movie script to work with Jia Long.


Jia Long actually came to communicate with Lu Yanhe about the drama "People on the Road".

 But he watched the on-site filming and was surprised after seeing the performances of several people.

 Before coming, Jia Long had not thought that several young actors in this movie could act so well.

 He had a chat with Liu Bige and was even more shocked when he found out what the movie was about. Because he found that this is a purely literary film, the kind that does not make any compromises.

 After Lu Yanhe finished work, Jia Long and Lu Yanhe left the set and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

Jia Long also asked in surprise why he accepted this movie.

"I see that you wrote "Six People" and "People on the Wrong Road", these are more popular story themes for the audience."

Lu Yanhe immediately understood what Jia Long meant.

Jia Long thinks that since Lu Yanhe writes all these stories, it means that Lu Yanhe himself prefers this kind of life-oriented and relaxed stories rather than the kind of movies made by Liu Bige.

It’s not that Jia Long doesn’t like this kind of movie, but he feels that it doesn’t fit well with Lu Yanhe—at least it doesn’t match his aesthetic preferences.

Lu Yanhe did not answer, but asked: "Teacher Jia, if a movie with this theme comes to you, will you act in it?"

Jia Long said with a smile: "I still play a teenager with this old face? The audience feels uncomfortable watching it."

Of course he knew that the "movies with this theme" that Lu Yanhe was referring to did not mean protagonists of this age, it was just a joke.

“I will be very cautious,” Jia Long said. “Unless it particularly impresses me and makes me want to act, I won’t dare to act.”

 The sentence “dare not” already reveals a lot of information.

The current film market has put Jia Long in this position - if the movie he stars in does not exceed one billion, it will be a failure.

 In this case, he wanted to take on a film whose primary purpose was not to obtain the largest box office, but there were many obstacles, including partners, investors, people around him, etc.

 Because a box office failure means casting a shadow on a box office legend, which will cast a shadow on other subsequent projects of this box office legend.

At the beginning, "People on the Road" was not optimistic, and it was never able to get the conditions that Jia Long wanted. This is the reason why.

 It’s not that people think that “The Lost Journey” can’t make money, but that it can’t make the money they expected and the return on investment is too low.

Lu Yanhe has basically never experienced situations where he is "unable to control himself", but he can also understand Jia Long's difficulty to a certain extent.

He still remembers seeing "Searchlight" starring Jia Long at the West Tour Film Festival. It was actually a film that wanted to explore art, but it still used the mold of black comedy and made many commercial films. deal with.

"Okay, I won't tell you this anymore. I came here today because I actually wanted to tell you about "People on the Road"." Jia Long said to him, "Northern Lights Video is willing to give me the conditions I want. , However, one thing is that they hope to obtain the series development rights of this script.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


Jia Long said: "They want to develop "On the Road" into a series and make it a series of road comedies."

Lu Yanhe didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

This as if one's secret has been spied on.

  Why does "The Lost Journey" hold such a high status in the history of film? One is because its film quality is excellent, and the other is because its second film "囧 in Thailand" won the championship in the history of Chinese-language films and brought Chinese-language films to the era of billions in box office. Not only that, the following "囧 in Hong Kong" "Although it received a huge reputation, it still grossed more than one billion in box office, and its popularity and appeal are astonishing.

Lu Yanhe wanted to write "People on an Unfortunate Road" because, firstly, it is simple and has strong textuality. Just writing it as a script can make people feel wonderful, and secondly, because it can be continued to be written in the future.

Unexpectedly, the people at Northern Lights Video were so discerning and saw at a glance that this movie could be developed into a series.

Jia Long saw Lu Yanhe's hesitation and thought Lu Yanhe was unwilling, so he asked, "Aren't you willing?"

 The copyright of this script is in the hands of Lu Yanhe.

If Lu Yanhe is not willing, it's really hard to say.

Lu Yanhe: "No, it's not that I don't want to, but I have similar thoughts about "The Man on the Road" and already have ideas for a sequel."

Jia Long showed a surprised expression.

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Jia, I want to write the scripts for the first and second parts of "The Journey". As for the subsequent series of films, if they want to develop them, of course they can, but I will not be involved in the specifics." The script has been written, and I can authorize them to make a sequel.”

Jia Long breathed a sigh of relief, "That would be great if you are willing. I finally found a company willing to agree to my conditions and invest in us to produce this movie."

Lu Yanhe said: "Teacher Jia, do you want to be a director yourself?"

 “What?” Jia Long was stunned.

Lu Yanhe said: "Have you found a suitable director?"

Jia Long hesitated for a moment, "This is true not yet, but I may still not be suitable to be a director. I have no idea in this regard."

This actually surprised Lu Yanhe.

 He would ask Jia Long if he wanted to be a director himself, mainly for the series before "The Man on the Road", the bald leading actor later became a director.

Lu Yanhe also knows that many actors actually have the idea of ​​becoming directors.

Only as a director can you control the entire play and shoot the movie according to your own ideas.

For an actor like Jia Long, at this level, if he says he doesn’t want to be a director, it’s really something that Lu Yanhe can’t understand at once.

Jia Long explained, "I worry too much about being a director. I just want to take care of my own acting."

 Lu Yanhe nodded knowingly.

 If this is the case, it is understandable.

Jia Long smiled and said, "Let's watch the director slowly. Don't be in a hurry. Now that we have finally secured the investment, we can start building a team later."

Lu Yanhe nodded.


When Northern Lights Video found out that the screenwriter of "People on the Road" turned out to be Lu Yanhe, they were all a little confused.

Northern Lights Video itself is negotiating a cooperation agreement with Lu Yanhe. They are interested in Lu Yanhe’s talent as a sitcom screenwriter and his appeal as an actor.

Unexpectedly, the script that the investment department was interested in was also written by Lu Yanhe.

Lin Desheng has been keeping an eye on Lu Yanhe's affairs personally. For this reason, the matter was quickly reported to Lin Desheng.

Lin Desheng was also shocked by the news.

He knew that this kid Lu Yanhe could do anything, but he didn't expect that this kid could do so much.

  Quietly, he actually came up with another movie script, and he had already been connected with Jia Long.

Lin Desheng personally went to the set of "Late Spring" to meet Lu Yanhe.

As the helmsman of Northern Lights Video, Lin Desheng is different from many executives in that he attaches great importance to face-to-face communication with creators.

Lu Yanhe is not a special case. As long as he is a creator whom Lin Desheng values, he will take time to meet and chat.

 When Lam Desheng arrived on the set of "Late Spring", unlike Jia Long, he was not a public figure after all, and few people in the "set" knew him.

But Liu Bige specifically stopped filming to receive him, which made the crew realize that this person had a distinguished background. When they inquired about it, they learned that he was actually the boss of Northern Lights Video. They all looked sideways and were even more shocked by Lu Yanhe's connections.

How should I put it? Some people are very popular, so popular that they are in the limelight for a while, and everyone who sees them will avoid their sharpness.

But this is only temporary. People who have been in this circle for a long time will naturally know that being popular is one aspect of strength, but on the other hand, it depends on what circle you are in and what you usually associate with. Such people.

 Everyone knows that Lu Yanhe is now gaining momentum. However, no matter how strong the momentum is, he is just a young actor in his early twenties. Although many people call him a genius and pursue him extremely, when has the entertainment industry lacked such a high-profile newcomer?

For the crew of "Late Spring", Lu Yanhe's frequent online searches were not as shocking as the fact that Jia Long and Lin Desheng came to visit Lu Yanhe.

 To use a popular saying, "everyone who understands understands."

 What do you actually understand? There's no way to tell it clearly.


Lin Desheng chatted with Liu Bige for about fifteen minutes and found out that the latter had signed a contract with Longyan Pictures. It was a pity, but he also said: "If there is an opportunity for cooperation in the future, let's have a good chat."

 Liu Bige nodded.

Faced with such a big boss of a video website, even though Liu Bige is a director who makes movies, he doesn’t dare to look down upon him—

 Judging from the current development of streaming media abroad, streaming media may become the largest broadcast platform for movies in the future.

Liu Bige certainly wants to leave a good impression on Lin Desheng.

 Furthermore, Longyan Pictures is also on the production side, not the channel side.

  Northern Lights Video is one of the largest video platforms in China, and it cannot be offended by anyone who creates content.

 After Lin Desheng finished chatting with Liu Bige, he and Lu Yanhe went to his lounge.

"They gave me the script of "The Man on the Road" and told me that you wrote the script, but they shocked me." Lin Desheng smiled and shook his head, "No wonder you communicated with us about the cooperation framework of Northern Lights Video In it, it should be clear that it is a long-form video series, not a film and television production. "

Lu Yanhe raised the corners of his mouth implicitly, and said a little shyly, "This is my first time writing a movie script, and I don't know how well it goes, so I made an agreement with Teacher Jia not to reveal my identity as a screenwriter."

Lin Desheng said: "Now that you have "Six People" in hand, will anyone still question your ability as a screenwriter?"

"There is a difference between TV series and movies." Lu Yanhe explained with a smile, "But I didn't expect that this script would go around and find the Northern Lights."

Lin Desheng also smiled, very happily, and said, "This shows that we are indeed destined."

He asked: "In this movie... you don't seem to have prepared a role for yourself? Or do you want to break through and challenge yourself, playing the rural boy Niu Geng?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I won't challenge myself. The image is very inappropriate, so I plan to play the role of the college student."

Lin Desheng was a little surprised, "Generally actors and screenwriters will write the protagonist for themselves, but you didn't do this? Why?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Because there is no protagonist suitable for me in this story. If I write a protagonist according to my image, no matter who I replace, there will be no such antagonistic effect as shown in the current script. What this story requires is a shrewd character." Only a successful person and a simple ordinary farmer can collide with so many laughter and reflections in this context. "

Lin Desheng looked at Lu Yanhe with a bit of praise and appreciation in his eyes.

Due to work, Lin Desheng often interacts with all kinds of young people. Over the course of a year, he got to know many talented young people.

He has seen talented young people, not to say that they are like crucian carp crossing the river, but there are definitely many more than many people think. However, it is too rare to have a clear understanding at such an age, especially the more talented young people. Generally speaking, the more talented a person is, the harder it is for him to have a clear understanding of himself. This is a helpless but common fact. The so-called "genius disease".

Lin Desheng said to Lu Yanhe: "Yan He, you guys brought it up, actors belong to actors, screenwriters belong to screenwriters, everyone has their own opinion, there is no problem with this, but I still want to make it clear to you in person, I want to sign such a contract with you The cooperation framework, firstly, I want to cooperate with you for a long time, and secondly, I hope you can create an evergreen series for Northern Lights Video that can last for at least three years. I won’t tell you that the current video platform. It's all about burning money to grab share, and it's basically a loss-making business. But why are people still pouring money into it in this case? Because everyone knows that there is a huge market and interests behind it. A blockbuster work becomes popular for a while, or half a year, and brings a surging audience and cash flow to the platform, and then it stops. No one knows where the next blockbuster work will be or when it will come. As a platform, this is not sustainable.”

"In my opinion, the biggest advantage of "Six" is not that it became a hit and brought the ratings of a traditional TV station like Beijing and Taiwan back to life. The key is that it has such a model, one episode is broadcast a week, and only eight people are broadcast in a season. If the series is written according to this framework, it can even be written for three or five seasons. It means an evergreen tree for a platform and can bring stable and visible returns."

 Lu Yanhe heard what Lin Desheng said and thought to himself, Mr. Lin, you really underestimated it.

  Its prototype has been filmed seriously for more than ten seasons. It has become popular from the TV era to the Internet era, and continues to make money in the streaming media era. It is the most representative sitcom.

However, of course he couldn't tell Lin Desheng at this time that "Six People" could be filmed for so long and become popular for so long. Besides, he has nothing to do with the sequel to "Six".

 Lin Desheng said: “I hope you can bring such a work to the Northern Lights.”

"Mr. Lin, to be honest, I am indeed preparing another sitcom." Lu Yanhe said, "However, it is very different from "Six People"." Lin Desheng looked at him in surprise.

"In my mind, it covers a wider audience than "Six"." Lu Yanhe said, "Of course I am willing to work with Northern Lights on this sitcom, but I hope that it will not only be a web drama, but also a sitcom in Northern Lights. Solo broadcast.”

"You want it to adopt the broadcast mode of "Six People"?" Lin Desheng's face changed immediately.

 "Six People" has not yet been sold to online platforms and is still broadcast exclusively in Beijing and Taiwan.

Major video websites are jealous.

Lu Yanhe shook his head: "Of course not. The reason why "Six People" is broadcast on Beijing and Taiwan is because it was originally designed to save ratings. What I mean is that it was first broadcast on the TV station and then on the Internet. It was broadcast exclusively on the TV station at night and was launched on Northern Lights at noon the next day. "

“Why do you do this? Don’t you think the audience of the current video platform is not large enough?”

"No, it's because of this sitcom... I hope it can be watched by audiences ranging from eighty to ten years old. Users of video platforms cannot cover such a wide audience." Lu Yanhe Say, "I know, if I say this now, you will definitely feel overestimated, but I wrote this script with such ambition, and I believe it can be done."

Lin Desheng was silent.

“Moreover, Mr. Lin, the performance of this drama on the video platform will not be affected by the broadcast of the TV station. There will definitely be many people willing to rewatch it over and over again, just like "Six People"." Lu Yanhe said.

“Then can you briefly tell me the story of this new sitcom you created?”

 Lu Yanhe also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lin Desheng relenting, "It's called "Wulin Gaiden". It's a sitcom with ancient costumes and non-traditional martial arts. The story develops in a place called Tongfu Inn..."


 Helan habitually searches for information about Lu Yanhe on the Internet.

Even though he has become her junior student, she can often see Lu Yanhe on campus, and she also has Lu Yanhe’s contact information and can contact him directly.

 However, Helan has developed the habit of searching for Lu Yanhe on the Internet from time to time.

  Sometimes you can also find a lot of interesting content.

Of course, the most important thing is that as Lu Yanhe’s number one fan, Helan consciously has the obligation to help Lu Yanhe monitor various public opinion situations and do a good job of clarification and explanation.

 This has become her greatest joy after her busy study life.

On this day, a netizen who was also a fan of Lu Yanhe suddenly sent her a URL and said: Lan Lan, this is a forum I accidentally discovered. Many people exposed some information in this forum. Someone mentioned Yan He today. You have a look.

He Lan first asked, "Is this a rumor?" before opening the website.

Before the website was opened, the other party replied: It doesn’t look like it.

 This is an online forum called "Chunya". The page layout is very rough. It is not at all like the website forums made now, but more like the kind of thing made ten or twenty years ago.

 As a result, a pop-up window suddenly popped up, indicating that she must register to view related content.

 She had to register first, and then she saw the content of this post.

[Breaking news] Northern Lights Video boss Lin Desheng went to the set of "Late Spring" to meet Lu Yanhe today. They talked in Lu Yanhe's lounge for nearly two hours before they came out. They didn't know what they were talking about. There were rumors before that Northern Lights Video was going to Lu Yanhe's cooperation now seems to be a certainty.

Such a message, but below it is displayed that "the remaining content requires 1 bud to be read."

Helan was stunned, followed the recharge prompts, and found that one dollar could buy ten bud coins.

 It’s not very expensive, but... Helan has never seen such a forum before. It actually costs money to read a breaking news post!

 Normally, Helan would directly think that this is a money-scam website, but based on the previous content, Helan felt that it didn’t look like a money-scam or made up.

  It’s not expensive anyway.

Helan first recharged one yuan.

 Choose to buy.

The remaining content is displayed:

—I have some guesses. Of course, these are not random guesses. They are summarized based on some information I know, but don’t blame me if I guess wrong in the end. The first guess is that Northern Lights Video wants to collaborate with Lu Yanhe on a new sitcom. I heard that Lu Yanhe is creating a new sitcom, but there is no news about what type it is. And everyone knows that " The success of "Six People" at the beginning of the year made every platform jealous, and it is normal for Northern Lights Video to be interested. Second guess: I know that Northern Lights may want to discuss a long-term cooperation framework with Lu Yanhe. Northern Lights Video is the platform that likes to sign long-term cooperation framework agreements with some creators they are optimistic about. I have heard people say that Lin Mr. Lin has expressed his appreciation for Lu Yanhe in private. In fact, many people may not know that Mr. Lin once visited Lu Yanhe’s agency, Star Entertainment. At that time, Lu Yanhe was invited to have a discussion with Mr. Lin. , Mr. Lin really liked Lu Yanhe at that time, but at that time Lu Yanhe was not very popular and not many people paid attention to him.

After Helan finished reading this large paragraph, he felt more and more that this person must know something and was not spreading rumors.

 She immediately took a screenshot and prepared to send it to Lu Yanhe.

 As a result, this seemingly rough forum actually gave a sharp reminder: Screenshots are not allowed in the background.

  ? ?

Helan thought, what's the use of not allowing you to take screenshots? In this age of advanced equipment, if you don't let me take screenshots, I can't take pictures anymore?

 She immediately logged into the forum through her laptop, opened the corresponding page, took a photo with her mobile phone, sent the photo to Lu Yanhe, and then told him the basic situation.

Helan did these things not for any other reason, but because he hoped that if there was any information, Lu Yanhe would know it immediately so that he would not turn back and fall into passivity. However, Helan couldn't tell what would happen to this information. He only knew that it must have been sent by an insider.

 She immediately became curious about this website called "Chunya".

 After exiting the post about Lu Yanhe’s revelations, she started browsing the forum with great interest.

Only discovered during this trip, oh! There is so much material!

 Some people say that there is an actress in the industry who advertises that she has never been in love and is single, but in fact she has been married. There are countless speculations under the post, but the person who broke the news refused to reveal his real name.

 Some people say that there is an actor who seems to be very affectionate with his girlfriend, but he has a lot of fun in private and just pretends to be a good man in front of the camera. His girlfriend has had two abortions for him.

He Lan was fascinated by this brush.

Mainly because none of this information seems to be fabricated - the most immoral part of this "Chunya" forum has emerged. Each account is followed by a "credibility" percentage.

In short, every news released by an account will be tracked by someone for a long time. Once it is exposed as true or is officially stamped and certified by the forum, it will be regarded as real news. On the contrary, if it is verified as false , the credibility will be deducted. Of course, there are still many messages that are "temporarily unknown whether they are true or false." This part of the news will not be included in the statistics for the time being.

A very common calculation rule, but it gives the user who broke the news the word "credibility". When the "credibility" exceeds 70%, the information the user broke will be easily regarded as true by everyone. Breaking the news.

Helan suddenly came across a piece of news from five days ago, which said "Lu Yanhe is not single."

That’s it.

  But this ID called "Wooden Man" has 100% credibility.

He Lan's heart skipped a beat.

 She clicked on the homepage of "Wooden Man" to see other revelations about this person, but the result showed that her level was too low and she could not view the homepage of "Wooden Man".

 He Lan was so angry.

 She took a photo of the revelation and sent it to Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe has not replied.


 He was filming a movie, and his mobile phone was handed over to Zou Dong to manage.

The scene to be filmed tonight is about him running away from home because his parents were quarreling over divorce and meeting Yan Lingyu who had escaped from home.

 In the movie, this is actually a small climax.

Liu Bige said: "I want to make this scene a breath of the whole movie. Your encounter, escape, etc. If it is warm, romantic, and exciting, I have been holding back this whole scene for a long time. Then finally seeing that feeling of freedom.”

His explanation was very mysterious. Not only did Yan Lingyu not understand it clearly this time, but Lu Yanhe was also confused.

  Liu Bige: "It's okay, let's take pictures first. I can't tell you clearly."

 He is becoming more and more willful on set now.

 Liu Bige had already told them that they should be prepared to shoot all night tonight.

“I want that feeling of exhaustion and excitement that you have when you really stay up all night, that feeling and state.”

Lu Yanhe and Yan Lingyu are already used to Liu Bige's requirements.

 It doesn’t matter even if you don’t understand it completely, just act it out first.

There are no shots of other people in this scene, but Kong Fan and He Qingqing came to watch.

Everyone really wants to see how this scene was shot.

Lu Yanhe has already fully seen how much Liu Bigo can harass people, but this night, he was still tortured by Liu Bigo to the point where he wanted to give up and leave.

It's not that the filming couldn't go on, it was a scene where he ran on the street. Liu Bige asked him to run about twenty times. When he finally said it, Lu Yanhe asked him what his actions were in the last one. It was how different he ran that made him feel he could pass.

 A scene with no lines and not much acting required more than 20 takes.

 As a result, Liu Bige's answer made Lu Yanhe want to flip the table.

Liu Bige said: "I just want you to be in a state where your forehead and nose are sweating, your cheeks and nose are a little red, your eyes are a little tired, and your breath is white."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

When filming with Liu Bige, I would really be tormented by him until I lost my temper.

 In the early hours of the morning, Kong Fan and others could no longer bear it and went back to sleep.

 But Lu Yanhe and the others still have to stick to the set and continue filming.

 When he saw Yan Lingyu, who was in a state of embarrassment and injured, Liu Bige re-shot about twenty more shots. In an hour, he only had to take a close-up of Lu Yanhe’s eyes.

But this time Lu Yanhe really had nothing to say.

When he finally raised his eyes in the camera and saw Yan Lingyu, the deep and gloomy look in his eyes in the night was intertwined with surprise, regret and sympathy. Liu Bige was waiting for his look, After waiting for an hour, it was well worth the wait.

Even Yan Lingyu said that the last look was good.

This cannot be controlled by technology. It really requires grinding step by step to find the most subtle critical point of eye emotion.

The filming lasted until four o'clock in the morning. Lu Yanhe could hardly raise his eyelids when he saw Yan Lingyu sitting aside waiting for the scene. He took the initiative and said: "Director, do you want to continue filming today? I feel like I can't concentrate if I continue filming." Concentrated.”

Liu Bige seemed to be particularly excited when he heard what Lu Yanhe said. He turned around and looked around. Everyone was actually very sleepy.

He said: "Let's call it a day and continue filming tomorrow."

 Staff all looked at Lu Yanhe with thanks.

Lu Yanhe only saw the message Helan sent him at this time.

Lu Yanhe didn't think much of the first news about Lin Desheng, nor did he feel that his cooperation with Northern Lights should be kept secret.

 But the second news that he was not single shocked him.

 This man spoke so categorically that Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Especially the long introduction about the forum "Chunya" sent by Helan. Knowing that this ID is "Wooden Man" has 100% "credibility". In the eyes of forum users, this news can almost be confirmed to be 100% true.

This forced Lu Yanhe to face a question: Should he make his relationship with Chen Siqi public?

It is not made public because I don’t want Chen Siqi to be harmed. But it seemed that he couldn't hide it, and he had no intention of hiding it. Why keep it so half-hidden, or just let it go public.

This thought popped up in Lu Yanhe’s mind and couldn’t go away anymore.

Before Lu Yanhe fell asleep, he was still considering the feasibility of this matter in his mind.


 Lu Yanhe slept until noon and didn't wake up until noon.

 After waking up, he felt sore in his back and waist. He didn't usually stay up late, but after staying up a little bit, he felt very out of habit, as if he couldn't wake up.

He went to brush his teeth and wash his face with drooped eyelids. He picked up his cell phone and found that Chen Ziyan had left him a message, saying she would pick him up at two in the afternoon.

 I have something to meet and talk about.

Lu Yanhe looked at the time and saw it was half past twelve noon.

 Haven’t even had lunch yet. (End of chapter)

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