Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 328: At this age, this movie (nine thousand words updated!

Lu Yanhe walked around the house, rummaged through the refrigerator, and looked in the cupboards. It turned out that it was probably because everyone was too busy recently, and no one had stocked up on food in the house, so he found nothing.

 He had no choice but to go downstairs and look for food outside.

Most of the people living in Ziyuanqiao are rich young people - the rent here is really expensive. Even though Lu Yanhe is making a lot of money now, he still feels sick when he thinks about the rent here.

If it weren't for the fact that the three of them lived together and he had to spend so much money to live here alone, he would have moved back to the student dormitory overnight.

There is no other way. I was used to being poor before and had too many hard-earned days. I can’t change my spending habit even for a moment.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know who lives here, but they are mainly young people. Everyone also knows that Lu Yanhe and the others live here. After all, if you don’t see it when you look up, you will always encounter it a few times.

 Lu Yanhe wore a baseball cap and a mask when he went out to look for food. This disguise had almost no effect. He was immediately recognized as soon as he entered a restaurant.

 “Lu Yanhe!” A little girl who was only ten years old pointed at him and shouted loudly.

 Then, everyone in the hotel looked over.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He raised his hand awkwardly, waved to the little girl, put a smile on his face and said, "Hello, little sister!"

 The little girl jumped up from the stool, ran to Lu Yanhe and said, "I want to take a photo with you, is that okay?"

 The little girl has a childish look on her face.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Of course."

 She immediately turned back to her mother excitedly and said, "Mom, take a picture for me!"

 The girl’s mother showed a grateful smile to Lu Yanhe and took out her mobile phone.

Lu Yanhe squatted down, gently put his arm around the little girl's shoulders, took off his mask, and smiled in front of the camera.


After Lu Yanhe took a photo with the girl, he found an empty seat and ordered a dish and a soup.

While waiting for the food to be served, he took out his mobile phone again and studied the photos Helan sent him last night, as well as the forum called "Chunya".

 He registered this forum and browsed through it casually. The content shocked him.

 Because there were a lot of revelations in it. Although they were not named, Lu Yanhe knew that they were indeed true.

 As for some of the revelations, Lu Yanhe didn’t look like they were fake. Based on his knowledge of the entertainment industry, it's quite real.

 No wonder Helan was so nervous to send him this forum.

Lu Yanhe searched the names of several friends around him to see if there were any relevant revelations in this forum.

This search is quite a lot.

For example, Jiang Yuqian, the most talked about things on the forum are the things she did in the past to compete for roles or certain plays, such as asking the director out for dinner every week, giving the producer a highly collectible painting, and why. Writers organize birthday parties, etc.

After reading it, Lu Yanhe had only one feeling. This really sounded like something Sister Yuqian would do.

 It doesn’t look like it was made up.

Jiang Yuqian is a person who has strong execution ability and will try every means to achieve her own goals.

 She doesn’t attach much importance to her status as a big star or her airs. When she needs to let go, she can let it go.

 As for Zeng Qiao, it is even more true.

Zeng Qiao is actually a very pretentious character. He is not a bad person, but he often looks down on some popular celebrities. He prides himself on being an actor who performs in a down-to-earth manner. He is different from those who rely on face and topic marketing to become famous. Celebrities are different. They once ignored a popular artist backstage at an event.

Although Lu Yanhe collaborated with him on "Phoenix Terrace" and had a good relationship, to a certain extent, he actually had the same impression of Zeng Qiao.


Speaking of Yan Liang, some people say that this person is really good. Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai are well known to have a good relationship with him, but before he became popular in "Six People", he was the only one who was not popular. In this case , in fact, he often encounters people who ridicule him, saying that he is not as good as his two friends, and that he is just trying to take advantage of his friends, etc. But Yan Liang has never said anything bad behind his back because of this, unlike some artists who are double-dealing.

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

He did not expect that Yan Liang would encounter people who used Li Zhibai and him to ridicule Yan Liang because he was not popular.

What is wrong with these people’s brains?

Lu Yanhe was watching when the food arrived.

 He put down his cell phone for the time being and ate.

   I am indeed hungry.

While eating, a voice sounded from behind: "It's him, look, he's sitting there!"

The moment Lu Yanhe heard this sentence, he subconsciously felt that it was talking about him.

Who comes to find him?

Lu Yanhe paused for a moment while eating. At this time, a young boy with dyed yellow hair came to him. With a smile on his face, he greeted Lu Yanhe: "Hi, Lu Yanhe, hello, I didn't expect it was really you? When they told me that you were eating in this restaurant, I couldn't believe it. I was doing a live broadcast outside the hotel just now. Can you say hello to the viewers in my live broadcast room? "

Lu Yanhe had just eaten a meatball in his mouth and was still chewing it.

He looked in shock at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him and the mobile phone that was mounted on a selfie stick and was live broadcasting.

 The boy in front of me... really looks like just a boy.

 Very young, with a young and green face, but also a face full of vitality.

"Who are you?"

The other party immediately said: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Wang Xianyu!"

“Wang... salted fish?” When Lu Yanhe heard this name, he suddenly felt strange and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you definitely don't know me, but it doesn't matter. You are welcome to watch my live broadcast in the future!" Wang Xianyu said very proactively, "I am on the same live broadcast platform as you, and I just watched your live broadcast. , that’s why I decided to be a host!”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe exclaimed in surprise, "What content are you live broadcasting?"

Wang Xianyu said: “I just wander around the street every day and live broadcast shopping.”

Lu Yanhe looked shocked again.

Also live streaming shopping?

He was a little dumbfounded and said: "I probably know why everyone is so surprised when they see me reading and writing homework live every day."

Wang Xianyu shook his head quickly and said, "No, no, no, I really like watching your live broadcast and learning, and I feel a sense of satisfaction that I am also learning along with you."

Lu Yanhe saw that Wang Xianyu didn't look very old.

"How old are you this year?"

“Sixteen.” Wang Xianyu said immediately.

“Sixteen?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Then you are still in high school? Don’t you have to go to class today?”

"What class are you taking? I have been working since I graduated from junior high school." Wang Xianyu said immediately, "But there was no good job for me. Later, when I saw your live broadcast, I started to live broadcast, and there was nothing If you like live streaming, I will live stream shopping for everyone. Oh, there is a saying now called citywalk!”

Lu Yanhe looked at him in surprise and was stunned.

 Going out to work right after graduating from junior high school?

Wang Xianyu seems to be an optimist at first glance. From the moment he appeared until now, he has been chattering.

“Brother Xiao Lu—by the way, can I call you Brother Xiao Lu?”

Lu Yanhe subconsciously nodded at his familiarity.

Wang Xianyu immediately showed a bright smile, "I said you are a nice person, but I didn't expect you to be really nice! Last time I met a celebrity and said hello to him, but he asked his bodyguard to drive me away. "

Lu Yanhe snorted and said, "I just went out to eat alone without my bodyguard. Your sudden appearance shocked me. If my bodyguard was here, I would have driven you away."

Wang Xianyu was stunned for a moment, looked at Lu Yanhe blankly, hesitated, and said, "But I'm not a bad person, why are you driving me away?"

Lu Yanhe couldn't say anything else when he saw Wang Xianyu like this.

“Uh, just kidding,” he said. “Have you had lunch?”

Wang Xianyu shook his head, "Not yet."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then do you want to have something to eat with me?"

Wang Xianyu showed a surprised expression, "Really? You are too kind!"

Lu Yanhe pointed to the mobile phone on which Wang Xianyu was broadcasting live, and asked: "Are you going to keep this on all the time?"

Wang Xianyu nodded and said: "I promised them that I would live broadcast for them for at least twelve hours every day. Moreover, I finally met you and I want you to appear in my live broadcast room. I want it to be longer! In this way, More and more people will come to my live broadcast room! ”

Wang Xianyu looked excited.

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe felt a little uncomfortable, but he still acquiesced.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Wang Xianyu should be just your online name, right? Isn't it your real name?"

Wang Xianyu nodded and said, "Of course, but I like this name. I don't like others calling me by my real name."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Then let me ask, what is your real name?"

 “Wang Biao, tough Biao.”

 Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Biao, who was short and thin, and it was indeed difficult to associate him with the word "Biao".

"Okay." Lu Yanhe asked, "Then you will do the live broadcast by yourself every day?"

Wang Xianyu—no, it should be Wang Biao. He nodded and took out a tripod from his bag to secure the phone.

Lu Yanhe saw it and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The equipment was quite complete.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand, asked the waiter to add two more dishes, and asked for another pair of bowls and chopsticks.

After Wang Biao put up his mobile phone, he suddenly thought of something and asked Lu Yanhe cautiously: "Brother Lu, are you inviting me to lunch?"

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Of course."

Wang Biao immediately patted his chest and said, "That's good. I just paid the rent. I only have twenty yuan left, but I can't afford so much food."

“How much money can you make in a month if you live broadcast?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Wang Biao said: "It's about a thousand, I can only rely on everyone's rewards."

"Then...haven't you ever thought about getting a more stable job? This way you can make more stable money."

Wang Biao shook his head, "It's not that I don't want to do it, but others think I'm young and I just graduated from junior high school. There aren't many places that want me, and the places that want me don't pay as well as if I were to do live broadcasting myself, even though I've only been doing it for three months. ”

 He said to Lu Yanhe: "But I believe that as long as I persist, it will definitely get better and better!"

Lu Yanhe smiled at Wang Biao.

"Look, I was lucky enough to meet you today!" Wang Biao said, "My live broadcast room suddenly gained more than 2,000 viewers. Family members, don't just post comments, vote. Feed me a few mouthfuls, and I’ll have to rely on everyone’s reward for tomorrow’s food!”

Wang Biao said the next two sentences directly into his mobile phone.

Lu Yanhe noticed that some people around him showed slight disdain when they heard Wang Biao say the last two sentences.

Lu Yanhe also understood why they showed disdain.

Many people believe that those who live broadcast online are, to some extent, begging in disguise—not to mention what Wang Biao said directly just now.

Wang Biao was completely unaware that what he just said aroused the disgust of many people.

Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Biao and couldn't help but start to think about one thing. Why didn't he drive Wang Biao away from the beginning?


Lu Yanhe has always known that people cannot always be good-tempered.

 He doesn’t think he is a soft persimmon, he is a good-tempered person who can tolerate anything.

 In fact, the first two sentences he said to Wang Biao were thorny.

 What made him change his attitude happened to be Wang Biao's attitude.

 He ​​seemed not to notice his vigilance, wariness and alienation towards him at all. Instead, he was very familiar and eager, with a pleasing smile on his face.

In addition, Wang Biao looks very young.

Lu Yanhe felt compassionate at that moment. For some people, you can tell at a glance that they come from a not so good growing environment, and it takes a lot of effort to appear in the world in your eyes.

 After chatting with Wang Biao, Lu Yanhe confirmed his judgment.

 Why do you feel compassion?

At that moment, Lu Yanhe thought that if his original body had not participated in that idol show, maybe his original body would be like Wang Biao now.

Lu Yanhe invited Wang Biao to lunch, and then greeted the audience in Wang Biao’s live broadcast studio seriously.

 “I’m going back, I have something to do in the afternoon.”

Wang Biao immediately thanked Lu Yanhe and said goodbye.

 “Thank you, Brother Lu!” Wang Biao followed Lu Yanhe out of the hotel. When Lu Yanhe had taken a few steps forward, he looked back and saw that Wang Biao was still standing there waving vigorously to him.

Lu Yanhe smiled and waved.


 At two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Ziyan rang the doorbell on time.

 Lu Yanhe opened the door for her.

 Chen Ziyan took off her sunglasses, glanced at him helplessly, and said, "You are really busy with your time. You are so good-tempered that you invited an unknown internet celebrity to join you for lunch."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "Is this a hot topic?"

"No, someone from the company's public opinion monitoring department told me." Chen Ziyan said, "But I guess it will be a matter of time before it becomes a hot search. It is impossible for the live broadcast platform not to seize this wave of popularity to attract traffic. If it is not on the hot search, it will also help You buy hot searches.”

Lu Yanhe smiled coquettishly, "I just thought, it's just a little effort, and it would be nice to be able to help a bunch of that kid."

Chen Ziyan said: "Then you are overthinking it. After this incident, the boy's account will definitely be blocked."

 “Why?” Lu Yanhe was stunned. Chen Ziyan: "You asked him how old he was, and he said he was sixteen. What do you think? Minors are not allowed to engage in live broadcasts. This is a regulation that came out last year."

Lu Yanhe’s eyes widened in disbelief.


Chen Ziyan: “So, if his live broadcast room is usually tepid, the platform would turn a blind eye. Now that the exposure is so big, the platform must close his account in compliance with regulations.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly became depressed.

He has become a good person with bad intentions.

If he hadn't asked that question, it might have been okay.

Chen Ziyan said: "However, it is not necessarily a bad thing. He went out to work after graduating from junior high school. I guess his family background is not very good. If he is doing live broadcasts like this, he can live one after another. It is better to learn something while he is young." craft."

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, he may not have the opportunity to learn a craft."

Chen Ziyan looked at him with some confusion.

Lu Yanhe said: “I just feel that not everyone has the opportunity to get the opportunities that we take for granted, so I can’t help but want to cooperate with him and help him live broadcast.”

“Of course it’s good that you have such an idea, but there are too many people in the world who need your help. Do you want to help them one by one?”

 “If you meet anyone who can help, please help me. I am willing to help everyone.”

Chen Ziyan was shocked by Lu Yanhe's words and stared at Lu Yanhe for a long time.

 “Aren’t you?”

 Chen Ziyan knew that Lu Yanhe was kinder, more enthusiastic, and more affectionate than many people, but Chen Ziyan never expected that Lu Yanhe would be so kind-hearted.

At a certain moment, Chen Ziyan even thought, "Do you have such a holy mother's heart?" However, with the way Lu Yanhe usually behaved, Chen Ziyan really couldn't say that Lu Yanhe had a "holy mother's heart". He was a typical person who repaid kindness with kindness. A person who is virtuous, repays vengeance with vengeance, and is never soft-hearted.

 Chen Ziyan cannot say these three words to a person who is only soft-hearted to those who can be soft-hearted.

"Sister Ziyan, don't worry about me. I know it well. I won't act like a fool and just help people when I see them. I'm not that diligent either." Lu Yanhe hurriedly told Chen Ziyan, "Ziyan Sister, you said you want to talk to me about something in person, what is it? "

Chen Ziyan sat down, took out an agreement of about twenty pages from her bag, and motioned to Lu Yanhe to read it.

“Read it carefully first, and I’ll make coffee.” She handed the agreement to Lu Yanhe, then got up to make coffee.

She has been to this room many times and is very familiar with it. She knows what is there and where everything is placed.

Lu Yanhe took a look and saw that it was a cooperation framework agreement between them and Northern Lights Video.

This agreement has been communicated for nearly two months, and a formal version has finally been finalized.

Lu Yanhe spent almost twenty minutes just reading it.

Chen Ziyan has already brewed the coffee.

"finish watching?"

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “The conditions are very good.”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "Mr. Lin has shown great sincerity. It can be seen that he really values ​​you and wants to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you. He even agrees to keep the copyright in your own hands. As long as it is exclusive broadcast rights."

To put it simply, the copyright of every work that Lu Yanhe collaborates with Northern Lights Video as a screenwriter belongs to Lu Yanhe and his company. Only the broadcast rights of the filmed works belong to Northern Lights exclusively. Lu Yanhe can also make other works based on this work in the future. Other derivative developments.

This is very unusual for a video platform - although in many people's understanding, the script is the work of the screenwriter, just like the novel is the work of the novelist. The novelist gave the film and television shooting rights of the novel to a certain company, he still You can do other derivative developments, such as publishing, games, etc. Even after the five or eight years of film and television shooting rights expire, the novelist can also license it to other companies for filming and production. Many people understand that the same is true for scripts and screenwriters.

 But this is not the case - generally speaking, screenwriters sign a commissioned creation agreement with film and television companies. Even if the script is proposed by the screenwriter from concept to story, it is still a commissioned creation agreement, and it is difficult to keep the copyright in his own hands.

Chen Ziyan said: "Moreover, we are just a skinny company now, an empty shell. He is willing to spend 50 million to register it, as long as we hold 30% of the shares, which is very sincere."

Lu Yanhe understood what Chen Ziyan meant. From Lu Yanhe's perspective, the Linghe Film and Television Production Company established by him and Chen Ziyan will in the future own the copyrights to dramas such as "On the Road", "Squid Game", "Wulin Gaiden" and "Raise the Red Lantern". Valuations are promising. But from Lin Desheng's point of view, this Linghe Film and Television Production Company is actually a shell company with nothing yet. He spent 50 million in one go to buy 30% of the shares, which was actually a huge gamble.

Lu Yanhe frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Sister Ziyan, 30% of the shares is too much. At this stage, I actually don't need their capital injection, and our company doesn't need to invest anything. This 50 million is a lot. But is it necessary for us at this stage? We don’t want to produce our own movies and TV series.”

Chen Ziyan did not expect that Lu Yanhe was not moved at all.

“Yan He, do you want to push these 50 million out of the door?”

"I want to say that maybe in just one year, Sister Ziyan, you will find that we will suffer too much if we use 50 million to buy 30% of the shares." Lu Yanhe said seriously, "I know very well that in the future I will Everyone can earn far more than that through the projects produced by this company.”

 Chen Ziyan looked at Lu Yanhe with a serious face and wanted to say, "Are you crazy?"

 The film and television industry is indeed a high-return industry, but it is also a high-risk industry.

 There are countless examples of poor returns on a film and television project directly dragging down a company.

However, Chen Ziyan also thought carefully about what Lu Yanhe said and felt that what he said was reasonable.

Their production company is only a production company in name only. It has no plans to lead the production of a project in the short term. The original intention of its establishment is to be such a cover company to facilitate participation in Lu Yanhe's scripts and projects in which he will star. It doesn't take much money to maintain operations, let alone cash flow.

 Chen Ziyan looks at the 50 million from the company's current situation. Of course, she thinks it is a high return and it is a good thing to cash it out as soon as possible.

 But Lu Yanhe obviously has longer-term plans and expectations for this company.

The expectations of both parties are different, and their attitudes towards the 50 million are also different.

Lu Yanhe added: "Besides, I don't want to accept this money. If I accept this money, it will feel like I am taking advantage. Obviously I still feel that I am at a disadvantage."

 Chen Ziyan has already positioned herself for the company Linghe.

This is a company that was established because of Lu Yanhe, and it mainly revolves around Lu Yanhe.

It is true that she participated in it, but Lu Yanhe was definitely at the core.

Hence, Chen Ziyan set rules for herself early on, and Lu Yanhe’s will must be the main factor in the company’s affairs.

Now that Lu Yanhe had an idea, although Chen Ziyan felt it was a pity, she didn't say anything else.

 “Do you have any questions about other places?”

"I will provide Northern Lights Video with three film and television scripts within five years for filming. Northern Lights Video will pay me a licensing fee of 15 million yuan for each film. After signing this agreement, I will pay 5 million yuan within six months. The advance payment of one million yuan will be paid within three months after the submission of the manuscript," Lu Yanhe said, "There is no need to pay me the advance payment of five million yuan."

 Chen Ziyan was stunned.

 “Yanhe, this—”

"This is very good for me, I know, but I don't need it, and I can't say that I don't need it, but I don't want to make myself passive." Lu Yanhe said, "If I receive this advance payment, when will I submit the manuscript? If they are not satisfied with the script given to them, what should I say if they have any suggestions for revision or want me to add one or two characters to the script? "

 Chen Ziyan: “The contract stipulated in detail the requirements for the script and the limit on the number of revisions.”

"When it comes to implementation, I believe there will be many areas that cannot be covered by the terms of the contract. The key is that I can walk and sit upright without taking advantage of others." Lu Yanhe said seriously, "Now Mr. Lin They value me, so they offered me so many favorable conditions to sign this contract with me, but no one knows what will happen in the future, maybe even Mr. Lin’s position will be changed.”

 Chen Ziyan: “…”

"Actually, I just want to adhere to the simplest principle of paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand. I don't owe him anything, and he doesn't owe me anything. When the time comes, I don't want to sell to him, and he won't have any reason to blame me." Lu Yanhe Said, "I just signed a cooperation clause with them to provide three scripts within five years, but it does not mean that I have to give priority to working with him on three projects. I have other collaborators."

Chen Ziyan understood what Lu Yanhe meant.

 Actually, to put it bluntly, the most important thing is that Lu Yanhe doesn’t want to feel guilty or take advantage of himself.

For someone like Lu Yanhe, who knows that what he has in his hands are all proven good scripts, he doesn't need this "advance payment" at all, because he knows that he can earn it.


Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan talked until five o'clock in the afternoon.

"I have to leave for the crew." Lu Yanhe looked at the time and said, "I have to go over and make preparations. I have to shoot another night scene today."

 Chen Ziyan nodded, "I will report your opinions to the other side. Come on, I'll take you there."

 Lu Yanhe: "No, Brother Dong has already come to pick me up. He is already downstairs."

Hearing this, Chen Ziyan nodded, "Okay, then I won't care about you. Oh, by the way, there is a very important event in May that you need to attend."

 “What activity?” Lu Yanhe asked puzzledly.

Chen Ziyan smiled slightly and said: "Joseph Film Festival."

Lu Yanhe looked confused and asked: "Why should I participate in this film festival? Why can't I remember which other movie I acted in?"

 Chen Ziyan: “It’s not that which of your films has been shortlisted, but that Math, the brand you represent, is the sponsoring brand of this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival. As a spokesperson, you need to attend the event. This is your job.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

 There are other things in this regard.

"In addition, Chen Bige also wants to go there with the scripts of "Raise the Red Lantern" and "Rouge Button" to find a suitable producer." Chen Ziyan said, "She has already freed up her schedule for next year. However, If she wants to shoot these two movies next year, she must complete the investment and preliminary preparations this year.”

After Lu Yanhe sent the two scripts to Chen Bige, he didn't have much control over them. With Chen Bige's network resources and energy, there is no need for him to do anything. These two movies are different from "The Lost Road" in that they are not commercial films. Therefore, they do not require large investments, and the requirements for production companies and investors are not so high. Instead, Chen Bige needs to find a reliable film company to take over the project, and needs to evaluate which film company is most suitable.

Lu Yanhe nodded.


On the other hand, the box office of "Three Mountains", which has been released for more than a month, is approaching 90 million, but it seems impossible to exceed 90 million.

However, for a movie like this, it has achieved its box office miracle.

Wang Zhong achieved both fame and fortune through this film—after completing the promotional tour, he returned home to relax well and thoroughly, enjoy family life, and then think about what films he would make next.

 That’s what directors are like.

 After making a film, you have to seriously consider the next one, unless you want to retire.

 Otherwise, you can never truly rest.

Only at this moment did Wang Zhong have the time and energy to seriously translate the two movie scripts written by Lu Yanhe and read them carefully.

He asked Lu Yanhe to send him the script before, mainly because he admired Lu Yanhe deeply and was grateful to him, so he wanted to do his part to help Lu Yanhe revise the script.

As a result, after reading these two scripts in one night, he fell into deep thought and shock.

 Then, he thought about it for several days and looked at the projects he had on hand, including the scripts that had been written for a long time. Looking at these two scripts again, he felt very uncomfortable for a while.

Wang Zhong made an appointment with Chen Ling to meet. When it came to the project to be done later, Wang Zhong didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Chen Ling frowned in confusion when he saw that he was speaking so carelessly.

 “Are you holding something back in your heart?”

Wang Zhong hissed and said to Chen Ling: "I saw a script that I really want to film."

“Huh?” Chen Ling asked, “What script?”

 After Situr won the award, major film companies wanted to find Wang Zhonglai to collaborate on many scripts, but Chen Ling had never heard Wang Zhong say he was particularly interested in any of them before. Who recently handed him a new script?

Wang Zhong took out the script of "Rouge Button" and gave it to Chen Ling.

 “Look at it.”

Chen Ling started looking directly at the dinner table.

Wang Zhong did not rush him, and ate slowly by himself. For a moment, there was no sound on the table except for the rustle of Wang Zhong eating.


 April 26, on the set of "Late Spring".

 They returned to the cram school and classroom again.

They waited for two full hours, until the sun filled the classroom. The actors sat in their respective seats and shot the long shot designed by Liu Bigo in one go as they had rehearsed countless times before.

This time, Liu Bige passed in just one step.

After he shouted, he suddenly choked up and then said: "All the shots of the movie "Late Spring" have been shot, and we can finish it!"

Lu Yanhe was sitting in his seat, and everyone was stunned, looking at Liu Bige blankly.

 Liu Bige stood at the door of the classroom and looked at them.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that this last shot was still a long shot. With Liu Bige’s peeing ability, he had to shoot it ten or twenty times. How could he pass it in one shot?

Not only Lu Yanhe, but others were also shocked and unbelievable. No one expected it.

Lu Yanhe asked Liu Bige: "Are you sure you don't need to take another photo?"

Liu Bige raised the corners of his mouth, full of confidence, "I am very sure about my movie."

 At this moment, the actors in the classroom cheered excitedly.

Lu Yanhe also stood up and immediately stepped forward to hug Liu Bige.

“Reliable!” Lu Yanhe said loudly in his ear, “Now that the movie is finished, I can finally say something to you that I have wanted to say for a long time!”

 “What do you want to say to me?” Liu Bige asked.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "You are really a troublemaker!"

 Liu Bige: “…”

Kong Fan was standing behind Lu Yanhe, waiting to take over from Lu Yanhe to hug Liu Bige. When he heard Lu Yanhe's words, he laughed so much that he bent over.

Lu Yanhe patted Liu Bige on the back and said, "But you are also very awesome."

Only those who participated in a movie like "Late Spring" know that it seemed to be shot smoothly without any problems, but it caused every creator to face difficulties.

It is too difficult to act, there is no easy role, and there is no easy play.

Lu Yanhe was trained to be patient by Liu Bige, not to mention other actors.

The experience of more than ten or twenty times is enough to shatter any actor’s self-confidence before starting over again.

 Liu Bige said to Lu Yanhe: "Without you, this movie would not have been made."

"Come on, you can still make it without me." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "You are a paranoid person who will definitely do what you want to do. I am very happy to make this movie with you. , Really, I have always wanted to make a drama about my high school days, but I don’t want to make those school idol dramas. You came to me to play "Late Spring" at this time, which fulfilled my wish. "

Lu Yanhe knew that even in five or ten years, his current state of mind would be different from two years ago. Maybe in one or two years, he would never find the all-or-nothing young man he was in high school. mentality.

He knows that as he grows older, his acting skills may become more and more familiar and exquisite, but the young man's state of mind will also become farther and farther away, so far away that it is out of reach. No matter how similar his acting is, he will never be the same as before. .

 So, he is really lucky to have made such a movie at his age. (End of chapter)

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