Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 34: it hurts

Chapter 34 It hurts

Lu Yanhe has no plans to study late at school tonight.

 He lives too far away, and it is too late to go back after studying in the evening, and it is easy to miss the last bus.

If it weren’t for the special arrangements for the evening self-study, Lu Yanhe would not have stayed.

He put his schoolbag on his back and was stopped by his head teacher Liu Qin as soon as he walked out of the classroom.

 “Lu Yanhe!” Liu Qin called him.

 The students in the corridor looked over immediately when they heard the name.

After all, they are one of the two real artists in the school, and this status makes them attract the attention of other students.

Lu Yanhe looked at Liu Qin doubtfully and walked over.

“Teacher Liu, are you looking for me?”

Liu Qin nodded and said, "Don't you have any other plans later? If you are free, I would like to have a chat with you."

 “Ah, oh, okay.” Lu Yanhe gave the classic “Three Character Classic” reaction.

 Liu Qin brought Lu Yanhe to his office.

 All the other teachers in the office have gone to have dinner, and there is no one else.

Liu Qin asked Lu Yanhe to sit down, poured him a glass of water, and then started the conversation and said, "I noticed that you have been coming to school every day recently. It's because you are not so busy with work and rehearsals in the entertainment industry recently. Bar?"

“Well, that’s about it.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 In fact, there is no job at all.

"Do you have any ideas about the future?" Liu Qin said, "I heard from Yan Liang's class teacher that your agent has helped contact him to participate in this year's art exam, and he is preparing to take the Beijing Art Exam. What about you? I contacted you My agent, but he didn’t reply to me. Are you going to take the art exam this year?”

Lu Yanhe was heartbroken.

It turns out that Zhou Ping'an is already helping Yan Liang contact the art exam?

Zhou Pingan had already started to help Yan Liang contact the art exam, but left him alone. It seemed that Zhou Pingan really didn't want him to get involved in the entertainment industry at all.

 Is he so unwelcome to see him?

Lu Yanhe concealed his disappointment and replied: "Teacher Liu, I may not take the art exam this year."

"Not taking the art exam?" Liu Qin looked at him in surprise and asked, "Why? Aren't you going to be an artist in the future?"

 Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "The agency and I have some differences on my future career choice, so I am still considering it, but I will take the college entrance examination no matter what."

Liu Qin looked at Lu Yanhe's handsome but somewhat gloomy face and didn't know what to say for a moment.

 For such an important decision, you should either discuss it with your family or your guardian.

 However, Lu Yanhe’s situation is too special.

Liu Qin knew that Lu Yanhe's parents died when he was a child, and the uncle who brought him out did not take care of him like this. Later, the child signed a contract with a brokerage company and became an artist.

His agent is obviously not that concerned about Lu Yanhe. Since Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe are both under his control, why is it that Yan Liang has started preparing for his art exam, but there is no movement from Lu Yanhe? She contacted him, but he didn't respond.

 No one can negotiate.

Liu Qin took a deep breath and asked: "If you don't take the art exam, you will take the college entrance examination as an ordinary candidate. Are you...confident?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Teacher Liu, don't worry, although I rarely come to school, I have learned everything I need to learn. From now on, I will devote all my time to preparing for the exam, and I will get a good score. of."

 Liu Qin looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

There is no surging passion in this young man's eyes, nor is there any arrogance. He just stated these words calmly, and then looked into her eyes with an indifferent but winning aura.


 Liu Qin nodded.

"Actually, I'm talking to you today because I want to ask you clearly which path you want to take in the future. If you really want to study hard, then I will tell the teachers of each subject and ask them to treat other students like Similarly, you also know about your study situation, because your situation is different from other students, and we did not have such high requirements for your grades before." Lu Yanhe nodded to Liu Qin.

 “Thank you, Teacher Liu.”

Lu Yanhe really didn't expect that Liu Qin would take the initiative to come to him and say this.

 In the original memory, the relationship between Liu Qin and Lu Yanhe was very estranged.

 They are very polite to each other, but there is no emotional connection between teachers and students.

 At that time, students did not regard themselves as students, and teachers did not regard themselves as teachers.

 However, in this case, after Liu Qin saw the changes in Lu Yanhe these days, she actually took the initiative to come to communicate with him.

From Lu Yanhe's current perspective, Liu Qin is a very responsible class teacher who pays careful attention to each student's situation. That's why she quickly noticed Lu Yanhe's changes and then encouraged him.

"In your situation, I don't know how much I can help you, but if you need my help, you are welcome to come to me." Liu Qin finally said.

“Well, thank you, Teacher Liu.” Lu Yanhe nodded in thanks.


 The sun has set in the west.

 The entire sky was painted orange-red, the difference in lightness or depth made it look like countless goldfish filling the pond, and the clouds were like flowing tail wings.

Lu Yanhe walked out of school and walked to the bus stop.

 “Lu Yanhe!” Chen Siqi’s voice suddenly came.

Lu Yanhe turned around in confusion and saw Chen Siqi sitting on the steps of a bookstore next to the school, with a long white leg stretched out on the ground, and her face glowed with a gradually warming luster in the sun.

“Why are you sitting here?” Lu Yanhe approached and immediately discovered the wound on Chen Siqi’s leg.

  A **** nearly ten centimeters long was made somewhere on the side of her right leg, and a layer of blood oozed out, which looked a bit scary.

Chen Siqi's eyes were red and she looked up at him.

 “Can you help me buy some medicine?” she said, “It hurts so much, I can’t walk.”

Lu Yanhe: "Okay, just wait for me here."

There is a pharmacy near the school. Lu Yanhe bought iodine, cotton swabs, gauze and Yunnan Baiyao in five minutes.

Lu Yanhe handed the bag to her and said, "You can do it yourself."

Chen Siqi stared at him, and beads of sweat appeared on the tip of her nose.

"Can't you apply medicine for me?" Chen Siqi pursed her lips and lowered her head, "I haven't done it before."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Alright, the rich young lady has never touched her fingers, and she has never treated any wounds herself.

Lu Yanhe squatted down and rubbed iodine on her wound.

“Ah-ah-” Chen Siqi suddenly screamed.

 Everyone around him looked over instantly.

Lu Yanhe felt like a light on his back at this moment, feeling ashamed.

 “Hey!” He stopped Chen Siqi, “Stop barking.”

 Chen Siqi's tears burst out again.

"it hurts!"

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 (End of this chapter)

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