Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 35: dusk, sunset

Chapter 35 Dusk, sunset

Lu Yanhe sighed and could only become more cautious.

 After applying iodine, he picked up the powder of Yunnan Baiyao.

“This is a little painful, please bear with it.”

Lu Yanhe warned in advance.

Chen Siqi bit her lip and hummed.

Even though he had been warned in advance, Chen Siqi still couldn't hold back the moment the powder was sprinkled on the wound. He frowned, gritted his teeth, and hummed a few times.

Lu Yanhe put gauze on her.

“Okay, let’s take care of it briefly.” He said, “You can ask your family to take a look at it after you go back.”

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Chen Siqi's forehead, glistening in the sunset.

 “Thank you,” she said.

“How did you get this injury?” Lu Yanhe asked as he put things into the plastic bag one by one.

“I accidentally scratched it there.” Chen Siqi pointed to the roadside flower bed two meters away to the left of the steps.

There was a broken tile with a sharp chip.

 No wonder he shaved so hard.

Lu Yanhe said: "It can be scratched. How much force did you use to make such a big hole?"

Chen Siqi's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but said nothing.

She was embarrassed to say that she suddenly saw Li Lin next to her, and in a hurry she wanted to avoid her. When she inadvertently raised her leg to turn around, she was suddenly scratched.

 Why do you subconsciously want to avoid Li Lin when you see her?

Chen Siqi was unwilling to admit that she was avoiding Li Lin.

“Where is your driver? He didn’t come to pick you up today?” Lu Yanhe asked.

“I sent my dad to the airport, and I took a taxi back by myself,” Chen Siqi said.

“Then you look like this now—” Lu Yanhe’s eyes fell on the gauze on Chen Siqi’s feet.

Chen Siqi said: "The pain is not as painful as before. I will just take a rest and it will be fine."

 She suddenly remembered something.

 “Thank you very much just now.”

 “You already thanked me just now.”

 Chen Siqi said oh.

 She lowered her head and put her hands on her knees.

“So you don’t study here at night either.” Lu Yanhe asked, “You said last time that you asked Xu Zijun for answers not to copy her answers. What was that for?”

Chen Siqi glared at him, "Why do you still remember this?"

“Just curious, if you really don’t want to say it, forget it.”

Chen Siqi was silent for a while before speaking.

"I just want to make sure that my answer is correct. I can't fail the test, and I can't let that woman Liu Wei'an see the joke."

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to think for a moment.

 Did Liu Wei'an bring such a big psychological shadow to Chen Siqi?

"All right."

Lu Yanhe saw the bus he was going to take coming.

However, after taking one look, he withdrew his gaze and continued to sit on the steps with Chen Siqi.

 The two were silent for a while.

Chen Siqi asked: "Do you like being a star?"  Lu Yanhe chuckled in his heart and thought, he has never really done it, so how do he know?

“I’ve only been a star for a few days.” He said euphemistically. “It’s hard to say whether I like it or not. I just participated in the talent show to make money from the beginning.”

 “Then have you made any money?” Chen Siqi asked again.

Lu Yanhe pointed at himself helplessly: "Do you think that if I make money, I will still covet the appearance fee for your birthday party?"

 Chen Siqi: “…too.”

Lu Yanhe suddenly laughed, although it was a bit inappropriate to laugh at this time.

 “Why are you laughing?” Chen Siqi asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "I just suddenly thought of the appearance fee you gave me. Thanks to that money, I am not so strapped for the time being."

Chen Siqi glanced at him in surprise.

 “Are you so poor?”

“Hmm.” Lu Yanhe said, “It’s not easy to be an outdated idol.”

“Do you actually think you are a has-been idol?” Chen Siqi glanced at him sideways, “It feels like you have never really become famous.”

“It was okay when I participated in the talent show. At least it was decided by fans’ votes.”

“That’s not because people think you are pitiful. I see some people on the Internet say you got your career by selling yourself out.” Chen Siqi said immediately.

 After saying this, Chen Siqi regretted seemed that he shouldn't have said this in front of Lu Yanhe. When Lu Yanhe participated in the talent show, he gained a group of fans who cared for him because his parents died when he was young, he came from a rural area, and his family was poor. This made him the one with the most miserable life experience among the contestants, and because it aroused heated discussions on the Internet, he was repeatedly used to exaggerate by the program team. However, in the following years, people mentioned this incident from time to time, and it became the material to ridicule Lu Yanhe, attacking Lu Yanhe in all aspects for his misfortune, and then attacking him on the basis that he is now in a state of decline - an artist who made his career through speculation, a celebrity Not long.

 Actually, in Chen Siqi’s opinion, what he said is right.

Lu Yanhe is not good at singing or dancing. He has no talent. He is even worse at recording shows. He has no variety show effect at all. He is a complete idiot who accidentally entered the entertainment industry.

 But it’s hard to tell the truth in front of others.

Chen Siqi has always been cold and arrogant in front of others, but at this moment she felt a little regretful in her heart.

 What nonsense are you talking about!

"It's a miserable sale, haha, well, they were right." Lu Yanhe shrugged, "But it's not a sell-off. My past life was miserable. Who would want to survive without my parents by my side?" awful."

 At this moment, there are not many pedestrians coming and going on this road.

 A pair of young students sat on the steps by the roadside and did not attract many people's attention.

At dusk, the light was a bit dim due to the rich orange-red color, and it was difficult to see other people’s faces clearly.

 Only students from No. 13 Middle School would recognize the man as Lu Yanhe if they noticed them.

Chen Siqi looked at Lu Yanhe's expressionless face and wanted to apologize, but couldn't.

 After struggling for a while, she said: "You are not the only one who is miserable, am I not miserable too?"

Surprisingly, Lu Yanhe understood the apology behind Chen Siqi's words.

 I don’t want to apologize directly, so I use these words to comfort him.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: "After all, you are fighting wits and courage with your stepmother in a wealthy family. I am fighting for a living from the hands of fate that is beyond my control. It is not at the same level of difficulty. Don't compare with me." Yes, Your Royal Highness."

A warm wind happened to blow over.

 The plane trees on the roadside were blown away.

Chen Siqi’s face froze for a moment: “Gong…who is the master of my family!”

If the orange-red sunset hadn't happened to shine on her face, Lu Yanhe would have noticed that her cheeks were a little red.

"A little metaphor." Lu Yanhe smiled slightly, "How are your legs? Can you walk?"

Chen Siqi's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and she stood up immediately, "I can do it. I'll call a car and go back."

She didn't even dare to look into Lu Yanhe's eyes.

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 (End of this chapter)

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