Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 341: Gorgeous (10,000 words updated!)

Ma Zhiyuan raised serious objections to the "Idol Era" program team.

He took a screenshot and gave it to his director, and said righteously: "This method seriously affects the fairness of competition. If Li Zhibai and Yan Liang can win more support by performing together with Lu Yanhe, it will be more favorable to other solo players." How unfair is this for those who fight! We have spent a month or two working hard to prepare a stage, but we have to meet someone else's stage on this stage. If you want to play like this, how do you rank? , send Li Zhibai to the first place!”

The director, who was severely criticized by Ma Zhiyuan, was also helpless.

 As the program team, they certainly hope that the program will have more hot spots and explosive points.

So, if Lu Yanhe can be allowed to perform in "Idol Era", it will definitely be a new topic, and maybe he can also contribute a very exciting stage.

 A classic stage can continuously attract traffic to the program.

 This has been verified through previous programs.

 However, Ma Zhiyuan raised such serious objections, which also made them feel embarrassed.

Ma Zhiyuan is not a small artist. He made this unfair protest to the program team, and the program team must take it seriously. To a certain extent, the show crew and popular idols have a symbiotic relationship where each gets what they need. It is impossible for "Idol Era" to not care about Ma Zhiyuan's attitude and ask him to "love or not" just because the show is very popular now.

 As one of the top idols of this show, his existence actually affects the show itself.


 The program team of "Idol Era" held an emergency meeting.

As the helmsman of "Idol Era", Qin Zhikun was in a very bad mood.

This program is simulcast by Beijing TV and Icefield Video Network. In the beginning, these two companies were the key producers of this program.

 The current momentum of this show is so good that many people in China say that this is the "year of the rise of idols."

 In the past, idols were only a small branch of celebrity artists. In China, no matter how popular idol artists are, they are definitely not mainstream. Now, because of the show "Idol Era", there has been such a trend that idol artists are going to become mainstream.

At such a critical moment, Qin Zhikun felt that it was a good time to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory. If Lu Yanhe, a young artist recognized by the mainstream, is willing to perform on "Idol Era", this is completely different from being an ordinary guest.

If Lu Yanhe is willing to perform on the stage of "Idol Era", he can actually open the boundaries of "Idol Era".

Qin Zhikun really wanted to scold Ma Zhiyuan.

 But he couldn't.

 Because Ma Zhiyuan is not someone he can scold in person.

 It’s outrageous.

"Ma Zhiyuan was threatened by Li Zhibai. Previously, Li Zhibai surpassed him in popularity because of "The Ballad of White Jade", and he was very anxious." Ma Zhiyuan's director said, "Ma Zhiyuan felt that if Lu Yanhe and Li If Zhibai and Yan Liang perform on stage together, it will definitely increase Li Zhibai's popularity and allow him to overtake him again at this critical juncture. "

Qin Zhikun asked: "How are the two of them doing now? What do the various data say?"

"It's very close, almost even." The colleague in charge of the data immediately said, "At the beginning of May, Li Zhibai's data was still ahead of Ma Zhiyuan. However, during this period, Ma Zhiyuan released a new song. I participated in several large-scale events, and my exposure was much greater than that of Li Zhibai, so I came back."

“If Li Zhibai hadn’t collaborated with Lu Yanhe on this stage, would Ma Zhiyuan have won the first place?”

“Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case.”

 “Can Lu Yanhe bring such great blessing to Li Zhibai?”

“Lu Yanhe’s data performance on social platforms has always been very good.” Someone said, “His popularity among the young generation of artists is the best, and many parents like to read his news.”

Qin Zhikun frowned: "Could it be that because Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe collaborated on a stage, those parents would come to vote for Li Zhibai?"

“Of course we don’t think so, but Ma Zhiyuan would be so worried.”

 “I’m really convinced.”

“Producer Qin, what should we do? I heard that Ma Zhiyuan is still uniting with other artists to protest against us.”

“Is Lu Yanhe only willing to work with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang on the stage? He is not willing to do it alone?”

"He also has his own stage to sing the theme song of "Seventeenth Floor", but this is just to promote "Seventeenth Floor"."

"Our program is broadcast on Beijing TV. It is not a precedent for some popular drama theme songs to be sung in our program. If we only retain Lu Yanhe's performance, the impression we want to create on everyone will be greatly compromised. They I don’t think Lu Yanhe is here to perform on stage, but to promote the new drama.”

 Qin Zhikun sighed.

 “I’ll think about it again.”


It was already a few days later when Lu Yanhe heard the news.

When he learned that Ma Zhiyuan did not agree with him performing on stage together with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang because he was worried that he would be overtaken in the rankings, his first reaction was -

 Are you so narrow-minded and courageous?

 However, there was a feud between them and Ma Zhiyuan, so Lu Yanhe didn't find it strange at all that Ma Zhiyuan would do such a thing.

However, Li Zhibai exploded after hearing this.

Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan basically never stopped fighting in the program "Idol Era".

 Not just the two of them, the fans of both of them are in separate camps and often go to war.

 From a biological point of view, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. From a real point of view, this is the long-standing grudge between the two of them, which is about to explode here.

Yan Liang told Lu Yanhe privately that he felt that the reason why Li Zhibai was so concerned about the program "Idol Era" and prepared so carefully for every stage was because of a person like Ma Zhiyuan. The existence of an old enemy. Li Zhibai can lose to anyone, but he must not lose to him.

Lu Yanhe listened to what Yan Liang said and was convinced. Anyone who is familiar with Li Zhibai can see how much he cares about the show "Idol Era".

 This is also the reason why fans of Li Zhibai often go to war with fans of Ma Zhiyuan. They know Li Zhibai too well. How can they hold back someone who can make Li Zhibai fight with all his strength! On fans’ consciousness.

 Li Zhibai learned about Ma Zhiyuan's approach and immediately called Zhou Ping'an.

 “Do you know what Ma Zhiyuan did?”

 Zhou Ping'an said: "I just heard about it too."

“You just heard about it too? Why don’t I believe it so much?” Li Zhibai sneered, “You heard about it as soon as I called you.”

Zhou Ping'an was helpless and said, "You can believe it or not, but I just heard about it. If I had known about it in advance, I would have definitely stopped him."

 “Will you stop him?”

"Lu Yanhe will work with you and Yan Liang on the stage. This will be beneficial to both you and Yan Liang. Of course I am happy. Why not stop him?" Zhou Pingan said, "I am not just his manager."

"Oh, you actually know about this." Li Zhibai sarcastically said, but he believed what Zhou Pingan said.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Pingan, he should not have lied about this matter.

 Li Zhibai knew that Zhou Pingan was not involved in this matter, so he felt that the matter would be easier to handle.

"Then don't get involved in this matter." Li Zhibai said, "He is just a loser. If the three of us want to collaborate on a stage, it is his turn to force us."

Zhou Ping'an asked vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

 Li Zhibai said: “I still have to go on this stage!”

Zhou Ping'an: "Do you want to discuss this with the program team?"

“If the program team takes down this stage because of Ma Zhiyuan’s disapproval and prevents us from going on it, then Yan Liang and I won’t be on this crappy show anymore.” Li Zhibai said angrily.

Zhou Ping'an: "Don't mess around. Now "Idol Era" is one of the most popular programs, and you rely on this program to maintain high exposure. In the first half of this year, there are seven new endorsements, all of which are "Idol Era" "What this program brings is that your popularity has been endorsed by authoritative data. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many brands and businesses coming to you for cooperation. And in this situation, if you quit "Idol Era", It will be a big loss for you in the Star Awards list and the awards at the end of the year.”

Li Zhibai said: "Anyway, didn't you accept a few dramas for me? Then let's act!"

"You are different from Lu Yanhe. He doesn't like the stage. How can you give up? Are you willing to give up?" Zhou Ping'an still knew enough about Li Zhibai, and he hit the nail on the head about what Li Zhibai cared about most.

 Many people cannot see that Li Zhibai truly loves performing on stage.

  Because he loves this thing, he participated in the talent show to debut.

Li Zhibai said: "I don't believe it. "Idol Era" is so popular that there are no other programs of the same type."

"Don't be like this!" Zhou Pingan was afraid that Li Zhibai would have a bad temper and fall out with the show crew. Zhou Pingan was the one who had seen Li Zhibai's dog temper the most. "Please calm down first, Ma Zhiyuan." I’ll go and communicate with him first.”

Zhou Ping'an decided to take action himself.

 He was not at all concerned about Li Zhibai.

Li Zhibai questioned: "You went to communicate with Ma Zhiyuan? Is it useful for you to communicate with him?"

Zhou Ping'an said: "Whether it's useful or not, you have to wait until I communicate with you first."

 Li Zhibai said: "Then don't keep me waiting for too long!"


Since Liu Zhiyin received the call from Ma Zhiyuan, he has been thinking about what Ma Zhiyuan said.

"I know that you recorded "Young Days" with them. You two have a good relationship, but this matter is much more serious than your personal relationship." Ma Zhiyuan said, "This time it's me and Li Zhi You are competing for first place in the first half of the year, but what about the future, the second half of the year, and next year? Your popularity and popularity are rising so fast, maybe it will soon be time for you to compete for position, and who will compete with you then? Do you think you have a chance of winning by recruiting some of his friends to support him?"

 What Ma Zhiyuan said cut into Liu Zhiyin's heart like a sharp knife.

The biggest disadvantage for Yoo Ji-yin is that she knows very little about the domestic entertainment industry and has very few friends in the industry. Especially when she needs artist friends to help with promotion, she basically only has her friends from "Young Days" to help her.

 What Ma Zhiyuan said makes sense.

 Actually, Liu Zhiyin would have supported Ma Zhiyuan if it weren't for the fact that Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were involved in this matter.

But in this matter, no matter how right Ma Zhiyuan is, how reasonable it is from a rational point of view, and she should support it, she will not do so.

  Over the years of being in a girl group overseas, Ryu Ji-yin has really experienced too many human feelings. She knows the frustration and sadness she has suffered while wandering alone in a foreign country. Since returning to China, in the past two years, the program "Young Days" has really allowed her to open up her guard a little and really make friends.

The people on this show are not joking about hello and me in front of the camera, but they are just passers-by when they are off camera. On the contrary, they often meet each other to play games, help each other promote their works, and recommend opportunities. It is difficult for them to gather everyone together during the non-program recording period, but they will always get together in small groups from time to time. Those who don’t have time can join next time, and they will always maintain contact.

 Yoo Zhiyin cherishes these friends.

In "Idol Era", both Li Zhibai and Yan Liang knew that she was not familiar with the domestic situation, especially when preparing for the stage. She not only had to be responsible for her own part, but also found dancers and someone to arrange the music and arrange the music. Dance, after a careful stage is created, there are many other things. Both of them helped her a lot on this show.

Yoo Ji-yin’s makeup artist had a problem, which almost delayed the recording. Li Zhibai directly lent her his own makeup artist. When Liu Zhiyin needed a good position in the order of appearance, Yan Liang exchanged the good position he had picked with her without saying a word. Not to mention, the column opened for her in "Jump Up" has always been reserved for her. As long as she writes a manuscript, an editor will communicate with her carefully, revise it, and then publish it.

The self-media of the "Jump Up" series alone helped her get through no less than five promotions. Her company and team didn't buy this. They took the initiative because Lu Yanhe had a good relationship with her.

Two days ago, her agent also told her that the self-media "Editor Club" of "Jump Up" launched a new video account called "Li Bilai Meets the Entertainment Circle" and wanted to follow her for two days. She brings her own business advertisements and publicity exposure, so she can earn not only labor fees but also business commissions, and increase her exposure. This kind of opportunity is not some self-media coming to take advantage of her traffic.

Liu Zhiyin has heard that the first person to be photographed in "Li Bilai Meets the Entertainment Circle" was Jia Long, and the second artist was her.

 Money, exposure, fame, and publicity were all there, and it was all her who took advantage.

 Liu Zhiyin called Li Zhibai.


 Ma Zhiyuan believes that what he said this time is reasonable and can be supported by many people.

"Idol Era" is a weekly program with about thirty permanent guests, who take turns to perform on the show. Newcomers sent by major brokerage companies, and idol artists who occasionally appeared on the show, all come together. Up, there were hundreds of people.

Ma Zhiyuan focuses on the more than 30 permanent guests.

 However, after a round of phone calls, very few people got clear answers and would go with him to express their objections to the program team.

The attitude of many people is - what you said makes sense. What they did does affect fairness. However, it is understandable that the program team wants to do this. If Lu Yanhe can be used to perform in "Idol Era" in this way, then the program will will also benefit.

To put it bluntly, Li Zhibai's ranking is originally ahead of everyone, why should they be used by Ma Zhiyuan for no reason in order to prevent Li Zhibai's ranking from improving?

 Although Li Zhibai is also crazy on the show, he is always crazy about himself, or it is directed at Ma Zhiyuan, and rarely affects or warns other people.

Ma Zhiyuan is full of hostility towards everyone and treats everyone equally with the utmost hostility.

 He had no friends in "Idol Era".

Zhou Pingan also advised him to be kinder on the show, be kind to others, and have a few friends.

At that time, Ma Zhiyuan also said: "This is originally a Shura competition arena. Isn't it ridiculous to find friends on the show? This is not realistic at all."

Now, Ma Zhiyuan has suffered the consequences.

 Having no friends, no one to support him, no one would be willing to speak for him at this time.

Of course, Ma Zhiyuan does not feel that he has suffered the consequences, he only feels that he is too cold at high places.


 “Spring Buds” forum.

ˆ ID "I am a Leo Girl" said: I wonder if you have heard of it? Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan were at odds again, but this time Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe were also involved. I heard that the program team of "Idol Era" originally wanted Lu Yanhe to collaborate on a stage with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. Everyone should know that Lu Yanhe was originally in the same group as the two of them, right? Originally, the program team regarded this stage as the highlight of that episode, but unexpectedly, Ma Zhiyuan disagreed and refused to allow the program team to allow this stage to appear in the program.

ˆ ID “Longyuan”: Why didn’t he agree? They didn't take up his stage. Could it be that they came up to this stage to take away his stage opportunity?

ID "I am a Leo Girl": That's not true, but it is really embarrassing. I heard from internal sources that the half-year list of the Tianxing Awards is about to be released. Now the data of Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan are very close. They are competing for the first place. Ma Zhiyuan is I don’t want Li Zhibai to use this stage to overwhelm him. After all, you also know that these three people combined are full of topics.

ID "Happy Husband on a Spring Night": It sounds like Ma Zhiyuan's objection is not unreasonable.

ID "一四九七": It makes sense. According to his theory, artists who do not participate in this competition ranking should not participate in this program. Participation will affect fairness.

ID "Happy Husband on a Spring Night": That can't be said. After all, Lu Yanhe can indeed bring more attention and popularity, right? Lu Yanhe is so popular now, everyone knows his influence.

ID "I am a Leo Girl": All in all, the program team now has a headache.


Hou Jun’s life is really difficult now.

  "Little Songs Gathering Crowds" is almost unstoppable. He heard that the top management has discussed several times to cancel their program.

 The reason why he is still holding on now is purely because of his persistence.

Although the performance of "Little Songs Gathered Together" was not very good, Hou Jun's own ability was still recognized by Northern Lights Video.

Northern Lights Video Whenever there is a large-scale party, it will basically be handled by Hou Jun and his team.

Every party Hou Jun creates has always received high reputation and popularity.

This time, Hou Jun was ordered to hold a graduation party again.

 Hou Jun was in charge of the previous graduation parties.

Lu Yanhe and the others participated earlier. Last year, Lu Yanhe didn’t have time, so only Yan Liang and Li Zhibai came.

This year, as soon as Hou Jun received the news, he immediately started to list the artists.

 He immediately asked Chen Ziyan if Lu Yanhe had time.

 Lu Yanhe’s development has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years.

Hou Jun feels that Lu Yanhe best represents young people. This kind of thriving vitality is most obvious in Lu Yanhe.

However, Chen Ziyan has not given any accurate information. She only said that Lu Yanhe will prepare for the stage performance of "Idol Era" in June and may not have time to attend this show. Hou Jun did not give up and kept in touch. Chen Ziyan did not refuse directly, which is a good sign.

 Zhou Pingan directly refused.

 The reason is that Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are both too busy in June, their schedules have been scheduled long ago, and they cannot take on new work.

After Hou Jun saw the breaking news about several of them in "Idol Era" from the "Chun Ya" forum, his first reaction was -

 There may be something going on.

If "Idol Era" really decides not to allow Lu Yanhe and the three of them to collaborate on the stage, then he must steal this stage.

Hou Jun sent a screenshot of the news to Chen Ziyan: Ziyan, if nothing else, if you really can't get on "Idol Era", please make a connection and let this stage be performed on our stage.

It took several hours for Chen Ziyan to reply: Oh, you guys are really well-informed. As soon as the news started to leak, you all knew about it.

Hou Jun's alarm bell rang immediately and asked: Who else knows? Who is robbing me?

 Chen Ziyan said: There will be Chinese Valentine's Day party, Mid-Autumn Festival party... there are many grand ceremonies and parties, all trying to win a new stage for the three of them.

Hou Jun said: Zi Yan, you know, I have collaborated with them many times, and I have to take care of old acquaintances. You know that the party I do will never bury their stage.

Hou Jun thought to himself that in just two years, these three young people have transformed into popular first-line stars. I don’t know when the next time I will see these three people collaborate on the stage.


The three people at the center of the whirlpool finally found a time to get together and stay in the company's rehearsal room, staring at each other.

Li Zhibai found a few songs for the three of them to perform on stage, and planned to pick one to collaborate on.

 As a result, both Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang felt that it was not very good.

Yan Liang said: "It's too impatient. Neither Yan He nor I have this style."

 Hysterical, broken throat.

Li Zhibai was a little frustrated and said, "What should we do? Mainly because of the crappy program "Idol Era", which is broadcast once a week, and there are more than a dozen stages every week. All the better songs have been adapted by others. Really There aren’t many to choose from.”

Yan Liang took out his mobile phone, sat on the floor, and carefully read through the top 100 songs on several music software charts, and finally bowed his head and resigned himself to his fate.

 “It’s true.”

 Lu Yanhe looked at them.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang also looked at him.

"How about forget it?" Li Zhibai said, "I still hope that the stage where the three of us work together will be a good work, rather than a forced and perfunctory collaboration."

 Without good works, there is indeed no point in reuniting.

Yan Liang said: "It is true that it is rare for the three of us to meet together. If the performance is not very good, let alone everyone, I will be disappointed."

Lu Yanhe listened to the two of them talking in frustration, smacked his lips and said, "I said, can you two just stop pretending?"

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

“So, you have a song?” Li Zhibai immediately asked with his eyebrows dancing.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head, "There is indeed a song that is suitable for the three of us to sing, but I feel that it is not suitable for the program "Idol Era". It is not so... idol and a bit nostalgic. So I didn't say that I There is a song that is suitable for the three of us to perform. I originally thought that if the three of us have the opportunity to attend the Spring Festival Gala together, it would be more suitable to sing this song.”

Yan Liang’s eyes lit up.

 “What song is it? Listen to us quickly!”

Lu Yanhe sighed helplessly and said, "I'll sing it directly to you. I haven't recorded the demo yet."


A silver car drove into the parking lot and parked smoothly into the parking space.

 Chen Ziyan put on high heels in the car, opened the door, and happened to bump into Qin Zhikun, the producer of "Idol Era".

"Oh, Lao Qin, I originally wanted to go to your office to find you, but I didn't expect to meet you here." Chen Ziyan got out of the car, looked at Qin Zhikun who also got off the car, and smiled slightly, "Call you. , you didn’t answer either, why are you avoiding me like a snake?”

Qin Zhikun had a helpless expression of "I've been defeated by you" and said, "I know that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so I don't dare to see you."

“You, the producer of a popular national program, still dare not see me?” Chen Ziyan smiled and said, “Please invite me to your office for a cup of tea.”

Qin Zhikun was immediately blocked by Chen Ziyan. What else could he say, he could only make a gesture of please.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Actually, you are in a dilemma. I also know that Ma Zhiyuan is the top star of our show after all, right? We can't make our big star unhappy."

Qin Zhikun immediately said: "No matter how big the star is, it can't be bigger than Lu Yanhe."

"Don't come here." Chen Ziyan glared at Qin Zhikun angrily, "But let me tell you, Lao Qin, no matter whether you allow the three of them to appear on the stage together in the show, you have to make a decision as soon as possible. This news spread really fast. Now almost everyone knows that the three of them have a new stage and they all want to grab it. Don’t feel pressured. I’ll be honest. If you don’t let this stage be used in "Idol Era" Broadcast, I understand.”

 Qin Zhikun chuckled inwardly.

 You can only listen to this.

He said: "This program was started by you. If it were you, how would you decide? In fact, you know that no matter how you decide, the program will suffer."

Chen Ziyan smiled softly, "If it were me, I would only do one thing, and try my best to make Ma Zhiyuan nod and no longer object."

 Qin Zhikun was stunned.

"Don't you know Ma Zhiyuan's temper? His heart is higher than the sky and his eyes are higher than his head." He said, "If you say a few words to him, he will feel that you don't take him seriously."

"Big stars don't have such bad tempers. If they weren't so bad tempered, they wouldn't be able to express themselves well." Chen Ziyan said, "But in the end, this is your show, and whatever you do is for the good of the show." After all, Ma Zhiyuan is not happy about it, but is this show his own?"

"That's not my show alone." Qin Zhikun sighed, "The main thing is that what he said makes sense. If this matter spreads, it would really be unfair to him."

Chen Ziyan: "Haha, let me ask, can he prevent Lu Yanhe and the three of them from appearing on "Idol Era", and can he also prevent them from appearing on other stages? Unfair? When he loses his teammates, he can only be alone. When facing Li Zhibai, Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang, he is already inferior to others. What is fair? What is unfair? Is it because we prevent him from cooperating with others on the stage, or does he have no teammates to do so? Cooperation? He is also from MX. Aren’t MX Wei Zhuoran and Qu Yousong also very popular? As long as he can handle his two teammates and help him create a stage, that’s the same.”

 Chin Zhikun: “…”

Chen Ziyan said: "I think you should stop being embarrassed. Don't you just care about the word fairness and making people talk? Why don't you just hold a poll and let all the resident artists who participated in the recording of "Idol Era" vote and choose Do you support it or not? If you support it, let's put it on the stage of "Idol Era". If you don't support it, then we will find another stage. Frankly speaking, Lao Qin, if it weren't for this show, And this Tianxing Award, I have invested in it, and I have my share, so I don’t mind letting them appear on your show.”

 Qin Zhikun looked stunned.


"Uh-huh." Chen Ziyan nodded, "Speaking of which, Ma Zhiyuan said that we can't let things like this set a precedent and ruin the atmosphere of fair competition in "Idol Era". I also want to say that we can't say it's not okay just because an artist is here. It really makes your program team timid and delayed in making decisions. This has further ruined the atmosphere of "Idol Era". It is a program, and what it pursues is the beauty, quality and popularity of the program, not the so-called It’s unreasonable fairness.”

 She raised her eyelids and looked at Qin Zhikun.

"Am I right?"

 “Otherwise, what will happen to others in the future?”

"Is Ma Zhiyuan the only artist in the first tier of "Idol Era"? Isn't Li Zhibai a bad-tempered person? Do you think he didn't come to you now because he doesn't mind this matter?"



Zhou Ping'an hadn't even figured out how to do ideological work with Ma Zhiyuan when he suddenly received a notice from the "Idol Era" program team.

As to whether Li Zhibai and Yan Liang can complete the cooperation stage with their friends and perform on the "Idol Era" stage, more than 30 permanent guests will vote to decide.

 The voting is still live, and the entire process is conducted under the supervision of the audience.

Ma Zhiyuan was instantly excited.

Li Zhibai's first reaction was to curse everyone. It was not until he heard Lu Yanhe said that the idea came from Chen Ziyan that Li Zhibai shut up.

 “Uh—” Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe in disbelief and asked why.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan wants me to tell you, don't be righteous just because you think you are right about this kind of thing. Ma Zhiyuan also has a group of fans with strong fighting power. If this matter is forced to be shown on the show, the dirty water will be If you splash it, you can't wash it off. How about letting everyone vote openly? This is not a program for one or two people, nor is it a competition and ranking between one or two people. With such an open vote, no one can say anything. What, we are on stage, Ma Zhiyuan can't fart anymore, we are not on stage, it has nothing to do with Ma Zhiyuan's objection, it is decided by everyone's vote, in short, this matter has nothing to do with Ma Zhiyuan, his will cannot control this This is why Sister Ziyan suggested voting.”

Li Zhibai listened carefully to Lu Yanhe's words and showed an astonished expression.

 “Ha.” He expressed his mood in a breathy voice.

“Then what if the result of everyone’s vote is that they don’t support our cooperation on the “Idol Era” stage?” Yan Liang asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "That's okay. Then in the future, everyone should not ask for foreign actors to collaborate on the stage. For us, we just change the place to perform. Sister Ziyan said that if "Idol Era" can't be on, we will We went to the graduation party held by Northern Lights Video, and we happened to perform at their party the year before. ”

Hearing this, Yan Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tsk tsk, look at it, your agent has already thought of a solution and a way out in just three strokes, five divided by two, and look at our agent. He talks more beautifully than he sings. Go and communicate with Ma Zhiyuan yourself. You Let’s see what he communicated.” Li Zhibai looked disgusted.

Lu Yanhe smiled.


 So, the live voting began.

 "Idol Era" shocked the entire internet by holding a vote for a collaboration stage.

 Mainly, in the eyes of many people, this vote was too much of a fuss.

However, Qin Zhikun said directly in front of the camera: "This is also to lay down a rule for subsequent programs. Can our idol artists invite foreign aid to collaborate on the stage? If the vote passes this time, everyone can do this in the future." If it doesn’t pass, OK, we respect everyone’s opinions, and no one can invite foreign aid to collaborate on the stage in the future.”

 Everyone has a different look.

Ma Zhiyuan was also stunned.

What Qin Zhikun said was a bit beyond his expectation.

 He ​​originally thought that if everyone voted, everyone would vote against it in order to gain more exposure for their stage and avoid being robbed of too much attention.

 However, Qin Zhikun's opening and this vote are not just a stage for the three of them to cooperate, but a rule that applies to the future.

Ma Zhiyuan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

 Foreign aid.

Who dares to say that he will never ask for foreign aid in the future?

Some stages require multiple people to perform together to be effective.

Ma Zhiyuan wanted to say something, but he was not given a chance to speak.

 Others around him made decisions much faster than he expected. They all stood up and went to vote.

Ma Zhiyuan did not get up to vote until the last few.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang looked at him with indifferent expressions and said nothing.

 After everyone had voted, Qin Zhikun began to count the votes in public.

 Just after reciting a dozen of them, everyone already knew the results.

Out of the first fifteen choices, only two voted against it.


 People consider things from their own interests.

  No matter how beautiful the truth is, as long as it does not apply to you, it is not a good truth.

 This result was like a slap in the face to Ma Zhiyuan in public.

He had called and lobbied one by one. Who didn't know that he didn't want to let Li Zhibai and the three of them perform on the stage?

Now, according to everyone’s votes, everyone voted in favor.

Ma Zhiyuan’s face looked as ugly as if it had been painted with a layer of gray cement.

 He even wanted to get up and leave immediately.

However, it was a live broadcast. If he dared to leave with a bad face, Li Zhibai's fans would bite him like passing locusts.

Ma Zhiyuan was so angry that his teeth ached and he couldn't show any signs yet.

 At this time, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang suddenly turned to look at him.

Ma Zhiyuan was stunned.

Li Zhibai smiled at him, raised his left hand and put it on the side of his mouth, as if whispering to him, blocking the camera, and said something without any sound, but with a clear mouth shape.


Ma Zhiyuan’s fists clenched instantly.


 Hou Jun was very disappointed and lost.

 It’s a pity that we didn’t seize this stage.

“Director, Jiang Yuqian said that she doesn’t have time and can’t come.” A staff member said.

Hou Jun nodded, "I know, she is indeed a little busy recently, so she doesn't have time to reply."

 He looked at the confirmed guest lineup on the whiteboard and couldn't help but sigh.

 So far, the artist lineup of the graduation party is still average, and the most popular ones have not been invited.

Tremendous stress.

Just as Hou Jun was thinking this, his cell phone suddenly rang.

 “Zi Yan?” He was a little surprised.

Chen Ziyan said: "Director Hou, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

“I’ve seen the results of what I said about disturbing and not disturbing. It’s a pity that this stage cannot be used for performances at our party.” Hou Jun said.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Yeah, it's a bit of a pity, but, director, Yan He agrees to come to your party."

Hou Jun was stunned.

“Really or not? Didn’t you say he was very busy?”

"He is very busy, but why wouldn't he come to your party unless he really can't overcome all difficulties?" Chen Xiyan said with a smile, "The reason why he hasn't agreed to you is because he is contacting you to give you a surprise. , I can reply to you now.”

 “What’s the surprise?”

 “How do you feel about the combination of “Six People” at your graduation party?” Chen Ziyan said.

Hou Jun heard fireworks blooming in his sky, and the whole world became gorgeous.


 Big update of 10,000 words, please vote for me! (End of chapter)

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