Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 342: A corner of the mouth that even AK can’t hold down

Chapter 342 A corner of the mouth that even AK can’t suppress

 Since the broadcast of "Six People", the six people have never been in the same frame again.

Even a celebration banquet was held in Beijing and Taiwan, and Lu Yanhe did not attend.

 He has done what he can in expressing his attitude.

 However, there are indeed many viewers who hope that the six of them can unite.

 Actually, with the popularity of "Six People", if Lu Yanhe is willing to participate, according to the convention of popular dramas, there will be a lot of promotional schedules.

 For such a big hit drama, there are many partners who want to bring them together on the same stage.

 Because once they are on the same stage, it will become a natural topic and attract attention.

 In fact, except for Lu Yanhe, the other leading actors have been combined in various combinations and matching methods.

 Only Lu Yanhe has been invisible in the promotional team of "Six People".

 However, no one said anything about it.

  And more of them are new people who signed contracts with the company.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he simply brought a song over, and these two people directly designed a suitable theme for him.

The conflict between Lu Yanhe and Beijing and Taiwan is almost on the table. Many people in the industry know about it, and there are also news circulating on the Internet.

 In any case, the six characters have never been fully integrated, which is a great regret for fans of the series.

Yan Liang nodded.

 Some people say that they invited the most awesome pop music composers in the world to write new songs for them.

 The three of them mainly practiced walking and some basic movements in the rehearsal room.

 There are not so many coordinations and participles. Basically, the three of them sing together from beginning to end. Simple, bright, youthful, and energetic are the keynotes of this song.

Especially because he also had an official statement that he was filming "Late Spring" in March and April and was on the set, so he had no time to participate.

 This is given by different times.

Li Zhibai said: "This song is nice, but it's a bit...not like the songs I listen to now. It's a bit like the songs of the 1990s."

 He did not come over himself, but secretly found others to observe.

To them, Lu Yanhe and the others are like mountains in their hearts, and they are idols worshiped by them. It's just that there are very few opportunities to see them. Now that they often appear in the company, they have the opportunity to see them up close and they don't want to miss it. Whenever they rehearse, there will be many people watching outside the rehearsal room.

He has no doubts about the popularity of this song - "Green Apple Paradise" was originally adapted from a Japanese song, and then adapted into a Mandarin version by the Little Tigers, which became popular all over the country. This is a melody engraved in the DNA of almost everyone born in the 80s and 90s.

“We won’t design particularly complicated dance moves, what do you think?” Lu Yanhe said, “This song is not suitable for explosive dances either.”

Qin Zhikun received news from the commercial department that many brands wanted to include the program in which the three of them combined the stage.

 “I wrote it in that style.” It’s a big statement.

This makes the stage between the three of them even more mysterious in the eyes of the outside world.

Qin Zhikun has actually thought about such enthusiasm and attention, but he didn't dare to think that it would be so exaggerated.


“Actually, this incident reminds us that if we just stick to the existing people and don’t introduce anything new, the audience will feel tired one day.”

Li Zhibai said: "Okay, then I guess the three of us will shock the whole audience once we appear."

When Lu Yanhe heard this song, the Little Tigers had already disbanded.

 There are many rumors.

Especially for the three people who are in the front and back of the stage, they are even willing to spend tens of millions of yuan at this time just to add a spoken word in the host's mouth.

Li Zhibai said: "Let's simply imitate the style of the 1990s and have a retro performance, and the stage design will also be designed to look like that of the last century."

 After hearing the news, Cheng Hai and Tu Song came over to take a look.

It is conceivable that if the six of them can unite at the graduation party this time, it will definitely become the most watched scene of the night.


  The performance turmoil of "Idol Era" is over, and Lu Yanhe and the three of them finally started rehearsing.

 However, when it comes to formal rehearsals, they usually adjust the glass wall to a non-permeable mode. No one can see any key information.

 Various opinions…


The stage of the three of them, these rumors alone have been on the hot search three times, and the popularity is so high that no one expected it.

 Some people said that they invited the world's top choreographers to choreograph for them.

 He has never seen anyone of his age who has not heard this song.

 In today’s “Idol Era”, everyone is pursuing individuality, explosion, and the ultimate in personal style.

  However, this does not affect the song's impact on his student days.

In comparison, "Remember" is to a large extent just a "reflection" that slowly spreads from a very small circle. It can be called a youth song that is well-known to the whole people. It also depends on the performance of the Little Tigers. A few songs.

 But when it comes to them, it becomes a retro style, a dream come true.

“That kind of 28-cent hair style with an upright look?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

 Ma Zhiyuan is very concerned about their stage.

His outstanding performance in "Three Mountains" in March and the topical effect brought by this film have offset the negative impact of his not participating in any "after-sales" of "Six People".

Yan Liang nodded, "Let's all have a hairstyle that was popular at that time."

 The three of them have been staying in the company's rehearsal room for a long time. Many people know that the three of them often rehearse the stage together.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Qin Zhikun said this during the meeting of the program team.

"You see, Lu Yanhe is usually not as popular as Ma Zhiyuan and Li Zhibai, and the topic is not as high as them, but the combination of him with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang has created unprecedented popularity and topics. Now everyone is talking about their stage "You should have seen the data." Qin Zhikun said, "How to make a good combination of artists to interest the audience and raise expectations is something we need to study and think about in the future."

 Others in the program team nodded.

 At this time, whatever Qin Zhikun says is right.

  After all, he resolved the conflict with a vote and proved the correctness of the voting results with facts.

Of course, there must be some people who are silently complaining that Qin Zhikun is just lucky this time.

 But speaking of it, Qin Zhikun was not lucky.

"Idol Era", a program with loud slogans and ridiculed by everyone, has also been taken advantage of by him and has become the most popular and commercially valuable program in the country. Of course, this has other aspects. The reason is that as the producer of this program, Qin Zhikun does not take the most credit, but who takes the lead?

At this time, someone suddenly said with emotion: "Actually, if Lu Yanhe can be a permanent resident of our program like Li Zhibai and others, then our program will have no shortage of topics. Lu Yanhe's fans and popularity are indeed not as good as those of Ma Zhiyuan and Li Zhibai , but he is really a walking topic generator. Wherever he goes, hot searches follow him, and the media also likes him.”

With one sentence, the whole place fell silent.

 Everyone knows that this is the truth.

 But, who told you to tell the truth at this time? !

If they could invite Lu Yanhe to stay here, why wouldn’t they?

 However, how many programs can invite Lu Yanhe to be a permanent resident?

Except for "Young Days", which was a bargain, no variety show has ever done this.


 On this day, Yu Jiang attended a forum.

The topic of the forum discusses the symbiotic relationship between idol artists and the current film and television industry.

When the organizer contacted her, they made it clear that because she was a public figure who had clearly stated that she did not want idol artists to pollute the film and television industry, they asked her if she still insisted on this view, and if so, they wanted to invite her to attend.

They offered a lot of travel expenses, and she was happy to appear at such events to make connections and expand her influence, so she accepted the offer.

The host asked Yu Jiang on the forum, what did she think of Lu Yanhe's identity change from an idol artist to an actor? Ask her, is Lu Yanhe's current career as an actor considered successful?

 This question comes from a bad place.

At this time, no one would say that Lu Yanhe is not a good actor.

 He has already come up with several representative characters. No one has a smoother path as an actor than him - one role, one mark, no wasted drama.

Yu Jiang said: "There is no doubt that Lu Yanhe has succeeded, but I think this does not affect my insistence on not allowing idol artists to come to the film and television industry. Is Lu Yanhe insisting on being an idol artist and an actor at the same time? Has he given up? I have become an idol artist and devoted myself wholeheartedly to my role as an actor. I have never discriminated against idol artists. I just want to say that anyone who is dedicated to doing something is more likely to do something well. "

“Didn’t you think that idol artists have not received professional acting training before?”

“Indeed, there is none.” Yu Jiang said, “Are we still denying this fact?”

"However, Lu Yanhe did not come from a professional background, nor did he receive acting training. Facts have proved that he has acting talent. With his talent, he can still give good performances to everyone even if he has not received professional training. "

“Does everyone have a talent like Lu Yanhe? If every idol artist has a talent like Lu Yanhe, why would I say these things?”

"So do you think that beating all idol artists to death with a stick as you said before is a bit too absolute? If idol artists cannot act without receiving professional training, Lu Yanhe will not be able to show up. Come on, aren’t you?”

“With the emergence of Lu Yanhe, how many garbage acting skills have appeared that irritated the audience?” Yu Jiang retorted calmly.

Yu Jiang had already anticipated the situations she encountered today, and had already thought about her answer. She was already prepared for these seemingly aggressive questions.

“Teacher Yu Jiang will collaborate with Ruyi Pictures on three films in the future. I wonder what kind of actors you will choose?” someone asked.

Yujiang was stunned.

 This question was not what she expected.

  She did not expect that anyone would ask her this question. "The choice of actors is actually not something I can decide." Yu Jiang said, "The final decision lies with the film company, and I can only make suggestions."

“What actors would you recommend?”

Yu Jiang smiled and said, "I can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Everyone will know when our movie is officially announced. I believe we will have a cast that satisfies everyone."

Yujiang originally thought that this part would be over.

Who would have known that during the audience question-and-answer session, an audience suddenly asked, "Teacher Yu Jiang, I would like to ask, if Lu Yanhe were to play the leading actor in your movie, would you be willing?"

This question caused an uproar at the scene.

The conflict between Yu Jiang and Lu Yanhe is a public matter.

These guests at the forum just now were able to make Yu Jiang admit that Lu Yanhe is a good actor, which made everyone feel that it was not easy.

 Today’s audience really enjoys watching the excitement.

Yu Jiang didn't think for too long. She smiled and said, "If it's suitable, of course I would. Many friends may think that he and I have conflicts. In fact, the conflict between him and me is just about things." It’s not about people.”


Chen Ziyan turned off the video, showed a puzzled expression, and said to Lu Qingzhen: "Is Yu Jiang short of money recently or something? She is so good, why is she starting to act like a human again?"

Lu Qingzhen let out a loud laugh, pointed at Chen Ziyan, and sighed in disbelief, "You are really crazy, Chen Ziyan, can you not be so degrading when you speak? It is rare for her to say a few words."

Chen Ziyan thought for a long time and said: "After thinking about it, I think she may just realize that if she scolds Yan He for being unworthy of being an actor at this time, she would be risking the world's disapproval."

Lu Qingzhen: "She is actually a little person who adapts to the wind. You are right, because Yan He is no longer someone she can step on casually. Of course she can only tuck her tail in despair. Slap yourself in the face.”

Chen Ziyan: “I don’t know how she has the nerve to say that she is only concerned about the situation and not the person.”

Of course, even though Chen Ziyan scolded Yu Jiang so fiercely, she has a thick skin. When she said these words, many people actually praised Yu Jiang for speaking poorly, but it was not unreasonable.

Yu Jiang had expressed his views on some chaos in the film and television industry before, but he just happened to meet the representative figure at that time, Lu Yanhe.

Especially, Yu Jiang said that of course she would like Lu Yanhe to star in her movie, which made many media interested in topic and traffic ask politely: Would Lu Yanhe be willing to star in a movie adapted from Yu Jiang's novel?


On this day, Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang finished rehearsing together and went to a restaurant near the company for dinner.

 On the way, I was stopped by the media who were waiting for me.

 The media specifically asked Lu Yanhe this question.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said nothing.

“I’m busy preparing for the stage with them right now, and I don’t have the energy to think about future filming.” He said, “Besides, I have too many dramas ahead of me, so I don’t have time to take on new ones.”

 The media were not satisfied with Lu Yanhe’s Tai Chi-style answer, and still asked questions.

“Putting aside these issues, purely from the perspective of cooperation with Yu Jiang, are you willing to cooperate with her?” The media is just stirring up trouble.

Their bad intentions are clearly written on their faces.

Lu Yanhe thought it was funny.

He looked innocent and asked: "Why do you specifically ask Yu Jiang if I am willing to cooperate with her?"

The media said: "Because... didn't you have conflicts with Yu Jiang before? You didn't want to deal with it, right?"

Lu Yanhe laughed twice and said, "Didn't she tell everything? She was right about the situation but not the person."

“So you don’t mind?”

Lu Yanhe shrugged his shoulders and was about to continue doing Tai Chi.

Li Zhibai is now online.

"Aren't you hungry? We have rehearsed all day and are very hungry now. Are we in a hurry to eat? Can we go eat first? We are very hungry. People are very irritable when they are very hungry. Can't you listen? Is my tone very irritable now?"

Li Zhibai grandly found a reason for his darkened complexion.

 Under his angry gaze, the media stopped.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

 He patted Li Zhibai on the shoulder.

Li Zhibai glared at him and said in front of so many media and cameras: "You too, they are pretending to be confused, but you have no temper at all, so why don't you let them manipulate you? You have no temper? This forest is really Damn, everyone can see it, why can’t you learn from some people and be thick-skinned?”

Li Zhibai opened his mouth like a poisonous snake starting to spit out his words.

 The poisonous juice spurts out like a fountain.

Lu Yanhe sighed and winked at Yan Liang.

Without saying a word, Yan Liang reached out and covered Li Zhibai's mouth.

Lu Yanhe stood directly behind Li Zhibai and pushed Li Zhibai forward with both hands.

Li Zhibai said "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" for a long time, but was prevented from further "squirting" by the familiar operation of these two people.

 However, what I mentioned above is enough irony to detonate the entire Internet.


Lu Yanhe’s old fans couldn’t be more relieved at this moment.

 Old fans represented by He Lan made an entry to thank Li Zhibai.

  #Thank you, Mr. Li Zhibai, for helping Lu Yanhe speak out#

 The hot search is here.

 Faced with hot searches, different people have different reactions.

 Chen Ziyan sighed, feeling helpless at the hot searches that occurred every three days. At the same time, she sighed, it would be great if the frequency of hot searches on Lu Yanhe could be shared with Tu Song and Wen Minglan. Too much of the former and too little of the latter will lead to death from drought and death from waterlogging.

Zhou Ping'an was cursing and called Li Zhibai, scolding him for being quick-thinking and not thinking about things. This time, Lu Yanhe was used as a gunman again.

Yujiang is—

 She was so angry at home that she called Li Zhibai a dog.


 As for hot searches, for this matter, people who don’t want to make headlines are in the minority.

Programs that focus on discussing entertainment industry news, as well as those people, all talked about this matter immediately.

“With Lu Yanhe’s hot-searched physique and such a topic, it would be a loss for our variety show circle if he doesn’t participate in more variety shows.”

In an entertainment news talk show, the famous variety artist Yang San said this.

"I actually haven't had much dealings with Lu Yanhe, but as everyone knows, I often express a point of view, that is, the more popular an artist is, the harder it is to give good results in variety shows, because they have many concerns and are too down-to-earth. It affects the image, is not grounded, and has no effect. But I heard from many of my colleagues that Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai are typical geniuses, especially Lu Yanhe. "

"Why do I say that? On the one hand, it's because of Li Zhibai's character. Everyone knows that he is naturally suitable for variety shows and is popular with the audience. On the other hand, let's talk about Lu Yanhe's own character. He is definitely not the kind of person who laughs or laughs. He has a very distinctive character like Li Zhibai. He has a persona and a label. He has the aura of being a top student, an acting genius, and he is handsome. These buff keywords, when put in the variety show circle, basically It has become synonymous with the word "not funny". It's too arrogant. Even if he doesn't act arrogantly, we can't relax mentally when we look at him. To put it more bluntly, everyone can accept me being ugly, in their hearts. No burden, but if Lu Yanhe comes to act ugly for everyone, no matter how good he is, can you look at it without any burden? It is estimated that the next day the news will appear that the Zhenhua academic master deliberately acted ugly and went too far. Sad field.”

 What Yang San said made everyone think about it, and they felt deeply convinced.

  Sometimes, it’s not that people are unwilling to lower their posture, but that we ourselves cannot accept their true lowering of their posture.

“However, Lu Yanhe has another ability. He is real, relaxed, and does not put pressure on others.”

Yang San said: "You should know that he had conflicts with Chen Ziliang, and he often had conflicts with the great writer Yu Jiang, including his conflicts with Jingtai. You all know that he is not the kind of person who has no temper and is kind to others. He has a good-natured character, but have you noticed that after so many things happened, no one thinks that he is a sharp, bad-tempered, and difficult person to get along with."

 The audience was stunned when they heard this.

It it true?

 Generally, if something like this happens to an artist once or twice, the impression will be left.

 But Lu Yanhe did not leave this impression on everyone.

"Everyone who has been in contact with him has said something to me. His authenticity lies in that he knows what is good about him and what is not so good. He never exaggerates or hides it. This kind of character itself is square. "It's straight and straight, but it also has sharp corners," Yang San said, "In the entertainment industry, there are many round people, and there are also many triangle people, but there are very few square people, so many people may not be able to do it. I know why I like him, but I just like him and pay attention to his words and deeds, including the people in the circle. Just like many people can't be a simple person, but there are almost no people who don't like simple people."

"Generally speaking, if a person with such a distinctive personality as Li Zhibai accuses another person, I will think that he actually has the advantage of public opinion, because he is a star artist and a public figure, and there are many unintelligent people who stand against him. fans. But this time I think his criticism was very good.”

"Why do I say this? Because looking at Yu Jiang's many statements and attitudes towards Lu Yanhe in the past two years, we can clearly see Yu Jiang's targeting of Lu Yanhe, and that Lu Yanhe, as a square person, is How to fight back without being mean to others. I must tell the truth here. I once thought Lu Yanhe was a very insidious person, because he never responded to Yu Jiang's matter, either. Is it Chen Ziyan who fights, or is his girlfriend Chen Siqi helping him fight back? I have been thinking about a question, where is the person Yu Jiang is really targeting - the protagonist, Lu Yanhe? "

"Until I saw the video of Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang being surrounded by the media this time, I followed the video again and watched Lu Yanhe face the media reporters nearly 30 times in the past two years. You can browse these videos on the Internet. After watching them, you will find what I just said - he almost never tries to please the media reporters, nor is he perfunctory, nor does he show off. When he is in a bad mood, he will directly tell the media that he is in a bad mood. When asked a question that he does not want to answer, he will directly say that it is too sensitive and cannot be said. No matter how bad his condition is, he will take everyone to a different place knowing that there are media reporters waiting for a long time. Influence the surrounding corners and answer a few questions carefully so that everyone can communicate before leaving. ”

"I consulted many friends in the media, and they all gave feedback that Lu Yanhe is the kind of artist they are not likely to press or pester. Apart from work, they actually like Lu Yanhe because they can learn from Lu Yanhe's body language. See respect for them.”

"In fact, there is no need to ask anything about some things. I also know Lu Yanhe's attitude. Not answering and selectively ignoring is actually an attitude for people like Lu Yanhe. He is just because of his own personality. , principles and moral character, so I don’t want to openly express my disgust towards Yu Jiang. I don’t know why he made such a choice. Some people in my screenwriting team asked before I went on stage. He pushed other people to the front. Isn't his behavior of hiding behind very unkind? I wasn't sure whether I should talk about this topic before I went on stage, because I didn't think clearly about it myself. But now I suddenly understand it, everyone thinks about it. For a moment, has there ever been a moment when Lu Yanhe made everyone feel that he didn’t dislike Yu Jiang?”


"Some people let the people around him help him vent his bad temper, pretending to be a good person and taking advantage. But Lu Yanhe, the people around him help him vent his bad temper. He has never made anyone think that the people around him are evil people. He is Good guy, he didn’t say a word, but he made everyone aware that he was grateful to the people around him for helping him vent his anger.”

“Just like this time when Li Zhibai said these words, his first reaction was to shut up Li Zhibai and drag him away to prevent him from saying more inappropriate words.”

"But his expressions, actions and reactions all indicate one thing - you are worthy of being my friend! You said it for me even if I didn't know what to say or what was hard to say! You looked at his back, I can feel his emotions to such an extent that I can’t suppress them with an AK.” Yang San said, “I envy this kind of friendship.”

Lu Yanhe listened carefully to Yang San's words, and called Chen Ziyan to ask: "Sister Ziyan, did you find someone to contact me to help with public relations about what Yang San said?"

 He only had one feeling, and this Yang San... simply spoke to his heart.

Chen Ziyan said that what Yang San said in the show had nothing to do with her.

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

“Have you ever thought that it’s because you now have a good impression of letting others speak for you spontaneously?” Chen Ziyan said.

 (End of this chapter)

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