Lu Yanhe did not expect that Shang Yongzhou would spend such a long time preparing for a role.

This is something he doesn't quite understand now. Does it take more than half a year to prepare for a role?

 There are many new actors who have never acted before, so after being selected by the director, they will spend one to two years training.

But that’s because they have not received acting training, and at the same time, the role itself requires them to achieve the character’s status in various aspects such as body shape, movement, and demeanor, so they will undergo such long-term training.

  If it is the first time to act in a play, Lu Yanhe also feels that long-term preparation is very important.

But now, maybe because he is familiar with acting, he feels that if a play does not have special skills or accents that need to be learned, or there are prototype characters that require a lot of guessing work, it basically won’t take that much time.

Of course, Lu Yanhe would not think that Shang Yongzhou had taken too long to prepare. He was not arrogant enough.

 On the contrary, he noticed the change in his current mentality from this phone call with Shang Yongzhou.

 A little too confident.

 Maybe it was because people around him were praising him for his good acting, and he himself gradually never understood what acting was. Now he has a little understanding of acting, so he lost the awe he had for acting at the beginning.

 This is not a good sign.

Lu Yanhe silently warned himself in his heart that he had to pay attention.


On this day, as soon as the introduction to culture class was over, Lu Yanhe hurried to the library.

He had to quickly find the book he wanted to borrow within fifteen minutes, and then rush to the school gate within ten minutes - the campus was very big, and even this kind of thing had to be calculated, so that he could arrive at eleven o'clock The school gate.

Peng Zhixing came to pick him up.

 Zou Dong asked for leave. He has to attend his son's parent-teacher conference. Chen Ziyan arranged for a new bodyguard to come over, but there was a problem. The bodyguard couldn't drive. It was awkward, but luckily Peng Zhixing said that he would come over at this time.

So, Lu Yanhe simply went alone.

"I'll have a meal with them, and then I'll come back. I don't need bodyguards." Lu Yanhe said, "I won't go anywhere else by myself."

“When you eat in a restaurant, you still need someone to keep an eye on you.” Chen Ziyan said, “I’ll ask him to wait for you in the restaurant.”

 Lu Yanhe can only say yes.

He hurried all the way and finally arrived at the school gate before the appointed time.

  When he got into the car panting heavily, Peng Zhixing asked him in surprise: "Did you... just take a physical education class?"

Lu Yanhe snorted silently.

 Today is the "Young Days" party.

 Except for Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, who are unable to come because they have something to do, everyone else can come.

 This is a rule they have made before. As long as someone talks about a party, no matter who can't come, the party will be held.

Peng Zhixing said at that time: "With how busy you people are, we don't know when we can gather everyone's time. How many people can we gather? Don't just because we can't gather people all the time, we will end up..." We really only meet each other during the few days we are recording the show.”

If they weren’t all a group of young people, they might think that if they couldn’t bump into each other, they wouldn’t be able to bump into each other, so there was no need to force them. But they met in "Young Days" and became friends, so they both wanted to make more appointments and get together more often.

A true good friend will never become estranged even if you haven’t seen each other for a long time. This is the truth. But if you are really a good friend, if there is no special reason, why haven’t you seen each other for a long time? To be a good friend is to see and get together more often!

Lu Yanhe also felt that he could take advantage of the current time to talk to Peng Zhixing about the "Jump Up" video account.

"Brother Zhixing, we want to do a character interview column on the video account of "Jump Up"." He said, "It is not limited to people in the film and television industry, but includes people from all walks of life. Are you interested?"

Peng Zhixing was surprised when he heard this, "Me?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “Yes, I would like to invite you to participate in this column.”

Peng Zhixing said: "I already have an interview column in Northern Lights. Moreover, my agency contract is signed with Northern Lights. They will not allow me to take on private work."

Lu Yanhe laughed, nodded and said, "Brother Zhixing, let me introduce our column to you first. Why do I want to invite you to do our column when I know you already have an interview column? The main reason is that there is a big difference between the two columns. "Journey" is a supporting column in Northern Lights Video to cooperate with the promotion of film and television dramas. The main interviewees are the main creators of the film and television dramas broadcast by Northern Lights. People, a lot of this is your task, right?”

"Our interview column adheres to one of the tenets of the magazine "Jump Up" and is to explore the best things." Lu Yanhe said, "All ideas that you cannot realize in "Jump" can be put aside." Go to this column and do it, you are the biggest director and host of this column, we will not interfere too much. "

Peng Zhixing was stunned.

"As for the contract issue between Northern Lights Video and you, don't worry, you don't have to embarrass yourself, we will talk to them directly. We are not trying to make a lot of advertising fees by relying on such a column, but we hope to be able to make "Jump Up" "The influence of "Jump Up" will increase and more people will know about "Jump Up"," Lu Yanhe said, "We used to do in-depth interviews with characters in every issue of the magazine, and we hope to make such interviews visual."

Peng Zhixing was surprised and moved.

What Lu Yanhe said really spoke to his heart. For Peng Zhixing, the job he values ​​most is actually the interview work he does as a host. He grew up watching this kind of program, and later learned to broadcast and host, and became a host. It was because he had such a dream that he went down this path.

Producing the program "Journey" has made him stand out among his peers. After all, it is really rare for him to have an interview program named after himself at such a young age.

 In this case, Peng Zhixing often chose to "compromise" because he had to be "content".

 —You are already very lucky, why do you still make so many demands?

 —You already have your own show, isn’t the platform supportive enough for you?

 —Those things you want to do are not what the platform wants, so what’s the point of doing them well?


 Various sounds, from the outside world and from the inside, interspersed together, affecting him.

Peng Zhixing took a deep breath. Of course he knew these truths, but no one didn't want to realize their ideas.

"Yan He, do you want me to bring my own team to do this column?" Peng Zhixing said, "But my "Zhixing" team are all people arranged by Northern Lights Video."

"I don't think we need a program team as big as "Journey" to do this." Lu Yanhe said, "In my understanding, you are the interviewer, there is also an interviewee, and then there is a photographer and two We have a camera and the most basic conditions are there. Of course, we want to make this column high-quality and stand the test of time. We can’t do this column simply and perfunctorily. So, what do you need and want? I think it’s up to you to form a team, as long as you know what you need.”

Peng Zhixing said: "No matter how much money you spend to do an interview, the labor, venue, makeup, equipment... all added up, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars."

"You didn't calculate your reward." Lu Yanhe pointed out, "I didn't ask you to work for free. Brother Zhixing, don't worry, this column will have sponsorship and we won't be short of money. On this point, we at "Jump Up" The team has accumulated rich resources through two years of operation. ”

Peng Zhixing asked: "What is your budget for producing a program?"

Lu Yanhe said: "It depends on what kind of interview video you want to make this column into, whether it is to sit together and chat, or in other forms, etc. In short, I can only say that as long as you don't lose money and make money, , we definitely support your idea.”

Peng Zhixing was a little surprised: "Don't you have a profit goal?"

"The success of this column will benefit all departments of our "Jump Up"." Lu Yanhe said, "If our first goal was to make money, we would not ask a famous host like you to do it. This column costs you the most. Even if we hire a completely unknown person to do the interview, even our editor can make a lot of money with our existing channels and brand resources. We hired you. , you may not be able to earn so much.”

Lu Yanhe laughed.

Peng Zhixing was a little surprised and asked, "Am I so expensive?"

 Actually, with Peng Zhixing’s current market situation, the appearance fee for one episode alone starts at 100,000 yuan. After all, his current popularity lies here. Not to mention, this column requires Peng Zhixing to undertake a series of important creative and thinking tasks such as planning and directing.

Lu Yanhe said: "Some are cheap, and some are expensive. I'm here to ask you to do something big, Brother Zhixing."

Peng Zhixing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand and gave Lu Yanhe a thumbs up.

 “You are awesome.”

When Lu Yanhe saw Peng Zhixing's reaction, he knew he had it figured out.


 It is a rare gathering of "Young Days". When everyone got together, the first thing they did was to ask when this year's show would be recorded and if there was any news.

 The show has accumulated a lot of loyal fans in the first two seasons, and it has a very good reputation.

In addition, these guests on the show are now popular. Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang, who were tepid at the beginning, have now become popular. After more than a year of accumulation, Liu Zhiyin is now also relying on "Idol" Times" has stepped into the ranks of popular female idols, not to mention Xiao Yun, who is said to be "extremely lucky" in the industry through "Phoenix Channel" and a campus idol drama, and has become a popular little girl...

The biggest problem with this show now is that everyone’s remuneration combined is too expensive, making it difficult to afford it.

 However, if these people get together to record a program, there must be many brands paying for it. As long as they don't talk too much and take the market price, the show can still be filmed. Programmers make more money.

 “I heard it’s the same as last year, and it will be filmed in August.”

"Sister Zhenzhen has talked to me about this before. I will be filming in August this year. I may not be able to participate in the entire recording. I can only record a few episodes." Lu Yanhe said.

“What I’m saying is that I remember you were joining the group in August.” Xiao Yun sighed, “What a pity. I thought we could play together again.”

Lu Yanhe said: "I will only be absent for a few sessions during the recording. I will come back later when the filming is completed."

 Chen Lingling's drama, because it is an eight-episode short drama, took less than a month to shoot. Lu Yanhe will basically be finished by early September. At that time, I took on this drama, and the short filming time was a very important factor.

 But because "Young Days" coordinates everyone's time, it cannot accommodate just him. Therefore, Lu Yanhe had no choice but to be absent from a recording scheduled for August.

Xiao Yun said: "Why can you get this kind of short play? All the plays I got were long plays, and I really don't want to do long plays."

 There are many differences between long plays and short plays.

 For domestic video platforms, they are definitely more willing to produce long-form dramas. Because the more episodes there are, the higher the number of clicks, and the more advertising fees you can earn. However, for overseas streaming media, it is a different algorithm. They look at the number of member views, the number of payments, and the "completion rate." Therefore, many dramas are made very short. Shortness means that costs can be controlled. It’s not going to be outrageously expensive, and once it becomes a hit, it can attract a large number of paying viewers to watch the show.

  This is due to different profit models and different requirements for the length of episodes.

 Chen Lingling's drama itself is a customized drama for streaming media. It is produced in accordance with international conventions from the script stage.

 Lu Yanhe said: "If you want to make a short drama, you have to look for opportunities overseas. If it weren't for the fact that this drama is a customized drama for streaming media, it would not be so short."

 In mainland China, there are only a handful of profitable dramas with less than ten episodes. No matter how much advertising fees advertisers pay, they cannot cover the production costs. In the context of dramas, there are still very few people who are willing to pay to watch dramas.

An example like "Six People" is a miracle.

It is because the cost is low enough that we dare to play like this - Jingtai has been doing this experimental product with the mentality of failure from the beginning.

Peng Zhixing also said: "Moreover, the membership fees of our domestic video platforms are actually very low, much lower than the membership fees of international streaming media. Therefore, if we want to achieve profits by attracting new members, it is very difficult in the short term." Unrealistic."

“I heard that the number of new members of “Young Days” is ranked in the top ten of Icefield Video of the year.”

 The popularity of a variety show is higher than that of most film and television dramas, which actually speaks volumes. Variety shows themselves mainly rely on advertising fees to make money. They don't have the so-called "advance on-demand" revenue.

“Will your drama be broadcast on domestic video websites?”

"Maybe, but I don't know the specific situation yet. I am just an actor in this drama, and no one has told me any news about the subsequent events." Lu Yanhe said frankly.

"What about you?" Lu Yanhe looked at everyone, "What are your plans for the second half of the year?"

Yoo Ji-yin: “I was approached by a drama recently and wanted me to play the heroine.”

“Huh? Sister Zhiyin, are you ready to act too?” Xiao Yun asked in surprise.

Liu Zhiyin shook his head, "I refused. Now that I have finally made some progress in "Idol Era", I still prefer the stage. However, I also want to ask your opinion. You said that I need to hone my acting skills. , to prepare for future transformation? I can’t be an idol for the rest of my life.”

 Everyone looked at each other.

Peng Zhixing said: "Sister Zhiyin, if you are interested in acting, you can give it a try."

“I mainly feel that I can’t act at all.” Liu Zhiyin shook his head, “I tried it at home and acted in front of the mirror. To describe it in four words, it was terrible.”

 This is also the reason why Ryu Ji-yin refused to act without hesitation.

She didn't want to cause a disaster.

Xiao Yun nodded, hugged Song Linxin's arm, and said, "If you are not sure, Sister Zhiyin, you can try it as a guest star first, and start learning from a few guest scenes."

Lu Yanhe agreed with Xiao Yun's concept, nodded and said, "I think so too. I always feel lucky that my first drama was "The Golden Age" and I didn't have many roles, but because there were only a few scenes, I could concentrate on it." After thinking about those few scenes, I began to understand how an actor should prepare for a role. Sister Zhiyin, if you are planning to act, I can recommend my acting instructor to you. I basically invite her for every play. Take me to read the script and practice my lines.”

Liu Zhiyin's eyes lit up, "Okay, then give me her contact information. I think I really need a teacher to help me see if I have the ability to act. If I really don't have the ability, I don't have to worry about it. , just give up."

 She seems to be very unsure about her acting.


Lu Yanhe suddenly thought of something.

“Sister Zhiyin, if you want to give it a try, why don’t you come and play a guest role for me?”

 “Huh?” Liu Zhiyin was stunned.

Lu Yanhe said: "The movie I wrote, "The Man on the Road," actually has many characters. There are only one or two scenes. There is a character in it that is really suitable for you, if you are willing to come."

 Yoo Ji-yin certainly knows the movie "The Road to Misfortune".

"Okay, if you are willing to give me a chance, I will do it!" Liu Zhiyin was overjoyed, "But I'm just afraid that my performance will be too bad."

“Don’t worry, it’s really just one or two scenes, it’s easier than shooting a MV.”

Xiao Yun immediately asked: "Then do you want us to make a guest appearance?"

“You are all so famous, how can I have the nerve to ask you to guest star.” Lu Yanhe laughed.

Xiao Yun chuckled and said, "We're not famous, so how can we have the nerve to come and make a cameo for you? That's called taking advantage of the camera."

Lu Yanhe: "Are you kidding me? Are you really willing to make a guest appearance?"

“Yes, as long as you think more about us brothers, brothers, sisters and sisters.” Xiao Yun used her usual teasing tone again.

 She has a bit of a tomboy vibe about her.

Lu Yanhe was suddenly startled, and his heart moved.

"Why are you so polite? If you need us to make a guest appearance, we will definitely go." Peng Zhixing said.

One characteristic of road comedy movies is that there are many characters, and there are a bunch of new characters when you go to one place.

To ensure the quality of a movie, you cannot just randomly find some actors to complete these roles that may only have one or two shots. In a sense, every second in the movie is important, let alone one or two shots. .

Lu Yanhe cupped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll make a note of it, and I'll call you when I need your help later."


Before the show ended, Lu Yanhe said to Xiao Yun: "How about we meet some time? I have an idea to talk to you."

Xiao Yun looked suspicious, suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and asked: "Are you looking for me to film a movie?"

 Lu Yanhe: "I don't know yet. I'm not sure whether you are suitable. Just now, an idea flashed in my mind. I thought it might be suitable and I wanted to try on makeup with you."

"Okay." Xiao Yun nodded, raised his chin, and said very confidently, "I don't believe there are roles that I am not suitable for."

From the first day I met Xiao Yun, she had this careless and carefree personality, extremely confident, which was completely different from the gentle and quiet Su Xiao and the competitive Liu Zhiyin.


At the end of May, after rehearsing nearly five or six times, Lu Yanhe and the three of them finally performed "Green Apple Paradise" in its entirety.

“Holy shit, this song is really... getting better and better the more you sing it, it’s earthy and youthful.” Li Zhibai complained.

Lu Yanhe laughed so hard that he was covered in sweat. He wiped the sweat with a towel.

 “This song will be a hit.” Lu Yanhe said confidently.

"That's for sure. I knew this song would be a hit the first time I heard it. The melody is so brainwashing." Li Zhibai said, "However, if I didn't sing it with you two, I would definitely not sing it myself. It’s earthy and earthy, which affects my outstanding temperament.”

Yan Liang came over with two bottles of ice water, stood behind Li Zhibai, grabbed his collar, pulled back, and stuffed one of the bottles of ice water directly into Li Zhibai's neck.

Li Zhibai, who has an outstanding temperament, was like an electric rooster for an instant, crowing with a sound of "oh-", and the person twisted away like a twist.

Yan Liang: “It’s really outstanding.”

 Lu Yanhe burst into laughter.

“You are looking for death!” Li Zhibai took out the water and cursed at Yan Liang.

Yan Liang replied with his middle finger.

 “I’m hungry, do you want to go and eat?”

Lu Yanhe said: "I made an appointment with Teacher Jia Long. Do you want to come with me?"

“Let’s go without disturbing you?”

 “It’s okay, don’t bother me, we’re just talking about some things in "People on the Road"." Lu Yanhe said.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang went with Lu Yanhe.


Looking at the three boys walking in, Jia Long looked at the three of them and clicked his tongue.

“You are so young. Seeing you all walking in together, with such vigor and handsome little faces, makes me jealous.”

Chen Ziyan sat next to him and said with a smile: "Finally someone feels the same as me. Every time I see them, it feels like someone is reminding me that I am getting older. It really hurts me."

Jia Long: "Don't come here. Are you the same age as me?"

Jia Long is now forty years old.

 Chen Ziyan said with a smile: "As long as they are over thirty, they are all the same. However, the best age for male actors is their thirties and forties. This is the golden age, and they still have time to survive."

Jia Long: "That can't be said. Look, most of the current film and television dramas have young people as the protagonists."

“This is just an illusion. Someone has done statistics. The main male protagonists of our film and television dramas are mainly between thirty and fifty years old, and the female ones are mainly between twenty-five and forty years old.” Chen Ziyan said.

 A few people sat down.

Jia Long looked at Lu Yanhe and the three of them and said, "Hey, seeing that you have such a good relationship, when will the three of you make a movie together? Let Lu Yanhe write a script for you."

 Lu Yanhe smiled and said, “I’m writing.”

Li Zhibai said: "If Teacher Jia needs three younger brothers next time, just take the three of us with him."

Jia Long laughed loudly and said, "I can't afford the three of you to play the younger brother in an ordinary play."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Teacher Jia, "Searchlight" is about to be released, you must be very busy, right? I thought you didn't have time to work on "The Journey" recently."

 During the promotional period for a movie’s release, actors will spin like a top.

 Lu Yanhe has experienced this.

 Especially an actor like Jia Long who serves as the core character of a film.

Jia Long said: "Fortunately, all the publicity that should be done before the release has been completed. I am just waiting to start the road show after it is released this Friday."

 "Searchlight" is a black humor comedy.

 Lu Yanhe thought it was quite interesting when he watched it at a film festival, but he also felt that this movie might not be as popular with the public as Jia Long’s previous movies, because there is still a certain threshold required to understand this movie.

 The industry’s box office estimate for this movie is 700-100 million. Compared with Jia Long's past comedy movies that often started at 1 billion, it is a little less, and there are also concerns about the subject matter.

"As for the movie "Unfortunately", I went to chat with some directors. Some of them had previous works, or they had only been assistant directors. I met more than a dozen, and I finally settled on one of them. He I have been an assistant director for many movies before, but I have no independent directing experience. This needs to be made clear first, but why did he impress me? Because after reading this script, his description and imagination of the movie were basically the same. My imagination is the same." Jia Long said, "The core tone of this movie is to be down-to-earth, rather than making a movie in a glittering way."

 Lu Yanhe nodded, this was also the consensus he had reached with Jia Long before.

  Do not shoot a story that seems grounded but is actually very suspended. Comedy movies are actually very easy to be shot in a suspended state - making people feel too fake and unreal. Comedy is comedy, and only comedy that can really get into the soil of realism can make people laugh and be ironic.

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Anyway, you know best in this aspect, and I don't have any objections."

Jia Long asked: "Then do you really only plan to make a cameo appearance as the handsome guy in it?"

“I don’t even want to guest star in that role anymore.” Lu Yanhe said, “Forget it, find someone else to guest star, and I won’t appear.”

“How can that work? You are such a big star and it would be a waste if you don’t appear on the scene.” Jia Long said.

Lu Yanhe smiled helplessly.

“I have quite a few friends who have said they are willing to make a cameo appearance.” Lu Yanhe. (End of chapter)

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