Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 345: A few plays and set sail!

For the movie "On the Road", with the main creative lineup composed of Jia Long and Lu Yanhe, no matter which media makes predictions about new movies, they will not let it go.

 Because the starlight is powerful, there are many people paying attention.

However, this does not mean that it is favored by the market - Lu Yanhe has only written the script of "Six People" before, and he is not a novice. However, it is a TV series and a sitcom, which are two different genres from movies.

Movie scripts are much more difficult to write than TV drama scripts - this is a consensus in the industry. In particular, screenwriters are often the ones who receive less attention among film creators. No matter what the reason is, there is now a consensus that movies are the director's art, and the quality of the script will not be as obvious as in the TV series. The director's style will dilute the existence of the script to some extent.

 According to the news that has been exposed so far, this movie is also a comedy movie that is a bit "rustic" and a bit "village". Moreover, it is a road comedy, which is not a mainstream comedy type in the film market.

 A movie will definitely not be successful if it has big stars. Countless **** lessons have fully demonstrated this point.

  No matter how big a star is at the box office, if he encounters an inappropriate subject, he will still fail.


Lu Yanhe said to Jia Long: "Teacher Jia, if the director of our movie is confirmed, will we be looking for actors next?"

Jia Long nodded, "Yes, it's a headache. There are so many characters. There are hundreds of characters to appear in. It's a big production."

 He joked with a smile.

Chen Ziyan asked: "Is Mr. Jia going to ask a casting company to recommend actors?"

Jia Long is the biggest promoter of "On the Road". Even though Lu Yanhe retained the copyright of the original story in his own hands, in the movie, because Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan took the initiative to give up the rights, "On the Road" is now 》Basically, Jia Long alone has the final say.

Jia Long said: "I have some friends, and some suitable roles will be reserved. Yan He, for those of your friends who will come to guest roles, make a list in advance so that you can find other actors later. There are some roles in this movie that require special actors. Just like the three actors in the restaurant at the beginning of your movie, one has to be ugly and the other has to be stupid. You have to find actors with that kind of appearance and temperament. ”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay."

Jia Long has read the script many times and thought about many aspects.

Lu Yanhe still doesn’t understand why Jia Long himself doesn’t want to be a director. In fact, it would be a pity for someone like Jia Long who has rich experience and understands film production not to be a director. Comedy movies are different from other movie types. Often comedy movie masters are both writers and directors. The probability of being a director and director is much higher than that of other movie genres.

"The more I read this script, the more interesting it becomes. Your lines are really well written, especially the opening scene. The boss reprimands three subordinates and gives them comments. I have never acted with such a mean spirit. Kind of character." Jia Long said.

The lines in this movie are indeed good.

Lu Yanhe was deeply impressed when he saw this movie.

 In fact, Lu Yanhe doesn’t know whether many popular curse words started from this movie or whether this movie was a collection.

For example, Xu Zheng scolded his subordinates at the beginning - Last year you were mentally retarded, this year you are stupid.

For example, when Xu Zheng saw the famous scene of Wang Baoqiang drinking milk at the airport, he said, "What a talent."

Lu Yanhe could not reproduce the lines of the movie intact, but these golden sentences were engraved in his mind, and basically no one who had seen the movie would forget them.

Lu Yanhe told Jia Long: "I have seen and heard them all before, so I included them in this story."

Having seen the movie, I have indeed seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, so I am not lying.

Jia Long said: "With your lines and structure, it's a pity that you are writing a comedy. If you had written a film that academics would like, you should have a chance to win an award."

 Lu Yanhe: “No, no, it’s too much.”

"I'm not exaggerating with you, I'm serious. Although almost every paragraph in the script is trying to create a funny effect, there is not a single sentence of your writing that is vulgar and does not pursue low-level jokes." Jia Long sighed, "I I have done a lot of comedies in recent years, and many times the scripts are not that good, so I have to rely on the actors to smash the scripts and jokes on the spot. But your script allows the actors to go into action lightly. It depends on whether the actors have the ability to write it for you. Things are performing.”

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that it was because he used the script that had been smashed out by the actors on the spot and presented in the finished film.

Thanks to director Ye Weimin, thanks to Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang, and also thanks to the screenwriters of this script Tian Yusheng, Xu Yuanfeng, and Shi Chenyun.

Chen Ziyan asked: "Teacher Jia, when is the filming of "People on the Road" planned to start?"

"We haven't set a time yet, and it will be at the end of this year at the earliest." Jia Long said, "I have another movie to shoot later. I have to finish that movie before I can concentrate on the shooting of this movie. middle."

Jia Long and Lu Yanhe are both one of the producers and one of the supervisory producers of this film, especially the former, who is the core figure and has to take care of everything.

 The energy that needs to be invested is not that simple.

Lu Yanhe felt a little emotional. Fortunately, when he first time traveled through time, he did not directly dream of writing a "Wenzhaogong screenwriter".

It is said that you come up with a script and get everyone's approval, and then a bunch of bosses come to you with piles of money to make a movie... Only after really working in this industry, Lu Yanhe discovered that there is really no shortage of good scripts in this industry, exactly. It is said that good scripts are always scarce, but what is even more lacking is someone with the vision, a good team and the execution ability to turn a good script into a good movie.

 For screenwriters, the most paradoxical thing is that if the movie is poorly made, no one will say that the script is good, but that the director made it badly.

So, the effect is - why are there so few good scripts in this field?

If good scripts can receive good treatment and can bring status and generous income to screenwriters, then there will definitely be a steady stream of people joining in.

 Talented people cannot come to the fore, and good scripts cannot come to the fore. This is not a problem of lack, but a problem of the general environment not giving them a chance to come to the fore.


Why can Jia Long become the leader of the new generation of small character comedies?

 Because he has a very mature vision for selecting scripts, and then he will use his own strength to protect the script and make it as successful as possible.

 Why do the output of some big-name actors fluctuate? Because he doesn't have such ability.

Why did Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan take the initiative to give up the power to Jia Long when they clearly had more say in the film? Because they knew that they did not have such ability.

 Failing to do something forcefully without the corresponding ability will only prove your stupidity.


 Having dinner with Jia Long made Lu Yanhe breathe a sigh of relief.

 Because Jia Long seems to be very interested in "The Lost Road" and has been working hard to promote this movie.

 Knowing that Jia Long did this, Lu Yanhe felt relieved.

 It’s not anything else, but Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan were previously worried that Jia Long had many projects in his hands and would not have much time and energy allocated to the project "People on the Road".

 It's not even that Jia Long himself doesn't care, but that there are too many people who want to cooperate with him and distract his energy.

After dinner, Jia Long suddenly said to Lu Yanhe: "Yan He, there is one thing. The other male protagonist in "The Lost Road" is the silly burdock. A friend of mine recommended his son to me. I’ve had a lot of love from him, and it’s really hard to reject him, but his son is really not suitable, do you think it’s up to you to come forward and reject it?”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe immediately nodded, "Okay, then you can find some opportunity. I can see him and tell him I don't want to."

Jia Long patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "I'm making you a villain."

"Only I can do this kind of thing." Lu Yanhe understood Jia Long's approach.

 Human society, just like sometimes if Lu Yanhe can’t say it himself, Chen Siqi and Chen Ziyan will say it for him.

  In fact, it’s the same thing.

However, Lu Yanhe did not expect that the person Jia Long was talking about would give him an inexplicable... warm feeling.

 This person is a student of Jingyi and graduated in June this year.

He has short hair, is fair and clean, and has good facial features. He is not dazzlingly handsome and is not offensive. When he saw Lu Yanhe, he called him "Lu Yanhe" in a slow and leisurely voice, and then said "Hello".

 He still brought his girlfriend with him.

His girlfriend is not from the entertainment industry. She is an illustrator with a lively and cheerful personality. She took the initiative and said, "I know he wants to come to see you. I really want to get to know you, so I asked him to bring me with him."

Lu Yanhe nodded and greeted them with a smile.

“Teacher Jia recommended you to me and said that I could ask you to try the role of Niu Geng in "The Man on the Road"." Lu Yanhe said straight to the point.

 Before he spoke, his girlfriend Shi Qin said: "He is not suitable for that role at all."

Lu Yanhe looked at Shi Qin in surprise and asked, "Have you read the script too?"

"No, but he told me that he plays the role of a young milkmaid from the countryside." Shi Qin hugged his arm, "He Jiang has been pampered since he was a child, and he can't play that kind of honest and reckless person. It feels like he’s quite silly, too.”

He Jiang didn't speak slowly until this moment and said, "My father told Uncle Jia to lead me to act in this play. I read the script myself and it was not very suitable."

 He scratched his head, a look of guilt appeared on his face.

“I’m sorry, I actually told my dad that it was inappropriate, but he refused to listen to me.” He Jiang said.

The development of things was somewhat beyond Lu Yanhe’s expectations.

This was not what he expected.

 He ​​originally thought that He Jiang really wanted to star in "The Lost Journey" and that's why he found Jia Long's relationship.

  Didn’t expect this to be the case.

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, after I met you, I also felt that your image was not suitable for the character of Niu Geng. If you read the script, you will know that he is a very honest and even a bit earthy character, but at the same time, There is something special and cute about him. When I wrote the script, I actually thought that this character might need to be found from someone who has never acted in order to achieve that kind of feeling."

He Jiang said: "Actually, I came here today to recommend one of my classmates to you."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

He Jiang said: "He is the only student from a rural town in our class. When he first came to school, he also made a lot of jokes like the burdock. When I was reading the script, I felt that this character was similar to He's almost identical."

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


 He Jiang took out a resume from his bag.

"He is my roommate, and this is the resume I made for him." He Jiang said, "Please take a look."

Lu Yanhe feels that although he has not been in the entertainment industry for a long time, he is not too short either.

Like He Jiang, he was recommended to meet people, and he even brought other people's resumes to recommend others... Not to mention it was his first meeting, Lu Yanhe had never heard of it before.

Shi Qin said: "You must find it strange, right? This guy came for the interview himself and recommended others. I also told him that he was not suitable, but he has such a character, a gentle and good man. His roommate is called Wang Dashan, and he is with He has a good relationship, but he cares more about Wang Dashan than himself. "

Lu Yanhe looked at He Jiang in surprise.

He Jiang was quite embarrassed, lowered his head and said: "He is not very popular with the film and television companies. I feel that his appearance is not very in line with the current audience's aesthetics."

Lu Yanhe glanced at He Jiang on his resume.

How should I put it... In fact, he has a very clean and honest face, a pair of eyes as clear and clean as the sea, a little green, and his skin is a little dark, like a student. But it cannot be said to be ugly, it is a very plain face. Lu Yanhe's first instinct was that with such a face, he could play any role.

 In fact, being able to be the only student from a rural area in this class of Jingyi shows his own quality.

 Lu Yanhe subconsciously wanted to overlap his image with that of Wang Baoqiang.

 Strictly speaking, he is not very similar to Wang Baoqiang. Judging from the photos, his image is actually better than Wang Baoqiang.

Why did it take Wang Baoqiang so many years to be really considered a good actor? It's really because many of his classic works are considered to be in his true colors, such as "A World Without Thieves", such as "Soldier Assault", such as "People on the Road", such as "Detective Chinatown". In fact, each of his roles in these works is very different, but his image is too deep-rooted, and the impression of "acting in his true colors" is unbreakable. Everyone feels that his career as an actor will not last long. Ten years later, he is still going strong in the entertainment industry.

 In this regard, Wang Dashan's image is not so "rural" and not so "stupid". Even if you don't look at him according to the standard of a handsome guy in idol dramas, he is actually a very decent-looking person, otherwise he would not have been admitted to Beijing Performing Arts.

 The reason why Lu Yanhe was a little hesitant was also here. He doesn't look too "homely", can he play the role of a burdock? However, apart from the image, when Lu Yanhe saw this photo for the first time, he had the feeling that "he seems to be quite suitable".

Lu Yanhe said to He Jiang: "Actually, although you are not suitable for "The Journey", I have another role that I think you are quite suitable for. Can you please come to audition when the time comes?"

He Jiang was stunned and looked at him in surprise.

Shi Qin reacted faster than him, and immediately showed joy on his face and asked: "Is it true?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Because I do have other dramas in preparation later." Shi Qin: "No problem, no problem, he can do it."

 She agreed generously.

He Jiang didn't seem to mind her doing this at all. After she finished speaking, he silently nodded to Lu Yanhe.

 “This is your classmate, I will contact him later.” Lu Yanhe added.

He Jiang showed a surprised smile and nodded, "Thank you."

He Jiang’s performance actually shocked Lu Yanhe.

His girlfriend is absolutely right, he seems to care more about his classmates than his own affairs.

 But after thinking about it, Lu Yanhe thought of Li Zhibai and Yan Liang again.

Perhaps everyone has one or two really good friends in his life.


Lu Yanhe sent a message to Jia Long and told him about his meeting with He Jiang. He mainly said that he himself felt unsuitable and expressed his intention to not act in the role right from the beginning.

Jia Long sent a shocked expression.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: You don’t have to worry.

Jia Long said: This is really unexpected.

Lu Yanhe said: But I have another play, and I think he is very suitable for a role in it. I want to invite him to audition. If it is OK, I think it will be good for him to play the role.

 Jia Long: Huh?

Jia Long: Is it true or false?

 Lu Yanhe: Really, I was still worried because it is also a group drama, it is difficult to find actors, and the role is quite special.

Jia Long: Group drama? That period sitcom you worked on with Northern Lights?

 Lu Yanhe: Yes.

Jia Long: Are you starring in this drama?

 Lu Yanhe: I won’t act anymore. There is no role suitable for me.

Jia Long: Are you planning to pursue a career as a professional screenwriter? You won't be able to act in three dramas at once. Will you be able to write and act in three dramas like "Six People" in the future?

Lu Yanhe: That won’t happen. There will definitely be. But sometimes, I already have a completed story, so I don’t need to write a character for myself and insert it into it.

Jia Long: You are so awesome, Yan He. You will become someone the entire entertainment industry wants to be friends with in the future.

Lu Yanhe: Thanks to your good words, I would like to collaborate with you on a few more dramas.

Jia Long: You write the script and I will act.

Lu Yanhe: It’s settled then, Teacher Jia, I have already thought of several more stories and am preparing to write a script.

Jia Long: Gee, if other screenwriters knew about your strong creative ability, they would be jealous and crazy.

 Lu Yanhe: I can’t help it. There are so many stories popping up in my mind that I can’t help but want to write them out.

Jia Long: Okay, don’t worry, I will push forward with "People on the Road" and not let it sink to the bottom of the box. I can’t wait to film such a good script.

 Lu Yanhe: Yeah.

After chatting with Jia Long, Lu Yanhe sent a message to Chen Ziyan: Sister Ziyan, let’s see when we can meet with the people from Northern Lights Video. I want to promote the drama "Wulin Gaiden".

 Chen Ziyan replied instantly: OK.


 A month of May with no filming and not much work, Lu Yanhe did not feel very relaxed.

 In a blink of an eye, June is here again.

The recording of "Era of Idols" was just around the corner. The stage for Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang's performances was ready. Instead, it was the theme song of "Seventeenth Floor" that he wanted to sing. He had been recording it in the studio all afternoon. Only then did I record a satisfactory version.

By then, singing live will be one thing. When "Seventeenth Floor" is aired, the version he sang will also be used as promotional materials, and a MV will be made to match his performance in the play.

 The promotion of "Seventeenth Floor" has already begun.

As Beijing and Taiwan's original major drama this year, if "Six" at the beginning of the year was a huge surprise, then "Seventeenth Floor" is the biological child that they put on the throne of drama king early.

 Lu Yanhe finally realized how many resources Beijing and Taiwan could mobilize if they wanted to promote a drama.

Lu Yanhe, as the male protagonist of "Seventeenth Floor", has changed from the previous "cold treatment" by Beijing and Taiwan.

The director in charge of this drama is Jiang Lan. She used the greatest publicity resources to promote the show.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige appeared together on the covers of three magazines, and together they appeared on a long-established talk show that has been broadcast on Beijing and Taiwan for 17 years.

In addition to this, in order to create the concept of "Seventeenth Floor" in advance, they even arranged one of their own ace variety shows, used one episode of the program to have the theme of "Seventeenth Floor", and arranged the hosting team and the cast of "Seventeenth Floor" Go and break through.

Lu Yanhe was very excited after not seeing the actors of "Seventeenth Floor" for a long time. Especially teacher Jiang Jun. After the operation, Jiang Jun wanted to work, but his situation was not good. During this publicity trip, Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige asked Jiang Jun if he would participate, and Beijing and Taiwan contacted his team.

Lu Yanhe came to Jiang Jun with a performance contract.

"Teacher Jiang, "Squid Game", male protagonist, this is the performance contract." Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan's production company Linghe has registered the copyright for "Squid Game" and has submitted the project book and plot outline to Northern Lights Video Over there, it just hasn’t officially entered the preparatory stage.

This performance contract was made specifically for Jiang Jun by Lu Yanhe.

When Jiang Jun received the performance contract from Lu Yanhe in the lounge, he was stunned for a moment and looked at Lu Yanhe at a loss.

 In the past six months, he has been trying to continue acting, but he has been repeatedly rejected. Except for some guest scenes with only a few scenes, no one else would give him roles with a little more scenes. Even though he was recovering well and the hospital issued a certificate for his physical condition, others just didn't give him a chance.

 There is no way, he is not a famous actor, he is not irreplaceable, no one is willing to take risks.

Of course, Jiang Jun also remembered that Lu Yanhe told him that he would be cast as the leading actor in a movie later.

When Lu Yanhe officially announced so many projects at the Netherlands Film Festival in early May, Jiang Jun actually wanted to ask if there was any drama promised to him.

 But later Jiang Jun silently endured it.

How could it be possible?

Jiang Jun laughed at himself for still having such a sweet dream at his age.

 It’s rare for someone to say something like this to make you happy.

It’s not like Lu Yanhe has become a big boss himself, he has a lot of resources that can be divided into one or two male protagonists.

Jiang Jun knew that Lu Yanhe was actually just writing scripts.

Jiang Jun never let himself think about this matter again.

Who knew, Lu Yanhe came over with the contract.


“You can take the contract back and take a look at it first. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract.” Lu Yanhe said, “But this drama will definitely not be ready for filming this year.”

Jiang Jun almost failed to hide the corners of his mouth that were trembling with excitement.

Lu Yanhe added: "In addition to this drama, I have a drama that is being developed. I actually want to ask you to play a role. It is not the male lead, but it is also a main role."

Jiang Jun was stunned.

Lu Yanhe said: "This drama may be launched in time for this year, but it may not be certain. It depends on the progress of the follow-up progress. Preparing for the movie "The Journey" gave me a full understanding of how a drama can start filming once it has a script." , how many things and time it takes to go through.”

Jiang Jun opened his mouth and said, "If you are willing to come to me, I will definitely perform well for you."

At this moment, Jiang Jun no longer regarded Lu Yanhe as a junior who needed his guidance.

Lu Yanhe said: "I worked with you in "Seventeen Floors". I know you are good. Teacher Jiang, I 100% believe you can perform them well, as long as you are willing to perform them."

Jiang Jun nodded, "Of course I am willing."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe laughed, “That’s great, then can I have a merciless request?”

Jiang Jun was stunned.

"Can you help me make a guest appearance in "The Lost Road" again? The production pressure of this film is a bit high, so the remuneration for your guest appearance may not be according to the market price. Can you give me a friendly price? Funding for the other two films It’s enough, I can give you enough according to the market price, don’t worry.” Lu Yanhe showed a flattering smile.

 It's like a junior asking an elder for help, which is a bit flattering.

Jiang Jun smiled and waved his hand, "What kind of remuneration is there for a guest appearance? It's free!"

“Then I’m not polite! Teacher Jiang, this movie really needs too many cameos. If we give them all at market prices, we can’t afford them.” Lu Yanhe explained.

Jiang Jun nodded, with a bright face, "You gave me two starring roles, and I'm still greedy for your small cameo fee."

 Lu Yanhe: “I took advantage, thank you very much.”

While the two were chatting, Chen Bige suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

"What are you talking about? I heard Teacher Jiang's laughter from outside." Chen Bige asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "Teacher Jiang just promised me to help me make a guest appearance in "People on the Road" for free."

Hearing this, Chen Bige smiled and said, "No wonder, do you want me to make a cameo for you?"

 Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Is it free?"

 Chen Bige said: "You boy, do you know how many movies have paid one or two million and asked me to make a cameo?!"

 Lu Yanhe: “Isn’t this because I am short of money?”

 Chen Bige sighed, "Since you helped me write two scripts, I will reluctantly agree."

Lu Yanhe clenched his fist in surprise and said, "Thank you to the two teachers who are both talented in virtue and art. I can't thank you enough!"

Chen Bige snorted softly, "You are becoming more and more glib."

Lu Yanhe chuckled.

Chen Bige said: "I also heard that you are planning to write a play like "Seventeen Floors" yourself?"

"I have already written some." Lu Yanhe said directly, "I asked Teacher Jiang to star."

“Oh?” Chen Bige asked, “Then why don’t you ask me to act?”

"I haven't written a role that suits you." Lu Yanhe said, "You have already starred in "The Seventeenth Floor", and you will definitely not take on a drama with similar themes."

 Chen Bige accepted this reason.

 “That’s true.” (End of chapter)

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