Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 350: Just a little bit (The second update is coming, please vote for me!

After a brief chat with Chen Ziyan, Lu Yanhe went to take the final exam for a course this semester. Everything went well.

 After the exam, he carried his schoolbag and set off to the studio of Icefield Video.

The recording of "The Age of Idols" is jointly handled by Beijing TV and Icefield Video. Because it is a weekly program, it is rare to adopt the "chief director + dual team" production model to ensure quality.

This episode that Lu Yanhe participated in happened to be recorded by Icefield Video.

 Zou Dong and Wang Biao were waiting for him at the school gate.

When Wang Biao saw him, he immediately waved excitedly, with a bright smile on his face, called Brother Lu, and ran over with a glass of iced latte.

 “Brother Lu, how did you do in the exam?”

 “Not bad.” Lu Yanhe responded with a smile.

 There should be fewer classes this semester, and he will not be under so much pressure to prepare for the exam, so he is well prepared.

Wang Biao said: "That's good. I'm also worried that the voices on the Internet will affect your exam status."

“This kind of thing won’t happen anymore.” Lu Yanhe said, “It seems like this kind of question comes every few months.”

"But this time it's mostly Ma Zhiyuan's fans who are causing trouble!" Wang Biao immediately said angrily, "They were all picked out by some media. The people who are most influential in setting the pace online are all Ma Zhiyuan's. fan."

 Lu Yanhe: "That's it, it's okay. Anyway, we will meet Zhenzhang tonight."

 “Aren’t you even angry?” Wang Biao looked at Lu Yanhe in shock, surprised by Lu Yanhe’s reaction.

Lu Yanhe said: "I'm angry, but not that angry. It's basically something that can be expected. From the beginning, he was not willing for me to perform a joint stage with Li Zhibai. After their vote, we still have to perform on this stage." He will definitely be unhappy with the performance. Now that a black spot appears on my side that he can take advantage of, of course he will seize the opportunity."

Wang Biao: “Then we won’t fight back?”

 “What is the counterattack?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Wang Biao hesitated for a moment, hesitated, and thought for a long time without knowing what to say.

At this time, it seems that fighting back is of no use.

The focus of people's attack is that Lu Yanhe wrote three songs in one breath, and the quality of the songs is definitely not high. Therefore, unless Lu Yanhe releases the songs at this time, there is no point in saying more.

Only then did Wang Biao understand why Lu Yanhe just said, "Anyway, we will see the real chapter tonight."


 Lu Yanhe and his party arrived at the recording site at 11 o'clock in the morning.

 The lounge is ready.

 Xu Fanxing, as the person assigned to him by the program team, was waiting at the door early, picked up Lu Yanhe and his party and went to the lounge.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Fanxing, have Li Zhibai and Yan Liang arrived?"

“Yan Liang has arrived, but Li Zhibai is not there yet and is on the way.” Xu Fanxing said, “However, Yan Liang is currently undergoing preparation, and it is expected to be over in half an hour.”

“It’s okay, I don’t have anything urgent to ask him for,” Lu Yanhe said.

 Xu Fanxing was originally quite worried about Lu Yanhe's condition, but she was relieved to see that Lu Yanhe had been in good condition since he entered the house and had not been affected by online public opinion at all.

She reminded and said: "Yan He, I heard that at three o'clock in the morning last night, Ma Zhiyuan suddenly contacted the director team to make modifications to his stage."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Xu Fanxing said: "However, we don't know what modifications were made. It is very confidential. They rehearsed it again early this morning. The scene is very confidential and no information has been revealed."

Lu Yanhe came to his senses, nodded, and said, "Okay, I understand, Sister Fanxing, it's okay."

 It is probably that Ma Zhiyuan prepared some "secret weapon" for his show, which is why it is so mysterious.

 Lu Yanhe entered his lounge.

Xu Fanxing asked: "Shall I bring you the lunch box now?"

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Xu Fanxing is leaving now.

Lu Yanhe sat down on the sofa and took out his laptop.

Zou Dong and Wang Biao sat aside quietly.

Lu Yanhe held his laptop, opened the document of "Wulin Gaiden", and revised the script of the third episode.

 About fifteen minutes later, the lunch box was delivered.

Although Lu Yanhe did not make any requests, the program team still arranged a rich schedule.

Three people on their side brought seven dishes and one soup.

"So rich!" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "Thank you Sister Fanxing."

 Actually, it’s really rich. This is all delivered from the cafeteria of Icefield Video Company, not takeaway.

 However, Xu Fanxing knew that compared with other artists, Lu Yanhe's standards could only be said to be very ordinary.

Lu Yanhe was the only team that did not make any request for lunch boxes.

Of course, this does not mean that the request is excessive. Yan Liang’s request is very simple. He does not want spicy food and needs a soup. This is a normal request.

 Some people demand so many different things that even the cafeteria chef scolds them.

Xu Fanxing said: "Yan He, please prepare a little. We will have an interview here at 1:30 in the afternoon. It is expected to take about thirty to forty-five minutes. The interview will be live broadcast and will be shown to netizens simultaneously. , to warm up for the live broadcast in the evening. This is the outline of the questions. They were originally regular questions. However, due to the public opinion this morning, I have temporarily added a few questions about this public opinion. You can take a look in advance. I have already posted these questions. I showed it to Sister Ziyan, and she said it was okay.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Thank you."

 Xu Fanxing left.

Lu Yanhe said to Zou Dong and Wang Biao: "Let's eat something quickly. After Li Zhibai and Yan Liang come over later, we will walk together again, rest for a while, and then we will do the interview. After the interview, we will do the styling." , I also have to take promotional pictures, a lot of things.”

“Hmm,” Wang Biao said immediately, “Brother Xiao Lu, I have already dealt with Sister Fanxing, and I will follow every process.”


 Li Xiaobin has a final exam in the afternoon.

 It’s the end of June. After finishing the last few exams, it’s time for summer vacation.

However, for others, summer vacation is a time for resting and going out to play, but for Li Xiaobin, it is two months during which he can go to work and make money.

He has already taken on three tutoring jobs, filling his summer vacation to the fullest.

 In this busy life, his only outlet is music.

 What he is most concerned about today is the live broadcast of "Idol Era".

 Before the exam, his mother called and asked him if he would be back for dinner that evening.

 Li Xiaobin wanted to watch "The Age of Idols", so he said go back.

If you watch it in the dormitory, your roommates are playing games, watching games... there are all kinds of noises, and there is no quiet environment.

As soon as his mother heard what he said, there was a smile in her tone and she asked: "Then what do you want to eat? Mom will cook it for you."

Li Xiaobin said that he wanted to eat sweet and sour pork ribs.

 This is a dish he has loved eating since childhood.

 “Oh, after all these years, the taste still hasn’t changed.” His mother muttered and hung up the phone happily.

Li Xiaobin entered the examination room.

 He did not expect that he would see Chen Siqi in this examination room.

 The star classmate in school.

 Lu Yanhe’s girlfriend.

 Chief editor of "Jump Up".

Chen Siqi was sitting by the window, wearing headphones, reading and reviewing quietly.

After Li Xiaobin sat down, he heard someone whispering about something around him.

 Listening carefully, it turned out that they were talking about Chen Siqi and Lu Yanhe.

Li Xiaobin couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

Many people in the school seem to be wondering why Lu Yanhe is with Chen Siqi.

 One is a big star, and the other is just an ordinary, somewhat beautiful female college student.

Everyone assumes that her status as the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up" is due to Lu Yanhe's influence and has nothing to do with her.

Although Li Xiaobin didn't know why Lu Yanhe liked Chen Siqi, every time he saw Chen Siqi, she was either reading a book, discussing something with someone, or sitting in the library or coffee shop typing on the keyboard.

He has never seen a game or movie or TV show screen from Chen Siqi's laptop screen.

 This alone makes Li Xiaobin admire him. Suddenly, someone let out a surprised cry.

Li Xiaobin turned around in surprise.

The girl sitting on his left said: "Ma Zhiyuan is the yin and yang of Lu Yanhe, right?"

Li Xiaobin was stunned.

He turned back and glanced at Chen Siqi.

The girl released it to the public: "...I spent a lot of money to buy the copyright for this new song of mine. I hired teacher Park Hye-lan from South Korea to re-arrange the song, and also hired top choreographer Master Sanshi to choreograph a very special song for us. Niu's dance, once the stage is completed, hundreds of thousands of dollars have already been spent, not counting the cost of dancers rehearsing with me. To prepare a stage, especially a stage that wants to shock everyone, you must prepare It takes a long time. It can’t be done in just a week or two. I won’t show that kind of thing to everyone on the stage of “Idol Era”. That would be too perfunctory. I won’t do this. It’s a perfunctory thing to do to fans.”

 After hearing what Ma Zhiyuan said, everyone in the classroom looked at each other in shock.

Those who know Li Xiaobin very well about "The Age of Idols" don't need to make up what Ma Zhiyuan said before. They can already clearly hear his connotation of Lu Yanhe from this passage.

So many people questioned Lu Yanhe in the morning that he wrote songs too quickly, seeking speed rather than quality. In the afternoon, Ma Zhiyuan said such things in an interview, and it is hard not to think of it.

“Lu Yanhe’s interview is over. It’s a pity. Otherwise, we might still be able to see Lu Yanhe’s response.”

"What's there to say in response? What else can a villain like Ma Zhiyuan do except take advantage of others? Lu Yanhe has already thrown him away a thousand miles away."

“The two of them have different tracks, okay? Lu Yanhe has never been Ma Zhiyuan’s opponent on the road of becoming an idol artist.” The person who spoke was obviously a fan of Ma Zhiyuan.

 The two men started to argue.

Li Xiaobin looked in the direction of Chen Siqi again.

She was wearing headphones and was concentrating on her book, and seemed not to hear these movements.

Obviously he didn't know her either, but at this moment he felt inexplicably lucky. It was a good thing that she didn't hear this at this time.


 Liu Zhiyin walked into the interview room.

 She smiled and greeted everyone.

The host said: "Zhiyin, come and say hello to everyone!"

“Hi, everyone, I’m Liu Zhiyin.” She sat down in front of the host in a familiar manner.

“Zhiyin hasn’t started styling her for tonight’s performance, has she?”

“Not yet, because I have to be interviewed first.” Liu Zhiyin said, “The look for the evening must be kept secret for the time being and cannot be revealed.”

The host nodded, "How long has Zhiyin been preparing for this stage?"

Liu Zhiyin laughed and said, "Three weeks."

“Are you ready in three weeks?” the host asked, “You are famous for being a hardworking girl. I heard that you often practice dancing until early in the morning.”

"Yes, but three weeks is a long time to prepare a stage." Ryu Ji-yin said, "I have to prepare two stages a month. If it were not because this is the last stage in the first half of the year, I would not give this stage three Weekly preparation time, we are professional artists, and we do not participate in one show only once in a while. We must make good use of our time and give each stage enough practice time. "

“Is the stage for this performance a new song?”

“No, it’s an adaptation of a song I like very much, with a new arrangement and choreography.”

“Ma Zhiyuan just said that he spent hundreds of thousands to build a new stage and hired top arrangers and choreographers to design the stage. What about you?”

"Me? I don't have that much money." Liu Zhiyin stuck out his tongue pretending to be helpless, "I hired arrangers and choreographers that I am very familiar with to polish this work. Although they are not as famous as the teachers Ma Zhiyuan worked with, they are I have worked with me for a long time and am very familiar with my strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, this time I have made a creative highlight based on my ability. I can’t wait for everyone to see it.”

“Besides your own performance tonight, whose performance are you most looking forward to?”

“The performances of Li Zhibai, Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe.” Liu Zhiyin said without hesitation.

 “Hmm? Why?”

"Because I know them very well. We have recorded two seasons of "Young Days" together, and we will soon record the third season together." Ryu Ji-yin teased with a smile, "And I have known them for such a long time, and they will be on stage together for me." But I’ve basically never seen it, so I’m very curious.”


 The artists walked into the interview room one after another.

 What they say is watched by millions of viewers, and a casual sentence becomes extremely popular and spreads on the Internet.

  Topics are trending one after another.

Ma Zhiyuan connotation Lu Yanhe perfunctory fans.

 Liu Zhiyin mocked Ma Zhiyuan for taking an absurdly long time to prepare for the stage.

Li Zhibai directly sneered "haha".

Yan Liang asked expressionlessly: "Didn't the stage do the talking in "The Age of Idols"? When did the mouth do the talking?"


 Even before the program was aired, "The Age of Idols" had already hit the screens all over the Internet.

Such a popularity has made the industry pay attention and also made everyone aware of one thing. Tonight's live broadcast may explode.

 Icefield Video quickly found technical personnel to ensure that if there were too many viewers at night, the live broadcast would not crash.


 Li Xiaobin finished the exam and left the examination room.

 Chen Siqi walked in front of him.

 Her headphones were on again, as if the whole world had nothing to do with her.

Almost everyone around Li Xiaobin is discussing the gossip of "Idol Era" - many people may not have watched this show, but due to the popularity today, especially after going through a final exam, everyone needs one thing. Divert yourself.

Li Xiaobin left quickly without any attachment to their discussion. He got on the bus and prepared to go home.

When he first chose a university, he chose Jiangguang University without any hesitation.

 In fact, with his score, he can go to a better university.

But Li Xiaobin felt that if it was just better, it would be better to stay in the city where his home is and be close to his mother.

 When I got home, as soon as I opened the door, I smelled the familiar smell of sweet and sour pork ribs.

 “Mom, I’m back! It smells so good!”

"You are hungry, hurry up and wash your hands, dinner will be ready soon." Mother's voice came from the kitchen.

Li Xiaobin smiled, responded, went to the bathroom, passed by the living room, and saw a family photo taken when he was a child on the shelf next to the TV.

At that time, he was only three or four years old. He was held by his father and mother and stood in front of a rockery in a park.

 My mother had fashionable waves and was wearing a pink suit. At that time, my mother worked in a foreign trade company and was a rare female white-collar worker in that era.

Dad was wearing a dark green suit, with a 28-part haircut. He was handsome and had a smile on his face.

 Li Xiaobin can’t remember much about that time. Fortunately, there is a photo like this that reminds him of the happy childhood he once had.

 Mom has always said that he looks a lot like his father when he was young.

Looking at myself in the mirror now, and then at my father in this photo, I can vaguely see the similarities.

Li Xiaobin recalled the memory like a lingering dream. His father was driving a car and singing along with the radio. He sat in the back, and the melody was engraved in his memory.

  What song is it?

 Over the years, he has been looking for it for a long time, but has not found it.

"What are you doing in a daze? Have you washed your hands? It's time to eat!" Mom came out of the kitchen carrying dishes and said immediately when she saw him in a daze.

Li Xiaobin came to his senses, let out an ooh, and quickly went to the bathroom.

 The guilty smirk on his face made his mother stunned for a moment.

 The setting sun shines in from the window.

At that moment, it was like the person from twenty years ago had passed through the long corridor of time and came back to her.

She was in a daze for a while, and then came to her senses.

What are you thinking about? It’s been so many years.

But this kid really looks more and more like his dad.

His mother put down the dishes, walked into the kitchen, turned her back, raised the back of her hand, and wiped her eyes.

The setting sun dimly shrouded in from the window, making her back slightly stooped.

  She knew that she was not actually crying.

So many years have passed, and all the tears that need to be shed have long been finished.

 In fact, she just had a little moisture in the corners of her eyes.

Only a little bit. (End of chapter)

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