Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 351: Swing to your heart’s content!

Live broadcasting is always accompanied by various risks. Judging from the effect of program presentation, recording and broadcasting are definitely safer. If something goes wrong, it can be adjusted through post-editing.

Then why are there still live broadcasts?

In other words, to a large extent, the quality of live broadcasts is worse than recorded broadcasts, so why do so many people like to watch live broadcasts?

 Because in today's world where media technology is constantly developing and very advanced, every frame can be made beautiful. At this time, people are more thirsty for real drama.

Compared to a program based on a script, they prefer to see the real sense of presence during the live broadcast without knowing what will happen.

 That's why everyone was so excited when "Idol Era" proposed to be broadcast live.

  Music fixing, editing... every program that comes out is good to watch. It looks good, but something is always missing. What exactly is missing? In fact, not everyone has an answer and can tell one, two, three, four.

Just like a singer giving a concert, the live performance will never be as perfect as the studio version. It will always be affected by various factors such as the singer's condition on the day of the performance and the singing environment. But why do people still go to the concert? In other words, why do so many people always admire the live version so much?

It is because the combination of reality and contingency that cannot be explained in detail may, to some extent, be the most inseparable background of human beings.


  The show was launched and the number of viewers exceeded 8 million.

Since then, it has been rising.

 Subsequently, about forty minutes into the broadcast, Lu Yanhe appeared.

Singing the theme song of "Seventeenth Floor".

 As soon as the program information was typed out, I don’t know how many people took screenshots.

Within about five minutes, a group of people appeared out of nowhere and called Lu Yanhe a liar—didn’t he say that he wrote three songs in one breath? Is this a song you wrote?

Chen Ziyan knew that tonight would be a tough battle for Lu Yanhe in terms of public opinion.

 She had already set up a working group with people from the Star Entertainment Public Relations Department and brought a team of people to deal with tonight's situation.

 The heat should be reduced, and the rhythm should be brought up.

  Including the self-media "Editor Club" of "Jump Up" and some other media accounts, they were all used by Chen Ziyan - of course, at a cost.

These public relations expenses are not cheap, but Chen Ziyan knows that this money must be spent.

In this matter, everyone needs to know that Lu Yanhe's performance of the theme song of "Seventeen Floors" is itself a drama promotion.

As for writing three songs... Chen Ziyan doesn't intend to explain much about this matter.

 They will soon know whether this is a "fraud" or not.

 There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about Lu Yanhe’s performance.

On the one hand, he questioned why the song he sang was not composed by him at all, and why he promoted it as "original" in the early stage. On the other hand, it was also because he hadn't sang for a long time, so many people thought it was fresh and wanted to Look at how Lu Yanhe sings now.

 After Lu Yanhe’s performance is over, he will rush backstage to do the styling for the next performance.

The backstage of live broadcasts is always chaotic like a city center clogged with traffic during rush hour.

Lu Yanhe was led back to the lounge in a hurry by Wang Biao, Zou Dong and Xu Fanxing.

 As a result, I happened to meet Ma Zhiyuan in the corridor.

  It’s really... a narrow encounter. There is no way to avoid the narrow corridor.

Ma Zhiyuan smiled brightly when he saw him.

“Yan He, didn’t you say that the song you performed today was an original song written by yourself?” He looked at him sarcastically, “Why are you singing a song written by someone else?”

Lu Yanhe ignored him and asked, "Have you finished your performance? You are so leisurely and relaxed, why do you still come to pay attention to my performance?"

Ma Zhiyuan smiled calmly and said: "My stage has been polished for a long time. Everything is ready, so you don't have to worry about me. You should worry about yourself, right? Sing other people's songs, just sing other people's songs. You have to create it outside Why did I write three original gimmicks? Now I feel like I was cheated by you and I’m scolding you.”

Lu Yanhe smiled but said nothing.

This is how it went.

As a result, at this time, Wang Biao actually muttered with an irritated look on his face: "There's so much bullshit."

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment.

Ma Zhiyuan's expression also changed in an instant.

"Who do you think you are? Is it your turn to speak?" A trace of anger appeared on Ma Zhiyuan's face.

Wang Biao realized that his mouth was twitching when he asked him this question.

 When he is not alone, he can say whatever he wants.

 He is still speaking on behalf of Lu Yanhe.

Just as Wang Biao was about to speak, Lu Yanhe suddenly fell down and looked at Wang Biao.

Wang Biao had never seen Lu Yanhe look so serious before. He was startled and felt really nervous now.

Lu Yanhe looked at him and said, "How many times have I told you, don't know what I'm thinking, just say it out loud. How embarrassing is it if others hear it?"

 Wang Biao: “…”

Wang Biao was a little confused and could not react.

Lu Yanhe said: "Smartness should be used where it should be used."

 “Oh, I understand.” Wang Biao responded somewhat at a loss.

Ma Zhiyuan angrily shouted: "Lu Yanhe, what do you mean?"

Lu Yanhe directly wrote the word "annoying" on his face, "You have to say it a second time if you don't understand it once? Why do you talk so much nonsense? I don't think Li Zhibai can't fight you to death, right?"

Ma Zhiyuan’s face turned blue.

Zou Dong smiled and said, "Yan He, you have to go back to do the styling quickly. Time is tight, so don't delay."

“Oh, yes, let’s go back quickly.” Lu Yanhe regarded Ma Zhiyuan as nothing and walked away from him.

Ma Zhiyuan scolded from behind: "Just be crazy. I see so many people are scolding you tonight, how can you be so crazy!"


Lu Yanhe returned to his lounge before saying to Wang Biao: "Don't say such words casually next time. Another person may not be as easy to deal with as Ma Zhiyuan."

Wang Biao also knew that he was wrong and immediately said yes.

Lu Yanhe didn’t say any more. The makeup team was waiting for him in the break room, and as soon as he came back, they started to give him the look of "Green Apple Paradise".

 He had to get it done as soon as possible.

In order to ensure that the styling styles of the three people are unified, this team is responsible for the styling of him, Li Zhibai, and Yan Liang in the show "Green Apple Paradise".

 In ten minutes there will be Yan Liang's performance, followed immediately by Li Zhibai's performance.

His side must finish within half an hour before he can catch up with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

 There is a TV in the lounge where you can watch the live broadcast in the evening.

The live broadcast is also being played.

 Ma Zhiyuan has come to power.

 This is his one-man stage. He performed on the stage with twelve dancers.

 It must be admitted that Ma Zhiyuan has put in a lot of effort into this stage. He performed several cool and difficult moves in this performance, which set off a wave of cheers from the audience.

Especially the scene where thirteen people danced together and took a space walk together, Lu Yanhe was shocked.

  It is indeed a good stage! It's a very exciting show.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but sigh: "If Ma Zhiyuan hadn't had such a bad character, his stage performance would have been truly top-notch."

At least, he can't perform on such a stage, and Li Zhibai can't perform well. Only Yan Liang can - his foundation is very solid, but if he wants to perform well, he must spend a lot of time practicing, otherwise, he won't be able to perform well. Such neatness.

Ma Zhiyuan still has the confidence to be crazy.

 Lu Yanhe checked online and sure enough, Ma Zhiyuan’s fans had already started making a topic #This is the stage we want to watch#.

As for the insinuations of this topic, Lu Yanhe knew what was being said in the comment area without clicking on it.

At this moment, the rebellious mentality suddenly arose.

He got some stage photos from Xu Fanxing of himself performing the theme song of "Seventeenth Floor", and posted on Weibo: 1/4 has been completed tonight. The theme song of "Seventeenth Floor" is originally sung by Zhibai. This I once sang it in "Idol Era" as an advertisement for our "Seventeenth Floor". It is a very nice song with a sense of destiny. Friends who like my version can listen to Zhibai's version. If you don't like my version, then you should listen to Zhibai's version. I was a little nervous after being away from the stage for too long, and I even caught up with the live broadcast. I hope I didn't disappoint everyone.

He directly played his cards right at this time and told you clearly that his song is just a promotional mission for "Seventeenth Floor".

Now that the concept of 1/4 has been typed out, those who said he had false marketing before should be able to figure out what he means, right?

Think about it, no, what if someone doesn’t understand?

So, he posted a second post, adding: The reason why it is said to be 1/4 is because there are three more performances related to me. Well, I wrote the songs for the three performances, and the news posted on the Internet is also That's right.


During the commercial break, Li Xiaobin lowered his head and scrolled through his phone. His mother had been sitting next to him watching "Idol Era" and suddenly said: "The boy named Lu Yanhe just now is the one who got into Zhenhua, right?"

 “Yes.” Li Xiaobin nodded, somewhat dumbfounded. As expected, the artists that my parents can remember are all Lu Yanhe who was admitted to Zhenhua.

Li Xiaobin knows very well what a shining idol Lu Yanhe is to the parents of high school students.

 He is from Lu Yanhe’s class.

The news that Lu Yanhe was admitted to Zhenhua became the biggest news in their college entrance examination. There was no senior high school student in that class who did not know the news.

 His mother suddenly said: "He looks a bit like you."

 “What?” Li Xiaobin’s expression immediately changed, “It’s not like that at all.”

 His mother: "Actually, you also liked singing when you were a child, but it seems that I rarely hear you singing later."

Li Xiaobin shrugged his shoulders and said, pretending to be relaxed: "Because I'm not that interested anymore."

 Hmm, he didn’t say anything else.

 The commercial is over.

 "Idol Era" continues to air.

  After the host made a brief introduction, Yan Liang’s program started.

 "Young Battlefield".

Li Xiaobin was stunned.

 Because the information column of this song reads: Lyrics/Music: Lu Yanhe.

 The dark blue choreography effect turns the stage into a quiet, ocean-like environment.

Yan Liang stood alone on the raised platform, waiting for the prelude to sound.

 He picked up the microphone and began to sing: "Today, I am standing on this young battlefield, please give me a ray of love -"

Li Xiaobin has been watching "Idol Era" for a long time. He has seen Yan Liang on many stages. Yan Liang's singing skills are really average, mainly because his voice condition is average, and he can only be said to be able to sing.

 Comparatively speaking, Yan Liang’s dancing ability is very strong, and his several street dance performances were so explosive that the scene exploded.

 However, this time, Li Xiaobin was stunned when Yan Liang opened his mouth.

  It’s not that Yan Liang’s singing skills have improved by leaps and bounds during this period, but that as soon as Yan Liang opened his mouth, Li Xiaobin felt like he was “in the zone”.

There are a few songs in everyone's life that make you feel that they are the song of your life, so consistent with your life experience that they seem to resonate with your soul.

Yan Liang's singing of "Young Battlefield" gave Li Xiaobin such a sense of "immersion".


 Why did Lu Yanhe give the song "Young Battlefield" to Yan Liang instead of to Li Zhibai.

When Lu Yanhe was choosing the song, he felt that "Young Battlefield" was more suitable for Yan Liang.

 Yan Liang is a person with more "fighting spirit" than Li Zhibai. Before "Six People" became popular, Yan Liang lay dormant for four or five years and worked hard all the time. Lu Yanhe watched him insist on running in the morning and going to the rehearsal room to practice dancing every day. Even if Zhou Ping'an didn't take him seriously, he would not give up and cherish every opportunity to appear on the scene.

His love for this career perfectly fits "Young Battlefield".

 "Young Battlefield" itself was the theme song of the male idol talent show "Come on, Good Man", and later it slowly evolved into the "College Entrance Examination Battle Song".

Lu Yanhe believes that Yan Liangcai can sing the persistence of working hard for dreams and the silent perseverance behind the youthful publicity in this song.

  Yan Liang’s mental journey can convey the most essential emotion of this song.


Several modern dance dancers use their body movements on the stage to express various scenes of young people on the road to pursuing their dreams, experiencing setbacks, never giving up, struggling and persevering, and running without stopping.

Yan Liang, who is best at dancing, did not have any dance moves this time. He stood on the rising platform and sang this song with his original voice.

The originally agitated scene was filled with emotion by the almost a cappella-like first half and became quiet.

“My dream beats my heart every morning when I wake up.

 Tell yourself that the road to success is still long. "


Compared with Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai, Yan Liang is not an artist who is easy to see.

 As an artist, it is the original sin to have no personality and not be remembered by everyone. The entertainment industry that Yan Liang experienced was different from that of Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai. If he goes to act, he will be ridiculed by others for not being as good as his teammates. When he goes to an event, he will be treated as a third-tier artist and treated coldly. He also knows that he is not a very talented artist. He cannot capture a large number of fans with his charm like Li Zhibai, nor can he write a record-breaking script or guest star in a movie like Lu Yanhe. Known as a "genius", he is just a very ordinary person, a very ordinary person who also wants to pursue his dream.


 “All the gentleness and strength that have gone through the wind and rain.

 All youth has no regrets, worries and growth.

 All ideals and publicity towards the future.

 All the love and madness that breaks through the bondage. "

When Yan Liang listened to this song, he was thinking, did Lu Yanhe write this song specifically for him? Otherwise, why would every word seem to be sung from his heart?

He stood on the stage, surrounded by darkness. He could not clearly see the faces of the audience, nor could he clearly see their reactions.

 In the darkness that enveloped him like waves, he heard what he was singing on stage for the first time.

Every performance he performed before was for everyone, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that this song was sung for himself.

 He wants to sing in the deserted land here, on the top of the mountains that belongs only to him.

“Today I finally stand on this young battlefield.

 Please applaud me proudly.

 Today I will go to the distance of victory.

 I want this world to stir for me—"


Li Xiaobin sat on the sofa and listened carefully to this very shameless and un-"Idol Era" song.

His mother suddenly said: "This child is so emotional. He is going to make himself cry, right?"

 His mother turned around and looked over.

Li Xiaobin hummed.

As a result, Li Xiaobin didn’t hear a **** response.

 He looked at his mother in confusion, only to see her mother looking at him blankly.

 “What’s wrong?” Li Xiaobin asked.

 He suddenly realized something and raised his hand to touch his face.

 I don’t know when, he also shed tears all over his face.


 After singing the last word, Yan Liang put down the microphone.

He took a deep breath, feeling that he could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes, and immediately turned around, facing away from the camera.

At this moment, the director’s instructions suddenly came from the cameraman’s earphones on Unit 7: “Follow up quickly and shoot him crying!”

Therefore, the audience who was watching the live broadcast saw everything on the screen. From the camera obliquely behind, they saw the moment Yan Liang lowered his head. He couldn't hold back a tear and fell down.

 At this moment, Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai were equally moved.

  Yan Liang’s life is not easy. Others don’t know it, but they know it.

  Yan Liang’s persistence is not known to others, but they know it.

Lu Yanhe sighed softly, knowing that Yan Liang had finished singing this song.

He used this song to dissect his past years, integrating his true feelings into every word and every sentence, like the nightingale's cry, to express his feelings to the world.


this moment.

Zhou Pingan held his mobile phone and said: "This performance is likely to become the most indelible performance in Yan Liang's acting career. Mr. Ma, you believe me, as long as you agree to give me a special amount of publicity funds, let this performance be praised by everyone." We can see that Yan Liang will have a second masterpiece, and such a masterpiece will bring us dozens of times revenue in the future.”

After getting the promise of permission, Zhou Pingan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately clenched his fists.

If Ma Zhongquan were here and saw Zhou Pingan's current appearance, he would probably be shocked.

 Because the eyes of this man, whose eyes are filled only with interests and calculations, are actually turning red.

Zhou Ping'an took a deep breath and looked up at the moon in the night sky - I don't know why, but it was incredibly bright today.

 He turned around and walked towards the artist lounge.


—Yan Liang, who is the best at dancing, did not dance tonight because he had "Young Battlefield".

A blogger with three million fans wrote such a sentence, which became a real-time hot Weibo search result for the keyword "Yan Liang".

  Within ten minutes, it received over 10,000 likes and over 1,000 comments.

 Most of Yan Liang’s fans came because of “Six People”.

 They know that Yan Liang is also an idol and can sing, but they are not very interested in this part.

Drama fans are like this. They rarely show interest in all your performances just because they like your character.

 But tonight, there was an overwhelming momentum—Yan Liang sang "Young Battlefield" and used the least idol solo to firmly hold the stage.

 Yan Liang’s search data on various platforms has surged.

This data growth trend has also been captured by the platform, which has been prepared for a long time, and began to promote Yan Liang.


Yan Liang has always been ranked between tenth and twentieth on the Tianxing List.

This is because after the broadcast of "Six People", a lot of votes from brands and media were converted. Otherwise, his ranking would be outside the 30s.

 He ​​doesn’t have much thought about his position on the semi-annual list. Since “Six People” became popular, his focus has shifted to acting.

 "Idol Era" has been recording and preparing for the stage, but he may not really have the appeal of the stage, and the effect has always been tepid.

 But this time, Yan Liang felt sincerely—no wonder the previous stage was tepid.

 He had a real sense of enjoying the stage tonight. This feeling is different from every performance before.

He walked into the corridor of the artist's lounge, and Lu Yanhe was standing at the door of his lounge waiting for him.

Yan Liang laughed, and without even hearing what he said, he took the initiative and said, "I fulfilled my mission today and didn't waste the song you wrote."

“It’s your song.” Lu Yanhe smiled and hugged Yan Liang, patting his back. “I have a hunch that you will become a **** tonight.”

Yan Liang: “That’s an exaggeration.”

“Stop talking, hurry up and do the styling.” Lu Yanhe said, “We have a performance waiting for you.”

Yan Liang nodded.

 He went into the lounge to do some styling.

Lu Yanhe also returned to his lounge.

 Two programs later, Li Zhibai came on stage. His "Bewitched" is a typical "Idol Age" style.

 Very similar to Ma Zhiyuan's acting style.

However, Li Zhibai's "dazzling" style fits well with the song "Bewitched", especially the tonality of "How do you like it", which makes him form a powerful force as soon as he steps on the stage. Stage dominance.

 Some people can be very pretentious, but some people can be very handsome.

 Li Zhibai is the latter.

For an idol with strong personal charm like Li Zhibai, what he actually needs most is not to highlight his singing or dancing abilities, but to achieve a balance between personal charm and stage charm.

The melody of "Bewitched" is very simple, but at the same time it is simple and has a progressive rhythm because of its constant repetition.

Every "thumping" sentence caused everyone to hold their chests and tremble.

This allowed Li Zhibai to lead his dance troupe on the stage with a rapid rhythm of movements, following the powerful music rhythm, driving the entire audience to dance with them.

 The appeal continues to strengthen the rhythmic impression in the "fascination" time after time.

When Li Zhibai used his vibrato to match the electronic music and sang out the phrase "all the anxiety I can't put away is spread in front of you", the whole place was boiling.

Just when everyone thought the rhythm had reached a period of restlessness, suddenly, the lights on the scene changed from bright colors to dim. Li Zhibai and all the dancers slowed down in an instant and became slow motion.

Li Zhibai pressed the microphone to the corner of his mouth, facing the audience, and his voice suddenly dropped very low, as if he was talking in your ear, low, but full of magnetism:

—babypleasebecloseyourmouth, pink eyes rippling dimly.

At this moment, the hearts of all the girls present felt as if they were being stirred by a feather, or as if they were being held tightly by a hand.

If Yan Liang's performance of "Young Battlefield" is a confession of his mental journey over the past few years, it is a song while standing in the spotlight. Then Li Zhibai's "Bewitched" is a concentrated release of his crazy and cool charm.

  —I am fascinated.

—The restless heart is setting off firecrackers.

 —My Cupid is screaming.

—Hormonal explosion, head over heels because of your arrival.


There wasn’t a girl in the room who didn’t feel her heart beating loudly when she heard Li Zhibai singing these lyrics.


Ma Zhiyuan's face darkened.

 It was quiet in the lounge.

Whether it is Yan Liang or Li Zhibai, their performances did not miss the mark. Instead, they had a "very suitable" feeling.

The two songs written by Lu Yanhe are completely based on their characters, journeys and positioning in the program "Idol Era".

At present, Yan Liang’s performance stage playback data has exceeded 3 million views on the entire network, surpassing Ma Zhiyuan’s solo stage video by one section.

 But Ma Zhiyuan is not worried about Yan Liang. Even if he gets first place tonight, it is impossible to shake his position.

 But Li Zhibai is different.

 Li Zhibai’s ranking is too close to him.

Ma Zhiyuan realized one thing after watching Li Zhibai's performance.

 In terms of the difficulty and complexity of the stage, his stage is absolutely nothing to say, crushing Li Zhibai.

Li Zhibai's stage is so simple that a mature idol artist and a dance troupe can recreate it in just a day or two.

 However, Ma Zhiyuan also knows that the simpler the stage, the easier it will be to impress the audience if the rhythm is found correctly.

 This song by Li Zhibai has such stage performance.

Ma Zhiyuan took a deep breath and thought, fortunately...


—"Young Battlefield" and "Bewitched" written by Lu Yanhe are really awesome. Secondly, they are good to listen to. The key is that these two songs are also very suitable for Yan Liang and Li Zhibai. This is the most suitable song that the two of them have encountered since their debut. Only Lu Yanhe can tailor these two songs for them. People who don't know them can't write such emotions. Especially "Young Battlefield", I have a hunch that this song will become a crucial work in Yan Liang's acting career. It is completely a summary of Yan Liang's debut so far, and it is also his cry for the future.


After Lu Yanhe saw this Weibo, he liked it, then edited the Weibo himself and sent:

3/4 is reached, and I’m just waiting for the last performance. I haven’t performed on stage with them for a long time. I’m very excited and looking forward to it. After this song, I may not be able to give such a stage again for a long, long time. .

Those who scolded Lu Yanhe before almost ran away.

The stage of "Young Battlefield" spread rapidly on major platforms, especially the scene where Yan Liang shed a tear at the end. Many self-media urgently added Yan Liang's hard work, struggle and persistence over the years and remade it into a short video. It features an inspirational story about realizing your dreams, which has touched the hearts of many people.

As a songwriter, Lu Yanhe once again proved his ability to write songs.

 And "Bewitched", a song with a completely different style, shocked everyone.

Lu Yanhe was actually able to present a work of this style after the fresh "Memories" and the passionate "Young Battlefield".

 Just waiting for him to be the last one.


Li Xiaobin was inexplicably excited at this moment. After watching the previous performances, he was extremely looking forward to the stage where Lu Yanhe and the three of them would join together.

The quality of Lu Yanhe’s songwriting is too low?

If Li Xiaobin had such doubts before, now he has completely put down his worries.

If after listening to "Young Battlefield" and "Bewitched", some people will say that Lu Yanhe released three songs in one breath, and if the quality is not guaranteed, he will just spray them back.

 “Son.” His mother suddenly called him.

 “Huh?” Li Xiaobin turned his head and looked doubtfully.

his mother said: "Do you actually still like singing?"

Li Xiaobin was stunned for a moment and looked at his mother with some confusion.

“I have stopped singing much for a long time. I occasionally go to KTV with my classmates to sing,” he said.

His mother said "Oh", and after a while, he said, "How about you also try to participate in a talent show? Aren't there a lot of talent shows now? I see that many people can't sing as well as you, and they are all popular."

Li Xiaobin couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “Mom, I’m in school, and you asked me to participate in the talent show.”

“Can’t you participate in the talent show when you go to school? I remember that you really love singing.”

Li Xiaobin said: "The next performance has started, let's watch first... Huh?"

Li Xiaobin looked at the program information printed on the screen and was stunned. Is it Ma Zhiyuan again?

 Wait a minute, there’s also Chen Ziliang?


Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang have completed their styling, blow-dried their hair and are ready to perform on stage.

They gathered in Lu Yanhe's lounge, waiting for someone to call them.

"Huh? Why is it Ma Zhiyuan again? And Chen Ziliang?" Yan Liang asked in surprise.

 The two of them appeared on the TV screen.

 The next performance turned out to be Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang.

Lu Yanhe and the others looked at each other in confusion.

 Li Zhibai was the first to react, "Ha, this is a temporary performance, right?"

“It should be so, I haven’t heard that Chen Ziliang is coming before.” Yan Liang was also surprised.

“Is this...Ma Zhiyuan specifically looking for Chen Ziliang to help him stand up?”

“Is this the show that Ma Zhiyuan rehearsed this morning?”

A few people were silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

 “Dong Dong!” Someone knocked on the door.

  is a staff member of the program team, reminding them that they are about to go on stage.

 Lu Yanhe and the others stood up, and the makeup team did the final inspection and finishing for them.

“When did Chen Ziliang come?” Li Zhibai asked the staff, “I haven’t seen him this evening.”

 The staff member shook his head and said, “I don’t know either.”

Lu Yanhe: “Forget it, if you have any questions, let’s just do our own show.”

Li Zhibai raised his chin and said, "Let's go and show them what a combined stage is. It doesn't mean that two people just poke each other on the stage."

 He immediately started shaking.


The dispute between Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan is the biggest highlight tonight.

This is not a point of interest made by the program team, but a point that everyone who pays attention to this program and the Star Awards pays attention to.

Ma Zhiyuan invited Chen Ziliang to perform on a stage together. This was not against the rules. It was just that he hid it in the early stage, making it like a secret weapon, just to win over Li Zhibai at the critical moment.

  That’s okay too.

Lu Yanhe asked jokingly: "Brother Bai, what if our program doesn't help you win the first place on the half-year list?"

"If you haven't won it, you haven't won it. Do you think I'm like him, staring at the ranking all day long? Are you tired?" Li Zhibai said angrily.

 Li Zhibai's relaxed mentality made Lu Yanhe breathe a sigh of relief.

"Just perform normally." Yan Liang said, "We rarely have a performance like this once a year. It has nothing to do with anyone else. We just perform our own performance. We have practiced the stage of "Green Apple Paradise" for so long, and we don't care about others. What to do.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded and smiled.

At that time, why did you want to use the song "Green Apple Paradise" as a joint performance between the three of them?

 Not just because the Little Tigers are also three boys, but because this song is so suitable for them to sing now.

Young people are so full of youth that they may not be able to sing in a few years.


 The performances of Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang ended, and the audience cheered.

After all, it was a top-notch performance. The two sang together for the first time, giving everyone a huge surprise.

 Behind them is Song Linxin's performance.

 She is the invited guest tonight.

Lu Yanhe and the other three came to the backstage to wait, and happened to meet Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang after their performance.

 When they saw the appearance of the three of them, Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang were stunned for a moment.

The three of them were wearing old-fashioned suits of different colors, and their hair was styled into a two-eighth part. They were still very handsome, but they were incompatible with the modern stage tonight.

 Before this, the appearance of the three of them had never appeared in front of everyone, just to keep it secret.

 Even the director only came to their room to see it.

 So, this is also the first time Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang have seen their appearance.

“You—” Chen Ziliang was stunned for a moment, and then, as if he couldn’t hold it in any longer, he covered his mouth, laughed loudly, pointed at them, and said, “What are you doing? A retro performance?”

"Are you really retro?" Ma Zhiyuan couldn't help but laugh.

 His heart instantly relaxed and he was no longer nervous. Ma Zhiyuan specifically contacted Chen Ziliang and added such a chorus program just to compete with the combined performance of Lu Yanhe and the other three. He is not worried that his popularity is worse than Li Zhibai, but he is worried that Lu Yanhe's influence will bring blessings to Li Zhibai. Now it seems that he is really worrying too much and there is no need at all.

"If you want to win, you don't have to be so eccentric, right? Do you think the so-called classic retro can make everyone feel novel and vote for you?" Ma Zhiyuan really couldn't hold back his excitement and laughed out loud. .

Li Zhibai looked at him with disdain, "If you don't understand, get out of here and go back to your lounge to see how your fathers perform. Do you think that performing in a joint performance is just about finding someone to sing with you? Why don't you find someone?" A female singer comes to sing a duet with your love song? Oh, yes, you rely on female fans to make a living. How dare you sing a duet with a female singer? You can only sing with Chen Ziliang. After all, he duets with Song Linxin, but he has been named and scolded by others, except You don’t have anyone who wants to sing with him, so he can only sing with you. You two are really good for each other.”

 Chen Ziliang and Ma Zhiyuan were ridiculed by Li Zhibai in front of their faces, and their faces showed furious expressions.

“Okay, let’s see, how awesome a performance you can give!” Chen Ziliang sneered, “Do you really think that once you become famous, you can perform anything and the audience will like it? I don’t know how high the sky is.”

"Oh, what can we do? We just perform and become popular." Li Zhibai said in a strange tone, "Transformations like you always fail, and new songs are not popular. You know best how high the sky is and how high the earth is. thick."

 Chen Ziliang yelled out, "I'll **** you!", raised his fists and was about to charge towards him.

"What are you doing!" Zhou Ping'an, who had been hiding aside, couldn't hide anymore, so he appeared and grabbed Chen Ziliang.

 “You **** let go!” Chen Ziliang glared at Zhou Pingan.

Zhou Ping'an glared back unceremoniously: "You try to move! If you dare to touch Li Zhibai's finger here, you will never show up again in your life! If you hit someone backstage, let me see if you can still How to be your idol!"

Chen Ziliang was scolded by Zhou Ping'an, so he finally sobered up a bit.

Also, if he really dares to take action at this time, he will really have nothing to answer for.

 Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, but no one dared to come forward to persuade him.

Song Linxin’s manager Zhou Meng was also waiting for Song Linxin backstage.

Seeing this, she sighed, feeling that she still had an obligation to break the deadlock and let both parties find a way out.

"What time has it been? Forget it. If you have any grudges or grievances, at least wait until the show is over." Zhou Meng said, "They are all young people. It is normal to get angry easily, but don't do it rashly. Something that I will regret in the future.”

 She said to Ma Zhiyuan: "Ma Zhiyuan, why don't you take your friends back to the lounge first?"

Ma Zhiyuan also knows that he can just keep talking about this matter. It will not be good for anyone if it gets bigger.

 He patted Chen Ziliang on the shoulder and said, "Don't argue with them. The audience will teach them a lesson."

Chen Ziliang snorted coldly and walked up the steps.


Zhou Ping'an took a deep look at Li Zhibai, but rarely said anything.

 “Perform well.” After saying these four words, he left again.

Li Zhibai glanced at him, his eyes stern.

“Calm down your mood and adjust your state.” Yan Liang took a deep breath and said to the two of them.

Li Zhibai had a deadpan expression and said sternly: "I can go on stage at any time."

Lu Yanhe hummed and said, "It's good. After such a quarrel, my whole body has warmed up. I don't need to warm up anymore."

Li Zhibai glanced at him sideways.

“You made such a big noise, I was the only one doing the output just now.”

"Then when you are outputting, I will add fire. Will it interrupt your output rhythm?" Lu Yanhe said, "Yan Liang and I are your two shields. When you are outputting, just stand silently on both sides of you." ”

  Li Zhibai: “Damn, I really admire these two idiots.”

Looking at Li Zhibai's obviously angry look, Lu Yanhe joked: "Brother Bai, you always said that you are the oldest and the eldest brother. You won't be the one who loses the last one, right?"

Li Zhibai gave him the **** and said, "If a hair falls on the ground, it's mine."

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang laughed.

 “Okay, you’d better not lose a hair.”

Li Zhibai glared at them, and the anger in his chest was finally relieved.

"Cheer up, everyone. If anyone makes a mistake for me on this stage, I will scold him for a year! This is a battle of honor!" Li Zhibai said, "Let those two grandsons open their dog eyes to see clearly. , what is the real integrated stage! ”


As soon as Song Linxin’s guest performance ended, the main stage went dark.

The host went to the sub-stage and started to join the audience.

Lu Yanhe and three others came on stage and took their positions.

 There are no other backup dancers, just the three of them.

 This is the stage for the three of them.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath, held his headset so that his voice could not be received, and shouted: "Hey!"

 Li Zhibai: “What are you doing?”

His voice rang out from the microphone, directly interrupting the host's voice.

 The whole audience was stunned.

Li Zhibai was also stunned. He forgot that his microphone had been turned on.

The host was stunned. He had just introduced Li Zhibai.

This is...a stage accident?

Lu Yanhe realized what had happened, and for a moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

 He immediately added: "Remind you, it's about to start!"

At this moment, Li Zhibai also said in seconds: "I can start at any time!"

Lu Yanhe shouted in his heart, Yan Liang.

Yan Liang smiled, as if he was helpless with his two teammates, "Okay, okay, let's get started, do you hear me? Green Apple Paradise, we are going to start!"

 The next second, the accompaniment of "Green Apple Paradise" sounded.

 Their previous dialogue was like a dialogue designed in advance.

 The stage lights were brightly lit, and golden light shone for a moment.

Three people jumped out and began to move their bodies amidst the rhythmic and contemporary accompaniment.

 The eyes of the three people are shining, clear, and full of youthful determination, giving people a sense of a bright future.

 “Don’t wander around at midnight on weekends, come to Appleland, stray children are welcome!”

  It turned out to be a cheerful dance song!

 The whole audience cheered like the sound of ocean waves.


“Don’t stand in a daze, shout loudly together and say BYEBYE to the lonely midnight.

 Music, starlight, everything is romantic.

 Trouble and sorrow have nothing to do with me.

 This is our stage,

 Exude your charm now,

 Let the sweat fly away——"


Lu Yanhe has been thinking that at the age of twenty, if he, Li Zhibai, and Yan Liang want to leave something behind, what should they leave behind?

At one time, he was thinking that several people could make a movie together. In the movie, the three of them are also good friends. They can experience the setbacks and tribulations of life together and bask in the glory and glory of success together.

 However, Yan Liang said, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to have the opportunity to perform on stage together.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe realized that perhaps the most precious memory for Yan Liang was the memory of them performing on stage together.

Performances in film and television are always lagging behind. Actors’ performances on the set must go through editing and post-production before they can be seen by the audience. The moment the audience empathizes, the actor’s performance moment has actually passed long ago.

So what is immediate?

Lu Yanhe likes to perform, is there a reason for this? Because I can hide behind the camera, I can make revisions and adjustments again and again.

 However, the scene will always have its irreplaceable charm.

 For example, at this moment, such as the present moment.

 The three of them showed no signs of timidity or youthfulness on the huge stage.

If Lu Yanhe was alone, he would not be able to adapt to the stage. Because of the presence of Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, and because of the rhythm of so many audience members, a stream of blood, like a warm current, flows through his body.

They can dance their bodies wantonly, as the lyrics say, exuding charm and letting the sweat fall away.

  —Follow me and sway to your heart’s content

 —Follow me and don’t feel sad

  —Follow me and shine

 —Lighting up the darkness of the sky

At such a happy moment when all the excitement in his body was mobilized, Lu Yanhe felt the urge to burst into tears.

 —La la la la, swing to your heart’s content

—La la la la, swing to your heart’s content (end of this chapter)

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