Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 352: Swing to your heart’s content! (2)

Chapter 352 Swing to your heart’s content! (2)

 Before this moment, Lu Yanhe thought that he did not like the stage.

 So, when Chen Ziyan asked him to focus on acting and singing as a supplement, he didn't feel embarrassed at all, and he didn't even sing as a supplement.

And standing on the stage with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang dancing crazily, cheering over and over again, all the audience raised their arms and danced with them. This scene, this moment, made Lu Yanhe's heart beat. The mood is like a flood that bursts a bank, washing away all reserve, rationality and thinking.

 He simply immersed himself in this joyful moment that resonated with the audience.

—What'sYourName? !


—Don’tYouKnow? !


This is Lu Yanhe’s confession to his two teammates, and also his confession to all his fans.


 Helan burst into tears at this moment.

She didn’t know why, such a happy song made her burst into tears.

 But she was not feeling sad or sad at all, but rather moved and uplifted.

She has never seen Lu Yanhe like this, singing a song with the fullest enthusiasm and emotion on the stage.

 There should be tears in his eyes, right?

 Helan believed she understood.

 This song, written by Lu Yanhe.

 She also believes that other fans of Lu Yanhe must understand.


 In the backstage lounge of "The Age of Idols", Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang watched the performance on the screen with stern expressions and said nothing.

 The three people on the stage performed with all their heart as if they were burning themselves. This is a state that every performer understands.

 That is a state that can be encountered but not sought.

 Ma Zhiyuan's heart was full of bitterness.

 Why, why did he work so hard and try his best, but he was still not as good as them? -

That night, the ratings of "Idol Era" reached its peak on the stage of "Green Apple Paradise".

 This song swept through social media less than an hour after the performance.

  Almost all music bloggers inevitably talk about this song.

“This is a sincere performance by three young people who, after experiencing great success, can still completely burn themselves and dedicate themselves to the stage.”

"This is a stage retro to the 1980s and 1990s. They put on the clothes and hairstyles of that era, and sang the songs of that era, but in such a retro expression, they sang themselves of joy and hope, singing a love that resonates in every era.”

"This is a night that belongs to Lu Yanhe. He came up with three songs with completely different styles in one breath, which proved his talent in music. I can't believe that I actually said the following words. Lu Yanhe should not be an actor. Yes, he should be a singer. His creative talent can completely cover up the shortcomings of his own voice. His creative talent is enough to make him a top singer. "

"Tonight's live broadcast of "Idol Era" will become a classic live broadcast. Almost every artist's stage performance has a very high degree of completion and expression. There is no doubt that the most dazzling one is "Green Apple" Paradise", if "Young Battlefield" is Yan Liang's recollection of his past and self-singing, then "Green Apple Paradise" is the three of them taking the entire audience into their happy world and singing to the world. Young and arrogant, they all use their whole-hearted devotion and empathy to impress every audience with their performances.”

“It’s such a pity that Ma Zhiyuan’s performance originally had superb arrangement and performance, but it’s a pity that Lu Yanhe’s performance hit people’s hearts. The most superb skills are not as good as the simplest empathy.”


 The live broadcast of "Idol Era" has ended.

 The discussion was abuzz.

 At eleven o'clock in the night, the data on all major platforms soared because of this program and these performances.

 As the live broadcast ends, the audience voting for "Idol Era" begins.

 Only netizens who have watched the complete program and have their real names backstage can vote. Those who have not passed the qualification review will not be eligible to vote.

In this case, after just thirty minutes, "Green Apple Paradise" received 1.2 million votes, ranking first, followed by Yan Liang's "Young Battlefield".

 “Oops, my “Bewitched” is behind Ma Zhiyuan’s program?” Li Zhibai cursed in the car.

Ma Zhiyuan still has a strong fan base after all, and his stage is indeed good.

After "Green Apple Paradise" took away some votes from Li Zhibai, "Bewitched" was surpassed by Ma Zhiyuan's stage.

However, what many people did not expect was that the combined stage of Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang did not even enter the top five, and is now only ranked eighth.

 The voting of the program actually does not have much reference significance for the ranking of the Star Chart.

 However, this also reflects the audience's preference for tonight's program.

 After Lu Yanhe and the three of them finished their performance, they were still too excited to calm down until they reached Ziyuan Bridge.

The reason why they are excited is because when they perform the song "Green Apple Paradise", they can feel how different their state is. For an artist to encounter such a performance state, it depends on the right time, place and people. Can be met but not sought.

 “Are you feeling hungry?”

"A little."

“How about we go have a late-night snack first and then go back?”


 So, the cars had already arrived at the gate of Ziyuan Bridge and turned around again.

As soon as the three of them talked, they inexplicably wanted to go back to Hongfu to see if the Malatang restaurant was still open.

When they lived in Hongfu before, their late night snacks were either at the barbecue restaurant next to them or at Malatang.

 Fortunately, the Malatang store is still open.

 A few of them greeted the boss.

The boss smiled with surprise on his face: "It's been a long time since the big stars came!"

“We don’t live here anymore, and we really wanted to eat something like yours today, so we came back.” Li Zhibai said, “Boss, give us ten chicken feet first, and you can help us get the rest.”

In addition to the three of them, there were also assistants and bodyguards from their respective teams. A group of people filled up the three four-person tables.

 Fortunately, this Malatang restaurant has its own store with several tables.

Li Zhibai said: "Tonight's performance is the most enjoyable I've had this year. It's really good. It's so good. Lao Lu, I will write more songs in the future, like "Green Apple Paradise" , come more!”

 Lu Yanhe: “How can I have so many songs like this?”

"You say that every time, you can't write, you write slowly. Look, didn't you write it right away this time?!" Li Zhibai hugged Lu Yanhe's shoulders, "You just hide it, look. Everyone’s reaction now is that “Green Apple Paradise” is a blast, and everyone in my circle of friends is posting about our stage.”

"The main thing is that you gave this song a very retro stage theme. This is the key." Lu Yanhe said, "When I wrote this song, I was worried that it would be a bit outdated and not in line with "Idol Era". "The style of this show, you just made a retro theme. From our styling, to the arrangement, to our dance moves, we all unified the tone, and instead had a complete theme expression."

“This was Yan Liang’s idea.” Li Zhibai said, “He is more powerful in this regard. He has complete ideas for every stage. He is an expert.”

 “You’re an expert, don’t belittle me.” Yan Liang said.

He held his chin with one hand, as if the excitement had passed and his energy was a little slack.

“Tonight, it’s incredible. Before the performance, I guessed that the effect of our performance would be very good, but I didn’t expect it to be so good.”

“The main thing is that the audience is also very energetic. The whole place is jumping with us. The whole place is hot.” ​​Li Zhibai said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Indeed, but Brother Bai, I almost lost my job today because of you."

"Who asked you to call us suddenly? It's about to start." Li Zhibai complained immediately.

Yan Liang: "You two, just thank me. If I hadn't saved the situation quickly, haha."

 “I’m convinced.” Lu Yanhe smiled.

Li Zhibai also laughed, "The tacit understanding between the three of us is enough."

“The only flaw is that I didn’t see the faces of Ma Zhiyuan and Chen Ziliang after the performance.”

 “Why did they appear?”

"What's the use of these two idiots insisting on talking nonsense before we go on stage?"

“It worked. Didn’t it almost make you angry? If you were successfully angered, how would you perform on stage?”

“You said they were deliberately provocative?”

"All of them, anyway, his intentions are not pure." Lu Yanhe said, "When I meet Ma Zhiyuan in normal times, he rarely speaks harshly to me. At most, he has a cold face and ignores anyone. Occasionally, he will talk to me when something goes wrong. Just a few words would not go out of his way to ridicule us like today."

“My heart is so dirty.” Li Zhibai clicked his tongue.

"He wants to defeat you wholeheartedly and stay in the first place. Nothing is strange." Lu Yanhe said, "He did a lot of disgusting things before when he was in MX. It's not like you don't know, but now You two are both Zhou Ping'an's artists, so he restrained himself a little."

 “Has he restrained himself?”

 Lu Yanhe: "That's what I think. Don't you feel the same way?"

“No.” Li Zhibai immediately shook his head, “Not at all.”

Yan Liang: "Lao Lu is right. After he came under Zhou Ping'an, he did restrain himself a bit. When he attended an event with you before, he would cynicize you in front of others and say that our style has become outdated. He said that you are only able to stay in the entertainment industry because of your status as a rich second generation, and that you buy hot searches and so on to create false popularity. "

Li Zhibai suddenly remembered it after they reminded him.

"Really, I forgot about it. Damn it, he even spread rumors outside before, saying that I am a rich second generation who relies on his background and connections to get into the entertainment industry." Li Zhibai muttered, "This piece of shit, even with Others say that I am a person with high eyesight and look down on everyone. I want them to avoid getting in trouble with me. As a result, no matter what activities I participate in, others will walk around me. Damn it!”

 Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang looked at each other.

"This time I made them look good." Li Zhibai suddenly chuckled twice and shook his shoulders, "Make him crazy, crazy to death, and now his program is ranked third, ha!"


 The car driving Ma Zhiyuan back was very quiet.

 His team was silent.

At this moment, no one was even looking at their mobile phones, they were all looking out the car window silently.

 Ma Zhiyuan didn’t know how to describe his mood, especially after he logged into his Weibo, many people in the comment area were asking:

  —Why do you want to cooperate with Chen Ziliang? His reputation is now ruined.

These words were like arrows piercing into Ma Zhiyuan's heart.

Originally thought that Chen Ziliang was a secret weapon that could help him offset the influence of Lu Yanhe's gang Li Zhibai through cooperation with him. Unexpectedly, this cooperation not only failed to bring him any help, but also brought him a lot of doubts.

 When did Chen Ziliang’s reputation get so bad?


Why does Ma Zhiyuan always regard Li Zhibai as his biggest competitor?

 Ma Zhiyuan recalled when he was still a trainee in the company. At that time, Li Zhibai and the others had just debuted and were very popular.

 Especially Li Zhibai, the most popular artist in the company.

At that time, Ma Zhiyuan often saw Li Zhibai being escorted by a group of people in the company.

People in the company may have seen the envy in his eyes and laughed at him, saying, "Stop being envious. You can't be envious if you envy him."

Ma Zhiyuan was very young at the time. When he heard this, he was very unconvinced and immediately said: "As long as I work hard enough, I will definitely be more popular than him in the future!"

The other person’s eyes immediately showed a sneer.

They said: "Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Even if you become famous in the future, what will it matter to him? He has a father who can talk directly to our boss. Do you have one?"

At that time, the seeds of resentment were sown in his heart.

Even if MX became an instant hit later, even if he became the top idol artist, even if the person who said these words to him at the beginning had left Xingyu, these words were still stuck in his heart, like a thorn, all the time. A stark reminder of the humiliation he had suffered.

 But, tonight, Ma Zhiyuan knew that he had failed.

Even if Li Zhibai's "Bewitched" is not ranked as well as his stage, it is still unclear who is number one on the half-year list between him and Li Zhibai.

 But at this moment, he felt that he had failed.

At this moment, Ma Zhiyuan suddenly realized something.

  When he reached the top of the mountain alone, he thought he had reached the top, but there was no one around to accompany him to enjoy the scenery.

Every day he is in the anxiety and uneasiness of being overtaken by others. Every day he looks around to see if the top of the mountain he is standing on is the highest.

 As for Li Zhibai, he can always be so heartless. Moreover, he also has friends like Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang beside him.

 In the past, Ma Zhiyuan felt that they were a drag on Li Zhibai, and even laughed at them as Li Zhibai's lackeys and lackeys. Now, Ma Zhiyuan can no longer say such words.

 He thought of his MX, the MX he could never go back to.

 Whether he regrets it or not, only he himself knows.


 How popular is "Green Apple Paradise"?

 The next day, parodies about the stage appeared on several social platforms.

 A lot of imitation.

  Everyone put on this kind of loose-fitting suit, styled their hair into two-eight parts, and recorded their "Green Apple Paradise" in the dormitory, in the square, and in various environments.

The brainwashing of this song is evident.

 After a day of fermentation, a theme suddenly emerged: my parents were once so fashionable.

Many netizens posted photos of their fathers when they were young. Many of them looked like Lu Yanhe and the other three on the stage of "Green Apple Paradise". They wore suits, had 28-point haircuts, and their smiles were a little reserved and shy.

That night, someone suddenly posted a short video. In the video, he showed a photo of his father when he was young to the camera and said that he wanted to imitate his father's look when he was young to see his father's reaction.

So, he put on the suit that his father wore when he was young in the photo, imitating the hairstyle and movements in the photo, and then the scene changed to him holding up his mobile phone to take a picture of a middle-aged man wearing a Polo shirt and sports pants. .

 “Dad!” he shouted, “look at me.”

His father raised his head and looked at the camera, so the camera captured the moment of astonishment, confusion and shock when he raised his eyes and saw his son.

 The music of "Green Apple Paradise" sounded at this time.

 A comparison picture appears in the video.

 After post-processing, the left side is him now, and the right side is his father in old photos from 20 to 30 years ago. The two people appear on the left and right sides in equal proportions, and they are actually 70% or 80% similar.

He said: "On the right is him twenty-three years ago, and on the left is me twenty-three years later. I never thought that I look so much like my dad."

This video inexplicably touched a public emotional point and received a large number of likes and reposts.

A video blogger said: "I have always thought that my dad is very old-fashioned. After watching the stage of "Green Apple Paradise", I suddenly realized that they were actually my age before. My mother said, I Dad used to want to be a dance king and would go to the dance hall almost every day after get off work, but after I was born, he basically didn’t go there.”

 More and more people are beginning to discover the youthful stories of their fathers because of the stage of "Green Apple Paradise".

"Even though my dad is a veteran cadre now, he also had a good voice when he was young. He always won prizes in singing competitions organized by his unit. Look at him now. Alas... his voice can only be heard when scolding me. It’s a level that can win prizes.”

“I asked my mother who was handsome compared to my father when I was young, and my mother rolled her eyes at me.”

“I dug out the photos of my parents when they were young. Damn it, why did my genes become like this?”


Li Xiaobin has been browsing his mobile phone all day today, and he can access these contents every now and then.

 It is already the end of June and summer has arrived.

 He finished his last exam, packed his bags, and went home.

  After dragging his suitcase and getting off the bus, he walked all the way home when he saw a familiar figure walking towards him from a distance.

 “Mom!” he shouted.

“I told you to wait for me when you arrive at the station, and I’ll help you pick up these big and small bags.”

His mother took a bag from his hand and complained to him.

 “It’s not very heavy,” he said.

His mother said: "Let me tell you, I gave you a name."

"Ah?" Li Xiaobin was stunned, "What name should I sign up for? Mom, you won't sign me up for any cram school, will you?"

“What did you do for college?” His mother rolled her eyes at him, “I signed you up for a singing competition.”

 “What?” Li Xiaobin looked at his mother in shock.

“You go and try it.” His mother said, “I remember that when you were a child, didn’t you like to sing with your dad? Maybe you inherited your dad’s good voice.”

Li Xiaobin looked at his mother in disbelief, "Mom, are you kidding me? I, I won't go."

  "You can go if I tell you to, no matter what." His mother said without any doubt, "Anyway, you are on summer vacation, so you will be fine."

"Who said I have nothing to do? I want to be a tutor."

“Being a tutor will not prevent you from participating in a competition. Maybe you will be eliminated in the first round.” His mother said.

 Li Xiaobin: “…”


 After dinner, Li Xiaobin broke out in a sweat, so he went to take a shower first.

 His mother suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

 “What’s the matter, Mom?”

 His mother held a plate of cut apples in her hand and said, "I cut some apples for you. You will definitely have to stay up late tonight."

Li Xiaobin smiled.

“This room is so stuffy and you don’t turn on the air conditioner.” His mother walked over, picked up the remote control, and turned on the air conditioner.

 “I don’t feel too hot, just turn on the fan.”

"Turn on the air conditioner when it's time to turn it on and save some money." His mother glared at him again, "You can be a tutor if you want, but I don't expect you to make much money from that. I don't have much money, so I can provide it for you. I still saved the money for eating, drinking and having **** in school. You are a grown man, so don’t be a petty person. No girl will like you like this!"

  Li Xiaobin: "...I have only been back for a few hours, and I have been scolded by you so many times."

“Then you’re going to blame yourself.” His mother snorted, turned around and walked away.

Li Xiaobin pursed his lips.

 Sit down and start to prepare lessons, he scrolled through his phone for a while.

 On the short video platform, there are still a large number of bloggers sharing photos of their fathers wearing suits and cropped hair, and sharing their stories.

This made him feel sore and a little worried.

 Li Xiaobin walked to the living room by accident, came to the cabinet next to the TV, and looked at the family photos that had been displayed here for so many years.

 Since his father passed away, he could only see his father from this family photo.

His mother said that because his father didn’t like taking pictures, and because he had moved house, many photos were lost. In the end, only this photo remained.

 Even his father’s portrait was processed from this photo.

 “What are you doing?” His mother suddenly came out of the room and asked.

Li Xiaobin came to his senses, exclaimed, and asked, "Mom, when was this family photo taken?"

“When you were five years old, fifteen years ago.” His mother came over, stood next to Li Xiaobin, and asked, “Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

“I’m just curious, just ask.” He said, and the next second, he heard himself ask, “Mom, do you still have this suit of my dad’s?”

“Keep it, this is his only suit, of course he keeps it.” His mother said, “I have kept it well all these years.”

"How about I put it on and try it on?" Li Xiaobin said, "Yesterday "Green Apple Paradise" was very popular, and everyone was imitating that look. I want to try it too."

His mother was stunned for a moment, and her face was dazed for a moment, and then she reacted, "Okay."


Li Xiaobin looked at himself in the mirror. He had never worn a suit before, and he even wore a tie under it. He used water to give himself a 28-point hairstyle. When he looked in the mirror, the person inside made him feel... Somewhat strange, yet inexplicably familiar.

 He took out his mobile phone and turned on the video mode, wanting to record a video for himself as a souvenir.

 Li Xiaobin put his cell phone into selfie mode, put it on the desk, stepped back, and let his whole body slowly appear in the camera.

 “Are you okay?” His mother asked.

Li Xiaobin: “Okay, okay.”

His mother then opened the door and walked in, "You take such a long time to change clothes. I can put on makeup faster than you can change clothes..."

Li Xiaobin was looking at how many parts of himself appeared on the mobile phone screen, and suddenly he couldn't hear his mother's voice. He was a little confused, so he turned around and said, "Mom?"

His mother stood at the door, looking at him in disbelief.

Li Xiaobin still didn’t know what happened, so he asked, “Mom, what’s wrong?”

 He looked at his mother's eyes and turned red in an instant, and his emotions suddenly lost control.

She covered her mouth and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Li Xiaobin was startled, and hurriedly walked over and hugged his mother, "What's wrong with you? Don't scare me. Why did you cry all of a sudden? What happened?"

His mother hugged him and burst into tears.

 From beginning to end, his mother just hugged him tightly but didn't say a word.

Li Xiaobin's face was full of astonishment and he was at a loss. He just hugged his mother. Then, he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at himself in the mirror, as well as him who was leaning his head on his shoulder and his face was red from crying. mom.

 Did his mother think of his father when he saw him like this?


When Lu Yanhe came across this person named Li Xiaobin, it was already the third day after performing "Green Apple Paradise".

In the past few days, this performance has become so popular that it has triggered imitations from all walks of life. People from all walks of life are imitating this stage and spreading it in major media.

Just in the past few days, the copyright revenue has been considerable.

On the one hand, this performance touches on the current young people’s curiosity about the fashion of the last century and their concern for the youth of their parents’ generation. On the other hand, it also evokes many middle-aged people’s memories of their own youth.

 There is a video of five middle-aged men in suits imitating this dance in a hot pot restaurant, which is also very popular on the Internet.

Mainly because after they finished their performance, they also attached a photo of themselves when they were young. They were college classmates and have been in a good relationship since graduation. Back then, they were all high-spirited, young and handsome, as if they were all over the world. at their feet.

Someone wrote in the comment area under this video: "Through the long corridor of time, they are still teenagers when they return."

Then the video poster, one of the five middle-aged men, replied: "We are still young, but across the corridor of time, we are all middle-aged! But hearing this song really touched our hearts. , we were also teenagers who danced at the graduation ceremony!”

 Many friends in the circle will send these popular imitation videos to them.

Lu Yanhe also liked them through his own account.

 The same goes for Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

 Then, Lu Yanhe saw the video posted by this boy named Li Xiaobin.

 This is also the only video on his account.

 The title reads: When I put on my dad’s suit and combed my dad’s hair style, my mom cried.

 In the video, Li Xiaobin briefly explained his family situation.

"My dad passed away very early, and my mom raised me by herself. That day when I was watching "The Age of Idols" and "Green Apple Paradise" with my mom, my mom also said, if my dad was still here, , I can definitely win this performance in one night.”

"Actually, I have no memory of my dad. There is only one family photo taken when I was five years old. Almost all my memories of my dad come from the things my mom told me. I didn't expect that when I thought about it, I wanted to imitate my dad’s style like everyone else, but the moment my mom saw me, she suddenly cried.”

Then, Li Xiaobin edited the video taken by his mobile phone to the back.

The mobile phone captured the change in his mother's eyes at the moment she opened the door and saw Li Xiaobin. His face was full of shock and confusion, and his eyes quickly turned red.

 And the scene of his mother holding him and crying.

Just a few scenes made Lu Yanhe feel strongly that the emotions that had been tense for many years could not help but burst out at this moment.

 The video of dozens of seconds made Lu Yanhe’s eyes turn red.

The name of this video is also on the hot search list on this short video platform.

On the fourth day, this story was published by "People's Entertainment" and published a review article on the home page:

 "From the explosion of "Green Apple Paradise", look at the younger generation's memories of their parents."

 (End of this chapter)

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