Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 361: Same bah

After some inquiring, Lu Yanhe found out that there were a lot of problems during the filming of the "Nineteen Years of Crime" movie. First of all, the casting of the movie itself had twists and turns, which led to the delay in the filming of the movie.

 After turning on the camera, various difficulties occurred in the shooting.

The main thing that didn't go well was that there were huge differences between the director and the actors, and there were conflicts between the actors. There were quarrels on the set almost every day.

The director quarreled with the actors, and the actors quarreled among themselves, and the smoke continued.

 Such quarrels led to repeated revisions of the script.

Both of the screenwriters ran two.

 In the end, the actor found Liu Jiazhen, the original author, and asked him if he knew that his story had been magically altered.

When Liu Jiazhen heard this, everyone was shocked. He immediately contacted people from Jiangyin Publishing House to communicate with Ruyi Pictures.

  Ruyi Pictures was already troubled by the problems that arose on the set. Faced with the questioning from Liu Jiazhen and Jiang Yin, the person in charge was also very perfunctory.

The implication behind the words is that you have authorized it, and it is clearly stated in the contract that the producer can adapt the original work according to the actual shooting conditions. You should stop treating this movie as your work. Your opinions are not that important to us. There are many factors to consider in film and television adaptations, and adjustments are not based on the opinions of the original author. Compared with your book, the production funds involved in a film and television project That means adding several zeros. If you don’t understand, don’t listen to it.

This is Liujiazhen's first novel to be adapted by film and television. I have no experience in dealing with film and television companies, and I never expected that the person who was addressed by Teacher Liu respectfully before would suddenly have a different face, unceremoniously. Satirize him.

If Liu Jiazhen was more experienced, this would not be the first time he has faced film and television adaptations.

 If the person Ruyi Pictures was dealing with had a better attitude and wouldn't be so direct and sarcastic towards Liu Jiazhen.

 Perhaps things will not escalate to this point.

 Liu Jiazhen became angry and wanted to withdraw the authorization for the film.

Only then did the people from Ruyi Pictures know what kind of fool the person who was dealing with Liu Jiazhen was, and they immediately replaced someone to deal with Liu Jiazhen, apologizing and explaining the reason, hoping to win over Liujiazhen’s understanding.

Liu Jiazhen was extremely angry. The key point is that the movie script has been changed to a complete mess and cannot be justified. He sternly stated that the script must not be changed magically.

Ruyi Pictures also knows that the script has been changed to a four-dimensional version, which is very helpless. But if a project reaches this level, even if everyone knows that it is a piece of shit, it is impossible to give up halfway. So much money has been invested in it. At this time, Liu Jiazhen said that he wanted to change the script. Let's not talk about the issue of whether it was too late. What should we do with the scenes that were shot earlier? Remake? The money invested in the previous shoot has turned into shit. How can we guarantee that a flower will bloom after reshooting?

 The project has progressed to this level, and it is like a horse's hoof stepping out of the cliff.

For Ruyi Pictures, that is to at least turn this movie into a finished product. It would be better to recover a little bit of the cost by then than to collapse into a bad film industry now, which would be really bad. .

 In this context, Liu Jiazhen found Chen Siqi here.

 Liu Jiazhen couldn't swallow this sigh of relief. He thought that Chen Siqi and Lu Yanhe knew many people in the entertainment industry, so they might have more ways to solve this matter.

 After Lu Yanhe inquired about the situation, he was shocked.

First, such a wonderful story as "Nineteen Years of Crime" could be turned into a suspenseful crime film that cannot be justified, just because some actors wanted to add scenes, and some actors had a falling out with the director and refused to cooperate. The director's intention is to portray another persona.

The second one is one of the male protagonists of this movie, Chen Ziliang. He is actually one of the few people in this movie who didn't make any mistakes.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that he was the one who was mainly tormenting.

Chen Ziyan said: "The main star of this movie is Chen Jiping, the person you have conflicts with. The biggest conflict during the filming of this movie is his conflict with the director. He and the director have completely different understandings of the movie, so the script has to be changed. It was also changed after every quarrel between the two of them in order to balance the conflict between the two of them, and the results became worse and worse."

Lu Yanhe frowned, "Don't they realize that the script has been changed into garbage?"

"The anger is rising. At this time, we are fighting for a breath. I believe that with the professional abilities of the two of them, they must have discovered that the script is getting worse and worse, but it is now, and no one is willing to admit defeat." Chen Ziyan said .

Lu Yanhe was a little helpless.

 “Does Ruyi Pictures not care about it?”

"How do you care?" Chen Ziyan smiled, "One is the director and the other is the starring role. The two of them have not been absent from work, nor have they said they will stop filming. The project has been filming, and the producer can only talk to both sides. But if the two of them refuse It’s useless for anyone to change.”

"Then if this messes up the matter, won't their reputations be ruined? Who will look for them to film in the future? Won't Ruyi won't look for them in the future? Aren't they worried about this?"

"On the one hand, both people must feel that the thing is the other person's fault, not their own. On the other hand, it's okay for you to think about it from a rational point of view, but if everyone can remain rational, then we will There won’t be that much news.” Chen Ziyan smiled, “Maybe in their own eyes, their behavior is still their persistence in art.”

Lu Yanhe showed an incredible expression.

 Can’t understand.

 Chen Jiping is not a very good person, but he has always been highly regarded professionally. After becoming famous with the spy drama, he has acted in many movies and received good feedback. There is no rumor in the industry that he is a drama tyrant or anything.

As for the director, Zhang Qiang is also a senior director and has made many movies. How could he have such a conflict with Chen Jiping on this film?

It is not the kind of newcomer who is a fledgling. With his brain, he loses his mind, and no one can pull it back.

 It is really rare for them to insist on being stubborn with each other for their sake.

 On Thursday, Lu Yanhe made an appointment with Liujiazhen to meet him.

“Brother Jiazhen, how is your new work?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Liu Jiazhen looked miserable and said, "Don't talk about it. I have been upset and annoyed by the movie adaptation of "Nineteen Years" recently, and I can't calm down to write a book at all."

Lu Yanhe saw that Liu Jiazhen looked really depressed. He said, "Brother Jiazhen, it is really helpless to encounter this situation during the filming of "Nineteen Years", but we took a look at the contract you signed with Ruyi Pictures. There is no way to interfere with the contract. When a movie has been started and filmed for so long, it is difficult to change their shooting ideas at this time. "

Liu Jiazhen complained unceremoniously: "They had a stupid idea. They were just fooling around. They said they wanted to make a classic suspense crime film, but the result was this."

 “Have you seen their script?”

“I saw it, it made my blood pressure rise.” Liu Jiazhen sighed as he spoke.

Lu Yanhe: "I really hope I can help, but I haven't had much dealings with Ruyi Pictures, and I can't talk to them."

"Forget it, I've already given up. I signed the contract myself. I have no experience, so I'll take it as a lesson." Liu Jiazhen said with a face full of disappointment. "At that time, I thought that the film and television adaptation would make this book more popular. People know that to drive more sales, I really don’t know what to say now.”

"Film and television adaptation is definitely a good opportunity, especially in this era when IP is prevalent and film and television adaptation can bring greater influence to the author. However, even if the film and television adaptation fails, it will not affect "Nineteen Years of Crime" The book itself is good," Lu Yanhe said, "and besides the movie, there is also a TV series. We also have the opportunity to adapt it into a TV series."

 Liujiazhen has a very different status in Lu Yanhe’s heart.

 He was Lu Yanhe’s first entry into the publishing industry and the novel circle. Because I accidentally read this book in my live broadcast room, which promoted the sales of this book, I later became associated with Jiangyin Publishing House, and also led to many subsequent cooperations.

Lu Yanhe certainly hopes that Liujiazhen’s creative career will be better.

 So, when he knew that it was difficult to change the movie adaptation, he had the idea of ​​​​using his own power to help the TV drama adaptation do a better job.

Liu Jiazhen said helplessly: "The film and television rights of "Nineteen Years" were packaged and sold to Ruyi Pictures, and the rights to adapt the series are also in their hands."

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

 Packed it up and sold it?

Liu Jiazhen said: “Given the current situation, Ruyi may not be planning to develop a drama version anymore.”

Generally speaking, if the film and television rights are all in the hands of one company, they will definitely want to develop them jointly. However, if the first one messes up, the later ones will also be affected and be relegated to the sidelines.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Brother Jiazhen, please don't worry about this matter for the time being. I don't have the power to interfere with the movie version. I'll see if I can think of a way to adapt the drama."     Liu Jiazhen Hearing this, he was a little confused, "What are you going to do?"

“I’ll see if I can buy the rights to adapt the series.” Lu Yanhe said.


 The next day, Friday.

 The day when the third episode of "Seventeenth Floor" was aired.

 On this day, everyone on the stage in Beijing was thinking about this matter.

Over the past week, Beijing and Taiwan’s propaganda campaign about "Seventeenth Floor" has not only not diminished, but has intensified its artillery fire.

Especially, Beijing and Taiwan have finally done a lot of targeted publicity and marketing around the concept of watching the premiere together in Beijing and Taiwan.

For example, during the advertising breaks, a lottery will be conducted by scanning the QR code to draw peripheral gifts from the main creative staff. Of course, as soon as this event was announced, many netizens ridiculed it as plagiarizing the Northern Lights video.

Another example is to combine two social platforms to create a "Watch the Premiere" activity, highlighting the information point of "This Friday night at 9:30, "Seventeenth Floor" will be broadcast exclusively on Beijing and Taiwan", and then use various Reward or gift activities.

 In short, it is to use money and stars to achieve the effect of attracting traffic.

There are so many actions, just waiting to see the results tonight.


When Deng Siyuan and Jiang Lan met in the corridor, the former could hardly conceal his anger and disgust towards Jiang Lan.

On the contrary, Jiang Lan looked calm and gave Deng Siyuan an indifferent look.

“The publicity work was done well this week,” she commented.

 But this condescending tone of evaluation irritated Deng Siyuan even more and made him angry.

"Director Jiang, the publicity this time is done according to your wishes. If the ratings don't go up tonight, don't blame the people in our publicity department. We are different from your leaders. I can’t afford to carry such a heavy burden.”

Jiang Lan smiled slightly, looked at him, and said: "Why don't you pray that the ratings will go up tonight? If the ratings don't go up, then of course you haven't done enough publicity work. Otherwise, why would this show be on Northern Lights Video?" So good?"

Deng Siyuan’s cheek twitched.

"You are already in your forties, don't act like a child. You are here to hang out and let your performance speak for itself." After Jiang Lan finished speaking, she nodded lightly to him and left.

Deng Siyuan felt as angry as if he had been ignited with gunpowder.


Deng Siyuan was of course hoping that the ratings of "Seventeenth Floor" tonight would still be stagnant, which would prove that it was not his previous publicity strategy that was at fault, and even Jiang Lan's tactics would be of no use.

 But Jiang Lan didn’t buy it at all and kicked the ball to him.

In any case, she grasped the fact that "Seventeenth Floor" was broadcast well on Northern Lights Video, firmly established that "the content of the show is not problematic", and she had the opportunity to be invincible.

Deng Siyuan took a deep breath.

He had fallen too hard in "Six People" before. Although it did not shake his position, it still put him in a somewhat embarrassing situation. Whenever others need to target him, this is a ready target. You can take it and use it, he still has nothing to say.

 So angry.


 Lu Yanhe ended a brand event and went to attend an interview.

On the way, Wang Biao, who had been his assistant for some time, had been paying attention to the news on the Internet.

"Brother Lu, the trailer for the third episode of "Seventeen Floors" is on the hot search again." Wang Biao said in surprise, "You are on the search too."

Lu Yanhe smiled and did not answer.

 On their mobile phones, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang have already replied in the group.

Regarding his intention to buy the rights to adapt the series "Nineteen Years of Crime" himself, Li Zhibai said: If you want to do it, just do it.

Yan Liang said: Is there anything we need to do?

Lu Yanhe said: I also talked about this with Sister Ziyan. Sister Ziyan said that because the movie adaptations are very bad now, you may hit a wall when making dramas. She said that the actors are a little superstitious, and a previous adaptation will not go well. If the story is adapted into a TV series, the actors will be very worried and afraid to take it. Didn’t I think you were quite suitable before? Are you willing to perform?

Li Zhibai: Please make it clear first, whether you want me to come or Yan Liang to come.

Li Zhibai: But if you have any questions like this, you can ask both of us. As long as we have time, no one will come.

 Li Zhibai: I look down on you for asking this kind of question.

Yan Liang: Seconded.

 Lu Yanhe: I actually thought about it, otherwise I would calculate it myself.

Yan Liang: Yes, why don’t you act?

Lu Yanhe said: I’m asking you first. I have recommended you to the film producer before. If any of you want to act in this movie, I will act for you.

Yan Liang: I read the movie script at that time, and I actually wanted to try playing a bad guy. I had never acted before, and I was still such a pervert.

 Lu Yanhe: Well, I also think this character is very challenging.

Li Zhibai: Let’s not just let the three of us do this. I can see that you want to act, and Yan Liang also wants to act. To be honest, I also want to act. We might as well organize an audition then and let the director Choose who is suitable for who.

Yan Liang: Hahaha, I think this idea works.

Lu Yanhe: How can He Dehe invite you to audition for the second male lead? You are both first-line stars.

Li Zhibai: Bah, forget it if others say such things. When you say such things, don’t think I can’t see the corners of your mouth curling up when you type, right?

Yan Liang: Seconded.

 Lu Yanhe: Why do you second the proposal on everything?

 Yan Liang: I’m stupid and can only echo what the council said.

Li Zhibai: If you are aware, follow Bai Ge and eat the popular ones and drink the spicy ones.

Yan Liang: Bah.

 Lu Yanhe: Same as Bah.

 Putting down his cell phone, Lu Yanhe looked at the sunshine outside the window and smiled.

Wang Biao saw Lu Yanhe smiling and asked, "Brother Lu, what are you so happy about?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Nothing, I just chatted with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. We just have to talk about the itinerary later today, right?"

"Yes." Wang Biao said, "It will be over at about 5:40, and you can go back to rest."

"Will it end at 5:40?" Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Then you can find a restaurant nearby and make a reservation. If they have no other arrangements, we can invite them to have dinner together before going back. "

Wang Biao: “Okay, keep it with me.”

Although he is young, Wang Biao is very energetic in his work. He is very active in everything he does, and is not afraid of being tired or troublesome.

Even Chen Ziyan said privately: "I used to think that this guy was an Internet celebrity and just wanted to make quick money. He couldn't calm down and actually do things. He was just bluffing. I didn't expect him to be quite capable."

Now that Lu Yanhe has two people, Zou Dong and Wang Biao, he can finally operate. It is not so difficult when he is busy and he can only rely on Zou Dong.

 Everything is prosperous. (End of chapter)

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