Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 362: Season 2 News

  Chapter 362 News about the second season

 At 9:30, the third episode of "Seventeenth Floor" was broadcast on Beijing and Taiwan on time.

 The real-time ratings reacted immediately.

The opening of 1.47% shocked everyone who paid attention to this data.

 On the Internet, many netizens are updating images of themselves sitting in front of the TV watching dramas in real time.

 Chen Siqi noticed that many people watched the first or second episode of Northern Lights Video and couldn’t wait to watch the third episode, so they chose to watch TV on Friday night.

She was keenly aware that this would be a big topic, and immediately posted her thoughts to the self-media group of "Jump Up" and asked the editor on duty today to write about this topic.

 The "Jump Up" self-media now has four full-time editors, and they have arranged their shifts. On the day of duty, it’s not anything else, but this kind of temporary and unexpected topic selection, which must be written immediately by the editor on duty.

 We media attaches great importance to seizing opportunities.

With the speed I have developed, this manuscript has already been published before the third episode is finished.

 "Seventeenth Floor, online broadcasts feed back the TV station's ratings! Lu Yanhe once again achieved a ratings miracle".

Chen Siqi clicked her tongue and deleted the next sentence.

 Attract hatred.

 “Send it.” After reading it, she only made this one modification.

 At 10:30, the third episode was finished, and the discussion about "Seventeenth Floor" on the Internet increased exponentially.

 Chen Siqi watched TV at her home.

Her father and Liu Wei'an had a party in the evening, but they didn't come back.

Chen Yuanzhi has been taken to bed by the nanny.

 She was the only one on the first floor.

Chen Siqi turned off the TV, looked around, and suddenly came up with an idea.

 Can she buy a house by herself?

 This way, she doesn’t have to live here anymore.

"I watched "Seventeen Floors". I don't know if you can understand it. I can actually understand Li Meng. No, it's not understanding. I even envy Li Meng. She is an orphan. Although her life is very hard, she can avoid it. "I met a very bad family," Chen Siqi said, "In the past two years, my father and Liu Wei'an's attitude towards me has obviously changed, especially my father, who is now as polite to me as if he were a guest. , When I was a kid, I kind of hoped that he would be like this, and would be less instigated by Liu Wei'an to interfere with my affairs. Now he can't do it anymore, and he obviously doesn't want to do it anymore, but I feel a little uncomfortable. He is also a cheap person. "

Chen Siqi seemed to find it difficult to accept such discomfort.

Lu Yanhe sighed and said, "It's human nature. He is your father, and you will never let go of him in your life."

 Chen Siqi: “But I think he can quite let go of me.”

Lu Yanhe wanted to say, "Don't say angry words," but he felt that if he said that, Chen Siqi would really hang up the phone in anger, so he swallowed his words again.

"Not to mention this, "Seventeenth Floor" is quite good to watch, and I have a hunch that this drama will become a big hit in the future, although it is already very popular now." Chen Siqi said, "I feel like many people around me are watching it , I feel like the last time I watched a drama on such a large scale was "Six People"."

Lu Yanhe: "The subject matter of "Seventeen Floors" has a natural advantage. As long as everyone takes a look at it, they will definitely be attracted to read on."

"Indeed, and the script is well written and edited. Each episode has one level. It has a main line, but each episode is relatively independent." Chen Siqi said, "I feel that "Seventeen Floors" will be broadcast weekly this time. Success will lead many dramas to really start to explore the weekly broadcast model. After all, weekly broadcasts can keep the popularity of a drama longer. The reason why weekly broadcasts could not be done in our country was because of a few people who were testing the waters. Dramas are aired every week, but the broadcast results are not good, and there are many blockbusters. This time, whether it is "Six People" or "Seventeen Floor", they are very successful, and the number of episodes is very small, one is eight episodes, and the other is one. With more than a dozen episodes, although the average episode cost is high, the total cost is much lower than that of many TV series, and it is also more conducive to the platform's risk control. Everyone has seen that success is not an exception. In the first half of this year alone, there were two episodes, and it is expected to follow. There will be many projects that want to replicate the miracle of weekly broadcasts.”

Lu Yanhe said: "But there are currently not many scripts suitable for weekly broadcasts. The current scripts are still based on the original long-play scripts. If they want to make short plays, they will create the scripts based on the characteristics of weekly broadcasts from the script stage. ”

  Chen Siqi: “Well, you may not believe it, but several authors of our magazine have received invitations from film and television companies to write scripts.”

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked: "Are you looking for our authors? Why don't they find mature screenwriters?"

"I don't know the specific reasons. Anyway, when film and television companies look for screenwriters, they cast a wide net and cultivate them like worms." Chen Siqi said, "Basically, anyone who deals with words has more or less received such comments. invitation.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Then do we have anyone to do it?”

Chen Siqi: "No author has tried it yet. Although it is said that the film and television company took the initiative to invite them, it actually does not mean that they are asked to be the main writers. They are all working for well-known screenwriters, and the pay is not high. They have all signed contracts with us, so it's okay You can earn royalties by publishing works and writing books seriously, so why bother to earn their money.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

Chen Siqi: "'Jump Up' is just our base camp. Now we have many self-media accounts, involving film and television, entertainment, food, reading, interviews with people... There are 13 large and small in total, and the demand for manuscripts is also very high. Big, if you want to earn more writing fees, you can also write columns on these self-media accounts, which are mainly in line with our themes. If you write well, we will publish them.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard what Chen Siqi said.

 “So much?”

"Yes." Chen Siqi said, "Of course, the main reason is that several of our editors have opened their own accounts, and we have also signed contracts with their accounts to cooperate and manage and operate them as one of our managed accounts."

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

 That’s it.

 He said, thirteen trumpets, this is too exaggerated.

Chen Siqi said: "Currently, only three of the thirteen accounts can achieve profitability, and the other accounts are still developing."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“This is amazing.” Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi, “I didn’t even realize that we have so many self-media accounts now.”

“The development of self-media is the general trend, and running a magazine is like swimming against the current.” Chen Siqi said, “We are doing well now.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Awesome.”

Chen Siqi: "The Li Bi you are looking for is quite capable. He asked me for additional special funds time and time again to do some things, but he is quite courageous. Although he spent a lot of money, he also did a lot of things. , the report card is beautiful.”

“He has worked as a paparazzi, and paparazzi work is very hard. If he can be a paparazzi, if he has the opportunity, of course he can also do other jobs well.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise and said, "Well, I didn't expect you to think so highly of the paparazzi."

"Mainly in the past two years, I often compete with them in battles of wits and courage. Sometimes I feel that they are all-pervasive. I really think they are quite powerful." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "Sometimes I also think that since they all have such powerful abilities, , Why don’t you use all these abilities in serious work? If you have this ability, you will have achieved success in the worldly sense. "

Chen Siqi nodded, "Then do you think we can recruit more paparazzi?"

"Then you should be more careful. After all, most paparazzi...well, there is no bottom line. I thought Li Bi could do it and let him try because he secretly photographed me and rented a house with someone seriously." Lu Yanhe laughed as he spoke, "Actually, renting a house is not a bottom-line thing. If you think about it carefully, I thought he was quite different. I didn't expect that I met a particularly capable person." Chen Siqi: "You have a discerning eye, you are really capable in this area."


 The average episode ratings of the third episode suddenly increased by nearly 0.5 percentage points, reaching the position of 1.37%, which shocked the industry.

again? !

 Have the ratings reached such an exaggerated position again?

Except for CCTV, almost no local station can reach this level of ratings in this era.

At the beginning of the year, "Six People" did it, and now this summer, "Seventeen Floors" has done it again!

 After the ratings came out, Jiang Lan’s cell phone was like a **** installed and it never stopped.

 Her face almost froze with laughter.

  Everybody came to congratulate me.

 With such a posture, it is obvious that "Seventeenth Floor" is about to take off.

 There is no updated Northern Lights video tonight, which makes me a little depressed.

  Everyone said that this was because the first and second episodes were broadcast so well on Northern Lights Video, which brought a lot of viewers to the Beijing-Taiwan TV series.

 Many viewers who couldn't wait chose to watch the premiere on Friday.

Northern Lights Video is a little worried internally. Will their webcast data be affected as a result?

Regardless of what the two broadcast platforms think, as soon as the ratings results came out, Chen Bige and Lu Yanhe washed away the public opinion situation that had been ridiculed by many black people before.

The two of them have high status in the entertainment industry now, and they are not the kind of people who just have status but withdraw from the front line of acting.

ˆ There are actually not that many actors who are truly recognized by film and television companies and platforms as having the ability to carry dramas, especially those who can carry any drama of different genres, and even fewer.

The success of "Seventeenth Floor" this time made Lu Yanhe the first actor to star in two dramas this year with ratings exceeding 1.

Chen Ziyan certainly will not miss this opportunity.


At this time, publicity must be carried out openly and loudly to let everyone know how resistant Lu Yanhe is in terms of business capabilities and how outstanding his performance is.

When the ratings for the fourth episode still remained at 1.26%, everyone knew that the ratings of the drama "Seventeenth Floor" were stable.


It was at this time that Northern Lights Video announced that Lu Yanhe would work with Northern Lights Video to develop the battle royale themed online drama "Squid Game".

 Riding on the momentum of "Seventeenth Floor", although the project "Squid Game" was not officially announced for the first time, it still easily became a hot search.

 In addition to the official announcement, there are also rumors coming out.

 "Squid Game" will co-star several popular actors such as Huang Kairen, Zeng Qiao, and Jiang Yuqian who have worked with Lu Yanhe.

This cast immediately became a hot search topic.

Then, Zheng Huairen, the content manager of Northern Lights Video, clarified: "Currently, "Squid Game" has indeed been in contact with some actors, but the list posted online is not true."

Lu Yanhe went to shoot an advertisement and was stopped by the media at the door of the studio.

“Is there anything you can tell us about Squidward Game first?”

“It’s still being kept secret for the time being.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile, “The only thing I can reveal is that my script has almost been written, and the first draft has been handed over to Northern Lights Video, and there should be several rounds of revisions later.”

 “So “Squid Game” has been written a long time ago?”

"After filming "Seventeenth Floor", I had the idea of ​​creating such a battle royale-themed story." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "Director Lian Bei listened to my idea and supported me very much. So I tried to write it. At that time, there was an overseas streaming media that wanted to talk to me about the cooperation of "Squid Game", but the conditions were not suitable, so I refused. I thought I would shelve it, but I didn't expect that the Northern Lights video was very touching. interest."

“How do you manage your time with so many projects in progress?” The reporter was surprised. “It feels like you have written a lot of scripts in the past two years.”

"Actually, I have been accumulating it since I graduated from the third year of high school. At that time, I just wrote it myself for fun and did not show it to others. Now it has appeared intensively in the past two years. Of course, it was not written by me in the past two years." Lu Yanhe said laughingly.

"So which actors are "Squid Game" currently in contact with? Can you please reveal one or two? Are the actors on the list posted online real?" the reporter asked with a smile.

Lu Yanhe sighed and said, "You clearly know what I can't say. However, it can be said that the actors in the online list will indeed have new cooperation with me in the future. You can look forward to it, not only "Squid" "Game". Also, "Seventeen Floor" has only aired its fourth episode, and the plot behind it will be even more exciting. Please help us promote it. I will be filming soon, so I can't chat with you anymore, bye!"

 After saying that, Lu Yanhe stopped answering any questions and entered the studio.


 The popularity of "Squid Game" has also attracted the attention of Beijing and Taiwan.

 At the internal meeting, someone said: "Lu Yanhe took advantage of the popularity of "Seventeenth Floor" to collaborate with Northern Light Video on "Squid Game". Is this okay?"

 “If someone wants to take advantage of the popularity, how can you stop them?”

 “Who would have thought.”

Someone said: "The script has been written a long time ago. How could it be to ride on the popularity of "Seventeenth Floor"? If someone has written a drama like "Sixteenth Floor", why does he need to ride on the popularity of "Seventeenth Floor"?"

“If you don’t announce it sooner or later, why announce it now?”

“Can’t we buy the exclusive TV broadcast rights of “Squidward Game”? Someone suddenly suggested, “It feels like this drama is obviously a big drama.”

“This photo hasn’t been taken yet, who can agree to buy it?”

“Then what will happen if “Squid Game” is snatched away by other TV stations?”

 Everyone was talking about it.

Jiang Lan knocked on the table and said: "Today we are going to discuss the second season of "Seventeenth Floor". "Squid Game" does not need your discussion."

As soon as she said this, everyone calmed down and returned to the topic.

"The current ratings of "Seventeen Floors" have reached our expected target. As long as it doesn't collapse in the future, we will definitely shoot a second season. This project itself is also a trilogy project." Jiang Lan said, " In particular, this project has done a lot of derivative development, which is our new attempt. We want to continue the popularity of this IP. "

“We signed a three-season contract with the director Lian Bei in one go, but the actors did not. If we want to film the second season, they will definitely ask for a salary increase.”

"Isn't it true that director Lianbei will not get a raise?" Jiang Lan sneered, "I'm not asking you to discuss this kind of thing. What you want to discuss is when the second season will be produced and when it will be broadcast. As soon as the time comes out, I quickly talk to the production team and actors. If I don’t grab the schedule early, I will be passive in everything I do later.”


 That afternoon, Jiang Lan announced something to the media that he was familiar with:

 Beijing and Taiwan are preparing for the second season of "Seventeen Floors", and all the members will return!

This news is not an official announcement, but was released in the name of gossip.

As soon as it came out, this news became a hot search topic. After all, it is the most popular TV series at the moment, and the news of its sequel is attracting much attention.

 (End of this chapter)

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