Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 374: Premiere (10,000 words updated, including additional updates!)

Before setting off for Venice, Lu Yanhe unexpectedly caught up with Huang Kairen and Xin Zixing Guanxuan.

 There is no doubt that this news is like a landmine that has caused a huge earthquake in the entertainment industry.

 Huang Kairen’s name didn’t last long, and the word “explosion” was added to the hot search lists on various social platforms.

 Xin Zixing’s name also appeared on the hot search.

 This is what they have been preparing for an official announcement for a long time.

Lu Yanhe made a phone call to both of them.

 Huang Kairen and Xin Zixing both sounded fine on the phone, and they had obviously anticipated everything that was going on.

But Huang Kairen still couldn't help but complain to Lu Yanhe, saying: "To this day, people in my company are still trying to persuade me not to make it public. They really don't consider my feelings at all, and they still try to persuade me to make my relationship public. It will affect my career.”

Lu Yanhe: "It's okay, Brother Huang, tell them that you have "Wulin Gaiden" behind you. Even if all your fans are gone because of your relationship, this drama will bring you more fans than before. You Let’s just say that Lu Yanhe is very arrogant and his confidence in this drama is out of the world. This shows how popular this drama will be in the future, so let them stop bothering you.”

 Huang Kairen laughed loudly on the phone.

"Xiao Lu, I wish you a triumphant victory when you go to Venice this time. I'll find you when you come back." Huang Kairen said to Lu Yanhe after Huang Kairen had a private chat with Lu Yanhe about his public relationship with Xin Zixing last time. The trust and closeness have obviously increased.

 In fact, A-list celebrities like Huang Kairen are like this, and it is rare to have real friends.

 You never know whether the person who appears next to you has any intentions towards you.

 And you can no longer face others with a pure heart.

 Huang Kairen never expected that he and Lu Yanhe could become more than ordinary friends.

 This is also because Lu Yanhe doesn't need anything from him at all. Therefore, Huang Kairen had no career defense against Lu Yanhe.

Having dealt with Lu Yanhe several times, Huang Kairen felt more at ease with Lu Yanhe's character.


As for Xin Zixing, she didn’t respond to the **** storm about her on the Internet at all.

"I know there will be a lot of people scolding me, but I'm just too lazy to watch." Xin Zixing said with a smile, "I'm working on the short film project I mentioned to you before. I'm completely immersed in work and don't have time to watch online videos. Condition."

Lu Yanhe: "Okay, as long as you're fine. If you can't stand the voices scolding you, don't rush to confront them. I think Brother Huang must have told you this."

"Don't worry. Although I'm not as experienced as you artists, I'm still a person with half a foot in your entertainment industry. Have you not realized this yet?" Xin Zixin smiled, "Don't worry about me. , I'm fine here, don't worry, when are you going to Venice? It's been a few days since the opening, why haven't you shown up yet? Our colleagues at are still waiting for you to come over and get some exclusives for us at It’s drawing traffic.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Let’s set off tomorrow.”

“Tsk, okay, I’ll inform my colleagues right away and ask them to go to the airport to photograph you before departure.” Xin Zixing said, “Wear something smart. If we photograph you ugly, don’t trouble us.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said yes.


Lu Yanhe has never been to Italy, let alone Venice.

I have long heard that this is a water city, and I have also seen the romance of this city in movies and TV series.

 But when he actually appeared here, he was still surprised by everything in front of him.

 This is a city scene I have never seen before.

It is not the prosperity of a modern metropolis, but the excitement of a foreign country.

 There are many small shops and many tourists.

Especially when the Venice International Film Festival opened recently, it attracted a lot of people.

Of course, the Venice International Film Festival is not held in the city, but on a Lido Island some distance away.

It usually takes another fifteen minutes to take a vaporetto to reach Lido Island.

 Longyan Pictures chartered a sea taxi for Lu Yanhe to pick him up.


When the sun was shining on Lu Yanhe along with the sea breeze, a piece of news about Lu Yanhe arriving in Venice by private plane was also published in China.

"White Bird Entertainment" published more than a dozen photos of Lu Yanhe boarding a private plane. At first glance, they were taken secretly. The shooting angles were not good. Even Lu Yanhe's face could not be seen clearly from many angles.

This report didn't say anything else, it just pointed out that Lu Yanhe is now so grand that he has to arrange a private jet to go to Venice.

This revelation has attracted quite a lot of attention.

  After all, these days, once a celebrity artist is labeled as "rich", "showing off wealth", or "grand", they are not far away from being scolded.

Lu Yanhe usually has a good image and good popularity among the public. Therefore, when "White Bird Entertainment" first published these, many people still had a wait-and-see attitude, but they did not immediately start complaining.

It’s just that some anti-fans, seeing this opportunity, couldn’t help but start shouting with joy.

The content of the criticism is not new. He said that Lu Yanhe usually looks like a high-spirited and good-natured young man, but in private he is also a person who likes to enjoy himself and go out to show off. It is too luxurious to take a private jet to Venice, etc. .

This rebuke made some people unable to understand it, and was refuted: Does it have anything to do with you liking to enjoy too much luxury? Spend your money?

 Some minor arguments.

 Star Entertainment’s online public opinion monitoring department took notice and reported it.

The people in the public relations department did some research and felt that this would not be a big problem.


 Not long after, "White Bird Entertainment" published another report.

 The movie "White Pearl" premiered in Venice, and received mixed reviews from film critics. Chen Pinhe's acting skills were unanimously praised.

At the media conference, the film creators sat on the stage and accepted questions from media from all over the world.

 Chen Pinhe is the one who gets the most attention.

 Among them, a Chinese media asked: "I heard that you did not get paid for your appearance in "White Pearl" this time. Is this rumor true?"

"It was not easy to make the movie "White Pearl". When the director found me at that time, he asked me if I could reduce my salary a little. I asked how much I needed to reduce, and the director said that the production budget of this movie was less than 10 million. , I said I would read the script first. After reading the script, I told the director that this was a script that I wanted to act in without getting paid." Chen Pinhe said with a smile, "This is the source of the rumor that I didn't get paid. In fact. The director still paid me a salary.”

He turned to director Ming Jiang and smiled, "The director has spent many years preparing this movie. After all, the market for such realistic-themed literary films is relatively small, but the director always insisted on making this movie. I admire the director's spirit very much. In fact, I have been acting for so many years, and it is no longer my main consideration. Having a good director, a good script, and a good team is what matters. My main consideration.”

Another reporter asked: ""White Pearl" is about a man who goes to a wealthy family to take care of their garden. In the process, he develops some emotional connection with the hostess of the house, but is attracted by the hostess. My son misunderstood. This movie is obviously trying to talk about some topics about wealth and poverty, men and women, and human nature. Director, what inspired you to shoot a story like this?”

Yu Mingjiang pondered for a moment and replied: "It doesn't matter what inspired me to want to shoot such a story. What matters is what I express in the film."

"In the movie, the hostess played by Xu Minyin feels lonely all year round because she has a bad relationship with her husband, so she takes the initiative to seduce the gardener played by Chen Pinhe." An Italian reporter asked, "However, it seems that there are not many **** scenes in the movie , is this part of the play deleted due to China’s censorship system?”

Yu Mingjiang shook his head and denied it, saying: "My movie explores emotional things, not lustful things. I know that many movies involving the relationship between men and women will shoot relevant scenes to express their relationship. There's a connection and an intimacy, but that has nothing to do with my film. If they were just approaching each other purely from a sexual and hormonal point of view, it would be cheesy."

However, Yu Mingjiang’s answer caused many foreign reporters at the scene to talk about it, as if it aroused their doubts.

Yu Mingjiang didn’t know what he said that made them react so loudly.


ˆIf you have a little understanding of the art and cultural history of Europe and the United States, you will actually find the fact that **** itself is a means of expressing art in many of their works.

Yu Mingjiang's words may not have been realized when he said them, but they gave people the impression that "the **** drama is very vulgar".

 This is not just a hornet's nest.

 After the press conference, many media commented on Mingjiang’s speech.

Almost all of them say that Yu Mingjiang's thoughts are decadent and stuck in a conservative and feudal era.

 The movie "White Pearl" also became controversial.

When Lu Yanhe arrived at Lidu Island, it was the time when this film and director Yu Mingjiang were being discussed heatedly.

Lu Yanhe was being helped ashore by Zou Dong and Wang Biao, one on the left and the other on the right. The scene was a bit funny, and there were many people taking photos nearby.

There are many Chinese movie fans here. Some people knew in advance that Lu Yanhe would arrive today, so they came here specially.

 Longyan Pictures specially arranged for someone to pick him up.

There were a lot of people at the scene, and many people were still saying hello to Lu Yanhe.

 “Yan He, are you okay?”

 “You have to take good care of yourself.”

 “Come on this time, get a Venice Best Actor!”


 There were many voices at the scene.

Lu Yanhe was unable to respond one by one, especially since he had limited mobility and walked slowly. He could only move forward slowly while smiling back.

 He took off his sunglasses and told the people next to him: "My injury is not completely healed yet, and my walking posture must be ugly now. Please don't post such ugly walking videos of me online."

 Everyone laughed.

 “Not ugly, not ugly at all.”

“You walk slowly, I think you still look very serious.”

 “When will your injury heal?”


Lu Yanhe was supported by Zou Dong and slowly moved forward.

"I'm almost healed. It's just that I'm walking a little slow. The pain is gone." He comforted his fans, "Don't be stuck here. I'll go to the hotel later. See you tomorrow."

 Fans kept sending Lu Yanhe to the car door.


 “You must be careful and don’t show off.”

Lu Yanhe got in front of the car, turned around and waved to them.

 “Bye, see you tomorrow.”

 The enthusiasm of the fans surprised Lu Yanhe.

 I didn’t expect there to be so many Chinese here in Venice.

 After getting in the car, Lu Yanhe learned from Wang Biao that "White Bird Entertainment" reported the news that he came to Venice by private plane.

Wang Biao said: "This "White Bird Entertainment" seems to have been a little unfriendly to you."

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Lu Yanhe had actually known it for a long time, but he did not expect that Wang Biao would find out so quickly.

Wang Biao said: "This is not the first time. Every time it reports about you, Brother Lu, although it does not directly and openly smear you or say bad things, every time the content is directed towards you, it will be negative." Image guidance, this time it was written as if you were grand. The last photo of you and Sister Siqi dating was reported, and it seemed that you didn't care about Sister Siqi at all. You were always looking down at your phone, every photo. It’s Sister Siqi who is smiling at you, but you have no expression on your face.”

Lu Yanhe laughed, "Then you are still very keen. It is true that the media "White Bird Entertainment" is not very friendly to me, but I don't know why."

“I must be jealous of Brother Lu that you have achieved such great achievements.” Wang Biao said firmly.

“Could it be that I did something bad that offended them?”

"I don't know them, but I know you." Wang Biao looked innocent as a young man, "What's wrong with you? I follow you every day, don't you know?"

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect Wang Biao to say this.

Wang Biao continued to look down at his phone.

“The reviews of "White Pearl" are also very polarized. Some people like it very much, and some people don't like it very much." Wang Biao said, "Brother Lu, have you seen the passage by director Yu Mingjiang that caused everyone's controversy?"

Lu Yanhe: "What are you talking about? I haven't read it yet."

 He is sending a message back to someone.

Wang Biao sent a screenshot to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe then realized what was going on.


“There may be reporters from the media who will ask you, but you must not listen to them. If you avoid answering questions in this regard, just say that you don’t know.”

The first thing Chen Ziyan did after meeting Lu Yanhe at the hotel was to tell her about this.

 Lu Yanhe thought to himself, it seems that this incident has a big impact. Otherwise, Chen Ziyan wouldn't have told him this as soon as she saw him.

“Is this matter arousing a lot of discussion?” Lu Yanhe asked directly.

"It's a bit big." Chen Ziyan said bluntly, "The movie "White Pearl" itself is disliked by some people. Many people feel that the movie portrays ordinary people represented by the gardener played by Chen Pinhe too darkly. They think This movie is too tolerant of rich people and too mean to ordinary people.”

Lu Yanhe has not watched "White Pearl" and does not know what the movie is about.

“Okay, then I’ll just say that I haven’t seen the movie and I don’t know the situation.”

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

"Tomorrow, "Late Spring" premieres. Director Yu Mingjiang and Xu Minyin will come to support it. Don't mention it in person then. They will probably be unlucky."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Aren't the others coming?"

"Chen Pinhe has other work, and Zuo Xing has returned to China." Chen Ziyan explained, "Director Yu Mingjiang and Xu Minyin were invited by Mrs. Huang personally. Otherwise, they might not be able to compete in the main competition. Come."

 Lu Yanhe said: “I don’t know what kind of evaluation “Late Spring” will be received.”

“We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see the actual results.” Chen Ziyan said with a smile, “However, I guess the evaluation won’t be too bad.”

 “Hmm? Why?”

"Because this is Liu Bige's first feature film, the film festival has always encouraged and praised the feature films of newcomers, which is the norm. Furthermore, the quality of this film itself is very high, and it was originally selected into the The main competition unit is enough to illustrate this point.”

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief when Chen Ziyan said this.

"That's good."

Longyan Pictures is very sophisticated and booked a suite at the Cipriani Hotel for Lu Yanhe, which cost 8,000 US dollars a night.

Chen Ziyan said: "Liu Bige's room is not as good as yours. Long Yan is sincere enough to invite you to come over."

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Do they have other projects in the future that they want to cooperate with me on?”

 Otherwise, the trip to Venice alone would have cost him over 200,000 yuan.

 From the private plane to the accompanying doctor to the hotel, his trip was not cheap.

 Chen Ziyan paid the bill herself—actually, Star Entertainment paid the bill. However, Longyan was responsible for the travel expenses of both Zou Dong and Wang Biao.

Chen Ziyan: "That's definitely true. However, when they treat you so favorably, they must also want to build a good relationship with you so that we can cooperate with you in the future. Your cameo in "Three Mountains" made the entire film industry look forward to you. The movie you officially starred in, this time "Late Spring" was shortlisted for Venice. For you, there was no transition period from a TV drama actor to a movie actor at all. You took one step directly. It is conceivable that like Longyan Pictures The film company’s attitude toward you.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

After taking a short rest in the room, Lu Yanhe had to go out to do business.

 In the evening, Huang Zhongjing, the boss of Longyan Pictures, invited the creative staff of "Late Spring" to have dinner together.

This was the first time Lu Yanhe met Huang Zhongjing and Wen Zhimao.

Of course, I have heard of the name for a long time.

Wen Zhimao cordially took Lu Yanhe's hand, greeted him, and asked if he felt uncomfortable along the way.

 Lu Yanhe said: "Thank you for your arrangement. It was a smooth journey."

Wen Zhimao said: "Your performance in "Late Spring" this time was really great. We organized an internal viewing of the film and everyone spoke highly of you. Maybe there will be surprises in Venice this time."

Lu Yanhe didn't realize for a moment what surprise Wen Zhimao was talking about.

 “Thank you, Mrs. Huang.” He thought to himself, there is nothing wrong with saying thank you.

Wen Zhimao left the seat next to him to Lu Yanhe and pulled him to sit next to him without any explanation.

 Obviously, this is the method of the wife of the president of a top film company—she is the one responsible for playing the emotional card for filmmakers who need to be attracted and are worthy of being attracted.

Wen Zhimao asked Lu Yanhe several questions with concern to show that he valued him, then let him go and continued chatting with Chen Ziyan and Liu Bige.

 A table with a total of about ten people.

 It is rare to be able to book a large Chinese-style round table in a place like this.

Miao Yue was also there, sitting next to Liu Bige. She is the original author of "Late Spring" and the screenwriter of the film. It is normal for her to attend this film festival with the crew.

Several other actors are of course also there.

However, because "Late Spring" has not yet been released, they have not encountered any adventures during this period. They became famous overnight and no one knows them yet.

 At this table, the atmosphere is quite relaxed.

However, except for Lu Yanhe, the other actors said very little, and they were somewhat nervous when facing big figures like Mr. Huang and Mrs. Huang.

 Lu Yanhe took the initiative to bring up some topics and asked them what they had been doing in the past few months.

 What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that except for Yu Lang, who played a small role in a movie, no one else acted at all.

Of course, this is also because they are still students at school.

These people have very good acting skills, and Lu Yanhe has seen them before.

 Not to mention that they can now play very complex and rich roles, but in the roles they can play, they can perform very well.

Liu Bige is also good at training actors on set.

 They have made great progress after filming "Late Spring".

In the middle, Liu Bige’s next movie was suddenly mentioned. Liu Bige said: “The script for my next movie has already been written to the fullest, and Miao Yue also helped me with a lot of revisions.”

Lu Yanhe glanced at Miao Yue in surprise.

 My classmate seems to have a closer relationship with Liu Bige. Working together again.

 Huang Zhongjing asked: "Is it the spy war-themed story you told me last time?"

 “Yes.” Liu Bige nodded.

 Huang Zhongjing asked: “What budget do you plan to have to make this movie?”

“Fortunately, there is no need to create special effects, and there are no big scenes that cost money.” Liu Bige said, “You can shoot with any amount of money, the main thing is people spend money.”

 The people here are actually talking about the money of the production team and creative staff.

 Huang Zhongjing: "Since it's a spy story, let's stop searching and make this film according to the configuration of a blockbuster. We fully support you."

 Huang Zhongjing showed an extremely generous attitude toward Liu Bige, whose first film was shortlisted for the main competition section of the Venice International Film Festival.

 In fact, except for real blockbusters, the production cost of a movie is not that high. In many cases, the production costs of 100 million or 200 million are greatly exaggerated. Movies that really cost money to produce are usually blockbusters with big scenes or a lot of special effects, which is really expensive.

Unlike Hollywood, only a handful of actors can get as much as 20 million yuan in salary for starring in movies. Under normal circumstances, the salary of a first-line actor starring in a movie is around ten million, or even lower. There are far fewer actors with bidding power in movies than there are actors with bidding power in TV series. This is also because the latter already has a very mature and relatively stable revenue channel, but the former is still very risky. If you are not careful, the box office may not even exceed 10 million.

This has resulted in the current situation: the salary of movie actors and the salary of TV drama actors are not at the same level at all.

But of course, top actors usually get a share of the box office profits. Especially those at the top, including dividends, it is normal for a movie to earn hundreds of millions.

 Huang Zhongjing proposed to make this spy film according to the standards of a blockbuster movie. Lu Yanhe felt that it was just a matter of talking and expressing his stance first.

According to the current domestic film production environment, even if this movie uses an all-star cast, the production cost will be tens of millions, and the majority of it will be in the salary.

 After dinner, but before leaving, Huang Zhongjing came to Lu Yanhe and expressed friendly goodwill to him.

"Yan He, we should have known each other a long time ago. Our schedules are quite tight this time. After we return to China, we will find an opportunity to have a good chat." Huang Zhongjing said, "I believe we will have many projects that we can cooperate with in the future. ”

Lu Yanhe had expected it, and without any surprise, he showed a bright smile and said yes.


 Lu Yanhe took the car back to the hotel.

 There was a buzz of people along the way.

There are many people on the road, and the film festival makes the island lively like a market.

Lu Yanhe felt a little regretful and said, "It's a pity. If I could walk normally, I could still go shopping tonight. It's my first time here."

Zou Dong sat next to him and said, "It will be the same next time I come to visit. Come back next year."

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry, and said, “Brother Dong, you must have a work to come to the film festival.”

Zou Dong said: "You have a lot of works coming, and they will definitely continue to come."

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect Zou Dong to say that.

 The night is very charming.

Probably because of being in a foreign country, Lu Yanhe found everything new and interesting.

Back at the hotel, he sat in front of the window and looked at the night view.

Chen Siqi made a video call and asked: "Is your socializing over here?"

“I just arrived at the hotel.” Lu Yanhe said, “What about you?”

 “It’s late at night here, and I’m ready to go to bed.”

The time difference between Italy and China is six hours.

“Then you should go to bed early, there must be a lot of things to do today, right?”

"Yes, there was an impromptu class meeting in the evening." Chen Siqi said, "Originally, Bai Yu and I made an appointment to discuss the manuscript together, but we didn't meet until after the class meeting, and we stayed up until very late."

Lu Yanhe: “You’re not going to stay up late today, are you?”

“That’s not the case.” Chen Siqi said, “After I asked my classmates to help me with some chores, there were much less things to do at work. Before, I had to take care of everything, big and small.”

Lu Yanhe: "That's good. I see that you have so many things to do every day, and you are busier than a regular person at work."

"We are supposed to be busier than regular working people. We have not only produced a monthly magazine, but we are also developing many business sectors." Chen Siqi said, "I have two jobs at noon today. Hours are spent reviewing manuscripts for Venice Film Festival special topics. If you want to seize this time and catch the heat, you can only rush forward like a chicken. After this window period, even if you stay up until three in the morning every day, It’s no use at all. Everyone doesn’t pay attention to the Venice International Film Festival all the time.”

Lu Yanhe understands this truth.

 “Anyway, just take it easy.”

“You have the nerve to tell me how busy you are? Which month is easy for you?”

“When I come back from Venice, I will be relaxed.” Lu Yanhe said, “I will reshoot “River of Silence” during the National Day, and then I will have no other work. I will shoot “Path of Glory” during the winter vacation.”

Chen Siqi: "Humph, let's just say it. "Awkward" will be released at the end of the year, and "Rouge Button" also wants you to be the leading actor. There are also two dramas in the future, "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game". Preparation, even if you don’t join the team for filming, you won’t be able to take time off, but don’t think you will be free.”

 When Chen Siqi said this, Lu Yanhe was stunned.


 Yes, there is still so much to do.

 It feels like there is never enough time.

"I was still thinking about when we could go out and play together." Chen Siqi said, "Now it seems that I have to wait until you are a senior to have time."

 Indeed, for Lu Yanhe, his junior year was filled with many classes and a lot of pressure.

 If he wants to get a diploma in his senior year, he must take all these courses.

Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little apologetic in his heart.

He and Chen Siqi really didn't have much time to spend together like ordinary lovers.

 However, Lu Yanhe is very busy and stressed with study and career, and Lu Yanhe cannot leave these behind.

 Fortunately, Chen Siqi also understood what was going on, and the two people never had a dispute over this matter.

 Only when I talk about it occasionally, I feel regretful.


 The premiere of "Late Spring".

 As one of the main competition units, this film is not very conspicuous in the entire Venice International Film Festival.

After all, the only famous creator of this movie is Lu Yanhe, who is currently only famous in China. Not many people overseas know who Lu Yanhe is.

The official report of the Venice International Film Festival introduced Lu Yanhe, and his representative work was "Three Mountains".

To people abroad, among the works of Lu Yanhe that have been seen by everyone, only "Three Mountains" is known to some people because of the Xituer Film Festival.

This also resulted in the red carpet of "Late Spring" being almost the bleakest among the films competing in the main competition.

Pica Lodge, the artistic director of the film festival, naturally came to support the film.

Except for him and a few people who served on the jury, almost all the foreign filmmakers who came to support were filmmakers from the French film industry.

Lu Yanhe is following this information in real time on his mobile phone.

 They are waiting in the waiting area.

 As the main creative staff, they will not go in so early.

So, when Lu Yanhe saw that many people on the Internet were asking why there were almost no celebrities on the red carpet of "Late Spring", he felt a little uncomfortable.

 The world premiere of a movie, of course, the more attention it attracts and the greater the exposure, the better for the movie.

At this moment, Wang Zhong suddenly appeared on the red carpet with three young actors from "Three Mountains".

The appearance of several of them gave the media area a bit of shouting.

Chen Ziyan whispered in Lu Yanhe's ear: "The screening time of "Late Spring" this time is also very bad. The film festival is in the second half of the festival. Many celebrities who came to participate have left. Mr. Huang and Mrs. Huang originally wanted to find some Big stars come to support the scene, but basically they can’t be found.”

Lu Yanhe knows that the main reason is because "Late Spring" is a "new" film crew to foreign countries and is not very popular.

The red carpet for the premiere of "White Pearl" was so star-studded.

On the one hand, it is because there are two big names starring Chen Pinhe and Xu Minyin, which attracts a lot of media attention, so that the invited filmmakers are willing to come and attend. On the other hand, because they all have friends they have made, there will be people Willing to pay their bills and show up at the premiere of this movie.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe actually felt an inexplicable annoyance.

 Why can't I be more popular and more famous internationally? In this case, the premiere of "Late Spring" might be much more lively than it is now.

This emotion did not stay in Lu Yanhe's heart for too long.

 He quickly adjusted himself and did not let this emotion affect him.

 It’s okay, after all, the movie still relies on the movie to speak for itself.

 If the movie is not good, no matter how lively the premiere is, it is just a joke.

 When the movie is good, the lonely courtyard will become lively.

Lu Yanhe secretly hoped that today's screening of the movie would get a good result.


Although the starlight at the premiere was relatively dim, all media and film critics were still present.

 It is their job to watch every film competing in the main competition.

They need to score each film in the main competition, and the program score is also one of the most credible evaluations of several major film festivals.

Before the final result, what dominates the understanding of movie fans around the world about the films participating in the film festival is the program score composed of scores from media from various countries.

 Linyu is sitting in the media area.

She is not an official media invitee from the Venice International Film Festival, but got tickets through the film company. However, her tickets are still among the media and film critics.

 Linyu usually pays close attention to movies.

 She recognized several well-known film critics in the film industry as soon as she sat down.

For example, Marion Tucci, the chief film critic of French "Cinema" magazine.

For example, Tom Wynn, a columnist and film critic for Variety magazine in the United States.

 They may not be well-known figures to the public, but to Linyu, they are all idol-level people.

Linyu wanted to get to know them, but she was afraid that it would be a bit abrupt for her to strike up a conversation rashly.

Who knew that Tom Wynn would notice her as soon as he turned his head and showed a bright smile, "Hey, little beauty, are you Chinese?"

 As soon as she opened her mouth, Linyu suddenly became less nervous.

She had only one idea in her mind, seize the opportunity and get to know him.

"Hi, I am Chinese and the editor of "Jump Up" magazine." Linyu introduced herself.

Her English is very good, her pronunciation is standard, and her posture is graceful, which immediately attracted Tom Wynn's attention.

 He ​​raised his eyebrows in confusion and asked: ""Jump Up"? Is this a new movie magazine published in China?"

“No, it is a literary magazine, and it is the most popular literary magazine in China.” Linyu said, “My name is Linyu, nice to meet you.”

She took out a business card from her bag that she had printed before arriving, with her number and email address written on it.

 “I have always been your reader.” Linyu added.

Tom Wynn took the business card and let out a surprised sound.

 “Do you know the director of this movie?” he asked Linyu.

“I don’t know the director, I only know the male protagonist of this movie, Lu Yanhe.” Linyu said, “I am his high school classmate.”

“I checked his information and he is now one of the most popular stars in China.”

"Yes." Linyu nodded, "He is also one of the most promising young actors in our country."

Tom Wynn pursed his lips and said, "It's a pity that I don't like the movie "Three Mountains". I couldn't watch it without seeing him appear."

Linyu: "I know that you prefer movies with a stronger sense of reality. This tendency is often revealed in your film reviews."

Tom Wynn looked surprised.

At this time, Marion Tucci, the chief film critic of the French "Cinema" magazine, suddenly turned around and interjected: "You couldn't be more accurate. He doesn't have a pair of eyes that can appreciate mystery and imaginative colors."

Tom Wynn spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

 Linyu smiled and said, "I hope you will like "Late Spring"."

Marion Tucci looked at Lin Yu with some curiosity and asked: "Have you watched the movie "Late Spring" in advance?"

 “Not yet.” Linyu said.

“Then why do you want us to like “Late Spring”? It’s very unobjective of you to express such an inclination before watching the movie.”

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment and said calmly: "I just said that the male protagonist of this movie is my high school classmate, so I hope it is good and I hope it is liked by everyone. This is my selfish intention, and There is no other meaning."

 Marion Tucci nodded noncommittally.

At this time, Tom Wynn immediately said: "Hey, Marion, she is just a little girl, please be tolerant to her."

 “Tom, I’m not like you.”

“But we all love movies from the bottom of our hearts, don’t we?”

The two people argued for a while, and at this time, the light in the screening room gradually went out.

 The movie is about to start.

Linyu took a deep breath, concentrated her attention, and prepared to enter the world of the movie.


 The update is here. The current monthly votes are 3,200+, which is an increase of 700 votes from yesterday’s 2,500+. I still exceeded the update task.

 It seems that the activity of adding monthly tickets can continue.

 There are still two days left before the doubling, so I will continue to add updates.

 Still the same, 6,000 words guaranteed per day, 400 monthly tickets plus one update, Xiao Lu needs support, Xiao Song also needs everyone’s support! (End of chapter)

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