Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 375: Man is suspended in the web of meaning that he weaves

Lu Yanhe sat in his chair and watched the movie "Late Spring" seriously. This was also the first movie in which he played the leading role.

Although, since I have been acting, it has been quite smooth and I have not gone through the stage where many actors can only play supporting roles and cannot get the leading roles, so there is not much difference in mentality about playing leading roles or supporting roles.

 But the protagonist always has more roles.

 The perspective of the entire movie is mainly from the perspective of his character.

This feeling is still different.

As the movie begins, from the first shot, Lu Yanhe sees himself standing in a narrow bathroom, washing his hair in silence.

During the play, his mother’s voice came and said, “I’ve enrolled you in a cram school.”

 His bathing movements paused.

 The camera captured his side and rear.

 On the big screen, the expression on his face is almost invisible, but his back has also revealed some information.

 This young man does not seem to be very happy. But of course, teenagers are always melancholy. This is often the case at this age.

 In the dark space, Lu Yanhe saw himself appearing close to reality on such a big screen for the first time.

In "Three Mountains", his character style made his appearance in the movie very different from his usual appearance. Because of this difference, he focused on the performance of this character when watching the movie.

But "Late Spring" is different. The first shot clearly reminds him that this is himself.

Lu Yanhe felt an inexplicable tremor of excitement.

By the time he recovered, the movie had been running for more than twenty minutes.


  Liu Bigo’s shots are very clean and leisurely, without the blurry, dizzy, and gloomy shots of many art films.

If Lu Yanhe was asked to find a director who could be compared, he felt that it was very similar to the director Hirokazu Kore-eda who made "The Street Diary".

 However, Liu Bigo's film is not as slow as the film directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda.

His shots change a lot and very quickly. Most of the time, he is actually not that keen on long takes.

 This greatly reduces the difficulty of viewing.


Lu Yanhe already knew this story too well. However, Liu Bige cut it so that Lu Yanhe had a fresh feeling of "déjà vu".

He couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

Only actors can combine the words "déjà vu" and "freshness" together.

 Shooting is one thing, editing is another.

 It’s no wonder that the movie is the director’s work. When Lu Yanhe looks at this work now, there are many aspects that are different from what he had in mind when filming.

  Every boy and **** the screen seemed to be more beautiful than the real person he saw.

The word "good-looking" does not refer to changes in their image or facial features, but a sense of atmosphere.


 As for movies about adolescence, there are already many classics in film history.

 This is also an enduring theme.

 In these movies, almost everyone has to go through great changes and pains of growth.

 When it comes to being bloody, there is no one who is not bloody.

 But why do some movies become classics, while others are just a mess?

 The subtlety of it is difficult to explain clearly in words.

 But all said and done, in the final analysis, it is the difference between looking at it and feeling good, and looking at it and feeling bad.

When you see Lu Yanhe running out of his home and running wildly on the streets at midnight, the picture on the big screen turns into a flowing river of light and shadow as Lu Yanhe runs.

The sadness, anger, and confusion in his eyes were intertwined with the darkness. He looked over at the huge screen and looked at everyone in the audience.

At this moment, his gaze seemed to have traveled through time and space, penetrating through this screen.

The entire screening room was silent, and everyone held their breath.

Even Lu Yanhe himself looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

 He had never seen this shot before, and he was completely unaware that Liu Bige had captured such a moment while he was acting.


 The golden, warm sunshine flows through the world like a river.

When the movie ended like a tranquility after the hustle and bustle, in a classroom filled with sunlight, the end credits began to play, and the interlude sung by Song Linxin sounded softly, but the screening hall was still quiet.

 The screening is over and the lights in the auditorium turn on.

Linyu raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

She doesn’t know if it’s because of her own filter. This movie, which is like a youth prose, uses a seemingly calm white poetry to cruelly cut open her heart and pluck out the most secret pain in her heart.

 She turned to look at Tom Wynn and Marion Tucci. Their expressions were still serious, and they were writing something in their little notebooks with a seemingly unshakable seriousness.

 Suddenly, applause rang out from nowhere.

Linyu turned her head in surprise. When she turned around, the applause had already started a prairie fire like a spark.

 Many people stood up and started applauding.

Linyu knows that at film festivals, after a movie is screened, it often gets applause from the audience.

 This has almost become a ritual.

At this moment, Linyu could clearly feel that this was not a ceremonial round of applause.

 She heard a white-haired man raise his hands like a trumpet and shout: "Bravo!"

  Director Liu Bige and other creatives sitting in the first row stood up, turned around, and faced the audience.

Linyu was the first to look at Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe was also the first to find her with his eyes.

 He mouthed and asked: "How is it?"

Linyu pursed her lips, raised her thumbs, nodded, and told him the answer with her expression.

Lu Yanhe smiled with relief.

He turned to look at Yan Lingyu and Yu Lang. Each of their faces showed a slightly excited, excited and unbelievable smile, as excited as a child coming to an amusement park for the first time. I couldn't help but feel shy like I was standing on the podium for the first time.

In my mind, every detail of when Liu Bige and the others were filming emerged.

 Many scenes, many moments of cheering each other up.

 The audience expressed their love for the film with the warmest applause and cheers.

 At this moment, the calm before the screening and the excitement after the screening formed a sharp contrast.

Lu Yanhe was truly relieved.

 In the end, the movie and the content will speak for themselves.


Li Bi, who came to the scene with Lin Yu, stood in a corner with excitement on his face, doing his own live broadcast.

"Yes, "Late Spring" just completed its premiere at the Venice International Film Festival. How is the movie? I can't comment, but look at the reaction of all the audiences and listen to the applause and cheers!"

Li Bi moved his face away from the camera and pointed the camera at everyone present.

Since signing the contract with Tiaoqi Company, Li Bi has been desperately seizing this opportunity in the past few months, wanting to prove himself and make a name for himself.

How many people in the industry said behind his back that he was unlucky enough to be favored by Lu Yanhe and give him such great support.

Li Bi will hear such sounds almost everywhere he goes.

 The more voices like this, the harder he works. At most, he posted 32 short videos a day.

 All of them are original videos made by himself.

Because of his hard work, it took him less than half a year to start making profits.

 This time when he came to Venice, Chen Siqi told him two things.

“First, as a short video maker, you have to take advantage of the short video media. Traditional media is still the mainstay in Venice, so you have to take advantage of it to open up the situation.”

“Second, don’t think that you are just a short video maker and you are inferior to other media. You have to remember that you are a short video media that jumps up and comes from one of the most influential media in China. "

 Chen Siqi did not interfere with what he wanted to do, but only gave him interview opportunities with several filmmakers they had contacted.

This is not called interfering, this is called putting food to his mouth and giving it to him to eat.

Although Chen Siqi didn't say it, Li Bi also knew that he had a very important task when he came to Venice this time, which was to promote Lu Yanhe and "Late Spring".

Li Bi has been thinking for a long time about how to take advantage of short videos and how to do it differently from traditional media.

 Arrived here and seeing the working methods of traditional media, Li Bi suddenly became enlightened.

The biggest advantage of short videos here is their immediacy.

 So, Li Bi directly moved the live broadcast.

 Because of Lu Yanhe’s relationship and because his video column now has a lot of fans, the crew agreed to his application without much thought.

 So, there was a scene where Li Bi was doing a live broadcast.

As soon as Li Bi’s live broadcast started, the number of viewers kept rising.

 Just kidding, this is the only person who does live broadcast in the screening room of "Late Spring".

 Hence, domestic movie fans also saw the love for "Late Spring" at the scene for the first time.


 After the screening, there will be a press conference.

 While walking on the red carpet, the reactions of many photographers gave Lu Yanhe the feeling that they were just here to complete a task.

 However, at the press conference, you can feel their enthusiasm, excitement and interest from the expressions of every reporter.

After Liu Bige and others appeared with Lu Yanhe and other actors, the scene burst into applause again.

Yan Lingyu and the others' eyes widened in flattery.

They are really all newcomers attending the film festival for the first time. Lu Yanhe is a little more experienced, but not that much.

However, Lu Yanhe never showed any timidity at times like this, and waved to everyone with a bright smile.

The atmosphere was very lively.

 Huang Zhongjing, Wen Zhimao and Miao Yue sat next to Liu Bige, while Lu Yanhe and the actors sat on the other side of Liu Bige.

Artistic Director Bica Lodge personally hosted the event.

 The first link is for Liu Bige to express his thoughts after the premiere.

Lu Yanhe could see obvious excitement and excitement on Liu Bige's face. This made Lu Yanhe also infected.

 Liubige has been in France for so many years and his English is very good.

He said directly in English: "Being able to come here makes me feel like my dream has come true. From entering the film industry to making my first film, nearly ten years have passed. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to shoot such a movie. Many young directors look for investment after they have their own scripts. I am different. I was influenced by the two bosses of Longyan Pictures, Huang Zhongjing and Wen Zhimao. When I came back to China from France, they told me that no matter what I wanted to shoot, they would support me. So, I got the support of the film company before I thought about what I wanted to shoot.”

Media reporters at the scene expressed surprise.

This experience is too unique.

 When the other directors heard about this, they were probably going crazy with jealousy.

 Huang Zhongjing and Wen Zhimao laughed after hearing the simultaneous real-time translation through their headphones.

"Later, I read this novel written by Miao Yue. This novel was written when she was in high school. Now she is a student at Zhenhua University. Oh, by the way, so is the star of our movie, Lu Yanhe. Students of Zhenhua University, thank you Zhenhua." Liu Bige seemed a little excited and nervous. He was incoherent and suddenly mentioned Zhenhua.

Lu Yanhe and Miao Yue burst out laughing.

"Then, our movie started." Liu Bige said, "Miao Yue wrote the script with me, and Lu Yanhe also agreed to star in the movie very early. Many of you may not know that Lu Yanhe is in China He is a very popular star. Because he agreed to star, we always have a strong backing for this project. No matter what problems we encounter, we can move forward with confidence. "

Lu Yanhe showed a dumbfounded expression.

 The media reporter from China laughed kindly.

"Also, the actors in this movie, except for Lu Yanhe, are basically all acting for the first time. I am not a very experienced director and have no experience in teaching people to act. Fortunately, I met a group of actors who are very good at acting. Perceptive actors, their sensitivity to the characters is beyond my rational sensitivity, thank them.”

 After Liu Bige finished speaking, the audience gave him warm applause.

 The question-and-answer session started without stopping.

 Because for many foreign media, the crew of "Late Spring" does not have any star-like figures, including Lu Yanhe, who are all newcomers to them.

 So, they did not focus on asking one person. Except for director Liu Bige, the other actors all had questions from the media.

 The issue that everyone is concerned about lies in the content of the movie itself.

Someone asked what kind of emotion the film was trying to express at the end.

Some people asked why Meng Bai and Yin Yue were not allowed to escape successfully.


 Nearly all the questions raised by everyone were related to movies. This atmosphere made Lu Yanhe feel inexplicably moved.

 At the press conference, everyone’s enthusiastic attitude once again gave them confidence.

  There will be other interviews and photo tours to follow.

Lu Yanhe’s itinerary was separated from the main force here.

 A total of eight media outlets made appointments for interviews, each for fifteen minutes.

 After the interview with Shui'er, including the time in between, three hours passed.

 Lu Yanhe's mouth went dry as he spoke.

 Wang Biao quickly brought lozenges and water.

 Being interviewed and photographed by eight media outlets in a row, Lu Yanhe felt exhausted no matter how dedicated he was.

But on the one hand, these are already screened media. Some have strong backgrounds, some have deep backgrounds, and some have good connections. It is difficult to reject any of them. On the other hand, as the lead actor in "Late Spring" and the only star, he has a responsibility. Since Longyan Pictures has taken on the heavy responsibility of promoting "Late Spring" and invited him to participate in this film festival with such sincerity, he should do what he can.

After the promotional trip, Lu Yanhe still has his own trip to meet with the person in charge of Maxine's Asia-Pacific region.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that he would come to the Venice International Film Festival.

But Chen Ziyan said: "Why can't he come? Maxine is a streaming media platform, not a drama platform. The Maxine behind him is also a film purchaser. Maxine buys the streaming rights for many movies and broadcasts them on Maxine."

 Lu Yanhe: “I thought this was not a matter for the Asia-Pacific region.”

"If you really think that such a large company really works strictly according to the division of fields, you are totally wrong." Chen Ziyan said, "Everyone is digging for gold, and there is a piece of gold on the ground. Once a piece of land has been established and dug into, who can take the boundaries on the ground seriously?"

 This principle was clearly explained by Chen Ziyan using this metaphor.

 “Is there anything I need to do after I see him?”

"You only need to do one thing, let him believe that you are a creator who will help him create value in the future." Chen Ziyan said, "Actually, you have already done this with the past few works. Maxine and Jing Taiwan is currently talking about the exclusive overseas release of "Sixteen" and "Seventeenth Floor" Maxine. These two dramas have achieved such great success in China. He must already know you and understand your resume. This time, you only want to meet. Just need to reinforce this impression.”

“Do you need me to say anything more to him about my future projects?”

“Look at what I say, just keep up.” Chen Ziyan said, “We don’t need to do anything tonight, we just need to let him leave a good impression on you.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "But, what if he directly asks me to write a script for Maxine?"       "He will propose to you intentional cooperation, and you can also give an intentional answer, but, believe me, no one will do it. Sign the contract when we first meet, especially at your level, you must make contact first to build mutual familiarity and trust," Chen Ziyan smiled.

 Lu Yanhe understood.

 It’s getting late.

 They went directly to the restaurant to keep their appointment.

Maxine’s head of Asia Pacific, Zhong Benshuo, is a Korean.

 In recent years, Korean film and television dramas have developed rapidly. The domestic market is too small, and global streaming media suddenly opens the door, allowing them to find more fertile soil. Their film and television production talents are almost flocking to streaming media in droves. And streaming media is indeed powerful enough. It provides a lot of money and has little intervention in production. One hit drama after another has a lot of viewers around the world.

In this respect, Chinese dramas are indeed inferior to Korean dramas - so far, the most successful Chinese dramas overseas are two types, one is ancient puppet dramas, especially the ancient puppet dramas of fairy tales, and the other is modern campus sweet pet dramas. However, these two types of dramas are only popular in Southeast Asia, and there are no such global hit dramas.

Zhong Benshuo was originally a producer of a traditional TV station in South Korea. Later, Maxine entered the Korean market and he changed jobs. With the Korean dramas he handled, several hits were made and his performance was very good. He was competing for the position of head of the Asia-Pacific region. time, and finally succeeded in taking over.

Since he is in charge of the Asia-Pacific region, he cannot just focus on Korean dramas.

 In the Asia-Pacific region, there has always been a big bone that has not been broken, and that is the mainland Chinese market.

 On the one hand, it is the user market in mainland China, and on the other hand, it is the market for film and television production talents in mainland China.

 The former cannot break through for the time being due to some policy reasons, but the latter is because the treatment and conditions that mainland film and television production talents receive overseas are not as good as those in their own country, so there is insufficient motivation to come out.

 Why did many Chinese celebrities want to go to Hollywood in the past? On the one hand, they have a high status, and on the other hand, it's because they can earn more when working there. For a while, making RMB and making U.S. dollars were two different concepts, and many people wanted to make U.S. dollars.

  Why are there so few Chinese celebrities going to Hollywood specifically now? Because the domestic performing arts market is not much different from Hollywood in terms of size, then why should they develop in a place they are unfamiliar with? If you are already famous, you don’t want to go. If you are not famous, you don’t want to go. If you are not famous in your own country, why can you become famous by going to Hollywood?

Chung Ben-shuo spent a lot of effort to win the film "River of Silence" shot by Chen Lingling.

On the one hand, relying on the names of Chen Lingling and Lu Yanhe, the purchase price of the mainland video platform alone can cover more than half of the cost of this drama, and even make a profit. Zhong Benshuo does not have to worry about losses at all. On the other hand, Zhong Benshuo hopes to use this to open up the situation and allow more creators in mainland China to cooperate with Maxine.

 As long as there is one successful work, there will be an endless stream of subsequent works. This is the experience he has accumulated after working for so many years.


When Zhong Benshuo learned about Lu Yanhe, his "Six People" had not yet been broadcast. He only knew that he was very popular in mainland China, with an educational background from a top university and a high reputation.

Soon afterwards, Lu Yanhe suddenly released three hit works in one go within half a year.

 Two dramas in which he starred, and one movie in which he had a guest appearance but overshadowed the protagonist.

 In just half a year, Lu Yanhe's status has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Hong is still so red, but her status has risen rapidly—

Chung Benzhuo, who works in streaming media, knows this best.

Chung Ben-shuo has already watched "Sixteenth Floor" and "Seventeen Floors". Both shows gave him a refreshing feel. In fact, every country produces many good-quality dramas every year, but good quality does not mean it will be popular. To be honest, both of these dramas surprised Zhong Benshuo because they were different from the Chinese dramas he was familiar with. One was a sitcom more like an American drama, and the other was a "battle royale" themed drama. Zhong Benshuo had already had many I haven't seen anything like this in Chinese dramas for years.

The key is that these two dramas are very good in their respective genres, so Zhong Benshuo wants to get their overseas streaming rights.

 He had a vague feeling that these two dramas would be liked by the maximum audience.

 Similarly, it was these two dramas that made him more interested in Lu Yanhe.

 An actor may be lucky to have starred in one popular film, but what about two or three?

Chung Benshuo looked back at Lu Yanhe's past acting resume and was surprised to find that, whether he was a protagonist or a supporting actor, every one of Lu Yanhe's dramas had achieved both commercial and critical success without exception.

 Including "Three Mountains".

This made Zhong Benzhuo really think about it.

Especially after knowing that Lu Yanhe is also a talented screenwriter.


"Around the world, there are actually many actors like you who can both write and act." Zhong Benshuo looked at Lu Yanhe sitting in front of him and said, "But someone like you who can do such an outstanding job in a short period of time, Very few, very few, I think any film and television company or platform would like to cooperate with you.”

Lu Yanhe politely said thank you.

Chen Ziyan said: “Indeed, many companies come to Yan He for cooperation.”

Zhong Benshuo looked at Chen Ziyan, "I heard that you also established a film and television production company together, right?"

"That's right." Chen Ziyan nodded again, "I am mainly responsible for the film and television projects that Yan He is involved in."

Chung Ben-shuo nodded, “Many big-name actors have now established their own production companies.”

 Chen Ziyan asked: “Is this also the case in South Korea?”

“Of course.” Zhong Benshuo nodded, “Big-name actors generally have their own production companies, which makes it easier to participate in the production of projects.”

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

Zhong Benshuo looked at Lu Yanhe again and asked, "I heard that you have written a script with a similar theme to "Seventeen Floors"?"

“Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “But we are already preparing to cooperate with a domestic video platform for this script.”

Chung Ben-suk: "I heard about it, but I'm still interested in the script. If possible, can I take a look at the script?"

Lu Yanhe looked puzzled and said, "I have already signed a contract with someone else for this drama."

"But the copyright belongs to you, right?" Zhong Benshuo said, "I don't want to cut it off. In fact, we have been looking for a good script on this subject. We have also asked screenwriters to write it before, but in the end we gave it to The script is not that good. I was thinking that if the story you wrote is suitable, I would like to get the rights to adapt it and let Maxine shoot another version.”

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned and looked at Zhong Benzhuo at a loss.

 This was completely beyond his expectation.

Lu Yanhe subconsciously turned his head and looked at Chen Ziyan.

Chen Ziyan also showed a bit of astonishment.

Chung Ben-suk: "In fact, not only for the script you have, but also for "Seventeen Floors" and "Sixteenth Floor", I plan to buy the rights for remakes."

  Remakes are a very common behavior.

 A good story, maybe even a dozen remakes.

It’s just that it’s extremely rare for people like Jong Ben-shuo to want to buy the remake rights to make another version of a drama before they even start filming.

Chen Ziyan said: "Although the copyright of "Squid Game" is indeed in our hands, we Chinese are also moral. Before the version cooperated with Northern Lights Video is broadcast, we still hope that there will be no other competitors, especially from Competitors of the same script may not violate the contract, but doing so is unethical to Northern Lights Video, and one product cannot be sold to two families.”

 She directly rejected Zhong Benzhuo.

Lu Yanhe supported Chen Ziyan’s judgment and nodded.

Zhong Benshuo didn’t seem surprised and nodded.

"Okay." He shrugged, "For creators like Yan He, I will always open my door to cooperation. Whenever you have a suitable project that you think you can cooperate with Maxine, you can contact me at any time."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan also smiled slightly.

 The meeting finally ended after we exchanged business cards and contact information, mainly email addresses.


As soon as Chen Ziyan separated from Zhong Benzhuo, she looked at Lu Yanhe.

 “I rejected him just now, do you mind?”

"I don't mind." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I think you are right."

"I can't ask your opinion in front of him. I definitely can't agree to this matter." Chen Ziyan said, "Otherwise, it will seriously affect your reputation."

"Yes, I know."

Chen Ziyan: "However, it seems that he is very satisfied with "Seventeenth Floor", otherwise he would not be so eager to get the script of "Squid Game" for evaluation."

“Is it because they are all about battle royale and I am the lead actor?”

"That's right." Chen Ziyan nodded, "He thinks that "Seventeenth Floor" will be liked by Maxine, so he wants to win the adaptation rights of "Squid Game" in advance. By then, whether it will be adapted into a Korean drama or a European and American drama, They can all get greater attention on the shoulders of "Seventeenth Floor", especially...according to Maxine's algorithm, their platform should be in urgent need of battle royale-themed film and television dramas."


“Well, many platforms now use big data to calculate what movies and TV series their platform’s audiences want to watch,” said Chen Ziyan, “and then use the results of these calculations to plan what movies to film next.”

“This really... feels like running a factory.” Lu Yanhe felt a little funny.

Chen Ziyan also smiled.

"It is a product of the new era, but the effect remains to be seen." Chen Ziyan said, "Isn't it like this? has a new executive in charge of publicity and public relations, named Zuo Yu. He has been advocating for it at Make good use of big data to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Xin Zixing wanted to increase the production budget of "City Travel", but he opposed it with all his strength and blocked the increase in the production budget. "

 “Huh? Is it because of him?”

"Yes." Chen Ziyan said, "Anyway, these days, new ways of playing and various concepts will pop up after a few months. You have never heard of them or seen them before. You don't know which ones are really new. These are the things that speculators made up to make money."

Lu Yanhe said: "If you can rely on algorithms to figure out what kind of content the audience likes to watch, then you can actually shoot whatever is popular. It is obvious that it is difficult to copy the success of following the trend, but you are never noticed by others. I always feel that You can find shortcuts to success by yourself, but to put it bluntly, you don’t understand the content and don’t know what kind of content will be liked by the audience, so you can only rely on other things.”

 Chen Ziyan nodded: "You are really right. It's because there are more and more people who don't know how to do it. It feels like you will hear some incredible things every now and then."


 The reviews received by "Late Spring" at the Venice International Film Festival were in sharp contrast to those of "White Pearl".

 With a program score of 3.4, it ranks second among the films in the main competition that have already been scored, and is hailed by many media as a strong contender for awards at this Venice International Film Festival.

 The news spread back to China, causing an uproar.

"White Pearl", a film by a famous director and top actors, has received mixed reviews, but "Late Spring", a film by a new director and a group of new actors, has been highly recognized. This kind of plot has surprised everyone.

 "Movie Jianghu" was the first to publish a review article with the title: Lu Yanhe once again staged a counterattack miracle!

—From "Six", which was lukewarm before it was broadcast, to "Seventeen Floors", which had a shocking first-run ratings, to "Late Spring", which was suppressed by another movie before its departure, the film and television dramas starring Lu Yanhe seem to be Playing out the same script: counterattack. I still remember how many people questioned Lu Yanhe's decision after the news came out that Lu Yanhe was starring in "Late Spring". Looking at it now, we have been proven that our vision is far inferior to this young man who is only twenty years old - oh, no, he will be twenty-one soon.

As a result, the entry #鲁艳河counterattackmiracle# has become a hot search topic, attracting countless attention.

 Chen Ziliang saw this hot search entry, his eyelids drooped, and he quickly scrolled down.

 Out of sight, out of mind.

 Lu Yanhe succeeded again.

 The fourth film this year.

 Why him again? !

"Seventeenth Floor" has not finished broadcasting yet. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the finale. Lu Yanhe has entered everyone's field of vision with "Late Spring".

At this moment, all the agents and agencies working for young actors feel a sense of sourness and powerlessness from the bottom of their hearts.

 According to Lu Yanhe's trend, who else among actors of the same age can compete with him?

Only Li Zhibai laughed happily, looking at Zhou Ping'an with a melancholy look, he gloated and rubbed salt into his wounds: "Do you regret that such an awesome genius was driven away by you? ”

Zhou Ping'an: "Why are you gloating about misfortune at this time! Lu Yanhe occupies the top position, what do you think you can ask for? The best resources in the future must be passed through his hands first, and the talents he does not want flow into your hands."

"What the heck are you afraid of? I'm also very popular, and I'm also good at acting." Li Zhibai said coaxingly, "He's my brother. I'm happy that he's awesome, but I'm also awesome. Don't come here." With this method of promoting the high and suppressing the low, I will win the prize sooner or later.”

Li Zhibai looked frivolous and looked at Zhou Pingan with disdain.

 His main focus is never internal friction.

 Zhou Pingan slapped himself in the face.

What does it mean that the emperor is not anxious but the **** is? !


Yan Liang said to the group of three people: Come back and treat us!

 His heart was filled with pride and joy.

 Lu Yanhe succeeded again.

“I’m sorry, you reminded me just now that I just knew that the ratings for “Late Spring” were out, and I just sent a congratulatory message to Yan He.”

Yan Liang came back to his senses, looked at the female reporter in front of him, smiled softly, and showed a little bit of embarrassment.

“I didn’t hear your question just now, could you please repeat it again?”

 The female reporter's face turned slightly red as Yan Liang looked at her with such tender eyes.

 She repeated her question.

 “Your good friend has achieved a very significant achievement. Does this cause you stress?”

Yan Liang smiled, nodded, and said, "It will be a little bit. It would be a lie to say not, but it gives me more motivation. I know that I am not a very shining person like the sun like Lao Li and Xiao Lu." , However, the light in this world is not only the sun, I can also be the moon, a star, or even a street lamp that lights up at night. I may walk a little slower, but I keep walking. I also believe that one day, I will be by their side. In fact, I have been walking by their side, right?”

Yan Liang looked at the female reporter with a gentle expression and gave his answer.


"Late Spring" was well received by media and professional film critics from various countries, making the film's popularity at the Venice International Film Festival skyrocket almost overnight.

The next few screenings became sold out overnight.

Even Wang Zhong had to come to Lu Yanhe to ask for tickets, saying: "Several friends who I have known for a long time came to my place and told me to find a way to get tickets."

 But, the tickets are really gone.

"Late Spring" suddenly became very popular, which made the two bosses Huang Zhongjing and Wen Zhimao smile. When they learned about this, they immediately negotiated with the film festival officials to see if they could add a few more screenings.

 Finally, after coordination, three more events were added.

 Lu Yanhe got ten tickets to give to friends.

 He asked Zou Dong to send four tickets to Wang Zhong, and gave the remaining tickets to Lin Yu.

Linyu has shouldered the heavy responsibility of promoting "Jump Up" at the Venice International Film Festival this time, and there must be a lot of favors that need to be maintained.

After Linyu got the ticket, she sent a message to Lu Yanhe and said: Yanhe, Tom Wynn, the columnist and film critic of the American "Variety" magazine, hopes to make an appointment with you for a text interview, and then publish it in his column on the "Variety" website. superior. He is a very influential film critic. He also went to the premiere of "Late Spring" and praised you full of praise. I suggest you agree to him. If he writes a special article about you, it will be helpful for the American film industry to know you. He is very influential.

 Linyu emphasized twice that Tom Wynn was very influential, and Lu Yanhe naturally understood what Linyu meant.

Lu Yanhehui: Okay, but why is it a text interview?

Linyu said: Tomorrow is the premiere of "Sofia's Adventures". He has returned to the United States to catch the premiere of this movie. If you accept, he will interview you via email then.

 Lu Yanhe: OK, you can send him my email address.

 Linyu: Okay.

 Lu Yanhe: I’ve worked hard for you these days, you’re the only one taking Li Bi away.

Linyu: I really don’t care about Li Bi. I’m busy with mine and he’s busy with his. But sometimes the two of us work together. He’s very hardworking. On the day of the premiere of “Late Spring”, he conducted a live interview outside the screening room. He had seven viewers, and also specially arranged for several viewers to go to a nearby cafe for further communication. He cut out all these videos that night, added Chinese subtitles, and sent them to his video account. Their influence was still Pretty big.

Lu Yanhe: You guys are really reliable. If others make three movies, they may get a good publicity, which will be seen by more people. But if I make one movie, you will get the same effect as three movies.

Linyu: That's because Siqi has deliberately deployed important forces in the film and television industry. We can't provide you with other help. We can only do what we can to the best of our ability. Moreover, I am also very proud. You don't know, when After watching "Late Spring", both Tom Wynn and Marion Tucci's attitude towards me changed. Before, they knew that I was your high school classmate and thought I was unprofessional and unobjective. After watching the movie, Their attitude toward me became warmer, all because "Late Spring" was a good movie that impressed them. You have made good movies and good works, and our auxiliary publicity work is the icing on the cake. It is the icing on the cake for you and for ourselves.

Lu Yanhe read the paragraph sent by Linyu carefully, and felt an indescribable emotion deep in his heart.

 Linyu’s words made Lu Yanhe feel a little pretentious. He felt that his persistence in content, quality, and art had its meaning.

 It is too easy for Lu Yanhe to make movies and make money easily.

  Why did he take on a film like "Late Spring" where the success or failure was unknown when he clearly had a gold mine?

Why did he still act in "River of Silence" and the upcoming "Path of Glory" when he knew he could write scripts such as "On the Road" and "Rouge Button"?

 Success is only the result of a moment. He still has a youthful spirit and wants to do something different.

 He ​​admitted his hypocrisy, and while wanting to display his talents, he copied scripts such as "People on the Road".

He also admits his cowardice, not daring to invest all his money and take risks at his own expense, to replicate the miracles of another world in this world.

 He admits all his human weaknesses, but on top of these weaknesses, he still wants to do something different when he can.

For example, making a movie like "Late Spring", making a magazine like "Jump Up", or having an honest love.

Lu Yanhe once saw a sentence put forward by the philosopher Max Weber.

 “Human beings are animals suspended in the web of meaning that they weave.”

At that time he didn’t quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but now he seems to have some understanding of it.

 Yes, of course the first priority when you are hungry is to fill your stomach, but what about after filling your stomach?

No matter whether you laugh at him for being pretentious or hypocritical, he still feels that there is such a thing as meaning. If he doesn't pursue it, then it won't be him. (End of chapter)

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