Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 383: An unexpected honor

Once the orange-red sunset hits the layers of clouds, it will weave into a magnificent sunset—yes, heroic.

Lu Yanhe always pops up this word in his mind when he sees the dusk. It seems that deep in his memory, the color and environment related to it are such emotional memories.


Chen Ziyan's voice pulled Lu Yanhe out of his daze.

 They are on their way to the China TV Drama Directors Association Awards Ceremony.

This time the award ceremony was broadcast live on CCTV, so the place they were going to was also the CCTV studio.

“What’s wrong, Sister Ziyan?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Ziyan said: "Although you have three nominations tonight, you have to be mentally prepared. Judging from the competition in the units where these three nominations are located, you basically have no hope of winning the award."

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized, nodded, and said, "I know, Sister Ziyan, I'm already mentally prepared that I won't win the award."

"Not only do you have to be mentally prepared, but you also have to manage your expressions well." Chen Ziyan said, "You are lucky enough now and you are also the darling of the award. Don't be disappointed or depressed because you didn't win the award at this time. This will It makes people think that you are greedy - there is no reason or reason. This is reality. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know why.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded.

“Okay, okay, I understand. I will manage my expression well. Even if I am disappointed, I will not show any trace of it.”

 Chen Ziyan: “Do what you say.”


 Chen Ziyan’s advice makes sense.

 The scale of tonight's awards ceremony exceeded their expectations.

 Even they have not seen such a star-studded guest lineup at the award ceremonies of the three major mainstream awards.

Popular actors and singers including Li Zhibai, Yan Liang, Qin Zhibai, Song Linxin, Liu Zhiyin, Lang Xia, Zhen Hongyu, etc. all attended tonight's award ceremony, either as performing guests or as awarding guests, making the whole place watch. The specifications are very high.

 After Lu Yanhe arrived at the red carpet, he got out of the car alone, and Chen Ziyan did not accompany him.

Zou Dong followed him, keeping a distance of about two meters, keeping Lu Yanhe in his line of sight, so that he could respond to some emergencies in a timely manner, and the media would not be unable to take a single photo of Lu Yanhe.

Wang Biao followed Chen Ziyan directly into the infield from another channel.

 Chen Siqi did not come tonight.

Lu Yanhe originally wanted her to come with him, but Chen Siqi said: "I have to prepare for the midterm exam, which will be the day after tomorrow. If I don't prepare well, if I fail the exam, I will have to take it again in my senior year."

 There was no other way, Lu Yanhe had to come alone.

However, the cheers were still loud and enthusiastic.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that many people at the scene shouted "Meng Bai, I love you!".

Meng Bai is the character he played in the movie "Late Spring".

 It is true that many viewers have taken this movie into their hearts.

Lu Yanhe is also very happy. Everyone is so impressed by his role as Meng Bai and likes it so much.

The red carpet host asked him: "Yan He, you have three nominations tonight. Have you ever thought about how many trophies you can take home tonight?"

"I've thought about it, I want to take all three of them back." Lu Yanhe said bluntly, "But it's difficult, so we can only wait and see the results. Maybe I can't take back any of them, so I can only give them away with the audience in my arms." The blessings you gave me came back.”

 The entire audience, especially his fans and fans, screamed fiercely.

Although he did not come to the scene, Chen Siqi, who was watching the live broadcast with headphones on, felt a chill all over his body when Lu Yanhe said these words.

 “Why is it so greasy?” she couldn’t help complaining.

Bai Yu, who shared the same earphones with her, laughed loudly when she heard Chen Siqi's complaints.

 Other people in the cafe looked over.


Chen Ziyan was already waiting for him in the infield, accompanying him to say hello and chat with others before the official start of the award ceremony.

 Especially those directors and actors of the older generation. Lu Yanhe didn't know many of them, so he had to rely on Chen Ziyan to introduce him to them.

 But everyone is quite friendly and enthusiastic towards him, and they always encourage him when they meet.

Everyone is also very concerned about his future film and television projects, and almost everyone will ask one or two questions. The main concern is about the costume sitcom "Wulin Gaiden". After all, it is rare to combine costumes and sitcoms. Everyone wants to know what this drama will be like.

 As for the controversy surrounding him, many seniors have encouraged him not to be affected by external voices and to do his own thing well. These voices will eventually pass.

Lu Yanhe never expected the atmosphere at night.

This created a very different look and feel from Lu Yanhe’s initial expectations. He originally thought that he would be suppressed or looked down upon - after all, he got three nominations in one go.

 When he came to his senses, he was too petty.

His nomination was not chosen by a few people, but by all directors. Those who have to worry about being suppressed and ignored are those with connections who cannot vote.


"Yan He, congratulations." Xu Yiren, who met again, walked up to Lu Yanhe and congratulated him with a smile, "This is a record. I got three nominations in one term."

 Lu Yanhe politely called Sister Yiren after facing the new Christie winner of the Red River Award.

Xu Yiren asked: "I saw in the news that you were injured while filming. Is the injury healed?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "It's almost better."

"That's good. I was shocked when I saw the news about your injury." Xu Yiren raised his hand to cover his heart, expressing his concern, and then said, "I heard that Zhang Lan went to I approached you and wanted to star in "Wulin Gaiden"?

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, wondering where Xu Yiren got the news.

Xu Yiren seemed to know what Lu Yanhe was thinking. He smiled and said, "Oh, there is no airtight wall in this circle. It's Zhang Lan. Everyone is watching her next project."

Lu Yanhe smiled, shook his head and said, "Sister Yiren, it's not me who decides on the actors in "Wulin Gaiden". This is about the Northern Lights, and I don't know about it either."

Xu Yiren immediately glared at Lu Yanhe angrily.

“How come you learned Tai Chi at such a young age?”

Lu Yanhe looked at Xu Yiren at a loss, not knowing what to say for a moment.

 Fortunately, Jiang Yuqian came at this time.

"Yan He." She quickly came to Lu Yanhe, called him first, and then looked at Xu Yiren, "Yiren, you are so beautiful today. I hope you will shine on the stage later."

 Xu Yiren was also nominated for Best Actress tonight.

 According to the way she won the Red River Award, she also has hope of winning the award today.

Seeing Jiang Yuqian coming, Xu Yiren stopped asking Lu Yanhe about Zhang Lan and asked her instead.

"Yuqian, have you heard about it? I heard that Zhang Lan wants to act in "Wulin Gaiden"." Xu Yiren took Jiang Yuqian's hand and asked.

Jiang Yuqian smiled and said, "How do I know about her? But why are you curious about this? Do you also want to act in "Wulin Gaiden"?"

 Xu Yiren was stunned for a moment, with a bit of embarrassment appearing on his face, but he immediately said: "I don't even know if there is a role in "Wulin Gaiden" that I am suitable for."

Jiang Yuqian said: "Indeed not."

Xu Yiren looked at her in surprise: "How do you know? Have you read the script?"

"I have read the scripts of the previous episodes, and of course I want to see if there is a role suitable for me." Jiang Yuqian said bluntly, smiling at Xu Yiren, "After all, if I want to act, Yan He will definitely not refuse. "

Lu Yanhe remained silent and supported Jiang Yuqian.

 Xu Yiren laughed twice in surprise and said, "Yes, you have such a good relationship."

She added: "But Yuqian, please pay more attention. Yan He is not single. We all came from his girlfriend's age. She is the easiest to get jealous at that age. Don't make Yan He embarrassed."

Jiang Yuqian: "It's so strange. I've known Yan He for so long, and this is the first time I've heard such a reminder. Okay, I'll remember it, haha."

Lu Yanhe stood by silently, pretending not to hear anything.

 Once the murderous intention among women arises, it is indeed sharp, with a sense of sharpness that can be exchanged without an edge.

As soon as Xu Yiren left, Jiang Yuqian turned around and glared at Lu Yanhe, "Zhang Lan went to find you? Is she going to play the heroine of "Wulin Gaiden"?"

Jiang Yuqian’s eyes were fierce.

Lu Yanhe quickly explained: "She came to see me, but she didn't agree to let her act, and Northern Lights also refused."

Jiang Yuqian's expression softened a little.

"If you choose her, I will really get angry." Jiang Yuqian said.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

“I understand, Sister Yuqian.”

Jiang Yuqian: "It's okay if you cooperate with her. You wrote the script yourself and have the right to choose the actors. If you choose her to act in this situation, my face will be swollen."

In the entire entertainment industry, who doesn’t know that Jiang Yuqian and Lu Yanhe have a good relationship, and who doesn’t know that Jiang Yuqian and Zhang Lan have a huge feud and are completely rivals.

Jiang Yuqian said this without any seriousness.

Lu Yanhe: "Don't worry, Sister Yuqian."


 After the award ceremony officially started, everyone took their seats.

 A moment of awarding and a moment of performance.

Because it was a live broadcast, everyone was very cooperative. No one left in the middle, and no one took out their mobile phones to play with them. No one knew when the camera would come over, and everyone was looking at the stage seriously. The evening party lasted for more than three hours, with four commercial breaks in the middle.

 When there is a break, the place becomes noisy, just like a vegetable market.

 Lu Yanhe is a lively place.

 Many people took the initiative to chat with him, including producers, directors, and other actors.

Lu Yanhe could only deal with it one by one, and he didn't have time to find Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

During the last commercial break, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but go to the bathroom.

He could only apologize to the people who surrounded him and hurried to the bathroom.

 Unexpectedly, there were many people queuing for the restroom.

Lu Yanhe felt a headache and could only wait in line.

 Then, Chen Pinhe came out of the bathroom.

As soon as he appeared, all the eyes and attention of the people around him were directed towards him.

  After all, he is one of the top male actors in the country.

Chen Pinhe smiled and nodded at them, and was about to leave. His eyes suddenly passed over Lu Yanhe, and he paused quietly for a moment.

Lu Yanhe was also stunned.

He thought that as a junior, he should take the initiative to say hello, so he shouted: "Hello, Teacher Chen."

Chen Pinhe nodded to him, looked indifferent, said nothing, withdrew his gaze and walked forward.


 Chen Pinhe is here to present the awards tonight, presenting the award for Best Actor.

 There were no accidents in the first two awards, and they had nothing to do with Lu Yanhe.

 The last award, Lu Yanhe also knew had nothing to do with him. He was very relaxed and not nervous. If there was a possibility of him winning a prize, he might be nervous.

 When Chen Pinhe read out the three words "He Dahong", the whole audience burst into applause.

Lu Yanhe also applauded.

 So far, no miracles have happened tonight.

Lu Yanhe stood up together with many people next to him and applauded this veteran actor with more than 30 years of acting experience.

 He was very happy and smiling when he went on stage to receive the award.

“After half a lifetime of acting, this is the first time I have received a significant award.” He Dahong said with a smile.

 Unlike many excited award recipients, He Dahong’s posture was very relaxed and he did not feel overly excited.

"I thought it was Xiao Lu Na. I watched "Seventeen Floors" from beginning to end. The genius played by Xiao Lu was so good." He Dahong said, "He is so skillful in shaping characters at such a young age. Ability, not yet received professional training, cow.”

 The camera immediately turned to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe immediately stood up, clasped his hands and bowed to He Dahong to express his humility and gratitude.

He Dahong clicked through all the male actors who were nominated together before he mentioned that he won the award.

"Of course it's a happy thing to win an award, but as an actor, winning awards is secondary. Doing the work you like is the main thing." He Dahong said, "I like acting, and it's enough if I can keep acting. ”

 After he finished speaking, he bowed to the audience and stepped down.

 The applause from the audience became louder.

 After that, it’s the Best Director Award.

 Chen Lingling received the award.

 Lu Yanhe applauded her with great joy.

 Chen Lingling was as unpretentious as ever and said: "I have filmed so many movies and won a lot of awards. I still value the Directors Guild Award. After all, I also voted for myself, haha."

 The whole audience burst into laughter.

 As a result, there was a big upset in the Best TV Series Award.

 The winner turned out to be "Six People"!

Lu Yanhe was stunned and stunned.

Of course he knew that this show was very good, but before he came, Chen Ziyan emphasized to him many times that sitcoms like "Six People", which are just hilarious in the eyes of many middle-aged and older generations, basically have no chance of winning awards. It was nominated because of its influence and good reputation among the audience.

 The producers and director Bai Jingnian were all stunned.

 This is an award that they did not expect.

At this time, the people sitting next to Lu Yanhe turned to congratulate him. Only then did Lu Yanhe remember, oh, he is also the main creator of this drama, the screenwriter and the starring role.

 The producer and Bai Jingnian came on stage, and Hu Siwei was also brought on stage.

 Hu Siwei was so excited that the first thing he did after taking the stage was to look for something in the audience.

“Yan He, Yan He, where are you? Come up quickly! And Yan Liang, you are all here tonight, come up together!”

 Two of the six leading actors of "Six People" are here tonight.

 Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were both called to the stage.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment.

It’s incredible.

 Bai Jingnian was particularly excited, and his excitement was palpable, "I, I swear, I never dared to dream that this award would go to our "Six People"!"

 Many people in the audience encouraged them with cheers and applause.

Bai Jingnian suddenly choked up.

"When Teacher He Dahong won the award earlier, he said that winning the award is secondary. The most important thing is to be able to act in the drama you like. But I also want to say that after working in this industry for so many years, it is really difficult. Sometimes We really need such encouragement and recognition from our peers." After Bai Jingnian finished speaking, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

 Hu Siwei stood beside him and patted his shoulder.

“It’s very difficult to make a film like this that is not well-received by the market. We don’t know how much hard work we have put in to assemble this team. I would like to express my special thanks to Lu Yanhe.”

Bai Jingnian suddenly pointed at Lu Yanhe, startling Lu Yanhe who was whispering to Yan Liang.

 The whole audience looked at them.

Bai Jingnian said: "If it weren't for Lu Yanhe to take over the screenwriter's job and write such a good script, we wouldn't be able to make it like it is now. If it weren't for Lu Yanhe who firmly believed that this drama must be a good one, I believe that I would be able to make this drama a success." The film was well made, but we couldn't have made it what it is now. If it weren't for Lu Yanhe and his friends who never gave up and persisted in using their strength to mobilize the audience to watch this film, it would have been impossible for Yanhe to win this award. You will not participate in the subsequent sequels, but with me, you will always be a part of "Six People", forever."

Lu Yanhe was caught off guard by Bai Jingnian and said he was moved.

 He sighed helplessly, clenched his fists, and suddenly turned away.

 Can't help but burst into tears.

 The whole audience burst into applause again.

  Bai Jingnian: "It's a pity that he didn't win the Best Screenplay Award today, but it doesn't matter, he won the Best TV Series Award today!"

 Hu Si Siwei walked up to Lu Yanhe and pulled him to make him say a few words.

Lu Yanhe sighed deeply, his eyes still a little red.

“I was ready to go home and sleep, but suddenly such a surprise came out at the end. I’m still confused now.” He scratched his head.

 The whole audience burst into good-natured laughter.

""Six People" is a script written by me, but "Six People" is a joint work of all our participants." Lu Yanhe said, "I regret not being able to continue with you all. This is probably the director's special message to me tonight. The reason why I said this is that Director Bai Jingnian is a very good director. He has such seniority, but he respects young people like me so much. It’s not that I respect me as a star, but that he respects each of us creators. opinions, and he never hesitates to use his strength to highlight the brilliance of us.”

"Producer Hu, well, without you, there would be no "Six People" for me. I only know the director because of you. The work is art, but art is made by all types of work. Without the efforts of everyone in front of and behind the scenes, art Not art, just rough craftsmanship.”

“Because of all the people in front of and behind the scenes, “Six People” has become a work of art recognized by you. I will always regard it as my most proud masterpiece, and I will always be with it.”

After Lu Yanhe finished speaking, he bowed, took two steps back, and gave his position back to others.

Yan Liang put his arm around Lu Yanhe's shoulders.

  “Yes, very well.”

 Hu Siwei turned around and looked at Lu Yanhe.

 There was gratitude, apology, and many complicated and unexplainable things on his face.

Lu Yanhe looked at him with a smile, his eyes were very clean, without any other emotions, he was just happy for this honor.

 He is also telling Hu Siwei that there is no need to think too much about anything, enjoy the honor of this moment, and then share it with everyone.

that's enough. (End of chapter)

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