The flow of leaf vein network surges.

Zuo Yu is proud of the spring breeze.

 After using this method, the number of downloads and registrations of has doubled.

 The most important thing is that the name of has been on the hot searches on major platforms for several days, and its popularity has greatly increased.

 It is still a positive surge.

Zuo Yu walked into the company building, and almost everyone looked at him along the way. Many people outside didn't know it, but it was spread in the company that this series of news was caused by the vice president who had just arrived less than half a year ago.

 Among other things, the KPIs of many departments have benefited from this. After all, no matter what kind of KPI, users need to achieve it.

Zuo Yu came to his office. As soon as he entered, the phone rang.

 It's the landline, not his mobile phone.

 Generally, only a few other executives would call the phone number in his office.

This prompted him to answer the phone right away.

 “Hello, Mr. Liu, what are your instructions?”

The person who called was surprisingly Liu Qiao. He was the former content editor of and is now one of the vice presidents of He is still in charge of content and is also Xin Zixing’s boss.

Liu Qiao said: "Mr. Zuo, are you free?"

"You come to me, I'm available at any time." Zuo Yu expressed his respect in front of Liu Qiao. After all, Liu Qiao, as the vice president in charge of content, is already one of the most powerful executives of Here, Among the senior executives, he is in the first echelon.

 Liu Qiao said, "Okay, I'll come find you."

Before Zuo Yu could even say hello, the phone was hung up.

This made Zuo Yu immediately realize that something was not quite right.

What's going on here? -

“Lu Yanhe’s agent Chen Ziyan is very angry?” Zuo Yu was stunned and looked at Liu Qiao in confusion.

Liu Qiao said: "Chen Ziyan made it very clear that they were dissatisfied with us and used Lu Yanhe's refusal to do endorsements to hype up things, which put them at the forefront of the storm."

Zuo Yu looked astonished and said, "This, this didn't bring him any negative publicity. Moreover, it's not like the whole Internet is praising him for his foresight, not coveting immediate interests, and knowing what's right for him." The most important thing?"

Why does Zuo Yu dare to promote such a topic?

 Because such a topic comes out, the impact on Lu Yanhe is not negative. Not only is it not negative, but it can also be used to establish an image of Lu Yanhe who "does not accept endorsements casually" and "must have a clear understanding of himself." This is the kind of image that other artists cannot establish even if they want to.

Liu Qiao: "Who knows, we don't know either. The problem is that Chen Ziyan is very angry now. And, as you know, she has a great influence on Lu Yanhe. It was in her hands that Lu Yanhe became famous again. Basically She decides everything.”

Zuo Yu had nothing to say and fell into thinking.

"Actually, Mr. Zuo, there is nothing wrong with you doing this, but you still need to communicate with their team in advance. Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan are not others. They have cooperated with our Yemai Network for a long time. If it really makes them unhappy, it will affect us. What about the future cooperation? "

 Liu Qiao was sincerely annoyed.

  No matter what Zuo Yu thinks. Anyway, because of Zuo Yu's actions, Chen Ziyan now expressed dissatisfaction with them, which had a great impact and threat on Liu Qiao's work - Liu Qiao was able to successfully become the vice president in the past two years, and several people related to Lu Yanhe This project is indispensable.

 Liu Qiao didn't want Zuo Yu's actions to affect his affairs.

Zuo Yu is not a fool, so he won't be so stubborn.

He immediately said: "In this case, I will contact Chen Ziyan immediately and try to eliminate their dissatisfaction."

Liu Qiao added: "One more thing, Mr. Zuo, just use outsiders as a topic for marketing. You use the affairs of Zi Xing and Huang Kairen to hype up, and put Huang Kairen on the rack." , This is a bit unkind, how do you ask Zi Xing to face him? "

Zuo Yu immediately said: "Mr. Liu, I have to say something for myself. Regarding the suggestion that Huang Kairen is more suitable as a spokesperson, it was not my fault. It was a hot search topic spontaneously formed by those on the Internet."

Liu Qiao: "Really? As long as it wasn't planned by you. If we are in the same company and can't help each other, then we won't be able to lead the team, and the team will be panicked."


“You believed him when he said he didn’t do it?” Xin Zixing looked at Liu Qiao in disbelief and asked.

Seeing the unacceptable expression on Xin Zixing's face, Liu Qiao felt helpless and said, "Zixing, I know you feel uncomfortable. However, unless there is evidence for this kind of thing, or he denies it, there is nothing I can do against him. This time I’ve already given him a thumbs up, and I don’t think he will dare to make fun of you and Huang Kairen anymore.”

Xin Zixin sneered, "Master... ah no, Mr. Liu, I won't believe it. If he does it the first time, there will be a second time. If you want evidence, OK, I have been here for so long, I want to I can always find evidence, otherwise it will be in vain. However, I want to ask you, what will the company's attitude be if I find evidence? "

Liu Qiao was stunned for a moment, as if he was stunned and didn't know what to say.

When Xin Zixing saw his reaction, he said nothing, smiled, nodded, turned around and left.

 Liu Qiao wanted to stop her and say something to her.

 But he was too familiar with Xin Zixing and knew that Xin Zixing had a bad temper. If he couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

Liu Qiao took his words back as soon as he said those words.


 Half an hour later, Xin Zixing and Chen Ziyan met in a cafe one kilometer away.

 Chen Ziyan arrived first, followed by Xin Zixin.

 “Am I right in what I expected?” she asked.

Xin Zixing looked disappointed and angry, "Sister Ziyan, you are right. Indeed, even Liu Qiao has no intention of helping me."

"No matter how unkind Zuo Yu is, he has brought tangible benefits to your company." Chen Ziyan said, "Then you are an employee of the company, so you should sacrifice a little. No one will tell you this, but I guarantee you, that’s what’s going on in everyone’s head.”

Xin Zixing took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress what was in her heart.

 After a while, she said: "Sister Ziyan, what do you think we should do?"

“Do you know what makes me most sad for you about this whole thing?” Chen Ziyan didn’t say it, but asked.

Xin Zixin looked puzzled, looked at her in confusion, and asked, "What is it?"

"It is that is able to be in such a situation today. There are two brands, "City Travel" and "Jump Up", that have steadily helped your website retain users. It all comes from your efforts and ideas. In the end, it occupies the fruits of this victory. , but it's someone else." Chen Ziyan said, "If you were in my company, it would be absolutely impossible for you to put the cart before the horse. Even if you are not the vice president, you are not someone they can ignore casually. Look, in Xingyu, which vice president dares to ignore me?"

Xin Zixing smiled mockingly and said, "Sister Ziyan, I'm not as powerful as you."

"No, you can definitely become more powerful than me." Chen Ziyan said, "The key is that you clearly have a big devil in your hand, but you don't care about the little devil in the other person's hand."

Xin Zixing looked at her puzzled.

Chen Ziyan said: "The cooperation model between "Jump Up" and is to sign once a year. This year is about to pass. It's already coming to an end, isn't it?" Xin Zixing frowned in surprise.

“Sister Ziyan, are you saying that you won’t renew the electronic version of “Jump Up” to Sister Ziyan, this—”

“Zixing, let me correct you, you are you, and Ye Vein Network is Ye Vein Network. When the relationship is good, you can be you. When the relationship is bad, you are you, and he is him.”

 Xin Zixing looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise.

 She already understood what Chen Ziyan meant, but she couldn't react immediately.

Chen Ziyan said to Xin Zixin: "With your ability, you can do well no matter where you go. You have vision, strong execution, and rich industry resources. Zixing, can take over just because of a new vice president." Lu Yanhe, who has long-term and in-depth cooperation, will be used as the material and topic for your marketing promotions. I will definitely spare no effort to make Yan He stop cooperating with you. "

This time Xin Zixing did not subconsciously try to persuade Chen Ziyan to give up this idea.

"This is a matter of principle, and it is also an issue that cannot be compromised." Chen Ziyan said, "The relationship between and Lu Yanhe and the relationship between other places and Lu Yanhe are two different things. He is not your spokesperson, but he has done more than the spokesperson. It has a greater effect than being a spokesperson. As a result, because we refused to be spokespersons out of consideration as actors, it has become a marketing tool for your website. With all due respect, no big-name artist would Accept this fact."

Xin Zixing’s heart kept falling.

"Yes, yes." Xin Zixing sighed, "I know, Zuo Yu went too far."

"He thought that such publicity was a good thing for Yan He, so he did it on his own initiative." Chen Ziyan said, "People are afraid of people who make their own decisions. He may do it once or twice, but people who do it on their own initiative People can't always be right, this is my experience, and that's why I can't accept his behavior. No matter if he comes to apologize to me, or no matter what, I don't accept it."

Xin Zixing said: “I have been at for many years, and my career started here.”

Chen Ziyan said: "As long as people have the ability, they can start over anywhere. Moreover, it is not about starting over, but continuing to move up on a higher and better platform. Zi Xing, you can come to me ”

 Xin Zixing looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise.

“Come here and I will give you the position of vice president.” Chen Ziyan said without hesitation, “This is what you deserve, including equity.”

You can imagine the shock in Xin Zixing's heart.

 At this moment, she had forgotten about Zuo Yu.


"I have long wanted to stop this electronic version." After Chen Siqi heard about this from Lu Yanhe, he had no objection at all. "The first three days of free period are simply giving a gold mountain in vain, and it is still You can get one for a month, and they don’t show any sign of it. If they still do this to you, let them go digging for gold in the cesspool.”

 Chen Siqi complained without any politeness.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

 “Are you really willing to cancel the electronic version of Jump Up?”

"Why not?" Chen Siqi said, "To be honest, the sales volume of the electronic version of "Jump Up" has always been lower than that of the paper version because of the three-day free period. Moreover, because of the existence of the electronic version, it also restricts Further increase in paper sales.”

Lu Yanhe knew something in his heart when he heard Chen Siqi's opinion.

 Since Chen Siqi is willing, that’s OK.

Lu Yanhe said: "Moreover, Sister Zi Xing may leave the leaf vein network, and Sister Zi Yan wants to dig her through."

"Really or not?" Chen Siqi said immediately, "No, if Sister Zi Xing wants to leave, come to us! We are also very short of people here! Especially her, she is so familiar with our "Jump Up"! "

 Lu Yanhe said: "It's not easy for me to compete with Sister Ziyan."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to call Sister Zi Xing."

Chen Siqi hung up the phone angrily.

 Lu Yanhe thought to himself, he hasn’t even said goodbye yet.



There was no news that Xin Zixing was leaving.

 Actually, she hasn’t thought it through yet.

Chen Ziyan’s proposal certainly made her heart beat, but was a place where she had been doing business for a long time. Her career and her connections all depended on it.

  No one can leave a familiar place without any psychological baggage. There must be worries and thoughts.

 It's just that this incident was like a catalyst, reminding her of all the troubles she had experienced over the past six months.

 Applying for an increase in production budget for "City Travels" was rejected.

 I wanted to make a short film project but I didn’t agree.

 City Travels has one or two relevant accounts inserted into it from time to time.


 One incident aroused bad feelings in her.

 At this moment, the last straw fell.

Liu Qiao came to her and told her that the company wanted her to focus on the production of "City Travel" and wanted to transfer the business of "Jump Up" to another person.

 Perhaps she was so shocked deep down that she felt like she had been stabbed, and she even forgot to ask why.

 What made you focus on the production of "City Travels"?

Xin Zixing didn’t believe this excuse at all.

She looked at Liu Qiao deeply and asked, "Mr. Liu, do you think you can continue the business of "Jump Up" without me?"

"Of course that's not what I mean, Zi Xing, don't think too much. The business of "Jump Up" is already very stable. I don't need someone as capable as you to continue to follow me. Your ability is very strong and should be used by others who need you more." place to go.”

"Where are we going? I proposed a short film project before, didn't you reject it?" Xin Zixing asked.

Liu Qiao said: "Zixing, in addition to the short film project, you still have a lot to do. Didn't you say before that you wanted to follow the model of "City Travels" and create other documentary series around other elements? You You can think about this.”

Xin Zixing was silent for two seconds, raised his head, nodded with a smile, "Okay."

She didn’t ask any more questions, turned around and left.

Liu Qiao: "Zixing, go back and have a good rest for two days to digest the news. No one can compare with you in terms of your ability and brilliance. Don't think too much. Sooner or later, you will take over my position."

Xin Zixing held the doorknob, paused silently, without looking back, opened the door, left a "gone" and walked out. (End of chapter)

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