Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 40: shadow in sunlight

Chapter 40 Shadows in the Sun

The two people came to the classroom and saw many people gathered together, talking about something. Everyone's face showed uneasiness and nervousness, as if something big had happened.

This made both Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei a little surprised, wondering what was happening.

 “What’s wrong?” Li Pengfei immediately approached and asked.

What everyone is talking about is a piece of news that was circulated in various group chats last night: It is said that a body was found in a garbage dump last night and it was murdered.

Now is no longer the chaotic world where countless accidental deaths occur every day. In this peaceful era, the occasional corpse of an abnormal death is like a bomb, which will cause a huge splash of water in a large, calm pond. Come.

 Just like this group of students now.


This word is too far away from their lives, so when it happens in the city where they live, it feels too close to them.

 “It seems to be a woman.” A classmate said in an uncertain voice.

But these words made the woman named He Ting appear in Lu Yanhe's mind for no reason.

 Wearing a sun hat and having a thin build.

She stood in the crowded bus compartment and looked back at him through the crowd.

It was just evening, the car door had been opened, and her face was in the shadow of the backlight, so Lu Yanhe couldn't see her face clearly at all, and he didn't know what her expression was like at that time.

 It can’t be her, right?

When this idea came out of Lu Yanhe's mind, it was accompanied by a creepy feeling.

Lu Yanhe quite likes watching crime movies, especially crime movies in which ordinary people are accidentally involved in a conspiracy or accident. They are not the kind of movies like "Mission: Impossible" or "Dirty Disk" where ordinary people do not live in the world. A story in the world, but a story like "The Unknown" that takes place in a real world. Only when the background of the story takes place in a world that can be seen everywhere around you will you feel more immersed.

However, it was at this moment that Lu Yanhe realized that a movie is a movie after all. You know it is a movie. No matter how you feel immersed in it, you also know that it is just a story.

 But the real world is not like this.

Lu Yanhe sat down and sent a message to Officer Qiu asking: Officer Qiu, my classmates were talking about the murder of a woman here last night. Is it true?

 Police Officer Qiu, who responded immediately yesterday, did not reply until the morning self-study started this morning.

 It shouldn’t be that coincidental, right?

Lu Yanhe frowned slightly, suppressing the uneasiness surging like an earthworm deep in his heart, focusing himself and starting to listen to the lecture.


old Town.

It was obviously raining heavily on the other side of No. 13 Middle School, but here it was sunny.

 Same city, different weather.

There is a breakfast shop on the roadside with seven or eight tables set up along the street.

 A man wearing a white vest with a ferocious tiger head carved on his right arm came over and sat down at a table next to him.

“Boss, let’s have a bowl of beef noodles and some xiaolongbao!” he shouted.

 “Okay!” the boss responded.

After a while, the boss came over with a bowl of steaming beef noodles and a drawer of steamed buns.

 He put the noodles in front of the man, smiled and said, "Eat slowly."

 Halfway through the meal, a woman wearing sunglasses appeared. She sat down at Luo Hu's table.

This scene did not arouse any surprise from the people around.

In this old city, there are not only lazy people who like to eat and work, but also live in many elites in suits or exquisite makeup. The former are the remnants of this city, and the latter are immigrants to this city. If we say that between the two If there is anything else they have in common, it is that they are not accommodated by the glamorous side of the city, so they can only live in this backward old city.

 Lazy people can eat leisurely for an hour, but elites must solve the problem within ten minutes and rush to work in the CBD area ten kilometers away. The old city is just their dreamland, and the CBD is their dream.

 But this elegant woman wearing sunglasses was not in a hurry.

After she sat down, she took off a pair of disposable chopsticks, chewed a small steamed bun slowly, and then asked in an inaudible voice: "Did you handle this person?"

"I brought it, I'll handle it." Luo Hu didn't even raise his eyebrows.

“The surveillance showed that she secretly took photos and videos. Did she say who she gave the things to?” the woman asked.

"She said she wanted to call a police officer before, but she didn't have time. After you reminded me, I kept staring at her, but she didn't find a chance."

“Just in case, it’s time to evacuate.” The woman said, “You brought this person here, and he said he was honest and reliable. I didn’t expect that he was doing something behind his back. He finally managed to get a stronghold here, but now he has to give up.”

"Hibernate for a while and look at the direction of the wind. It's just a person's death. As long as no one sees those photos and videos and no one discovers what we really did. I have checked her mobile phone. She is a woman from the countryside. , I don’t know how to use a computer or anything, no problem, don’t worry.”

“You said before that the person was from your hometown, so we could rest assured, but weren’t you still doing something behind your back?” The woman frowned.

 “Okay, I’ll solve the trouble I caused myself.”

“The police have found the woman’s body.”

"No matter how you investigate, it is suicide." Luo Hu said, "I did not kill the person."

"You didn't kill him? Who did you ask to kill him? Are you crazy? How dare you ask someone else to do this?" After the woman sat down, she became a little emotional for the first time.

“Calm down, no one else will do this.” Luo Hu smiled slightly, “It’s just suicide.”

 The woman was stunned.

"Since I dare to bring her here, I naturally have a way to restrain her." After Luo Hu said this, he put down his chopsticks and said, "I will stay away from the limelight during this period and check the direction of the wind before contacting her. Let's go."

 Luo Hu is gone.

 He just told a lie. It's not that He Ting didn't find the opportunity. Before she died, she told him that she almost gave the thing to a policeman she had met before that night, but she discovered him, so the opportunity she finally found was gone.

Luo Hu sighed. Luo Hu felt a little irritated when he thought of He Ting kneeling on the ground begging him for mercy last night. Why, why can't we just clean the house honestly? He had to force him to use her daughter to threaten her to jump off the building.

 But he had no intention of telling this woman all this.

 She doesn’t need to know. She just needs to know that the crisis is over.

 The woman continued to eat the steamed dumplings until the last one was finished, then she paid and walked in the other direction.

 This is the old city, and the surveillance in this area has not been installed, so they can have a leisurely breakfast here and then leave slowly.

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 (End of this chapter)

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