Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 41: dispute

Chapter 41 Disputes

When the woman walked through an alley, came to the other side, and got into her white BMW, she didn't notice that a black car had already followed her.

 In the car, Qiu Ling sat in the passenger seat with a solemn expression, staring at the car in front of her.

“We’ll follow, and Luo Hu will be left to you,” she said on the phone.

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to me, I will dig out their old holes today!"

Today is a nice day, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the smell of breakfast is wafting in the air.

 Qiu Ling's mind was filled with thoughts of He Ting's death.

 She jumped directly to her death and landed on a garbage dump. She died tragically without closing her eyes.

 It looks terrible, but it is suicide.

If it weren’t for the USB flash drive that Lu Yanhe brought, the case might really have been ended by suicide.

Qiu Ling looked up and saw a gathering of dark clouds in the distance, which seemed to be moving here.


When I was in math class, there was a sudden thunder, as if something exploded. It shocked everyone in the classroom. Li Pengfei followed the thunder and let out a cry like a rooster's crow. Oh-", everyone jumped up.

Although the math teacher was also startled and the chalk in his hand fell to the ground, his spirit came back after Li Pengfei called him.

 “Li Pengfei, what’s your name! Let’s imitate the rooster’s crow!”

 The whole class burst into laughter.

Li Pengfei looked as shabby as you want, shrugged his shoulders and said, "This thunder is so scary, I'm just dreaming."

“I’m sorry to say that!” The math teacher grabbed a new piece of chalk, broke off a piece, and shot it toward Li Pengfei skillfully and quickly.

 With his posture, he would definitely be a good dart player in martial arts novels.

Li Pengfei dodged quickly, "Hey, Lao Wang, can you please speak properly, don't always get into trouble when you disagree, and will you let me tell you the truth?"

Mathematics teacher Lao Wang had a dark face. He had no choice but to deal with this stupid student who was not afraid of boiling water. He pointed to the back of the classroom and yelled: "Stand behind me! If you can, sleep standing up!"

Li Pengfei pursed his lips, sighed, and said, "Okay, I'm going to stand."

 Lu Yanhe raised the corners of his mouth.

Li Pengfei is really an interesting person.

 After class, the math teacher Lao Wang left angrily.

Li Pengfei returned to his seat.

“Brother Fei, you are awesome, you can still be so strong in front of Lao Wang.”

"What the hell, I'm so self-conscious. I sleep in class without affecting others or disturbing him in class. He still scolds me for this, but he's so busy." Li Pengfei said plausibly.

"Brother Fei, didn't you say before that you should work hard and do better than Lu Yanhe next time?" Someone immediately laughed and said, "Why didn't I see that you worked hard at all?"

“You know what the hell, I learned twelve o’clock last night.” Li Pengfei immediately said with his eyes wide open.

“Brother Fei is great, but he doesn’t listen to Lao Wang’s lectures and relies on self-study.” Another person gave him a thumbs up.

"What if, after listening to Lao Wang's class for forty minutes, what did you understand?" Li Pengfei looked at the person who had just mocked him with a smile, "Look at the look on your face. You were so serious in class. You're just two hundred people in your grade, and you still come to ridicule me. Those who don't know think you are Lao Wang's proud disciple."

 The face of the person being ridiculed suddenly turned red.

"Are you sick!"

"You're the only one with a brain disease, and it was I who killed you first? There's no need for you to be here!" Li Pengfei rolled his eyes, turned around and walked towards the door. "Fuck, don't you just have some bad money at home? It's like two hundred and fifty!" the man scolded.

Li Pengfei paused just as he was about to walk out of the classroom.

He turned around and looked at the man expressionlessly, the mocking and indifferent look on his face disappeared.

 “Say it again if you have the guts.”

Li Pengfei looked like he could swing the chair and hit that person on the head if he dared to say another word.

The man's face turned pale, he took a step back and bit his lip. After all, he still didn't dare to fight Li Pengfei to the end.

 “Coward.” Li Pengfei spat out two words and left.

 After the others left, the man sneered.

 “I’m too lazy to be like this big fool.”

 No one around answered the question, everyone just smiled and left.

Lu Yanhe glanced at the man, Luo Zicheng, a person who usually had a bad mouth.

I had ridiculed him before, taking photos of him in stage makeup and laughing at the class that the men in their group were all effeminate sissies.

It’s really like a classroom or a world.

A group of high school students can also create so much love and hatred.

Seeing that everyone did not accept his words, Luo Zicheng seemed to be quite upset, and continued: "Don't you think people like Li Pengfei are ridiculous? He looks like it's nothing special to study seriously. He looks down on us students who are serious in class. If not, How can he have the confidence to laugh at us if we have a few bad guys at home?”

“Even Lu Yanhe is taking the class seriously, but he still looks like he is not as good as himself in class. Haha, it’s really funny. If he can learn well by himself, he will lose the bet. He is looking down on us.”

“You have the ability to say these words in front of Li Pengfei, but don’t say them in front of us.” Lu Yanhe said suddenly.

 The classroom suddenly became quiet.

 Luo Zicheng also looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yanhe sat in his seat with one foot on the leg of the desk. He looked at Luo Zicheng helplessly and said, "Li Pengfei lost the bet. At least he was willing to admit defeat. He didn't default on the debt and didn't keep beeping. Give me Make up all kinds of reasons and excuses for yourself. If you don't agree with him, tell him clearly in person. Don't wait until the person leaves to say it here. "

"Besides, I don't think he looks down on his classmates who study hard, but you seem to look down on your classmates who have money. What's wrong with his family having money? Did he steal or rob him of his family's money? Huh? What's wrong with his family? Teacher Wang scolded him while he was sleeping in class. That's his duty as a teacher. Why are you taunting him here? "

Lu Yanhe’s output shocked the whole class.

They have been classmates with Lu Yanhe for so long, and this is the first time they heard Lu Yanhe say so many words in one breath.

 Luo Zicheng's face turned red again.

 “You actually spoke for him?”

“Oh, you’re mistaken, I’m not speaking for him.” Lu Yanhe chuckled, “I just don’t like you.”

Luo Zicheng's eyes widened and he pointed at Lu Yanhe, "You - there's something wrong with you! I didn't offend you, you don't like me!"

“Weren’t you the one who took the photos of Lu Yanhe on stage and called him a sissy?” At this time, Chen Qin suddenly said.

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 (End of this chapter)

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