Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 42: schools and companies

Chapter 42 Schools and Companies

 Physical education class.

 Chen Qin picked up the ball on the ground and put it in the basket.

Lu Yanhe came over holding another ball.

“It’s all together, you can put it back in the equipment room.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Qin nodded.

 Two people pushed the basket cart together to the equipment room under the wind and rain playground.

 “Thank you very much.” Lu Yanhe said suddenly.

 Chen Qin curled his lips and said, "I have nothing to thank you for. I don't like Luo Zicheng myself."


 “I didn’t expect you to help Li Pengfei vent his anger.”

"No." Lu Yanhe smiled, "Same as you, I just can't stand Luo Zicheng."

"It seems that there are quite a few people who can't stand this fool." Chen Qin said, "He said that Li Pengfei only dared to be so crazy because his family was rich. He himself also had a father who worked in the city government. It’s just that the teachers have to do it every day. It’s a pity that I don’t have a good brain and I’m not smart enough to do it.”

Lu Yanhe: " are quite venomous in what you say."

Chen Qin warned: "Don't tell Linyu, she doesn't like it."


 After putting the things away and locking the door, Chen Qin asked, "Do you want to go to the canteen? I'll buy you a Coke."


 The rain has stopped, but the sun has not come out yet.

 There is also water on the roadside.

 Chen Qin and Lu Yanhe didn’t have much to say, after all, they weren’t familiar with each other. If it weren't for Linyu, the two of them might not even have said a word.

“Do the teachers know about your relationship with Linyu?” Lu Yanhe asked.

 Chen Qin glanced over and said, "If you have nothing to talk about, there's no need to force it."


 After two seconds, Chen Qin started to speak: "They should know, but no one has come to talk to us."

 “I seem to be very relieved about you two.”


“Then do your parents know?”

"I guess they know, but they haven't talked to us about it head-on." Chen Qin said, "Maybe the teachers have communicated with them. They are in the third year of high school. At this time, beating mandarin ducks with sticks can easily arouse our I have a rebellious mentality. Anyway, our status is very stable now, and our grades are also very stable. Let’s keep it like this until we finish the college entrance examination.”

Lu Yanhe: “Preferential treatment only for good students.”

“Don’t envy our preferential treatment. You have the most preferential treatment in the whole class.” Chen Qin complained.

Lu Yanhe couldn't refute it for a while.

 Because of his status as an artist, he did receive a lot of preferential treatment.

"To be honest, I am shocked and surprised now that you are going to take the college entrance examination with us. No one said it, but in my heart I have always been a little envious of you. You don't have to come to school every day, and you don't have to carry the same burden as us. Despite the expectations of my parents and teachers, I started working early and I am still a star. "You have a wrong understanding of me. What kind of star am I who became famous not long after my debut?" Lu Yanhe laughed at himself. , "But no matter what I say, there are definitely many people who can't believe it. Forget it, let's work hard and work hard to become popular in the future."

 Chen Qin: "You are quite strong. You really start studying when you say you start studying. Many people only give up after taking blood for a day or two."

"I have no way out, otherwise who would want to persevere." Lu Yanhe said, "So, thank you and Linyu for your help. At least you guide me to learn, so I don't have to figure out everything by myself."

 Many knowledge points and test points were compiled for him by Lin Yu and Chen Qin.

"I'm thinking about my wallet. Don't let Li Pengfei really surpass you, otherwise I will bleed heavily." Chen Qin felt regretful when he thought about this bet.

Lu Yanhe laughed.


 The building of Xingyu Brokerage Company is built at the famous Mitsui Kou.

In Yuming City, Sanjingkou is one of the most famous and prosperous CBD areas, and the land here is truly at a premium.

To be honest, many people don’t understand why a brokerage company should open in such a high-priced place.

 For a brokerage company, this is actually not necessary.

 But Star Entertainment Brokerage Company never cares about this rent, because this company has a boss who doesn’t care about this rent.

 He never expected this company to make much money for him. He did not need this company to make money for him.

 The entertainment industry has such a large market capitalization.

 He originally wanted to set up this company purely to make his girlfriend happy. His girlfriend is an agent. Then, the company was established. Then, he broke up with his girlfriend. He then found a manager to run the company and never looked after it again.

"Our Star Entertainment Agency does not support idlers." Zhou Pingan said to the young boys in front of him with a serious face, "Since your group debuted, it has been tepid. Now it is time to disband. What will you do next?" Development is your own business. I said that by the end of this year, I will decide which three people I will continue to lead. For the rest, either other agents in the company will take over, or you will fend for yourself. This is very difficult. It’s cruel, but the entertainment industry is such a place, if you are not popular, you have no value.”

Yan Liang and Li Zhibai stood among the boys. Yan Liang looked down at the tips of his shoes, while Li Zhibai looked at Zhou Pingan with a rebellious expression.

“Lu Yanhe was the first to be eliminated. He didn’t even have a chance to compete for these three places. You should seize the opportunity.”

“Brother Ping’an, do you mean that we can contact other agents now?” Li Zhibai asked immediately.

Zhou Ping'an glared at him and said, "What are you fooling around about? Do you think I will give up on you? As long as you stop fussing about things, with your popularity, the company will arrange for you to film a movie next year."

 The other people’s expressions changed instantly.

 The meaning of Zhou Ping'an's words was very obvious.

 One of these three places must be Li Zhibai, and there are only two places left that they can compete for.

 Six people compete for two places, and four people will be eliminated.

Yan Liang thought about his ranking in Zhou Pingan's heart and couldn't help but feel a little pessimistic.

 In terms of popularity, he is not in the first echelon, and in terms of subsequent development potential, he has no absolute confidence. Whether Zhou Pingan will keep him is really unknown.

 Of course they all want to stay under Zhou Pingan's hand.

 After all, Zhou Pingan is one of the most powerful agents in the company.

If Zhou Ping'an doesn't want them, how can other agents be willing to accept them? Those who are willing to accept them are probably very ordinary agents.

 They have all been at Star Entertainment for three years and have some understanding of the company's situation.

If you work for an ordinary agent, then they may be the next Lu Yanhe.

With no resources, no job opportunities, and no chance to appear in public, I can only watch myself pass out.

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 (End of this chapter)

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