Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 43: No need to be so solemn

Chapter 43 No need to be so solemn

 There are a lot of artists signed by Star Entertainment Agency. There are more than 100 young artists who have debuted and those who have not yet debuted. They are raised like a poison.

 Yan Liang’s greatest advantage among them is hard work and diligence. In the Fengzhi group, no one is more diligent than him. He is the one who is determined to go to the company to practice every day. No matter what work Zhou Pingan arranges for him, he is the one who must work hard to participate.

 After Zhou Pingan left, several other people looked at each other.

Li Zhibai put his right hand on Yan Liang's shoulder, "Let's go and eat."

Yan Liang asked: "What to eat?"

Li Zhibai: "Eat whatever you want. How about we go find Lao Lu and ask him to come out and eat together."

 “He is at school every day now, so don’t disturb him.”

  “Hey, what kind of interruption is this? He doesn’t need to eat at school.”

“It only takes ten minutes for him to have a meal at school, and it will take at least half an hour to go out for a meal with you.” Yan Liang said, “There is a lack of time in the first place, and we are racing against time.”

"Okay, okay, then we can go and eat."

 “Let’s go.”

 The two of them left the practice room.

"Zhou Ping'an is really not a good person. This is forcing us to compete internally." As soon as he entered the elevator, Li Zhibai immediately started complaining, "He even put me on the fire to roast, you idiot."

Yan Liang wanted to laugh, but didn't.

"However, he is only willing to take three people. Whether he says it or not, there is competition."

“He is not the only agent in our company. What are you afraid of? Besides, he is so obedient that he will not leave you alone.”

 Yan Liang did not speak.

Li Zhibai: "Okay, don't be so sad. Look how well Lao Lu has adjusted his mentality. He said he was going to take the college entrance examination. He prepared seriously for the exam and started to go to school seriously right away."

Yan Liang said: "Lu Yanhe has completely lost hope, so he simply doesn't consider becoming an artist. I... Speaking of which, I also have to take the art exam and will start training soon."

“How great.” Li Zhibai said, “Come on, try to get admitted to Beijing Performing Arts School. If you can get admitted to Beijing Performing Arts School, Zhou Pingan will dare to give up on you?”

Yan Liang suddenly became enlightened when he heard Li Zhibai's words.

 That’s right.

If he can be admitted to Beijing Performing Arts, any agent will definitely want to take him!

Jingyi is the Zhenhua and Yuming of the entertainment industry.

 Jingyi students were targeted by major agencies during the art exams, vying to sign contracts with them.


 At noon, Lu Yanhe, Chen Qin and Linyu had lunch in the cafeteria.

Originally, he went alone, but he met Chen Qin and Linyu, so they went together.

Even though Lu Yanhe had been in school for more than ten days in a row, there were still students who showed surprise after seeing him, took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of him, and posted them on social platforms. Then, they were disappointed to find that there were not many Fans of Lu Yanhe came to comment and like.

Lu Yanhe had just finished preparing the meal and sat down when his cell phone rang.

  This is the news of Qiu Ling's return.

—The work is confidential and it is not convenient to reveal the specific situation, but thank you for the USB flash drive you sent yesterday. It helped us a lot. When this matter is resolved, we will give you a commendation.

Lu Yanhe's eyes widened, commendation?

Lu Yanhe didn't know what to reply for a moment. He hesitated and replied: There is no need for commendation. I am just a courier.

 Qiuling did not reply.

 Because he had not read the contents of the USB flash drive, Lu Yanhe did not know how much help he had done.

He saw that Li Zhibai posted a photo of delicious food in the group chat of the three of them, saying that it was lunch for him and Yan Liang today. He originally wanted to invite him to join him, but in order not to disturb his study, he didn't. called.

Lu Yanhe looked at the big lobster in the photo, then at the braised eggplant and shredded potatoes on his plate, and typed: If you don’t disturb my study, are you going to attack me mentally? !

 Lu Yanhe: That’s too much! At this moment, there was a commotion at the door of the canteen.

Lu Yanhe heard the movement and turned his head curiously, but saw an unexpected person.

 Liu Wei'an.

 Chen Siqi’s stepmother.

 How did she appear here?

Lu Yanhe was wondering when suddenly, Liu Wei'an saw him in the crowd, her eyes lit up, she smiled, and walked towards him.

 Lu Yanhe's heartbeat accelerated sharply.

 What does this woman want to do?

There were many students in the cafeteria, and it was lunch time. Everyone obviously knew this beautiful woman wearing a Chanel suit and carrying a Hermès bag, and they all looked at her sideways.

 There was a man in a black suit following behind her.

This posture is just like the appearance of chaebol wives in Korean dramas.

 Well...fuckin' bullshit.

Lu Yanhe could only let himself sit calmly, put down his chopsticks calmly, and looked at her with an indifferent attitude.

 Liu Wei'an sat down opposite him.

The man in a black suit stood respectfully behind her.

“Classmate Lu Yanhe, did I remember your name correctly?” Liu Wei’an asked with a smile.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "I am."

 “I am Chen Siqi’s mother.” Liu Wei’an introduced.

 Lu Yanhe nodded again and said, "I went to her birthday party last time. I know, we have met before."

“Oh, did you go? Sorry, there were too many people here that day, so I don’t remember clearly.” Liu Wei’an said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, smiled slightly, and said magnanimously: "I understand. After all, you are just Chen Siqi's stepmother. Which of her classmates attended her birthday party has nothing to do with you."

 Liu Wei'an's perfect expression froze for a moment.

"Siqi injured her leg. I heard that you happened to be passing by and bought medicine for her, so I came here to express my gratitude." She said her intention, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome." Lu Yanhe said, "We are classmates."

"Indeed, you are classmates." Liu Wei'an nodded, "I heard that you are an artist and are in a boy band. Do you want to continue to be an artist in the future?"

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: “I don’t know, my current goal is to pass the college entrance examination.”

"That's great, but it's a pity that our Siqi is not as sensible as you, and we didn't try our best. It would be great if she was as sensible as you. Her father and I hope she can get into Yuming or Zhenhua."

 Lu Yanhe nodded noncommittally.

Liu Wei'an raised her chin slightly and said, "Xiao Liu, please give the thank you gift to this classmate."

  The man standing behind her placed the bag in his hand on their table.

"I would like to thank you again. Siqi has a rather extreme personality. I am very touched that you can take care of her in this way. I will not disturb your meal. Goodbye."

"No, you can take the things." Lu Yanhe looked at her calmly, "Chen Siqi's character seems not as extreme as you think. She has already thanked me. A small favor is not worth it for you." Sending such a big thank you gift, Auntie, we are just students, we don’t need to be so solemn.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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