Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 422: room on second floor

Of course Choi Ji-soo didn't say the words "Oh my god", but that's what she meant. It was mainly to express shock.

 The main reason is that although Cui Jixiu did meet Lu Yanhe at the film festival before, she had never talked to Lu Yanhe face to face in the current form. She just sat in the media box and asked questions with other media.

In this case, Cui Zhixiu found it incredible that Lu Yanhe would remember seeing her.

“How come you remember me? This is incredible.” Cui Zhixiu was surprised again.

 Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "You are very beautiful. You were sitting in the front row and you even asked me questions."

Chui Zhixiu looked even more shocked.

 “You actually remember that I’m sitting in the first row.”

An otherwise ordinary interview, but because of this episode, interviewer Choi Ji-soo was a little out of sorts at first.

 Lu Yanhe turned around and asked: "Is there any coffee? I just came from the airport, I'm a little sleepy and need to refresh myself."

At this time, Wang Biao suddenly appeared with a thermos cup.

“Here.” He opened the thermos cup and placed it in front of Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Biao in surprise.

“How long have we been at the hotel? Where did you come from?”

Wang Biao looked proud and said: "I guessed that you must want to drink coffee. After I checked in just now, I went to buy coffee next to the hotel. There is a cafe next to the hotel."

Chen Ziyan said with a smile: "Wang Biao, this guy is very clever."

Lu Yanhe took a sip and felt refreshed.

 He said to Cui Jixiu: "Come on, I am in good condition now."

After hearing what the translator said, Choi Ji Soo smiled and said, "Okay, thank you. Actually, I prepared an interview outline. However, I would like to ask now, how can you still maintain such vitality after debuting for many years?" ? I interview a lot of celebrity artists, and after a long time of debut, they tend to lose the energy they had when they first debuted. However, I see that you don’t regard yourself as a celebrity artist at all, which is really rare.”

Lu Yanhe was a little confused and confused.

"I don't quite understand." He said, "I'm only twenty-one years old. Isn't it normal to be energetic?"

Choi Ji-soo corrected: "It's not the sense of vitality that comes from age. What I want to a kind of aura. Many artists who debuted early, even if they are not very old, give people a sense of twilight."

Lu Yanhe: "I really haven't thought about it. I don't know how to answer it. I can't even talk about maintaining vitality, so I haven't actively maintained it. However, although I debuted early, I started to be an artist seriously. I have only been exposed to this industry for the past few years. I still have a lot of passion for this industry and my career. In addition, it may have something to do with my life experiences. I have never encountered such a huge challenge. , the setback that changed me greatly, most of the people I met were quite tolerant of me. No matter what I said or did, they believed in me and supported me, including my agent. To put it simply, they didn’t No matter how much I suffered, I never felt angry.”

  Choi Ji-soo: “Have you ever been angry?”

  She seemed surprised.

Lu Yanhe nodded: "Suffering from anger has never happened to me."

Choi Ji-soo had incredible envy on her face.

“When you debut as an artist in Korea, whether you are a singer, an idol, or an actor, it is impossible to say that you have not been criticized.” Choi Ji-soo was really surprised, “Is China’s entertainment industry environment so favorable?”

Lu Yanhe: "It's not easy to compare this. I'm just talking about my own personal situation. To be honest, before I met my current agent, I had encountered people who didn't care about me that much and were perfunctory about me. There were also some at that time. I was in a low period for a few years, but after that time passed, it didn’t leave any shadow in my heart.”

Choi Ji-soo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, you have encountered it before, but you didn't let it affect you. This is really rare." Cui Jixiu said, "You are a very optimistic person."

"Maybe? I have never been praised for my optimism." Lu Yanhe said and looked at Chen Ziyan, "Sister Ziyan, no one has ever praised me for this, right?"

Chen Ziyan glanced at him helplessly and said, "You are indeed optimistic about this matter."


Wang Biao whispered in Zou Dong's ear: "Brother Lu is such a pragmatic person, how can anyone say that he is optimistic? He will always pre-set the worst outcome in everything he does."

Zou Dong clasped his hands on his chest and said, "Preset the worst outcome and then go all out to do it. How can this not be called optimism?"

Wang Biao was stunned: “…”

It seems to make sense? -

 After the interview ended, it was time for dinner.

 Dinner was also arranged by Zhong Benshuo.

What Lu Yanhe didn’t expect was that there would be quite a few people eating this dinner together.

Zhong Benshuo invited many of his friends in Korea just to help Lu Yanhe.

 This is naturally another move by Zhong Benzhuo to express his importance to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe could only cheer up and chat with everyone. The translator was quite busy, but fortunately there were a few people there who spoke good English and they were able to communicate in English.

 After finally finishing the dinner, Lu Yanhe was ready to go back with Chen Ziyan. However, Zhong Benshuo said that he was going to take Lu Yanhe to a party to meet some friends from the entertainment industry. Because Chen Ziyan had a work video meeting in the evening and could not accompany Lu Yanhe, so Zou Dong and Wang Biao accompanied Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe asked Zhong Benzhuo, who are they? He wanted to get acquainted with them in advance, so as to avoid the embarrassment of not recognizing them and not being able to call them by their names.

Chung Ben-suk said that it was a party held by Korean actor Liu Jin. The specific people who would come would not be known until the party was there. However, the parties held by Liu Zhen were always star-studded.

Lu Yanhe has heard of Ryu Jin, a Korean actor who has acted in many movies and is very well-known in Asia.

“Senior Liu Zhen loves to organize parties.” Zhong Benshuo told Lu Yanhe, “This time he heard that you were coming to Korea and said he must take you there. He really wants to get to know you.”

When we got there, we discovered that the party was actually at a private residence. From outside the yard, only some laughter and music could be heard from afar. After the car drove in, they drove up a small **** and turned a corner, and a three-story house appeared in front of them.

There are people everywhere, men and women, champagne and wine, everyone is chatting and laughing freely in the open-air courtyard.

 The appearance of their car also attracted the attention of some people and cast doubtful glances. Zhong Benshuo got off the bus first.

 And he seemed to be quite famous. As soon as he got off the bus, some people showed expressions of surprise. Lu Yanhe couldn't understand what they were talking about, but it could be seen from their demeanor and actions that they recognized Zhong Benzhuo and were very excited because Zhong Benzhuo appeared in this place.

Lu Yanhe also got out of the car.

Lu Yanhe saw doubts and scrutiny on the faces of the people around him. They seemed a little confused about who he was and why he appeared here with Zhong Benzhuo.

 Then, someone seemed to recognize him, pointed at him in surprise and said something to the person next to him.

At this party in a foreign country, Lu Yanhe felt like he was being looked at like a strange animal. Zhong Benshuo led him forward, and Zou Dong and Wang Biao followed Lu Yanhe. This formation made the people at the scene know who he was, even if they didn't recognize him, but he must have a good background.

Some people who knew Zhong Benzhuo greeted him with a smile on their faces.

Zhong Benshuo responded with a smile. Lu Yanhe thought he would stop to chat with others, but Zhong Benzhuo never stopped.

 As he walked into the house and passed through the crowd, Lu Yanhe saw Liu Zhen sitting on the sofa.

 He knew that face.

Liu Zhenye saw them immediately, stood up, walked up to them in surprise, patted Zhong Benzhuo on the shoulder, and then looked at Lu Yanhe.

Zhong Benshuo introduced the two of them to each other.

 In fact, we all know each other and understand each other.

Lu Yanhe took the initiative to say hello first: "Hello, senior Liu Zhen, I am Lu Yanhe."

 Translate does real-time translation.

Liu Zhen enthusiastically took Lu Yanhe's arm and hugged him.

"Before Zhong Benshuo said you would come over, I told him to invite you over. I watched your performance in "Late Spring"." Liu Zhen said to Lu Yanhe, "I happened to be in Venice at that time, but unfortunately, I I didn’t meet you there.”

 Lu Yanhe said politely: "Thank you, I am also a fan of your movies. I have watched many of your movies and like them very much."

 The two parties were communicating, and everyone around them was looking at them curiously.

 Those who know him and those who don’t know him know that the young man in front of him is an actor from China and one of the most popular stars in China.

Even if many people don’t know, they will be shocked when they hear that “Late Spring” starring him won the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice International Film Festival last year.

 Again, he is so-and-so from "Seventeen Floors" and "Sixteenth Floor", and some people reacted like "Ah, it's him!"

This environment made Lu Yanhe a little uncomfortable. The main reason was that he couldn't understand what the people around him were saying, which made him feel out of place and excluded.

Hello to Liu Zhen and chatted for a few words. After about five minutes, the exchange between the two ended. Liu Zhen was called away by another person when they had the opportunity to work together in filming.

Lu Yanhe did not rest for a long time.

Zhong Benshuo introduced several Korean actors to Lu Yanhe. Lu Yanhe may not know their names or faces, but when it comes to the works they have acted in, Lu Yanhe has heard of them even if he has not seen them.

Lu Yanhe greeted everyone politely, got to know each other, and exchanged contact information.

For about half an hour, Lu Yanhe walked around meeting different people, chatting, and communicating. Zhong Benshuo suddenly said: "Yan He, senior Liu Zhen said there are too many people here. He is waiting for you on the second floor. He wants to talk to you." Let’s have a good chat.”

Lu Yanhe was about to leave, but when he heard what Zhong Benzhuo said, he had no choice but to follow him to the second floor. Zhong Benshuo suddenly thought of something and said to Lu Yanhe: "Senior Liu Zhen is the only one in the room. It may be inconvenient for your bodyguards and assistants to follow him in."

Lu Yanhe felt a little strange when he heard what he said.

“Should they wait for me at the door?”

Zhong Benshuo hesitated to speak, and finally nodded.

At the door of the room stood two muscular men in black suits, who also looked like bodyguards.

Lu Yanhe turned around and said to Zou Dong and Wang Biao: "Brother Dong, Wang Biao, please wait for me here."

 Zou Dong nodded.

One of the big men in black saw them coming, knocked on the door, and opened it.

Lu Yanhe and Zhong Benzhuo walked in.

There is an ancient screen at the door, and you have to go around it before entering.

The light in the room was relatively dim. Liu Zhen was sitting on the sofa inside, with one hand on the back of the sofa and the other arm around a very scantily clad woman. The woman was holding a lighter in one hand and a lighter in the other. Holding a cigarette, she put it into his mouth and lit it for him in a characterful manner. Her upper body was almost pressed against Liu Zhen's body, and her low-cut neckline was completely in front of Liu Zhen's eyes, bright and almost unobstructed.

Liu Zhen saw them coming in and smiled brightly.

“My little brother is here, sit down!” Liu Zhen motioned for them to sit on the sofa next to him.

Lu Yanhe was confused as he looked at the scene in front of him. Zhong Benshuo patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sit down."

As they sat down, two exquisite figures came over from the dark corner.

 They walked straight towards Liu Zhen and Zhong Benzhuo.

Lu Yanhe immediately realized what was going on, and made a "don't come" gesture to the woman walking towards him, and said to Liu Zhen and Zhong Benzhuo: "Senior Liu, Mr. Zhong, I have a girlfriend." ( End of this chapter)

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