Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 423: It’s inevitable, right?

Liu Zhen and Zhong Benzhuo were stunned for a moment, and then Liu Zhen looked at Zhong Benzhuo.

Zhong Benshuo said something to Liu Zhen, probably explaining what Lu Yanhe said just now.

Liu Zhen laughed after hearing this, pointed his finger at Lu Yanhe, and said a few words.

Zhong Benshuo also laughed.

“Yan He, don’t worry, what happened in this room will never be spread.”

Zhong Benshuo gave Lu Yanhe a "relaxing" look. Then, as if to prove to Lu Yanhe that it was really safe here and there was no need to worry, he reached out and grabbed the hand of the woman who walked in front of him. With a gentle pull, the woman She sat down on his lap with a smile and put a hand on his shoulder gently and softly.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Mr. Zhong, I love my girlfriend very much, so thank you and Senior Liu for your kindness. I don't need it anymore." Lu Yanhe insisted, then looked at the woman standing in front of him at a loss, and said in English She said: "I don't know if you understand English. If you do, I don't need you to come and accompany me."

The woman looked helplessly at Zhong Benshuo and Liu Zhen.

Zhong Benshuo took a deep look at Lu Yanhe, turned his head and whispered something to Liu Zhen.

Liu Zhen’s smile paused for a moment, then he made a casual gesture and gave the woman a “go ahead” look.

 In this environment, Lu Yanhe was on pins and needles.

Liu Zhen waited for the woman to leave, then he looked at Lu Yanhe with a smile.

 The next step was actually a very ordinary chat, and nothing of value was discussed. It’s nothing more than finding suitable opportunities to film and work on projects together in the future. If Lu Yanhe needs Liu Zhen's help in any way, feel free to ask, etc., etc.

Lu Yanhe barely maintained his social etiquette and did not get up and leave directly, but he developed a "respectful but insensitive" attitude towards Liu Zhen in his heart. Lu Yanhe actually doesn't care about the consensual relationship. He is not a moral saint, and he can't see sand in his eyes. However, he didn't like bringing him to such an occasion when they first met.

They didn't really understand him, and they didn't test his opinion in advance. They just made arrangements for him in such a grand manner with a "food, sex, and sex" attitude without any explanation.

 Lu Yanhe felt very disrespected - even though their attitude was so warm and they seemed to be very friendly to him, they chatted in such a "private and candid" environment when they met for the first time.

 After staying for ten minutes, Lu Yanhe thanked him and left on the grounds that he would still be filming tomorrow morning.

Zhong Benshuo didn’t expect Lu Yanhe to ask to leave so soon.

But Lu Yanhe had already decided to leave, so Zhong Benshuo had no choice but to send him away.

Lu Yanhe walked out of the room and said to Zou Dong and Wang Biao, who had been waiting outside, "Let's go."

Zou Dong and Wang Biao could see the dissatisfaction in Lu Yanhe's heart at a glance.

 I didn’t ask anything, just nodded and followed.

 Zhong Benzhuo caught up.

"Yan He, are you really not going to play for a while? Why did you leave so early?"

Lu Yanhe stopped and said to Zhong Benzhuo very seriously: "Mr. Zhong, I hope you will not take me to a place like that just now without informing me in advance next time, and make some arrangements without my knowledge."

Zhong Benshuo's face became a little stunned and ugly.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath, nodded to him, and left.


 Lu Yanhe and the others returned to the hotel, and Chen Ziyan’s video conference was also finished.

When Lu Yanhe told Chen Ziyan what he had just experienced, Chen Ziyan became furious, almost to the point of rolling up her sleeves and scolding Zhong Benzhuo.

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, forget it, just stop interacting with him in the future."

Chen Ziyan's face was livid and ugly.

"I almost got him! Once someone sees something like this and a little bit of news spreads, your career will be ruined!" Chen Ziyan said, "This is not a joke, even if they in Korea **** D We in China are not able to continue acting. Once you get involved in this muddy water, do you think you can come out cleanly? You will never be able to be a high-quality artist openly. Every day after that, you Everyone will live in the worry of scandal exposure. The more successful you are, the more afraid you will be, because you know that the place you are standing on is unstable and may collapse at any time. "

Every word Chen Ziyan said was like a hammer hitting Lu Yanhe's heart.

 After a while, fear came to mind.

What should we do if our acting career is really ruined because of this incident? A chill started to creep up my spine.

Chen Ziyan said: "I was also negligent this time. It is very chaotic abroad. In the future, when you go abroad or go anywhere, as long as you are not an acquaintance that you trust, you cannot go randomly."

 Actually, Zhong Benzhuo can’t be considered a stranger at all. It is precisely because Zhong Benshuo arranged this trip very carefully that Chen Ziyan and the others did not expect that they would encounter such a thing when Zhong Benshuo took Lu Yanhe to meet an actor like Liu Zhen in the evening.

 Lu Yanhe sighed.

"Actually, I felt something was wrong after I entered. But at the time, I thought that since it was Liu Zhen, this shouldn't be the case. I didn't expect..." This was said a bit afterthought, but it was indeed true.

 Chen Ziyan said: "It's okay. Fortunately, you held your position and were not tempted. You will learn from it. You can rest first. There will be filming tomorrow morning."

Lu Yanhe nodded.


 Chen Ziyan waited for him to leave, and the look on her face that had softened a little became dark again.

Have to make first-hand preparations—

 With with me being exposed that Lu Yanhe entered that room tonight? It won't be clear no matter how hard it is, even if he jumped into the river, a public relations plan must be made in advance.

Furthermore, she also had to negotiate with Zhong Benzhuo seriously.

Things cannot just pass by quietly. Stop spoiling Yan He with those rotten things!

 Chen Ziyan has been in the entertainment industry for many years and has seen many people being dragged into the water because of such accidents.

 Lu Yanhe is still young and easily targeted.

Chen Ziyan sounded the alarm for herself.


 The next morning, Zhong Benzhuo did not show up. Of course, they didn't expect him to show up, and the morning's work had nothing to do with Maxine. Lu Yanhe completed a shoot for a Korean fashion magazine—this was the cover bought for him by his endorsement brand Math.

This is also the first time Lu Yanhe has shot the cover of a Korean fashion magazine. Male artists appear on the covers of fashion magazines much less than female artists, and Lu Yanhe himself does not take many photos. Basically, the endorsement brands foot the bill, and he cooperates in promoting the brands as a spokesperson.

  Shooting magazines is not that enjoyable for him because he has to pose in various poses, which is not what he is good at. He is very comfortable with the camera, but he is not comfortable with posing. Fortunately, I finally had some experience and managed to finish the shoot despite my hard work.

 At the end of the filming, Zhong Benshuo suddenly appeared.

He still had a bright smile on his face, as if the unhappiness when Lu Yanhe separated from him at the end of last night did not exist, or in other words, had disappeared.

After Lu Yanhe said goodbye to the photography team, he said in a very exaggerated tone: "As expected of you, even shooting for a magazine has such a cinematic feel! When I looked at it from a distance, it seemed like I was seeing a scene from a movie. ! Your eyes are full of stories.”

After Zhong Benshuo said this exaggerated compliment, Lu Yanhe's face could no longer remain serious.

 He looked at Zhong Benzhuo and sighed.

“Mr. Zhong, the fan meeting only starts in the afternoon, so you don’t have to come over to accompany me in the morning.”

"I am your die-hard fan, and I also want to see how you are working for the magazine." Zhong Benshuo said, "After you left yesterday, brother Liu Zhen was full of praise for your acting skills and said that you are one of the younger generation actors. He has great potential and will definitely become a superstar in the future.”

Lu Yanhe is not very able to accept compliments from others, let alone such harsh compliments like Zhong Benshuo. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, Mr. Zhong, don't brag. There is no such thing. It's getting late. We are going to have lunch. Are you going with us at noon? Or are you?" Any other arrangements?”

Zhong Benshuo said: "I have made arrangements at noon, and I will come here to pick you up for lunch."

"Arrangements? Thank you for your kindness, but we have spotted a hot pot restaurant online that we really want to go to, and we have already planned to eat there." Lu Yanhe said.

Zhong Benshuo: "Ah? I have already booked a restaurant over there."

"I'm really sorry, you didn't tell us in advance, and we have already reserved a seat." Lu Yanhe said directly.

 At this time, Chen Ziyan came over after chatting with the people at the magazine.

"Mr. Zhong is here." Chen Ziyan took advantage of her gender and career advantages. At this time, she was not polite at all and directly wrote the four words "yin and yang" into the pronunciation of each word.

Zhong Benshuo was stunned for a moment and then immediately realized why Chen Ziyan had such an attitude towards him.

 He was not in a hurry to explain anything, he just smiled and pretended to be stupid.

In the end, Zhong Benshuo was still stubborn, as if he couldn't understand Chen Ziyan's face, and followed them to the hot pot restaurant. He didn't mention what happened last night during the whole process, and only found other topics to talk to them.

Lu Yanhe was amazed in the end. How can one person be completely immune to the indifference of the other person's attitude and still be able to sing lively for hours while singing a big opera?

I can only say that it’s no wonder that people can do well in Maxine. They always have two brushes.


 At the fan meeting in the afternoon, a total of 500 people finally got tickets to participate in this event.

Lu Yanhe never expected that 500 people in South Korea would come to watch him offline.

It wasn't until he stood in front of these five hundred fans and saw that almost every one of them was holding a light sign or poster in their hands, and they were emitting excited and excited shouts like a wave, that Lu Yanhe felt a sense of excitement. kind of reality.

Neither he nor Chen Ziyan have ever run any fans, hot searches, etc. here. It can be said that popularity and popularity basically grow wildly. That's why I'm surprised by the current situation.

 Facing his fans, Lu Yanhe is still very enthusiastic and grateful to them.

Some fans said that she drove for several hours to get here and was very happy to see him in person in her lifetime. She was very touched. Lu Yanhe was frightened by the word "in my lifetime" and smiled and shook his hand. Said: "No, no, meeting me is not worthy of everyone's lifetime wish. This puts a lot of pressure on me, but thank you for liking me."

Some fan said excitedly that she liked "Six" very much, but when she heard that he would not be there in the second season, she was very sad and even cried for a week. Lu Yanhe said "Huh?" in his heart, a week? He could only comfort him and said: "As actor Lu Yanhe, I will always have works to accompany you in the future. You don't have to cry for a week. You are very beautiful. If your eyes are swollen from crying, it will affect your appearance."

 The fans sat down happily.

This kind of face-to-face communication made Lu Yanhe directly feel what Zhong Benshuo had been emphasizing.

 Streaming media can allow a play to go from a relatively closed place to the world.

  When I first filmed "Sixteenth Floor" and "Seventeenth Floor", I never thought that this drama would have such a big impact in Japan and South Korea, with so many viewers.

 Before Lu Yanhe came, he still had a little bit of pride in his heart. He is already liked by many people in China. He is already a big star with many fans. Korea and Japan are not his base. It is good that some people like him, but no one likes him or knows him, and it is not so urgent to conquer him. things.

However, from the moment he met the fans who picked him up at the airport to this moment, standing on the stage and hearing every fan express their love for him, Lu Yanhe had to admit that he was greedy, even greedy.

 He just wants more people to know him, pay attention to him, like him, and recognize him. This is also a kind of spiritual opium, which can be addictive. His so-called calmness and self-control are just a cross-section. After all, he is not a reclusive hermit. Whether he admits it or not, he is a somewhat vulgar person in nature who still pursues fame and fortune.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that standing on the stage of this fan meeting, he would suddenly have a better understanding of himself.


This fan meeting was also broadcast live on Maxine simultaneously.

Zhong Benshuo received data from his colleagues. This fan meeting actually had nearly 70,000 viewers, and the highest number of simultaneous viewers was more than 40,000.

 Given the nature of the activity, this is a pretty good statistic.

 As calculated by the data model, there are many users in Maxine who are his fans. When I see his face, I click in to take a look. Lu Yanhe's event was not recommended on the big picture. He only sent emails and reminders to subscribers of "Seventeenth Floor" and "Six People" to tell them that there was a live broadcast of such a fan meeting. In addition, we promoted it on small channels and social media. With such promotional resources, we achieved such a number of viewers.

Zhong Benshuo looked at this data and became even more convinced that he had done the right thing by inviting Lu Yanhe over this time.

 Inviting Lu Yanhe over would cost a lot of money, from his labor fees to the food, clothing, housing and transportation for him and his team. But well worth it. Maintaining a good relationship with Lu Yanhe is secondary. The number of viewers of these two live broadcasts and the publicity effect generated can easily earn back the cost.

Zhong Benshuo thought of the magazine that Lu Yanhe shot this morning.

 Korean fashion magazines have always been very exclusive, especially celebrities and artists from other Asian countries. Cover resources are either reserved for their own people or given to European and American companies. The fashion magazine that Lu Yanhe photographed today is not one of the top ones, but it is still a major magazine that is firmly in the first line, and it is still difficult to get into. But Math threw money at the editor-in-chief's office, urgently assembled a shooting team, made a shooting plan overnight, and jumped in to ask for the April issue's schedule.

 From this incident, what Zhong Benshuo saw was nothing else but the importance Math attached to Lu Yanhe. The importance a brand attaches to a spokesperson does not depend on the fancy names he usually gives him or some nice commercial flattery. It depends on how much money he is willing to spend on this person and how much he is willing to spend on that person. What kind of treatment should be given to him at the critical moment?

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Yanhe is Math’s biological son in Asia.

  Anyway, according to the news from the fashion circle, Math has never spent so much money on a cover for any spokesperson in Korea.

Zhong Benshuo is determined to further cooperate with Lu Yanhe in the future. (End of chapter)

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