Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 424: stupid guy


Lu Yanhe has actually always wanted to find an opportunity to visit Japan. When he was a child, he watched a lot of animations, all from Japan, from "Doraemon" to "Digimon", from "My Neighbor Totoro" to "Castle in the Sky". At that time, there was a Golden Eagle Cartoon Channel, so he grew up as a child. In the small TV, a memory full of fantasy is constructed in the world of childhood.

When he was sitting on the plane and saw the island country in the blue ocean below through the port window, he imagined a scene similar to "Castle in the Sky".

However, when the plane landed and he walked out with everyone, there were fewer fans in front of them. If there was no comparison with the previous scene at the South Korean airport, Lu Yanhe would definitely feel that there were a lot of people coming to pick him up at the airport with the dozen fans in front of him.

 It can only be said that people’s expectations are raised in this way.

Fortunately, after checking into the hotel, they were hungry and went to a ramen restaurant that had been open for more than 80 years. A mouthful of ramen accompanied by mashed yam entered their mouths, filling their mouths with a rich taste.

 Compared with Korean food, Japanese food is more suitable for Chinese tastes and is more acceptable to Chinese people.

 In Japan, Zhong Benshuo no longer arranged for anyone to have dinner with Lu Yanhe. It can be seen that he seems to be far less successful in Japan than in his own country.

Of course, this is also related to the different entertainment environments in various countries. Zhong Benshuo's approach of building relationships and favors may not be as successful in Japan as in South Korea.

On the one hand, although the status of Korean artists is not as high as that of European, American and Chinese artists, the top artists are still very good and powerful, but Japanese artists are even lower and are basically controlled by TV stations and agencies (actually That is, brokerage companies), their overall environment is like this.

On the other hand, Japan’s film and television industry is actually relatively closed. Whether it's Japanese movies or Japanese dramas, of course there are some top directors who go to Europe and the United States to make films, but almost none of them are based overseas, and they all still use their home base as their home base. Although streaming media like Maxine are also popular in Japan and have many users, unlike South Korea, local film and television production has almost collapsed, and top film and television creative talents have been recruited by streaming media. Japanese TV stations and traditional film and television companies still occupy the top spot.

 The completely different environment brought completely different feelings to Lu Yanhe.

What Lu Yanhe sees most on the streets of Japan are not advertisements featuring celebrity celebrities and photo shoots, but various animation characters. Sure enough, it is called a country that rules the world in the second dimension.

Here, Lu Yanhe also had a fashion magazine shoot, and Math paid for the cover.

Chen Ziyan said: "The way Math treats you is really nothing to say."

 Because there were no arrangements made by Zhong Benshuo, Lu Yanhe’s trip in Japan was relatively easy. He had time to go around the neighborhood with Zou Dong and Wang Biao. Therefore, they went to the famous Akihabara.

Only when he arrived did he realize that this place was where electronic and digital products were concentrated, not the place where animations were concentrated as Lu Yanhe thought. He didn’t know where his memory went wrong, and he remembered this place as something similar to a two-dimensional place. A paradise place.

However, at a fan meeting in Japan, Lu Yanhe saw many fans wearing Lolita or cosplaying as anime characters.

In the auditorium, Lu Yanhe did not expect to see Kazo Nagayama, the Japanese film critic who criticized Director Wang Zhong at the media exchange meeting for "Three Mountains" at the West Tour Film Festival.

Yongshan Hesan noticed that Lu Yanhe’s eyes paused on him and took off his hat to greet him.

 He was dressed like a gentleman who had walked out of an old century castle, with a tall top hat, a crisp black dress, white gloves, and a cane. But it looks exaggerated, but in this situation where there are Lolita and other cosplayers, his appearance is not so eye-catching.

Lu Yanhe came on stage, so naturally he couldn't step down to remind Chen Ziyan that he might run into some trouble when communicating with the audience later.

  After all, he didn’t think that Nagayama Kazo appeared here because he liked him and was a fan of his.

Previously at the Situl Film Festival, he used his own way to resolve Yongshan Kazo's deliberate difficulty with director Wang Zhong. It is estimated that from that moment on, Yong Shanhe San hated him in his heart. Lu Yanhe would not think that Yongshan Hesan's difficulty with director Wang Zhong was based on a matter of fact or a difference in aesthetics. He knew before that there was a personal grudge between Yongshan Hesan and Director Wang Zhong.

Sure enough, when it came to fan communication, Nagayama Kazo raised his hands very actively.

Lu Yanhe really couldn't interrupt the host at this time and said openly, "Don't call that man in the top hat."

 He can only prepare in his heart.

As expected, Yongshan Kasan was seen by the host and stood up.

“Jun Yanhe, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. We meet again. I wonder if you still remember me?” He greeted Lu Yanhe politely.

 His gesture surprised everyone at the scene, as they seemed not to have expected that he would actually know Lu Yanhe.

 Everyone is also curious about his identity and who he is.

Lu Yanhe saw him like this, smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Yongshan Hesan, long time no see."

Lu Yanhe’s response caused a subdued uproar at the scene.

It turns out that Lu Yanhe really knows this person.

Yong Shanhe San himself did not expect that Lu Yanhe actually remembered him.

"Yan Hejun has a really good memory." Yongshan Kaizan smiled slightly, "I'm glad to see you in Japan. In the past few years, I have been seeing you at overseas film festivals. If I remember correctly , This must be your first time in Japan? What’s your impression of Japan?”

Lu Yanhe didn’t know why Yongshan Hesan asked such a question.

He naturally answered truthfully: "I watched a lot of Japanese animation works when I was a child. In fact, I still watch them now. As a pure viewer, I can see that many creators conveyed through this work that for peace, The focus on freedom, family, friendship and love makes me really look forward to coming here and meeting you.”

Nagayama Kazo said: "You are a very outstanding young actor who has attracted much attention, but as a film media worker and a film critic, please allow me to say that I am not satisfied with your behavior in filming so many dramas. I feel very disappointed. Why make works with no artistic value like "Six People" and "Seventeen Floors"? They are very popular, but they are destined to not be able to transcend time and shock people's hearts like a work of art, right? ? Are you shooting these works to pursue fame? "

 The scene made the biggest uproar since the start of the fan meeting.

On the side of the stage, Wang Biao frowned and said angrily after hearing what the translator relayed: "Why does this person have such a prejudice?!"

Chen Ziyan pressed Wang Biao's shoulder with one hand and said, "I believe Yan He, this kind of thing is just a trivial matter to him, and he will solve it well."

Wang Biao: "I know that Brother Lu will be able to respond well, but this kind of person is deliberately looking for trouble. Sister Ziyan, we can't just give in, otherwise, others will follow suit in the future. How annoying it would be for Brother Lu to deliberately ask some explosive questions like him."

Chen Ziyan: "Since this incident happened here, it will not remain silent, and Yongshan Hesan will definitely receive the criticism he deserves. Of course, he may not care. He himself has long been a notorious person. "


Lu Yanhe pursed his lips, the smile in his eyes disappeared, and his eyes met Yongshan Hesan.

Seeing this, the host tried to stand up and smooth things over, omitting the question so that Lu Yanhe did not have to answer.

 However, Yongshan Kasan immediately asked again: "Is this question difficult to answer?"

Lu Yanhe smiled.

 He nodded to the host, indicating that he could answer.

The host then put down the microphone in a panic.

 Lu Yanhe: "Mr. Yongshan Kasan is still full of prejudices about having a high self-esteem as before."

 He said in a teasing and joking tone with a smile.     Also, he used English.

 Because most of the people watching the live broadcast are foreigners.

 Lu Yanhe’s words did not change Yong Shanhe’s expression at all.

 Skin is as thick as a city wall.

Lu Yanhe said: "It's really a pity. If some creators are using their works and attitudes to win reputation and favor for their country, some are sparing no effort to make people regretfully think about why this country is... There is such a person. Mr. Nagayama Kazo must have forgotten that he asked me about my impression of Japan before. Oh, no, no wonder Mr. Nagayama Kazo asked me about my impression of Japan first, and then asked me such a question. Questions filled with bias and deliberate provocation.”

He shrugged his shoulders, assuming a nonchalant attitude.

"Of course, I believe that many people have already answered this question. The so-called movies, the so-called dramas, the so-called art and products, I don't need to explain these." Lu Yanhe looked at the other people in the audience, " But today I am standing here, coming to Japan, not because of the movie, but precisely because of the two drama series "Sixteenth Floor" and "Seventeenth Floor" that were released on Maxine, which made many Japanese viewers know me. , maybe Mr. Nagayama Kazo didn’t even have the opportunity to ask me such a question in person. So why should we shoot some less artistic works?”

"First of all, who is to evaluate art or not? Mr. Yongshan Hesan, is it you?" After Lu Yanhe asked this question, he made a gesture to indicate that Yongshan Hesan did not need to answer, "You don't need to answer, this Everyone has a standard answer to this question except you.”

Lu Yanhe's seemingly polite but forceful interruption gesture finally made Yongshan Hesan look ugly.

Lu Yanhe continued: "Secondly, art is art. Is life not life? Film and television can be the refinement of art, but who says it can't be an extension of life? I made "Six People" because I know that in this world , there are many people who cannot have such an ordinary but rare period of friendship in real life. I filmed "Seventeen Floors" because my story allows a group of people to meet in an extreme situation that many people cannot meet in real life. The dangerous environment makes everyone feel the emotion and shock of trying their best to survive. "

"For me, every type of drama, as long as it touches me, I will want to act in it. I don't think "Late Spring" is higher than "Six", nor do I think "Seventeen Floor" is better than "Three Mountains" How bad." Lu Yanhe said, "Different plays have different evaluation standards. If you can't establish such an aesthetics, you will be very limited as an actor, and it will be easy to have no drama. "

Lu Yanhe looked at Yongshan Hesan.

"Of course, Mr. Nagayama Kawazo can continue to look at me with prejudice, and I will remain unmoved and pursue my career as an actor according to my own ideas." Lu Yanhe said, "Thank you to everyone present for giving me the confidence Go the way I want to go.”



Chen Ziyan said to Wang Biao, "I told you, Yan He can handle this kind of situation better now than many public relations companies have specially prepared."

“Brother Lu’s level is much higher than that of people from public relations companies.”

"People still need to study more." Chen Ziyan glanced at Wang Biao, "You are very young now, have many ideas, and work hard, but in the future, as your level gets higher and higher, you will find that books will be used when they are needed. Less hate.”

Wang Biao’s smile turned bitter.

“Sister Ziyan, but I really can’t read, what should I do?”

"If you want to go further and climb higher in the future, force yourself to read and keep reading. It doesn't mean that you have to sit in the classroom and take those classes, but people can't let their cognitive level and knowledge The system is always maintained at the same level, and there is no end to learning." Chen Ziyan emphasized, "Wang Biao, you are very smart, and you are also very lucky to be with Yan He. Your future development can be said to be unlimited, so, Seize the opportunity and seize every opportunity to learn.”

Wang Biao has been with Lu Yanhe for a while.

 He ​​already knew clearly that Chen Ziyan was actually a person who looked serious, but was actually very upright and decent. He knew that Chen Ziyan told him this for his own good.

Wang Biao nodded, "Okay, I understand, Sister Ziyan, I will do it."


The fan meeting in Korea and Japan ended successfully.

ˆ Nagayama Kazo’s question and Lu Yanhe’s answer aroused considerable discussion in both China and Japan.

It goes without saying much about the public opinion situation in China.

Even Japan, several media outlets have spoken out, saying that Kazo Nagayama, a well-known film critic who often represents Japanese media at international film festivals, brought such a question when Lu Yanhe came to Japan to hold a fan meeting, which embarrassed Japan.

 But Nagayama Kazo seemed to be going his own way and didn't care about these critical voices at all. He updated his opinion on another movie the next day.

 He doesn’t even care about the opinions of the media in his own country, let alone the media in China. Even though he had been sprayed **** on the Chinese Internet, he didn't take it to heart at all - he didn't even know most of the content.


 Lu Yanhe returned to China. At the airport, a reporter immediately asked: "Yan He, you have held fan meetings in South Korea and Japan. Will you consider holding them in our country?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, it was not a fan meeting. It was organized by Maxine. It was mainly a welfare after-sales service after the two dramas "Six" and "Seventeenth Floor" became popular. I usually see it easily in China. , it is indeed rare in Korea and Japan, so this meeting is specially held. Is it still necessary in China? "

 The reporter immediately nodded and said: "Of course it is necessary! Don't you know how many fans want to meet you?"

Lu Yanhe smiled and waved his hand and said, "There will be many opportunities in the future. I'm a little tired after going out, so you should go back and rest."

 The reporters asked: “What do you want to say about Yongshan Hesan?”

“I don’t have anything to say.” Lu Yanhe thought for a while, then laughed again, “The Japanese have a saying called one period, one meeting, and he and I can’t do one period, one meeting anyway.”

 The reporters burst out laughing, and their laughter attracted the attention of those around them.

 Lu Yanhe: “No more talking, let’s go.”

 He waved to everyone.

A reporter said: "Yan He, you have to work hard and let this kind of prejudiced person take a closer look at how outdated his ideas are!"

Lu Yanhe smiled at him and said nothing.


However, no one expected that Yongshan Hesan would not give up.

Two days later, Kazo Nagayama suddenly published a list of the top ten most promising new film stars in the world in the film magazine "Behind the Screen" where he contributed, together with several other film critics - film critics from different countries.

 Among them, ten new stars were selected from ten different countries, but the one from China was an actor named Huaiqian.

 There are various lists and selections every year. It's just that Yongshan Kazo suddenly teamed up with other film critics to select such a list at this time. Considering the previous conflict between him and Lu Yanhe, it is inevitable that people will feel that he is targeted.

 And Nagayama Kazuzo and several other film critics do still have some reputation in the film criticism circle. After all, he appears at international film festivals every year, is invited to attend advance screenings or premieres of major movies, writes the first wave of film reviews, and becomes a reference for audiences to choose movies.

 In addition, he has always been a very topical film critic, often gaining attention and discussion from others with his sharp comments.

 So, as soon as this list comes out, many film media may not necessarily recognize it, but they will report it.

The actor Huaiqian also typed a series of "?" on his social media immediately.

 Nagayama Kazo and other film critics wrote a reason for each selection. The reason for coming to Huaiqian is:

He has been persistent in the film field since his debut. In the three years since his debut, he has acted in five films, two of which were shortlisted for the four major international film festivals. Although the popularity and influence of the films are not great, he has The acting skills presented in the movie show extraordinary potential, and he still insists on making movies in this era of streaming media explosion, and deserves such encouragement and recognition.

Huaiqian sent another message five minutes later: Who can help me send him a message? I don’t want such recognition? Was I being used as a gun? Right? Right?

His comment area:

—Isn’t this just as uncomfortable as stepping on dog **** while walking?

—MD, an actor who is good at acting was spotted by a big fool, picked up and used as cannon fodder, I feel sorry for you.

 …(End of this chapter)

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