Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 426: bonus life

This video is almost as simple as slapping Nagayama Kazo's nose and scolding him, "You're just a very low film critic."

 Chen Siqi’s action pushed the number of views of this video to over 10 million.

 There is no way. When it comes to criticizing Japanese people, the domestic online environment often shares the same hatred and the same hatred. Not to mention, what Yong Shanhe San did was disgusting and even shameful.

Kawazo Nagayama's reputation in the international film critic circle is certainly not as good as that of Tom Wynn of Variety magazine and Marion Tucci of French "Cinema" magazine.

 The two of them are backed by the most influential film magazines in the world, and have accumulated a large number of readers with their film reviews.

 And so do other film critics.

Chen Siqi’s invitation to them is enough to establish the reputation of this forum.


"Look, as soon as Lu Yanhe was attacked by Yongshan Hesan, Chen Siqi was able to fight back right away and slap Yongshan Hesan in the face openly." Someone laughed online, "Someone also asked why Lu Yanhe had to think about it and make a paper book Magazine? Apart from "Jump Up", is there another media in China that can stand behind Lu Yanhe so unscrupulously and help him speak out? "

 The role played by "Jump Up" this time allowed everyone to see for the first time its significant role in the public sphere and in helping Lu Yanhe fight the public opinion war.

 In the past, it was just a magazine editorial department. No matter how well it did, including film and television promotion and marketing, it was the icing on the cake. But this time, it showed its side as a sharp sword.

 Thus, people who thought they were aware of the value of "Jump Up" discovered a fact that shocked them: they were far from understanding how important "Jump Up" was to Lu Yanhe.


 Nagayama Kazo angrily wrote a column in the latest issue of "Off Screen", in which he wrote:

 Lu Yanhe used "Jump", which he is the editor-in-chief, to organize a film critics forum to discuss young filmmakers and their works. What is the difference between this behavior and those rich people who pay people to praise themselves?

  Chen Siqi wrote on his overseas social media account: Spend money to hire people? Did Nagayama Kazo underestimate the objectivity and professionalism of the world's top film critics, or did he usually work for a fee, so it was natural for him to speculate on others with such vicious malice?

Yongshan Hesan saw Chen Siqi's speech and his cheeks turned red with anger.

 Domestic netizens saw this and sighed:

—The editor-in-chief is bullying foreigners who don’t understand the market. Even Yu Jiang can’t criticize her. How dare he, Yong Shanhe San, talk nonsense with his eyes open? Isn't he afraid that Editor Chen will criticize him so much that even eighteen generations of his ancestors are unwilling to recognize him as an unfilial descendant?

This sentiment has over 10,000 likes.

 Chen Siqi’s fighting power has been seen by domestic netizens many times.

Logically speaking, Yu Jiang is already a very capable person, but she is defeated in every duel with Chen Siqi, which is enough to show how terrifying Chen Siqi's fighting ability is.


 Privately, Lu Qingzhen and Chen Ziyan laughed and said: "These two young men and women, one can talk and the other can argue, together, they feel invincible. How much public relations expenses have been saved."

Chen Ziyan sighed: "Can you believe it? Not long ago I persuaded Wang Biao to read more books. Do you think I persuade people to read more books? Just because I know them, I now subconsciously believe that if more people read more books, everything will be better. Don’t suffer, and you must study more, so that you can become stronger in all aspects.”

Lu Qingzhen laughed.

"Of course it is right to read more books, but Chen Ziyan, you are so interested in Wang Biao, why are you planning to leave Lu Yanhe again?" Lu Qingzhen asked.

Chen Ziyan: "No, I just have to train a reliable agent for Yan He. His career will get better and better in the future. I can't concentrate on putting all my energy on him alone. He must have a Only an agent who can take care of his specific affairs wholeheartedly.”

Lu Qingzhen: "You, you are still the same you, so whether Chen Bige or Shang Yongzhou can maintain such a good relationship with you after breaking up with you, but Xiao Lu is different from them at that time. , They were not as tough as Xiao Lu at the time. Now that he has a share in a film and television production company, and he has a share in our high-end service company, it is not that easy to break up. "

"Who said I have to break up with him?" Chen Ziyan said, "I just don't like to invest all my energy into one person, and Chen Bige and Shang Yongzhou were already at the stage where they could not accept that their managers were still at the same time. If I am leading others and cannot fully devote my energy to serving only one of them, then of course I will just get together with them. As for Yan He, if I really don’t want to be his manager in the future, I will still have someone else. The way these two companies work together.”

Lu Qingzhen: “I don’t know if Xiao Lu will let you change your mind.”

"No." Chen Ziyan shook her head, "Qingzhen, you know me. My past has destined me to never place my career and life on just one person. No one can change this. "

Lu Qingzhen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what she thought of, and sighed.

  She asked: "Have you told Xiao Lu about your affairs?"

"No, and I don't plan to say it." Chen Ziyan shook her head, "Don't tell your story like a film or television drama. The more viewers the better."

Lu Qingzhen burst into laughter.

Lu Qingzhen: "Actually, Xiao Lu is really very similar to you, very similar."

 Chen Ziyan: “Really?”

 She thought about it, too.

 Lu Yanhe is also a person who has very high demands on himself and never lowers his demands.

Lu Yanhe is also a person who really relied on himself to achieve his current achievements.

Lu Yanhe is also a person who has experienced a lot and has gone through thousands of sailings, but he can still maintain his original intention and face the world with goodwill.

 Chen Ziyan said to Lu Qingzhen: "I see a momentum in him."

 “What momentum?” Lu Qingzhen was curious.

"The hardware conditions for our Chinese-language film and television dramas have actually reached world-class levels, and the market is the same. You see, we have produced movies worth more than 5 billion yuan, which is about 600 million yuan converted into U.S. dollars. The foundation has been laid. The next ten years may really be the decade when Chinese-language film and television dramas rise on a global scale," Chen Ziyan said, "In the past, people talked about going overseas, but things were not that good, and we could only pretend to go overseas. Now ours is. Things have gradually reached first-class standards, and the general environment is there. What is needed is a few people who can lead this trend and really go global. I see this momentum in Yan He.”

Lu Qingzhen did not immediately agree or respond, but fell into deep thought. After thinking seriously for a moment, she said: "Zi Yan, this is actually very difficult. We have felt many times in the past that Chinese film and television dramas have reached a stage where they can go overseas. But every time I mobilize people to go abroad, I can't get the support of those overseas. This is not only a problem of hardware, but also a problem of cultural differences and other aspects. I even started to think about one thing, is it necessary? When it is spread overseas, even if there is no overseas audience, our own market is already big enough, so why do we have to seek favor and recognition from overseas? "

"Looking at the big picture, this is human civilization - no civilization can avoid it. Whether you talk about expansion of consciousness or vanity, there is no civilization that does not want to be recognized and recognized by other civilizations. Looking at reality, , In this era of globalization, no country can sit still and work behind closed doors. "Chen Ziyan said, "Film and television are a very important part of it. As for many film and television people, in fact, their driving force is their sense of identity. , sense of honor. This may be tacky, but that's it. What many people say is that we are already very strong, so why do we have to go overseas to prove our strength? It is not the case that only those recognized overseas are good. The thing is, you also know that this is not what I mean. It is that we have an innate desire for the very good things about ourselves, especially the very good things in our own culture, to be used by people from other cultural backgrounds. I see it and I agree with it.”

Lu Qingzhen took a deep breath.

"Not every group wants to prove that their group is definitely better than other groups, but absolutely no group is willing to see their group regarded as inferior by others." Chen Ziyan said, "Me too, all Chinese people The same goes for people in the film and television industry. Why do their films and television dramas seem to be top-notch in the eyes of overseas countries, while our Chinese-language films and television dramas are shoddy? "

Chen Ziyan expressed her own voice sentence by sentence, which is also the voice shared by many people.

 “Cultural identity.” Lu Qingzhen said these five words thoughtfully.

“It’s not only self-identity, but also the identification of others.” Chen Ziyan added.


As for the day of Yongshan Hesan, this film critic who everyone shouted to beat was living in a particularly embarrassing situation these days.

The reason for the embarrassment is naturally Chen Siqi's several blatant slaps in the face.

  Nagayama Kazo used to be a cannon, and was often ridiculed, saying that he deliberately made shocking remarks and said some topics to attract attention.

 It doesn’t matter to him. Anyway, what he said can indeed attract attention, and it can indeed gain a lot of recognition. In particular, it is often difficult for those who are attacked by him to fight back.

Whether they think too highly of themselves or have other reasons, they will not openly confront him.

Thus, Yongshan Hesan gained a reputation as someone who dared to speak and no one dared to be angry.

 It just so happened that this time, he met Chen Siqi.

Every time he attacks, Chen Siqi will find a more condescending angle to counterattack.

  This time it was even more murderous, expelling him from the ranks of "the world's top film critics".

 This is attacking his foundation.

Yong Shanhe San was furious, but he could only jump on the spot.

 In terms of connections, resources, and influence, they are not his advantages in themselves. His biggest advantage is that he dares to break up and say anything without fear of offending others. But Chen Siqi has all these advantages. And what he didn't have, Chen Siqi also had.

The most important thing is that Chen Siqi immediately accepted an invitation from a Japanese publishing house and announced that he would lead several Chinese writers to Japan for cultural exchange activities.

He was humiliated by Chen Siqi here, but people in his country were extending an olive branch to the person who humiliated him.

At this moment, one can imagine the anger in Yongshan Hesan’s heart.

What made him most angry was that the Chinese actor he chose, Huaiqian, didn't even care that he was lucky enough to be on the list, but openly expressed his disdain for him.

If it weren't for him, who would have noticed that little-known actor!


Huaiqian sneezed twice in succession.

The agent quickly looked back at him and asked, "Don't you have a cold?"

"No, no." Huaiqian shook his head, "It's strange, my nose suddenly felt itchy just now."

 The agent was relieved.

"You must not catch a cold at this time. The audition for "Fire" is coming soon. You have to stay in good condition."

 “Yeah.” Huaiqian nodded.

The agent said: "Although Yongshan Hesan is shameless this time, he also helped us and increased your popularity. It happened to be at this time when we were going to win "Fire", which is also our luck. ”

When Huaiqian heard Yongshan Hesan's name, he immediately curled up his lips, "This man is petty-minded. Just because Lu Yanhe refuted him twice, he held a grudge against Lu Yanhe and took revenge on him. The most representative person in our country, Isn’t it crazy for a young actor with great potential to choose me instead of Lu Yanhe? I don’t want to be bound to him, and I will be tricked by him sooner or later.”

Agent: "You are right. Moreover, if we were to express our happiness and gratitude for being on this list rashly, we would really be laughed at by the crowd. To be honest, our future is indeed bright. But now I really can’t compare with Lu Yanhe.”

Huaiqian hummed.

"Lu Yanhe is the second male lead in "Fire" this time. If you win this movie, you can work with him." The manager suddenly thought of something, "So, this time you were accidentally involved in this incident. , It’s really a lucky thing.”


"Think about it, how big of a stunt would it be for you and Lu Yanhe to collaborate on a movie together? Of course Longyan Pictures will also consider this factor." The agent said, "This is the biggest investment in our country in recent years. The biggest commercial film has an all-star cast, and there are a lot of people competing for each of the characters with a few lines. Isn’t this your advantage?”

When Huaiqian heard it, it was indeed the case.


 A blockbuster like "Fire" is also a magical blockbuster with Chinese culture as the background, and it has always been the most eye-catching.

It is difficult for a film like this to succeed, but every time a film like this is proposed, it will inevitably attract attention.

 Blockbuster movies still have different meanings to the film industry after all.

 This is the embodiment of the highest technology in the film industry.

 Huaiqian came to the audition place and saw many actors in the waiting room. Several of them are even quite famous and popular actors, including the three starring roles of Chen Jiang, Wang Lu and Sui Fang in "Three Mountains", and Yan Lingyu, Kong Fan and He Qingqing in "Late Spring", all of whom have worked with Lu Yanhe. Yes, Huaiqian immediately became worried. When the difference in strength is not obvious, will Lu Yanhe's thoughts affect the final decision?

Just as he was thinking this, suddenly, the popular A-list actor Li Yuefeng walked in under the **** of his team.

 He did not stay in the waiting room, but was led directly to the front.

 Even he came to audition? Huaiqian was shocked. Does Li Yuefeng still need to audition?

For a popular first-line actor like Li Yuefeng, Huaiqian couldn't imagine that he would also need to audition. However, this is only the first one. Soon after Li Yuefeng, another person appeared, Yin Xincheng, who had already become popular in "Six People", and Lang Xia, who has gained great momentum in the past two years.


Huaiqian suddenly realized something. Each of these people was more or less related to Lu Yanhe. Thinking about it again, it's normal. These works starring Lu Yanhe are all big hits. As the saying goes, one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and the actors in a hit movie all benefit from it.

Lu Yanhe is not only very popular himself, he can also make others become famous.


 Huaiqian is more or less well-known. But sitting in this waiting room, he was not aware of his advantage at all. Even though two of his films have been shortlisted for the main competition units of the four major international film festivals, in the eyes of critics, he is still a highly promising new star. Otherwise, Nagayama Kazo would not have recognized him.

 When it was his turn to go in, he felt a little nervous for no reason.

Of the people inside, Huaiqian had only seen Mrs. Huang. Huaiqian did not expect that she would personally audition for "Fire".

As soon as he entered, he heard the people inside starting to talk about each other, and their eyes fell on him with a hint of inquiry.

Of course Huaiqian knew the reason for this.

He was not sure whether the rise in fame in recent days would help or not help this audition.

Mrs. Huang was the first to greet him and said with a smile: "Huaiqian, right? You are very popular recently."

Huaiqian said: "I have to thank the enemy for sending me artillery fire."

 When he said one sentence, everyone in the room laughed.

Mrs. Huang also laughed.

“So you are also this funny in real life? I think the dramas you acted before were more melancholy or bitter and hateful,” said Mrs. Huang.

Huaiqian said: "Maybe it's because I have such a face? But my personality is still a bit...funny, my agent said so."

Mrs. Huang nodded, "Your play is very good. I have watched your play, but let's try another scene now? There are two scenes that I want you to try."

 Huaiqian nodded, took two pieces of paper from the staff, and lowered his head to prepare.

 Mrs. Huang turned her head and lowered her voice to the person next to her.

“This young man is very good, and his plays are very good, but we need to see if he can integrate into the style of our movies. His previous plays were mainly literary films.” Huang Tai said.

The acting method in literary and artistic films is still different from that in commercial films. The style is different. This is what Mrs. Huang is worried about.

 When the people next to you heard this, they naturally understood in their hearts.

Knowing that Mrs. Huang is satisfied with Huaiqian in other aspects as an actor, she just wants to see if his acting style is suitable for the movie "Fire".


 Lu Yanhe was quite surprised when he learned that Huaiqian had passed the audition and got a role in "Fire", mainly because he was surprised by such a coincidence.

 Chen Ziyan said: "Huaiqian's acting skills are very good. It's not surprising that he was able to win the role."

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "But "Fire" is now organizing auditions. What are the specifics?"

 Chen Ziyan said: "Let's put it this way, most of the young actors in the entertainment industry have auditioned."

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Chen Ziyan said: "This kind of blockbuster, from preparation, to shooting, to promotion, to release, lasts for two years at the fastest. Every stage attracts attention. If an actor can join such a film crew, it will This movie will appear frequently in reports for two years, and it is very likely that other film and television companies will make early bets and give film contracts."

Lu Yanhe knew that blockbusters are usually exaggerated, but he didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated.

But it is true. For a literary film like "Path of Glory", all the news comes from the fact that it has two big-name actors, Shang Yongzhou and Lu Yanhe, but the theme and story of the film itself are actually not very attractive.

As for "Burning", its story and theme itself have a very large audience.

Like this audition, although Longyan Pictures did not do any publicity, many media still got wind of it and tried to take pictures of which actors appeared at the audition location.

 This itself is a kind of exposure.

 For celebrity artists, exposure is like oxygen to humans, it is a necessity.

 For some artists, even if you don’t have any works, as long as you are exposed and have a topic, you can still thrive in the entertainment industry and make a lot of money.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Besides Huaiqian, are there any other actors confirmed?"

“There is no other news out yet. The news about Huaiqian is that Mrs. Huang specifically told me hello. She wanted to confirm with me. Do we mind if Huaiqian also comes to star in this movie?”

 Lu Yanhe nodded: "The confidentiality work has been done very well, and even you are unwilling to disclose it."

"Isn't that what blockbusters are like? The more secret they keep and the more exciting they are, the more curious everyone becomes." Chen Ziyan smiled, "That's why I say, you must star in one or two blockbusters. You don't have to star in every movie. , but there must be.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded: "I fully understand your good intentions, Sister Ziyan."

 Chen Ziyan smiled.

Another advantage of blockbusters is that the pay is high enough, and capable actors can legitimately negotiate for sharing.

Lu Yanhe happens to have such ability.

 And Chen Ziyan is the best at fighting for the interests of her artists.

No, the media immediately revealed: Lu Yanhe's salary for the movie "Fire" starring Lu Yanhe exceeded 50 million yuan!

 Lu Yanhe felt numb when he saw this number.


When these media are compiling news, can they not just think about it and just take a number and slap it on his head openly?

Chen Ziyan’s remuneration offer for him and Longyan Pictures was 15 million yuan + 8% revenue sharing. Note that this is a quotation. The quotation means throwing it out and letting Long Yan chop it down. Because it is now obviously impossible for Lu Yanhe to obtain such conditions.

Long Yan also knew it well. Two days later, he came back with an opinion: 8 million yuan + 3% of the theater box office share.

 There is a completely different difference between revenue sharing and theater box office sharing.

  The former also includes various copyrights and peripheral development income, while the latter is just a pure share of the theater box office.

 Chen Ziyan continued to apply for the second round: 12 million yuan + 5% of the global theater box office share + 30% of the peripheral derivative shares of the character played by Lu Yanhe.


Lu Yanhe listened more and more complicatedly, because the conditions became more and more detailed.

Of course, Chen Ziyan must be talking based on market conditions. She has never been the kind of agent who opens her mouth.

After Lu Yanhe listened for a few times, he felt that he was really confused, so he simply ignored it and just waited for the final result of the negotiation.

 In the movie "Fire", the only actors who are truly qualified to negotiate with Long Yan are the male lead, the female lead, and Lu Yanhe, who plays the second male lead. As the first film in this movie series, "Fire", Longyan Pictures definitely doesn't want the risk to be too high, so it must keep the cost under control.

The reason why Chen Ziyan is so anxious to push forward Lu Yanhe's salary negotiation is because the candidates for Shang Yongzhou and the female lead have not yet been decided, which means that Lu Yanhe has the greatest space at this time. And if the two actors are settled and negotiations begin, then Long Yan will have to weigh more aspects, and the negotiation space that Lu Yanhe can fight for will become narrower.

As for Lu Yanhe gaining greater interests, it means that the interests of others will be correspondingly smaller - Chen Ziyan is not someone else's agent, so of course she gives priority to Lu Yanhe's interests.

 Especially, she knew very well that with Lu Yanhe's current appeal and influence, he was worthy of this condition.


Longyan Pictures first issued a statement: Regarding online rumors that Lu Yanhe was paid 50 million for starring in "Burning Fire", the relevant media are requested not to spread rumors. We will reserve the right to sue. One more question, how did you come up with this incredibly fake number?

 Everyone suddenly realized—

Sure enough, this salary figure is fake at first glance, it is too fake.

If Lu Yanhe can get 50 million for starring in "Fire", how much will the leading male and female lead get? I heard that Lu Yanhe didn't play the male lead in this movie.

What? Isn’t Lu Yanhe playing the male lead? Why doesn't he play the male lead?

Who else deserves Lu Yanhe to play the second male lead?


After a discussion about Lu Yanhe's salary, the topic successfully shifted to "Why does Lu Yanhe still take the second male lead role?"

When Chen Ziyan saw it, she sighed and said, "If Yan He's traffic could be monetized, how could Yan He still care about a mere 50 million for the hot searches and topics in the past two years? These platforms have all taken advantage of it. All the advertising money goes into their pockets.”

 Lu Qingzhen said: “You have to say so directly on Weibo.”

 Chen Ziyan thought for a while and said, "I'll send it on the trumpet."

"What kind of small account should you sign in? If you want to post, use a large account and use your identity as Lu Yanhe's manager." Lu Qingzhen encouraged.

 Chen Ziyan: “Don’t encourage me.”

"Forget it, I won't encourage you anymore, but you have to say what you said. You are right." Lu Qingzhen said, "But you can't say it yourself. You need to find someone to say it to. Find someone who has little relationship with Lu Yanhe. Let's talk about it." Everyone knows that Lu Yanhe's various values ​​are high enough in themselves, so others come to him for cooperation and are willing to pay such a high price. Don't always focus on a specific number and start to wonder whether Lu Yanhe is worthy or not. I didn’t steal, I didn’t rob, I didn’t ask for an exorbitant amount of money, so what’s the point?”

Chen Ziyan: "Be careful, if you say that, everyone will attack you."

 Lu Qingzhen: “I just said this in front of you.”

"To put it bluntly, it's because many people work hard every day but earn very little. It's not that Yan He makes more money that makes them jealous, it's that they live too hard, so they become sharp." Chen Ziyan sighed, "This It’s not a problem we can solve, but we shouldn’t intensify such conflicts.”

When Lu Qingzhen heard what Chen Ziyan said, she nodded empathetically, "If you talk about this aspect, I agree. Indeed, think about it, in Star Entertainment before, many young people worked almost 997 every day for a month, and in the end they only earned a few thousand A salary of RMB 10,000 would be uncomfortable for me. I was talking about those people who deliberately stir up trouble.”

"I know." Chen Ziyan said, "So, sometimes I feel embarrassed. Although from a rational point of view, I don't think there is anything wrong, but in the end I still get the bonus."

"When facing people who haven't received any dividends, I feel a bit...I can't justifiably say that the money I make makes me straight. Why should a person with good luck say that his life depends on his fortune in front of a person who is not as lucky as him? Did you work hard?" (End of chapter)

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